#John Paul Lavoisier
bannersbylinda · 9 months
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Chloe & Philip #Days #Phloe
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loveboatinsanity · 10 months
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Finding Love in Mountain View - photo preview 1 of 2
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malestarssockedfeet · 4 years
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classicsodcovers · 6 years
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Classic SOD Cover Date: January 3, 2012
(left) John-Paul Lavoisier & Farah Fath (Rex & Gigi, ONE LIFE TO LIVE) (right top) Michael Muhney & Sharon Case (Adam & Sharon, THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS) (right bottom) Chandler Massey & Deidre Hall (Will & Marlena, DAYS OF OUR LIVES)
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starrylilac · 7 years
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themoinmontrose · 4 years
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actor john-paul lavoisier is 40 today #happybirthday 
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darkydrakens613 · 5 years
Abraham Ben Ezra
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Alfred Nobel
Amadeus Avogadro
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Antonie Lavoisier
Apolonio Pérgamo
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splashes-of-joy · 3 years
FINDING LOVE IN MOUNTAIN VIEW GENRE: Romance CAST Danielle C. Ryan, Myko Olivier, John Paul Lavoisier YEAR: 2019 SYNOPSIS: Premiering on HALLMARK MOVIES & MYSTERIES on Sunday, September 19 at 9PM ET/PT! Inspired by the book, Finding Love in Bridal Veil, Oregon, by Miralee FerrellAfter learning she’s been entrusted to take care of her deceased cousin’s children, an architect is torn between…
MY THOUGHTS ON THIS MOVIE Margaret had no idea how she would handle being mom to her cousins two children. And the children certainly didn’t care for Margaret. There are many stressful moments in this movie. Neither Margaret nor Joel and Sammie were happy with the situation. After all Margaret and Susan hasn’t contacted each other in many years and Susan hadn’t mentioned their aunt the her children. Andrew being in the picture didn’t help Margaret a lot at first. Being her old beau, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be so much in contact with him. This is a beautiful cast of characters and I love watching them in this film. I’ve watched it 3 times already! This is a movie about love and family. Finding Love In Mountain View will be a movie you will watch over and over with your family. You will love the family values, the emphasis on family, and just good family times in this movie. I love that this is a clean movie that you can watch with your children. I encourage you to watch this movie Sunday night and watch for it at other times on the Hallmark channel. I love love this Movie.
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santiagostyle · 7 years
You know whats funny,David made melissa have his bby only bc he's inner insecurity was troubling him that Mel would fall for andy. This maybe bc,melissa is a great actor who has troubles gettin out of the character and would talk about jake meh andy s of-set too. In addition to this they spend so much time together and given her history to fall for co-actor cannot be denied. from all the comments i read from people who work in background i noticed that andy and mel often flirt with each other1/2
(cont.) before s5 when melissa was asked which was her favorite episode of series, she answered S2EP23 johnny and dora bc it had so many jakexAmy kisses in it. i’m not recollecting where i read this but it was an digtal article where melissa confirmed it is so funny and exciting to work with jake and she feels “great” with “all” scenes they shoot with jake and amy kissing. Infact she said, “We giggle a lot after kissing each other passionately. And i love how comfortable we are with each other.” [2/2]
ALRIGHT now that my infuriated screaming is out of the way let’s get down to it. This has been sitting in my inbox for days because it’s honestly taken me that long to process what exactly it is you’re trying to say here - and when I did figure it out, I had a whole lot of issues with it. 
1. First and foremost, David didn’t “make” Melissa have his baby, and I hope you realise what a seriously problematic accusation that is. They’ve been married for ten years, and together for even longer than that. Maybe, MAYBE (and by maybe, I mean this is what happened)… They decided, together, as a couple, that they wanted to have a child. Because they love each other, and because they were ready for it, and because they - together, as a couple - wanted to. (Also, side note, why the hell would David Fumero be insecure?)
