#Logan. Despite [gestures at him burying his own feelings when his grandparents were worried]. Would just kinda. Ease him into the idea that
schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
ashlyn has a head bobbing stim because i said so
also tyler/logan me loves
"Because I said so" is the most valid reason to apply anything to any character you love (and also. Agreed. People see her earplugs and assume she's just really vibing to the music, but no, she's just stimming)
And hell yeah Tyler/Logan fans 😌
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thepilotanon · 6 years
springbeauty ii
Everyone was so sweet in sending comments about the first chapter and I’m...so happy and blushy just thinking about it. Thank you all so much for sending so much love, and hope you will continue to follow! Hope you enjoy!
warning: joe bang almost revealing his alter ego
The Logan brothers found themselves inside Joe Bang’s home, sitting on the loveseat in what was assumed to be a makeshift living room. It also had a small coffee table, cluttered with empty beer cans, hand tools and some half-filled jars with unknown powder and liquids with scribbles written in Sharpie on the glass. There was an old box TV on the other side, and a rocking chair but other than that, it just seemed to fit the lifestyle one would think Joe Bang would live in.
“Yer lucky I didn’t go all James Bond on yer ass,” Joe Bang grumbled as he came from the kitchen with a frozen bag of peas, throwing it at Clyde who was holding crumpled paper towels to his nose. “Trust me, I’ve watched those movies and memorized all his moves, I could’a gotten you good.”
Removing the paper towel from his nose, Clyde sniffed softly before pressing the frozen veggies against his face, scrunching his brows at the sting. His nose stopped bleeding as soon as Joe Bang calmed down...after Jimmy jumped on him and put him in a headlock. The older man eventually called uncle and realized that Clyde indeed was gushing blood between his fingers as he held his face. Although Clyde was expecting Joe Bang to yell at him for his unannounced request, he certainly wasn’t expecting a direct punch to the face. Despite being a soldier, having gone through hell and back of training and taught how to defend himself from many dangers, Clyde honestly couldn’t bring himself to keep up with Joe Bang’s attack.
As the ex-convict eventually sat down on the rocking chair across from the brothers, Joe Bang looked between them with narrowed eyes before speaking.
“I would...like to properly apologize for hittin’ ya on the face,” he started slowly, hands on his knees. “As someone who considers you...a friend, of sorts, it was very wrong of me.”
Clyde didn’t respond, instead waited patiently for him to continue. “But, lil Rosabelle comes first before any friend o’mine, that’s just how Joe Bang does it. So, hearing you say you want my blessing, I only assumed the worst.”
Jimmy crossed his arms, still mad about his brother’s injured nose. “Now what the hell would you assume to be the worst in Clyde askin’ to marry Belle?”
Scratching his shaved head, Joe Bang tried to keep his temper down. “Well, I didn’t want to know ya wantin’ to marry her because you knocked her up.”
“WHAT!” both brother shouted, and Clyde hissed at the pressure on his nose while Joe Bang gave them a look.
“Listen, not like it’s the first time a situation like that were to happen, and I ain’t judgin’!” he claimed strongly. “And frankly, I don’t even wanna hear ya say ya been busy with Rosabelle in a naughty way like that - protection or not!”
Jimmy groaned when Clyde remained silent, holding the bag on his face to hide his red cheeks. Joe Bang decided to ignore the younger brother’s lack of response. “What I’m tryin’ to say is, I don’t want lil Rosabelle to end up like her own mother, alright? She tried hitchin’ up with Rosabelle’s daddy when she found herself knocked up, and that’s how the kid ended up with her grandparents: abandoned, ‘cause her folks took off and didn’t look back! God only knows what happen to those bums.”
“Her folks up and left her?” Jimmy raised a brow and looked to Clyde.
“She don’t like talkin’ ‘bout ‘em,” Clyde bit out to his brother about his girl’s difficult past. “All she said was they didn’t want her, so her grandparents took her in. Never pushed her to tell me anythin’ more.”
