#Literally the first episode of Knuckles showed us how awesome this idea is. I wanted something like this since the first movie but still!
piko-power · 30 days
Don't mind me, just making a collection of Sonic and Knuckles being together because I want more of their sibling dynamic and I love them
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If anybody is wondering, I took these pictures from YouTube, NOT Paramount+. The first full episode is out for free if you wanna check it out.
Please do not tag as ship.
EDIT: Okay so apparently I can't find the full episode on YouTube anymore lol. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone didn't know.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Why Eggman Is the Only Good Thing to Come out of Sonic X
  There’s a saying that all great heroes need a great villain, and in the case of Sonic the Hedgehog, that really couldn’t be any more true; after all, where would SEGA’s iconic mascot be without his equally great villain, Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik? While everyone is hopping on the Jim Carey train thanks to the new live-action movie, we figured now was a great time to remind everyone of the one true shining Chaos Emerald of the Sonic X anime: Eggman himself! That’s right, the rotund and robust professor of pain is, really, the only thing Sonic X did that’s worth remembering. So, for this momentous movie event, we figured there’s no better way to honor the legacy of Eggman than to talk about why he single handedly made Sonic X worth watching.  
Chances are that if you grew up in the US sometime between the '90s and '10s, you watched a lot of your anime on TV during your childhood. For many anime fans, that meant healthy doses of WB and 4Kids inspired treatments of shows, and Sonic always featured prominently in those Saturday morning blocks somewhere. But the first real Sonic anime to hit American television, Sonic X, took a departure from the Archie comics inspired weirdness of previous Sonic cartoons to present a modern, updated, post-Sonic Adventure 2 vision of Sonic: Sonic X! And boy, was it not very good! 
Now, we get it, we aren’t trying to assassinate your childhood or anything; we thought the show was kinda fun too when we were younger. But looking back on it, the weird story of Sonic and company being transported to Earth and living with a generic, no-name character and his weirdo family certainly wasn’t the type of Sonic storylines we expected to be seeing (although the opening song was pretty legendary). Even worse, the show tried to balance the absolutely bloated cast of Sonic Adventure, including appearances by Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Amy Rose, Cream the Bunny, Big the Cat, and even the Chaotix team for some reason. But the true star that made the show entertaining was the good doctor himself, Eggman! Without Eggman, the show was frankly boring and pretty flat, with storylines like Sonic trying to beat a racecar driver (which we all knew he could do anyway, right?!). No, Sonic X owes all of its greatest moments to Eggman: blowing up the moon and making a new, better moon, awakening Shadow, and even defeating the intergalactic horror of the Metarex were all only possible because of the ingenious skills inside that beautiful brain.
And, yes, Eggman is the villain of a kids show; most of his plans aren’t very complicated or evil, but they propelled the entire plot of the series in most cases; heck, he even draws his own money while pretending to be President instead of doing anything really evil or creative with the idea. But without Eggman’s schemes, most of the first two seasons go absolutely nowhere, and it’s only due to his determination to defeat Sonic and take over the world that Shadow is even discovered in the first place.
But perhaps Eggman’s greatest single accomplishment in Sonic X is the story of how he blew up the moon. Yes, you read that correctly: the sphere in the sky responsible for controlling tidal flow and other things was “accidentally” destroyed by the great doctor; we know, he probably didn’t mean to cause any real harm. After all, he invented a NEW moon to take its place! What a great guy!
The moon saga of Sonic X remains one of the funniest memories of the entire series (and, personally, the main reason I even remember the show at all). It features all of the general ridiculous ideas you might expect in a Saturday morning cartoon, with the cast acting almost entirely out of character, save for Eggman, who of course is working a long con of helping the people of Earth after he LITERALLY BLEW UP THEIR MOON ON PURPOSE by selling “sunshine balls,” and when Sonic catches on that this plan isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, gets the President of “a country” to agree to take martial action against Sonic.
Honestly, rewatching it, the entire sequence feels like it’s borrowing cues from the conclusion of Devilman, with the main cast being harassed and swarmed by angry mobs of random people, lusting for the blood of Sonic, while Eggman simply reclines and bides his time before finally gagging the President and… drawing money with his own face on it. That’s it. That’s his final, real idea for this caper. Assuming that he’ll become the next President once Sonic is dead and the world is at his fingertips, Eggman simply ties up the current President and… doodles fake money, before, of course, Sonic comes and ruins everything by saving the day. Nerd.
Almost every story in Sonic X works in this fashion when Eggman is involved, and the 70+ episode-long series really owes it to him for carrying all of the weight of the show on his back. The Earth-based storylines, like the race car driver and other goofy things, are barely even worth watching, let alone remembering, and it isn’t until Eggman makes some sort of appearance on screen that anyone should even care about the show. Eggman is reverse Poochy: everyone should be asking where Eggman is at all times, but unironically.
In the climactic ending of the third season, Super Sonic and Super Shadow can’t even defeat the Metarex without Eggman’s help, and literally no other character is in any way more useful than the doctor that they’ve all been negging on for the entire series. Shows how grateful they really are! Frankly, this type of villain reversal was always a common, but fun, trope in Saturday morning TV fair, and Sonic X really nailed it by taking advantage of how awesome Eggman really was in order to pull it off effectively.
Honestly, maybe that’s what makes Eggman so great in general as far as a villain and a character is concerned. Although his plans usually amount to being totally ridiculous (seriously, just… going to turn animals into robots? That’s your big plan?), when Sonic series media wants things done or explained, it generally falls to Eggman to do it. Shadow? Eggman. Chaos? Eggman. Chaos Control? Also Eggman. The entire point of Sonic in any game, comic, show or movie has no momentum unless Eggman appears to push things along and get the blue rat to lace up his sneakers.
Even the final episode of Sonic X requires Eggman to intervene in order to send original character and human protagonist, Chris, back to Earth, because no one else is smart enough to get the dimensional machine working again. Without Eggman, Chris would have just been stuck in Sonic’s world as a 12 year old forever, but you didn’t hear Eggman begging to be thanked for all of his hard work! Instead, Eggman simply takes it all in stride, claiming that Chris makes Sonic too strong, and sends him home. What a secret softie!
As Sonic’s movie hits theaters and people start to fondly reminisce on what they loved the most about the franchise, we hope that this little PSA has reminded you of what’s truly important: that Sonic X was a pretty whatever show with one of the best characters of all time: Dr. Eggman! Doctor, we salute you in all that you do!  
