#Kate hackett
classic-alice · 1 year
Tis The Season
Dearest Friend,
Hi, Tumblr! Long time no talk -- Kate here with a bit of an update on some changes I made today. And, um. Just between us, nice n secret like, I’m plotting for a Gatsby-related SOMETHING for patrons. I figured if you guys are still peeking in at Classic Alice, that’s going to be something up your alley.
Patreon and Patronage have both been an invaluable tool to let me connect with my audience and offer exclusive content and perks in exchange for your support. As such, it’s important to me to periodically experiment and retool what I offer to make sure things stay exciting.
First, I’ve introduced a new Movie Star option that grants you access to exclusive Q&As as well as a cameo-style personal video message just for you (or a friend) each month. Ever wanted to have Alice as a Cameo? or just a hi from me? Now you can!
Next, every single tier has new and improved offerings – so take a look!
Network Owner – Name your price
A great option for anyone who doesn’t care so much about the perks — name your price, from $1 to $100 bazillion*.
Background – $3
👋 Enjoy monthly written updates!
🐝 Access to the private Discord server and my Patron-exclusive Instagram where I will host lives, show life behind the scenes, and more.
Co-Stars – $8
📼Unlock the Audition Vault, where I post real tapes that I’ve made for past auditions.
📚Access to my Classic Alice Commentaries – the inside scoop on making Classic Alice, available only to my patrons.
Guest Stars – $15
🎞️ Access to a monthly vlog where I’ll really open up about what’s going on in the industry and my career.I have SO many things I’d love to share with more candor, but have to keep a little closer to the vest. Things like auditions, networks, body image, actor life, and specifics that I only want to share with my nearest & dearest.
Series Regulars – $25
🧪Help shape my work by beta testing my productions! You get a password-protected rough cut for work I create. I’ll ask for your feedback and if you choose to participate, your name will appear in the credits.
🔖 Invitation to my back-catalogue of Table Read Nights & Workshops, where friends and I play with new material and projects.
Movie Stars – $50
❔ Your Questions, my Answers! Once a month I’ll sit down and answer some of your pressing questions about the biz or my career. You’re welcome to ask anonymously or not!
😍 A personalized video message for you or a friend — ever wanted a Cameo from Alice or just a howdy-do from me? Now’s your chance!
Producers – $100
🤙 Hangout with me! Every month we will schedule a time for a private 20 minute chat about whatever you like. It is personal and awesome! Talk about the biz, the cats, you, me, Bryers vs Dryers (I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS), video games, or whatever.
🎤 Access to my Patron-exclusive Podcast as I read through drafts of my very first feature film. See how things change, grow, and evolve over the course of the writing process.
🤓 Come run lines with me. When I have auditions to prep, we’ll schedule a call and review material. Please see http://bit.ly/runlineskate
I am so excited to offer these new perks and tiers to my patrons and I hope you’ll find something that suits you. As always, I am grateful for your support and can’t wait to share all my exclusive content with you.
Thank you for being a part of our journey. Questions? Raves? Rants? Hit me up, as always, over on the Discord.
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lightleckrereins · 3 months
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The end of an era: Six cruise productions have officially closed
13 productions (plus two cancelled ones), four and a half years and 103 queens later. A chaotic but iconic era in six history is over.
Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales, Viquichele Cross, Natalie Pilkington, Bryony Duncan, Lori McLare, Jasmine Jia Yung Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Amy Bridges, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Abbi Hodgson, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Melinda Porto, L'Oréal Roaché, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Brito Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Monica Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorley, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Princess Sasha Victomé, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Reca Oakley, Jillian Worthing, Bethany McDonald, Sunayna Smith, Hannah Taylor, Sarah McFarlane, Eden Holmes, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Haley Izurieta, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Simone Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Meghan Corbett, Analise Rios, Ruby Gibbs, Cydney Clark, Caroline Siegrist, Eloise Lord, Deirdre Duncan, Audrey Fisher, Lorren Santo-Quinn, Billie Kerr Amelia Atherton, Giulia Marolda, Izzy Formby-Jackson, Laura Blair, Maddison Firth, Emily Harrigan, Kara-Ami McCreanor, Sadie Hurst, Adrianna Glover, Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Emily Rose Lyons, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Lois Ellise, Jasmine Smith, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Brooke Aneece, Hannah Lawton
Plus Gabrielle Davina Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston- Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus and Rhiannon Doyle who were set to join Breakaway before lockdown.
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108garys · 3 months
I am again thinking about character ages
Like Charlie, Hector and Angela being right in the age bracket of the hoa cast, hell Travis and Hector were born less than a month apart and like all of the hackett brothers could have been in hoa age wise, Bobby is roughly a decade older than Zain and thirteen years younger than Salim and just a few years older than John, damn even Jack fiddler is at most two-ish years older than Salim
But that brings me to the pain of inexact ages, whenever I think about expanding the birthday calendar I'm stopped by the fact that it annoys me to not know how old a character is turning, like I've seen the TQ wiki list characters as 18-20 and early 20s on different occasions which gives most of them around a 4yr age bracket if taken together and Andrew, Brad, Julia and Daniel are right in that bracket, Conrad, Alex, Taylor and Erin are around the same age and just barely older than most of the counselors, Jamie and Caleb are the same age give or take, kate and Mark are around the same age as the until dawn player characters
And literally all of the above mentioned characters are younger than Megan Clarke
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redladydeath · 4 months
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A fond farewell to the lovely Breakaway 6.0 queens and to the Breakaway cruise production! To those we met onboard, those who went on to perform on land, and those who we never got to see perform at all, a heartfelt thank you from the queendom as a whole! ‘Til we meet again!
