#Laloquer Rosen
erstwhile25 · 4 years
Prompt #5: Matter of Fact.
Characters: Mazie and Laloquer. 
“Yer jokin.” Mazie muttered around a mouthful of redfish and cream.  Laloquer watched the slightly marvelous engineering feat of her jaw working up and down, while her very pink tongue maneuvered the bite about her mouth. This allowed for only a minimal amount of fishbits and sour cream to dribble onto her shirt as she expelled vernacular.  
“Jokes.” he commented as dryly as a Thanlan wind “are comprised of a lead in, a body, and a punchline.  Everyone laughs, sometimes they throw rotten detritus.”  
“I KNOW that.” She swallowed and growled at him.  All in all, she had a very impressive growl, it came from her belly and reverberated in her chest.  It was a growl you could feel while sitting across from her at a table, which Laloquer was at the moment.  Ser Rosen however had been growled at by kings, by barbarous Bludhowlers, and by very small dogs with the barest streaks of sanity.  He showed her what he thought of her contribution by blinking over the edge of his reading spectacles, licking his finger, and turning a page in his leatherbound copy of The Economy of Alchemy: Literally Boom or Bust.
It had the desired effect of reminding her To Whom she was talking, Mazie was the first to break eye contact.  She hid the threat of a blush on her cheeks by wiping the mess from her mouth onto her sleeve, Laloquer tried his level best to keep from wincing.  Sighing, he laid his book aside, and stood up on his chair to offer her his own napkin.  “Then know that when I offered to teach you manners, I wasn’t making a joke at your expense.  I was offering you my services.”  Mazie looked at the piece of silken cloth with the same love and appreciation one might offer a leech on their groin.  
“The feck would I do with manners?”
Pursing his lips and bristling his mustache, Laloquer reached into the depths of his person for patience. “Well, and stop me if I lose you on this particularly rickety track of thought...you could use them.”
“What the feck fer?”
Laloquer reached deeper.  He left the napkin down by her plate, hoping that it’s proximity might actually at least give RISE to some concept of table manners in her subconscious.  “Well...for one, so that you might be able share a dinner table with someone other than a pack of wild boars.”
She paused, but whether it was simply to consider his words or to tear off a hunk of bread with her teeth was a matter between her and the gods.  The young woman did however look thoughtful behind another round of impressive mastication.  She waggled what was left of the loaf in her hand at him.  “Seriously though, who’s goin t’invite me t’some high falutin dinner party?  I ent no-one, jest some deckhand on a ship.”
“As good an excuse as any I suppose.” snorted the lalafell and sat back in his seat, opening his book back up and diving back into his reading. 
“Oy now, that ent fair!” at least she swallowed first this time so her protest could be heard.
He snapped the book shut and glared at her.  “Fair has nothing to do with it.  There are plenty who cower behind what they can’t do, or what they’ll never have, I just never took you for one of them.”  If anger had been heat, Laloquer suspected her glare would have flash fried him in his seat right there.  Instead, with the forcefulness one would expect of taking an axe to wood, she grabbed the napkin at her plate side, and stuffed it into neck of her shirt, staring daggers at Ser Rosen all the while.  With an effort of will, he kept back his smile and set his book aside.  “Actually...that goes in your lap.”
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argentrenard · 4 years
Prompt #16: Lucubration
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The thesis written by Ser Laloquer Rosen on the practical merging of Ul’dahn and goblin alchemy to achieve ‘Better Results’ lay across Argent’s chest.  He was smoking in his cabin on the Four Winds, blowing out the open porthole.
The ship was frankly amazing, and she spoke to him all the time. Right now, she was telling him she was in harmony.  He patted the side of the hull.  He thanked her silently for being so open.
It still didn’t make it easier to read this stuff.  He grunted, putting out his cigar carefully in his ashtray, then taking his small wooden cup of water and dribbling a little on the ash as well.  Fires on ship, especially a ship powered in no small way by elemental steam, was not something to mess with.
Argent was reckless, but he wasn’t stupid.  Well, at least not always.  Well, at least not now.
