#KLK reference
>I lost my way
Yeah don't do that
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miqoting · 1 year
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cyphyree · 1 year
By the way is anyone here in love with anime production material / settei too? Storyboards, color design, model sheets, keyframes etc etc--- WELL
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There's a community making an archive of that stuff accessible! There's a VERY wide variety of anime in their collections, and their scans are pretty high quality and well-curated. It's a fantastic resource if you need character design refs, insight into the anime industry, or just like cool sketches and art.
As per the website's terms, "Please do not print and resell [their] settei for your own profit." All images shown in this post are from the link above.
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vagabondfromkanto · 4 months
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Laid out her core abilities and some design details for the Life-Fiber Hunter post-canon.
Follow under the cut for some relevant canon references.
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She and Senketsu used this ability to evolve. Now she does the same alone.
Still requires a finishing move to be performed first.
No canon reference, but stands to reason if she and Senketsu are "the same".
She would, however, gag and likely have a stomachache 'cause the human part of the body protests.
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Made possible by absorbing the hardened Life-Fibers from the Rendering Scissors. Virtually hold the same characteristics, but are costly and painful to summon.
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Speed and jump height are self-explanatory. Vertical run is seen twice (both times out of sync) — at the election finals and in the 25th episode.
Obviously can't power up both hands and legs at the same time, 'cause. Blood.
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As mentioned: strictly hereditary. And we've seen Ryuko's hair react to her emotions out of sync mode once already, so.
This is just my personal fun explanation for why her eyes look that way, it doesn't do anything. Does not imply they were stitched by someone, it's just a fiber quirk.
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Nuff said. Very much possible even out of sync, as illustrated by Ryuko fighting without Senketsu in ep 24.
For the sake of not making her too invincible (now where's the fun in that) and to keep some differences from Ragyo (Ryuko has far more human left in her, just by percentage), I'm saying it slows down after too much damage and blood loss.
However the damage still must be. Considerable. She kept that up for quite some time even as teenager.
A fun little tool that might help me later. I have my thoughts about it, but I do not intend to whip it out in a thread unless Ryuko ends up on a verge of death. And even then I'll likely discuss it with whomever I'm writing with.
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matoitech · 8 months
<- guy who likes promare and is just kind of tired of the posts about the 'degenerate porn addicted male fans of an anime studio' in the dungeon meshi tag for months. you guys arent really being normal im not gonna lie. like its not bad to complain abt gross guys being weird abt ur favorite character, i think its gross too, but like what the hell lol. you think this is you being more normal??
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froqgy · 1 year
that tumblr woman poll sucks bc there are children and teens on there. there's also clearly joke entries but it still rubs me the wrong way
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
sorry i haven't posted any art in like a week and a half it's because I've been playing ishin for ten hours a day lol
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Idea for Penny’s (if/when Penny 3.0 happens) new weapon.
Two Curved Short-Swords that can combine into a giant pair of scissors. (Probably incorperating the beam components from her old guns).
“No Strings on Her”, symbolized by a a scissor weapon, as well as bringing in Winter’s two-blade fighting style (given Penny is currently rattling around in Winter’s brain with consent).
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drstonetrivia · 6 months
Chapter 213 Trivia (Part 2)
(Previous part)
The medusa part! What a delightfully spooky thing to happen in the story this month! I'll simply list what I believe to be the facts for this section so everyone can come up with theories this time.
The medusa sits on a fabric bed with a glass dome on top (Beauty and the Beast anyone?), attached to a vacuum pump that we see removing the air from inside. This will probably need to be periodically turned on to keep the vacuum state, since the seal isn't perfect.
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It's then placed on a flat surface and locked in a safe, similar to the one in Corn City (where it also went off while it was locked…)
This safe is smaller, with a dial on the front rather than keys. The vacuum pump's tube has been disconnected, which we can just barely see.
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"In space, no one can hear you scream" is something many people have heard said before, as sound waves can't travel in a vacuum. This should apply here too, which means that no matter how loud anyone could yell, it still wouldn't reach the device.
Most people seem to have left the room, leaving Yo to guard with Gen. At this point, the medusa has probably been in the vacuum for several minutes, meaning the device did not immediately activate in the presence of a vacuum.
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With the presence of a bulkhead door, this safe may be on the Perseus rather than in a vault on land, but either are possible.