Breakaway 1.0: Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Amy Bridges, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, and Elizabeth Walker Breakaway 2.0: Jade Marvin, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Jessica Niles, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Amelia Walker, Abbi Hodgson, and Ellie Sharpe Breakaway 3.0: Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, and Channing Weir Breakaway 4.0: Jade Marvin, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Princess Sasha Victime, and Ellie Sharpe Breakaway 5.0: Gabbi Mack, Sunayna Smith, Hannah Taylor, Sasha Renae Brown, Sarah McFarlane, Megan Leung, Abbi Hodgson, and Eden Holmes Breakaway 6.0: Meghan Corbett, Analise Rios, Ruby Gibbs, Cydney Clark, Caroline Siegrist, Eloise Lord, Deirdre Dunkin, and Audrey Fisher Undebuted Breakaway Queens: Gabrielle Davina Smith, Melissa J. Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Maddison Firth, Rhiannon Bacchus, Laura Blair, Rhiannon Doyle, Sadie Hurst, Reca Oakley, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, and Giulia Marolda
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Pairs from Round 1:
1. ‌The Curator x Dr. Hill – Nick Kay x Salim Othman x Jason Kolchek – Jacob Custos x Nick Furcillo
2. ‌Fliss DuBois x Julia – Laura Kearney x Hannah Washington – Kate Wilder x Julia
3. ‌Hannah Washington x Jessica Riley – Matt Taylor x Ashley Brown – Salim Othman x Dar Basri
4. ‌John x Angela – Conrad x Jacob Custos – Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan
5. ‌Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley – Conrad x Beer x Rachel King – Conrad x Fliss DuBois
6. ‌Daniel x Taylor – Hannah Washington x Emily Davis – Nathan Merwin x Joey Gomez
7. ‌Charlie Anderson x Hodgson expedition – Rachel King x Clarice Stokes – Nick Kay x Salim Othman
8. ‌Jeff Whitman x Marie Whitman – Emily Davis x Ashley Brown – Revenant Carver x Judge Wyman
9. ‌Abraham Alastor x Tabitha Milton – Alex Smith x Julia – Nick Kay x Rachel King
10. ‌Kurum x Balathu – Lady Bradshaw x Ellis van Huyten – Hannah Washington x Ashley Brown
11. ‌Emma Mountebank x Kaitlyn Ka – Eric King x Nick Kay – Eric King x Nick Kay x Rachel King
12. ‌Beth Washington x Emily Davis – Beth Washington x Sam Giddings
13. ‌Jason Kolchek x Salim Othman – Erin Keenan x Rachel King
14. ‌Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley x Emily Davis – Conrad x Brad Smith
15. ‌Granthem Du'Met x Kate Wilder – Granthem Du'Met x Jamie Tiergan
16. ‌Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan – Adam Jones x Jonathan Finn
17. ‌Emily Davis x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan
18. ‌Joseph Lambert x Amy Lambert – Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder
19. ‌Joe Roberts x Charlie Anderson – Tanya Clarke x Vince Barnes
20. ‌Danny x Olson – Ashley Brown x Chris Hartley x Josh Washington
21. ‌Emily Davis x Sam Giddings – The Curator x Player
22. ‌Dylan Lenivy x Chainsaw – Tabitha Milton x Taylor
23. ‌Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois – Emma Mountebank x Abigail Blyg
24. ‌Beth Washington x Laura Kearney – Conrad x Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois
25. ‌Kaitlyn Ka x Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy – Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan
26. ‌Laura Kearney x Kaitlyn Ka – Granthem Du'Met x Erin Keenan
27. ‌Laura Kearney x Max Brinly – Sam Giddings x Jessica Riley
28. ‌Conrad x Josh Washington – Emma Mountebank x Kaylee Hackett
29. ‌Matt Taylor x Jessica Riley – Brad Smith x Dylan Lenivy
30. ‌Rachel King x The Ancient One – Dar Basri x Eric King
31. ‌Ashley Brown x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan x Jamie Tiergan
32. ‌Chris Hartley x Ashley Brown – Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy
33. ‌Kate Wilder x The Curator – Becky Marney x Felicity Graves
34. ‌Sam Giddings x Hannah Washington – Nick Furcillo x Abigail Blyg
35. ‌Josh Washington x Chris Hartley – Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett
36. ‌Max Brinly x Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett – Nick Kay x Jason Kolchek
37. ‌Josh Washington x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Shelby
38. Fliss DuBois x Julia - Mark Nestor x Joseph Morello 39. Emily Davis x Ashley Brown - Kate Wilder x Michelle Morello
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purplelupins · 2 years
Bad Moon Rising
|The Quarry|
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
Sheriff Travis Hackett x fem!reader
Summery: two years after the curse was ended, you find yourself on your way to the small town of North Kill. It was all because of a favour to your grandparents, but this simple trip to look after their summer cabin during the winter became more than what you bargained for when you found yourself smitten with the curmudgeon of a sheriff.
Warnings: suggestive thoughts, self hatred
Note: this is a NSFW story, Minors DNI
Your eyes glazed over as the rain pattered gently on the window pane. Your chin was perched in your palm, and your other hand held your second coffee that day at only 7:50am.
Something about the lull of the wind and the constant sound of rain began to put you in a sleepy daze, caffeine be damned.
“Hey, you want a muffin?” Dan stuck his head out from the kitchen. You turned halfway to let him know you heard him, “Kate made some that got a little burnt so it’s either us or the garbage.”
The prospect of having at least three quarters of a free muffin made your heart soar, “Please.” You murmured, turning to fully face him. Dan smirked and made a dramatic show of bowing and placing the goodie in your hand.
“Thanks.” You laughed lightly, and turned back to the front, taking a chunk out of the top and chewing it thoughtfully.
Your eyes unfocused again, thinking about everything and nothing at all; so when the door opened and a gust of cold wind blew in, you jumped. But you didn’t stay startled for long when that gold badge caught the light.
Those same long, slow strides brought the older man up to you, and you couldn’t help but stare.
“Good morning, sir.” You said with a gentle smile, “How are you today?”
The sheriff sighed and cast a look around, “Another day.”
You nodded, already getting his coffee.
“You?” He asked.
You had to resist whipping your head around to ask him if he had actually asked you a question. It had been weeks that he barely replied to you.
“Oh y-you know…another day.” You turned to him and glanced up at his eyes only to see the slightest creases at the sides, and an upturn of one side of his lips.
Is he…amused?
Sheriff Hackett pulled out the money for the drink and placed it in your hand; his fingers grazed yours so gently that you had to question whether it not it happened.
“Have a good day, Sheriff Hackett.” You murmured softly as he took his coffee from your hand.
“You too, ma’am.” The sheriff said far more gently than usual.
He watched your eyes go wide as he actually plucked up the courage to reply to you. Travis mentally throttled himself at his idiocy. Why did it take him this long to get to that point?
Is it so hard to talk to a pretty girl? You’re a grown fucking man.
But it wasn’t like it was all his fault. Travis spoke just fine to the other woman of North Kill; not that he wanted to. They made him nervous when they flirted with him, and since two years ago, it happened more and more. He could brush it off and move on with his day, knowing it meant very little…but then there was that sweet little lady who just started working at The Crow. Travis had been at a loss for words since he first spotted you in the front yard of that house on Spruce Trail in early September.
Something about your gentle nature, and soft voice that greeted him every time you saw him. Even the times you didn’t see him but he saw you- he knew your kindness wasn’t an act. Hell he had seen you talking to a raccoon one morning when you thought it looked lost.
You never failed to make his heart jump into his throat. How you always looked a little sleepy, or like you had rolled out of bed not long ago.
