#Lawnmower simulator
quotingtheboys · 1 month
Quote #111
I've just been going home and playing a lot of lawnmower simulator
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thatsprettylane · 2 years
Big shoutout to the people with hyperfixations that brought us simulator games!
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obscure-games · 1 year
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jeez man
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headedoutleft · 1 year
I’ve spent a significant amount of my week off so far driving a lawn mower around in a video game while listening to podcasts
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itsthesinbin · 5 months
Hank Hill would fucking LOVE powerwash simulator.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Morty is a really tragic character
I'm rewatching the series for like the 10th time, and I'm feeling really bad for Morty, the poor boy went through so much, here's what he goes through in season 1 alone.
Episode 1 ~ Pilot
Suffers from extreme panic from Rick saying he will blow up the world, and is tired due to it also being late at night
Is manhandled by Rick for this entire episode, and Rick is very harsh toward him
Is dragged out of school by Rick
Breaks both of his legs
Stuffs Mega-seeds up his rectum and it is apparently painful due to them being pointy
Is immobilized for hours due to them dissolving in his rectum
Episode 2 ~ Lawnmower Dog
Was about to get punished for something Rick did
Rick snaps at him all because Morty suggested Rick helps him with his homework
Is terrified due to having to avoid getting shot so he doesn't die in real life
Is slapped by Rick while screaming
Is traumatized due to seeing his sister in a...suggestive way
Is terrified due to Scary Terry
Rick embarrasses him in front of girls (Those girls weren't real but still)
His kidneys shut down
His dog leaves
Rick insults him "What do you know Morty? What do you know?"
Episode 3 ~ Anatomy Park
Gets hastily told by Rick to hold his breath until a certain process is over or his lungs will collapse
Is nearly choked by Poncho for no real reason
Is nearly attacked by monsters (multiple times throughout the episode)
Sees mutiple people die (Throughout episode)
Alice taken away from him for Rick's own selfish reasons, Rick doesn't apologize and brushes it off saying he did Morty a favor
Episode 4 ~ M-Night Sha-aliens!
He isn't exactly in this episode, but in an aftercredits scene, Rick holds a knife to Morty's neck while angerily asking him "ARE YOU A SIMULATION!?"
Episode 5 ~ Meeseeks and Destroy
Got traumatized from having to kill people who looked exactly like his family
Rick is very harsh towards him for the majority of the episode
Got assaulted by Mr. Jellybean, narrowly escaped him
Panicked when he saw Mr. Jellybean again
Episode 6 ~ Rick Potion #9
Multiple people fell in love with him and charged at him
Rick is very harsh towards him throughout this episode
A bunch of praying mantis/ vole/ human hybrids talked about how they would like to have sex with him then eat him afterwards
Got traumatized from being forced to bury himself
Episode 7 ~ Raising Gazapazorp
Tried his best to raise a very aggressive, violent son named Morty Jr. then Morty Jr. made a book talking about what a terrible father he was
Episode 8 ~ Rixty Minutes
Actually, not a lot of bad stuff happens to him in this episode, but we see the impact of him burying himself
Episode 9 ~ Something Ricked this Way Comes
Jerry snapped at him 2 times in this episode for no real reason
Jerry embarrassed him in front of a lot of Plutonions
Episode 10 ~ Close Rick Counters with Rick Kind
Got dragged away from his family just because our Rick's Morty (Ik he's technically Rick Prime's Morty but eh)
Got angry at Rick when he found out he was just a human cloaking device
Saw himself in agony
Cried when Rick said "You are a perfect impenetrable suit of human amor Morty because you're as dumb as I am smart. So that's why when I say shut up, it's really good advice."
Got locked in with a bunch of other Mortys
Rick insulted him after Morty saved his life "Ok Morty, don't break an arm jerking yourself off."
Episode 11 ~ Ricksy Business
Tried to convince Rick not to have a party since he'd prefer to keep going on adventures with Rick, but Rick just brushed him off
Worked tirelessly to attempt to keep the house in good shape
Rick dumped people who were annoying him onto Morty
Saw Squancy uh...pleasuring himself in the closet
Saw Abrodolf Lincoler die
Rick got a bunch of people to boo him.
This all happened in season one. This poor dude got constantly insulted and had horrible things happen to him. It's easy to forget that he's only 14 due to all of the stuff that happened to him. A lot of this stuff could be difficult for an adult to handle, I can't image how much mental damage it must do to someone who is only 14. Poor Morty is traumatized, the poor kid deserves all the hugs and kindness in the world and a good family, man.
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wariocompany · 4 months
As I've mentioned recently, I have a translation exam in Ramadan this year and as such my approach to studying for it has been to "simulate fasting brain". Basically I don't eat at times when I would be fasting and then when I study I create the worst environment possible.
