geroya · 1 year
things that make you go hmmmm 🤔 (constant snake sightings) (but considering their recent recurrences what do you think of snakes in general? do you like snakes? what are the vibes you get from snakes?) *KEESES*
i am very hmmmmm 🤔🤔 rn esp for what it could mean for me exactly !
as for what i think of snakes! i think they're very interesting creatures & i like them a lot. i used to watch the garden snakes i would find in my backyard &, when i was really young, catch them just to hold them in my hand & have them wrap their tiny bodies around my fingers before letting them go. it was such a strange feeling, how cold they feel? & their scales ! & knowing that they could like idk bite me at any moment (even tho garden snakes, ive always been told, aren't venomous). i was also really fascinated by the cotton mouths we used to see at the lake where we fished. always just. watching me in return in the summertime. idk.
i just find snakes really cool even if it's kind of scary to think about how dangerous they can be if you cross paths with them, even those that ARENT venomous. like being bitten in the wrong place or multiple times? being constricted by a python's full body? (even if they arent here & are usually only loose bc someone's pet was dumped) that can be just as dangerous as a snake that's venomous ! & idk idk how to like explain the sort of feeling i have for snakes. respect is probably the closest word to the feeling. fascination, absolutely. like. if i just leave them alone, let them do their thing, they will leave me alone & we can both just go on with our lives. but it's also exciting (in a nerve-wracking heart pounding sort of way) to be around one.
i'd wanted one as a pet once ! i cant remember where my desire went though.
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ahaura · 11 months
also jo i am supporting the take a nap agenda if u are sleep deprived mwah (only if u want to / can <3)
i dont know if i will be able to nap but i will definitely go to bed early tonight <3 <3 LOVE U HEATH KEESES !!!!
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seasaltbaptism · 2 years
[rubbing my hands together gleefully] OC TIME!!!! for malius: 🤥, 💥, 💐, 🍁, 🙊 for hominy: 🌱, 🌌, ✏️, 🔪, 📎 for sīlene:☄️, ❇️, 👑, 🎭, 🙈 BONUS ROUND: (any oc of ur choosing!) (only if u want to <3) 🌋, ☕️, 👊, 🎵, ❤️
LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
he’s not the best liar there is, he’s best at diverting your attention elsewhere by masterfully changing subjects or inquiring into a part of the conversation that would lead the other person onto a tangent, hes good at diverting suspicion and small lies. his tells are sort of easy, his voice will lighten and his lips will turn down in a pout.
COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
bitterness , sadness , regret. malius hates appearing so feeble, so incapable , so helpless. he was already lured into a false sense of security and murdered, so forgive him for his hesitance and skepticism ! malius does well with working through this though, he faces his problems after circling them with hesitance and disdain, but he’s no coward.
BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
many worshippers put together bouquets for him! they’d leave it at alters for him , near shrines or even statues if they were feeling particularly shy! some of the fancier ones containing flowers such as: acacia blossoms & arbutus ( concealed love , devotion eternally ) camilla’s and carnations ( passion and fascination ) those who regularly left things for him ( like kids tbh , kids really loved him ) like acorns , seeds of all varieties , tufts of weeds and trinkets they found valuable ( very endearing ) . his favorite flower will always be tiger lillies! ( i’m back and forth on keeping normal flora or making up my own but for this question i went with normal flowers lol. )
MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
it’s a toss up between sumner & winter. during the summer the most beautiful festivals and celebrations would occur, he enjoyed attending & being worshipped on those hot nights, but winter? when you have forges you spend hours in? winter keeps you sane when you’re constantly flushed with heat & melting metal.
SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
if hominy is getting in over her head, or trusting someone she shouldn't, he refuses to stop talking until she considers his point, her safety is paramount. other than that he's actually quite talkative, so everything is usually on the table, though in situations of injustice he's most adament.
SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
depends on which childhood; before finding malius she vividly remembers a warm afternoon by a mangrove patch, the water crystalline as she watched her mother wade through. she remembers how elegant she looked, the sunlight playing with soft blonde curls. dinner was almost assured until hominy slipped and fell in ; though her mom wasnt upset, she DID start a splash fight and they played for hours amongst the trees , , , , it was carefree and returning home soaking wet made her father almost howl in laughter. after finding malius, she begins to have fractured dreams of a strange looking woman with the same eyes as her, and other strange faces and places she tries to piece together.
MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
her name came from this brilliant opus by shiro sagisu called incantation part c. her conception i cannot quite remember i think i was speaking to @tmema about one of their undead ocs and i was thinking about magic and swords and bam. the first thing i decided about them was probably either her appearance or her personality; she is quite headstrong and stands with her decisions and advocates for herself [ something malius really admires. ]
PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
i have a few!!
“I am not delicate. Look at me. I am not trying to disappear.”
— Hard Damage, ‘The Ownership of Naming Things’ by Aria Aber
 “(…) no one wants a half-remembered tragedy. You must know the width of the knife and how it ruined you, name the organs it kissed.”
— Life of the Party, ‘Addendum II to No Baptism’ by Olivia Gatwood
  “I defy death. I—I am my own death. And no one can go further than that.”
— Clarice Lispector, Água Viva
“But there is something of a lighthousekeeper in me, and I am not afraid of solitude, nor of nature in her wildness.”
— Jeanette Winterson, from Frankissstein.
KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
hominy feels very responsible for her loved ones safety and wellbeing, its a massive personal failure if they were killed, she'd be utterly devastated & her only motivation to continue would the promise of revenge , and she’d make it as painful as possible. she takes injury or harm against any loved ones as a MASSIVE insult and will respond with violence in turn for your slight, she's very eye for an eye when it comes to the safety of those she loves.
PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
most assume shes a former bog dweller & has no prior experience fighting, which is untrue! theres a good portion of her people who provide defense against malula's deadliest inhabitants. in order to fish, one must battle many hungry beasts INCLUDING the fish, so hominy isn't COMPLETELY helpless at first, but she is no seasoned warrior
COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
most people actually assume shes some sort of wraith or ghostly figure coming to steal their souls, or their children. she dresses like a ghost, ironically enough, and wears a mask to hide her disfigurement, as ‘shimmer’ takes energy she doesn’t have often. she moves silently and speaks without pretense or social nicety , but they’d be half wrong, shes no wraith here to eat your children, but she’s not entirely there either.
SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
many would assume a harbinger's most prized possession is their weapon, right? in silene's case it'd be her jewelry. she wears her sisters' matching amblygonite rings & her mothers' matching chrysoprase anklets; as much of the family's possessions were lost when the kingdom emigrated elsewhere, these items hold memory and are blessed to fade when she finally does, she finds it fitting.
CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
at first she wanted to be remembered as a brave hero, but now she doesn't care how shes remembered, she's just tired. silene does her best to nuture the good she sees in hopes it will grow into something mighty, but she's not in control of how people paint her and she's well passed caring about that stuff anyways, most people know well enough to stay out of her way.
MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
there's a crafted facade of serenity when speaking to nobility who call upon her aid, theres impassivity there that took years upon years of practice. around regular people she maintains a polite and amicable energy, but detached , people can sense shes placating ( mostly ) but they don’t say anything , they’re too scared to. she’ll come , she’ll go & leave nought behind and you’ll forget about her in time. with friends ( she doesn’t really have many ) she’s much more honest and her tone loses it’s bell sound, she’s gruff and blunt and curses and ( if you’re lucky ) she’ll drink with you and tell you stories! she has no immediate family left, but her descendants know her as the ‘ silly aunty ‘ who visits on occasion. she’ll bring books and toys from far off lands and will stay and feast for a few days before leaving again, it’s a painful yet grounding experience? she gets to see her sisters kids and on and on it goes, it hurts her but heals her all at once.
SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
sickness, frailty, fear. sīlene’s already very hard to pin down, even more so when she isn’t feeling all too well, she tends to wander the wastes of her old kingdom , speaking to figures that aren’t there. she’ll be lost in reveries presented to her via the magic that’s bonded to every cell in her body , eventually she’ll come out of it and return to her duties. after heavy fights, she isn’t afraid to accept help, but she will walk herself to the nearest medical facility before she is ever carried, even if it means exacerbating her wounds ; she is a symbol of hope for MANY people, she will not allow herself to seem weak or defeated in any way.
BONUS: sīlene bc i love her!!
VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
she tends to let her anger simmer from attempts at pushing it down, her anger is like molten iron draping over her bones, it makes her ruthless, it focuses her, she’s quite intense! sīlene’s rage can also lead her to yelling during fights, screams and taunts that send goosebumps down the spine; she also isn’t scared to put anyone in their place, voice low and gruff and cutting like a blunt knife. . . .
HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
she prefers hot drinks! she loves the way it brings her to life! hot apple cider , cocoa , tea , ect can bring a content smile to her face , , she loves the way it heats up her insides and loosens the tension in her shoulders. her favorite drink would have to be some variance of carrot cake tea , perhaps ginger .
PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
nope! her presence coupled with her voice usually does the trick in 99.8% of all situations! the magical energy she exudes is cold, her voice is calculated but still biting , the fact she wears a pristine mask and drapery all dyed white , she’s an eerie figure ( putting it kindly ) so people don’t want to test her thin patience, lol. usually she reciprocates all barbs with calculated taunts and quips, but is usually blunt in pointing out painful truths others tend to hide about themselves as a lesson for trying to find weakness in her
MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
she prefers music that carries a joyful tune, or something soothing with woodwinds ! she has had a few artists she enjoyed but over time theyve either died or their sheet music was lost. a particular song? gal goídil by danheim is a good one! THIS ONE IS ALSO REALLY GOOD!
RED HEART - their love language(s)?
good question. i suppose gift giving in the form of something timeless ( how someone can manage that? be creative ig? ) would impress her enough to take notice of you, perhaps poetry or songs that sooth her will bring her around more, someones sweet and soft voice lulling her to sleep or bringing her back to the present? i think that would endear her to you.
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tmema · 2 years
11, 17, 39 & kind of a toughie but,,, in the best most well meaning way: 25 <3 KEESES MWAH love u jo hope ur night is going a bit better <3333
11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears? my dearest friend and enemy by tamino is the newst addition to the list. but overall you and me and the 10,000 wars by the indigo girls is my go-to when i need a good cry. i have most definitely mentioned it before but it feels so much like home and being homesick and warm and safe and faraway... love it <3
17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel? as per usual it's impossible for me to pick just one but i've narrowed it down to my top 2 (my no. 1 + hon. mention tbh)
Jusepe de Ribera, Maria Maddalena in Meditazione - easily one of the most formative paintings i have ever seen. i can't remember when i first saw it, but if you made me pick one painting it would probably be this one. the way mary magdelene gazes down at the skull, holding it in her hand, holding it up to her as if it can gaze back... i think the painting is meant to be sad (haven't revisited any biblical texts since for almost a decade so idk) and there is grief there but most of all i think this is a quiet and tender painting. on a personal note, i have a generally positive association with skull imagery and am fond of them, so i guess the feeling i get from this painting...is a very quiet, tender love. even if it's the kind that's only in passing that you feel for someone you've never met, never could have met, but have encountered at this moment in some way nonetheless.
Vincent van Gogh, Wheat Fields after the Rain - if someone asked me what painting most reminds me of home, i would definitely say this. it's not the *closest* approximation to the area i grew up in looks like but if i would want someone to see my home through my eyes it would be this painting. it's just so... peaceful, warm with a cool breeze that makes you shiver if you linger in the shade a touch too long. like late spring or early summer with the slight variation in colors and sky brushed with clouds. it's what i want summer to be. it's the parts of the warmer seasons i look forward to. before the smothering heat and the smoke from forest fires that chokes out the air even if it has to wait til august to do so, there are cool nights and it's not too hot to stand under the sun and there's a promise of a thunderstorm a few days away <3 it’s green the lilacs are in bloom and it’s just lovely <3 this is what home feels like TO ME. if i could live in a painting it would be this.