Are you an Eggman fan? Did Eggman write this? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Nicole is a frequent wordsmith for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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fangirltrash18 · 5 years
Hi 😁 for a request for Jason you both act and you meet him at the premiere for Aquaman you just get to talk briefly but you definitely made an impression on him. You both meet again a couple weeks later and become friends but you both feel more but you feel he wouldn't feel the same back because your 12 years younger and more like a nerd and stuff and feel he can do way better but he says he loves and wants you,so like fluffy and maybe some smut if you want thanks:)
I hope you like it! Feel totally free to request any ideas you have and want me to write! I’m at a total loss for ideas and I could really use some inspiration.
Tags- @tomhollandsmouthfr0g
Rating- T
Warnings- none really
You sipped on your drink, already bored and ready to start watching the premiere of Aquaman. Your best friend Amber, who had starred at Mera in the movie, had invited you to the premiere. You obviously had accepted and wanted to support your friend like she had done you every time you had a premiere.
Unfortunately, you had lost her in the sea of people and ended up alone at the bar.
“Could I get a martini? Extra dirty please.” A man’s deep voice spoke next to you. You looked over and did a double take. Jason Momoa was standing only a foot away from you. He looked over at you and smiled. “Hi.” He said and smiled.
“Hey.” You straightened up a bit and flipped your hair over your shoulder.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N, right? From The Walking Dead?” He asked and turned his body towards you. You nodded and sipped your drink.
“You watch?” You asked, baffled by the fact that he knew what show you were in.
“Hell yeah I watch!” He exclaimed. You laughed and held out your hand.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. Jason.” You smiled as he took your hand and brought it up to kiss your knuckles. “Oh what a gentleman.” You chuckled.
“Pleasure’s all mine.” He said and released your hand. You couldn’t help but feel flustered at the way he smiled at you. At that moment the lights began to turn off and on.
“Looks like it’s time to go in.” You said and stood from the bar stool you were seated on. Jason nodded and grabbed his drink, taking a long sip before setting it back down.
“Yup, I’d better go meet up with the cast. It was so nice to meet you Y/N.” He said and gave you a wave. You nodded in agreement and smiled at him.
“Nice to meet you too Jason.” He sent you one more smile and a wave before turning and walking to where he was needed. Even though you only got a moment to talk with him, you already felt like you needed him in your life.
It had been a couple months after the premiere where you met Jason and you hadn’t seen him since. You thought about him quite a bit though and always hoped you’d run into him again.
You are currently at a small coffee shop in LA, reading a book that you had just gotten from the library across the street.  You were so engaged in the story that you didn’t notice the  presence across from you.  The person cleared their throat, causing you to look up and see the man that had occupied your thoughts for months on end.
“Jason!” You exclaimed and marked your page. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“It’s okay, you looked pretty into your book.” He chuckled and pointed to the think hardback resting on the table.
“Yeah I just started it. You want to sit?” You asked and motioned to the chair in front of you.
“I wouldn’t want to interrupt your reading.” He said. You shook your head and pushed the chair out with your foot.
“No please, sit.”
“If you insist.”  He smiled and pulled out the chair more to sit down.
“So, how’s life been treating you?” You asked, trying to start a conversation. He chuckled and shrugged.
“It’s been ok. It’s treating me pretty good right now.” He smirked at you and you felt yourself blush.
“Well that’s very good, I’m glad.” You said and took a sip of your drink.
“Yup.” He drummed his fingers against the wood of the table as an awkward silence fell over you.
“So..” You said, feeling like an idiot in front of him. Little did you know, he felt the exact same way.
“How’s um, how’s your show going?” He asked.
“Really good, actually. You still watch?”
“Ohh yeah I do! I wouldn’t miss an episode for the damn world.” He laughed and felt himself relax a little.
“Wow, who would have thought the Jason Momoa would like a show I’m in?” You chuckled.
“Are you kidding? That show is awesome. Who wouldn’t like it?” He exclaimed.
You laughed at the dork in front of you and felt the awkwardness slip away.
The two of you talked for hours but it only felt like minutes. The conversation never dying, but just transitioning from one topic to the next. You felt so comfortable talking with him and ended up telling him some never before told stories of your embarrassing childhood as well as some personal stuff you’d told only your closest friends and family about.
Just like you opened up to him, he opened up to you. You both formed a connection that got stronger and stronger with each word spoken. It wasn’t until you looked out at the dark sky that you realized just how long the two of you had been in the coffee shop.
“Oh my god! It’s already dark outside?” You gasped and looked at your phone for the first time in hours to see the time. 8:33. “We’ve literally been sitting here for five hours.” You said mouth agape.
“You’re kidding!” You shook your head and showed him your phone. “Damn.” He said and leaned back, running his fingers through his hair.
“I know.” You laughed. “Time really ran away from us.”
Jason didn’t say anything but just stared at you smiling. You looked behind you, seeing nobody there, you turned back around. His eyes were still glued on you and you suddenly felt self conscious.
“Do I have something on my face?” You asked and placed your fingers on the corner of your mouth. Jason shook his head and let out a chuckle.
“No, your just really pretty.” You felt yourself blush a deep shade of red.
“Thanks. So are you.” As soon as the words left your mouth you internally slapped yourself. “I mean, you’re not pretty, I mean you are but your like guy pretty?” You rambled and felt like a world class idiot.
Jason laughed and leaned closer. “Thanks.” Since the table wasn’t that big, Jason’s face was only inches away from yours. “Can I confess something?” He asked. You nodded, the blush still burning away at your cheeks.
“Y-yeah.” You stuttered.
He looked down for a second then back up at you. “I like you. Like, really like you.” He said, all of a sudden nervous. You swallowed thickly and cleared your throat.
“I really like you too.” You said while staring into his eyes. He smiled and blushed himself.
“Well that will make what I’m about to ask way easier.” He smiled. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you waited for what he was going to say. “Would you, Miss. Y/N Y/L/N, like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?”
You smiled and giggled. “I’d love to, Mr. Jason Momoa.” He smiles the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
“Really?!” He asked.
“Yeah, why not?” You chuckled and but your lower lip. Jason was so happy he leaned back and threw his arms up in success. You laughed at his action and smiled at him.
He leaned back on the table, his face close to your again. “Would you be mad if I kissed you?” He asked, almost in a whisper.
“Not at all.” You said and leaned in yourself.
Your lips meshed together in a slow, sweet kiss. You cherished the feeling of the feeling of his lips against yours. It was one of those kisses that took you to another place altogether. One that made everything disappear and a sense of warmth and belonging rush through your body. His calloused hand rested on your soft cheek, making you feel safe and wanted.
When you both pulled away, smiled plastered on your faces. You both felt like you had found your soulmate.
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REVIEW: RWBY – Vol. 5, Ch. 13: “DOWNFALL”
The end is nigh.
This week gave us: The cavalry, a humiliation, walking in on something unexpected, and a big deal heavyweight fight.
Block out them spoilers, people.