The best way for me to do that has been to put earbuds in playing one podcast, and then put headphones on over the top of them playing another thing in a different language. And then, fortunately for me, someone starting doing lawnmowing, so I opened the windows for that too.
Here's a POV of what that was like:
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🇺🇲 Let's explore the captivating rise and fall of Virtuality Group, a pioneering force in virtual reality gaming that made a lasting impact on the industry!
📑 Virtuality Group was originally founded in October 1987 as "W Industries", named after Dr. Jonathan D Waldern, and later rebranded as Virtuality in 1993. The company quickly became a trailblazer in VR technology, crafting immersive gaming experiences that ignited the imaginations of players worldwide. Their innovative arcade systems offered unprecedented levels of interactivity and immersion.
🚀 Virtuality's timing was impeccable, coinciding with a surge in public interest in virtual reality technology in the early 1990s, fueled in part by the film "Lawnmower Man." Recognizing gaming as the primary market for VR devices, Virtuality released the 1000CS arcade variant of the 1000SU in 1991, leveraging the "cyberspace" branding that resonated with the era's VR buzz.
💰 Virtuality's groundbreaking VR systems found diverse applications, from networked telepresence experiments at British Telecom Research Laboratories to corporate use by companies like Ford, IBM, Mitsubishi, and Olin.
🎮 The mid-1990s marked a pivotal moment for Virtuality Group with collaborations alongside gaming giants Sega and Atari, resulting in groundbreaking products such as Sega's VR-1 motion simulator and Atari's Jaguar VR headset. These partnerships underscored VR's potential for mainstream gaming audiences.
💔 Despite early success, Virtuality Group encountered significant challenges that led to their bankruptcy. Factors like high production costs, limited consumer adoption of VR technology, and fierce competition in the gaming market contributed to their decline. The shift towards home gaming systems accelerated the decline of arcade sales, and Virtuality's attempts to penetrate the home VR market fell short, ultimately leading to bankruptcy in 1997.
🌐 Virtuality Group's legacy endures as a testament to the early days of VR gaming, highlighting the risks and rewards of innovation in the tech industry. Their collaborations with Sega and Atari continue to inspire advancements in VR technology today.
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shiroikabocha · 6 months
continued assorted thoughts:
- a better justification for bringing me on the expedition might be that I’ve just recently been through the boot-up process, so I’m uniquely suited among all New Jerusalem’s residents to solve puzzles—it’s fresh in my brain. Just say their preliminary scouting of the island returned photos that look a lot like the simulation puzzles, so they thought it would be useful to bring along the puzzle-baby
- Melville I want to be you when I grow up
- who decided I’m a he? Wasn’t me. Can I change that at Helga’s booth? It can’t be harder than downloading a new gender package, right? YoU wOuLdNt DoWnLoAd a gEnDeR
- this is all… very pretty… but my computer is apparently a bit of a potato 😢 alas I find my philosophical experience constrained by the limits of physical reality, if only there was a Principle that neatly expressed this conundrum
- you guys are setting up SUCH a stark dichotomy between “explore and move toward the future” versus “honor the past and maintain balance”— you realize you can do both, right? Those aren’t mutually-exclusive options? Robots can very easily explore the world while living in harmony with nature—all y’all bots need to read A Psalm for the Wild-Built and A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, stat. Mosscap for mayor of New Jerusalem.
- speaking of. You guys talk all the time about these vast, vague concepts, but what do they mean, practically speaking? “What’s the true nature of the human spirit, tradition or innovation?” Look buddy, it’s transient, shifting like water what are we talking about, picking a theme for next week’s gala or fixing the maintenance problems at the hydroelectric dam? Let’s be CONCRETE about this
- re: the problems with the power grid, how attached are we to New Jerusalem’s location? It seems like since we’re all synthetic, we benefit from fewer constraints than bio-humans re: comfortably habitable climates. We could move almost anywhere (as long as the cats like it). Wouldn’t the most long-term sustainable solution be to relocate somewhere that geothermal energy is a possibility?
- SPEAKING OF, I understand the constraints on game devs’ time, but it would have been great to see some non-human-shaped humans! If we’re building them all from scratch, why not have fun with it? The featherless biped physical model isn’t exactly the pinnacle of smart design. Surely, at least a few of New Jerusalem’s citizens would upgrade or modify their bodies, right? Gotta be some folks who would be happier being spider-shaped. I think it would add interesting texture to the bots’ decision to call themselves “human,” too—yes, we define ourselves explicitly as a continuation of the human species, even if many of us are also lawnmowers. My neighbor is a lawnmower and she designs fantastic crossword puzzles, lawnmowers are people too!
