t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
200 followers celebration!! (Closed)
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Idk what I did to deserve the support and love I get for my work but I'm so happy that 200 of you guys are sticking around for my journey and writing and just growth throughout the past couple of months. Ty ty so much and to show my appreciation I made a little prompt event!
Events masterlist
Send me a request of the number of prompt you want (can be as many as you want, I'll try to incorporate them all) and the character (from my list) you would like the prompt to be with :)) (ex. 23 w/ Stiles Stilinski) Enjoy!!
"thanks for being here with me."
"Hold on, let me fix this for you."
"you made a promise."
"was i not enough for you?"
" i love you, but you’re not mine. "
“What’s you excuse this time?” “I’m a little bit stupid :)"
"do we really have to end it all?"
“ doesn’t take an idiot to figure it out. “ “ are you calling me an idiot? “
"I wish I could go on just one date where I didn't have to use the Heimlich maneuver." "Dude, what goes on on your dates?" "I wish I knew!"
“you… you don’t even have to love me back, you know?”
'' you're blushing. '' '' i-- i didn't realize you were in here. ''
" before you do anything, try this and tell me what you think. "
“you’re driving me crazy here.”
" i’m not afraid of you. "
" we won’t forget each other, right? "
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“Don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?” “Not until four."
" order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want. "
“ [they/she/he] kissed you? “ it was more of a peck... “22
"Okay, I get it now." "You do?" "Yeah!" "Are you sure?" "No."
“Just kiss me once!”
“Can you just-” “CaN yOu JuSt-” “Stop!” “StOp!” “One of these days I am going to kill you.”
“ of course i love [him/them/her]. we’ve been friends for ages. “
“If you don’t stop now I’m calling your mom!"
“you guys make this stuff look easy...”
“you did not just bite into your popsicle.”
" wow i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look."
"i lost, didn't i?"
"I guess when you put it like that..."
“i’m so hot..” “loving the confidence.” “oh shut up.”
" aw, did you miss me? "
" is that my shirt? "
"you’re welcome to stay, if you want. "
“ friends don't look at each other that way. “
"i just want you to be happy."
" how about a kiss before i go?"
"Your hands are always so warm."
"somehow, i expected that this would happen eventually."
“hey, your feelings are not stupid.”
"Hrmg, I'm not moving. Don't make me."
" i’m sorry, have we met? "
“ you flat out just admitted you have feelings for me. “
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide …”
“…*begrudgingly* No escape from reality."
"You're so cute." "No, I'm not."
" your heart is beating so fast right now. "
"please tell me why."
" it’s okay. you can let go. "
“ you know that’s not the case. [she/he/they] adores you. “
“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”
"we could have had a thousand of tomorrows together."59
" it wasn’t supposed to end like this. "
"No, stop saying that! I DON'T care about you or anything you do!"62
"you already know how this will end. "
" do you remember when we first met? "
“Wow that was so wild. Crazy”
“it’s your turn to do the dishes.” “let’s get a divorce.” “we aren’t married yet, my love.” “well we sure as hell aren’t getting married now.”
"i was ready to give you my heart."
" why does it feel like this is goodbye? "
“ unless you don't like me, in which case i take it back. “
"How is it only Wednesday..." "It's Monday." "NO!!!!"
"Why are you smiling at me like that?"
“He’s my worst enemy. My nemesis.” “Didn’t you meet him like five minutes ago?” “Yes.”
"Why are you all laughing? That is not very nice. I haven't even told my joke yet."
“do you… love me, by any chance?” “yeah, why?” “well, i’m sorry, i was just— WAIT WHAT—”
'' i don't feel... whatever it is i'm supposed to feel for you. ''
“your mom is coming over today.” “tell her to bring fried rice or she’s not invited.” “you tell her, she’s your mom.” “but she likes you more!”
“You really think you can stop me? Adorable.”
"you sound pretty hot when you shut up."
“Toss me!” “Toss you?!” “Do it!!”
“Every time I see your face I go crazy.” “Crazy in a bad way or crazy in a good way?” “Undecided.”
“this is why i hate summer.”
"well, well, well. look who's running back into my arms. i told you that i'm irresistible, didn't i?"
“why isn’t the air on?? turn it on!”
“Hold my beer.” “This is a Capri-sun.”
“You think you can take me?”
“Hey, uhm, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” “Oh, no, don’t tell me you’re gonna go all sappy and confess your love and everything to me now, are you?” “Well now I’m certainly not gonna to do it!!”
“ew, you're all sweaty...”
“Shut up.” “..I didn’t say anything?” “Shhhh.”
“I just want to throw up and die."
“This is it. This is my sign!” “… That’s a cereal box.”
Hopefully you'd like to celebrate with me with this event :)))
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danyka-fendyr · 4 years
Absence of Good - 10
Chapter 10: 126 Kisses
Alright everybody I’m back! Finals are over and I’m officially free to write as much as I want until I can get a job. Hopefully that will be soon, but it’s not looking great. This chapter things sort of slow down and our heroes get the chance to relax for a minute. I figured they deserved it after their last case. Also this is just really fun for me.
Taglist:  @dreamwritesimagines @rhabakoli @alwaysadreamingoptimist
AoG Taglist:  @pancakefancake @prettyboyspenerrr @youreasnack @alioop3818 @newtslatte @rathersuspiciousbumblebee @andiebeaword @stalker83005 @lotties-journey-abroad
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: None! This is all fluff. If you aren’t scared of a little making out, you’re safe here.
“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.” ― Jane Austen
           Trying to decide what your favorite thing about Spencer was was like trying to decide what flavor to pick at a Baskin-Robbins in hell, the options stretching to infinity. His lips, his brain, his hair, his really terrible but also really cute jokes, his hands, his magic tricks. There were a lot of options. There were so many options.
Right now though, the lips were taking it in a landslide.
“Do you really think,” you gasped, “that now is a good time for this?”
Spencer didn’t look up from where he was diligently making his way down your neck, fingers tracing little circles into the space of skin between your blouse and your slacks. You were in a supply closet, which felt very, extremely, incredibly high school, although admittedly you had never actually done anything that edgy in high school. That being said, if you were going to act like high schoolers you thought making out in a library was a much sexier choice and should probably involve fewer mops.
“Can’t wait,” he mumbled, pulling you just that little bit closer to him.
“Can’t wait 30 minutes till we’re off the clock?”
You laughed at him, but he swallowed it with a kiss, making you far too breathless to laugh anymore.
“This is our first full day of work back since the case where I didn’t see you for a full week. Perhaps you’ve forgotten, but I forget nothing, and I remember every. Agonizing. Moment.” He punctuated the words with kisses.
“I remember,” you breathed out, kissing the corner of his mouth. “I also remember that despite that, we like our jobs. We would like to keep our jobs. Which is why this is a bad idea.”
You stepped away, disentangling yourself with more restraint than you had probably ever exercised before. 30 minutes. 30 more minutes of paperwork. 30 more minutes of explaining to some desk jockey how to put a man in handcuffs. Then you were free.
You gave him one last kiss, just as a reward for the fact that you were miraculously managing to walk away from this.
“Meet me at the library after work.”
You reasoned you deserved to indulge your childish fantasies if you were going to be a responsible adult right now.
Before he could kiss you again and make you rethink your decision, you slipped out of the supply closet, straightening your shirt as you went. You stopped to check your appearance in the bathroom mirror, touched up your lipstick a little, then went back to work hoping nobody would notice your pupils were still dilated. The only person truly likely to notice that, however, was Spencer, and you didn’t have to worry about him. All you had to worry about were these forms.
The next half hour of your life was grueling. You had been literally tortured before and somehow, this seemed worse than that. You would have said it was impossible for anything to be worse than that, but now you knew better. It was simply improbable.