He hated how he noticed small changes you made to your appearance.
He hated how he knew you how you liked your coffee from seeing your personal cup next to the register every morning.
He hated how much space you took up in his mind.
He hated that he had to see you every damn day or his head would itch.
He hated himself for getting so wrapped up in you.
But most of all, he hated how much he adored every second of it.
He knew this would never be anything but an interaction. Hell, he had to remind himself that you were probably just as nice to your other customers too. That he was just another face you saw.
Travis would sit in a puddle of self-loathing on the days that you didn’t work; he often found himself spending an hour or two extra on patrol just to see if he could catch a glimpse of your beautiful legs, or soft hair. He daydreamed that he’d see you and you’d wave and smile; maybe even ask him to stop the car and come into your home…
And by god he didn’t even want to think about where his thoughts at night took him. Unable to rest because of the fire under his skin at the smallest remembrance of you, and the glaring evidence of his straining cock against the leg of his pants-
You’re an old man…pull yourself together.
The sheriff sighed, wishing he could just speak to you normally. Ask you about yourself. Tell you how beautiful you were. But he couldn’t. So he gave you a nod as he turned from your sweet face, and pulled himself away from your presence and into his cruiser.
Another day.
As October rolled in, those walks you took in the morning became less and less pleasurable. The days grew shorter, and the weather grew more unpredictable; you swore the trees whispered to you, and eyes watched from beyond the shadows of the thick foliage. On the mornings that you worked, you found yourself walking a little faster, and your ears grew a little sharper.
On that particular morning, there was a light wind that ran a chill up and down your legs. You nestled your face deeper into your scarf, and quickened your steps as you walked onto the main road from the house’s driveway.
A strange sense of unease ran down your spine, and you couldn’t help but grow a little paranoid. It wasn’t that your were scared, but you had already seen your share of wild animals move through the woods or run through your backyard. You knew you had to be wary of your surroundings.
The hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end, but then all at once, it stopped when the sound of an engine made you turn. Sure enough, behind you was a car just turning the corner to the road you were walking on. You nearly tripped over a loose stone when you saw what kind of vehicle it was, and more importantly who was driving it.
The cruiser pulled up beside you and you stopped to bend down to the window, which he rolled down. Those cold, tired eyes were unwavering as he looked up at your bent over form.
“Hi Sheriff.” You said sleepily, voice still rough. You hoped you didn’t look as tired as you felt.
However, what you didn’t see was him sucking in a breath or grip the steering wheel tighter.
Say something old man!
“It’s dangerous to walk alone on these roads this early.” He said flatly, nodding out at the long stretch of pavement.
Jesus Christ almighty Hackett…
You were a little taken aback by his firm tone, but you had grown used to it. You knew it was just a part of his job.
So you smiled.
And Travis almost snapped the steering wheel in two.
“I know…but I don’t have a car, and I need to get to work.” You shrugged, “Besides you’re the first person I’ve actually ever seen along here for the past month at this hour…”
Travis couldn’t stand the fact that you were so relaxed about your safety. If he had things his way he’s drive you to and from work every damn day just to make sure you were safe.
“There’s more than just people here that could harm you.” The older man chided you.
While his face was hard and unwavering, there was something in his voice that made you wonder if he was worried. The words Shirley had said weeks ago rang in your mind and you began to feel bad for letting him think you were aloof. He was probably paranoid as all get out after what he went through for those years.
He would know all about the horrors of this place…
Instead of challenging him, and likely infuriating him further, you took his words in stride and tried to give him a soft smile to reassure him.
“I may be new here but I know a thing or two to keep myself safe…I have bear spray and a taser in my bag, sir.” You said, nodding to it.
Apparently that didn’t do anything to calm the man. In fact he only seemed more irritated.
“That won’t always keep you from being harmed.” His voice gained an edge, and even though you would have normally shied away or apologised, you found yourself staring right back at him.
You didn’t know if it was your sleepy head or something else, but you said something next that you would beat yourself up over for the rest of the day.
“Well then why don’t you give me a ride to work, sir?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
Now that…that made the old sheriff pause.
You swore that even in the cold, his ears went a little red. To your surprise, he seemed to be struck silent. The older man just stared back at you, and suddenly the confidence you had foolishly had just a moment ago was gone again.
“I-…sorry, sir.” You whispered as you looked away, and stood up to begin walking down the dim road.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid
You had made it about ten feet before you heard the car door open; when you turned back, the sheriff was standing just outside the car with an elbow on the roof and a hand on the door. He stared at you for a moment before he looked away and gave you a single beckoning wave to come back.
You had to look at your feet to hide the glow on your face as you walked back to his cruiser. As you slid into the seat, you were overwhelmed by the smell you knew was his; fresh air, coffee, and…sandalwood, you thought. It permeated the cafe when he would wait for his coffee every morning, but now with it all around you, it was almost too much. Your mind began to run away with itself as you imagined burying your face in his chest and he held you-
No. Stop it. He doesn’t think of you like that so stop thinking like that.
“T-thanks.” You muttered, clicking in the seatbelt into place.
Sheriff Hackett sighed. He should have just let you walk to work, but he had no self control. Not when you looked so cute all embarrassed.
Weak. You’re a weak man, Travis Hackett.
Good for nothing, old man staring too long at this poor girl next to you. Even if she did want you it wouldn’t last. She would grow tired and loath you just like everyone else…
Travis huffed. “Do you really need to walk alone at 6am every day?” He asked, irritated.
That caught you by surprise.
How did he…?
“How do you know I start walking at 6 in the morning, sir?” The question was out before you could stop it.
Travis instantly recognized his mistake. His jaw clenched.
You idiot.
“It’s 6:13 currently ma’am. I can only assume it takes roughly fifteen minutes to get from Spruce to here.” He ground out, clearly irritated.
You watched how tense he was.
Travis sighed heavily but didn’t take his eyes off the road.
“I don’t want another missing person…those posters take up too much ink.” He mumbled, pulling away down the road.
You felt an ache in your chest as you imagined what he must have gone through. The not knowing…the deaths and uncertainty. The terror. You wondered when he had last slept peacefully was. You wondered if he lost friends and family during those years he stayed to defend the town. Surely he did. Your mouth was pressed in a thin line as you imagined what he must have gone through…you wanted him to tell you about himself; you wanted so badly to know about him, but with such a horrific story under his belt, you didn’t even know where to start.
There was more to this sheriff what what met your eye. You knew he wasn’t all grumpy and firm. A part of you could see he was far more gentle than he let on. When he didn’t think you saw him, there was a softness in his face as you looked away, or a gentleness in his eyes when you said his last name.
