#Ikevil theory
sachikoii · 30 days
My thoughts on what year ikevil is set
I just finished Harrison's route a few days ago so I wanted to share some of my thoughts 👀
SPOILERS AHEAD (just in case)
The premise of Ikemen Villain is that you are living in 19th century London. Crown works for the Queen. This would have to refer to the only female British monarch in that century, Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837-1901 aka the Victorian era.
I think most people know by now that Arthur Conan Doyle (the non-vampire version) makes an appearance in Harrison's route. Harrison's day job is being an editor and he's also a big fan of mystery novels. He mentions enjoying Conan Doyle's novels and being excited for new releases.
Sherlock Holmes is also mentioned a few times in his route, and not just by Harrison. MC also references Watson (wish I had the screenshot for this, it was in the middle of Harrison's route 🥲). We can assume at this point that Sherlock Holmes has reached enough mainstream popularity as even regular, literate folk like MC vaguely know the characters.
Sherlock Holmes made his first appearance in 1887, meaning our setting is already quite late in the Victorian era. He became increasingly popular after having his short stories published in a magazine, beginning in 1891.
To add to this, Liam mentions Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (William's route, Chapter 2) and specifically says it is "a story released a few decades ago". That book was published in 1865. A few is usually considered to be 2 or more, confirming again that it is late in the 1800s (at least 1885).
Therefore, Ikevil takes place between 1891-1899. Of course, this assumes the timeline matches our timeline and it isn't in an alternate universe where things we know from history are sprinkled in here and there haha wouldn't that be funny 🙂
Honestly though, I do know that Cybird hasn't always been the most accurate when it comes to historical events (I wouldn't really expect that of them either). I just think it's fun to imagine that Ikevil and Ikevamp could be happening in the same universe ☺️ I would love to see a crossover event (I know there's one with Harrison and Arthur my two favs)
Let me know if you have a different perspective! I'm so curious if they added any other historical references in other routes. I just started William's and haven't done Liam's yet.
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mrslelouch · 13 days
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This is my guess what the 3 new Villains are based on. I know they're more tales with Vogel in it but to me Der goldene Vogel by The Brothers Grimm fits so perfectly! (I really hope I am right!) This fairy tale is about the pursuit of a golden bird by a gardener's three sons. Which fairy tale do you guys think fits the new Villains? (Please kindly share 😊💕)
Here's the synopsis for the story for those who are curious:
Every year, a king's apple tree is robbed of one golden apple during the night. He sets his gardener's sons to watch, and though the first two fall asleep, the youngest stays awake and sees that the thief is a golden bird. He tries to shoot it, but only knocks a feather off.
The feather is so valuable that the king decides he must have the bird. He sends his gardener's three sons, one after another, to capture the priceless golden bird. The sons each meet a talking fox, who gives them advice for their quest: to choose an old and shabby inn over a rich and pleasant one. The first two sons ignore the advice and, in the pleasant inn, abandon their quest. The third son obeys the fox, so the fox advises him to take the bird in its wooden cage from the castle in which it lives, instead of putting it into the golden cage next to it, because this is a signal. But he disobeys, and the golden bird rouses the castle, resulting in his capture.
The king of the castle agrees to spare him and give him the golden bird only if he can retrieve the golden horse. The fox advises him to use a dark gray leather saddle rather than a golden one which is a signal again, but he fails again by putting a golden saddle on a horse, resulting in his capture by a different castle. This castle's king sent him after the princess from the golden castle. The fox advises him not to let her say farewell to her parents, but he disobeys, and the princess's father orders him to remove a hill in eight days as the price of his life. The fox removes it for him, and then, as they set out, he advises the son how to keep all the things he has won since then. It then asks the son to shoot it and cut off its head. When the son refuses, it warns him against buying gallows' flesh and sitting on the edge of rivers.