“Nevermind that,” Joe Bang waved it off. “What made ya think to ask me for her hand anyway? Ain’t that like some junk ya see in old movies?”
Ignoring how Jimmy gestured obviously to Joe Bang, Clyde slowly removed the frozen peas. His nose had dried blood peppered under his nostrils and mustache, and he had no doubt how bruised he looked by the numbing feeling up the bridge to under his left eye. “Reason why I’m askin’ ya for a blessin’ is ‘cause you’re the only family she got. Her grandparents are long gone, and I know how you care for Belle like she was yer own...probably better than yer own brothers, if ya ask me.”
Joe Bang nodded in agreement. “Yer not wrong there. As much as my own flesh and blood got their own charm, I admit that lil Rosabelle is like my own lil baby.”
Clyde nodded. “I know Belle cares for you, too, so it’s why I’m takin’ to consideration that it would be best to treat you as Belle’s family. Not to mention we’ve probably been through extreme bonding, on account you did suck my arm off and I forgave you.”
“Hey!” Joe Bang frowned. “I said I was sorry!”
“And I said I forgave you!”
“See, ya already actin’ like family, Belle would be so happy.” Jimmy rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch in defeat. “So what you thinkin’ Joe, can ya give Clyde an answer so we can go? Smells like ya tryin’ to make a cake outta dirt.”
“You don’t say nothin’ to the neighbors ‘bout the smell,” Joe warned Jimmy with a pointed finger, only to be gestured to the other Logan to get on with the original conversation. Making an irritated noise, Joe Bang crossed his leg with his knee and stared at Clyde. “Listen here, boy, do you really want to marry lil Rosabelle? You think this over enough or just goin’ on a whim…”
“Been thinkin’ ‘bout this for over a year,” Clyde confessed sourly, inhaled sharply to try and breathe properly. “Got a ring safe in storage already.”
“Why you wanna marry lil Rosabelle huh? ‘Cause she’s pretty and makes you feel special?” Joe Bang demanded. Clyde knew that this was his own way of getting deep with Clyde, to try and pressure him to say something wrong that will reveal the truth of why he shouldn’t allow him to purpose. “Think she will be yer lil housewife and all that? ‘Cause she ain’t ‘bout that kinda life for ya, robo-boy.”
Dropping the frozen bag of peas to his lap, Clyde made direct eye contact and stared at Joe Bang with no hint of fear or worry. “Belle’s the first girl who actually treats me normal, not some sorry sap with one hand and runnin’ a bar,” he said seriously. “She ain’t my maid or leverage, but my backbone and reminder that I am still a man; Belle makes my life feel worth it, unlike any other gal who’s tried to date me and all… Belle’s one of a kind angel, and I don’t want to let her go. I’d drop everythin’ I have right now so long as I can stay by her side.”
“You promise t’ make her happy?” Joe Bang asked next.
“Whatever it takes,” Clyde answered.
“Let her be her own person and don’t tie her down?”
“I’d want the best for Belle.”
“And if ya make her cry or divorce her for stupid shit?”
“I’ll let you skin me and bury me in yer backyard.”
Joe Bang clapped his hands. “Then, I guess ya got my blessin’, but don’t expect me to treat ya any nicer jus’ ‘cause I know my lil Rosabelle fancies you,” he warned seriously. “I been in that gal’s life since she was born, and only hell can try t’ stop me from makin’ sure she’s safe. I’ll wait ‘til yer twenty-fifth anniversary before I’ll start acceptin’ ya.”
A swell of joy flowed through Clyde, an irresistible grin on his face as he suddenly jumped at the pain from his nose and cheekbone. Smushing the bag against his face, Clyde used his left arm to attempt a hand shake with Joe Bang. “Thank you, thank you so much, Joe Bang,” Clyde sighed in relief, happy/pained tears tickling the corner of his eyes.
“Yeah yeah,” Joe Bang only lightly shook the metal prosthetic. “Sorry ‘gain ‘bout yer face...but can you two get outta my house now? I got stuff I’m workin’ on.”