If you were painfully honest with yourself, you just wanted him to let go of his demons…you wanted to see that man smile and let his shoulders drop. He seemed to survive on stress and caffeine, and you wanted him to know that there is so much more to life than that.
Over the course of the car ride, you stole a few glances at the man beside you as you lost yourself in thought. Eventually you had to stop yourself after you noticed how each time you caught sight of him your cheeks grew warmer and warmer. Hero or not, you liked the officer a great deal, and respected him even more. Worst of all, you were fairly certain the man was catching on.
You jumped in your seat and turned your head to the sheriff. He glanced at you and sighed.
He has seen you staring. You knew it.
Oh god…
“S-sorry…” you said quietly, shifting in your seat.
“I didn’t ask for you to be sorry. I asked to know why you were staring.” He snapped.
You stared at him for a moment. His hands tensed and released the steering wheel, and he pointedly didn’t look at you. He ground his teeth, too.
Did he feel bad?
Of course he felt bad. Travis was screaming at himself internally at his harshness.
She was just looking at you, Jesus.
Yes and she might be laughing at me. She probably thinks I’m an old creep who she has to be nice to because of the badge…
The car turned, and pulled in front of the Crow, but you didn’t get out. He let one hand slip from the wheel to his thigh and he heaved another sigh,“Well-“
“I know what you did, sheriff.” You cut him off, and looked over at the man’s dark eyes. You didn’t even know you were going to say that, it just came out.
His heavy gaze pierced through you.
“What the hell are you talking about?” The sheriff bit.
A beat of silence passed between the two of you.
You saw the sharpness there in his concentrated face that told you to spit out whatever you were going to say. You were walking on very, very thin ice.
If you hadn’t spoken so spontaneously, you might have stuttered, but you found your voice oddly calm as you spoke your mind, “I know that you defended this town against whatever the hell was here, and risked your life…I don’t know what it was, but even if it was a crazed ghost out for blood it wouldn’t change anything. I’m sure you must have lost family and friends in the process…”you trailed off, lost in your sorrowful thoughts, but he didn’t say a word, “I asked about you, sir…I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I didn’t want to pry- I only wanted to know more about you. And your past sort of came with it…” you flicked your eyes between his and your hands as you half turned to him, “What I’m trying to say is that…you’re a good man, Sheriff Hackett. I know we don’t know each other very well, but I do know that much. I don’t think you hear that enough either…even if people around here don’t say it…you’re a good man in my eyes.” You finished, holding his intense gaze for a moment longer.
When he was quiet and looked away from you- his mouth in a tight line and his knuckles turned white- you unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the door. “I really appreciate the ride, sir…I hope I’ll see you later.” You slid out of the car, and shut the door gently before casting the dumbfounded man a soft smile through the window and running down the ally beside the shop.
You didn’t look back, but you had to admit that when you made it out to the front to start organizing, you half hoped he would be standing at the front door knocking to talk to you. But he wasn’t, and his car was gone.
“Did someone die?” You heard Georgia ask as she came to help you.
You sighed and shook your head. “No…just one of those days.”
Georgia nodded and let out a humourless laugh.
“Tell me about it…apparently we’re due for some big storm in a week…also my cat got into my underwear again and…”
Her words drowned out as you began your morning as usual. Your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t help but wonder if you should have kept your words to yourself. Should you have just sat quietly and never told him what he should be hearing every day?
No you were glad you told him.
But even so, there was a gaping hole in your day in the shape of the sheriff, and you hated it.
On your break, you hung you head in your hands and when you returned from the back, you downed a shot of espresso to get some pep in your step. After half a day without seeing that black uniform after a month of him being so consistent, you knew you had messed up whatever strange friendship you had with him.
Your heart broke right down the middle. You knew you shouldn’t feel so strongly, but somehow that man had wormed his way into your heart and coiled himself in there tight.
The rest of the day passed quickly, and you chalked it up to your head being anywhere but on your neck. Even as you locked up, and shrugged on your coat, you barely registered Georgia saying goodnight to you. That night, you barely slept; your mind too infested with your embarrassment to let you relax.
The following day was an extra shift you picked up, and while your stomach felt hollow, and your throat felt tight, it was a perfect distraction. It had been a busy day, and you were grateful; The bell above the door seemed to be a constant sound, and you barely looked when it sounded anymore. You and Georgia barely had time to sit the entire day.
You were just finishing an order for the last customer in a five person line when the bell rang again. You marked the name on the cup and passed it off to Georgia who was on drinks; and when you looked up to greet whoever had come in, your movements slowed.
His radio crackled on his shoulder as he stood there just two feet from you, waiting. Neither of you said a word for a long moment until Georgia calling out an order to be picked up snapped you back to earth.
“C-coffee, sir?” You murmured, your shyness returning. You couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Yes please.” He said formally.
You blinked.
Please? Yes please? That’s new.
Snap out of it!
“Okay… um that’s…oh-“ you were about the tell him his total but he already had his hand out with a five dollar bill.
You didn’t need to know that Sergeant Milek kept pestering him the day previous about not having his usual fancy Crow coffee, and how cranky he was. Or that said Sergeant cornered the sheriff and interrogated him until he gave him that look that said, “You’ve stepped too far over the line.” Travis promptly bit his head off; which only solidified the sergeant’s guess.
You didn’t need to know that Travis made a u-turn when he glanced into the Crow that afternoon and saw you working. You didn’t work on Fridays. Why were you working? Did you need money?
You didn’t need to know he had to give himself a pep talk in his cruiser before he came inside.
He wished he could tell you what an ass he was, and how he wanted to make it up to you. He wanted to tell you how much your words meant to him.
But he didn’t know how.
You gave him a small smile, biting your inner lip, but twitched when his thumb grazed your pinky. His hands were cold that day, but it was so gentle you assumed it was an accident.
You tried to steady your breathing, took out his change and went to place it in his hand, but decided to test him and run your fingertips along his as the coins clinked in his palm. You sucked in a breath when you felt his skin. It was rougher, but you couldn’t help but like it.
It wasn’t clear if he noticed your gesture, but you didn’t linger to notice as you turned to pour his simple coffee. Then, just as you went to turn back to him, you had a thought. You grabbed a paper bag and quickly placed a blueberry muffin inside before Georgia noticed- not that she’d say anything. It seemed the sheriff didn’t notice either as he was looking away when you turned to him, and placed the small bag beside his drink. You gazed at his firm face and waited to see his reaction to your peace offering.
Travis finally turned and found your eyes on his, and his breath hitched. But when he looked down to take the coffee he didn’t need, he eyed the bag. “That’s not mine…” he murmured, then glanced at you.
