#Liam gallagher interview
lonely-soul-02 · 4 months
Liam Gallagher: “We put an offer on the table for Oasis and Noel said no.” Speaking exclusively in MOJO magazine, Liam says Noel Gallagher turned down an offer to reform Oasis for this year’s Definitely Maybe anniversary. Liam Gallagher By MOJO Staff | Published22 Minutes Ago February 16th 2024
Speaking in the new issue of MOJO magazine, Liam Gallagher has revealed that Noel Gallagher turned down an offer to reform Oasis for the forthcoming 30th anniversary of Definitely Maybe.
“Noel? He ain’t fucking doing it,” Liam tells MOJO’s Ted Kessler in this month’s MOJO cover feature.
In June, Liam Gallagher embarks on a UK arena tour to mark the anniversary of Oasis’ debut album. Noel Gallagher recently suggested on Talksport Radio that all Liam had to do was call him up to see about healing the rift that’s existed since Oasis split in 2009, but Liam claims an offer to reform was rejected by his older brother.
“I did call him! Well, my people called Noel’s management team,” reports Liam. “We put an offer on the table for an Oasis thing – because we got offered it – and he said no. It was a big tour, a lot of money. He turned it down. I get it, he’s got a divorce going down. I’ll do the Definitely Maybe thing and have a nice time without him.”
2025 will see the anniversary of Oasis’ second album Morning Glory? So perhaps Liam is holding out for a future rapprochement?
“It’s down to the universe. It’ll happen when it happens, it’s not in our hands anymore,” says Liam. “Me, I love nostalgia though. I’m doing the lot. Every album, even… what was the last one?”
Dig Out Your Soul?
“Fucking right, man! You never enjoy them the first time round, so I’ll be milking the lot. People say it’s the comfort zone – I want to be in the comfort zone! Bring me my slippers and my little blankie and put me in the comfort zone, please. Life’s stressful enough.”
Oasis: Every B-Side Ranked!
Elsewhere in MOJO’s exclusive interview with Liam and former Stone Roses guitarist John Squire, the pair discuss the origins of their new collaborative album, how The Stones Roses inspired Oasis, the injury that almost meant Squire never played guitar again and why Squire’s former outfit never recorded a third album.
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oasisoclock · 5 months
i know this video is 5 years old but I'm forever obsessed with the flying part and the farting part like what was that⁉️🔥
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bredforloyalty · 7 days
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peculiar creature
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headshrnker · 2 months
*staring at each other, slowly falling in love*
-I’ve got to do some work here
-Right. I’m waiting
-Alright, okay
Oh I know he got nervous… 🤭
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loiutrdxfyuio · 3 months
so there are a few things that make me think liam is a SA survivor:
this quote about his mother's male 'friend' harming him in some unspecified way:
2. this interview, where a dead-eyed and mirthless liam is talking about being a 15-year-old hooker:
3. somewhat unusual/inappropriate behavior often seen in people whose boundaries have been violated that liam also sometimes exhibits, e.g. 1996 mtv awards:
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4. this VERY weird and disturbing thomas quote about liam 'kissing him':
5. bigun sending a teenage liam to a 'car wash client's house' with a letter suggesting something sexual involving liam and said client 'as a joke' (source: tony's book)
i can't help but think 'wtf is wrong with all these men surrounding him?!'... i also think it was very easy for noel to take advantage of what liam has said was his greatest fear as a youngster ('his mom and brothers being unhappy').
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starshapedoasis · 1 month
Interviewer: Who do you admire most?
Noel: Me mam, 'cause she brought me up. Me younger brother, 'cause he's as daft as a brush and makes me laugh. Paul Weller, 'cause he's still got his integrity after all these years.
- Noel Gallagher for Melody Maker December 1998
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wonderlandsakura · 1 year
Modern! Actor! Star Wars AU
In an Interview:
Luke: oh no, actually most of my scenes with R2-D2 are unscripted!
*off camera shocked laugh* w-what?
Luke: you see, at first they didn't really know what kind of personality they wanted to give him-
*off camera snorts*
Luke: Really!
Luke: Anyway so they just kind of put me on set with the, puppet, well not really, it was just kind of a painted trash bin that they could rotate the head of,
Luke: And I was supposed to act as if I was talking to it, so I, so I kind of just pretended i was talking to my cat
*off screen* you have a cat
Luke: Yeah, yeah I do, he's this, not senile, but very mean and crotchety, old, and i mean really old, half-dead cat I inherited from my mother
*more off screen laughs*
Luke: Yeah! I honestly don't know how he's still alive
*muffled, off screen* spite?
Luke: Ohhhh yeah, definitely spite
Luke: I'm pretty sure he's been run over a few times
*shocked gasps and a choked wheeze*
Luke: He's a bitch
*choked laughter*
Luke: I still love him though, I do
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telephone-junkie · 16 days
“d’you fancy one?”
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How's your relationship with Noel?
The best it's ever been. Stronger. We're fuckin' listening to each other and we've got time for each other. Which we've never had. We couldn't sit in the same room five years ago, let alone try to produce an album. He used to say to the press that I didn't give a fuck about Oasis because of me drinking, so I thought, "Fuck it, I'll prove to you that I'm 190 per cent into this band and this album and if it means stopping drinking, so be it." I've done it and he thought I couldn't 'cos he was going, "Have you had a drink?" "Not for a couple of months." "Yeah right - you'll be back on the bottle." "No, not me, mate." So I'm not drinking and, in a way, he's going "Bastard!"
And I've got a song on the album - that's a change. It's called Little James. For our James. It's really naive. But it's beautiful. It's big- I played it to Noel and he went, "Fuckin' top, I'd buy it." I wanted to play it acoustic, but he went and got the band around it and it's a big fuckin' tune now.
