#Lost in Densan City
chibifoxwrites · 4 months
@dunedragon Ask and ye shall receive!
Two children stood in a white room, one with arms crossed across her chest and an eyebrow cocked in mild interest while the other was playing with the hem of his hoodie.
The girl was wearing a cropped blue jacket over a black top with leggings under a pair of shorts, an orange symbol outlined in gold prominent on the left side of her jacket.
The boy was wearing a large orange hoodie that seemed to swallow him whole and almost covered his shorts while a bright blue headband with a matching symbol was snuggly tied around his head.
Regardless of where they came from, both were part of the Hikari family.
"So," the girl started. "I'm guessing your name is Netto too? How did you get here?"
The boy flinched before answering. "Actually, my name is Lan and I honestly don't know how I got here. I remember going to bed and hearing a voice talking about the likes meeting one another. When I looked around, I couldn't find MegaMan and only saw this giant robot looking thing. Then, I was here!"
Netto nodded slowly, lips twisted in a grimace. "One, it's good to know that you have some form of RockMan in your world from what it sounds like. Two, I think were were brought here by Duo."
"Who or what is Duo?"
"He's a NetNavi from the edge of the universe and operates purely on logic as he judges other beings from their planets, decides whether the species or race is good or evil, and then destroys the planet if he deems it evil," Netto explained, much to her counterpart's horror. "He dropped by my planet some years back to judge it, but the test was rigged by his companion, Slur. A bunch of criminal NetNavis were resurrected and mostly given to people who had less than good intentions. A few people were innocent, but a majority of them were career criminals. Long story short, my friends and I beat the bad guys, exposed and deleted Slur, and sent Duo on his merry way among other things."
Lan decided not to ask about the last bit of the sentence that his counterpart muttered under her breath.
"Well, you sound like you've been doing some cool stuff for a while. I just got my NetNavi. Dad gave him to me as a gift when we moved back to DenTech City," the boy explained.
Netto blinked at her counterpart in confusion. "You moved back to Densan?"
"DenTech City, but yeah! Before that we were living in Cyber City! I lived in DenTech when I was younger but we had to move for Dad's job. He then got transferred back to Sci-Labs Headquarters after the mayor was arrested." Lan then shrugged. "Turns out the mayor made it so Dad would transfer and slowly tried to get him to unearth some powerful programs that had been hidden away a long time ago."
Netto sighed. "Our family can never have a moment of peace, at least that is universal."
"Um, just how bad is it? I mean in your world?" Lan asked. "I just started a new school and MegaMan keeps trying to drag me into situations, like trying to make new friends not like I had many in the first place back in Cyber City, but what about you?"
"I'm basically part of a super sentai group that goes around the world and stops cyber crime. People keep thinking that just because they're smarter than the average human that they have the right to steal the hard work from other people to rule over everyone on the planet, so we have to kick ass and take names. I've lost friends in the line of duty and I've been betrayed by them too, but a majority of my team are still friends with me and with each other. We have goot times and we have bad times, but at least I have RockMan and the rest of the family beside me." Netto went quiet for a bit and blushed. "Also, I have my boyfriend so that helps too..."
Lan smiled and softly clapped his hands together. "Hooray for you!"
Netto smiled when something caught her eye. "Has that door always been there?"
Lan turned around and jumped back. "No, no it was not."
"...We're gonna have to go open it to find out where we are, aren't we?"
Lan sighed and took off his backpack before rummaging around in it. A few seconds later, he pulled out a kabuton stick. "I have other things if you need one."
Netto smiled. "Oh, I think we're going to get along just great."
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breathofthelegacy-a · 5 years
Lost in Densan City
@rewrittentopixels || closed starter (for Amy)
Oh, this was just great. 
Link was in Hyrule only a short time ago, and now he was somewhere he wasn’t even familiar with. Sky blue eyes darted around the scenery, trying to figure out what this place even was. There was barely any nature around here, and there were tall buildings, but he couldn’t figure out what the rest of what he was seeing was supposed to be. It wasn’t like anything he was used to.
Was this some kind of country or island he’d never heard of? He couldn’t tell, but he was definitely lost.
He felt himself getting stared at by crowds of people as he slowly made his way through the streets, but he didn’t care. At least they weren’t trying to attack him--that was a good thing. But he had to stay on guard at all times. After all, he’d never know whether or not any of these people would try to attack him anyway.