39.) what is your favorite gemstone? why? oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh m- first of all FANTASTIC question. second... it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to choose but i would have to say... AGATE followed closely (usually tied!) with JADE... agate is just. wikipedia refers to it as "common" which means there is a lot of it in the world and i love that :) there are multiple types that can be found all over but they are all so beautiful and unique on their own (as are ALL rocks ehehe) (ex: 1, 2, 3) tbh i love agate and carnelian and jade and quartz and turqouise and jasper and and and BUT currently. my favorite is agate because its vibes are 10/10 and it never fails to amaze me just how VIBRANT nature can be :) also i think its cool that the earth made like a million different kinds of rocks and then made different types of THOSE rocks <3
25.) if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? HDAKSDKDJKADASJDHSAJSADHASDHJDHJDASHD OMGGGG this is SUCH a good question because what i immediately think of "what am i least likely to get sick of" and i would have to say. pho. if i could ONLY eat pho for the restofmylife. you would never hear me complain. best broth on planet earth lovely greens yummy meat great noodles not to mention adding limes and bean sprouts and the sauces and such <3 so much you can do with it and put in it and it's always warm and YUMMY <3
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abiik · 3 years
hey h *keeses u* ilu and hope u r doing well today, also 👉👈 i was wondering if u could tell me abt zhi yin? im not sure if ive properly asked about her in the past (and if i did and dont remember oops) jfkfjdkf
hiii jo ! ily too & i hope u r able to get some rest today *keeses u* mwah <3
i absolutely Can tell u about zhi yin! u have not properly asked about her (besides the second part of this ask) & other than sporadic posting about her, i dont think ive really made anything properly talking about her. SO HERE WE GO!
zhi yin is the heir to the northernmost cardinal clan on youxiong, the zhi clan. she's the older sister to zhi cheng & the niece to general zhi fahai. yin was vital in cheng's parenting, acting as a third, and practically, the primary parent for most of his life. in a way, despite both of their parents being pretty involved in their lives, the two ended up relying on each other most of the time.
before yin's incident, she was able to shift just like anyone else on youxiong & she had a very strong core that enabled how skilled she was w cultivation, even as a child. but after her incident, her cultivation is very weak and shifting is something she is no longer able to do, & this weighs on her duty to her family, especially as the family heir. this doesnt stop yin though; she’s always been skilled in archery, diplomacy, the liberal arts, & medicine. she's also an avid reader, and finds hope for her situation in her clan's philosophy: one should achieve the impossible.
the 'incident' was an event that occurred when yin was young. i have yet to discern how old she actually was when she experienced it but i know she was young enough to have made somewhat of a prodigy out of herself amongst the zhi clan's junior members. im still working out the kinks of how the event unfolds but i Do know yin saves cheng from a soul-snatching spirit by, essentially, taking his place & getting her soul snatched to an egregious amount before she's saved & yanked away from the spirit by cheng. this means she still partially retains her soul but it's a tiny sliver of what she had before.
yin is seen as 'ill' after her incident - cheng is always looking out for her, partially bc he feels responsible & bc he could Never repay his sister for what she did for him & so allow him to do this one thing for her; her father is cautious around her, his high standards have lowered only slightly bc he understands of course, such a horrible accident, one can only be understanding of his daughters ailments, but she will push thru, he knows it! if you dont want to be heir any longer yin-yin, i understand -; her mother is a little harsher, infinitely more cautious, and very scared of the outcome of what happened to yin. lady zhi worries about demonic cultivation more than anything & when yin DOES go into bouts of dissociation so bad where it seems as if yin as been possessed by something, lady zhi can't help but want to both be very far away from her daughter & to help her.
after yin's accident, her body was sort of left open. previously, she was already very sensitive to spiritual energies and such, and she remains so, but without her own filling her body, when she goes to areas with high spiritual concentrations, yin can have a chance of being overwhelmed with it. yin, as a person, ALSO has the tendency to set her negative emotions aside in order to compromise - her family, & by extension, her clan, is known for being honest & unrestrained, so arguments & clashes are common when people don't agree, but when this borders on feud or fight territory, they need somebody to talk them down, and that somebody has ALWAYS been yin. she's exceptionally talented at navigating tense situations, even when it doesnt come to her own family, but a lot of times it can come at the expense of her own feelings. & THIS wells up in a dark place as resentful energy inside of her, helping fuel demonic cultivation, which makes her both much stronger, physically, and easier to control.
yin does not go under often - she has to go to a place with a high spiritual concentration, either a benevolent spiritual concentration, or a resentful spritual concentration OR someone can set her off by puppeteering the energy she has stored within her own emotions. when she Does go under, she is not usually in control of her body, and she does not usually remembers what happens, only in flashes or vague images.
when zoe meets yin, general zhi has been grooming her in the ways of demonic cultivation in order to use her as his own puppet, in order to control her as he sees fit whenever he needs to, but in a way that would ensure that he would not have to be close by to trigger her into going under so that the crimes he has her commit would never be tied to him.