“Of course, sir. Thank you, sir!” Clyde jumped a bit, acting like a kid at Christmas with the approval of his proposal. He was about to run to the door, suddenly remembering something. Turning around, Clyde dropped the bag of peas on the ex-convict’s lap. “Here ya peas.”
“Wait, ya little shit!” Jimmy hurried after him, leaving Joe Bang watching as Jimmy caught him in the yard to complain about his nose. Casually getting out of the rocking chair, the older man closed his front door and locked the deadbolt to ensure a bit of an extra safety to prevent the older Logan from kicking his ass for hitting his brother.
Back in the truck, Clyde was the happiest man, smiling through his pain as he waited for Jimmy to pull into the road. His brother, however, was more realistic at the moment. “Yer forgettin’ that yer nose is bleedin’ and ya gettin’ a nice shiner…”
“But I’m happy,” Clyde shrugged, unconsciously touching the bridge of his nose to feel the numbing pain. “...It ain’t twisted, is it?”
“Don’t look like it, but I’m takin’ ya to Syl to have her check…”
“What the hell happened to your face!” Belle yelled in shock as soon as she saw Clyde’s patched nose and black eye forming under his eye.
Sylvia had been the bearer of good news to Jimmy that Clyde’s nose wasn’t broken, but definitely will be swollen and very sensitive for a good week - if not obtain some headaches, which she gave him some painkillers. Sylvia did question her boyfriend as to why his younger brother had his tiny smile the whole time during the inspection, only for Jimmy to say that he’s just losing his mind. Once the happy train deported from Clyde’s head, the realization of his current facial injury returned and now he could feel his nose having its own heartbeat. Still, after getting checked by Sylvia and was in the clear, Clyde asked to join Jimmy in picking up Sadie at Belle’s work, where Mellie was watching her. Despite the pain, all Clyde wanted to do was to see Belle after achieving the first step in his cauliflower plan.
Now, seeing his lovely girl’s eyes full of worry as she hurried to him in her apron, leaving Sadie to look from her painting project to the approaching men, Clyde felt himself wanting to shrink.
Both brothers noticing the tone in Belle’s voice, they panicked.
“Box fell and -!” Clyde said with a hiccup.
“Door busted!” Jimmy yelped.
Both of them looked to each other as Belle stared at them with crossed arms, Mellie standing behind the counter with Sadie watching with an absolute confused expression. As soon Jimmy caught sight of Belle’s tapping fingers on her arm, he cleared his throat and adjusted his hat. Lightly smacking Clyde behind the shoulder before using his brother as a shield from the woman, refusing to look Belle in the eye while Mellie gesture wildly behind her best friend.
Clyde took a deep breath through his lips, feeling the throb in the middle of his face. “While I was labelin’ some boxes in the back, there was a stack behind a door near the garage office that I didn’t think to keep open. One of Jimmy’s employees came through, kickin’ the door, and knocked the stack I had...and a box dropped on me.”
“Jesus,” Belle sighed worriedly before snapping her eyes to the other Logan brother. “Jimmy!”
“Why ya yellin’ at me? I didn’t do nothin’!” Jimmy defended with both hands up. “Dammit Belle, when I saw what happened, I brought him to Sylvia and she looked him over. I was being a good brother this time, see? Nothin’ is broken!”
“I’m fine, Darlin’, really,” Clyde stepped between them and brought his right hand up to stroke his thumb along Belle’s jaw in comfort. Watching her raise a brow at him, he gave her a soft smile. “Actually think this might be a good look for me. What ya think, baby, a bartender with a busted nose? People’ll say Clyde Logan kicked some guy’s ass just with his thumb, and they should see the other guy.”
Belle rolled her eye, unable to resist a smile. “Save that for the books, handsome. You’re not going to start wearing leather jackets and calling yourself a badass that easily,” she told him amusedly while he shrugged. “I’m glad it’s nothing serious, but still…”
“M’fine, Darlin’,” Clyde reassured her. “Syl was nice enough to give me some meds for the pain and said I’ll be good as new in no time.”