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tomahawk-swing · 5 years
☯ Fighting Duo! :0
send me ‘☯ + a scene from my characters canon’ and i will drabble it from my character’s POV. 
The end was near.
All these fights, the weeks of defending Densan City, of defending the Earth against the Asteroids - all lead to this final battle. The last boss was standing there, too many meters above the ground, towering above the CrossFusion Members. Regal’s dead corpse laid between them, a reminder of the fate that awaited the whole squad, should them stand up to Duo.
And behind the giant Navi, the void. The Earth used to be there. 
Dingo wanted to scream and shout, but he felt Tomahawkman hold him back. There was no longer a planet for the move to revolve around, no longer a home for him to come back to. Shanka, Maha, Dekao … Everyone was gone, except for the CrossFusion team. 
They were humanity’s last hope. The entire weight of humankind rested on their shoulders.
Duo’s voice filled the void once more, but nobody dared to move. Standing at the back of the group, CF Tomahawkman spared a second to observe his teammates. Some looked shocked, others looked outright desperate, but they all knew that any kind of action was pointless. Duo had just wiped out the entire planet - what could an operator and their Navi do against that kind of monster ?
Dingo couldn’t process any of what Duo said. Technology, evolution, mistakes … Elimination. None of it made any sense to him. All he knew was that his friends were dead, and that his entire planet had disappeared into pixel dust. 
Don’t do anything stupid, Dingo. We need to move as a group ! Tomahawkman reminded his operator, when he felt Dingo try to step forward. Just as he spoke to his operator’s ears, a silhouette leapt into the sky.
CF Colonel was the first - and only - of the CrossFusion team to try and stand up to Duo. Was he braver than the rest of the team ? Or did he realize that they had nothing left to lose, aside from their own lives ?
His attempt was in vain. CF Colonel was sent flying to the ground in a flash of light, and the rest of the group shared a single gasp. They all realized it now : if they didn’t stand up to this gigantic alien, no one else would.
“Let’s fight, everyone !” Netto’s voice boomed, resonating deep within the hearts and cores of each of his comrades. 
Nobody needed any orders, any explanations. CF Tomahawkman took a spot in line, his axe firmly brandished, ready to attack as soon as everyone else was ready. Dingo and Tomahawkman believed that with CrossFusion, they had discovered the true meaning of teamwork ; but now that they stood alongside the rest of the team, with the fate of humankind in their hands, they truly realized how important it was for humans and Navis to have each other’s backs.
Resolve filled CF Tomahawkman’s eyes. He tightened his grip around his axe, his gaze set dead on the enemy. Duo might be a gigantic Navi from outer space, but surely, there had to be a way to beat him ! There was nothing this axe couldn’t slice through-
There was another, blinding flash of light. Everything went black.
Dingo !! Hang in there, Dingo ! Can you hear me ?! Tomahawkman’s yelling voice eventually woke Dingo up. Despite the massive hit they had taken, their CrossFusion hadn’t broken apart.
A warm sensation prickled at Dingo’s hand. Through half-open eyes, he saw his palm light up under CF Tomahawkman’s glove, and witnessed Duo’s crest rise up from his skin. The glowing symbol floated in the air, and faded away along with everyone else’s. 
Duo’s trial was over. They had failed.
CF Tomahawkman felt his consciousness slip away again. When the two partners opened their eyes again, they were no longer sharing the same body.
The moment he regained consciousness, Tomahawkman rushed to his operator’s side. He heaved the boy against one of his knees, and immediately checked his pulse. He didn’t even realize that, for the first time in his short life, he was holding his operator in his arms.
Dingo’s eyes twitched under their eyelids, and heavily opened. A very faint smile tugged at Dingo’s lips when he saw the concern on his Navi’s face.
“It’s weird …” Dingo whispered. “Seeing your face for real …”
“Don’t waste your breath …” Tomahawkman sighed. A smile formed at his lips as well, a smile of relief. They had both believed that Duo was going to kill them.
Tomahawkman gently let go of his operator, and let the boy slide to the floor again. He didn’t lose his smile as he got up, and exchanged a glance with the twelve other Navis. This battle wasn’t over yet.
Duo’s offers tore a chuckle from Tomahawkman. After all the destruction, after all the death - after he had directly attacked Dingo, did Duo really believe that they were going to betray their human partners ?
Every Navi had their input, their thoughts on the matter. “If I wasn’t here, who’d take care of Dingo ?” Tomahawkman pointed out, a smirk spreading across his face. Truly, the boy would be lost without him - literally.