Finally, it ended. You let Spencer leave first, because clearly you were the one showing restraint today. He booked it out of the building, but you, on the other hand, took your time packing up. Stopped to chat with Emily, figuring she would be a safe bet considering she was either oblivious to your relationship or just so good at hiding her emotions she would never give away knowledge of it. You valued that in her as a friend. Her ability to not call you on your blatant lies when she knew the truth was better kept a secret.
You kept the conversation brief and lighthearted, and soon you were out the door too. You were aware Spencer knew your favorite library because he had confessed to you that the moment he knew he was in love with you was when you told him you even had a favorite library and that it was your happy place. You couldn’t help the fact that not only was it superior to all other libraries, but it was also superior to all other locations in general.
You wasted no time getting inside once you were there, scanning the shelves for him, and…there he was, freaking out some librarians with the speed at which he was reading. Was that the book you thought it was?
“Is that my favorite book?”
Spencer looked up, face forming a smile before his eyes even registered that it was you who had approached him.
“Yeah. You mentioned you liked it so I thought I should read it.”
“I think you’re concerning the librarians, my love. You’re going to put them out of a job.”
He blushed, and you assumed he was feigning modesty, but he quickly made the real reason for his sudden intense interest in the same page clear.
“My love?” His voice cracked softly. “We use nicknames now?”
Your face turned shades to match his. “Only if you want to.”
Wow, the books were fascinating. In fact, you could stare at them all day. Just look at bindings and never move or speak again ever for the rest of your life.
“Yeah, I do. I think it’s cute. Sweetheart.”
You stared down at your shoes, toes curling inside of them. Something about the way he said it made you go all melty inside. You definitely liked that.
“Okay, well,” you said, clearing your throat. “Considering you’re about 75% of the way through the greatest novel of all time, I have to ask. What do you think?”
“Well, I’ll admit it’s not my usual taste, but the author is certainly talented. I mean, the parallelism between certain characters, the perfect use of narrative tension, it’s all very well done. You have excellent taste.”
“And you’re not just lying because you like making out with me?” You teased.
“Well I do like making out with you.” Spencer grinned slyly. “But no. I never lie about books. Literature is sacred.”
“Agreed.” You nodded.
“That being said, I hardly think this counts as a holy place,” Spencer said, his voice dipping lower so that only you could hear, “so I think we can defile it guilt free.”
You were about to agree when you caught sight of the new arrivals shelf over his shoulder.
“Oh my gosh I’ve been trying to get my hands on that forever but I was too cheap to buy it!”
You shove past him, disregarding any apologies that might have been necessary. Not that he would require them. He had been ignoring you for books for the past week. He totally owed you.
“Can I read it first?” He asked, just as fascinated.
“Absolutely not.”
“But I’ll read it faster!”
“You’re not even done with the book you have now, slowpoke. Catch up with the big kids then you can read.”
You snatched the book of the shelf, holding it close to your chest. Spencer, meanwhile, appeared to have finished the book. You really hated him sometimes.
“Done. Now can I read it first?” He raised an eyebrow at you in challenge.
“Fine. But you owe me 126 kisses.”
“I’ll remember that.”
You snorted, not taking him literally as he took the book out of your hands and you paused to admire the architecture. Part of the reason this library was your favorite was that it was multiple stories. Books upon books not only stacked over shelves but over floors of a building. Multiple stories in multiple stories, if you wanted to be witty about it. The large glass windows in the front allowed plenty of light in, and you liked to bathe in sun pools while curled up with your books. You never liked to just be in and out of a library. One had to take time to bask in a library, to appreciate its unique atmosphere, to perhaps soak up the knowledge of its books through osmosis. Libraries were both underappreciated and important.
“Can you walk and read at the same time?” You asked.
“Of course I can, what kind of question is that?”
“Then follow me. I’m taking you to my favorite reading nook.”
You wound up the stairs, Spencer in tow, hardly glancing up from the book to see where he was going. You wondered if his genius brain came with hyperdeveloped peripheral vision.
The sun dappled blue carpet of the steps lead you to the second floor, coming to a spiraling stop across the room from your favorite spot. You made a bee line for it, sinking down into the plush curve of the couch. It wasn’t particularly busy on this floor of the library at this time of night, since this was where they kept most of the more obscure research literature. This floor was more geared towards the serious scholars, while the first floor was designed for university students and casual readers. You enjoyed all three categories of reading, yet another reason this location was so optimal.
You gestured for Spencer to join you, and he easily flopped down next to you, leaning into your side. He looped an arm around you, passing you the book with his free hand.
“Done?” You asked.
“Done,” he confirmed. “It’s kind of dead in here, isn’t it?”
“This is their slow day. We’re almost guaranteed not to be interrupted up here right now. Part of why I like it. I like to read in peace. There’s probably some research papers up here you’d like.”
You idly flipped open the pages of the book, ready to relax and read for an hour or two. Spencer had other ideas though.
“Guaranteed not to be interrupted, huh?” He said, nose slipping into your hair as he whispered the words low in your ear.
“Baby, I’m trying to read,” you whined.
That was the wrong choice of words. His hand slipped from your shoulder to your waist, pivoting you to face him as his fingers dug into the soft flesh that curved over your obliques.
“Have I mentioned that I really love the nicknames?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer before his mouth was on yours, and you were abruptly incapable of rational thought. No unsubs, no paper filing, and certainly no books. The room could have been on fire and you probably wouldn’t have noticed seeing as it already felt like you were on fire with the warm skim of his hands against your skin.
“Maybe I should have just taken you home,” he said, already a little breathless. “As nice as this couch is, yours is more comfortable, and you look very good in a t-shirt.”
“And jeans?”
A mindless comment, a meaningless clarification as your head spun.
“No. No jeans.”
He went back to your throat, which seemed to be his favorite spot. You inhaled sharply, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Besides, I still owe you 126 kisses.” You felt him smile into your skin saying it.
Oh, he was enjoying himself entirely too much.
Still, you couldn’t stop yourself from saying, “Yes, please.”
You heard him muttering under his breath as he kissed your neck, and your brows furrowed in confusion. After a moment, you realized. He was counting. You would have laughed if it wasn’t actually a little bit sexy.
Were you actually going to do this? Were you seriously making out with your boyfriend in a library? A public library, no less? The answer was no, and not because you didn’t want to.
A librarian hovered one shelf away, looking like she really didn’t want to have to come interrupt you but would if you continued. You sighed, pulling away from Spencer.
“I was wrong earlier. We are officially being interrupted. Let’s leave before we terrorize the poor librarians any further, shall we?”
You couldn’t hide your slight disappointment. It had been a long day and you deserved 126 kisses from your boyfriend. Alas, it was not to be.
Spencer was undaunted. “Guess this means I get to take you back to your place.”
“Guess it does,” you said, leading the charge back downstairs.
You ran your library card, checking out the book, before breezing out the door. You knew Spencer had walked here just like you knew he typically took the subway to work. Just as well. Meant you wouldn’t have to be separated on the drive back to your house.
“By the way, I’m investing in some t-shirts for you,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of your car.
He followed, sitting passenger side.
“Is there something wrong with my shirts?” Spencer frowned slightly.
“No, of course not. I love the way you dress. However, I want some oversized t-shirts.”
“I’m not following,” he said.
“It’s simple. I buy you t-shirts, let you keep them for like, a month, and then gradually steal them all from you.”
He laughed. “Why not just buy yourself t-shirts that are too big?”
“Because then they won’t smell like you.”
“I would say I’m not sure I fully understand you but actually I’ve been realizing since we got back that I’m sort of obsessed with the smell of your perfume. It would kind of linger in the air after you dropped off my coffees on that last case and that alone could keep me going for hours.”