He finds that his older brothers, who have been carousing and living sinfully in the meantime, are to be hanged (on the gallows) and buys their liberty. They find out what he has done. When he sits on a river's edge, they push him in, take the bird, horse and princess and bring them to their father. However, all three grieve for the youngest son. The fox rescues the prince, and when he returns to his father's castle dressed in a beggar's cloak, the bird, the horse, and the princess all recognize him as the man who won them, and become cheerful again. His older brothers get punished for their bad deeds, and he marries the princess.
Finally, the third son cuts off the fox's head and feet at the creature's request. The fox is revealed to be a man, the brother of the princess who had been enchanted by a witch after being lost for great many years.
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rou-luxe · 6 days
alfons said WHAT about liam
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I'm not sure if this is a writing inconsistency because of the multiple different authors working on the game, or if Alfons is fucking around
Elbert preserves what he thinks is beautiful. Alfons knows that. In the prologue and William's path (?), Elbert asks Alfons if Kate is beautiful, and Alfons turns the prospect down immediately. It might seem rude of him at first, but it's really to preserve Elbert's sanity... and to prevent Kate from dying so soon. If Alfons and Liam are "playmates", then why. Why would he do that.
(fucking shaking Alfons' shoulders rn)
From what I heard, Alfons is an absolute menace in this path... but that's a line he wouldn't cross. It would just make more people suffer. He has dedicated himself to preventing such suffering.
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errethebunny · 14 days
Before the timer goes out, I'd like to share some theories about what's about to come in ikevil
possible spoilers ahead
Usually, it is on act 2 that the ikemen team usually announces the new characters of the season.
As we experienced in Ikemen Vampire, and Ikemen Prince, the new characters usually come to antagonize some of the previous suitors.
Which makes me believe the characters that would be antagonized by the new bunch, will be the characters that didn't have their routes out yet: Roger, Jude and Victor. In that order.
Maybe in Roger's route, we will learn about some other cursed person Roger tried to cure and wasn't successful (hence why he's very adamant about NOT being a doctor anymore). Maybe he thought his friend died, and now surprise! Guess who's back?
As for their curse, my thoughts go to The Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding Hood.
Pretty cliche, I know, but like Snow White, Red Riding Hood also has a Hunter, which would be perfect to explain their relation to one another, as well as determining their dynamic as the two big bad guys hunting Mc.
Now for Jude, I don't really think the new guy will necessarily be related to Briar Rose. But I definitely can see some money related curse. Maybe Robin Wood? Maybe. Definitely something thief related I think
It could be interesting, a character that hates rich people like Jude, however since Jude is rich himself, the character could steal some of Jude's stuff. It could be funny lol
I could keep going, but I think Victor deserves his own post.
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shatcey · 14 days
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Is this supposed to give us some information?
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I don't remember fairy tales very well… But something to do with birds…
There was a story about a girl whose brothers were bewitched and turned into swans, and she sewed them clothes out of nettles to turn them back… Something like that. I don't remember the name.
And Nils… Where there were wild ducks…
But this has nothing to do with Germany… right?
On the other hand, they have already used Snow White, and this is a German fairy tale…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Ok, just hear me out. I’ve seen some people say that the book Jude carries could be a black list of all the people he wants to get revenge on. But, what IF it’s not a revenge list?? What IF it’s an accounts ledger???
I remember reading somewhere that in order to fulfill an old promise, he needs a lot of money. And even then, he only has like .1% chance of fulfilling it. The book could be an accounts ledger he uses as he’s out collecting and working to keep him on track to fulfill his promise?
Plus, given the recent story event, if he can not only put people to sleep, but may have the ability to manipulate time around him, then it’s a very very old promise, and the book could include a sort of record of things that have happened over the years to keep his mind straight. I mean the time manipulation may have just been for the plot of the SE, but why not? Idk. Just random theories 😝
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xenokiryu · 3 months
I think Jude's fans are gonna have a mini field day with his lil character card.
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 2 months
Ellis Romantic Ending Spoilers+ New Character Speculation...