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In “Downfall”, RWBY gives us an adrenaline rush of an episode which, from start to finish, provides only a few moments to catch the breath. It hinges on catharsis and set-piece action, while promising that next week’s finale is ripe with possibility. Because in this, the “downfall” in particular is inflicted upon the scenario’s primary antagonists. It is the penultimate episode, and yet both Adam and Cinder have been handed decisive defeats.
Blake’s return is all about solidifying her ascendancy over Adam; literally standing above him and looking down at this man who, once upon a time, was the only thing she could see. She is triumphant, resplendent in the support given to her by the loyal faunus, grateful for and emboldened by what Ilia’s change of loyalty represents for the White Fang going forward.
She humiliates a flustered Adam in strategy and combat – this is the same man who, not so long ago, destroyed her and Yang on his own. But that was a different time, and a different Blake.
it’s somehow fitting that, after such a dramatic victory, her reunion with her former teammates is so understated. Of course her first and only word is “Yang”, and of course she hangs in the background when her former partner makes a run for the vault. A single nod shared with Ruby, and then it’s back to the business of wrapping Adam and the White Fang in a neat little bow outside.
I imagine some will have wanted more from Blake’s return – that this handling was so understated that it felt decidedly un-special. But not everything can be tearful hugs, and the state of this battle demands that time is not wasted on overt sentiments. With neither party expecting the other to be around, shock on both sides is the logical direction. There is only enough time for one’s mouth to drop before the task at hand must be revisited, and Yang needs to be reminded that she has a job to do. Nonetheless, shared in Blake and Ruby’s nods to each other is the unspoken promise: Later.
I’ll hold them to that.
After all, if you could only take one in this episode, what would you take? An out-of-place yet emotional team reunion, or an amazing fight between two Maidens? After watching this episode, there’s only one correct answer.
And the fight is truly incredible. I knew last week that this fight was going to be awesome, and even then, it exceeded my expectations.
I never expected this to be a character-revelatory situation for Raven, and this scenario mostly plays to type, as far as she is concerned. Throughout the fight, she is determined, no doubt spurred on by Vernal’s sacrifice, but she remains as confident as ever. And I suppose I can’t fault her for that, given the result of the fight. By the episode’s end, there is the implication that the finale will provide some engaging moments between her and Yang.
Rather, we get a greater sense of what Cinder is like when her back’s against the wall. In this fight, she uses her Grimm arm to try and wrest the advantage, but in hindsight, her transformation could be seen as that which actually caused her defeat. One can imagine that when Raven sees Cinder’s new arm, she sees a double-edged sword, something which could be a threat, but could also be nullified with the right tactics.
Examine the psychology of this fight – and it is there, though it may be difficult for some to see underneath the flash and power moves. Both women approach the fight by meeting fire with fire, and the exchanges seem equal. But actually, it’s far from equal.
Firstly, it makes all the sense in the world that Raven has the edge on Cinder in a fight like this. She is more experienced with the Maiden powers, and is a stronger all-round fighter. Of course, one can never underestimate Cinder, and this is still a Maiden/Maiden fight, which is why, beat by beat, it is played out to look more even than it is. As good as Raven knows she is, she still leaves nothing to chance in making sure that she has an answer for whatever Cinder can throw at her. When it seems that Cinder takes the upper hand with her Grimm arm, Raven immediately responds with a burst of her own power and some choice words about the drawbacks of Cinder’s experiment.
Actually, the longer the fight goes on, the more one realises that Cinder’s little flicker of ascendancy was nothing more than a mirage, and Raven’s strategy and strength becomes clear. By forcing Cinder into a prolonged battle and combining her own attacks with counters against Cinder’s moves, this will make Cinder, not yet having faced strong opposition to her Maiden powers, run out of steam and lose the breadth of her focus.
And it works: not being able to gain the upper hand on Raven after so long is what ends up frustrating Cinder, to the point that she is caught off-guard and beaten by the final play. It costs Vernal the last of her ebbing life force, but it allows Raven to take Cinder well out of the picture.
Up above, the protagonists have the advantage against their foes. And down in the vault, beyond the ornate door, the Relic – and Raven’s insurance policy against Salem – awaits. But Yang is there too, and who knows how she will react to, well, everything. We’re going to have a very interesting finale on our hands, that’s for sure.
Additional Observations:
- Weiss’s reaction to learning of her injury: “That’s … annoying.” Love you Weiss.
- Great moment when Blake just sidestepped Adam’s slash and dropped the hammer down on him. B-ruh.
- What are you trying to say, show? What are you suggesting about Blake and Yang? I see you, and I’m not saying it, just asking the question.
- I caught a bit of Weiss’s song in the score when she returned to full-strength and literally dragged Hazel back into the building. Remember when we were all pissed that the show implied they might be killing her off?
- In this week’s “Has No Chill”: Hazel, Nora, Raven, Cinder. Where is the chill with these people? I mean, aside from how Raven finishes off Cinder.
- It is disappointing that we haven’t learned more about Vernal. Who was she? She was the decoy for Raven, but how did she feel about that? Did she ever have doubts? How did Raven treat her in that position? What does Vernal’s position and sacrifice say about Raven as a person?
- Because we still don’t know enough about Raven. Hopefully the finale will shed a lot of light, because I still really want to get a deeper sense of her character. I haven’t given up on that.
Grade: A-
Final Thoughts: “Downfall” is surprising in that it capitalises on so much of the previous episode’s setup, suggesting that RWBY has some new or different ideas about how it will approach the impending season finale. Blake’s return is triumphant and at the clear expense of Adam, providing immediate catharsis for a long-term storyline, while her reunion with her old teammates is understandably low-key and promising of more. The Raven/Cinder fight is a white-knuckle ride of focus and power, easily the show’s most impactful fight in a long time. Raven besting Cinder so decisively is effective in its execution and psychology, and exposes Cinder’s frailties. While the fighting continues above ground, Yang confronting her mother with the Relic in reach sets up worthy intrigue for the finale.
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eternityengine · 3 years
okay so I wrote a “review” (really just my thoughts in a disorganized way) of Sonic Forces about a year and a half ago and never got around to posting it, but I still have it so I’m posting it now because I have opinions
Main Game
Green Hill. Again. Argh. I mean at least they tried to change it up a little by throwing sand over it but that didn't really make any sense. (sega plz)
Look, I like Chemical Plant alright (for some godforsaken reason), but it's already been in Gens and Mania. Just give us Mystic Cave Zone or Mushroom Zone or something! Hell, use both! We could have Mushroom Zone instead of Green Hill Zone!
I gotta say the goop waterfalls in Network Terminal are really flow-breaking, you just come to a dead stop if you touch them and have to stop half the time to avoid hitting them, and you can't reliably avoid them very well. You can't even boost through them!
Luminous Forest is pretty and all but uuuuuggghhhhh casino levels suck
Infinite is delightfully edgy and I thoroughly enjoyed him, but they didn't utilize him very well.