“Really?” You kept your eyes on the road, diligently avoiding eye contact, suddenly shy.
“Really. You smell so good, all the time. I don’t know how you do it.”
“Well I shower on a regular basis, just for a starting point,” you teased.
“Did you know that some experts say you actually shouldn’t shower every day? Apparently occasionally taking a break allows your skin to rebuild the natural oils it needs to be healthy. So while it doesn’t hurt you to shower every day, it can also be beneficial to skip sometimes.”
“I’m making a mental note of that for our next case. ‘Unsub has read same studies Spencer has. Took them too far.’”
You were rewarded with another of his laughs just as you pulled into your driveway. You took a moment to appreciate it, the sound light and happy. It was nice to hear him so relaxed after the case you had just gotten off. You were quickly overcome by the urge to kiss him.
He lead you inside, the two of you practically tripping over each other in your haste. You had never unlocked a door so fast a day before in your life.
You kicked off your shoes in the hallway, and Spencer followed suit, mismatched socks making an endearing appearance.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, heading in the direction of your bedroom.
“Where are you going?”
“To change into a t-shirt. And no pants.”
Spencer smiled to himself, settling down on your couch, fully prepared to wait as long as it took. He had 114 kisses to bestow upon you in a t-shirt. A t-shirt, and no pants.
 “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
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frangipanidownunder · 4 years
Tiny fic prompt: A kiss between M&S that starts innocently but turns into more, but doesn't begin a relationship for them (can be pre or post millennium, your choice).
Leaving a Mark: fic
Post Field Trip. Thanks for the prompt, gorgeous. This turned out much longer than I anticipated.
Quarantine over, Scully luxuriated in her own bath. She still felt a little weird, light-headed, as though the fungus was still in her system, squeezing reality from her brain cells and replacing it with vague fantasy. In one, she kissed Mulder. Or maybe he kissed her. It didn’t matter much, but the feeling was so intense that she had to stick her face in the freezer compartment to snap back to the now.
Lavender oil permeated the air, an aromatic replacement for the brackish, earthy scent that seemed to be trapped in her nasal memory. She pressed her nose into her shoulder and inhaled. When she lifted her face away, there was a flash of oozing yellow and she blinked back Mulder’s face, so close to hers she could see the diamond flecks in his eyes, the tiny charcoal dots of his whiskers. The mirage faded as quickly as it came. She walked to the kitchen, pulling the ties of her robes tighter, musing about calling Mulder to see if the hallucinations were still lingering for him.
Their minds must have still been connected because he knocked at her door and before she could grasp what was happening, he was leaning against her countertop, brooding in a black leather jacket and dark denim jeans.
“Are you…are you still feeling a little off, Scully?” His fingers drummed on the laminate and she couldn’t extract her gaze from his slender digits. The rhythm he made was hypnotic. She couldn’t think what to say to him, just rubbed at her temple. “Scully? Scully? Are you okay?”
His voice drifted back and forth around her. His hands braced her shoulders and she breathed in his cologne, concentrating on ridding herself of the rotten scent of that cave that filled her nostrils. Gradually, her vision focused. There was his face, as close as in her hallucination, his lips glistening, his broad nose flaring out, his eyes revealing concern for her.
“I’m fine,” she said, but he clearly didn’t believe her. He manoeuvred her round and leant her against the bench. The drawer handle dug into the small of her back. His spot. She opened her mouth to complain but he was no longer in front of her. In her mind, she saw the yellow slime dripping, tasted the salty, sulphurous gunge. She coughed it away.
Then Mulder was back, holding a glass of water for her. “Thank you.” It tasted eggy and she gagged, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. “I think the effects of the hallucinogen might last longer than predicted.”
“I’ve been having very vivid…um…dreams, I guess you’d call them.” He blushed slightly, and looked away.
“I think, as we discovered, that the…uh…hallucinations we shared…came from the deepest recesses of our subconscious and we cannot…uh…read too much into them.” Surely, she didn’t just want to be right all the time? And yes, Mulder wanted aliens to be real, but he was so much more than that. “If your…dreams…are of a…um, sensual, nature…perhaps it’s your brain replaying some of your…um video collection?”
He chuckled. “I’m the psychologist in this team, Scully, and I get it. I do. But they’re not wild porn fantasies. I’d like to think I’m deeper than just my video collection. No, they’ve been…um…dreams that strike closer to home.”
Oh. “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. I mean, I’ve been imagining…seeing…familiar faces in the brief moments when I’ve been tired or…it’s to be expected. We were subjected to…”
“By familiar faces,” he said, edging closer to her, “do you mean me?” He rubbed at his nose. “Because I’ve been seeing nothing but your face and you and I…are…um…”
The downward tilt of his face caused an opposite and equal reaction in hers and their lips were millimetres apart, his nose skimming her cheek. “Kissing,” she said for him, but the word was pushed directly into his mouth and swallowed.
His hands clasped around her waist, pulling her close enough to feel the zipper of jacket through the fabric of her robe. She knew it would leave a mark, but maybe that would make it real.
His feet knocked against hers as he dipped lower. Her neck and shoulders strained as she reached up towards him. Her mouth opened, seeking more of his warmth, his tongue, his urgency. She couldn’t breathe, his nose pressed against hers, she tapped his chest with the heel of her hand and he sensed her need, because he shifted his face slightly, and she inhaled, clear, clean oxygen. Her breasts rose as she took in air and Mulder moaned, the reverberations sending sparks down her spine. His thumb traced her jawline and his fingers cupped the back of her head, under her hair. The weight of him, leaning over her, tasting her, was almost too much and her legs began to tremble. Again, he sensed her struggle and slowly, painfully, let her go, pressing one last gentle kiss against her. A full stop
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” He was smiling as he muttered the words to her. “Um, that was…wow, okay.”
“Yes. Exactly. Wow. That was…that was,” she touched the bones under her neck, swallowed, aware of the taste of him still. “That was like my…”
“Hallucination? Mine too.” He stepped back, rolled his bottom lip under his teeth. “This can’t be real, Scully. We can’t…we aren’t…Are we still underground? Being digested?”
Her guts turned to ice. “Maybe. But the quarantine? Fourteen days. We’d be dead by now. Wouldn’t we?”
He shrugged. “You’re the doctor. Maybe this is heaven. I mean, that kiss…”
She dipped her head to smile at her feet. It was a pretty good kiss. Surpassed her hopes. “We should call Skinner.”
“Why? So he can feed into our delusions? No. We can’t involve anybody else. This is our problem.”
“Is it a problem?” She was struck by fear again. They shouldn’t have done it. They were partners, for God’s sake.
“No! No…of course not, that’s not what I meant, Scully. I wanted to kiss you. Very much. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, if I’m being honest. And I thought that you did…”
“Yes,” she cut in quickly. “Yes, I do. I did. Very much. But…”
“It’s complicated.” He fiddled with the ends of his jacket, pulling the tag up the zipper. “It was always going to be complicated.”
“The caught in a landslide, no escape from reality type of complicated?”
“I think so,” he chuckled, moving towards the door. “I should get going. I only came here to check on you.”
Yes. He had. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Are you fine?”
He grinned as his hand turned the knob. “I’m very fine, Scully. Very, very fine.”
“And tomorrow?”
His eyebrows rose. “Maybe it’ll be like it never happened?”
“Right.” Is that what she wanted? She didn’t know. 
“But, our subconscious will remember it, so that if we ever find ourselves in the position of kissing once more, we’ll know exactly what to do.”
She nodded. “The position of kissing.”
