#Krux is a ladies man confirmed?
iloveacronix · 4 months
Make it canon that Krux was a big ladies man when he was younger and he had a closet full of tuxedos and prom suits. Like c'mon, LOOK AT HIS MUSTACHE.
Anyway, back with the stock images. I got like 26 right now, and they're silly like whatever this is.👌
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What am I doing with my life
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I liked your post asking for writing prompts and then forgot to send any! uhhh, if you like futureshipping (acronix/cyrus), maybe like cyrus finding out what the elemental alliance was Really Like and getting big mad. or if you're comfortable with it I'd love to see your take on trans lady acronix. IDK anything else
Not sure this is exactly what you asked for, but, eh. It’s in a fangpyre! Acronix AU because that AU really brings out the darkness of the elemental alliance, content warning for: dehumanization, attempted murder, misgendering, and vague homophobia
The fangpyre loomed in the doorway as Cyrus worked, watching him intently with it's golden eyes.
He tried to ignore it, focusing on the time machine in the hopes that if it saw he was busy, it'd leave, but he had no such luck.
Acronix entered the workshop regardless, tail swishing lazily behind it as it watched.
Cyrus hunkered down, trying to communicate without words that he did not want to be bothered, but Acronix didn't seem to care, leaning over the work desk to get a better look.
"What do you want?" Cyrus half squeaked, tone somewhere between annoyance and fear.
Acronix turned his attention from the time machine to the inventor, "Nothing, jussst curious" it said, the distinctive, rasping tone of a serpentine dragging icy claws down Cyrus's spine. "What can I say, all thissss.... future tech is fascinating"
"Your brother doesn't seem to agree" Cyrus snapped.
Acronix waved a hand dismissively, "Krux is all talk, he doesn't mean anything by it"
Cyrus snorted, "right" he muttered. If the serpentine heard him, it didn't comment.
"Honessstly, if I could ssstay here, in the future" said Acronix "I think I'd be happy"
"And, why don't you?" asked Cyrus, seeing an opening, "You don't have to do this"
Acronix's expression fell, "you don't know what I have to do" he said simply.
Cyrus felt a burst of anger rise in his chest "Do you? Look at the harm you're brother has done, Ray and Maya had young children, when he took them, Krux left those children without a family"
"I know about Kai and Nya, I don't care" Acronix snapped "their parents got what was coming to them, and frankly, if they knew what those two put me through? They'd probably agree"
"How could you say that?" gasped Cyrus.
"They tried to kill me!"
"OF COURSE they tried to kill you, YOU betrayed the alliance! I bet you would've done the same!"
Acronix slammed a hand down on the desk, and Cyrus flinched, "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Cyrus went quiet, realizing he'd pushed the beast too far.
"When I wasss.... turned, it was just them and my brother with me, when they realized I wasss to far gone, that antivenom couldn't sssave me, they" his voice hitched "they tried to kill me" there was genuine shock in his voice, and, despite the position he'd been put in by the man, Cyrus felt the same.
"What about Wu and Garmadon, didn't they put a stop to that?" Cyrus asked.
Acronix sneered, "Wu agreed with them. I fought for him, won the damn war for him, and he tried to fucking kill me"
There was a shocked silence.
Acronix backed off, inhaling through his mouth and exhaling through his nose.
"I'm leaving" he said, "goodbye!"
"Acronix told me some... things" said Cyrus, "I'm sure they aren't true, but, umm... I did want to confirm that. Too clear things up"
"What did it say, exactly?" asked Ray.
"He said you tried to kill him when he first turned" said Cyrus, "I'm sure it's completely untrue, a lie to get me on his side, no doubt"
There was a heavy silence
"Cyrus" started Maya, "I know what he said sounds bad, but you have to understand- when a fangpyre bites, their victim isn't themselves anymore. The kindest thing is to put them out of their misery."
Cyrus felt a chill run down his spine
"It was inevitable" Ray cut in,  "Acronix wasn't who he led us to believe, he had... desires"
"What? What does that mean?" Cyrus asked.
"He slept with a serpentine" Maya elaborated, "a male serpentine, I'm sure Wu would've kicked him out, if his brother hadn't threatened to leave over it"
"shoulda kicked them both out" muttered Ray.
Maya snorted, "Wu said that he'd been 'seduced by the insidious words of a serpentine', as if there's anything seductive about a filthy snake, I think Acronix was sick. It just took him getting bitten for Wu to realize that"
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isalabells · 3 years
can u pls give me all ur thoughts on clarissa franklin? im legit so curious!!
Let me preface this, anon, by saying that this might be the most challenging ask I’ve received to date. That’s why I let it sit there for more than 1.5 weeks while agonizing over it on every run I’ve been on in between. So hats off to you because dang!
Thoughts on characters in the DDF universe are generally a tricky thing because none of them – not even (or: especially not) our three mains – are designed to be anything but two-dimensional. This of course shouldn’t stop anyone from diving deeper into some kind of character analysis, but personally, I’ve always found it a bit off-putting alas I probably have fewer thoughts and headcanons on the folks inhabitating the Rocky Beach universe than one might think. I don’t even find it that compelling to look at from a meta perspective (where, in contrast, I could spend hours talking and writing about TKKG’s narratives. And in fact I have.) So what’s mainly of interest to me here is looking at Minninger aka the one who invented dear Clarissa, and to speculate about his motives for telling the Franklin stories the way he did.