Infinite's battle themes reflect his boss battle quality!
First battle: total banger of a song, pretty good boss fight (runnin’ on a SNAKE)
Second battle: excellent song, decent boss fight (best use of his nightmare zone powers, at least in the first half)
Third battle: okay song, boring reskin of the Metal Sonic boss fight
Why did they not give us a Chaos boss fight :( lame
Also why did Infinite use Chaos 0 instead of literally any other version, all of which are stronger? Like, would Perfect Chaos use too much energy or something?? He made giant snake versions of himself just fine...
Actually, why couldn't those have been Chaos??
Metal Sonic fight was okay but way too similar to Silver's in Gens
Also why is Metal Sonic a copy?? Just use actual Metal, come on, Eggman
There was no resolution to Infinite's plot and I am disappoint
Why does Infinite just flip the Avatar around with the Phantom Ruby in Metropolis? I feel like he should be at least shooting cubes at you or something instead of just occasionally passing by to frick with your gravity in suspiciously convenient ways
If Sonic was tortured for six months why is there no indication of this? He doesn't look or act any different than usual. Even without being tortured (as in the JP script), he should at least have some ill effects from being imprisoned for half a year.
I'm okay with Knuckles being the commander of the Resistance but who thought it was a good idea to let him come up with strategies? He's mostly a traps and punching guy on that front. I realize Tails was gone and all but I feel like most of the other characters could have strategized better.
Classic Sonic does basically nothing of note and has the worst levels and gameplay. Why is he even here if they weren't going to use him properly?
Caveat: I'm mostly going off of other people's statements re: his gameplay, I suck at Classic games overall and would probably dislike his levels regardless
Why does destroying the Phantom Ruby send Classic back to his dimension? I wouldn't think the Ruby would need to actively hold him there...
First of all, I feel like Tails should have been able to fix Omega. Secondly, why did they leave him there for six months?? Thirdly, HOW DID HE GET FIXED????? (Loved that he was here, though.)
I want to see the fight between Silver and Infinite, it was probably super awesome
Okay, so I can kind of excuse the giant snake given the giant worms of Lost Hex, but why would it try to eat Sonic. He'd be a tiny snack. What does it even normally eat? Other giant snakes?? (Is it an illusion??)
Why are both of Classic Sonic's boss fights just bomb tennis
Why is the final boss called a Death Egg Robot? The only similarities are in the first form's head (when protracted) and its primary (shoulder) arms. The rest is tentacle snake nonsense. And the second form is a straight-up tentacle robot, and somewhat similar to the Nega-Wisp Armour. And it's not even on the Death Egg!
Final boss was really ominous though, I liked it. First, dramatic orchestral music. Then, it murders you repeatedly by barely telegraphing its attacks to a first-timer. (Stop killing the floor!!) Then you "beat" it and a chestburster tentacle robot explodes out and dumps you in null space. The actual tentacle bot fight was kind of a letdown though, it was basically just the Nega Wisp Armour from Colours instead of something new... (also I was bad at timing my laser dodges so some salt there)
How is Classic Sonic doing Homing Attacks in the Death Egg Robot's third phase? He literally can't do them yet, wtf. (I choose to believe Modern Sonic and/or the Avatar is throwing him at it :P)
The water slides in Aqua Road are neat and fun the first few times, but when you're trying to S-rank the level they are such a pain. The RNG with the Motobug bouncing is the woooooorst. (Getting unavoidably knocked into spike balls sucks.)
Also why were a) spike balls there to begin with, it's enough of a challenge not falling out, and b) the spike balls moving slower than everything else in the slides? And then slow you down to their speed if you hit them, so when your invincibility runs out you're still glued to them and die?
Avatar gameplay is really fun, but I'm not a fan of how many automatic grapple points there are. Just let me do it!! It's not hard!!!! (Plus some of them are really unnecessary)
No boss fight with fake Shadow either, but that's less disappointing than Chaos for whatever reason (maybe because he's around more?)
Gotta say though I liked a much larger portion of the music in this game than usual, it's really good
However, the music for Classic's Green Hill stage is screechy garbage.
A good chunk of the stuff conveyed with the overworld dialogue would have been better presented as actual cutscenes (esp. the ones that use sound effects :/)
There is literally an area called "City" are you freaking kidding me
Okay, so Eggman decides to drop the sun on the Resistance...but he's also there?? I assume he's like, just not included in the illusion and is just laughing at their stupid faces, but it would have been nice to have some indication of that.
Why even make Zavok copies?? He sucks and no one likes him. Also he's kind of part of a set, where are the other Zeti copies?
I realize this is a video game, but why does Infinite make such easily dodgeable cube obstacles/attacks? "Ah yes let me make some long rectangles with big gaps to go through at each end, this will never fail"
I would like to thank Sonic Team for not making Imperial Tower a timed mission, that shit was hard enough as it is
I would also like to thank Sonic Team for making Imperial Tower so easy to cheese with Hover Wispons
I really wish the Null Space level had more...Null Space. You're in it for like 30 seconds, and it's a waste of a really pretty level design. AND it's just a straight shot that's 80% Double Boost.
Why is Double Boost a thing? The Avatar is just some random civilian, they shouldn't have weird team-up super speed powers.
I love that basically all of Sonic's friends are here doing stuff again, it is glorious. (Even though they were kind of epic fails until the Avatar joined/they got Sonic back...)
However, it would have been nice to see them occasionally doing stuff in the levels (like beating up robots in the background or something), rather than just in cutscenes.
Classic Sonic doesn't get an Infinite fight. :(
Which is weird, since he's the only playable character with Phantom Ruby experience/story.
In Final Judgement, the radio chatter includes them going "so this is where Eggman built Infinite" and...there are several things wrong with that. First of all, "built"? He's organic, it would be better to say something like "created" - even putting aside that that would be more metaphorical, as Eggman didn't straight-up create Infinite the person, just his current identity (not that they have any reason to know that - but they have no reason to think he made him either). Secondly, how are they coming to this conclusion? There's no tubes or assembly machines around until the end tubes with Phantom Ruby prototypes(?) in them, and those are part of the reactor. Plus an early cutscene has Infinite in a tube in a completely different area, though it could have been contained in the same superstructure. I mean I guess you could argue that the level looks like a factory?? Thirdly, how can they even see inside? They're not there.
Episode Shadow
Why is this so goddamn short. Only three levels? Really??
Why is the last cutscene just the first one from the main game?? They should be explaining where tf Shadow's been during the main game! So lazy.
Aqua Road is like 80% waterslides whyyyyyy
Infinite is really bad at getting revenge, holy shit. He just...illusions him for a bit until he gets away?? With some cube attacks tbf but STILL...