He dropped a small kiss on her cheek before walking out the door. She listened to his footsteps until they disappeared before heading back into the living room, where she found herself dialling his number, hooking the phone under her ear, eager to hear his voice.
“We’re not still underground, are we Mulder?” she asked him, his engine turning over in the background. “We’re not dead.”
“There’s only one way to find out.”
He was back at the door before she knew what was happening and he took her face in both hands, kissing her deeply, before inching lower and running his tongue under her ear, down the line of her neck, over her hyoid, until he found a sweet spot along her collar bone. There he nipped, nuzzled and sucked until her nipples tightened and her head lolled back.
The mark bloomed dark red, broken capillaries flowering out. She pressed a pad of her finger to it, feeling it warm under her touch as blood pooled there. She was alive. They were alive. She laid back on her bed smiling until she fell asleep.
Tomorrow in her mind, it might be like it never happened, but her skin would tell a different story.
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 23 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: SURPRISE, BETCHES! Nope, you’re not dreaming. This is real life. It’s not just fantasy. You’re definitely going to be caught in a landslide, though. After four months of silence, my writing juices are a-flowing and the shitstorms and clusterfucks are abundant. Hey, mystery anon. This one’s for you.
Warnings: clusterfucks. Also some mild smut. Mostly implied, nothing too graphic. Just how I like it. 
Word Count: You really don’t wanna know.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 , Chapter 20 , Chapter 21 , Chapter 22
Ben sighed as he placed his phone on the nightstand after looking at the time for what felt like the fifth time since Annie had dozed off. He sighed and blamed his inability to sleep on jetlag, excitement and not wanting to miss a millisecond of being home.
He turned on his other side, propping his head on his hand. Sprawled on her back, Annie’s half-covered figure seemed to glow as the sun dawned. As gently as he could, he brushed a few stray locks of hair from her face, running his fingers through the silky strands. Annie stirred with a smile.
“Good morning.” She purred lazily, her eyes still closed.
“Did you get any sleep?” Annie’s eyes fluttered open. Turquoise staring into emerald-green.
“Not really.” Ben cupped Annie’s cheek in his hand and pressed a lingering kiss to her lips. “Christ, I’ve even missed your morning breath.”
“Wow.” Annie scoffed. “And they say romance is dead.”
“Shut up.” Ben kissed Annie again, deeper this time. “You’re not one for romance, anyways.”
“True.” Annie smirked. Ben started to roll away, out of bed, but stopped when Annie grabbed his wrist. “Where’re you going?”
“I have to take a piss, Annie.” Ben leaned down for one more kiss. “Am I allowed?” Annie pretended to mull it over in her head, tapping her lips as she pondered. “Right, then!”
“No!” Annie whined at Ben’s receding back. “Come back.”
She watched him walk away. Every muscle in his body even more defined than it was when he left. His back, his shoulders, his bum. She got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom’s closed door, waiting to hear the flush. When she did, she dropped on her knees and waited, sitting back on her heels.
Ben opened the door after washing his hands and almost stepped on her.
“What are you doing?” He raised a curious eyebrow.
“My personal trainer said I need more protein in my diet.” Annie smiled up at him, doe-eyed.
“Oh?” Ben’s jetlagged and fucked-out brain had trouble picking up on the implication. “Oh!”
“Mhm.” Annie said, getting up from her heels and wrapping her arm around Ben’s hardening cock. “It is time for breakfast, and all…”
Ben braced himself against the door-frame, arms and legs locking him into place. He looked down at Annie and bit his bottom lip. As if on cue, Annie wrapped her lips around him, making him moan.
“What?” Annie barked tiredly into the phone. “What?”
“First of all, it’s great to know you’ve successfully separated yourself from Ben’s dick.” Clara sassed. “Second of all, we’re having brunch. Then, and only then, we’ll release Rory back into the wilderness.”
“Do you know what time it is?!” Annie hissed, careful not to wake up Ben after he finally fell asleep.
“Yes. Do you know what your baby thinks of the time?” Clara retorted.
“Exactly. So, brunch. Us, Rami and Lucy, Joe.”
“Why can’t it be lunch?” Annie grumbled. “Like normal, unpretentious people.”
“Because we’re starving.”
“So eat something!”
“Annie, Rory woke us up at the crack of dawn! And during the night!”
“We woke up at the crack of dawn and during the night too! You don’t hear us moaning about it!”
“I’m sure the screams coming from you and the screams coming from Rory were very, very different, Annabelle.”
“You were the ones who wanted to take her so desperately!”
“Because she’s too young to be exposed to whatever crazy monkey sex you and Ben are into.”
“Oh, sit on a stick.”
“That the best you could come up with?” Clara chuckled. “He really fucked you silly, eh?”
“Can you please just -” Annie paused when she felt Ben stir and press up against her back.
“I’m going to have to call you back.”
“Something just came up.”
“Tell Ben about brunch!”
“Tell him yourself!” Annie giggled and put Clara on speaker phone. “You’re on speaker.”
“Can you extract your penis from my best friend for a hot minute?”
“Fine. This is nasty, you know. You two should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“You’re the one listening in on this.” Annie lilted. “Shame’s exclusively on you, you plum.”
“Fine.” Clara groaned. “Listen up, hornies!” Her voice shifted from the sugary sweet tone it usually carried to surprisingly assertive. “Gwilym’s flat. One o’clock. Your husband is very excited to see you, Ben. Don’t let him down.”
Clara ended the call muttering profanities as Ben and Annie started off another round.
“Where is my baby?” Ben basically kicked the door to Gwilym’s flat down. “Give me my Aurora or die!” 
“Jesus, Ben!” Clara panted, clutching on to her chest, “can you not do that?” 
“Give. Me. My. Baby.” 
“She’s right here!” Lucy popped up from the floor, where she, Rory and Rami played. “Oh wow, look at you! Dashing!” 
“Rami, remember, no Peek-a-boo!” Annie called, squeezing her way in around Ben. “Not everyone can handle the eyes!” 
“Lovely to see you again, Annabelle.” Rami replied sweetly, then looked down at Rory. “Your mother is such a bitch sometimes, isn’t she?” he cooed. 
“Just protecting my child from any future trauma, Mr. Roboto.” Annie said walking over to him. “I happen to love the eyes, anyways.” 
“Aw.” Rami smiled as Annie crouched down next to him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Hi lovie!” 
Rory squealed at the sight of her mum. 
“Where’s Gwil?” Ben asked. Rory tried to follow his voice with her eyes, but she couldn’t see him from where she was sitting. Ben tiptoed towards the sofa and lunged forward. “Boo!” 
“Well, she speaks dolphin.” Rami mused after Rory’s excited screeching subsided. “How does she even do that?” 
“I suspect Roger Taylor.” Ben walked around the sofa and knelt down next to his daughter. “Wanna come to me?” 
Rory waved her hands and babbled. Ben smiled warmly as he picked his daughter up from the floor.
The front door flew open, revealing Joe standing with his hands on his hips, pretending to be superman. 
“I have arrived!” 
“Yes. The entire building can tell.” Rami rolled his eyes.
“This is awkward.”
Lucy, Annie, Rami and Clara exchanged nervous glances.
“I didn’t mean anything by it, you know.” Clara put her hand on top of Joe’s. “I was just making a joke.”
“The hell you were!” Gwilym snapped. “Ben and I are basically a married couple.”
“Uh, the duck you are!” Joe dropped his fork. “I’m Ben’s husband. Everybody knows. An entire production team knows!”
“You bellends are fighting over my boyfriend.” Annie chimed in. “That’s really weird.”
“Better fight over him than over you than have him fight me over you…” Joe muttered.
“What was that?” Annie challenged.
“I said that’s it’s better if Gwil and I fight over him than having to fight Ben over you.”