Usually cybird gives hints about the new male leads in the route prior to actually announcing them. They did it in Ikegen with Yoichi's route and I also believe they did the same for Ikepri (IDK which route). So in Ikevil, I had expectations to find some hints or references...and I found out that.....
Her Majesty who is covering her face with a veil and hiding her face from society and privy council. Who gives orders to the Crown to go on missions, might be my blind male lead. Because Golden butterfly is only mentioned in Will, Liam and Harry's route. When I saw Jude mentioning how her Majesty doesn't actually talk nor shows her face feels sus. Remember how we all used to think that the Queen might actually be dead at the beginning of the game. That theory is coming back now. Maybe the Queen is being controlled by someone. It might not be Victor...maybe a new male lead with his abilities is using the Queen's body as a puppet to control the Crown.
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my ikevil crack theory:
his real name isn't even really victor, that's just his assigned name cause he works with queen victoria. hence his lack of a known last name
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hana-karee12 · 1 year
I've noticed that Ellis is a bit different compared to the other characters and this post will show what I thought was "different" about him cause I really just want to talk about IkeVil. I think that he has an important role somehow. Reminder: I'm probably over-analyzing what CYBIRD showed us for Ellis and what I'm pointing out is probably not what it's supposed to be like an English teacher saying the blue curtain has a significance. This is just for fun.
First of all, he was the only character wearing the Crown while the others are just holding it. Not even Victor is wearing it, I thought it was strange when I first saw it considering their organization's name was Crown and why would Ellis be the one to wear it rather than William or Victor? (Wether it's for foreshadowing purpose or they ran out of poses for him to do, I will forever be grateful that this was released).
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Second of all, he's really the only one who's described as "nice" in the organization even though he's still a bit creepy. This doesn't sound like much but this is an organization that fights evil with evil, it's odd by itself that he's "nice".
My final main point is that in the Official PV all of the characters, besides Victor who's narrating, is saying something romantic or related to their character. The starters' lines are about their curse while Elbert, Alfonse, Roger and Jude has a romantic line. However, Ellis' line was "I'll kill you someday." That was really surprising when I first saw it, and compared to the others (again besides Victor) his lines aren't necessarily romantic and his voice lines before this didn't directly say that he wants to kill us. Especially since CYBIRD showed us that he was a character who looked for people's happiest moment. I mean you can consider him killing you romantic but… Well this is a PV, and even Jude had a romantic line which I'm assuming is to invite players to play the dating game but why is Ellis' different? He had a lot of romantic lines before this and probably more in the game but why specifically "I'll kill you someday"?
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These last ones are minor details that I caught because I've reached this far might as well stretch my theory as far as it can since Ellis is the second last character. This part might be a bit annoying since it's most likely a coincidence they used Ellis for these.
In the new Escort system, Ellis' affection is a lot more than William, Elbert and Victor. Ellis' affection level being 23 is significantly more than William's affection level at 11 along with Elbert and Victor's affection level at 4. Maybe this is just a way to show that the affection limit is 23 since Ellis' progression is at 0.
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As much as he is cute as a doll, why is Ellis with the starters? I feel like it would make sense for Harrison to be here since he's already shown in the PV and is a starter.
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To conclude, this is all just for fun and I'm probably blowing this out of proportion. I think it'd be interesting if he does play an important role in the story but even if he doesn't it's still fine. I'm looking forward to Ikemen Villain's release ^^, thank you if you read this far.
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rou-luxe · 4 days
Liam and Alfons' relationship
TW suicidal Liam. Light spoilers for Liam's route
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(From Alfons' Secret) Alfons isn't referring to himself here - he's referring to LIAM.