You shrugged shyly. You were maxed out of embarrassment, so a little more felt like nothing.
He stared at you and raised a brow at you. Then to your amusement, he tapped his badge sitting on his chest as if to say, “Naughty girl.”
To which you tapped your name tag in retaliation.
His other brow rose up to match the other, and he actually looked surprised at your defiance.
You kept your smile at bay, “A customer left without their muffin earlier so we’re overstocked by one…you’d be doing me a huge favour.” You said quietly, and admittedly very convincingly.; but you knew he saw the cheekiness in your eyes when he looked down again and took the cup and bag without a word. “Have a good day Sheriff.” You murmured when he pulled away.
You expected him to just turn and walk away. Maybe just grumble a response.
But he didn’t.
“You too, y/n.” He murmured just loud enough for you to hear, before he turned and left you standing there dumbfounded.
He said my name.
It took a moment before Georgia noticed you still standing there with your mouth open and cheeks ablaze.
“You alright, mouse?” She asked, washing her hands in the small sink behind her.
You blinked and nodded, finally taking a breath that filled your lungs. “Yep! Never better…” you could see him get into his car through the front window, and you knew your imagination was playing tricks with you when you swore his eyes locked onto yours as he climbed into the cruiser.
Your breath caught in your throat.
It was a very busy rest of the day, but all you could think of was the sound of your name on his tongue.
“Y/n we’re not in the 50’s!” You heard Dan call from the back as Frank Sinatra filled the café.
You laughed to yourself quietly, finishing with shelving the cookies. A moment later, Dan came through the open door, with the last batch of donuts. You made a mental note to save one for a certain brooding man with tired eyes.
“You’re such an old lady sometimes.” The young man nudged you and you shook your head.
“You don’t have to time travel to enjoy good music.” You muttered, walking around the counter to open the shop.
“I heard that!” He called to you.
You shook your head and unlocked the door.
“I wasn’t hiding it.” You shot back quietly, coming to stand beside him.
Dan rubbed the back of his neck and you instantly knew what was coming. Your stomach dropped ever so slightly; he was going to ask you out again.
“You know I could should you some new music that actually sounds good.” He said teasingly, leaning against the counter. You rolled your eyes playfully and sighed, continuing to make the front look it’s best. Not that it would last long.
As you put the last chair in place, the door opened and you watched the first customer start your day. If you were honest, you were growing used to the small town and the routine you had. You liked that you had regulars and that you could spot a tourist. You liked the simplicity of everything.It was comforting.
“Y/n can you take the front?”
You looked up from sweeping some crumbs around a table, and nodded to Dan as he disappeared into the back. A sigh escaped you and you heard the hikers that had been sitting in the corner leave in a loud shuffle. “Have a nice day!” You said over your shoulder as you walked to the waste bin behind the counter. Your head was a little in the clouds, and you hummed along to the Julie London song playing.
You hid the broom away, and washed your hands before turning around to face the front.
When you did, you almost leapt out of your skin.
“Sheriff Hackett!” You gasped, placing a hand over your chest.
Sure enough the man in question was standing right there, less than a foot from the counter.
He raised a brow at you, but you hoped desperately that it was out of amusement and not annoyance. You knew if you weren’t careful you could end up on his bad side.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in…Um…c-coffee?” You asked, trying to move past your embarrassing moment.
Travis clenched his jaw at the sight of you all flustered.
“Mhmm.” He hummed, placing a hand on the counter and the other on his heavy belt. The older man looked around like he often did, but you noted that his shoulders seemed more relaxed. You hoped he didn’t notice how tense yours were as you got him his usual.
“I hear there’s going to be a big storm next week.” You said, instantly regretting opening your mouth, but you busied yourself with grabbing him a fresh donut.
“That’s right.” He replied from behind you.
You smiled secretly. You loved hearing him talk, especially after fearing that he would never talk to you again. Perhaps it was just because he rarely said more than a word to two to you, but you didn’t care. He had a nice voice.
You took the few steps to the counter and placed his coffee and the little bag in front of him. He already had his hand out with the $5 bill, but you shook your head. “On the house today, sir.” You said simply.
He stared at you, and you started to fidget, thinking you overstepped. To hide it your nervousness, you picked up the coffee and bag and held it out to him.
Travis was certain he was about to awaken from a dream at any moment. It had taken him a full day to process what you had told him that morning in his cruiser; a sleepless night too. Your little nervous ticks had plagued his mind so much that he had nearly driven clean past the station that morning.
To your relief, he finally took them, and gave you a small nod.
“I hope you have a good day, sir.” You whispered, bouncing ever so slightly on your feet.
“You too.” He murmured.
Like you always did, you watched him go, and wished you had the confidence to run after him. Not that you knew what you would do if you did go after him…ask for his first name? Ask him on a date? Kiss him?
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
You let out a long, heavy sigh as 4:30 came around at last. Being a small town, meant that everything closed early. Even the grocery store closed at 6. While you held the door open for the last customers to leave, you smiled to yourself as you thought about how the sheriff had brushed his fingers against yours twice that day- once when he went to pay, and again when you handed over his coffee.
It wasn’t anything noteworthy, but it was special to you. You liked to think that he was warming up to you.
However, just as you felt your cheeks start to heat up, a crack of thunder made you jump.
From the back of the shop, you could hear Dan whistle in response. “Damn they weren’t lying hey?” He said, coming to the front to gather the left over baked goods.
“I know…” you murmured, starting to wipe down the espresso machine.
“Any plans tonight?” He asked, tying the garbage bag.
You shook your head, “Just trying to avoid getting struck by lightning.” You sighed, wiping off your hands before untying your apron. Dan snickered from behind you as you both filed into the back to finish up.
By the time you began your walk home, there was a prominent wind blowing that bit into your exposed cheeks and ears. You hoped you would at the very least be able to make it home before the rain started, but your prayers were not answered that day.
There was barely ten seconds to prepare you as an onslaught of pouring rain began to sheet down; before long, there were small rivers coursing down past you on the old gravel road. In that moment, you cursed your grandparents for having the house built so far out of town.
The rain jacket you had wisely chosen that day began to grow cold from the constant barrage of storm water, and your hair grew wet whether you liked it or not. It was like the wind blew the rain in all directions just to enter your hood. There was a half hour left of your walk when your shoulders began to slump and you were counting your steps.
But then you heard the familiar roar of an engine through the blaring rain, and you turned to see if you could snag a ride, hoping it was Elton or Lindy who lived just down the road from you. At first all you saw was headlights, and you gave them a small wave in hopes they might stop. The car pulled over just ahead of you. You finally wiped the copious amounts of water in your eyes so you could see more than a foot in front of you and you instantly felt your heart leap into your throat.