“What… the fuck?” Rami looked as if he was watching a tennis match before Gwilym smacked him gently on the back of his head for using foul language. “Sorry! Sorry! What the duck?”
“What, you don’t know?” Joe smiled devilishly. “Since we’ve turned this into an Italian let’s-air-out-our-dirty-laundry-over-food thing…”
“Joseph, no.” Gwilym, Ben and Annie said simultaneously.
“Joseph, please continue.” Lucy said and wiped her fingers on her napkin. “We’re all ears.”
“You’re keeping secrets from me?” Rami was baffled. “Wow. Just… wow.”
“Oh, for crying out loud, it’s not that deep, alright?” Clara groaned. “Joe and Annie got drunk and almost kissed, as Joe and Annie usually do. End of story.”
“Again?!” Rami and Lucy choired.
“Seriously, dude, what the fu-” Rami stopped himself when Annie glared at him, “-duck?!”
“I don’t know, okay? She’s all over me!” Joe raised his hands in defeat. “I can’t really blame her, can’t I?”
“What?” Annie scoffed and took a sip of her water.
“Did I stutter?”
“No, I just couldn’t hear you while you dumped garbage out of your mouth there, for a second.” Annie replied calmly.
“Really, though, you two need to stop.” Rami pointed at the two. “This is not normal.”
“He burped right in my face.”
“That’s disgusting, Joey!” Lucy cringed.
“I could practically taste it.” Annie carried on.
“Ben? Would you like to comment?”
“No, I’m good.” Ben said and took another mouthful of food into his mouth with one hand, while feeding Rory with the other. “When did you guys get a high-chair?”
“Don’t change the subject, Benny.” Lucy quipped.
“We got one second-hand because we figured Annie and Rory will be spending some time here once we’re gone on tour.”
“You know what needs to happen?” Lucy wondered aloud, swirling her wine in her glass. “You two need to just kiss and get it over and done with.”
“What?!” Annie and Joe’s voices climbed in pitch.
“How much wine did you have?” Clara’s eyebrows were so high, they merged with her hairline. “What is happening?”
“Wait, hold on.” Ben froze. “That’s actually not the worst idea.”
“What?!” Annie and Joe’s voices climbed even higher.
“Look, Rory, they speak dolphin too!” Rami joked.
“Seriously,” Lucy continued, “just kiss.”
“She lost her mind.” Annie looked at Ben, wide-eyed.
“But did she really?” Ben tilted his head. “It will take the mystery out of the equation, in a way.”
“Bloody hell.” Gwilym breathed. “They’re right.”
“Look, you two clearly want to know what kissing the other will be like.” Ben stated. “So, if you two will just go ahead and bloody do it, the tension will break.”
“I’m not kissing your husband, Ben!” Annie hissed.
“Hey!” Gwilym snapped while Joe sat with a shit-eating grin on his face for being referred to as ‘Ben’s husband’ in front of his competitor.
“Why not?” Ben shrugged.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Joe leaned forward, wide-eyed. “Ben, buddy, you’ve clearly fucked yourself insane.”
“No, I mean it.” Ben leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. “Do it. Kiss.”
“What, now?!”
“Yeah. Go on.” Ben nodded. “Do it.”
“Ben…” Annie started.
“Shut up and kiss my best mate, damn it.” Ben slammed his fist on the table. “It’s not like I’m asking you to kiss your cousin.”
“Gross.” Gwilym shuddered.
“Exactly.” Ben shrugged. “Come on. You wanted to do it a few days ago.”
“I was drunk!” Annie said, horrified. “Ben, you can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am.”
“Guys? Anyone? A little help here?” Annie pleaded. The table was silent. “Wow. Thanks.”
“Wait, so you only want to kiss me when you’re drunk?” Joe seemed to snap out of a daydream. “That’s just mean!”
“Are you saying you want to kiss me when you’re sober?” Annie challenged him. Ben bounced his knee as he waiting for an answer.
“About as much as I’d like to French Frankie after she licked her butthole.” Joe bit the inside of his cheek. “I mean, Annie’s great, but -”
“Say no more.” Ben said and got up.
“Where’s he going?”
“Oh God, did we upset him?”
“You blithering idiots!”
“Fucking hell.” Gwilym pinched the bridge of his nose. “Annie, if you say one word about using profanities around Rory, so help me God -”
“There you go!” Ben returned with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. “Drink up.”
“How are you two feeling?” Ben’s voice was exceptionally low as he lulled Annie and Joe into submission, “wanna kiss yet?”
With one arm wrapped around Joe and the other around Annie, Ben was all but a puppet master. Rory sat on Clara’s lap, nodding off, completely oblivious to the shitstorm around her.
“You’re pimping us out.” Joe slurred.
“You’re absolutely right, I am.” Ben started to close his arms, bringing the two together. “Dance, monkeys.”
“When did he become so evil?” Gwilym asked.
“Hollywood will do that to you.” Rami shrugged. “Shit happens.”
“Language!” Annie’s head snapped to look at Rami.
“She’s not drunk enough.” Lucy groaned. “And he’s getting too drunk.”
“Right, we need a plan, here.” Ben released the two. “Right, Annie, love, let’s have another drink?”
“Why just her?!” Joe whined.
“Oh, stop bleating!” Annie sighed. 
“Because Rory wants to play with her favourite uncle, is why.” Lucy intervened.
“Oh, my Josephine.”
“That’s not her name.” Annie snapped.
“She’s not yours.” Ben added.
“Eh, shut your pie holes.” Joe stumbled over to where Clara sat and plopped down on the floor. “Hey, Josie.”
“Ben, he keeps doing that!” Annie pouted while Ben poured her another drink. “What, you’re not getting one?”
“I need to drive us home, my love.”
“I can drive you.” Gwil quipped.
“And then how will you get home?” Annie looked at her cousin as if he spoke in tongues.
“Clara will pick me up.”
“I will?” Clara asked as she stood up to put Rory down for a nap.
“Look, we’re doing this, alright?” Ben looked around the room. “Team effort.”
“They’ll end up having a three-way.” Clara warned, walking away.
Annie sat on Ben’s lap, staring at him with a goofy smile. Her cheeks had a drunken, rosy tint to them, her eyes glazed and shiny. While she had seven shots of vodka and Joe had five, Ben had two. He had something to prove here, and he wasn’t going to let Annie get him drunk enough to forget about it. His fears were uncalled for, however. Annie was clearly blitzed at that point and would do anything he asked her to.
The group played a long, tiresome game of truth or dare to distract Joe and Annie from what the endgame was. During said game, almost everybody chose a dare, and they had to get creative. Rami had to change a poopy diaper, Gwilym tasted baby food, Lucy taught Ben how to pout like her, making Annie take more shots or glasses of wine, and this was just the tip of the iceberg.
“Banana, your turn.” Clara smiled deviously. “Truth or dare?”
“Hm. Not what I expected she’d say.” Clara looked like a deer in the headlights as she tried to come up with something. Anything. “Okay. Do you want more babies?”
“I want to have all the babies!” Annie declared, spreading her arms like wings. “All the cute little Ben babies.”
“We are the champions, my friends!” Ben started wailing, seemingly out of nowhere. “She is officially wasted!”
“Finally!” Lucy’s fist shot up in the air. “My God, she’s like a sailor!”
“Who’s turn is it?” Joe mumbled drunkenly.
“Yours.” Ben zeroed in on him. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare, duh.”
“I dare you to kiss Annie.” Ben said coolly. “A proper snog, please.”
Joe looked Ben in the eyes, waiting for him to say he’s just joking.
“You want me to make out with your wife?”
“Yes, please.”
“We’re not married.” Annie huffed.
