#Lady Ruth Salisbury
letraspal · 2 months
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“I do know Lady Salisbury. She’s probably my grandmother age, but she hangs out with my mother’s set. She tells bawdy jokes and always encourages everyone to eat more cake.”
Lady Ruth Salisbury | Women of the Simon Snow trilogy
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onepintobean · 6 months
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COC day 11 | alternative ships
What could be more wholesome than Lamb/Lady Ruth? Just an older couple who loves making sure our boys are well-fed. 😌
(bonus under the cut)
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hyacinthus-the-flower · 10 months
So I know I haven't done something like this in a long long long time but I've been bored today and I came across @wervty 's picrew and could not resist making all the characters I like in the Simon Snow books by @rainbowrowell so here you are fellas :) (This is part 1) (Things in () are my notes on each character/ship lol)
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Simon (I killed so many things for you) Snow Salisbury and Tyrannus Basilton (I am hopelessly in love with him) Grimm-Pitch (OTP!!!!)
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(Queen) Penelope (Cute knees) Leigh Bunce and Shepard (From Omaha) Love
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Agatha (take my heart I'm a useless lesbian) Wellbelove and Niamh (Honestly, you can take my heart too) Brody
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Ebeneza (Angel, sweetheart, did not deserve it) Petty and Nicodemus (I only tolerate you cause you are Fiona's boyfriend) Petty
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Lady Ruth (Sweetest grandma alive) Salisbury and Jamie (You're a cool uncle) Salisbury
Part 2 coming soon!
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crankybeetle · 2 years
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@carryon-countdown day 4: cake
Lady Ruth deserves the world.
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Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Orange Buttercream
I am back! It’s been a  very long hiatus but I’ve still been trying out recipes and  cooking foods mentioned in the Simon Snow Series! 
Today seemed a particularly good day to post, as Carry On Countdown is going on and today’s prompt is CAKE!! 
This cake comes from chapter 89 of Any Way the Wind Blows and is courtesy of Lady Ruth Salisbury, of course. 
“There’s chocolate cake with chocolate-orange butter cream.” (Simon POV, Ch 89, Any Way the Wind Blows, by Rainbow Rowell.) 
I’ve made this cake a few times now. The family seems to love it for birthdays. It’s very rich, very dense and very good.
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate-Orange Buttercream
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup of canola oil
1 cup milk (I used lactose free)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup boiling water
1/4 cup orange juice (which I forgot to include in the picture)
8 oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped, or 8 oz bittersweet chocolate chips
1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
6 oz shortening ( or more butter if you prefer, I used vegetable shortening) also at room temperature
3-4 cups powdered/ confectioner’s sugar
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tsp orange zest
1 tbsp cornstarch
Preheat the oven to 350F. 
Grease two 8-inch cake pans and line with parchment paper. 
Whisk the sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in one large bowl.
Gently whisk the eggs in a separate bowl until yolks and whites are combined then add oil, milk, and vanilla then mix well. Save the boiling water and orange juice for a bit later.
Add the egg/milk/oil mixture to the dry ingredients and mix. 
Then add the boiling water and orange juice to the mixture.
Divide the batter evenly between the two cake pans.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until center set and toothpick inserted comes out clean. 
Remove from oven and allow to cool on wire rack. 
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and allow to cool slightly
Whip the butter and the shortening until creamy
add orange juice and orange zest, mixing well
add 3 cups of powdered sugar, one at a time. 
add cornstarch
add melted chocolate
add up to one more cup powdered sugar, to reach desired consistency (the first time I made it I ended up with the entire extra cup, last time I used 3/4)
if it feels too thick you may add a tablespoon more of orange juice 
Place one of the cakes on a plate and cover top with buttercream. Gently place the second cake on top of the first and apply the buttercream liberally over the top and sides of cake. Slice and serve. 
Recipe with photos below!! 
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Ingredients (sorry the orange juice is MIA in the photo)
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup of canola oil
1 cup milk (I used lactose free)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup boiling water
1/4 cup orange juice (which I forgot to include in the picture)
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(dry ingredients in photo!) 
Cake Method: 
Preheat the oven to 350F. 
Grease two 8-inch cake pans and line with parchment paper.
Whisk the sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in one large bowl.
Gently whisk the eggs in a separate bowl until yolks and whites are combined then add oil, milk, and vanilla then mix well. 
Save the boiling water and orange juice for a bit later.
Add the egg/milk/oil mixture to the dry ingredients and mix. 
Then add the boiling water and orange juice to the mixture.
Divide the batter evenly between the two cake pans.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until center set and toothpick inserted comes out clean. 
Remove from oven and allow to cool on wire rack.
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wet ingredients! 
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Cake cooling 
Buttercream Ingredients:
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(there is the orange juice!)
8 oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped, or 8 oz bittersweet chocolate chips
1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
6 oz shortening ( or more butter if you prefer, I used vegetable shortening) also at room temperature
3-4 cups powdered/ confectioner’s sugar
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tsp orange zest
1 tbsp cornstarch
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shortening and butter
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The buttercream!!! 
Buttercream Method:
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and allow to cool slightly
Whip the butter and the shortening until creamy
add orange juice and orange zest, mixing well
add 3 cups of powdered sugar, one at a time. 
add cornstarch
add melted chocolate
add up to one more cup powdered sugar, to reach desired consistency (the first time I made it I ended up with the entire extra cup, last time I used 3/4)
if it feels too thick you may add a tablespoon more of orange juice
Putting the cake together:
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A slice of cake: 
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Enjoy the cake!  
