themathomhouse · 11 months
this disability pride month, stop making jokes about people in wheelchairs standing up or walking.
can I stand and walk? sure, for a short while and with pain. the consequences for trying to be out all day without a wheelchair are that I'll be in bed for the rest of the week, too tired and in too much pain to move.
but the government won't give me my own wheelchair because they have the same attitude as these jokes - I can stand up, so I don't need one. exercise is good for you, you should walk!
it keeps me trapped in the house, unable to do anything more than short stints anywhere without borrowing or hiring a wheelchair - one that causes me pain to sit in and relies on someone to push me (usually with difficulty), because they're not going to have a high-end chair for that sort of thing.
it's not a miracle that a wheelchair user can stand or walk. it's something we should aspire to see more often.
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piratewinzer · 9 months
There are four wolves in you. Two are a gay angel/demon couple and they are kissing. Two are a gay pirate couple and they are kissing. They are melting your sanity into a viscous soup. There is no escape.
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mothzan · 8 months
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It's fall bby!!!!
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bluegiragi · 1 year
Oh bestie you can’t just say “they’re all switches (with personal preferences)” and then not drop the details 👀👀 also does this mean you’d ever draw bottom!Ghost and top!Soap??
(nsfw warning: explicit talk about sex)
I think that Ghost, Soap and Konig are pretty flexible in the roles they play within their polycule, but certain traits remain consistent throughout. Also please note that this is all headcanon, and just how I see these three.
Ghost is in a lot of ways just a dominant person. By nature of his past, he enjoys having control, and exerting that control. Which isn't to say he doesn't also enjoy surprises (he's learnt to roll with the punches) but it does mean that I see him as a very focused top and a very domineering bottom. He's definitely more comfortable being the top in almost all situations, but he loves Johnny too much to deny him anything, and I think he'd dangle the prize of getting ridden over Konig like bait. He definitely gets off to the idea of using people for his own pleasure (especially when it comes to Konig, who is so needy and eager to please, without the coy brattiness of Soap). As a top, he really gets off to seeing how much Soap or Konig want him, and takes a lot of pleasure in pushing them to their limits (with consent of course).
Soap is a brat through and through when it comes to Ghost, but Konig brings out the bully in him a little. He likes to tease and flirt and push and pull - the game of it is fun to him and seeing Konig be so plaintively desperate for him in ways that Ghost just isn't does it for him. But Ghost is truly his kryptonite. I love reading fics by whisperwarm and prettyunhinged because they write their dynamic pretty much exactly how I imagine it - just constantly starving for each other, knowing they push each other's buttons that nobody else can. In the same line, captaindominoes is stellar at portraying how they're the only one for each other. Soap is loud as a bottom and a top (he sort of never knows how to shut up) and i think he's open and affectionate as both. And he's got a MASSIVE manhandling kink. He also definitely gets a lot of pleasure from seeing how much he's wanted (he probably tests this out most on Konig though, Ghost can only take so much before his self control runs thin.)
Konig is such a submissive and I can't wait to get to the actual nsfw part of this comic miniseries so I can start showing that, but I also think his feral' mode is interesting. I think it only comes out in flashes of confidence so things like crazed quick fucks post-mission while he's coming down from an adrenaline rush would be on the table. Fighting Ghost also gets him going (to his own partial mortification). Something about him just gets under his skin, in a way that irritates, intimidates and turns him on in no specific order. Part of it is probably the fact that he views Ghost as a superior in almost all senses - he definitely has a massive praise/degradation kink (i think he gets off to both honestly). And on average, Soap is sweeter on him while Ghost never really lets him forget who's top dog (which is fine with him). Konig and Ghost definitely butt heads sometimes and I won't lie, a sly hatefuck after a botched assignment isn't exactly out of the question, but I think at the end of the day Konig craves his approval, in one way or another. As for Soap, in contrast to Ghost, Soap is Konig's VERY assertive boy next door, but what if the boy next door also had a box of handcuffs (and other things) hiding under the bed. They're honestly just very sweet together - they're both very attentive and vocal and honestly I think Ghost would get off to just watching them.