Also this shit never comes up in the main game why exactly? (I know the answer is probably they came up with this later like FOOLS, but argh)
ALSO also why do Infinite's attacks not send Shadow into the nightmare realm like they do in the main game?
Why do they go to such lengths to hide Infinite's face if they just straight up show it in his comic??
Honestly the way Shadow treats Infinite in this feels kinda out of character. I feel like he wouldn't be quite that harsh. (Definitely in character if it was Boom!Shadow, though...)
I am disappointed that Shadow is just a Sonic reskin. Let me use Chaos Spear! >:(
Also disappointed that Shadow can only be played on Modern Sonic stages; why not also Tag stages??
Infinite's theme is hilariously edgy and I love it (could do without the rap tho)
Kinda disappointed that this game has no fancy CGI cutscenes. I always look forward to those...
I think they had way too much nostalgia-baiting in this game. Classic Sonic, four previous Sonic villains (mostly Chaos and Metal Sonic though), Death Egg Robots, Green Hill and Chemical Plant and Death Egg...it just smacks of desperation. Not sure if it's "Generations was popular let's do that again" or just general trying to get fans back, but it's silly. You expect this sort of thing for Generations bc it was an anniversary game, but this one decidedly isn't and it feels like they're grasping at straws trying to get/keep players.
Also this is a Modern Sonic game, why is 50% of the content not playing him. Why is Classic even heeeeeeere
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dani-fandom · 7 years
My thoughts on Voltron Season 2
So I’ve now watched the whole season 2 times, and I have a shit ton of thoughts about it. Obviously, super spoiler-y and pretty long. Under the read more.
By episodes, kind of
First of all,
Pidge is a beautiful tech genius and I love my daughter so much
I mean, she was able to transmit her lion’s signal to the castle out of junk??? Actual garbage??? Genius.
Shiro has the most millenial kind of humor - joking about his gaping wound??? Calm the fuck down sir
Coran had a Major Alex Armstrong phase and it was amazing
Seriously, did you see those arms??? Coran is ripped as fuck
He also had an emo teenage phase and it was the funniest thing ive ever seen
Underwater episode!!!! 
I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus for the entire episode of nothing but Hunk and Lance moments.
My blue baby boy saving the day
So now we finally know how Shiro escaped and i have mixed feelings about it
Also, I want to quickly talk about how I’ve seen people saying that Allura is being “racist” towards the Galra??? Um, how???
They literally annihilated her home planet and countless others, enslaving nations, and killing all of her family save Coran?
I think bitterness, distrust, and pure hatred are to be expected. 
I can say with 100% certainty that I would act the same way towards them, maybe even worse, and if you say you wouldn’t, I don’t trust you
This ep was good for the audience as a whole to show that all Galra are not the same, and there are those who work against him
Also good for the younger paladins to see, as their interactions with the Galra have mainly been very negative
They are more open to the idea of “good Galra”, though they have less reasons to not be, as opposed to Allura
I am living for the Pidge character growth in Greening the Cube tbh, my baby girl is amazing
Also Lance confirmed for skincare junkie I love my son
I almost cried laughing at the half-naked Klance scene
It’s exactly like the scene from Emperor’s New Groove and I could not stop seeing them as Pacha and Kuzco
That’s not my Hunk a dunk saving the day on Taujeer?? But it is!!!
I love him so much
Also, really uncomfortable with the whole Keith and Allura “bonding stuff” 
Like I get it, but it was handled very... interestingly
I dunno, it made me feel awkward
I feel like Keith is handled more like an adult in this particular season than Hunk and Lance, who are all the same age.
I’ll touch on this more in a bit, but I love that the Commander in this episode had more of a personality. You really got a feel on what kind of a Galra soldier he was, especially compared to the strictly cutthroat Galra like Sendak that we’ve dealt with in the past. 
Space Mall??? Space Mall!!!!
Let Allura get something sparkly goddammit
Alfor was in that picture with young Coran!!!!
So many theories about the origin of Voltron, and now we know that Alfor made the Black Lion which is both awesome and thought provoking
Did he make the others?
Did he choose the other pilots?
What exactly happened with Zarkon?
What happened to the other pilots???
I loved Hunk in this episode. He has been making a lot (too many in my opinion) of comments about food, but seeing him honestly enjoy cooking and enjoy the reactions people had to his food made me happy
So, uh, where’s the cow now?
We had some high quality Lance and Pidge interaction in this episode that I loved to bits
I also really enjoy the characterizations that the writers have been doing for the Galra
Like Sal, and Farkon seemed more like actual people and we could connect to them??? It was just great and started blurring the lines between good and bad even more
Also, “Farkon: Mall Cop” was hilarious
So many movie references I die
Also: Trans girl Pidge??? Trans girl Pidge!!!
Now, *cracks knuckles* onto The Blade of Mamora
Keith you are the main reason I stress, please just calm the fuck down 
“Shiro, you’re like a brother to me.” *longest yeah boi ever*
So Thace isn’t Keith’s dad, but Keith’s dad low-key looks like Shiro???
His mom was Galra??? Who the fuck??
We have never seen any female Galra (as far as we know)?
(Especially considering that Haggar isn’t Galra, or at least not a pure one)
Can someone please get this boy some medical attention? My heart rate is rising by the second
“The only way this is possible, is if Galra blood runs through your veins” *longest yeah boi ever*
There are so many unanswered questions holy fuck
Okay so next we get some quality bonding time between Hunk and Keith which is amazing
Honestly i love the two of them
Why did Hunk have to be sleep during the whole plan?? Let him be smart and contribute to the plan goddammit!!!
We get to see how chill Hunk really is with Galra Keith
But we don’t get to see how everyone else reacted to it.
How did Shiro react? How about Lance? Pidge?
We know Allura is pissed af, but what about Coran??? He went through the exact same things she did, but he’s cooler about it
if he’s being the more mature one and is able to look past it to still accept and love Keith, he should be talking to Allura about it, and be her advisor/second father
Again, I’m annoyed about how dismissive Allura is to Keith, but SHE HAS A JUSTIFIABLE REASON
AGAIN, how did CORAN react????
I really want to know who that Galra soldier was that Keith rescued
What if it was Matt or something? He probably wouldn’t have recognized either Keith or Hunk and he didn’t say anything
Or what if that was Keith’s mom?
Possibilities man
Haha, fart jokes
Seriously, why didn’t we get to see everyone else’s reactions?
Jailbreak episode!