Duo didn’t appreciate hearing his offer denied. Tomahawkman’s smile faded into a nervous scowl : this time, Duo was going to pull the trigger for real.
Like hell we’ll let you delete them … Dingo thought to himself. He could feel his heart resonate with those around him, a new surge of hope coursing through the thirteen human souls. Dingo wasn’t going to die with his face against the ground.
“Dingo …!” Tomahawkman called out in stupor as his operator rose to his feet, his arms slightly stretched by his sides.
Dingo had unconsciouly chosen a pose halfway between protection and aggression. He was ready to grab his tomahawk, no matter how puny the weapon was against a giant alien Navi. He was even ready to throw a punch at that gigantic foot ; he’d be happy with even grazing that monster’s armor.
Thirteen humans stood to protect their Navis. Baffled by this act of resistance from an inferior, imperfect species, Duo had no other choice that to eliminate them all. 
Dingo and Tomahawkman braced themselves. Surely, this time, the end had come. They would die standing on their feet, resolve carved into their faces. At least Shanka and the rest won’t wait too long, Dingo thought, as he closed his eyes for the last time.
But the end didn’t come. 
A shouting voice forced Dingo’s eyes open. Once again, Barrel had stepped forward, this time to offer himself a sacrifice. Dingo had never really understood who this man really was, not did he really understand why his sacrifice would put an end to the war, but it was too late to ask.
A bittersweet taste filled Dingo’s mouth. Even if Duo accepted this deal, and if Barrel really went on with his insane suggestion, it wouldn’t really feel like winning. A twinge of guilt tugged at his heart, powerlessness made him clench his fists. It was unfair, to let Barrel and Colonel shoulder the entire weight of mankind - to win this battle without even a proper fight.
Dingo heard Netto scream out the man’s name, and saw the duo rise into the dark skies. The deal was sealed.
There was another flash of light, and Duo disappeared. Dingo and Tomahawkman covered their eyes as the sky exploded, and trillions of tiny pixels gathered to recreate the Earth where they were born, and where their loved ones, hopefully, had returned to life.
An invisible hand wrapped around Dingo’s waist, and the landscape around him disappeared. The next thing he knew, he was floating in the air above a pit of bright light, with his eleven comrades around him. He could feel his PET’s weight against his stomach, and hoped that Tomahawkman was there as well.
Dingo was the last to step out of the light, and land safely back on ground. They were greeted by Dr. Hikari and Meijin, unscathed and unaware of the fact that they had just been brought back to life along with 99.99% of humankind.
After checking that Tomahawkman was alive (albeit in sleep mode), Dingo had a glance above his shoulder, then down at the palm of his right hand. Duo would never come to Earth again. They had failed the test, but thanks to Barrel’s sacrifice, humankind was allowed to live on.
One more surprise awaited the group. A vaguely familiar voice rang above their heads, and an even more familiar face appeared on the screen behind them. The sight of Barrel, now an elder, reminded Dingo of the sacrifice that had been necessary in order to save everyone. He felt reassured by the smile on the man’s face - his journey had been a long, but fulfilling one. 
The screen went black again, and Dingo felt the rest of the group hold their breaths. They all seemed to realize that, finally, the battle was over.
Dingo’s first thoughts went to Shanka. He would need to visit her as soon as possible, even if it took every single Zenny of his savings. 
But even before that … He needed a good plate of MaHa Ichiban curry.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 41 Review.
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The cutest and funniest episode of Rockman.EXE I’ve seen so far!
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“Good” is a relative term.
We open the episode with some shots of Densan city under a thunder storm. A lightning bolt hits a building causing a black out, and for some reason the lightning bolt also appears in the cyber world shocking a strange glass case with what looks like a cat inside. The cat escapes and somehow appears as a giant in the real world, covering the whole city with it’s shadow.
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After the title card, we see a dog happily munching on a bone when something strange walks by causing it to drop the bone in shock.
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The strange creature stops in front of Netto’s house where we see our blue bandana boy enjoying some curry his useless mom brought him along with some tea while Midorikawa talks in the news about the weird cat shadow seen last night.
Netto finishes his meal, but notices that the tea is missing.
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What is wrong with this woman? In what universe is that normal?! (oh, right, anime, and maybe Charlie Brown)
Netto is understandibly confused about seeing Rush in the real world, he even touches him to see if he is a hologram.
