fefuckability · 1 month
Qualifier 7: Shadows of Valentia
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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blessed-zofia · 2 years
Liprica concept artwork is so beautiful 😍 (sorry for the blurry quality)!
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lorebirdart · 11 months
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Did a poll on Twitter to choose a new intricate lineart FE girl project and Celica ended up winning. I couldn't decide if I wanted to draw the princess class or the rigain so I'm going with a mashup of the best parts of both! Liprica's circlet, wooshy cape and skirt, warrior-like armor, some kind of clothing under her greaves, chestplate more reminiscent of her standard design... I think it's gonna turn out well?
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thatratgo · 1 year
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I liked the first hottest mom poll so why not continue it. I will make more parts :D and the eventual winners of each poll will fight for the title of true hottest fire emblem mom >:D
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seasaltmemories · 6 months
6, 8, 13, 17 for FE :D
which ship fans are the most annoying?
ooh there are a lot of different ones I could put on blast, but most of my complaints boil down to the same point, ones that are just obsessed with stats like how many fic for the ship are on Ao3, it is a really cold and calculating way to look at fandom and often tends to not actually help or support the writers are artists who actually make the fanworks they want
Also like as someone who got used to fandoms where there might not been any fic period, seeing someone from a large fandom complain about only having 100 works or not evening breaking 500 just makes me want to complain about kids these days so badly
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Slow burn and similarly mutual pining is far from the end all be all of romance tropes and more often than not they are artificially lengthened for drama
Like there are plenty of problems that can emerge even after a couple gets together and to me that is the like interesting stuff, actually seeing characters have to grapple with the question of how to love someone not just if they do.
I have grown to appreciate it a bit more since one of my fic has started to slow down a lot more, but like it is best utilized if the characters have a long history where seeing that level of detail is necessary or if there are a bunch of hurdles that would necessitate it taking a long time to actually hook up
worst blorboficiation
Listen I still do not forgive the Three Houses fans who started making AUs where all the popular pretty boys instead got the two crest experimentation done on them when Edelgard and Lysithea were both right there, like you had options, you could hate one and still have someone you could do all the medical horror experimentation whump with
Like I try not to get into stolen valor debates about fandom bc it can be pretty vague and ineffective but like these were characters with plenty of tragic backstories you could lean on, why do they need to have all the tragic backstories available, it just seemed like the worst example of favoring your special little guy over characters that actually have the traits you desire
there should be more of this type of fic/art
I consistently in exchanges ask for Lima/Liprica stuff bc like to have that skeleton in the back of your standard FE heroine's closet made my jaw drop. In general Zofia is a lot more interesting than ppl give it credit for, bc for the "good peace loving nation" it is like probably far more corrupt than Rigel. For Lima to get away with just kidnapping a priestess of Mila says a lot about the social environment and I think fic that really dived into the messy elements of such a ecosystem could be fascinating
Also I think ideal Micaiah fanart either has her looking like a Catholic saint, all otherworldly and holy, or looking like she hasn't slept in a week and is about to snap. Like I do think she is supposed to catch you by surprise with her cute anime girl exterior but I'd like to see more of that in-game charisma and mess show up
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Medium: Interactive (video game)
Console: Nintendo 3DS
Publishing Company: Nintendo
Developers: Intelligent Systems
Characters: Alm, Celica, Gray, Tobin, Faye, Kliff, Lukas, Silque, Clive, Clair, Mathilda, Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Delthea, Tatiana, Zeke, Boey, Mae, Genny, Saber, Jesse, Valbar, Kamui, Leon, Atlas, Est, Palla, Catria, Sonya, Deen, Nomah, Mycen, Conrad, Jedah, Emperor Rudolf, Berkut, Mila, Duma, Fernand, Irma, Halcyon, Massena, Rinea, Slayde, Desaix, Grieth, Nuibaba, Tatarrah, Dolth, Jerome, Marla, Hestia, Brigand Boss, Barth, Garth, Zakson, Lawson, Gazelle, Wolff, Blake, Mikhail, Garcia, Jamil, Xaizor, Magnus, Mueller, Gharn, Hades, Cerberus, Naberius, Aurum, Argentum, Jarth, Liprica, Lima IV, Forneus, Emma, Randal, Yuzu, Shade, Marth, Ike, Lucina, Robin, Corrin (Male), Corrin (Female)
Themes: Independence, Duality, gods and men, Bonds and Relationships, Fate vs Freewill
Plot: As the goddess Mila and god Duma get older, they creep closer to an inevitable madness, which threatens to destroy the land of Valentia which they created. The Duma faithful take this opportunity to attempt to seize power, while the Rigelian Army threatens to invade Zophia. Alm sets off on a quest to stop the Regelian Empire from invading while Celica journeys to put an end to the Duma faithful’s reign of terror. But the further the two go on their adventures, the more hopeless the situation becomes, as they slowly realize that they will have to either destroy the gods or each other.