- hm, I’m not really sure how to put this… but this game feels… sort of like the opposite of what I took away from The Talos Principle? In the first game, you spend all your time in gorgeous puzzle-garden-ruins contemplating the Big Ideas about What It Means to Be Human, but ultimately, you have to reject the perfectly-designed puzzle-world and step outside into the gritty, imperfect reality of a world that wasn’t designed for you to solve. Real life is messy and complicated and often disappointing and not as cleanly satisfying as a world made of brightly-colored puzzles that were made especially for you, but that’s the point, isn’t it? The challenge is worth it because it’s real. This island full of puzzles… doesn’t feel real. It feels like a retreat, like somebody got disheartened by all the boring problems (we’re running low on insulation, the jazz quartet is getting noise complaints again, somebody set a fire in the park by mistake and now everyone is yelling) and instead, ran away to build a bunch of colorful puzzles that make you feel Special and Important for solving them. Bleh, I’m tired, I could probably phrase this better.
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I LOVE LAWNMOWING SIMULATOR (7th Dragon for the Nintendo DS)!!!!!!
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chaoskirin · 2 years
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The previous 3 days of Grumptember! (Demolition Girl, Lawnmower Simulator, and American Truck Simulator).
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My dad just announced that he "played power washing simulator in real life"
Then when my mom from the other room went "Noo!" He said "Mom played lawnmowing simulator in real life"
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi Sam!
I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller (if you don't count one anon).
So. I have COVID-19. I live in a house with other people so I'm stuck in my room for the foreseeable future. What do I do with my newfound free time?
Aw man that blows! I hope it's not hitting you too hard.
As for entertainment, I think you should go on a quest for the absolute weirdest video you can find on youtube, which is something I do on occasion. So far nothing has ever beaten the ASMR video roleplay "Melania taking care of Mr. President" for sheer why the hell.
Sometimes when I have a fever I find it very hard to watch videos, thought. It's always so difficult to know how to advise people because people want different things when they're sick. Like I would also definitely consider wandering through all the books in my library apps to find something to read, but some people HATE to read when they're sick and I don't blame them, and also setting up a library app initially can be a real pain in the ass.
Do you feel well enough to do puzzles? Make someone bring you a new puzzle. Or shop for puzzles for when you are well! Shopping for puzzles is bonkers, there are so many.
Man, I wish i-am-bored.com still existed. That site was a lifesaver when I was a receptionist and had a lot of free time. So many wee flash games! I was playing online room-escape games before they manifested into reality. If you can find a new phone game, those are awfully fun; I play Merge Dragons but I used to play a lawnmower simulator called "It's Literally Just Mowing" that was very soothing. Finding truly stupid phone games can while away the hours.
I sometimes like to wander the tumblr app; I search random words as tags and then sort by Recent. Fun fact #1: when I read the ADHD tag, my own tumblr shows up as a recommended blog. Fun fact #2: the Robbie Williams tag almost never disappoints. I'm pretty sure his entire life is one long troll.
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[ID: A photograph of pop star Robbie Williams in a leather chair, holding a golf club, wearing just the most awful purple and white diamond cris-cross patterned matched golf shorts and shirt.]
That's the best ideas I have for something you can do in bed lying down while not feeling well, but I'm sure the readership can help with suggestions too! Remember friends to comment or reblog as I do not repost asks sent in response to other asks.
(I also strongly recommend frequent doses of whatever puts you to sleep without doing harm. Often when I'm sick I just want to be unconscious the entire time until it's over.)
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drowninnoodles · 1 year
Flight Stimulator.
Farming Stimulator.
Advanced Lawnmower Stimulator.
Car Mechanic Stimulator.
Construction Stimulator.
Cooking Stimulator.
Cultist Stimulator.
Job Stimulator: The 2069 Archives
PC Building Stimulator.
Paragliding Stimulation.
Powerwash Stimulator.
Street Cleaning Stimulator.
Surgeon Stimulator.
Thief Stimulator.
Total Accurate Battle Stimulator.
Ultimate Epic Battle Stimulator.
Goat S
Goat Simulator in a nutshell
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kirbyofthestars · 2 years
kirby's epic yard, a lawn care simulator where taranza beats the shit out of you if you try to use a lawnmower
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youhavethewrong · 2 years
"video games are supposed to be an escape from reality" to YOU. Some of us just want to play lawnmower simulator because it's fun. Video games can be many things to many different people. But that's ignoring the reason you said that, isn't it? I hope that you'll soon find the comfort you're currently lacking in your reality, so you no longer feel the need to escape it. It gets better, I promise. Stay safe out there, and enjoy your video games. I love you. Mwah
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