Okay, Slav (or whatever it is) is THE most annoying thing ever, just had to get it out of the way
Shiro was reacting exactly how I would have
Honestly, Shiro was overall so relatable in this episode
We get information on Matt! It’s not alot but hey
Now we get to dive even deeper into theories about him joining a rebel group, since they saved him
Would not be surprised if(again) the person Keith saved ended up being Matt on some kind of rebel mission
Let’s talk about Lance in this episode. Got some quality content however
We were led to believe that there would be some sort of season long sub-plot dealing with Lance’s insecurities (or at least something longer than half an episode)
So when he had his doubts immediately cleared it was kind of lackluster because of expectations
Of course, this could be explored again in a later season. Since this one was very Keith-centric, maybe the next might focus more on other paladins? I could see this as being something that would be brought up later on
I guess we can’t be having too much angst at one time
I thought it was really cute how that Galra Commander (listen I can’t remember all these names) had a pet???
And he saved it when the air locks were opened???
So precious
Again with the bringing actual personalities to characters that we are supposed to view as “bad” or “evil”, good job team
Whoo-hoo, Allura solo mission time!!!
I feel like the skype call she had with Coran could have been a good time for them to discuss Galra Keith but what do i know
Honestly, how in the hell did that Ro-beast survive? IT HAD NO HEAD
Fueled by pure spite, honestly relatable
“How did we beat it last time?”
You didn’t, babe
The Balmera stabbed it for you
Just saying
Also, I guess thank goodness there weren’t any lives on those moons(?) that the Ro-beast blew up
“Quit back-lion driving!” I love Hunk and Keith
So... did Keith get hit with a laser or nah?
Because that thing destroyed solid moons, and took out Hunk’s lion for like 5 minutes
But Keith was like, okay? So did the force just push him away?
Okay, so the Ro-beast is dead now right? Like it’s dead, dead?
Someone tell me its gone forever now
Coran fist-bumped Hunk, my life is complete
“Princess, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Is it about Keith??? About the Galra in general???
I liked the whole “remember when” stuff, it was cute
Uh, you guys obviously don’t understand how this stuff works; of course the universe will still need Voltron after Zarkon is gone
He’s spent 10,000 years building an empire.
Once he’s gone there’s still gonna be shit to do
Y’all ain’t goin’ anywhere
The plan is in motion yeahhhhh
I feel like Zarkon has taken on kind of a Macbeth type feel (though it has been almost three years since I’ve read Macbeth so I could be wrong)
He’s so obsessed with getting the Black Lion that he ignores the obvious trap
He probably thinks that once he gets the lion nothing else matters
Keith and Allura moment
i woulda rather seen a nice handshake, or an open-armed hug
but that’s, again, just me
it was a nice moment of Allura admitted that she was wrong to judge, so I did appreciate that
I really wish Thace could have like joined the group, and, you know, survived, but whatever
I also wish he had ended up being Keith’s father, but, you know, whatever
He was cool
When are we gonna learn more about the druids?? 
Are they all Galra soldier who were born using magic?
Or does Haggar hand-pick soldiers that she wants as druids, and gives them her magic??
Or are all Galra capable of some kind of magic?
I really just wanna know
I love magic like Pidge loves sciene
I am such a sucker for all of the backgrounds in this season
The space colors and the interior design of Galra ships???
Sign me up
Whenever someone says “it’s the only way” I always wonder if it really is the only way
I mean, is it really though?
Really really?
This is the second time someone has said that their life is most expendable than the life of a paladin of Voltron
I think it’d be interesting to have this line start haunting one of the paladins, maybe like Hunk or Lance, because I feel that they’re the most empathetic of the group
Maybe lead to future angst about being a paladin
How did Haggar not die from the explosion? She was RIGHT THERE
Or at least, make her injured
She seemed A-OK
Maybe she was able to teleport away in time
What powers that little platform that Zarkon is suspended on?
If the ship is off, shouldn’t that just... float away or something?
How did the wormhole blow up all of the smaller ships?
Man it sure is a good thing that the entirety of Zarkon’s ship castle thing has absolutely no prisoners on it all
Otherwise they’d most certainly be dead!
I’m so glad we know for sure that there were ZERO PRISONERS
Honestly, where the fuck do they keep the prisoners????
So... someone remind me how they didn’t die from the quintessence being sucked out of them?
“If it destroys planets... what did it do to the paladins?” Nothing what so ever
Okay so Voltron is now immobile, but the paladins are somehow fine
Am I still watching Voltron or is this Neon Genesis Evangelion now?
Let’s never talk about how I thought for 5 solid minutes that Allura died
I literally started sobbing until I saw her on screen again
That was the worst thing ever
Okay now we’ll never talk about it again
Okay, so Shiro somehow ghosted through Zarkon and grabbed the bayard??? Interesting
So Haggar is Altean???? Gotta admit I didn’t see that coming
But now imagine the possibilities and theories
Why is she working with Zarkon?
How does she have magic?
Do many Alteans have magic?
Also, now we know Allura can use magic
Can she generate it, or just use what’s been transferred to her?
Again, how many Alteans have magic?
Is it something very rare?
Allura didn’t seem to know much about it or how it would affect her
Okay soo.... did Shiro like, ghost out of the lion???
Is he stuck in that astral realm???
Where the fuck did he go???
I’m not ready for Prince Lotor
I think Hunk and Lance, and to a point, Coran, were severely underdeveloped
I mean, Hunk had fantastic development last season, and had moments to showcase his smartness, but I feel like he was just the foodie and the guy who’s always sleeping this season
And again, I did want to see more about Lance’s insecurities, and his relationships with the other paladins, but if the next season focuses more on that, I’m fine with waiting
I feel like, all jokes and funniness aside, there’s a lot to Coran that we have not been able to see yet
The whole Keith is Galra thing would have been a perfect way to learn more about Coran based on how he reacted to it, but we only see how Allura reacts to it.
GALRA KEITH IS AWESOME but seriously??? Where is the scene that he tells everyone? Where are their reactions? You can’t seriously expect me to believe that the only person who feels bitter is Allura?
What about Pidge? Her family has been kidnapped by the Galra? You can’t tell me that she was weirded out by Keith for at least an hour or so??
Hunk and Lance, again, as I think they are the most empathetic, probably would get over the shock fairly quickly
Same for Shiro, because even though he was tortured by the Galra, he knows Keith (how he knows Keith we still don’t know) and probably was able to overlook it more easily
Coran should have acted the same way Allura did, or he should have talked to her. I’ve said this a million times, and I’ll keep saying it.
This season was overall very good for Keith’s development (which I loved, I love him) and it brought up new questions and a shocking cliffhanger
I just feel that there were some things that could have been dealt with better.
And I’m probably still missing some thoughts, but whatever.
Something to keep in mind, as it has been pointed out to me, that this season was most likely written and made well before the hype for Season 1 was in existence, so it’s more likely that Season 3 is going to be even more of what we want, now that they have an idea of the fanbase.
So uh, those are my thoughts, feel free to talk to me about your thoughts!!