In an attempt to look at it from an in-universe POV first: Amazing character, most likely the best female villain this series will ever see (food for thought: there haven’t been that many to begin with, and most of the ones we got were either written by BJHW or Minninger. MUCH to ponder on), personally, I find her way more fun than Hugenay, giving her two (or three, if the rumors are true) follow-up stories is more than deserved. Furthermore, her legacy is that she appeared in two absolute killer episodes, which many (rightfully) consider to be some of the best the series has to offer (so do I, but plot twist, the best for me is not Stimmen aus dem Nichts but Rufmord). 100/10, can relate to Bob Andrews bc I already grew infatuated with her and she didn’t even need to hypnotize me for that. A great cunning, devious, manipulative, stone-cold bitch ready to kill a man or two at any given point, it’s what we all need and deserve. Shouldn’t even be that big of a surprise that this role slaps so hard bc the majority of things Judy Winter does gain IconicTM status, it is the law. Ever since @charlyritter brought up the idea that Sabine Vitua would be the perfect choice to play her in a live action movie, I cannot stop thinking about this. (And ever since I mistook a picture of young Sabine Vitua with short hair for Bibiana Beglau I am slightly fixated on the idea that she’d be a great fit as well.)
  From a more sober POV: I’ve talked about this before but SadN is actually a very sloppily edited adaptation (e.g. Katharina Brauren most def was recorded separately, there are a lot of inaccuracies-that-easily-could-have-been-avoided-with-some-proper-research-and-a-capable-editor in the script etc.) AND most of it is just Minninger ripping off other stories published via EUROPA (I know none of you are aware of this bc y’all lack the refined taste to engage with TKKG, but the entirety of getting phone calls from the dead? Please listen to #82 Spuk aus dem Jenseits which got published in 1991 aka six years prior to SadN, which Minninger himself edited, and which imo is actually WAY more creepy, esp bc Wolf played a lot with elements from Hofmann’s Sandmann. While we’re at it, I might also drop that Franklin’s iconic line “Reiß Dein Maul nicht so weit auf, sonst schieb ich Dir eine Faust rein, an der Du erstickst“ also first appears, word for word, in TKKG #8 Auf der Spur der Vogeljäger. Well oops.) NEVERTHELESS I argue none of it matters in the long run bc the adaption makes it worth the while. Minninger himself is a trickster in that regard bc what he lacks in writing skills (lbr he doesn’t have any, his stories are mediocre at best) he makes up for in hedonism. As in: he mainly writes about what interests him most in a DDF setting (queer characters, middle-aged and/or old yet powerful ladies, horror vibes, scary, disturbing stuff bordering on the macabre and ludicrous) and designs his characters specifically so that he can cast all the actresses and actors he admires. (Honestly, that was actually a question I sent to him back in 2004 when his Fragebox at the rbc was still running; I wanted to know if he already knew he wanted JW to play CF, and he wholeheartedly confirmed.)
In this case, he got especially lucky bc I am firmly convinced he had no clue at all that Andreas Fröhlich and Judy Winter would play off each other so mesmerizingly. I mean, how could he have known? JW being great and killing it was not a surprise, sure, but Andreas was a far stretch away from being the hot shit he evolved into ever since. And if they hadn’t sold their two extremely unusual scenes so well… both episode and the character would have flopped, I think.
But it didn’t, and then Rufmord came along and the rest is history.
I have severe problems with Signale aus dem Jenseits ESPECIALLY bc of the way the narrative treats good ol’ Clarissa here, and I rather wish this ep had never gotten published in the first place. I don’t want to blow up this reply even further, but allow me to quote a snippet from the episode commentary I left on the rbc a while ago, as it sums up some of my troubles quite nicely:
“[Die] Wortwahl einer „Demontage“ Clarissa Franklins hat mich ins Grübeln gebracht. Vielleicht soll genau DAS die Krux der Sache sein – den Abstieg und Ruin einer Figur nachzuzeichnen, die einst bereit war, eiskalt über Leichen zu gehen und die selbst in Situationen, in denen sie auf den ersten Blick die Machtlose zu sein scheint, doch alle Fäden in der Hand hält und Menschen spielt wie Marionetten. In dem Fall wären die abgeschwächten Anleihen/Rezitationen/Referenzen an die Vorgängerfolgen natürlich geschickt (und bewusst?) gewählt und verstärken den Eindruck, dass Clarissa Franklin tief gefallen ist und mittlerweile nach jedem ihr sich bietenden Strohhalm greift (= Schmierenkomödie als Rache an drei Teenagern). Soll dies eine legitime Lesart des Textes sein, dann ist das Narrativ für mich allerdings falsch aufgebaut, weil es sich in zu vielen Nebenschauplätzen verliert.”
From the pov of my fangirl heart and all critical thinking put aside: Clarissa Franklin probably was the first character I was truly obsessed with!? In a way that I spent my entire Easter holiday break reading and listening to Rufmord 24/7. Thinking about her and her encounter with Just, Peter and Bob for hours each day. Desperately longing for more content with her. While my teenage self as evolved a bit, I’m still fond of her. So as much as I want Minninger to just let her rest, I am also hoping that his forth story featuring her only got postponed and not scratched entirely. The heart wants what the heart wants.
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