He lifted the thesis and placed it on the small crate he used as a table in here.  He was getting better at flying this thing, but only by instinct and luck.  He did what felt right, or what the ship told him too.  However, that wasn’t learning.  That was just moving through the world.  He knew how to do _that_.  He wanted to actually learn.  He wanted to study Ser Rosen’s words and gain better insight into this technology and how it all might work.
He wanted to learn to be a better pilot, rather than just pretending to be one.
That’s not how cons, work, you idiot. That’s not how jobs work.  If you actually become the thing, what makes you think you can run at the right time?
Maybe he didn’t want to run.  He liked these people.  They held barbecues. They buried decades old whisky for him to find.  They seemed to be ok to keep coming back to.
He was slowly coming around to this idea of connection.  He had a lot of irons in the fire and any minute he wondered if sparks would catch the rug.
He really didn’t want his rug to burn.  It was made special for him.  He had a lot of fond memories of that rug already.
He reached over and poured himself a drink of the BBQ Bottle, as he called it.  He was carefully rationing it, having snuck it out with him as he was dragged away from the party.  He wondered if Fetch knew and had somehow informed Kail.  He better leave enough to share later. 
I never share. He thought.
But then again, he guess he did now. A lot more often anyway.  It’s amazing what new tricks one could learn, if they studied hard enough. It was... magical.
He grinned, and went back to his reading, leaning back in the hammock again.
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erstwhile25 · 4 years
The Ashen Rook - Meet the Crew.
.So I’ve got a number of NPC’s I use for my stories, in a perfect world, they would be my alts, unfortunately it’s a bit of a shuffle to get alt’s past Balmung’s gate.  So instead, they only show up when I’m writing stories, and running events in game.  They’re a rolling ball of tropes, but they’re doing their best, and I wouldn’t want anyone else flying my ship. ((My thanks to Artbreeder.com for allowing a talentless hack like me to mock up my characters likenesses))
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Noyra - The gentle Sea Wolf giant with an artist’s soul, she seems the type that would be more at home blowing glass baubles on a quiet secluded beach.  Circumstances however have dictated a different sort of life for her, one where she is constantly at the vortex of chaos and violence.  All the love she would have given to her chosen craft instead goes towards the Ashen Rook and it’s crew, the gods help any that would do harm to either.  
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Ser Laloquer Rosen - Intelligent, cunning, and very much aware of it, this lalafell scion of Ul’dah dreams of the days when his services were still in much demand.  Once of the premiere surgeons and alchemists of the desert city, he found himself outcast when his work ran afoul of the machinations of the Syndicate.  Now he makes his way and living as the Ashen Rooks medico, albeit with no small amount of fuss.  He prizes intelligence, and despises those who would prefer ignorance, so much so that he devotes his spare time aboard the Rook to helping it’s crew learn to read and write.  
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Isral Qol’quit - flamboyant, charming, and quick with a smile, this Miqo’te serves as the first mate and quartermaster aboard the Ashen Rook  A virtual repository of songs, stories, and poetry, Isral uses all of these to dispel feelings of boredom or malaise among the crew.  There is however one tale he refuses to tell, and that is how he was expelled from his tribe.
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Syf Askerfelt - Violence incarnate, this blind highlander spearmaster never met a problem she couldn’t solve by making it soil itself.  Descended from the now defunct tribes of fishermen hyur that dotted the islands of the Rothlyt Sound, Syf is the last echo of a people about to fade from existence.  If she has any say in the matter they will not go quietly into the night.  She occupies a paradoxical place in the Rook’s crew, who are primarily concerned with saving their ship...while she considers herself a ship killer.
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Mazie Tarfoot - The youngest and least experienced of the Ashen Rook’s crew, this Midlander daughter of Limsa attempts to make a name for herself on the open seas.  Hardened by a life as the eldest child of a broken family in a city of pirates, Mazie still finds herself being surprised by the wonders that the Rook encounters on her journeys.  She’s determined to show the others she has what it takes to be a sailor of the salt waves...she just hopes there’s something left of herself after the fact.  
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Kail Gerrad - The captain of the vessel known as Rook, a little too human to be a hero.  This ship is his home, this crew is his family, and you won’t take either from him without a fight that will cost you dearly.
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