#Lunar and earth show spoilers
twinanimatronics · 6 months
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Clinging to a plushie of her brother as she sleeps while having nightmares about BloodMoon killing everyone she loves
Also I was wheezing at this cause
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
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brightsstar · 17 days
Multi theory time! I have a couple theories on Eclipse from today's LAES episode.
LAES SPOILERS! Also mentions of death
So, it seems like Eclipse is getting weaker, and apparently, it's been going on now for about a month or so, according to him. I do want to say i am very proud of him for revealing a vulnerability like that. Og and Backup Eclipse probably would have died before revealing such a genuine weakness to them. So i am very proud of him for being that open, even though he is still hiding more, it's a huge step forward for him compared to the past ones.
Theory 1: The device that Dark Sun may have put in him could possibly be killing him. Maybe unintentionally. It's no secret that Dark Sun may have put a device in Ruin when he fixed him, and he may no longer have a use for Eclipse's, or it may have been installed wrong, depending on how much struggling Eclipse may have done while Dark Sun was putting it in, but i think this may be the less likely theory to explain it.
Theory 2: his Solar code may be deteriorating. Since he was made from parts of Solar's code, and Solar is erased, currently, the code that came from him may finally be falling apart. Something can only last so long without its' source. Honestly i am surprised Eclipse managed to last this long with Solar gone. It may also explain why he said that he will try to fix himself, but he knows it won't work. Like Ruin once said, copying Solar's code would not have saved him anyways. Eclipse's current state could be proof of that. Maybe not quite the way Ruin meant it, but it's a different approach to the same outcome. If this is the idea, then even if they copied all of Solar, he probably would eventually have died again anyways because the source code is entirely gone and the copied code has nothing to link to, yet is also still connected with the dimension the source code came from. I know this is not how it works irl, but it's a fictional world. They have an interdimensional portal for crying out loud. It may not be out of the realm of possibility that this could be the case.
And like Ruin said, anything connected to a collapsed dimension gets erased, no matter where it currently is. Solar's source code was copied to make both clones of Eclipse. And honestly, i expected Eclipse to die with Solar since he has his code. Perhaps his death is just a much slower one that is only showing symptoms now. Either that, or Eclipse was just really good at hiding it until now. He did seem like he had lower energy than normal in some of the previous videos now that I think about it..
Part of me wonders if when he asked Earth both times who she would sacrifice for Solar he was hoping she'd say him? Does he know he's dying? Is that why he asked the second time? Does he know Ruin's back? I don't know if he does know that Ruin is back, but he had said earlier, when he asked the sacrifice question again, that Ruin was off the table. Maybe he was hoping she would say him that time.. it really makes me sad if that may be the case.
Eclipse's behavior kinda reminds me a lot of what some cats tend to do when they know they're dying.. Like they try to get away because they don't want their humans to see them dead. Eclipse wants a new body and he wants to go to a different dimension. I think that's also because he wants them to think he's starting a new life, but instead, he could be going there to die because he doesn't want them worrying about him. I really hope this is not the case.. i don't want this Eclipse to die. It's clear that he cares to an extent. He even went out of his way to tell Earth about Moon in hopes of getting Moon help before he makes a huge mistake and probably spirals even more. He is even putting himself at a huge risk to get information for Earth so she can try to help him! Cuz Moon may try to hurt him too in doing this with his current mindset!
Theory 3: He may have been damaging himself trying to get Dark Sun's device out of himself. This one may be unlikely too, but honestly it's what i hope is the case because that can be more easily repaired, unlike the above ones, which would be more difficult to remedy.
All of these are theories, so don't take them to heart!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Aw, Ruin’s first time getting kidnapped with his new family.
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type1dragonwolf · 15 days
Magic AU: Earth Art
Please know that this WILL have spoilers for unreleased future chapters!! So yea. But if you’re interested here’s the link
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I think I did okay :)
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possumsarenice · 24 days
All the people who were theorizing Dazzle was a July 16 victim:
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technowings · 2 months
Sun and Moon show/Lunar and Earth show spoilers under the cut (mostly laes)
Omg, these episodes. Moon's absolutely deadpan voice. Eclipse actually doing what Moon asked instead of just killing him like he wanted to (and probably what Ruin wanted). I was pretty surprised! Eclipse likes to needle and pry, but this time he just...let it go.
Fuckin' Ruin though. Something in him broke long ago, I think, and that's why he was able to do what he did.
But the other channel - when I saw the thumbnail I said "oh, all the grief is on this channel rn".
The utter misery in Sun's voice.
Earth's shrieks of "I can't do this anymore!"
I think Lunar has been through so much lately he's not able to process it. From how he was trying to take care of Earth and the way he was talking about it being a nightmare but not grieving like the other two (yet)...honestly it's a familiar feeling. Holding everything in so tightly and trying to help others because everything in you rightfully fears that you'll shatter if you don't.
The voice acting in this episode was insanely good, and the different reactions between everyone was so important for their characterizations. Sun has been through loss before, but not like this. Earth is still fairly new - the loss she's experienced so far shows in her breakdown, compared to Sun's misery. Lunar has been through a lot, but generally doesn't deal with it and I think we're seeing that here.
I managed to be ok for the sams episode, but broke immediately for tlaes. I cried :(
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amphiptere-art · 8 months
Lunar just super jumped and then levitated Earth!