2. Second of all, if you’ve actually bothered to compare Melissa to the characters she plays, I think it’s pretty obvious that she has no issue getting in and out of character. Melissa Fumero is not Adriana Cramer, nor is she Amy Santiago. She’s a human being and an actress. She’s doing her job, and she’s allowed to enjoy doing her job. Frankly, it would be more concerning if she wasn’t comfortable with the requirements of her profession or a particular role.
3. Point the third. “Given her history to fall for co-actor”. Is it true that Mel ended up “falling for” a co-star? Yes. But that “co-star” is her husband, the man she chose to spend her life with. Yes, they met on set, but can I point out that they never actually played each other’s romantic interests on OLTL? It’s a happy accident that they met on the set of a show they were both working on. That doesn’t mean Melissa has a “history” of falling for her co-stars. Do you also think she was secretly in love with John-Paul Lavoisier? They played lovers too, after all. Point is, she didn’t fall for just any co-star, she fell for David, and it’s pretty disrespectful to insinuate that she can’t separate herself from her job. You’re basically implying that the moment she kisses someone on screen and is comfortable with it (as she should be) because she is friends with that person, she’s going to fall for them in real life. Honestly, it’s super rude not only to Melissa, but also to David, Andy, and Joanna. Let’s rein it in with the assumptions about her “history”.
tl;dr: Melissa Fumero is a wonderful human being and an excellent, professional actress who is happily married to another actor - not Andy Samberg. Andy Samberg is also a wonderful human being and professional actor, married to - surprise - not Melissa Fumero. Just because they are friendly and comfortable with each other on screen and off, does not mean there is anything romantic going on between them. Melissa and Andy each have children with their respective spouses, whom they love, and it’s really disrespectful to everyone involved to make accusations about any one of those people. It’s 2017. Wow. Men and women can be really close platonic friends - and have a super healthy working relationship - without suddenly wanting to leave their long-term spouses. End. Of. Story.
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gifsdefisica · 4 years
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JOGO CIENTÍFICO! Logo mais veremos quem é quem no JOGO DAS CIENTISTAS organizado pela @bibibailas <3 Aproveitando essa ideia, vamos tentar fazer (ou alguém faz e divulgamos na página) o jogo científico dos/as cientistas NEGROS #Repost @verve.cientifica • • • • • @verve.cientifica A lista segue abaixo. * Linha 1 Ada King Adolfo Lutz Alan Turing Albert Einstein Albert Sabin Alessandro Volta Alexander Fleming Alexander von Humboldt Alfred Nobel Alfred Russel Wallace Alfred Wegener * Linha 2 Andreas Vesalius Antoine Lavoisier Aristoteles Arquimedes Artur Ávila Avicena Bertrand Russell Carl Sagan Carl Friedrich Gauss Carlos Chagas Carlos Lineu * Linha 