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dani-fandom · 7 years
My in-time thoughts on VLD Season 4
*cracks knuckles* Alright kids buckle up, because this is about to be an entire dissertation on season 4.
So I’ve watched the season twice now, and though I originally really disliked it, I’ve softened up and wrote down all my thoughts as I was watching it the second time around, plus some general overall thoughts at the end.
It’s gonna be under a read more because trust me. It needs to be.
Episode 1: Code of Honor
My least favorite freaking episode
This episode makes me want to die
Kolivan to smaller blade: Do not engage
Me: okay so that’s Keith then
So, like, how much of their mission depended on that guard being asleep at the station
Because he would have noticed the hack if he was awake
Okay, but like, Keith’s right, you asshole
He had the intel
It’s too bad we never see Regris’ face but oh well
This is 100% a fake Shiro, he would never be so short to Keith
But, Keith does need to get his head out of his ass and work with Voltron
Keith: this is your dream, Shiro, not mine
Man I hate clone Shiro
I am 100% sure that he’s a clone
Even if he flies the Black lion
She’s a flip
It’s actually really cool how they’re putting on shows for the people
It should be taken seriously
“It won’t take long” then why did you just reach the Galra cruiser as the show started
*sings softly* I will go down with this ship (Regris’ theme song)
Keith shut the fuck up, you need a lecture
Do not interrupt Allura you bitch
I get it, Lotor is important, but you have a job
“The Mamora can go on without you, they have for thousands of years. Voltron cannot.”
I’m very salty about Kuron being able to fly the Black Lion
You are a fake ass bitch, Black Lion
jk, I love you
but seriously
“I knew this would happen eventually” okay but like, Kuron, you let Keith go on these missions
Like, it’s mostly your fault
My sister watching the Galra attack: I hope Keith learns his lesson
Me, internally: no he just continues to do whatever the hell he wants
My sister: This fake Shiro is better than Keith at this point
Me: oh worm?
“You keep saying you’re sorry but your actions speak otherwise” yes Allura drag him
The group shot is cute
But fuck it
Voltron fandom: hey can you like not hyperfocus on Keith and his plot in every single season
Voltron writers: ok lol *immediately boot Keith from the team and we never see him again until the end of the season*
Voltron fandom: confused.gif
Episode 2: Reunion
Matt and Pidge are the best siblings ever
He brought her CAKE
I love Matt
I love Matt
I live for Pidge beating that Uniloo trader
Such a badass
She just swoops in and takes out those Galra fighters in front of the freedom fighters
She’s so cool
Man those rebel ships really aren’t designed for maneuverability are they
I wish Tiosh didn’t die
She seemed cool
“You look so much like him, it’s the eyes.” And the entire rest of the face like they are basically carbon copies
Freaking family of nerds
The lighting is so soft in the flashbacks I love them
“The most powerful processor is right here and it can never be hacked” uhhh are you sure about that
Me: this episode is titled “Reunion” and we see them together, and I saw the leaked stuff
I know we know that Matt isn’t dead but damn if I wasn’t about to bawl with Pidge
That whole scene? I was wrecked
I don’t want my daughter to cry
Looking at it now, assuming the markers are all rebel fighters, it might be safe to assume that the ones with the lights on are still alive, which is why some of them were on and some were not
I live, breathe, and die for the sibling fight
They never explain what the bounty is for
Like, damn, Matt what did you do to have a bounty on your head???
What kinda technology does the Garrison have that they can fix eyes???
The whole ending scene is adorable
Episode 3: Black Site
At first I didn’t like Matt’s reaction to Allura but tbh same
He is a walking shitpost/meme and I love him
I live for the slow pan to Shiro’s face
The sibling tour is the coolest thing ever
Also, like, is Haggar never going to bring up the whole, “hey so we were married and you threw me into a rift to save me” thing to Zarkon?
Like, never?
Didn’t she, like, bring him back to life?
“Hey, this is pretty goo…d.” I love him
I live for Matt being a proud, supportive older brother
I feel so bad for Narti
She deserved better
Also, Kova is never talked about
The entire Kaltenecker scene is sent from God himself
Lotor is talking out of his ass so obviously
It is so cringe-y
I hate Haggar
Why did she have to hack into Narti???
Im so upset about this
“What are we, animals?” I LOVE MATT
Also he was complimenting Hunk
Thank you
Everything about the Kaltenecker scene is executed perfectly
Ezor is so beautiful
Like I cannot stop staring at her when she is on screen
I have no idea what Hunk, Matt, and Pidge are saying, but I love them
Nerd squad!!!
“We have to help” Allura if only you knew
If only you knew
I literally screamed when he killed Narti
Like, oh my god
Narti didn’t do anything wrong
Zethrid and Ezor are so sad, I am so sad
I am so upset
Episode 4: The Voltron Show
Why does this episode exist
It did nothing for the plot
We already knew that they were doing the shows, we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to them
Also we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to humiliating the characters
I mean, seriously, Humorous Hunk who is clumsy and farts a lot?
We didn’t even get development surrounding Coran (besides seeing his awesome room)
His framed picture of Alfor??? I love it
It was just him with a weird brain bug
I almost screamed watching it crawl into his ear
I still have goosebumps
It was basically just a waste of 24 minutes
They could have done so much more with it
This could have even been episode 1, which would lead more into Keith leaving because he wouldn’t want to do the shows
Episode 5: Begin the Blitz
Ezor I love you
Also I just noticed how her head tail thing is wrapped up in her helmet
Yeah, Acxa. Narti trusted Lotor and she got shanked
Okay, so we see that he and Zethrid are on the other ship, but then when the ship goes through???
What happens?
They say it fails, but shouldn’t they both be dead?
Shouldn’t they have been torn to shreds like the other rift? Or did they just go straight through, and not make it to the other reality?
Rolo and Nyma and Beezer!!
Im kinda glad they’re back tbh
Also the Galra he body slams kinda looks like the “Operation Kuron” Galra, but I’m not 100% sure
Okay literally we never see any female Galra generals until this season and we see three with like ten minutes of each other
Im not complaining, but like, wow
“Roger, Ribbit” is…is that a Roger Rabbit pun
Well, bye then, roger ribbit
Nice knowin ya
I love those three Galra we see on the surface
The one that just hops away is my favorite
I mean, I know they’re probably dead but still
Why doesn’t Voltron always use Hunk’s laser cannon???
It works, it takes out multiple ships at once
But they like never use it
“For Narti” get him, Acxa
I love my plotting alien ladies
I wish they would join up with Voltron
But no, instead we get Lotor at the end coming to them
Also, why would they put their captive in the ship with the major destructive lazer?
Like, this is Lotor we’re talking about
Why would you do that
Episode 6: A New Defender
I hate the description of this episode because I was so sure that they were going to have Keith save the day and I am so tired of him being The Most Important
I’m screaming over Lotor deciding to take a nap in deep space
Like man did you really not know those beacons existed?