“Irrelevant and even better.” Ben grinned. “Nothing to feel guilty about.”
“You really want us to do this?” Joe asked.
“And you won’t punch me in the face or get a divorce or -”
“We’re not married!”
“Your face is safe.” Ben reassured.
“Right. Okay.” Joe nodded to himself. He stood up and stretched his neck. “C’mere, Annie.”
“Ben?” Annie looked at him pleadingly. “Are you sure?”
“Go ahead.” He leaned in to kiss Annie. “I trust you.”
“So, how do we do this?” Annie turned to Joe.
“Well, come here.” Joe said. With a small push from Ben, Annie was on her wobbly feet and walking towards Joe. “Come on.”
Annie looked like Bambi first learning how to walk. She apprehensively approached Joe. He took her hand and pulled her to him.
The rest felt like they were watching a movie. The room fell silent. Rory was fast asleep in Gwilym’s bedroom. The only sound was the slow humdrum of the music Gwilym had playing in the background.
Annie slammed right into Joe’s chest, giggling. They started swaying to the music. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
“Are they dancing?” Clara sneered. “They’re bloody dancing!”
“Shhh!” Gwilym silenced her. “This is how he does it.”
“Just be quiet and watch.”
With his finger hooked under her chin, Joe tilted her face up. They bumped noses and chuckled. Brushing his lips over hers, he cupped her face in both his hands and kissed her.
“Proper snog.” Ben muttered after he cleared his throat, watching his best friend cowardly kiss his girlfriend.
Joe rolled his eyes and went for it. He poked his tongue out and licked Annie’s lips, parting them. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer. As they kissed, Annie nibbled on his bottom lip gently. After a few minutes, Joe pulled away, frowning.
“For the love of all that is holy in this world, Annie, stop trying to bite my lip off will you!?”
“Well if you used a little bit more tongue, I wouldn’t have to do that!” Annie snapped back. “Honestly, this is not what I -”
Annie’s rant was cut short by Joe’s lips, kissing her with more fervour. They pulled away slowly, both frowning this time. They took a step back and stared at each other, disgusted confusion flashing in their eyes. Joe covered his mouth with his hand, turning his face away. Annie almost gagged.
“That was, by far, the worst kiss I’ve ever had.” Annie said, pointing at Joe.
“Christ, I felt like I’m either kissing a crocodile or an eel.”
“And there you have it, folks!” Lucy bowed victoriously.
“Why the fuck would you do that to me?!” Annie slammed the cupboard angrily after Ben had put Rory to sleep for the night.
Since they got home, they haven’t said a single word about Joe and Annie’s kiss. Meanwhile, Annie sobered up enough to let the reality of what happened sink in. She kissed Joe and hated it.
“Do what?” Ben feigned innocence.
“You know what you did.” Annie downed her glass of water.
“Because I love you, that’s why.” Ben sighed. “So you didn’t like the kiss, then?”
“No, I didn’t bloody like it!” She slammed the glass on the countertop. “Ben, why? Why would you do this?”
“It needed to happen.”
“I could never look him in the eye again, knowing what a horrid kisser he is!”
“Funny, he texted the same thing about you just a few minutes ago.”
“You’re an arse.”
“No, I’m a bloody genius, is what I am.” Ben puffed his chest. “Should’ve had you do that ages ago.”
“Are you joking?” Annie laughed in disbelief.
“Oh, not at all.” Ben gloated.
Annie turned around to wash the dishes and give Ben the silent treatment. Her attempts were futile. He came up behind her and engulfed her in his arms, nibbling on the shell of her ear. He could feel Annie’s breathing pick up and bent his knees, moving down to her neck. His hands slid down her sides, working their way to the waistband of her jeans.
“What are you doing?”
“What, exactly?”
“Well, you see,” his warm breath washed over her ear, raising goosebumps all over her, “the thing is, I love the fact that you don’t want Joe.”
“I told you a million times…”
“Yes, but now I know for sure. You don’t want anyone else…” He reached over to shut the water off, “… but me.”
TAGLIST:  @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @qweenly @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @justgivemethekeys  @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod
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mrslaufeyson002 · 3 years
Bad (Loki fanfic)
Chaptr 9.5
"First things first, I'm the realest
Drop this and let the whole world feel it And I'm still in the Murda Bizness I can hold you down like I'm givin' lessons in physics You should want a bad ____ like this Drop it low and pick it up just like this Cup of Ace, cup of Goose, cup of Cris High heels, somethin' worth a half a ticket on my wrist Takin' all the liquor straight, never chase that Rooftop like we bringin' '88 back Bring the hooks in, where the bass at? Champagne spillin', you should taste that I'm so fancy, you already know I'm in the fast lane from L.A. to Tokyo I'm so fancy, can't you taste this gold? Remember my name, 'bout to blow I said baby, I do this, I thought that you knew this Can't stand no haters and honest, the truth is And my flow retarded, they speak it, depart it Swagger on super, I can't shop at no department Better get my money on time, if they not money, decline And swear I meant that there so much that they give that line a rewind So get my money on time, if they not money, decline I just can't worry 'bout no haters, gotta stay on my grind Now tell me, who that, who that? That do that, do that? Put that paper over all, I thought you knew that, knew that I be that I-G-G-Y, put my name in bold I been working, I'm up in here with some change to throw I'm so fancy, you already know I'm in the fast lane from L.A. to Tokyo I'm so fancy, can't you taste this gold? Remember my name, 'bout to blow Trash the hotel Let's get drunk on the mini bar Make the phone call Feels so good getting what I want Yeah, keep on turning it up Chandelier swinging, we don't give a ____ Film star, yeah I'm deluxe
Classic, expensive, you don't get to touch, ow!
Still stunting, how you love that? Got the whole world asking how I does that Hot girl, hands off, don't touch that Look at that I bet you wishing you could clutch that That's just the way you like it, huh? You're so good, he's just wishing he could bite it, huh? Never turn down money Slaying these hoes gold trigger on a gun like I'm so fancy, you already know I'm in the fast lane from L.A. to Tokyo I'm so fancy, can't you taste this gold? Remember my name, 'bout to blow Who that, who that? I-G-G-Y That do that, do that? I-G-G-Y Wow, who that, who that? I-G-G-Y (Blow...) Who that, who that? I-G-G-Y That do that, do that? I-G-G-Y Wow, who that, who that? I-G-G-Y (Blow...)
Steve sings Africa by Toto
"I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She's coming in, 12:30 flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation I stopped an old man along the way Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you "It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had The wild dogs cry out in the night As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company I know that I must do what's right As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rain) I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rain) I bless the rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa (Ah, gonna take the time) Gonna take some time to do the things we never had"
Stephen does Bohemian Rhapsody
"Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go A little high, little low Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me Mama, just killed a man Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger, now he's dead Mama, life had just begun But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, ooo Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back again this time tomorrow Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters Too late, my time has come Sends shivers down my spine Body's aching all the time Goodbye everybody I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, ooo (anyway the wind blows) I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at allI see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo Figaro - magnifico But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come easy go will you let me go Bismillah! No we will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go let me go Will not let you go let me go (never) Never let you go let me go Never let me go ooo No, no, no, no, no, no, no Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me For me For meSo you think you can stone me and spit in my eye So you think you can love me and leave me to die Oh baby, can't do this to me baby Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here Ooh yeah, ooh yeah Nothing really matters Anyone can see Nothing really matters nothing really matters to me Anyway the wind blows"
It's my turn and I pick Smile by Avril Lavigne
"You know that I'm a crazy bitch
I do what I want when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control (oh, oh) But you don't really give a shit You go with it, go with it, go with it 'Cause you're fucking crazy rock n' roll You said hey What's your name It took one look And now I'm not the same Yeah you said hey And since that day You stole my heart And you're the one to blame Yeah, and that's why I smile It's been a while Since every day and everything has Felt this right And now you turn it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh Last night I blacked out I think What did you, what did you put in my drink I remember making out and then (oh, oh) I woke up with a new tattoo Your name was on me and my name was on you I would do it all over again You said hey (hey) What's your name (what's your name) It took one look And now I'm not the same Yeah you said hey (hey) Since that day (since that day) You stole my heart And you're the one to blame Yeah, and that's why I smile It's been a while Since every day and everything has Felt this right And now you turn it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh The reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh You know that I'm a crazy bitch I do what I want when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control You know that I'm a crazy bitch I do what I want when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control Yeah, and that's why I smile It's been a while Since every day and everything has Felt this right And now you turn it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh The reason, the reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh The reason why I, I, I, I smile, oh oh oh"
0 notes
renaroo · 7 years
Double Time (2/24)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence Pairings: Tuckington, Chex Rating: T Synopsis: [Hero Time Sequel] After the events of Hero Time, the city and Blood Gulch are prepared for the true return of superheroes in a big way. But while Washington is attempting to adjust to a new relationship and a new living arrangement, the call of new heroes and a new mayor mean major changes for his professional life as well as his personal one. How will the balance of values fare when his new partners come to test everything he’s made of.