The first noises are rattling of some sort, "kata" in Japanese. We know the medusa has at least one moving part, but this sound effect is different.
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(This is a guess because I can't find a source for the sound effect usage, but it might be the sound of the glass cracking more and more rather than a "rattling" sound? The final sound effect is also a "SNAP!" rather than another rattle…)
Yo puts his hands on the door handle, forgetting to unlock it first. At this moment the medusa activates, the known moving part making a "klk" sound.
Note that for Gen to hear this, either there's no longer a vacuum, or the click is loud enough to travel through the solids.
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They both rush away while the device activates, first emitting an unfamiliar type of beam but still using the signature "fwoom" sound. A moment later, the usual beam has appeared and Gen and Yo have been petrified.
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We can see from Gen's hair that a strong blast of something was emitted, however Yo's statue has shattered, possibly midair from how his head is flying compared to his body. Oddly, Gen and Yo are both posed exactly the same and yet only one of them shattered.
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The petrification stone is supposedly harder (stronger?) on delicate parts, which makes it increasingly odd that Yo's hair spikes and cheek have broken off, since they should be protected against this sort of thing.
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We know the medusa can be activated under water and probably with an unclear command since I can't imagine Ibara can speak clearly while his mouth is closed. I wonder if this has anything to do with what's happened now…
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I've also seen a lot of people say that the medusa exploded, but we see no proof of that. The safe door is almost definitely still sealed since we don't see any fragments of metal exploding outward, and we don't have any non-medusa sound effects shown that would hint towards it.
The topic of AI being brought up, surpassing human intellect, and the HAL 9000 reference really makes me wonder if this is a teaser for future chapters…
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tesray · 3 months
Thinking about the time I made an instagram and it suggested me to my sister based off location that I'd turned off. so she followed me so then I got suggested to my extended family and also it said I was gay on it. But then my grandma found it and saved a picture of me in cosplay. And then she used that as a reference picture of me when she had my youngest cousin draw all our cousins. Then she used it to make cards out of it so I have a stack of thank you cards of me dressed as Nonon from klk
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vindicta-reliquiae · 1 month
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//it occured to me that everytime i reply it's automatically as post-canon Ryuko, i haven't been doing canon Ryuko in forever ;;;; i know i can just go back to rewatching KLK for reference sake but,,,, it hasn't been a good headspace for me lately
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mango-jpeg · 10 months
some fantastic notes
started writing this end of June '22 + into July/August but stalled out so i put it away to write birthday fics instead
(i think i stalled out in part bc i had a complete outline - since i was following the movie i knew all the scenes of the fic before i wrote it - and that makes writing very boring. i like knowing the ending, at least vaguely, but the fun comes from discovering the scenes as i write..)
picked it back up in June '23 for.. literally no reason. i think it was like 9pm and i suddenly HAD to write more. then put it away to write my exams lol
(i'm pretty sure i wrote meeting the gang + razor pov + first chase + 1/2 lunch break scenes + dainsleif scene (+ assorted bits) in '22)
when i picked it back up i watched Twister to write basically scene-by-scene, which made it very easy to fill in bits where i was like 'aaaand now they all say things about tornados ¯\_(ツ)_/¯'
chiscara and the sumeru characters weren't in the original draft, and i added the eyepatch stuff, but the basic shape of the story didn't change bc it's just the plot of Twister but they have magic powers lol
it seemed unavoidable that i'd have to do multiple povs to mimic the movie. originally kaeya wasn't gonna get a pov at all but last minute i thought,, as a treat,,, he could close it out
have i mentioned lately how much i enjoy coming up with bg relationships and backstories that are never fully explained in the fic. bc i think it's my favourite thing. btw rosie & dain are having just thee worst sex
after a lot of very stupid googling i decided to just swap to the usa dictionary on gdocs and call that a believable portrait of 90s america
i know margaritaville as a brand/restaurant experience didn't really exist in the 90s but i liked that reference and didn't want to pull it. also didn't want to bother finding a 90s equivalent sry
now i can confidently point to oklahoma on a map(´∀`)
had a lot of difficulty coming up with a title (as usual), but settled on the BNL song ((if i had to justify this pick beyond 'words sound good together' it's 90s music for divorcees))
most of the Murderbot series, while writing
most of the elemental logic series, while editing
deliberately uncivil, the klk megamix ever
forcefield by TPC
bnl are me
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
rereading part 2 thoughts (part 2)
For all that Yuko is a crazy fangirl using a hero to justify her want for blood, i kinda like that she's not far off in that "Chainsaw Man kills bad guys" without nuance.