The visuals of the star are stunning, honestly
Moral of this episode: when Lance says you should go, you go
They wouldn’t have been stuck if they had just jumped into action
But no, they had to stay and look
“Maybe we can get through this energy field” really, Kuron? Maybe? That’s real reassuring
I’m just not going to talk about how those lasers should have hit them as they jumped
They totally should have gotten hit
Are Galra sentries just the Voltron stormtroopers?
I straight up thought Allura was gonna die
I almost screamed
Also did she just never bring up that she discovered Haggar was Altean in the end of Season 2?
Like, really?
Lance’s speech makes me want to cry
I love him
I love him
He’s so supportive
He’s the one keeping them all together, I can’t get over it
I’m so happy that Allura is the one who saves them, but also that Lance is the one who gave her the pep talk
I feel so bad for Coran, I can’t imagine how helpless he must feel being told to just get away
I hate Keith’s self-sacrificial personality
I hate it
Hate it
“I HATE YOU MOM” Lotor, probably
I hate this end
I hate it
I don’t want another Zuko
I mean, I know he’s totally doing this for himself
But still
I hate it
I don’t want him to be Zuko
OVERALL GENERAL THOUGHTS: This season was okay. It wasn’t my favorite (they go in this order: 1,3,4,2) but I didn’t dislike it as much as I did season 2. I will say that if you remember that Season 3 and 4 were originally supposed to be one combined season, it makes zero sense. Perhaps they omitted an episode in the middle to make it seem like two separate seasons, but still. Suddenly Keith is the Black paladin, and then just as suddenly he’s leaving Voltron? They introduce Lotor and then have him separate from his generals and go to Voltron in the same season? Like, if you look at 3 and 4 as standalones, they operate better than they would have together. If it had been one big season, that would have been horrible writing and pacing. It’s better apart, but still.
But anyway, this season was aight. I loved “Reunion” and “Black Site” more than life itself, but I feel like episodes 1 and 4 could have been handled differently. If they really wanted to do the shows it should have been in episode one, where it is already mentioned that they do the air shows. This would further drive Keith from the team, because we all know he would probably rather die than do those scripted acts. But this way we’d kill two birds with one episode, and I wouldn’t have to spend 24 minutes cringing over the secondhand embarrassment in episode 4.
What they could have done with episode 4 instead if they had smushed 1 and 4 together:
Backstories for Lotor and the girls, or even just how they all met each other. We get a very vague sense of loyalty between them in season 3, but as soon as he guts Narti that all flies out the window with little explanation
Why was their bond so strong that the death of Narti would cause even Acxa (whose defining characteristic is that she’s the most loyal to Lotor) to turn against him?
What did they mean when they said that his plan failed “again?” What other plans have failed before?
Why was Lotor exiled?
Exploration of the whole Zarkon + Haggar = Lotor thing
Seriously, the timeline is all screwed up
It makes no sense for them to have had Lotor pre Zombie-fication, plus, Coran definitely would have mentioned that, and/or Allura would have known him prior with how close their parents were
And he refers to his mother as “Honnerva” like who told him that that was her name? Haggar didn’t even know that was her name until the end of last season so who was telling him that?
It’s obvious that Zarkon didn’t remember that Haggar is Honnerva, and for some reason she didn’t tell him when he woke up/when she brought him back to life again
Side note: I bet the reason he’s covered in armor now is that he actually looks like a wreck, like skin sliding off and all that gross shit
Everyone wants to talk about how horrible his childhood must have been and yadda yadda, but why not show us? For all we know, he could have been pampered to no end, or he could have that heartbreaking backstory that everyone wants him to have
Deeper look at the Operation Kuron
Also, fake Shiro never mentions his headaches in this season
But, like I was 1000% convinced that Shiro was with Matt and the rebels, so where is he actually?
Did the Black Lion send him back to Earth?
Closer look at the rebels/freedom fighters
Besides episode 2 we don’t really get a good look at them
Olia is never really introduced, she’s just suddenly there in the Voltron meetings
I didn’t even know that was her name until after I had watched the season twice
It’s hard to feel for characters that get killed when we don’t have a face to associate with them
Star Wars does this very well, in my opinion, making you care about characters/pilots right before they meet their untimely but ultimately predictable death
In regards to the last two episodes, I really really really hate that Lotor is now going to be seen as a “Prince Zuko” type character. You can tell by his voice and expressions in the end that he is in this totally for himself, but we know he is not above groveling and humbling himself to get what he wants. I would love to say that the Voltron Coalition is smarter than that to let Lotor join them, but I do not have that much faith. I already know that Keith is gonna be the first to be like “but he saved us! #NotAllGalra!” or whatever. Idc about that, what I do care about is the fact that he is a lying son of a bitch and I will not feel bad for him until I have a reason to, and we do not have a reason yet.
I feel like it would have made more sense for the girls to be the ones to intercept and save the day. They said they had one more option, but we never see it. I thought it was obvious that they were going to try to appease Voltron but??? I guess not?? Not knowing where they are going is less of a cliffhanger than if it was Lotor who disappeared into deep space, searching for another rift or something. It would have made more sense for Lotor to completely switch places with the girls from episode 5 to 6. Let them get chased by the Galra and have them stumble across the transmissions, realize that that is their chance to help and get on Voltron’s good side, and succeed. Let Lotor be like “I have one more option” and don’t tell us. That is a better cliffhanger (in my opinion) than having Lotor being all snarky in front of Voltron and the girls off who-knows-where.
As far as character development, to quickly sum, Lance went backwards/stayed where he was (I mean we see him care about Keith leaving in ep 1 but that’s it and he’s a flirt again until the very last episode), Pidge went forwards (I guess technically), Hunk went forwards a bit (wasn’t reduced to a food joke, and was actually badass and praised for his smarts more than once), Keith just seems to be regressing, Allura got development in the end I guess, and I don’t care about Kuron so we’re just gonna ignore him for now.
I didn’t really care about ship interaction one way or another, so I won’t comment on that stuff.
I just want to put this out there, I love all of the characters. I love Keith to bits and I just want him to be happy and feel loved. I really hated how they took him away from the team. I hated it! It just feeds into his idea of not being needed and I hate it! (Do I think he left even partly because of what Lance said last season, not really tbh) Like Kuron said himself he was fine with just helping in other ways. I don’t understand why that couldn’t have been the end of it (for a bit at least) and let the other paladins tell Keith how much they want him to stay and work it out with them. I don’t get it.
TLDR; This season was okay. I’m in the middle with it, I just wish episode 4 either hadn’t existed or was made into something else. And I don’t want Lotor to be another Prince Zuko.
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