A/N: I’m just... wow, guys. I one hundred percent am blown away by the amazing response this fic has already gotten. Like, seriously, I’m so pleased I barely have words. Just thank you all so much for supporting and enjoying this series because it sure means a hell of a lot for me. You guys are great. 
Special thanks to @freshzombiewriter, @analiarvb, @ketchrey, @fatcatissurprisinglysvelte, @thepheonixqueen, @secretlystephaniebrown, @notatroll7, @the-anonymous-fangirl, @a-taller-tale, @ashleystlawrence, @thefederalarmyofchorus, @xxylophone, @reynbowjedi, @washingtonstub, @i-stole-orions-heart, @sickwithsarcasm, Yin, LillianRain, @goodluckdetective​, and @sickwithsarcasm​on AO3 and tumblr for the wonderful feed back! I truly appreciate it more than you know. 
Sharing Priorities
"Well? What do you think?”
There was a look of pure exuberance on Tucker’s face as he asked the question. It was the kind of face that Washington could catch himself standing back and admiring from a distance. There was still a certain disbelief that it could ever be made in his direction. 
And then, of course, there was the complete disconnect that came with that expression and that question with that particular subject between them.
Washington looked at the ten year old car that Tucker was exaggeratedly waving to and wondered if his boyfriend even noticed that there were four dents.
“It certainly has four wheels,” Wash mustered. 
“That is a sign of a good car,” Caboose nodded sagely beside Washington. 
The large, lumbering metapowered non-hero had become one of the many staples to Wash’s new life. Always around with little rhyme or reason -- like most of the people that Tucker seemed to attract to his life. 
Fortunately, Caboose had taken a shine to Wash. Which was more than could be said for the other staple of Tucker’s life...
“Good car? This thing is an absolute piece of shit,” Church practically screamed. 
There was just something about Church’s voice that always managed to make Wash wonder if that robotic body came with something wrong with its speakers, or at least some knob to turn the volume down. Something... Anything...
“Dude, I wasn’t going to get a new car for the deal I got on this baby,” Tucker said, running his hand over the hood of the car.
“What was the deal? A pack of gum and you take someone’s shitty car off their hands?” Church snorted.
"You’re just jealous,” Tucker responded with a wave of his hand. “Tell him, Wash.”
Wash raised a brow and fiddled with the sunglasses on his nose. “I don’t really feel much stake in this fight. I’ve never had to own a car before--”
“Right, because of the sweet ass Washcycle,” Tucker said enthusiastically. 
“And that is not what the name of my motorcycle is,” Washington sighed for what felt like the millionth time.
Church, crossing his arms and looking even more displeased than usual waved to the car and looked at Wash. Just looking Wash’s way, Church was able to make the superhero’s body fill with dread. “Aren’t you, like, some kind of billionaire?”
“No,” Wash answered flatly.
“You couldn’t even loan your roommate money for a decent car?” Church continued without missing a beat.
“We’re more than roommates, jackass!” Tucker yelled, jumping back to sit on the car. There was an unsavory ripple in the thin metal of the hood from him doing so, but Tucker didn’t even seem to notice. “And besides, I wouldn’t let Wash. I’ve been saving up my own money for a year to get a car! And I got one! It’s the goddamn American dream. Think of the chicks I could pick up in this car!”
“None,” Church replied. 
“Why would you want to pick up women in any vehicle?” Wash asked sternly.
“Hey, just because we’re dating doesn’t mean I can’t be thinking about the future,” Tucker joked.
“It kind of does,” Wash said, not finding much humor in Tucker’s sentiment whatsoever. “Do you always have to act like you’re still single?”
Wash could see in the corner of his eye how Caboose and Church looked to each other with something that was almost like expectation. Wash couldn’t blame them. This did happen more often than he’d like to admit.
"I like it when you act all jealous,” Tucker mused, moving back off the hood and toward the driver side door. “Okay, everyone hop in, we’re ready to do this! Put your complaining where it belongs -- far away from me -- and let’s get to it!”
There was an audible side from both of Wash’s sides, leading him to look curiously back and forth between Caboose and Church. Both men seemed resigned and displeased.
“What’s happening?” Wash asked, feeling more and more out of the loop. 
Without answering, Caboose and Church walked toward the car, Church getting a rathe surprising skip in his step as he dashed around to the passenger side door in the front. 
“Shotgun!” Church shouted.
“I didn’t know Sarge was here,” Caboose mused, already getting in the back.
Wash squinted. “We’re grown men, we can’t determine things by shotgun. And I should be in the front... I mean... It’s Tucker’s car and I’m--”
“Sorry, dude, you’re totally right, it’s my car. And the rules of shotgun can’t be overturned,” Tucker shrugged. “Don’t be such a wet blanket, Wash! Keep Caboose company.”
Wash glanced toward the backseat and sighed before getting in himself. “I still have no idea what we’re doing,” he said as he buckled his seatbelt and Tucker started the car. 
“The only thing any of us can do now that there’s a car available in the group,” Tucker said. “What every group of hot blooded American men dream of doing with their cars.”
Washington couldn’t help the scowl forming on his face. “I refuse to pick up women in my boyfriend’s car.”
“Oh my god, can you stop calling each other boyfriends around me? I cannot live with myself so long as I’m being reminded what poor tastes Tucker has!” Church whined. 
Washington looked to the back of Tucker’s seat expectantly, waiting for him to say something, anything to Church about the constant undermining of their relationship. 
It didn’t quite come out, though. And by that, of course, it didn’t come at all. 
“Everybody ready?” Tucker asked.
“Yes,” Caboose and Church said at the same time Wash questioned, “What?”
Without more warning than that, Tucker reached for the CD player -- by god the piece of junk still played CDs -- and turned up the volume just before the speakers in the car began blaring what felt like directly into Wash’s ears. 
“What is this why are we doing this?” Wash asked in a string of questions he had no hope of receiving answers to as he covered his ears. 
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality.
Wash’s eyes darted to the rest of the car’s occupants, finding that not only were they not paying him any mind, but they were in a trance-like state singing along with the lyrics. Was this rehearsed? Was he missing something?
“Tucker, I’m confused,” Wash said directly to the back of Tucker’s seat. 
“Wash, dude, what do you think is going on? It’s Party Time!” Tucker laughed out before continuing on with the lyrics that were only getting louder. 