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He is not. I doubt Rush has hair, so I guess his head must feel pretty smooth.
Right after this, Netto receives a phone call from Meiru-chan telling him that she can’t find Rush. Netto tells her that Rush is drinking tea at his house, they are both confused about this so they think their Navis might know what is going on. 
Netto runs to his room to talk to Rockman, but...
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I got to be honest, the first time I saw this I was actually expecting to see Rockman on Netto’s bed or something, but that already happened in the manga, and it was freaking hilarious! XD
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Also, Netto’s mom was called out for being so calm in weird situations.
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Anyway, instead, Netto and Meiru get this.
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So cute! :3
Both Rock and Roll have become cat navis. Their confused netops ask them why they look like that, but nya-ther of them know the cause.
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According to Japan, cats say “Nya” instead of “Meow”. The more you know.
Inmediately after, Netto receives calls from Dekao, Yaito and Tohru at the same time, their Navis have also been turned into cats.
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Iceman is playing with Gutsman tail during this scene. X3
Not only our heroes, but according to Midorikawa, the whole net has been affected, Navis and viruses everywhere have turn into cats for some unknowen reason.
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LOL, Higure’s face.
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Like we need a reminder that CGI is inmune to these kinds of things. But if that’s the case, then how come she was under the control of a virus in episode 27?
Netto and friends are wondering whats going on, luckily for them, Netto’s dad appears out of nowhere to give them the answer.
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“Where the hell have you been?!”
“Doing computer stuff in the Bahamas, nothing out of the ordinary”
Seriously, nobody asks about the tan! O-O
Netto’s new tanned dad tells them that the cause of everything is a new computer virus that escaped a research lab last night. The virus is called the “Neko Virus”, which means “Cat virus”, and it has the ability to transform Navis and other viruses into cats.
Netto asks about Rush appearing in the real world as well, but amazingly enough, his dad has no clue and doesn’t think it’s related to the Neko virus. After taking another look at his adorable new cat navi, Netto asks if there is a way to change them back.
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At least somebody finds her useful.
We cut to the Net Agents ready to jump into action.
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But somehow they didn’t realize that their Navis were also affected by the Neko virus. The worst part is that Sharkman is still a fish.
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Not the kind of catfish you’d expect to see in the internet-nya? :3
After a pointless scene of Netto’s useless mom serving them lunch, and Rush trying to seem charming, we see the Navis thinking in the cyberworld until something suddenly happens to Iceman.
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Yuichiro tells them that if they don’t get a vaccine soon, the Navis will permanently become cats and that the speed of the transformation depends on the size of the Navi. The vaccine might not be ready on time, so their only hope is to find and capture the Neko Virus. 
In the next scene we see the five Navis walking around an empty Internet City trying to find the virus.
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That’s a brilliant plan, Rockman. Also, wasn’t Iceman’s body transformed in the last scene? And where is his tail? Just how consistent is the animation for this episode?
They even look for the Neko virus at a ball shop, yes, a “Ball” shop, just so we can get this scene where one of the balls fall out forcing the Navis, except for Iceman, to fight their feline instincs of playing with it.
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I’m all for the Rockman butt shots, but do we have to see Gutsman’s butt too? And there is a coloring mistake in the fourth panel which answers my question of the animation quality for this episode.
The Navis keep searching knowing that they can now relate to the Neko virus, they deduced that the virus is taking a nap, since cats love to take naps, and the best place for that is the park.
They arrive at Internet city’s park where they find the Neko virus sleeping and they try to ambush it, but the virus wakes up and scratches Gutsman out of its way.
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Gutsman gets angry and tries to attack the Neko virus, but ends up getting his claws stuck.
Now, lets forget for a moment that Battle chips are not allowed in Internet City and just enjoy this next scene.
Rockman gives chase to the Neko virus, Netto sends him a Mini Bomb, but since the bomb is round you can guess where this is going.
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“Iceman got to play with a ball, it was my turn!”
Netto then sends a Sword, but for some reason it won’t appear, so Rockman tries to attack the Neko virus with his claws, but he misses and gets scratched instead.
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Neko virus uses fury swipes, its a critical hit.
The Neko virus dissapears after this, and a huge tremor happens in the real world where Netto and the others discover that the virus has materialized in Akihara.