Also her saying the reality of CSM going to her school disappointing because he doesn't stop bullies, only devils. How would a Denji like that even look like, considering he... Doesn't have a solid grasp in human morality conventions...
Those panels where the bubble is behind the window... So cool
It's probably just a japanese school clothes convention (?) but i like how the devil hunters look like Jotaro. I think they are organized in a way that makes sense, if they were dealing with a weaker devil they could've had a chance...
This type of club should be illegal, then again, with so many deaths, i guess it's logical that people just don't know how to regulate things like teenagers wanting to be heros
Gives more weight to the theory that Yoshida's organization wants to make people avoid seeing devils in a more positive light or people think making contracts with devils is good
Btw why is the Justice Devil preying on so many kids? First the class prez, now Yuko. It seems as if its looking for something, maybe Justice also wanted to fight Chainsaw Man...
Yoru having a guerrilla armament hiding in almost every classroom is kinda badass. Also the fact she wanted to use Yukos body parts, because Yuko is Asa's. Yoru is neutral to this lesbian drama, but waiting to see what'll happen next. She's like me watching telenovelas
So messed up that she compared herself to the gun devil.... Her sense of justice is completely warped up. But that's the thing about justice right.... The way people use it.... And why they fear it....
Becoming a symbol once again is relevant... It really makes me wonder what will happen to Denji sjsjs
It's interesting that Yoru asked what Yuko offered in exchange and Yuko said nothing. I don't remember if they say it later, that's why I'm re reading. If Yuko is just lying, then that's funny. Of Yuko really didn't have to offer anything, then the Justice Devil was super duper using her for the shady reason they use school girls.
Klk reference
Yoru looking at the power of possessions coming from deep love with surprise... She already tried to found Asa a bf please don't get ideas in your head sjsj
Like a child's justice.... Pure revenge. The believe that just destroying the school will bring peace... Also justice devil is so funny for contracting with two morally dubious high school girls in love
The fact she blamed someone else because she couldn't accept SHE hurt Asa. Funny. But not funny haha
Never meet your heroes absjsj
You know Yoru feels smug that Denji is indeed Chainsaw Man like she told Asa to keep talking to him. Well, that if she recognized him
I suppose Denji tries to reveal things slowly because he thinks that makes him look more cool. I personally would've just transformed in front of the tv cameramen. But i guess we wouldn't have a plot
Also Denji trying to convince the frightened girl that he's human <\3
I don't understand why Yoshida hand signal has to be like that... Unnecessary
Also I've always thought Fujimoto's male hands had way too long fingers but it makes sense if he reads BL like ajsjsjsk long finger yaoi men Aki and Yoshida. You know he's giggling while drawing them
The way the girl looked at Asa... I wonder if she'll start a rumour...
Hilarious that they live in a world so bleak and dark and yet they say a girl has no backbone if she makes a deal with the devil... Truly a realistic depiction of society, kudos to Fujimoto
That dream is so cool... Visually i mean. Kinda makes me think Asa will keep killing every innocent that comes in contact with her.... Whatever it does mean, it will be sad. That Yuko sword must be powerful too...
Door leitmotif
Would you still love me if I was a worm
Also did she become a fiend and if she did, were Yukos feeling enough to mix with Justice, or Justice is just letting Yuko do whatever because if fits their plan
Yuko: I'm a bad person because I did something good to you because I wanted to be friends. Me: sure that's a sound logic, totally not warped up by loneliness and fan culture
Other people's thought drown her head. She can tell she doesn't really think that's justice... I guess, in order for true justice to happen, you need absolute truth. But truth is sooo warped up by people's perception of things... And a human can't hold all that in her head. So it seems justice is fickle. But i don't want to analyze justice too much as a concept, because Fujimoto and me come from two totally different cultures.... Also Fujimoto just does whatever anyway, like it's more about the vibe than a deep set philosophy. Then again Makima was pure domination in every sense of the world, so we shouldn't underestimate this story
Was Yuko fighting a complete possession? Also she's confirming here that yeah, Justice is at school looking for something.