That was a breakthrough for you, getting a song accepted by Noel.
I was pleased that he'd fuckin' listen to it and I'm pleased that it turned him on. That's good for me, that gives me confidence. But I've got a lot to learn. There's no point in going up to Noel and going, I've got this little bit of a melody and... Well, I used to do that and he'd say, 'Look, come back when you've finished the song, then I'll give it the time of day.' He insisted I do it on me own. And that's the way it should be. So when something amazing hits me again, I'll quietly creep up on him maybe he'll...
Have you always itched to prove yourself as a songwriter?
You always want to fuckin' better yourself. I always wanted to learn how to play a guitar for my own peace of mind, just so I could get out all that shit in there (points to his head), that frustration. Write words down and get what's in there out here. But I couldn't do it. Now I want to keep writing.
Interview with Liam in Q Magazine (December 1999)
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lonely-soul-02 · 4 months
Liam Gallagher interview NME August 22nd 2009 - extracts
One of the last interviews Liam gave before Oasis split. Not an easy read.
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Thanks to original source provider:
I had this issue of NME. Reading the article again for the first time since that year stirred unexpectedly vivid emotions. I recall a sad, almost lonesome feeling that I didn't quite understand at the time. I didn't want Noel to go solo, but I also didn't want him staying where he was so obviously unhappy. Many fans felt the same way. We sensed the end was in sight, but we couldn't have guessed quite how soon. Weeks after this interview, they split.
Today, I can see the bravado Liam was using to mask the pain, but I couldn’t then. Not many could, as we now know. His volatile attitude towards Noel here is representative of how he came across that year, especially on stage, and also explains the growing sympathy for Noel at the time. The way Noel left the band was not ok and I still remember the bewilderment. But why that way? What happened? Fifteen years later, we still don't know the full truth of what happened that night. We probably never will.
Mostly, I’m struck by how plainly in the final paragraphs I can see Liam agonising over the idea of letting Noel go. But I couldn’t see it then. Now I can empathise. Looking back, I can see that as a fan I was subconsciously struggling with the idea of letting Oasis go. You felt the end coming but you didn't want to face it.
For new fans and followers who don't know about Noel's tour diary and the 'man period' comment, some context:
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recmroom · 9 months
Q: What would Liam Gallagher like to see as the next James Bond? (option c: Cillian Murphy)
[LG] Actually, that's who I want. I think he'd be mega. He's got a beautiful face and he's good looking.
[Becky] He's a great actor as well.
[Credit] LADbible
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bredforloyalty · 27 days
with everything i know about liam gallagher honestly to be entire honestt i can hardly wrap my head around how he came up with guess god thinks i'm abel.. should i @ him and ask
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headshrnker · 1 month
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loiutrdxfyuio · 2 months
i tried to investigate the strange comment made by thomas g (about liam ‘not kissing him’):
looks like it’s from late august 1996:
meaning, it’s from after the loch lomond gig in early august (with all them papers littered with photos of liam and noel kissing). is that what thomas is referring to? but… he met them way before that. his post-dublin-gig encounter with liam and noel took place in MARCH 1996.
so, explanation no 1: when thomas met liam in march 1996, he didn’t say anything about kissing to him. however, he would later see the loch lomond pics in the papers and, with these pics in mind, made up that part of the dialogue in his august 1996 interview.
explanation no 2: he really did say the ‘if you don’t kiss me’ thing to liam in march 1996 and the context for this remains unclear.
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cardinalfirefly · 2 months
Time, then, for the maestro. Noel Gallagher has a wholly different interview technique to his younger brother.
"You'll need to get your pillow out when that c*** starts talking," advises Liam on his way out. "You'll be here all night before you get to your second question."
It's true. Noel does think it's good to talk. When he's had enough of being the songwriter and mastermind behind Britain's most popular band since The Beatles, he could probably make a healthy living on the after-dinner speech circuit. 
(NME - 1997 x)
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starshapedoasis · 1 month
What did Yoko say?
She wants to meet me next week. She's staying in Claridges. What happened, she sent us this card about a week after he was born, like a little postcard with pictures - John Lennon used to draw pictures of him, her and Sean - and it's got, 'From the Lennon family'. It's got, 'To Lennon, welcome to the world, love, love, love, Yoko 99.' So I was fucking freaked, I was going 'Fucking hell', went and showed it to everyone ...
Then a big box of baby clothes come from New York, cos she's doing online baby gear for kids and that. I was thinking, 'Fuckin hell, l'm gonna have to write a thank you letter.' "So now I'm thinkin, How the fuck ... [scratches head and mimes trying to write a letter]
'Dear Yoko' . . . And I went,'Fuck it, I can't write that!' l didn't just want to write, like, 'Thank you for the clothes,' I wanted to write a bit more without sounding, like a fucking knobhead. So then I left it at that, and she's in London now and so we were rehearsing yesterday and I got this call saying,'Shc wants to meet you.'
So I got back last night and I rang her, the number was there, I got straight through. I said,'Is that Yoko?' She said,'Yeah who's that?' Oh, it's Liam.' She goes 'I'm in London for a bit.' I said, 'Anyway, thanks for all the gear you sent.'
"She does, 'Oh, the reason why I'm ringing is I'm getting more footage on John, Iike, Lennon when they were doing Imagine [for Gimme Some Truth, the new film about the making of the album]. She's in Abbey Road next week, but I'm away in America. She goes,'l wanted you to come and see it.' I said 'oh, I'm not going to be here.' She goes, 'oh, I'll send it to you anyway for Christmas and that.' She goes, 'But I'm back soon and if you want to come over for tea and biscuits and that, and bring the baby, I'd love it.
-Liam Gallagher for Uncut April 2000
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