“Pretty sure it was you who told me about the storm, ma’am.” Those black eyes stared up at you filled with an accusatory mirth.
You breathed out a laugh, hoping you weren’t shaking too much. “I-I think I underestimated Mother Nature, sir.” You said. You swore he even cracked tiny smile, but you couldn’t see when your body decided it was time for you to sneeze.
When you recovered, he was already leaning across the passenger side to unlock it. “Get in.” He said; with his tone so firm and simple, you immediately snapped your head up.
Did he just…?
“Oh I don’t want to inconvenience-“
“Ma’am please get in the car.” He said a little more sternly. Even in your frozen state, a heat shot straight through you that made your cheeks warm.
You barely whispered a “Yes sir.” before you scrambled to get into the dry vehicle. As you pulled the door shut, you cringed at how wet and muddy the car would be after you.
“T-thank you.” You murmured.
He sighed and nodded, already pulling away towards your home. “You’re at that new place on Spruce?” He stated more than asked.
You nodded, “Yea, it’s my grandparents…I’m just looking after it for the off season.” You said.
Travis felt his heart sink into his stomach. You weren’t staying?
Was this a damn game?
What a cruel fucking twist of fate.
He was certain his hands would leave imprints on the wheel from his tight he was gripping it.
You might have asked how he knew where you were staying, but you remembered that early morning almost a month ago when he had chided you for walking to work in the dark. He must have spotted you all the way from down the road when you left the driveway.
Sheriff Hackett seemed to have a knack for catching you when your logic was at its lowest. He chided you too, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be offended.
You wondered if he cared for your safety or just didn’t want the possibility of a person going missing or getting eaten…you knew it must be the latter, but you could dream about it being the former. You sighed softly at the thought.
Travis clenched and unclenched his jaw. Did you have no regard for your safety? His breath caught in his throat when he imagined you getting hurt and laying in the ditch as this god forsaken storm raged on. What if a tree fell? What if a stupid driver hit you and drove off? What if you slipped? What if an animal attacked you?
He momentarily imagined detouring from the road and taking you to his house. Keeping you there so he could watch over you…ensure your safety…
No. Never again Travis.
Besides, she’s leaving in five months…it doesn’t matter.
Make her stay-
His thumb tapped on the steering wheel, and you let your eyes dart between it, his profile and the monsoon outside.
You liked how his ears stuck out slightly, and how heavy his eyes were; how veins sloped out from the skin on his large hands. You liked his nose and his lips that pouted slightly when he was relaxed.
You liked him…more than you should have.
Within minutes of you sitting beside him, he was pulling down the driveway to the house, and you felt your heart ache. You wished you could pucker up the courage to talk to him properly. He was just a man after all…
…no he wasn’t.
He wasn’t just a man.
He was him.
The sheer thought of him made you blush even as your hands shook from the cold, and you wet hair stuck to your face. You groaned internally when you realized how close a resemblance to a downed rat you held.
But he didn’t care. Hell, you could have been in a paper bag and Travis would have thought you were the prettiest damn thing.
The sheriff pulled up to the front steps and you peered up at the porch, trying to will yourself to leave his presence.
He has work to do. Pull yourself together!
“Thank y-you so much for the ride, sheriff…I really appreciate it.” You stuttered, the chill starting to settle into your bones.
He gave you a small nod but his face was still stoney, “If I or one of my deputies catches you out in this,” he pointed to the storm outside, “I’m putting a warrant on your head.” He chided you.
You were shocked for a moment, staring right back at him, your hand on the door handle, but then you saw the smallest upturn of a corner of his mouth.
Did he just make a joke?
Your heart exploded in your chest.
“Sir, yes sir.” You said softly with faux seriousness. He even breathed out what you might call a laugh through his nostrils; it could have just been a sigh though.
You a gave him a small wave as you clambered up the stairs to the porch, and you noticed he stayed as you unlocked the door. The heavy wood gave away as you pushed, and you cast him one more looked over your shoulder before you stepped inside; letting out a deep sigh you had been keeping in.
However, after only a couple paces, you stopped in place and froze. A small puddle began to form under your feet from the residual rain on your body, but you didn’t care in that moment.
At that very second, you were terrified.
@dogmatic255 @theroadreader @honeycovered-bandaids @spaghetti-spider @otassbek @minilev @our-legacy
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supermassive-games · 1 year
Supermassive Games Birthday Masterlist:
(Will update if we get more because we're still missing a handful)
Birthdays with + beside them signify the birthday was given in the game, all the rest were given by Supermassive Games on Instagram/Twitter!
January 6 - Fliss Dubois
January 20 - Max Brinly
January 23 - Chris Hackett
February 18 - Brad Smith
February 23 - Laura Kearney
March 15 - Kate Wilder+
April 25 - Emma Mountebank
April 28 - Erin Keenan+
May 1 - Salim Othman
May 13 - Julia
June 29 - Mark Nestor+
July 2 - Nick Furcillo
July 7 - Travis Hackett+
July 19 - Dylan Lenivy
July 22 - Jason Kolchek
July 28 - Eric King
August 1 - Conrad
August 7 - Jamie Tiergan+
August 15 - Abigail Blyg
August 23 - Rachel King
August 25 - Jedediah Hackett
September 20 - Jacob Custos
September 26 - Charlie Lonnitt+
October 23 - Nick Kay
December 5 - Ryan Erzahler
December 8 - Kaitlyn Ka
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phantomchristinesuk · 8 months
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Middle East tour Christine: Update
It has now been revealed there will be a total of 5* Christines in the Middle East tour.
Alongside the Christines in the previous post, Georgia Wilkinson; Bridget Costello & Grace Chapman, it has been announced today that Jessica Hackett will be understudying the role of Christine (as well as Carlotta).
Harriet Jones will also be one of the Christines but it is unconfirmed when she will join the tour.
Pictures: Georgia Wilkinson (Kate Williams Photography), Bridget Costello (Melanie Gowie), Harriet Jones (Martin Charrat photography), Jessica Hackett (fnati.c headshots) & Grace Chapman (The Headshot Box) instagram
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hawkeykirsah · 3 months
Snippet Sunday
Have a snippet of my potential Mass Effect x Call of Duty crossover. This is still very, very much in planning stages (shoutout to both @shotce and @starlightvld at this point for listening to my ramblings) even if I have like, 1.4k words written already. I'm still conflicted if this is the timeline I want to go with, so the whole thing might end up getting scrapped again.
We'll see.
