admdmrtn · 3 years
ooh also 18 🤩
CHRISHHAAAAAAA!!!!! here's one out of the many asks KJHDFSJDHFSKDJFH i’ll slowly get these done but thank you so much for sending them in 👉👈🥺 i hope you like this!!
18. kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap
“Must it be you?”
Adam doesn’t quite comprehend - Edith has mentioned one too many times how, in her own words, “sketchy” Bobby Marks is, how he’s turned around to stab her in the back at every opportunity presented to him, and how irreparable their friendship has become since their falling out in university. And even though he’s only met the reporter a few times - not once at all did he bother to interact - Adam’s found that those claims deem true more than they do false.
So why, pray tell, is it that Edith has agreed to a dinner with the very vermin himself?
“Detective Lin would have been just as competent a candidate,” he mutters to himself, folding his arms before sighing in realization at how pathetic he sounds. He’s doing it again; since becoming intimate with Edith, things have … changed, to say the least.
Though, admittedly, things have changed in the best of ways.
Walking out from behind the false wall partition at the back of her bedroom, Edith opens the door that leads out to the front part of her apartment and tosses a pair of flats over. Adam can’t help but notice how the lilac of her wrap dress compliments the colour of her skin, and he is physically incapable of resisting drawing his eyes over the length of her body, marveling at the elegance she radiates with every move made.
Meanwhile, Edith gathers her hair up at the top of her head, looking around the room briefly as she does so, before asking, “have you seen my hair clip?”
Adam twists around where he’s sat at her vanity and spots the pink accessory - its vibrant colour pale and muted, evidence of its frequent use. Making a mental note that it would benefit to get a new one for her, perhaps something more long lasting in quality, he picks it up and waves it in her direction.
Before he’s able to return her gratitude, Edith makes a move to sit on Adam’s lap, her expression completely nonchalant except for the ghost of a small smirk that dances on the corners of her lips. She styles her hair in silence, concentration fully trained on herself through the mirror, as if sitting on his lap is part of a routine they’ve always done.
To be fair, and contrary to his shocked reaction, Adam isn’t actually opposed to the idea at all. Having her in this way, positively forward without being even one bit overbearing, he continuously finds himself wrong about every presumption he’s made before.
Edith… She’s truly a special one; as though she has a book of secret codes, she’s somehow aware of all the combinations to the buttons he has, aware of which ones to press and in which order so to produce an outcome that is both new and uncharted for him, yet only just teasing at the limits of his comfort zone.
His arms move on their own, snaking around her waist and pulling her a little closer to him. As she thoroughly inspects her hairdo, turning left and right and back again, Edith catches his eyes, her own pair glimmering bright and reminding him of iron ore in its most organic form. Resilient. Genuine. Raw.
Exactly like her.
Exactly like her love.
“It was the mayor’s idea.”
Edith’s voice breaks through his rumination, holding his gaze through the mirror. She reaches for her jewellery box, pulling a few studded earrings and begins to adorn them.
Adam rests his chin on her shoulder, rolling his eyes slightly as he continues to watch her. “I was informed.”
“Then you see why I couldn’t say no.”
He does, but that doesn’t help ease the idea of her having to dine for an hour or so with Bobby Marks. The image of them chatting away in a restaurant, sitting across from each other, is one he could do without having to experience for another 900 years - or at all if possible. But he supposes he understands why the dinner must be done.
Gossip through the grapevine has been brought to attention that Marks has succeeded in rallying supporters through his articles and that consequently means unwanted attention onto the Wayhaven Police Department that not only the Agency cannot afford, but apparently the Mayor as well. This meeting Edith’s going to is set up with the intent to find out more about what he plans to do with such a considerable number of following.
A sigh escapes from him - Adam looks back at Edith from where his gaze has dropped momentarily and decides he’ll just have to tolerate the tattler for one night. Besides, he plans to keep within hearing distance, to remain at the ready to retrieve Edith out of the situation if Marks so says one thing out of line.
“You look beautiful,” he comments sincerely in an attempt to wave away his concerns about the upcoming meet, and like a blossom, Edith’s smile blooms gracefully across her features; Adam finds himself taken by her sophisticated simplicity.
Still smiling, Edith leans forward to grab a necklace. “Can you put this on for me?” She asks him, giving him a side glance this time instead of meeting his eyes through the mirror. “Please don’t break it,” she adds in jest when he takes the jewellery from her dainty fingers.
He chuckles. Working the clasp, Adam lays it gingerly around her neck before fastening it. He sees the way her skin responds to his fingers, goosebumps rising in their wake, herself shivering slightly under his touch. When he’s done, he spreads his hands along the length of her shoulders and kneads them gently; Edith moans softly, the sound of it absolutely delightful to his ears.
Moving down her arms, he interlocks his fingers with hers right as he begins to pepper soft kisses on her back, each one pressed harder than the previous, trailing them from her shoulder blades, to the crook of her neck, and up it. With her eyes closed, Edith tilts her head to the side to allow him more access, her moans almost an endless melody; a particularly loud one hums in her throat when he reaches the sweet spot behind her ear.
She leans into him, sighing in content. “I have to leave soon,” she whispers, though the tone in her voice portrays anything else but the urgency of her statement. Adam echoes her sigh - but his is more in minor annoyance that she’s got to go already.
Edith stands up and grabs her purse from her bed, and instantly Adam misses the weight of her against him. He tries to hide it as he follows her to the front door where she’s putting on her shoes; he holds out his hand out of reflexes and she takes them even though Edith’s perfectly balanced on one foot.
“Remind me again why Detective Lin is incapable of taking your place?” Adam asks, his curiosity piqued once again.
“She’s busy tonight.”
“With what exactly?”
Adam huffs as Edith lets go of his hand and opens the door, but he grabs at her elbow before she can step out. She turns to look at him, glancing at his hand and then back to his face.
“If averting this dinner can be done by busying ourselves, you need only ask.”
A wide smile grows slowly across Edith’s features, astonishment clear as day in her expression. The lack of her immediate response tells him that she’s internally debating on it, and as surprising as it may be, he finds himself mildly disappointed when she shakes her head.
“I have to do this, Adam,” she says before moving closer to him, standing on her toes and giving him a small kiss on his cheek. After a moment’s hesitation however, she leans nearer to his ear and whispers, “but maybe after dinner.”
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