Belle shook her head before looking over Jimmy still keeping his distance from her temper. “Thank you for taking him to Sylvia, and please tell her I’m very grateful for her help, too.” She offered him a smile when he eventually dared to glance her way, hoping to come off more friendly. “You took care of Clyde, like a good brother and I’m very thankful for that.”
“So long as we know who’s the smarter Logan brother,” Jimmy glanced to Clyde while Belle snorted while hugging her man in comfort. “Maybe then we won’t have any more accidents from here on out.”
“Aunt Belle,” Sadie called out while she set down her paintbrush next to the pot she was decorating, “can you show me the flowers you want me to grow in this one, please? I wanna know which flowers to paint.”
“Sure, sweetie,” Belle said before excusing herself from Clyde’s side. “They’re outside, out this way.” She held Sadie’s hand as she brought her through the small doorway, and the three siblings waited to hear the clang of the wooden door that led to the back garden for safety.
“What did you two idiots do?” Mellie whispered sharply to her brothers. “I thought you two were suppose to go talk to Joe!”
“We did, but he thought Clyde was bein’ sketchy,” Jimmy told her just as dramatic in his whispering, going nose-to-nose with Mellie. They wanted to yell, Clyde knew that very well, but didn’t want to risk Belle overhearing.
“Sketchy? Sketchy ‘bout what?” Mellie threw her hands up.
“Somethin’ about rockin’ a few too many on Belle, the stupid junk.”
Mellie’s face went blank as she stared between the two men. “Joe Bang...throwin’ punches because of he thought this was a shotgun wedding.” Thinking it over, the blonde woman sighed and pinched her nose. “On second thought, from the stories Belle’s told me ‘bout Joe Bang...I can see it. Sorta. So, I’m going to assume that you got the okay from him, then, right? That shiner wasn’t all for nothin’?”
“I got it,” Clyde answered.
“Good, then it’s time for the next step in cauliflower?” Jimmy groaned.
Walking in the familiar pathway of the neighborhood, Clyde kept his eyes down to the dirt road as Belle gently held onto his metal prosthetic as he guided her appropriately. Keeping her on the side off the road, Clyde’s robotic appendages held on to her fingertips in a sort of clamp as they neared closer to their home, his other hand holding on to the small bag that held the take-out food he ordered and picked up.
Belle glanced up to eye her man’s face carefully. “Does it hurt?”
“Not much, just kinda numb right now,” he spoke softly as a truck passed by the two. “Box filled with heavy bolts and all, didn’t really feel much until Sylvia started poking.”
Belle sighed and Clyde couldn’t resist a small smile. “Don’t worry, Darlin’, it’s not all that bad,” he said looking over to see her cute pout and puffed cheeks. Seeing her sigh again, Clyde’s gaze softened as she looped her arm around his and leaned her head against his shoulder.
“I’m just happy you’re not seriously hurt.”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind being babied jus’ a bit for a bruise,” Clyde teased that brought a bright smile to her face, making his own heart skip a beat as she looked up to him.
“I think that can be arranged,” Belle mused, rubbing her fingers into his biceps.
Arriving home just before the sun had set, the couple ate their dinner together while conversing about their day; Clyde going into detail about what he was labeling and answering her questions about what it was like trying to label specific things in Jimmy Code, as she put it. Clyde laughed when she imitated his brother’s accent and buff build, reaching to hold her while she finished with her fruit mix, resting his chin on her shoulder before she tied the plastic bag filled with their garbage. The younger Logan brother fell to the temptation of following after her while she threw the bag in the outside trash, startling her once she turned around to find him so close.
“What’s wrong?” she asked with a smile as he just stared at her with a sort of puppy-love look in his eyes. “You’re just being needy tonight.”
All day he had Joe Bang’s blessing on repeat in his mind, over and over did he hear the approval. Every time he thought of it, he got his uncommon giddiness he rarely showed in public. But now, being home with his darling Belle within his grasp, he couldn’t resist being happy with what was to come in the coming days; he just wanted to spoil her with love until then, and then after for the rest of their lives…
His right hand coming to stroke her cheek and tuck a lock behind her ear, he held her face as his smile grew stronger. “Yer so beautiful, Darlin’.”