That evening they found themselves at a local pub for some so-called team-bonding. It turned out Shepard had worked with Laswell before, which wasn’t all that surprising, really. She also held no love for General Shepherd which explained why Laswell suggested they work together.  “Did he burn ye, too?” Johnny asked, never one to be afraid to ask direct questions. He kept his voice low, just loud enough for her to understand him. Shepard sneered at her ale. “Every shitshow I was ever in was somehow connected to Shepherd. Hackett wasn’t surprised when Kate reached out to him because of the latest incident.” There was a bitter twist to her mouth when she continued. “I knew some of the people with Shadow Company when the thing in Urzikstan went south. Former teammates. Some good people. Some less.” She turned the pint idly in her hands, wiping away some of the condensation with her thumb. “It stank to high heaven when they suddenly disappeared but Shepherd kept stonewalling any inquiries. Now we know why.”
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findroleplay · 11 days
hi hi!! 27f in est looking for other 18+ rp buddies!! nsfw is fine but not my main goal. i prefer to write on discord, but this is my multimuse blog so feel free to check that out too! there are a few different fandoms and ships i'm interested in, but i'm open to just about any combination of characters that includes the ones i've marked myself willing to play. this does include ocs and crossovers! i'll use * to mark the characters i would prefer to write, ** for a stronger preference. i do write more than just the characters listed but these are my main focus for now! like this post and i'll reach out, or just dm me! :) 💖
the quarry:
kaitlyn ka** x laura kearney*
kaitlyn ka** x jacob custos
ryan erzahler* x dylan lenivy
abigail blyg* x emma mountebank
give me someone to play caleb hackett against PLEASE
red dead redemption 2:
mary-beth gaskill* x karen jones (actually begging for this one pls)
mary-beth gaskill x kieran duffy
mary-beth* x literally anyone tbh!!
abigail roberts** x sadie adler*
abigail roberts* x john marston
the devil in me:
kate wilder* x jamie tiergan
rule of rose:
wendy* x jennifer
silent hill:
alessa gillespie* x claudia wolf
heather mason against literally anyone (only sapphic ships tho pls!)
squid game:
ji-yeong*/kang sae-byeok
percy jackson and the olympians / heroes of olympus:
thalia grace*/reyna arellano 
thalia grace*/luke castellan 
will play thalia and hylla arellano for anyone tbh !
the hunger games:
annie cresta*/finnick odair
anne of green gables/anne with an e:
anne shirley* x gilbert blythe
anne shirley* x diana barry
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findyourrp · 12 days
🐝 hi hi!! 27f in est looking for other 18+ rp buddies!! nsfw is fine but not my main goal. i prefer to write on discord, but this is my multimuse blog so feel free to check that out too! there are a few different fandoms and ships i'm interested in, but i'm open to just about any combination of characters that includes the ones i've marked myself willing to play. this does include ocs and crossovers! i'll use * to mark the characters i would prefer to write, ** for a stronger preference. i do write more than just the characters listed but these are my main focus for now! like this post and i'll reach out, or just dm me! :) 💖
the quarry:
kaitlyn ka** x laura kearney*
kaitlyn ka** x jacob custos
ryan erzahler* x dylan lenivy
abigail blyg* x emma mountebank
give me someone to play caleb hackett against PLEASE especially a ryan but anyone is accepted fndks
red dead redemption 2:
mary-beth gaskill* x karen jones (actually begging for this one pls)
mary-beth gaskill x kieran duffy
mary-beth* x literally anyone tbh!!
abigail roberts** x sadie adler*
abigail roberts* x john marston
the devil in me:
kate wilder* x jamie tiergan
rule of rose:
wendy* x jennifer
silent hill:
alessa gillespie* x claudia wolf
heather mason against literally anyone (only sapphic ships tho pls!)
squid game:
ji-yeong*/kang sae-byeok
percy jackson and the olympians / heroes of olympus:
thalia grace*/reyna arellano
thalia grace*/luke castellan
will play thalia and hylla arellano for anyone tbh !
the hunger games:
annie cresta*/finnick odair
anne of green gables/anne with an e:
anne shirley* x gilbert blythe
anne shirley* x diana barry
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janedances · 2 years
“It’s impossible to be in love with all the six queens’
The Six queens in question:
Megan Gilbert, Ashleigh Weir, Holly Musgrave, Oliver Wickham, Annabel Marlow, Shimali De Silva, Renee Lamb, Christina Modestou, Natalie Paris, Genesis Lynea, Aimie Atkinson, Izuka Hoyle, Jaye’J Richards-Noel, Millie O’Connell, Alexia McIntosh, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Grace Mouat, Vicki Manser, Courtney Stapleton, Adrianna Hicks, Andrea Macaseat, Abby Mueller, Brittney Mack, Samantha Pauly, Anna Uzele, Mallory Maedke, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Courtney Mack, Shantel Cribbs, Courtney Bowman, Sophie Isaacs, Danielle Steers, Zara Macintosh, Cherelle Jay, Hana Stewart, Collette Guitart, Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales-Connor, Viquichele Cross, Bryony Duncan, Natalie Pilkington, Lori McLare, Amy Bridges, Lauren Drew, Maddison Bulleyment, Lauren Byrne, Shekinah McFarlane, Jodie Steele, Athena Collins, Cassandra Lee, Jennifer Caldwell, Harriet Watson, Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Maddison Firth, Laura Blair, Chloe Zuel, Kala Gare, Loren Hunter, Kiana Daniele, Courtney Monsma, Vidya Makan, Ella Burns, Karis Oka, Shannen Alyce-Quan, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Sophie Rose Middleton, Abbi Hodgson, Kara Ami Mcraenor, Emily Harrigan, Gabrielle Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Elena Gyasi, Keirsten Hodgens, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Sadie Hurst, Melinda Porto, L’Oreal Roache, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Adrianna Glover, Alize Ke’Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Amanda Lindgren, Claudia Kariuki, Dionne Ward-Anderson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Meesha Turner, Paisley Billings, Danielle Rose, Roxanne Couch, Esme Rothero, Rachel Rawlinson, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Princess Victomé, Sunayna Smith, Chloë Hart, Casey Al-Shaqsy, Aiesha Pease, Jaina Brock-Patel, Alana Robinson, Grace Melville, Leesa Tulley, Harriet Caplan-Dean, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Jasmine Forsberg, Olivia Donalson, Didi Romero, Gabriela Carrillo, Cassie Silva, Kelly Denice Taylor, Erin Ramirez, Kelsee Kimmel, Phoenix