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In this scene in Liam's route, LIAM initiated this. As his "playmate", Liam knows full well what will happen. We know he's not able to express his desires, so he puts it out as a suggestion. In a way, this is his consent and his cry for help. Otherwise, he wouldn't go up to Alfons. Alfons is the only one he can confide in for this. Alfons doesn't judge him at all. He doesn't pry, either. He's a good listener... the man I fell in love with 🤭
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He knows exactly what Liam wants. He's serious about this, even though he jokes around in the third screenshot... it's more to serve as a distraction, I think...
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To be fair... Liam would still think about it without an illusion. So the illusion, in this case, is to keep his mind off of it...
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Alfons is telling a half-truth here. It did happen, but he doesn't want Kate to worry even more, so he can't tell Kate the whole truth.
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Why is he "cranky"?
Alfons isn't usually irritable at all. (Except when it comes to Roger...) But it's probably not because of Roger, since Roger doesn't know why Alfons is in a bad mood. Is it because of Liam's behavior? No, it must be another reason...
In the carriage, Liam is still unhappy. He's sitting there, refusing to talk. Alfons is frustrated because he's unable to help Liam completely. Liam still suffers, but Alfons can't make Liam forget all of it. Alfons isn't mad at Liam, Kate, or Roger, he's mad at himself. He knows that Liam will continue to suffer, it is inevitable. There is truly nothing he can do about it. Alfons may have prevented Liam from throwing himself off anything for one night, but he can't keep doing this forever.
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Alfons prioritizes others' happiness. No matter what, the scars left on their hearts will never heal. They won't be able to go forward in life.
Just like Liam.
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yeah so I think this was a mistake 💀
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yanderepuck · 2 months
I've already had a few ppl be bitchy about this so I'm just setting a boundary rn:
If I am talking about ikevil I am talking about the en server and the en server only. If I wanted to be ahead I would have kept up with the jp server but I couldn't be bothered bc I already play too many games.
There is nothing wrong with someone not wanting to know future details on the game. I am focused on the en and the lore and how things are phrased in en.
If you stayed up to date with JP there is nothing wrong with that, but please respect the people who waited for the en release and when they start talking theories don't go " well in x route...." Cybird could change some things in the en server. They have in other games.
Talking theories is how we all talk to each other and make friends so please just let it happen
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shatcey · 18 days
I just remembered the villain. The Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. It's too naughty to begin with, I doubt they will use it…
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
We already know Jude lost at least two people. I've been suspecting for a while it's a sister situation. Siblings as street orphans. Older sister turns to prostitution to feed them. Eventually dies of syphilis. Jude has strong 'younger, but overprotective brother' energy. It would also explain his distaste of 'treating women that kind of way'.
Yes, I have theorized a similar situation as well, and if his Dark IF event was any indication of a vague hint to his childhood, then he probably grew up in the slums, and dealt with a lot of mistreatment from those of higher status. That would explain his hatred towards the nobility or those who abuse their power. And since TB was prevalent back then, perhaps, the two who sang him the BD song from his BD story, could’ve suffered from that, and he himself did too at one point - which is probably why he still has weak lungs. I also think it was a sister or mother who may have prostituted herself in order to at least provide bread. In the end, he survived and they did not.
Either way, whomever he lost was very precious to him, and his notebook seems to be linked to that imo.
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elleplaysotome · 1 month
Discovered you through IkeVil! I love your humor and got even happier when I read that your Tumblr is a safe space for asexuals. Thank you for making me smile today!
What's your favourite thing about each character?
Omg hi! This is so sweet thank you for making me smile!! I'm always happy to provide a safe space for aces!!
I'm studying abroad rn and super busy so I haven't had enough time to really start Ikevil ENG😭 (also why it's taken me a few days to answer, I'm so sorry!) my knowledge on the characters is a little rusty, but that being said:
Mostly what I've loved most ab the Ikevil characters is the character design! I think that with otome games, the way a character is designed goes with their personality a lot and that is especially true with Ikevil, which I think is super cool. The color schemes used for them are also very eye-catching. I LOVE the contrast in William's color scheme, for example. How bright the red is in his eyes and how white his hair is. For Liam as well, the tiny light green-blue accents on his outfit really pull his design together!