“Next to the trash cans and working in dirt all day...I suppose,” Belle rolled her eyes with amusement before taking his hand. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head with the box, Clyde?”
“I just love ya,” he shrugged and knelt down to kiss her lips, only to accidentally bump his bruised nose against her soft cheek. Pulling back and making a face, Clyde did his best not to whine in pain as Belle watched him.
“My poor handsome man,” she cooed and scratched his scruff with her fingers. Pressing a little peck to his jaw, she took his hand and began pulling him back inside and guide him through the trailer as he kept his head back to avoid letting her to see him in pain. “Come on, let me take care of you, silly.”
That was how Clyde Logan found himself sharing a bath with his Belle, warm water relaxing his tense back muscles while Belle sat behind him, shampooing his black hair in a soothing massage. The tub wasn’t all that big to fit the both of them with elbow room, but they make it work when they take turns on who is washed first. As of now, Belle was farthest back while Clyde leaned down for her to reach his hair to wash. The way her fingers scrubbed his scalp brought him into a trance that he began mumbling, his voice deeper as he continued to praise Belle. She only giggled at his compliments and brushed bubbles from his cheek when he leaned his head back on her shoulder, spreading the suds to her naked shoulder. He was so happy to see her smile as her fingers continued to rub his hairline next and her lips press lightly to kiss his brow.
“Yer so beautiful,” he sighed in pure bliss.
“More than standing by the trash cans?” Belle teased and he resisted to laugh through his nose. “Or is it just because I’m naked with you in the tub…”
“Yer beautiful anytime and anywhere, Darlin’,” Clyde corrected.
“Why, thank you,” Belle hummed and kissed his forehead. “I think you’re very beautiful, too, handsome.”
Making a noise, Clyde was about to list all the reasons why he wasn’t when Belle pinched his cheeks. “Rinse your head, honey. Your hair is all done,” she instructed him softly, and he only nodded and did as he was told and taking the shower head to rinse.
While using the shower head to rinse all the shampoo bubbles from his hair, Clyde was careful to miss his nose before bringing his head back up. Wiping the water from his honey-colored eyes, Clyde felt Belle’s small hands grasp his chin and carefully turned him around in the warm water. Opening his eyes, Clyde was surprised when Belle leant up and angled her head to avoid his bruised nose to press a proper kiss to his lips. Realizing the intent, Clyde grinned and wrapped his stumped arm around her naked back, returning the kiss with enthusiasm. Leaning them over, Clyde dipped Belle a bit while using his other arm to balance properly by gripping the edge of the tub. He held on to her and gave her a movie-worthy kiss.
“Because you had that look in your eye when you couldn’t give me a kiss,” Belle laughed against his lips when he didn’t let up. “Are you feeling that deprived right now? Am I not giving you enough kisses, Clyde?”
“I just love ya,” he responded before kissing her again, being so happy that he couldn’t hurt his nose in this position. Pressing his body closer to hers, feeling her wet skin against his spread a warmth in his blood that sped his heart up. “I just love ma sweet, darlin’ Belle. I love, love ya lots.���
Belle laughed when he switched to her exposed neck, only to jump when Clyde yelped when his nose pressed against her. When he didn’t stop trying to nip her skin with love bites, the woman quickly splashed him. “Clyde, be careful! I don’t want you to get hurt any more!”
“Don’t take me lovin’ ma girl away! Jus’ a little, baby, please,” Clyde begged, unable to stop himself from laughing through the pain as Belle’s shoulders shook with her silent giggles. The rest of their bath time last for an hour of Clyde trying to convince Belle to let him love her when he was so happy. Unknown to her, he was dreaming of sharing a bath with her and a special ring on her finger.
Fun fact: Clyde totally hurt his nose by trying to love Belle, so Belle gave him an ice pack after their bath. His hair was blow-dried though, so he was floofy.
taglist: @ayatimascd​
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