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After commercials, Netto and the others are out on the street trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
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There are two things wrong with this. One, Netto already checked earlier that Rush isn’t a hologram, and two, if Rush isn’t affected by the Neko virus because he is a dog, then why are other animal type viruses and Navis affected by it? Sounds like the Neko virus is racist against dogs.
As they keep staring at Nekozilla, Tohru discovers that Iceman has fully become a cat.
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At least Icecat hasn’t lost his freezing powers- nya :3
Netto fears that Rockman will have the same fate and runs to capture the Neko virus by himself.
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Sea lion? I wouldn’t be mad, I would be confused.
The Neko virus gives chase to Netto.
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At least one of his parents worries about him.
Netto lures the Neko virus into a street between two large buildings and this happens.
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The giant Neko virus struggling causes debris to fall on Netto, but Rush saves him in the last second. But before a second block of concrete from the building falls on them, Yuichiro figured out why the Neko virus grew so big and creates a lightning bolt with his computer to hit Rush. For real.
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“By the power of science! I summon a thunder storm!”
This is where the episode passes from cute and funny to ridiculous. 
Acording to Yuhichiro the lightning bolt at the begining of the episode was what caused the Neko Virus to become a giant in the real world. Now, with his super scientific power and a really awesome computer, he creates a lightning bolt to make Rush become a giant as well, saving Netto from the falling debris.
Rush becomes a giant and fights the Neko virus, but I’m not gonna waste time taking sceen shots because the “battle” was also a waste of time, it’s like watching Snoopy trying to be epic and failing.
Anyway, the Neko virus starts beating the crap out of Rush until he summons a hole underneath it.
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Long live the king-nya :3
The hole sends the Neko virus back to cyberworld where Rockman and the others can finally catch him.
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Unfortunately they’ve gone too deep into the transformation to remember what they were suppoused to do.
After Gutsman and Glyde’s bodies change, which disproves what Dr. Hikari said about the transformation depending on the size of the Navi, the Neko virus starts to walk away. 
Netto checks his chips to see what he can do to prevent the Neko virus from escaping again and has an idea.
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Netto uses the Ratton virus chip to make Rockman and the others happily chase it around. Also note that Gutsman and Glyde’s bodies aren’t different, once again the art department got lazy.
The Ratton virus dissapears near the Neko virus and Netto fools the Navis into attacking it.
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Looks like Rockman snaps out of it, because inmediately after, Netto activates the Elec Brother Style and we get this Nya style change sequence. :3
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Why can’t they put this amount of effort in the other scenes? I guess that’s too much to ask because the Neko virus tries to get away from the normal looking Rockman, but Elec Brother Rockman stops it by using one of Roll-nya’s candy hearts.
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Rockman uses his electrical attack and defeats the Neko virus, and gets the cat girl. Nya! :3
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Thats a nice detail how the electric attack looks like a cat.
And the episode ends with Rockman narrating everything that happend afterwards.
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Tell me about it, Rock.
What do I think?
This was a fun episode to watch, and even if you want to pretend that this isn’t canon, it is because Rush can now travel between the cyberworld and the real world as he pleases, giving me another reason to hate this character.
As you may already know from my review of episode 24, I talked about why I dislike Rush. At first he is just a pet for Roll that appeared once in a while to help the Navis with something by using his holes, in this episode the writers decided to give him a “personality”, but all they did was make him a japanese Snoopy, and giving him the ability to travel between worlds was pushing it too far. Many fans, including myself, would love to see Rockman and Netto in the same space together, because we know that since Netto is a human and Rockman is a computer program that can only exist in the cyberworld it isn’t possible, so having seen an opportunity for this to happen and giving it to a minor character feels like the anime was trolling us. >:C
Japan seems to have a thing for cat like characters or just cat girls in their animes, so there was bound to be an episode featuring that in any way that they could posibly think of.
In case you were wondering, no, there was no scene showing Blues as a cat, even though there is no way Enzan could prevent that from happening, he is just too cool to appear in a funny episode.
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melodiousflowers-a · 6 years
@hell-howling​ liked for a starter!
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“... Where the hell am I.” She blinked, looking around. This place certainly wasn’t Densan City. It looked... way too different, and she didn’t see anyone with PETs around. 
Oh, right. Her PET. And... looks like Meira wasn’t in here. Not even functioning. Great, what should she do?
Well, there’s some guy standing right over there, so she might as well go and ask. “’xcuse me, I’m kind of lost here. Could you tell me where I am exactly?”
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