Looking around him again, Wash considered the very real possibilities of living a superheroic lifestyle. His boyfriend and boyfriend’s friends may have been put under mind control. There was some sort of satanic ritual taking place. 
Or, Wash was becoming increasingly overwhelmed with the fact that he was surrounded by a history and friendship that predated his relationship by nearly a lifetime.
Unable to even think clearly with the music blasting, Wash took the only logical course of action he could once the head banging began. 
Opening the back door, Wash unbuckled himself then tucked and rolled to the relative safety of the sidewalk. 
Tucker and company didn’t even slow down all that much as Wash stood up and put a hand to his chin. 
“I’m definitely leaning more toward mind control,” he said. “Good thing I’m already wearing my suit under these clothes--”
“Sure you want to do that?”
On instinct, Washington whirled around and held up a throwing knife, ready to throw in the direction of the voice, but he quickly dropped his stance once he saw who was standing in the alley. 
“Tex! You’re here, that must mean there was something going on,” Wash said, looking back down the street. “Just as I suspected.”
“No, I just have the additional superpower of ironic timing,” she said, watching with him. “There’s no mind control. They’re just idiots still living off barely remembered nostalgia.”
Wash looked at her worriedly. “Nostalgia?”
“Yeah, nostalgia,” Tex said dully before tilting her head and raising a brow. “You’ve honestly never seen Wayne’s World? Not even one of the SNL skits?”
Blinking blankly, Wash couldn’t help the, “Huh?” 
“God, you have to get out more,” Tex laughed. “Wash, you’re going to need a crash course in nerd culture if you want to make this relationship-thing with you and Tucker last. Because these people you’re surrounded by? Nerds. Huge nerds.”
“I suppose I’m supposed to find that endearing about them,” Wash said flatly. 
"One would hope since that’s about ninety-five percent of what they are,” Tex pointed out. “But, hey, it’s not like you don’t have any friends outside of Tucker’s, right? That’s only healthy.”
Continuing with blank stares, Wash tilted his head. “I’ve got you.”
Tex snorted. “Pfft, I don’t count.”
“Why not?” Wash asked. 
“I’m no one’s friend,” Tex responded with a wave of her hand. “Total antihero badass, remember?”
“Says the woman who is literally the person connected to everyone,” Wash pointed out. “Look, Tex, I’m not saying you’re not right... I’m just saying I’m... a Superhero. That’s literally what I am. I’m not sure I operate in any other capacity beyond what I’m trying to have with Tucker right now. And considering I’m training his son, about half of that is still superheroing. I don’t have a day job, I barely have a secret identity--”
“Okay I’m stopping you right there because this is getting too depressing,” Tex said with a shake of her head. “Like, goddamn, Wash.”
Taking a deep breath of his own, Wash nodded. “Thank you.”
“Well, not that it’s going to help you much in the getting your own life department, but I was about to start patrol,” Tex said, throwing her thumb in the direction of the roofs above them. “If you want to get in on that--”
“Yes, yes please,” Wash said, already unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the suit he had on beneath. 
“You really do need to start expanding your horizons, though, or else you’re not going to appreciate what you and Tucker have,” Tex warned. “And believe me, none of us appreciate what you have either. So if you two don’t appreciate it, no one is. No way that can last.”
“Are you seriously giving me relationship advice? You? Who has a robot practically stalking you?” Wash asked, raising a brow.
“What can I say, Wash? It’s an imperfect world,” Tex joked before heading toward the alley’s fire escape. “That’s the reason it needs superheroes.”
Smirking, Wash followed suit. “Can’t deny you have a point there.”
It was the start of a decent patrol, one where Bohemian Rhapsody never seemed completely out of the distance. 
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3:43 AM
I must be crazy. I need to wake up in two hours to catch a bus to catch a train to catch a flight to Korea, and I’m just finishing up my final. At least I didn’t give us, and I heard some of the others have done… I hope they wake up before 6 am and can finish it quickly?
This is the result of reaching the end of a long trip. I think travel wouldn’t be quite so tiring if we could all just freeze time for a little bit and sit around a little bit. It makes you feel sane when you go back out into the busy world– but without that break, you’re just constantly in the busy world. Wow. Deep.
Goodnight for now!
7:56 AM
We’re on our way!!
We somehow got it all figured out and are on our final train to Narita Airport. I carefully looked at our route and thought about all the steps ahead of time, but it seems like complete luck that we’re making it as we’re going along. Does every traveler feel like this? Like it’s by pure luck that they’re getting where they need to go?
9:54 AM
We’re waiting to check our bags…. but we did it!! Look mom, I can do things on my own!
And finally, I’m actually going to Korea. Is this the real life~ is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide…
2:34 PM
They have kpop on the plane! We’re really going to Korea alright…
5:03 PM
We’ve just touched down at Incheon! We made it! It was extremely cloudy as we were landing–comparable to the amount of visibility in Beijing– but I think this was due to snow or fog.
We met Clara in the airport for like 2 minutes!! It was really fast but really cool. She’s heading back to the US to job hunt.
12:46 PM
Michael and Jungoh were a little bit late but all is forgiven in the end… because we were so out of it, I don’t think we would’ve made it to our hostel without them. It was snowing beautiful, big fat flakes and there was lots of traffic due to the end of the Lunar New Year holiday season. It’s been the coldest country we’ve been to yet.
We took the subway to our hostel and dropped stuff off before heading out to do some night activities and meet Cam and Yiming . We found them and a high school friend of Cam’s in Hongdae. All 8 of us walked around a bit and enjoyed the busy nightlife a bit before we went to an arcade. They had a ton of old school games and it’s was really active inside, and we saw a ton of couples having fun. We got hungry so we then went to a great fried chicken place. It was so very unhealthy, so very sweet, and so good. It was a lot of fun catching up with old friends and laughing about dumb things. They’ve all been busy, and I have been too, so it’s been hard to keep up with them.
We all went to karaoke after dinner and had a blast for an hour. Karaoke is never bad. It relieves a lot of stress and sadness and everything all at once. I really wish they had it in the US.
We were led by the boys backs to Sinchon and said goodbye to them at the station. We stopped by the convenience store to get some very important things (like water and ice cream), as has become a ritual.
Korea is really cool so far. I can’t wait to see more.
0 notes
sumrallmind · 7 years
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
Tagged by @itscheesus​
Tagged: @whichdockter​ , @shark-pup​ , @hatmaninc​ , @dat1mightyowl​ , @rapid-artwork​ , @dungeonsanddoughnuts​ , @earthenterran​
@itscheesus​ questions:
1) Anywhere in the world that you would like to travel?      I’d like to go to England or Crete again
2) Favorite TV show or web series?      Hard to say, its in various states. Probably Steven Universe.
3) What do you browse tumblr on?      Mostly on my phone.
4) What is your dream job?      Some sort of creative director. Like, where I can come up with ideas and work with various teams to have those ideas realized.
5) Do you live in a historically conservative or liberal state?      It’s a swing state
6) Can you sing?      Badly
7) Are we number one?      Robbie is
8) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?      Caught in a landslide, snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity
9) Is it hip to fuck bees? Best Energetic Evangelical Shriners? If you want?
10) If two guys were on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?      Its not gay if its on the moon.
11) Hogwarts house?      Eh.
My whatever questions:
1) What media do you prefer? (Books, tv, games, etc)
2) What is your favorite thing on that media?
3) Dream pet?
4) Favorite snake?
5) I actually meant snack but fav snake is better amiright?
6) Do you think y’all could be singular and plural?
7) What part of the South (of the US) are you most familiar with?
::::) ?
9) Are you concerned with dragon classification or whatever is fine?
10) Speaking of memes, what is your fav?
11) wow that wasnt a segue at all was it?
0 notes