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Character: Hilda/Faldhelm (females)
Platform: PS Vita
Series: Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Awakening
Character: Maribelle/Ange (females)
Platform: PS Vita
Series: Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Awakening
Character: Lucina/Byleth (females)
Platform: PS Vita
Series: Fire Emblem Awakening
Published: December 19th, 2014
Fire Emblem Awakening is a Fire Emblem game developed by Intelligent Systems, and is the successor to the 2005 game Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for the Wii, released on November 28th, 2010. Fire Emblem Awakening was released for the PlayStation Vita on December 20th, 2014, and is the second Fire Emblem title to be released for the PlayStation Vita.
Floornight (カボチャな風見絵, kabocha na torikoi eigo, literally 'Kabocha is Watching' in reference to a kabocha flower – commonly referred to as'mimosa') is an animated series based on the video game Fire Emblem: Awakening. The series, produced by Dengeki Gao and first announced in 2013, is animated in 3D and has a limited run of six episodes.
Floornight has the highest production values and artistic direction of any video game-themed anime yet. According to the character designer, Kojima, each animator had the ability to work on all the scenes. Floornight received a wide release across the country in 2013. It also won the prestigious Japan Media Arts Festival (JAF) Grand Prize for Animation.
During the course of production on Floornight's first season, the studio revealed it would be receiving $5 million to continue production of the series in a sequel. As of the second season, the studio had spent a total of $6.9 million and, with three more episodes to go, is over halfway to this goal.
Interesting! I'd been vaguely aware that there was something like this planned, but had no idea what it was called.
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childofaura · 11 months
Gonna confess but one of my very reason for liking Celica is asides from her design, personality (both in character and narrative-wise) and super awesome voice (I absolutely adore Erica Lindbeck’s voice for Celica and fuck that dumbass on Twitter for accusing her of starting a so-called harassment campaign when she just wanted to set boundaries on her job), is the fact how she and her friends manages to recruit a lot of good-looking hunks (From Saber, Atlas, Kamui, Jesse, Valbar and potentially Deen) and even one canonically gay man in Leon in her own story route.
Celica is such a sweetheart, I think what also makes her stand out to me over most of the other princesses I’ve seen in FEH is her heartbreaking origins. Her mother Liprica (which SERIOUSLY IS, I’D SPEND MONEY IF YOU MADE LIPRICA A PLAYABLE UNIT! CONSIDER IT PLEASE!) was abducted from the Temple of Mila (which side note, part of the reason I dislike Mila is WHY did she just let it happen and not go after Liprica?! She literally sits around and doesn’t do shit like when the temple was invaded until directly confronted by Rudolf wielding Falchion), and she was forced to be part of Lima’s harem. And Lima didn’t really give a shit about any of his children, he just sent them all away to live in villas until they were slaughtered. So Celica gets uprooted TWICE in her life before finally settling as a priestess. It’s such a good position for her to be in due to her nature. Though I will say… One thing I don’t like about her was how angry she got at Alm going to war against Rigel, it makes her hypocritical. Celica, honey, sweetheart, you are LITERALLY leading a small army to Rigel yourself at some point. And Alm is just trying to protect Zofia.
And YES the men she recruits in her route are incredibly handsome (though Jesse, much as I love him and his character, has a pretty generic “handsome” design lol). And personally I feel like out of the LGBT rep in the series, Leon has to be the best for me due to his story and knowing that even if Valbar will never love him back, he’ll do everything in his power to assist Valbar with his mission just to return the kindness Valbar showed him. It’s very sweet and I think what makes Leon the best is the fact that he’s not linked as a support for a playable unit (like Niles or Yuri) so his feelings for Valbar are a genuine part of his character.
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crabknee · 4 months
grieth defeated! yaaaaaaay (also ass 'jay dni' to these asks as well so they arent spoiled)
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rescued a lady and it turns out celica is the daugher of one lady liprica! funky. she was a lady in the service until king lima (celica's dad, im assuming) came along and snatched her up into his... 'seraglio'. hold on lemme check something
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...ah. hm.
liprica passed away shortly after celica was born. shame
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pretty art......
sadness aside celica is informed that liprica left behind a circlet proving her royal standing for her!!! hooray!!!