Mendoza, Chelsea Dawson, Chiara Assetta, Cristina D’Agostino, Joy Woods, Bre Jackson, Keri Rene Fuller, Brennyn Lark, Ayla Ciccone-Burton, Holli’ Conway, Brianna Javis, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorely, Emily Rose Lyons, Chelsea Wargo, Hannah Taylor, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Sarah McFarlane, Reca Oakley, Gerianne Perez, Zan Berube, Amina Faye, Terica Marie, Aline Mayagoitia, Sydney Parra, Jana Larell Glover, Taylor Pearlstein, Aryn Bohannon, Cecilia Snow, Rhianne Louise McCaulsky, Baylie Carson, Koko Basigara, Monique Ashe Palmer, Leah Vassell, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Leandra Ellis Gaston, Bella Coppola, Nasia Thomas, Zoe Jensen, Taylor Iman Jones, Aubrey Matalon, Kristina Leopold, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Bethany McDonald, Jillian Worthing, Haley Izurieta, Jasmine Smith, Lois Ellise Reeves, Alyssa Giannetti, Eden Holmes, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Lee ARumSoul, Son Seungyeon Kim Ji Woo, Sophiya Pae, Park Hye-na, Park Ga-Ram, Kim Ji Sun, Choi Hyun-sun, Kim Ryeo Won, Heo Sol-ji, Yoo Ju-hye, Hong Ji Hee, Nicole Louise Lewis, Laura Dawn Pyatt, Erin Caldwell, Kenedy Small, Lou Henry, Aoife Haakenson, Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Tamara Morgan, Shakira Simpson, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Audrey Fisher, Brooke Aneece, Jaz Robinson, Julia Pulo, Maggie Lacasse, Krystal Hernández, Elysia Cruz, Lauren Mariasoosay, Julia McLellan, Darcy Stewart, Hailey Lewis
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108garys · 6 months
Summer camp
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To continue using the quarry as spare parts I decided that Kate's comments about summer camp was the perfect in to make her a previous camper at Hackett's quarry
(close up and more info under cut)
My original plan was to depict how much she hates it and all that, the idea shifted when I considered that even though Kate and Shelby went to collage together it was never specified that they met in collage so it became more of a Kate/Shelby origin but Kate still hates camp and refuses to do activities and one day another camper sitting out an activity comes to sit next to her and starts painting her nails and then offers to do the same for Kate and thus a life time of matching nails until death
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This is set in 2005 when they were 13 by the way(and my asking for colours was about the nails, I got red/yellow/crimson and decided to go with crimson as it also accounts for generalized red and then I figured I'd include yellow on the shirt)
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @unhingedlesbear @qusok @kagoa @wacem @ctrvpani @kindheartedgummybears @taylorshope @tinynightmarewoman
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redladydeath · 9 months
Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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Hey :D
Remember your favorite Supermassive character tournament? Because I got really bored and decided to count how many votes each character got - in total and in each round. Thought you might be interested in the results :)
The Curator: 1.166 (124+157+241+171+188+285)
Sam Giddings: 1.140 (183+190+187+162+182+236)
Laura Kearney: 952 (146+194+249+185+178)
Erin Keenan: 760 (125+198+187+126+124)
Salim Othman: 674 (148+207+209+110)
Josh Washington: 629 (123+166+231+109)
Kaitlyn Ka: 548 (137+165+151+95)
Emily Davis: 537 (134+185+218)
Dylan Lenivy: 529 (118+210+201)
Chris Hartley: 521 (96+157+130+138)
Mike Munroe: 413 (124+167+122)
Ryan Erzahler: 408 (80+240+88)
Max Brinly: 394 (89+140+165)
Ashley Brown: 382 (95+134+153)
Jamie Tiergan: 354 (77+199+78)
Jessica Riley: 350 (108+162+80)
Jason Kolchek: 312 (123+189)
Connie: 287 (92+195)
Charlie Lonnit: 233 (100+133)
Fliss DuBois: 211 (107+104)
Abigail Blyg: 178 (58+120)
Conrad: 176 (47+54+75) + Jacob Custos: 176 (69+107)
Angela: 142 (58+84)
Clarice Stokes: 141 (97+44)
Emma Mountebank: 133 (77+56)
Eric King: 117 (50+67)
Anthony Clarke: 103 (72+31)
Kate Wilder: 98 (47+51)
Rachel King: 87 (32+55)
Jack Fiddler: 86 (36+50)
Mark Nestor: 81 (37+44)
Travis Hackett: 75
Matt Taylor: 65
Nick Kay: 56 (17+39)
Nick Furcillo: 45
Brad Smith: 42
Megan Clarke: 32
Balathu: 29 + Daniel: 29
Beth Washington: 24 + Julia: 24
John: 21
Taylor: 17
Granthem Du’Met: 16
Kurum: 12
Zain Othman: 8
Alex Smith: 7
Belial: 4
I hope this was interesting - and that I didn't make any mistakes ;-) Might do the same with the Supermassive pairing tournament once it is over!
See you :D
IT'S BEAUTIFUL!! Everyone should see this
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kassiekole22 · 2 years
Christmas Fic Requests
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It's Christmas season, Buds! A little while ago I hit 100 followers on here and this Holiday I want to give back to all of you for giving me so much love and support in the time I've been on here. 💖💖💖
I want you to tell me what your most ideal fic would be. It can be smut, fluff, angst, or all three! And I'll post it on Christmas day as a gift to you!
Story - I need to know if there will be any background story to the fic.
Characters - I will only write for certain characters. Any other characters that I'm not comfortable with or not familiar with I won't write for.
Smut, Fluff, Angst - I need to know which three of these I'll be writing or if you want a mix of two or all of them.
Personal Traits (Optional) - You can get the fic personalized. Tell me a few details about yourself, a hobby, or/and a job that you have and I'll add it to the fic to personalize it to you!
Romantic, Enemies, Or Platonic - I need to know if the relationship between you and the characters are romantic, enemies, or platonic. I will gladly do either but I need to know which characters have what relationships. And I will write polygamy.
Length - Do you want a short fic (Below 1k words.) A medium fic (Between 4k and 5k words.) Or a long fic (6k words or more)?
Characters I will write for: Jason Kolchek and Salim Othman. (Surprise, surprise! 😂) And I'll also do Clarice Stokes, Travis Hackett, Erin Keenan, Jamie Tiergan, and Kate Wilder as well. What the hell. I'll try something new for you guys! Any requests for characters that I don't know will unfortunately get turned down. I'm sorry. 😕
When you send in a request, make sure that the anon is off.
I have also limited it to one fic per person.
And that's it! Again, these will all get posted on Christmas day. I can't wait to hear your wonderful ideas and I can't wait to write them! 💖💖💖
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