As for each character specifically:
William is a great posterboy because he still has the same almost "perfect man" qualities as the others, but with the villain twist of the "I can make her worse, but who she was always meant to be" type trope.
More basic for Liam, but him being a theatre kid is very funny to me, as someone who did theatre crew a lot in high school.
Based on what I know ab Harri, he might end up being a favorite of mine. I can see him being the type of head-over-heels otome LI that I adore. (Don't know for sure yet tho!) His color is also my favorite color lmao.
Roger is the doctor, which I have historically enjoyed the trope of. Ikerev Kyle, my beloved🥰
Elbert is my current favorite, and I think he'll stay that way! I love the pretty boys and I think his curse is very interesting.
I'm gonna be so real I don't think I'll like Alfons💀 I'll still read his route when it comes to ENG, but I can tell it'll be a situation where I like the route itself but not the character (happened to me with Luke and Rio from Ikepri)
Jude reminds me of Ikepri Silvio, my absolute beloved, so I am very excited for more of him. I love his character type a lot, and I love that the concern he has for Kate and her normal life is clear from the beginning.
Ellis is another contender for a favorite of mine! I'm a sucker for dark purple charcters, but I'm also so curious about him and his curse!!
And Victor is just hilarious, he kills me every time. He's also very intriguing and I love seeing theories about him, but I mostly just love how funny he is! His energy really completes the dynamic between all the characters lmao.
Sorry if this was super long I tend to have a hard time being concise with anything😭😭😭 but thank you so much for your ask! I really love seeing other aspecs in the community!
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Why does ikegen seems like it has few fandoms. I'm only judging since it seems only a few translates it in tmblr. But could it be the reason why it doesn't get an English release.
Who knows why they aren't releasing it in eng. Either they think that the eng fandom doesn't really care because no one from the eng fandom was hyping up the game on its release like we all do now for ikepri and ikevil or maybe it could be this one comment I read:
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Saying that we eng players won't understand Japanese mythology is a bullshit excuse because I went into this game 'BLINDLY'. Do you know what blindly means? I didn't watch any trailers or read the basic premise of the game's story. Heck, I didn't even know Yoritomo and Yoshitsune and all the other male leads (except for demons and Sueharu) were real-life people. I didn't know the actual history about them at all. You see, when I first played ikevamp and ikesen, I at least knew that the male leads were based on real people. For example, I knew Nobunaga was a real-life samurai and that's all. I still played the game, ikegen because it looked very pretty. After playing the game for almost 4years, I can say that----Yes! this game does mention real life events such as the Genpei war and stuff. What I can tell you is that, even if you don't have any knowledge about the Japanese history or mythology, you can still enjoy this game as much. What this does is that, this game makes you curious as to what actually happened in real life. So that excuse about players not knowing mythology is not an excuse because if someone as dumb as me can understand, then you intelligent people can understand it too.
I don't know why, but the last comment makes me salty for no reason but it could also be true. Ofc ikepri is ikesen level popular in jp and overseas, but that doesn't mean that ikegen is any less popular. My Twitter is filled with Jp players and they all love to talk about ikegen 24/7. They come up with stupid ideas and theories and it's fun to read. Not to forget, their fanart and fanfic are very juicy most of the time. Ofc they also write and draw other ikemen games as well, but they all show equal love to every ikemen game. If you wanna check out some cool fan work of ikegen go to this link.
Also if you have seen the last ikegen anniversary general election it went from mere 4m total votes to 20m total votes. That's actually incredible when I saw it because I thought the total votes would drop. So there is a fandom in Jp that are ready to whale for ikegen I swear. I don't really know about the eng fandom. They all are interested but they don't want to try it out because its in jp (and I swear half of these are also the ones who play ikevil and ikepri in JP *angry grudge noises*). Yeah, do whatever you like. Thank you for making me salty for no reason!! *making angry grudge noises*
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