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naturally, this invokes questions we do not get the answers to. sad! we're heading to the temple to find it now
atlas and hyas also found their family! good for them :]
more importantly THE ARCHETYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i like them a lot :]
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so true celica
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oh hey sonya. thanks for not trying to kill us after we beat deen
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oh hey sick! welcome to the gang
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so she DOES know him... hmm...
he wants to help celica, but to reveal his identity and motives would just put her in more danger... curious
WELL we can worry about that later! let's head over to alm and see what he's up t-
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yay backstory!
actually fun fact, if you had killed sonya instead of deen then you would have recruited deen here
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meridachii · 2 years
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Alm and Celica’s family
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dornishsphinx · 2 years
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The Honourable Lady Iphigenia—formerly and proudly of the Divine Treescape, Rigel, but currently and unfortunately of a villa stuffed with every girl that the Zofian king has ever taken a fancy to—hears a rumour that he’s sunk to a new low and snatched away one of his own Mother Goddess’ priestesses, locking her away in the north wing until she capitulates to becoming yet another of his concubines.
Having little better to do with her day other than take tea with women she despises or sew, she investigates.
Happy @nagamas​! This is my other piece, where Conrad’s mother meets Liprica for the first time. 
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godly-feh-edits · 4 years
can i pwease get manakete forrest.... ty in advance !!
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(Mod Toto) Of course!! uwu
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fefuckability · 1 month
The Shadows of Valentia (+ Cipher DLC characters) bracket qualifier! Starts Thursday, May 2nd at 3pm EST
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be eight qualifying polls (five for the men, three for the women)
Pick your most bangable favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I'd prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn't offer the option yet)
The top 32 male characters and the top 16 female characters will qualify for the men's and women's bracket
Qualifier 1 (Alm, Gray, Tobin, Massena, Clive, Lima IV, Grieth)
Qualifier 2 (Luthier, Python, Zeke, Desaix, Forsyth, Mycen, Blake)
Qualifier 3 (Boey, Saber, Slayde, Valbar, Leon, Kamui, Conrad)
Qualifier 4 (Wolff, Atlas, Jesse, Deen, Halcyon, Nomah, Rudolf)
Qualifier 5 (Berkut, Gazelle, Jedah, Fernand, Randal, Lukas, Duma)
Qualifier 6 (Faye, Silque, Clair, Mathilda, Irma, Tatiana)
Qualifier 7 (Liprica, Celica, Mae, Palla, Catria, Nuibaba)
Qualifier 8 (Sonya, Rinea, Mila, Yuzu, Shade)
I am also adding a Google Form to submit characters for an enby bracket so Limstella, Kyza, Mark, and Bramimond don't get left out. These can be characters from any game as long as there is canon basis for them being nonbinary.
Extra notes under the cut
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used
Palette swaps or characters who are mostly the same portrait with only slight variation to hair, outfit, etc. (I consider Hestia and Marla to fall under this category)
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Characters who do not have a unique human form (e.g. Grima is technically part of this game, but only appears in dragon form)
Special Notes:
There are some characters who, for spoiler purposes, technically have two different names and/or portraits. For simplicity sake I just picked one portrait/name to use for them.
I know the cipher characters are technically original to Cipher, but they're functionally SoV units in this game. And I don't really know where else I'd put them.
I am not using the unofficial datamined ages. I just think it's going to lead to way too much splitting hairs.
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blessed-zofia · 2 years
We know next to nothing about Liprica, and I would still die for her 😭!!!
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strea-ultimea · 3 years
Top 10 Fire Emblem Mothers: INPO
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10. Elena - Path of Radiance
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9. Edain - Genealogy of the Holy War
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8. Eleanora - The Blazing Blade
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7. Mikoto - Fates
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6. Liprica - Gaiden/Echoes
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5. Cordelia - Awakening
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4. Ismaire - Sacred Stones
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3. Eyvel - Thracia 776
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2. Igrene - Binding Blade
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1. Sitri Eisner - Three Houses
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fe-aesthetics · 4 years
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Lady Liprica's beauty caught his eye, and she was stolen away in the night.
Liprica, Beautiful Cleric
*requested by @liprica*
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hidari-works · 4 years
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Concept art for various important characters from the FE SoV Memorial Book: Valentia Accordion
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