#Including the bit about Wolfy because if you don't know them you should
royalarchivist · 2 months
Phil: I should– probably shouldn't say this, but like, I'm gonna say it anyways because it makes me– makes me happy like, thinking about it. I have like, a whole origin story of my character like, planned out. And I don't know when I'm gonna get to share it with everyone, I don't know when I'm gonna get to share that. But like, I think about it almost daily now. [Laughs] I think about it almost daily. It's a problem. It's a problem. I need to start writing it down, 'cuz it's just- it's just swirling in my head, and I keep listening to the same songs that I think would go really well with it. They are heavily copyrighted, unfortunately. [Laughs] So... I'm like this close to pulling the trigger and commissioning some artists and animatic like, makers to just do it.
Phil: [Reading chat] "Ask Wolfy, and they'll just make you Minecraft Jesus." That's true, Wolfy is all about just making various different like, Jesus religion-related animations at the minute. So... if I wanted to become Jesus, I go to Wolfy. "Hey Wolfy mate, so I know you're a big fan of these guys, these old guys from the Bible and stuff, but what about– what about– [Laughs] What about me? Wanna do– wanna do another one? [Laughs] Wanna do a Creature 2?" But just like, super- super biblical– [Laughs]
Phil: What a crazy ask. Crazy sentence, crazy ask, Jesus Christ.
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ANOTHER thought that i forgot to include in my previous asks; does pretty mum have stretch marks too? I wonder if she ever got insecure about them and how would Chris react to it?
As a curvy gurl, sometimes you wanna wear a crop top or something that reveals your belly and the stretch marks show 😔 i just know that pretty mum would definitely slay whatever she wears
she most likely does!
i feel like she used to be very insecure about them when she was younger, but that she probably has accepted them more as she matured.
i suppose she has her days where she might feel uncomfortable with them, but she always tries to be her own personal hypewoman and try to push past it.
i don't think Chris minds or cares at all. he's a wolf... i kinda like to think he's got stretch marks of his own (either because of a growth spurt in his adolescence or because of the strain his human body goes through whenever he shifts or because of him bulking up...). besides, he grew up with Changbin (and other wolves), who most probably also has stretch marks as well, so he's used to seeing them in people.
Chris probably has the habit of kissingpretty's stretch marks, scars (if she's got any), and freckles/beauty marks. inner wolfie's probably like this. this marks where my lips should be. must kiss so he does. i'm sure that helps on days she's feeling a bit down :')
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marumafan · 3 years
Comments on the murakenzu story 2021.10.29
SPOILERS under the cut
My opinion
There's quite a bit to unpack here.
0) Memo app
Posting from the iphone memo app straight to twitter... keep it classy sensei XDD
1) College
Yuuri's not going to college!? I mean.. you know. He's lucky he got that king gig of his because I wonder what he would have done otherwise. (80% of Japanese people get an education higher than high school)
I remember when a fan guessed that Shouri would get him a job working for him when he became a politician; if the king thing didn't pan out. And I mean... it's a very good fan guess, tbh.
2) Uniforms
Remember when Miko asked Yuuri if he was into "people who wore uniforms" as a euphemism for him liking guys? (douj4. change) Well, here we go! I couldn't stop thinking about that story as I read this...
I found these two guys dressing up other guys in their mind quite shocking... Is this what teenage boys are into now?
3) Mura thirst
XDDD Damn boi, you're gonna turn Shinma into Svelera XDD Are you really putting Yuuri in these costumes? The first one, I imagine is a soccer uniform, thus the shorts. XDD Yuuri's embarrassed to show them layyygs, boiii LOL XDD
But Mura's like NIIIICE.
Also, the thirst for Josa is palpable (Yeah, yeah. Yuuri agrees to it too, but I like a side of josaken to my yuuram, so I read it like that). There's a part where Mura gets mura-mura over Joza in swimwear, and I mean... I understand, but still! Bad Sensei, bad!!! *sprays water*
4) Hachimitsu-chan
Murata asks at some point if Yuuri is thinking of Hachimitsu-chan (Yuuri's pet name for Wolfram since 'Crossheart' April, 2006), Yuuri says "who dat?" and then says "no" in a very tsundere way, adding that 'he' is a guy so no XDD Yuuri pls. I ask again,,, who is tsundere now!?
So, Yuuri lets his imagination fly dressing up all of these characters (including Wolf!!!) in his mind along with Mura, but admitting to daydream about 'gallant, strong, brave, ririshii Wolfie' , that's too much. Yuu, boo; make it make sense~
5) Josa fashion leader
I remember when Gun-gun was the Takuya Kimura of Shinma XDD
((There's this band called SMAP in Japan (as big as the backstreet boys in the 90s), and one of the members was Takuya Kimura who got the 'best jeanist' awards (as in jeans fit him the best award... i know, Japan), and idk why but Gun-gun being the 'most beautiful' whatever always gave me Kimura vibes (Did Yuuri ever say that? Did I imagine it?? Was it all a dream O_O!?).
Anyway, I feel like Jozak is replacing Gyun now as the biggest fashionista. Gunter's too old , too much of a creep? We need someone young to bring in the masses X'D
6) Ice hockey?
Yuuri says they should bring ice hockey to Shinma...? What? How, where... how are we making the ice rink?
Lemme guess MAgic... uh-huh... I mean at least baseball you can play anywhere, but I feel like ice hockey would be a stretch.
Then again I feel like sensei threw that in just to circle back to Halloween, as a story telling mechanism. Yuuri's never talked about ice hockey before. There's no famous Japanese ice hockey players, so probably just a story telling device.
(Although imagine if they do and then Gwen and Anini end up doing figure skating XDDD SENSEI NOO! Bad sensei! *sprays water*- for those who don't know Gwen and Anini's names come from REAL figure skaters who were famous in the 2000s XDD Sensei don't!)
7) Other World Reincarnation Study Group in Yuuri's HS?
Are we gonna get new characters introduced??? Was it just a plot device to end the story?!
8) Sensei's extras
In this tweet, after posting the story sensei says : I think that Yuuri and Wolf would look good in table tennis uniforms XD She also doesn't understand why Yuuri has no problem wearing regular clothes has an issue with the soccer uniform. Sense, if you don't know then who does?
Such a short story, so much to say. I'm just starving for content at this point. Happy Halloween, everyone!
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