3 Caroline Herschel Cesar Lattes Charles Babbage Charles Darwin Charles Lyell Claude Shannon Dmitri Medeleiev Edward Jenner Edward O. Wilson Edwin Hubble Enrico Fermi * Linha 4 Ernest Rutherford Erwin Schröendiger Euclides Évariste Galois Francis Bacon Francis Collins Francis Crick Fred Hoyle Galeno Galileu Galilei Georg Cantor * Linha 5 George Gamow Georges Cuvier Georges Louis Leclerc Gottfried Leibniz Graziela Maciel Barroso Gregor Mendel Hans Bethe Harold Kroto Hendrik Lorentz Henry Cavendish Henry Poincare * Linha 6 Hipócrates Humphry Davy Isaac Newton J. Robert Oppenheimer J. Craig Venter Jack Kilby James Clerk Maxwell James Watson James Watt Jane Goodall Jayme Tiomno * Linha 7 Jean d'Alembert Johanna Döbereiner Johannes Kepler John Nash John James Audubon John Ray John von Neumann Jons Berzelius Jose Leite Lopes Katherine Johnson Kurt Godel * Linha 8 Leonardo da Vinci Leonhard Euler Linus Pauling Louis Pasteur Ludwig Boltzmann Luigi Galvani Marie Curie Mario Schenberg Max Planck Michael Faraday Niels Bohr * Linha 9 Nikola Tesla Nicolau Copérnico Norman Borlaug Oswaldo Cruz Pierre-Simon Laplace Pierre Curie Pitágoras Plínio Rachel Carson René Descartes Richard Feynman * Linha 10 Richard Smalley Robert Hooke Robert Boyle Robert Koch Rosalind Franklin Sadi Carnot Sophie Germain Srivanasa Ramanujan Stephen Hawking Stephen Jay Gould Steven Pinker * Linha 11 Temple Grandin Tales de Mileto Tim Berners Lee Tycho Brahe Vital Brazil Werner Heisenberg William Bateson William Harvey William Herschel William Thomson https://www.instagram.com/p/B_96_6AnGTV/?igshid=1ty1xr3j2atir
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mattwalter1-blog · 6 years
Biografia di Matt Walter
Matt Walter è un personaggio della soap opera statunitense Telenovela D'Amore, interpretato da John-Paul Lavoisier dal 2017.
Universo Telenovela D'Amore 1ª app. in 23 ottobre 2017 Interpretato da John-Paul Lavoisier Voce italiana Sesso Maschio Professione Stilista della Foresta Parenti: Adrianna Gonzalez (ex moglie) Ryan Walter (figlio avuto da Adrianna) Billy Walter (figlio avuto da Adrianna) Daniel Walter (figlio avuto da Adrianna) Shawn Walter (figlio avuto da Adrianna) Immagine=
Biografia del personaggio Matt Walter è sposato con Adrianna Gonzalez. Hanno 4 figli: Billy, i gemelli Ryan e Daniel ed infine Shawn Walter.  
L’entrata in scena con la famiglia e L’incontro con i Foresta Matt entra in scena con la sua famiglia composta da: la moglie Adrianna ed i figli Billy, Ryan, Daniel e Shawn. Incontrano i Foresta alla Foresta per un colloquio di lavoro dove vengono assunti la moglie e i figli come stilisti e modelli, invece Matt soltanto come stilista. E’ stato detto che il matrimonio tra Matt e Adrianna prosegue da tanti anni ma in questo periodo sta andando un po’ in crisi. Matt è geloso quando la moglie Adrianna passa tanto tempo al lavoro in compagnia di Lucas Chiummi. In seguito Adrianna tradisce suo marito Matt con Lucas, Adrianna si sente in colpa e confessa tutto a Matt ma non divorziano nonostante Matt si arrabbia. Divorziano invece quando Adrianna è innamorata di Lucas.