Asa but you deserve to laugh, it's absolutely hilarious ajajsjs
Never promise to give back something like that... It's manga curse
That man is way more muscular than Yoshida c'mon, i don't think it'll be him but welp, we have to wait
Chainsaw Man part 2: Chainsaw Men
I like the art style a lot but the shadows are a bit distracting, they look too cartoony.... What's the point of that? Maybe it just looks cool
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multibugorganism · 1 year
Your opinion on KLK is abhorrent
i dont have much of an opinion on it unless you're referring to the op of that thread lol, but im not backing down on my thoughts on hiroyuki sawano's music.
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fungh0uls · 2 months
i forgot about this episode in the show that looks like a straight klk reference..
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hypers-of-music · 6 months
"KLK": Arca x Rosalia
Despite having built an impressive catalog of music as both a producer and singer, Arca has few collaborations on her own albums with other artists. Although she’s produced for Frank Ocean, Björk, FKA twigs, The Weeknd, and recently having DJ’d for Beyonce’s Renaissance Tour she’s only been known to collaborate as a singer with a select few artists. Her album with the most collaborations is KICK i with twelve total tracks, four of which are featuring other artists. 
The most popular track on KICK i is “KLK” which also happens to be one of the four collaboration tracks on this album. “KLK” was completed in partnership with Rosalía, and released on KICK i on 26 June 2020. On Spotify “KLK” has 18,325,276 streams, while the second most popular track (“Time”) has 7,907,280 streams as of 2 December 2023–an almost threefold difference.   
Although by 2019 and 2020, Rosalia had been in the music industry for a few years, this time was really when her fame and attention began to skyrocket. Despite being a Spain-born artist, these were also the years where she began to collaborate with prominent Latin American artists, including J.Balvin (“Altura”), Ozuna (“Yo x Ti, Tu x Mi”), and of course Arca. These three collaborations are not her only ones with Latin American artists, but they are signifying her shift into the music genre of reggaeton, however each of these three artists represent different subsections of the same genre. 
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“KLK” features the singing voices of both artists, however Arca’s presence and influence on this track overwhelms Rosalia’s, and it becomes apparent that Rosalia contributed little to the actual production of the song. It immediately begins with literal bang and only further dives into the electronic style that is distinctly Arca’s while also being distinctly Venezuelan as made apparent through the use of the Venezuelan Furruco percussion instrument. 
Interestingly though, this track falls slightly more into the genre of reggaeton than most of Arca’s other work. While her other tracks are slightly more electronic-reggaeton fusion heavy, there seems to be a slight separation between the two genres in this song–likely speaking to Rosalía’s desire to fall into reggaeton specifically.  
Besides the beats and production of the song, the rest of “KLK” contains a little less of Arca than expected. The title “KLK” itself is a reference to the common Dominican saying “qué lo que” which is a casual sort’ve “what’s up” often said to friends, and in the 3:47 of the song it offers little lyrical depth past this. The main line of the chorus is, “'Toy, 'toy, 'toy viviendo la vida/Ay, como yo quería [I am, I am, I am living life/Oh, the way I wanted]” which describes living life how you want, and the rest of the song really only goes on to repeat this line and the word “Bendecido [Blessed]”. There are a few adlibs in the song, “Ro-rom-po-po-pom,” and then it ends by repeating the same lyrics about living life how you want. Meanwhile, both artists are white presenting Latin and Spanish individuals. And without giving credit to the communities this saying is from, they appropriate it as their own. I think this is especially odd for Arca because of how often she relies on Venezuelan slang and instrumentation, whereas Rosalía is sort’ve known for her reliance on Latin culture and sound in her music. 
It was like there was a tradeoff in the song, where Arca was able to control the sound but not necessarily integrate many of her usual themes of self-acceptance and gender identity/discovery–essentially losing her theme of alternative narrative expression. She took a backseat in this regard, and yet had the most reward with it on this particular album, possibly explaining why on both KICK ii and iii there were zero songs done in collaboration with other artists–having preferred the ability to direct both lyrics and sound over streams. This way she could integrate the themes and narratives she is the most comfortable with–this being the alternative and the queer, that are most easily understood in her post-human.  
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