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 years
From The Gift Box, something a little lighter: Baz & Ruth
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It's funny I feel like RR I go so extra with Bazs clothes. With Simon for this comic I keep dressing him warm cause I just want to swaddle him 🥺
Here's a short comic to tide us over:
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I decided to depict the Grimm-Pitches just perving on Simon. It's OK Malcolm you can ogle Simon, Simon ogles you too. We all do. I loved drawing Baz in a ponytail. And I wanted to give Simon the hot himbo summer he deserves.
Also no more messing with Vera's memory. If Shep can keep a secret VERA can keep a secret.
Thanks for the tags and no pressure peeps
@confused-bi-queer @palimpsessed @stillmadaboutpetra @bookish-bogwitch @tea-brigade @kohatenz @johnwgrey @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @stardustasincocaine @fatalfangirl @angelsfalling16 @annabellelux @dragoneggo @frjsti @mrskrementz @krisrix @urban-sith @prettylightsbigcity @henreyettah @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @skeedelvee @orange-peony @cutestkilla @messofthejess @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @sailor-blossoms @maedhrosrussandol @whatevertheweather @bazzybelle @erzbethluna @yellobb @subparselkie
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Okay but
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Has anyone talked about how this icon is definitely Lady Ruth? Like, we’re all on the same page, right?
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Fallen From the Sky with Grace
(Post Canon, E, 80K, Updated weekly.)
Chapter 9 - Collateral Damage is now posted.
I commissioned @stillmadaboutpetra to make art for this chapter! Thank you Mad, it's gorgeous!
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Look at this wonderful piece! The colours! That face!
What would drive Simon to sit on the steps outside the flat, half-dressed and furiously sharpening his sword?
Simon's always had a price on his head. Yet, what if Simon were truly incapacitated? Who might step into that power vacuum?
Content warning for medical situations and a panic attack at the university.
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for the tags, @larkral, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, and @sailorblossoms​! I love seeing everyone’s work, in all of its different stages and forms. 
Progress on Rosethorn girl continues to crawl along. It’s funny - most of the time when my brain is in Depresso Mode, I give up on writing. But I really wanted to keep writing through this episode, because I am stubborn and I love this universe. SSS in particular has been good for me, since even when I am struggling with drafting a fic, I can always write at least six sentences; bless the Muses and praise their names.  
Since there has been much excitement about this in the tags -- yes, baby Simon in this series has wings and a tail! ! I think our robot overlord DALL-E 2 did a pretty good job with this art; it’s only a wee bit cursed. 
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Simon Snow Salisbury: The mountains danced when he was born
By Lucy Winifred Salisbury
Oil on canvas
Excerpt from an interview with the artist
A: “His hair came out more red than I intended, I’ll have to fix it. And I haven’t put in his freckles yet-”
Q: “It’s lovely, dear. You’ve captured a very good likeness of him.” 
A: “Do you think, when he’s grown, that he’ll- that he’ll look like-” (inaudible) 
Q: (inaudible) 
A: (rustling, furniture moving, birdsong?, crying?, inaudible) 
Q: (inaudible) “…. Matter what, Simon will always look like himself.”  
(Tags under the cut)
Pressure-free tags: @artsyunderstudy, @captain-aralias, @excalisbury, @facewithoutheart, @fatalfangirl, @hushed-chorus, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @johnwgrey, @martsonmars, @moodandmist, @nightimedreamersworld, @raenestee, @thewholelemon,  @whogaveyoupermission, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe  
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letraspal · 2 years
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Happy first anniversary to Sapore di sale, sapore di mare by @martsonmars
One year ago, the amazing Marta shared her talent with the snowbaz fandom for the first time (and I’m so grateful for that, I’m a huge fan of your fics Marta). Thanks a lot for commission me for this art tribute to celebrate the first anniversary of your fic. I loved to work on every single one of those photos.
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yellowraincoat · 2 years
Okayyy but I swear I would read a whole book that’s just Simon hanging out with Lady Salisbury. I was sitting there like 🥲 she prefers milk with cake 🥲 she bakes and wants to aggressively feed Simon 🥲 her son has a reading disability like Simon 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
I swear if he ends this book still not knowing about Lucy and the Mage and his grandma I’ll cry.
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aristocratic-otter · 4 months
Lemon Blueberry Shortbread
A Lady Ruth Charity Zine fic, featuring art from @letraspal
Two afternoons of learning to cook a family recipe, thirty years apart.
Part 1: Cooking with Lucy
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“No, darling, don’t cut the blueberries!”
Lucy drops the slim knife and pulls her hands back in startlement. At eight years old, I’ve only just started letting her cut things, and then only soft fruits with my dullest knife.
“Why not, mummy?” she asks. “We cut the blueberries last week!”
I sigh and smile. This is part of it. This passing on of hard won knowledge. That the methods that suit one occasion aren’t meant to be applied to another. This is the reason that I was so thrilled when Lucy decided she wanted to learn to cook. Thrilled and relieved.
It’s been far more difficult, being a mother, than I ever envisioned when Andrew and I set out on this journey together. I’d thought that my girl would be much like I was; fond of home comforts and domestic pursuits. I thought I’d wile away many a happy hours sewing or cleaning or crafting with my daughter.
Well, best laid plans and all that.
Read on AO3
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I can’t let my child shiver in the self made cold, ok???
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crankybeetle · 6 months
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@carryon-countdown day 9: pride
Making a rainbow cake with the most supportive gran
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twokisses · 6 months
my favourite part of awtwb is when baz is dishing to lady salisbury about all the absurd claims smith smith-richards has made about himself, and he can't even contain himself he's so excited to bitch and gossip about this hack who's trying to show up his boyfriend like yes, simon, even if you weren't an orphan the mage still would have told everyone you were because it's too perfect and oh lady ruth, smith-richards also claims he was born under an eclipse. and then when (queen) lady ruth is like, "was he trying to convert you or get in your trousers?" baz just goes, "i mean" and happily eats half a finger sandwich
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