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classicsodcovers · 6 years
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Classic SOD Cover Date: April 6, 2010
(left) Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, ALL MY CHILDREN) (right) Drew Garrett & Maurice Benard (Michael & Sonny, ,GENERAL HOSPITAL) (bottom) Scott Clifton, Farah Fath, & John-Paul Lavoisier (Schuyler, Gigi, & Rex, ONE LIFE TO LIVE)
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Thomas Kuhn Wasn't So Dangerous
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In a current publish I evaluation The Ashtray (Or the Man Who Denied Actuality), filmmaker Errol Morris's takedown of philosopher-historian Thomas Kuhn. Morris claims that Kuhn was a foul particular person and dangerous thinker, who threw an ashtray at him in 1972, when he was a graduate scholar. My good friend and colleague James McClellan, a distinguished historian of science at Stevens Institute of Know-how, was additionally Kuhn's scholar in Princeton the early 1970s. Desperate to get Jim's tackle Ashtray, I gave him a replica, and he rewarded me with this response. -John Horgan Pricey John, Thanks a lot on your reward of Errol Morris' The Ashtray. For causes I am going to clarify, I had hassle preventing my method by way of this e book, however studying it was a social and mental nostalgia journey of the best order for me. I used to be a graduate scholar myself within the Princeton historical past of science program on the time of "the incident." My spouse Jackie and I knew and beloved Errol, an ebullient genius himself, as his future profession amply demonstrates. (I vividly bear in mind his triumphant return to a celebration occurring at our home after his well-known escape from jail in Trenton as an anti-war protester!) We had been good associates with Norton Sensible, for instance, who figures in Errol's narrative, too. Largely on this context, I knew Tom Kuhn and had common dealings with him over my 5 years within the Princeton program from 1970 to 1975. Kuhn taught the seminar for coming into graduate college students the 12 months I arrived. (Are you able to think about? Though what we had been supposed to realize from an in depth studying of Anneliese Maier remains to be a thriller to me.) The next 12 months Kuhn recruited me into his seminar on the prehistory of thermodynamics, and figuring out that my mathematical abilities could not deal with, say, Clausius, he assigned me the introductory periods on Lavoisier and the caloric concept of warmth and Depend Rumford on warmth as a mode of movement. (Out of this seminar got here his landmark piece on simultaneous discovery.) The 12 months after that Kuhn was an examiner on one in all my qualifying exams, this one on the Scientific Revolution. (I handed, if barely.) Greater than that Kuhn was a fixture in Princeton and within the Princeton program whom everybody knew effectively and, I daresay, a minimum of revered. All of us socialized on the weekly Program sherry events that befell after his seminar, enhances of the Ford Basis. (Ah! The Ivys!) He was a daily in the classroom reserved for the historians of science within the basement of Firestone Library. Jackie and I noticed him as soon as in tennis apparel driving down Nassau Avenue in a convertible trailing cigarette smoke behind, and once more at a basketball recreation the place he tried gamely to maintain rating in a scorebook given to him by his kids. He as soon as slummed at a celebration at our decrepit graduate scholar digs, the place joints circulated freely. Errol's e book is a masterpiece of rhetoric and character assassination: do we actually want the illustration of Louis XVI's bloody head raised on the guillotine? Sure, Kuhn might be a bully, particularly in direction of anybody who challenged him, resembling Errol or our late colleague Harold Dorn. However for somebody like myself, non-threatening and eager about science and the Enlightenment, Kuhn was type and took his tasks severely as a trainer. The primary draft of my paper for his thermodynamics seminar was a catastrophe, however he took the time and hassle (and solely 1-1\/2 pages of single-spaced typed response) towards guiding me to see its flaws, and he taught me the straightforward, however invaluable lesson that earlier than you write, you must know what you wish to say. We peculiar mortals - and I actually did - thought that Kuhn was a superior genius, somebody with super-human mind energy, as if his cerebral cortex had one other layer the remainder of us lacked. He appeared to undergo in considering, and at all times with a smoke and three steps forward of any interlocutor, he might abide not three sentences earlier than his attribute interjection, "Look,...," adopted by advanced corrections and . His writing displays his tortured thought as effectively. Leaving apart his angst and guilt, Kuhn jogs my memory of Galileo, Galileo's incomparable mind, and Galileo's well-merited intolerance. What's neglected of Errol's account and as we speak's concerns of Kuhn are the historiographical circumstances of the 1950s and 1960s that gave rise to Kuhn's work within the first place. Submit-modernism and the social development of data got here later. We overlook the triumphant historiography and bedazzled public view of science that emerged after WWII. Recall that Charles