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seven-thewanderer · 3 months
Oka my evice is lagging the whole time I type this, but I don't care (despite it messing with my typing)
There was someone else in the Lunar and Earth Show today (I took a screenshot but I'm strugglingto tell who it was)
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(outside the window to the left)
Now to me it looks like 3 possible people, 1 the most, 1 the least, and 2 make more sense than the third
Forkface/Frank Now this is the one I believe it to be the most. The face looks like the nose sticks out slightly, but it's hard to tell if the top prong is there or not. Also, it looks like a shadowed version of them (not Eclipse form, just shadowed by the outside). Now, it'd make sense to be Forkface because of the whole 'nightmare' thing. They appeared during Earth's nightmare (and kind of woke her up, but also possibly caused it? no clue), 100% caused quick nightmares for Stitchwraith and Bloodmoon, and apparently (I forget who said it but someone else stated this one) they appeared at the end of a nightmare Monty had, both before & after the nightmare ended (I also don't know what episode it was but I'm taking the word of whoever said it). Thus, it'd make sense that they'd appear near the end of Lunar's nightmare too, right? They'd be keeping an eye from the distance, so of course they'd be there.
Bloodmoon While it doesn't look entirely like Bloodmoon's current model, it does seem to have a large grin like Bloodmoon's, and it slightly looked like Bloodmoon from a distance. It could make sense to be Bloodmoon to a degree, however, since Bloodmoon did attack Lunar (the arm + eye incident), and almost killed Lunar's sister (technically) in front of him!! He'd probably have a bit of an underlying (is that the word, idk) trauma from that incident, that hasn't fully been diven into yet. Looking at it up close, it doesn't look too much like Bloodmoon, but there's still the possibility.
Ruin Eclipse (but the old model) This one makes the least sense to me, since why would Ruin be there, specifically the older model? Sure, Eclipse appeared in Lunar's dream as the oldest(?) version, where it was just Sun with the glow feature on, and in Solar Flare's body, but that had a reason!! It was due to Lunar's trauma. But why would Ruin Eclipse's old model be there? There wouldn't really be a reason for them to be there. It just at a glance slightly looked like Ruin's old model to me, but there wasn't really a good reason as to why they'd be there.
But yeah, just a thing I wanted to point out, I honestly think it was Forkface, but there's also still the entire possibility that it was just one of them (the voice actors) accidentally being in view while trying to stay hidden, as they almost immediately began changing models and walked out of the window's view
(also this was the final seconds of the video "Lunar's DISTURBING NIGHTMARE in VRChat" on the Lunar and Earth Show, from around 13:19 to the end, aka 13:25)
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ikamigami · 8 months
I'm so glad that Lunar cleared everything regarding them being child-like etc (and everything he said was exactly what I was saying 🙃 even the Lunar's VA said exactly the same thing)....
Lunar ain't kid but he just like to act like one 👏
The stupid and unccessary debate is over... Finally!
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if any of my mutual hate Dazzle, DNI (HEAVY /J)
Dazzle my beloved. Precious weird bone-deer critter. Little baby. Doesn’t even know what “boy and girl” means- MY BABY-
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twinanimatronics · 6 months
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Solar’s design being canon is just further approaching—
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
I knew it wouldn’t happen because Lunar didn’t have much of a reaction when he heard about Helpi. I REALLY hope that bear doesn’t stalk him.
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Yeah like... the sun and moon channels kinda of avoided the relationship clickbait stuff a little more (Monty and Earth being an exception but theyre like more natural and cute vs the,, everything else really that i saw on other channels). Lunar isn't even in the realm of interested on the show. This episode was very good way to show yeah no Lunar's uncomfortable very much.
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brightsstar · 21 days
Bit of a theory on what might be going on with New Moon.
I think New Moon might have a new kill code planted in him. Granted, it still could be grief over Solar, in fact, i think that grief is playing a part in this too, and i very well could be entirely wrong too.
As of late, i am sure people have noticed that New Moon is falling back on a lot of Old Moon-like behaviors. He's hiding things, trying to do things himself without help, and becoming increasingly violent. He physically hurt Ruin recently, which, yes, Ruin deserved it, but Moon didn't think twice before he strangled Ruin. Also twice, I might add. Plus his threats. He may still be somewhat sane enough to consciously not kill Ruin, but his sanity is slipping. From Solar's death, to that Nightmare he had, and now Ruin's return (i wish they would sacrifice Ruin for Solar tho). Probably other things down the line too that are probably gonna make him slip even more.
My theory is that when he talked with Old Moon, it may have put a new kill code in New Moon. Since Old Moon was woken from his dormant state and he had a kill code. He needed to be reset entirely to make way for New Moon to exist, which could mean that, that preserved version of Old Moon may have still had the Kill Code in him, and now it passed to New Moon too. Like a virus. Recently, it may have been evolving. While there are still a few months left, we all know they have October Takeovers. Molten could very well be the one to take over for Sun, maybe (since Davis voices him), but we have nobody for Moon yet. Which could very well be where this is heading. Something new that is in Moon, and growing.
And there is another pattern here. As a long time fan, i noticed the new villains typically come around mid-year. First it was Eclipse (May 2022), then it was Ruin (June 2023), and now Moon is really starting to mentally slip, so if i am correct, following patterns from the last 2 years i have watched this channel, a new villain is probably popping up sometime soon, and it might have something to do with Moon's current state and wherever he goes from here.
Again, this is only a theory! We'll see where it goes!
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thesockghost · 3 months
So remember when I said that I’d occasionally post a lil doodle of mine?
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Uh yeah I mean I technically wasn’t lying, it’s all just Gemini fanart lmao.
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type1dragonwolf · 3 hours
Family Hug
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And then I had this vision. Sorry if it’s crappy lol.
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