hmm speaking of zoe: yin is the first person zoe CONSCIOUSLY meets on youxiong, and is also punched by zoe immediately upon zoe waking up, and STILL serves her soup. jekxjdkc.
despite her core being very weak & practically being literally the weakest person on youxiong, if yin were to come to earth, she would still be exceptionally skilled by human standards.
yin is more of an archer than a swordsman, and close-range combat is remedied by knives or by simply using poisons, of which she is Also well-versed in :)
she is well-read & loves to experiment with new things. any sort of thing. >:)
yin will always be seen in varying degree of purples & blacks to represent her clan.
if yin could do it over again, she would save cheng again in a heartbeat. she would do it again in every lifetime, even if it meant being the weakest, even if it meant having to work the hardest she can to be regarded as a proper heir to her clan, even if it meant having a mother who was afraid of her, she would do it all again so that he would be safe.
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uvena · 3 years
☆✵☘ (& i AM here are some KEESES!!! MWAH) ⌹. love u jo <3 im glad you're feeling just a bit better <333 keeses~
☆ — i love your blog ✵ — you inspire me ☘ — i’d give you a kiss on the forehead
quyaana, h !!!!! ~mwah 🥰
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geroya · 1 year
HEATH BELOVED how r u doing how r u feeling how has work been treating u whatcha up to? LOVE UUUUUU *KEESES*
HI JO BELOVED <3 i have been well ! a lil groggy bc of weather but nonetheless, doing pretty well ! sleeping a lot as ive been off this week. ill be back on rotation tomorrow night. ive been working on my oc directory a bit so reintroducing myself with the sw ocs & such. WBU? HOW ARE U? HOW U FEELING? WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO? LOVE UUUUUUU TOO BLOWS U KEESES MWAH MWAH MWAH
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geroya · 1 year
HAPPY KEME DAY!!!!! KEESES FOR U AND KEME <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 for the details about ocs: ✈️, 🎮, 🎶, 🔶, 🐷, 🤍, 😞, 🤒 <3 <3 <3 <3
send me oc asks for keme's birthday !
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
keme likes traveling ! he likes to get out of the house & do activities, however, he very much IS someone who depletes if he spends too long away from an environment that he finds familiar. 
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
COOKING, obviously. gardening !!!! & tending to his horse, spending time with his horse, riding his horse. if he could spend all day with his horse he would <3
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
keme is the type to have a whole zipper case of cassettes in his truck & will yank it out to flick through, fumbling around with this... strange precision to find the one he's looking for, and toss it into ur lap so that u can be in charge of putting it in. he's not a fan of most online music libraries (he doesnt really USE his mobile phone a lot for anything other than communication so…). & yeah ! he does listen to music often, it occupies his mind. he enjoys dancing, & can be found humming or whistling a tune whenever he's working in the kitchen or on the ranch. he also has a very nice voice.
as for the kind of music he listens to, i KNOW he listens to chris isaak & bruce springsteen & kate bush. i also think he would listen to the mountain goats & deftones ! 
🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise?
keme knows cpr. i think he would've taken a class at some point bc he was interested & bc it might help save someone while he was working. 
his other medical expertise is extended towards the first aid & care of ranch animals & the like. however, he knows how to staunch a wound & is pretty calm around blood & gore. 
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
trying to recall some of keme's more neutral/questionable traits has been SO difficult bc i am SOOO in love with him & even if he is so aloof & unforthcoming to the point that it will make you wanna rip your hair out, it only makes me wanna twirl my hair at him more. im obsessed. 
on that note, & a bit contrary to those two aforementioned traits of his, keme savors experiences, especially new ones: going to new places, participating in new activities, meeting new people. the latter is something he especially likes to savor and thus, can come on a little strong, even while remaining his strange sort of… aloof, distant, etc. he's kind of… intense. the sort of person to hold eye contact through your entire conversation, speak at a level volume & ask an immense amount of questions. & like, this isnt really… QUESTIONABLE, but i think it's neutral, not necessarily positive or negative bc i think for some people that could be. strange, or uncomfortable, while others that could be a good indication that he's interested in what they have to say (he is.) or who they are. 
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
keme attracts others rather easily, though, he is rather emotionally distant towards strangers & most acquaintances, & for some people that wards them off, while others just think he's even MORE attractive for it. 
🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily?
no. he never gets sick. if he ever were to become sick, it would have to be by something otherworldly & it would hit him like a ton of bricks bc he's never had the chance to really. like experience it for himself. (DONT MIND ME. JUST. IMAGINING MAKING HIM SOUP & BRUSHING HIS HAIR AWAY FROM HIS FACE & &&-)
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geroya · 1 year
HIIIIII heath love u and hope ur having a good day!!!!!! i was curious and wondered when u play skyrim is there a specific character you like to play? do you have a favorite faction to join? what's ur go-to play style? and (only if you want to) do you have any favorite mods? MWAH ❤️ KEESES
HIIIIII BELOVED JO <333 i had a pretty a-okay day !!!!! i hope you had a good day !!!
when i play skyrim i usually go back & forth between choosing a bosmer & dunmer rogue-like with a lot of their skill points put towards archery, speech, & the sneaking skill trees (like lockpicking & pickpocketing). mostly i start out this way, with my points put towards those sneaking skill trees so that it makes it easier for them to pass those skill checks, but then i also like to keep an off-hand weapon (like a dagger or one-hand sword) & level the one-handed perk alongside light armor for close encounters bc i don't always have a follower with me before this more recent run (mainly BECAUSE of my playstyle bc i preferred more quiet & i would forget that lydia LOVES to stomp around & charge enemies & traps &get us both killed mwah)
i NEVER touch any of the magic perks bc i get bored with the playstyle of being a mage. it works for other people but i cannot do it mwah. the extent of my using magic was using summons USUALLY HAHA
still figuring out my current run tbh!!!!
hmm my favorite faction... i like the nightingales from the thieves guild quest ! also it is ALWAYS fun to do the dark brotherhood quests so i suppose them too.
as for favorite mods ! im trying to remember what all are mods & what arent haha. my brother put in a few mods on my console back when we still shared it so ive been playing w my game like this for YEARS that idk what is vanilla & what isnt.
many of my mods are like. visuals, immersion, stuff like that, HOWEVER, i am a very big fan of the alternate start mod, even if i can NEVER choose how i would like to start. i just added follower mods so i am !!! having fun with those !!! trying this campfire mod & bc i like to play survival mode it adds to the experience. <3 & figuring out this character overhaul mod too bc it SOUNDS cool i like the concept HOWEVER i have yet to properly use it </3
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geroya · 1 year
HIIIIII HEATH just wanted to drop by to wish u well and say i hope ur feeling better and having a good day!!!!! & i also read your newest work to the wip collection and it still has me in a TAILSPIN (positive) <3 LOVE U !!!!!! *KEESES* <3 <3 <3
HIIII JO <333 ty for dropping by 🥰 & i managed to get a full night of sleep last night so i am feeling better ! even if i AM still sleepy tired hehe <3 i hope you are having a good day & that you have something good & yummy to eat 😋 ALSO TY FOR READING HEHE I SAW UR COMMENT ON IT THIS MORNING & I WAS AAAAAAAAA STILL GOING CRAZY ABOUT ZOE & THE REPERCUSSIONS OF HER ACTIONS !!!!!
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geroya · 10 months
hiiii heath love u and hope ur having a good day<333 *KEESES*!!!<3
hiiiii jo 🥰 im doing a-okay! i hope ur having a good day <3 blowing you keeses LOVE YOU MWAH
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geroya · 10 months
HIII heath love ur new layout!!!! hope ur having a good day love u KEESES!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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geroya · 11 months
HIIII HEATH love u and hope ur having a good day!!!! KEESES!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
hiiii jo <3 ty, i am having a pretty a-okay day 🥰 LOVE YOU TOO & HOPE U ARE HAVING A GOOD DAY MWAH KEESES <333
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geroya · 1 year
HIIII HEATH love u and hope ur having a good day !!! *KEESES !!!! <3333333333
HII BELOVED JO <3 love u too & im doing okay ! finally got around to celebrating my older brother's birthday & had a pretty good father's day. i hope u are having a good day !!! 🥰 MWAH KEESES !!!!
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abiik · 3 years
thank you for the pancake h 😌 i love u and hope u r feeling better n doing well today *keeses u*
ur welcome jo i hope it kept u safe & warm ! ilu too 💓 im doing a bit better thank u 🥰 i hope u slept well *keeses u* MWAH <3
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