Gillispie, my mentor and the person accountable for bringing Kuhn to Princeton, in 1959 revealed The Fringe of Objectivity, an account purportedly documenting these transitions the place inchoate information of nature metamorphosed into true science. Again then science was seen as having a definite methodology and because the triumphant and seamless layering of 1 safe brick of data on prime of one other. No matter else we could consider Kuhn's Construction of 1962, he killed Whiggism. He confirmed as soon as and for all that the historical past of science has been marked by elementary discontinuities (revolutions), and he was supremely inventive in outlining processes concerned in scientific change. These are main and incontrovertible contributions to our understanding of science and its historical past. Past that, the historiography of science within the 60s and 70s centered on distinctions between the "internal" historical past of science, or the interior logic of scientific concepts and their disembodied improvement over time, and the "external" historical past of science, or the grubby social and institutional contexts during which serene pure philosophers constructed on the work of their predecessors. What fucked Kuhn up is that he was at all times an internalist, and when social development and post-modernism got here down the pike he needed to reconcile his views of the interior improvement of scientific concepts (and their methodological and epistemological penalties) with this cascade of recent and troubling sociological views. I bear in mind asking Kuhn within the 70s about how we should always bridge the hole between the interior and the exterior, and he tepidly recommended specializing in completely different generations of scientific practitioners, however he did not appear to care, actually. (Even into the 1980s Arnold Thackray on the Division of Historical past and Sociology of Science at Penn was arguing for prosopography, or collective biography, as the way in which ahead to bridge the internal-external debate.) After all, all that got here crashing down, Errol and Steven Weinberg however, when it turned clear that science is basically a social exercise and scientific claims are socially constructed by practitioners, admittedly making an attempt their greatest to say one thing stable concerning the pure world round us. Kuhn's views of 1962 needed to be fitted in to and defended on this radically new mental context. He did his greatest regardless of the disdain of multinational philosophers, who by no means accepted him as a legit voice. I'm not a thinker myself, and thus additionally haven't any standing on this dialogue, however the solutions to Errol's dilemma have lengthy appeared clear to me: that's, Kuhn is a realist, in that he believes in some exterior, materials actuality past our language and cultural constraints, however he's concurrently a relativist in that he has no entry to nor can say something definitive about that exterior world unbiased of language and the conceptual classes that lead us to assume this or that about exterior actuality. Furthermore, in opposition to extra radical relativist positions, which he eschewed, Kuhn holds that some tales are higher than different tales. For that purpose, then, Errol's assault on Kuhn as resulting in Trump, "fake news," and an unmitigated mental or political free for all the place something goes falls brief. Nobody desires to return to Aristotelian or Newtonian physics for good purpose, however we have to additionally acknowledge that our present thought classes are dynamic, not mounted. And right here, Kripke's notion of reference fails, a minimum of in my estimation, not solely contemplating that the factor referenced can't be understood or grasped independently of language and society, but additionally as a result of the very ideas - the moon, an electron - themselves are always in flux and alter with each slight iteration, all of which leaves the goal reference much more inaccessible and vacuous. If Errol or Kripke or anybody can inform me one thing completely goal and unchanging about what's on the market within the pure world, I sincerely wish to hear and imagine that. Perhaps I ought to (re)flip to Jesus. Your good friend, Jim Additional Studying: Jim McClellan makes an look in my new on-line e book Thoughts-Physique Issues (see introduction) in addition to earlier weblog posts (Cantankerous Historian of Science Questions Whether or not Science Can Obtain "Truth" and Science, Historical past and Fact on the College Membership). I talk about Morris's views of Kuhn in three earlier columns: Did Thomas Kuhn Assist Elect Donald Trump?, Second Ideas: Did Thomas Kuhn Assist Elect Donald Trump? and Filmmaker Errol Morris Clarifies Stance on Kuhn and Trump. What Thomas Kuhn Actually Considered Scientific "Truth" Was Thinker Paul Feyerabend Actually Science's "Worst Enemy"? The Paradox of Karl Popper Thoughts-Physique Issues (free on-line e book) For different takes on Ashtray, see evaluations by Tim Maudlin, David Kordahl and Philip Kitcher and a weblog publish by Kuhn's son Nat. Read the full article
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themoinmontrose · 7 years
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soap stud john-paul lavoisier is 37 today #happybirthday
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