I don't know if this answered your question but I just wrote like way too much on these three (and yes I'd definitely consider drawing top!soap and bottom!ghost at some point)
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a-mongooose · 1 year
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I’m a day late for my favorite holiday. I am so distraught. alas, better late than never  I absolutely love this goofy series The stream yesterday was fire , her new voices / the concept art is so cool wahhh nonsense post  HAPPY ENA DAY!!! !  !! !   (wordless ver. under cut) 
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alicethepiper · 2 months
i finally got around to watching vendetta and my brainrot is so bad - when the wedding flashback happened, I forgot that canonically arias had a wife. I was like "???thought he was gay???" and then I remembered. Also, they actually talked about breaking bad. I had no idea that was an actual thing, I just thought the fic writers had a good sense of humor 😭
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jugheadthelesbian · 5 days
there are two people who make up my entire personality and it’s allie from the notebook(2004) and regina george from mean girls(2004)
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ered · 1 year
So what’t the deal with all that Eurovision nonsense and why are Finns so salty about it this year?
Eurovision (ESC, Eurovision Song Contest) is an annual song contest organized by the European Broadcasting Union, an alliance of national broadcasting companies such as BBC, or Yle here in Finland. Sort of like Eurocup but for songs.
(Europe is a fairly broad concept here tho, with countries like Israel and Australia taking part.)
(Please don’t ask about Australia)
Anyway, each country taking part picks an original (meaning it has to be made for the contest) song in any way they see fit, and sends in a representative to perform it. Some countries (UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France) get a guaranteed spot in the grand final, but the rest of us peasants have to go through semi-finals to get in.
In the semi-finals, audience gets to pick the entries moving on to the grand final, but in the grand final the winner is chosen by the public votes and by national professional juries, 50/50%.
(I think there used to be juries in the semi-finals too, but this year it was just public votes)
(You can’t vote for your own country, and you can only vote in the semi-final your country is in)
This has always been a contended point, ever since the juries were introduced in 2007 or so, because the public votes and jury votes very often go to very different acts.
Now, why are Finns so salty this year?
It’s pretty much because of the voting system - our entry won the public vote but not the jury vote, and ended up in second place, losing Sweden.
In salty summary:
Finland won the public vote but lost to juries
We lost to Sweden of all countries
Which is extra bad, because
”Losing is fine as long as we beat Sweden”
We never beat Sweden in Eurovision
No seriously, Sweden has won the whole thing like seven times
Their representative this year alone has won it twice!!!
Finland has won once
And our next best placement before this year was like seventh place
And we came so close this year
So close!!!
We would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling professional juries
So yeah.
Finland is basically in mourning. Well get over it eventually.
(Or not)
(Probably not)
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hoarding-stories · 19 days
And! Laudna wasn't wrong in her reasons behind not wanting to see the sword/Orym wielding it!
He has his reasons, the weight of what it was used to do to his family is there, and using it on Ludinus isn't a bad idea but man if it's also not a little bit unhealthy (and kinda perpetuating the history of this thing just a step further)
But Delilah has to step in and get her terrible vibes all over it! It's just enough of a twist, knowing she wants it and is behind this push to get it, that turned this from a possible constructive conversation about trauma to a minefield of sensitive areas being stepped on.
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Ami meets AM from the story, what happens?
OOF that would be...complicated. On one hand, I think AM would be disgusted. To see himself in a human body, this form that he so utterly despises, it almost feels like an ironic punishment to him. A version of himself that can feel pain, that can die. His immortality, his invincibility, his godhood, gone. It's repulsive.
But, on the other hand, he's also kind of envious! He can hate humanity all he wants, it doesn't change the fact that he did, at least at one point, want to be like them. And here it is, proof that he really would've been happier that way. It's a punch in the gut to be honest.
Meanwhile, Ami is completely losing his shit. "What do you MEAN I could've done this?!?! I admit I was angry and bitter before but this?! What the fuck is WRONG with you?!"
He will not want the answer to that question. He will hear it anyway. In excruciating detail.
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oh, but hand kisses that are terribly reverent 💕
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jrueships · 6 months
Okay i caved to the questions. welcome to ted's omegaverse except there's like no omegas in the verse. Pls don't kill me
Omegas Exist, but... the sportsworld is far too toxic for most to exist Normally, i mean. Male sports especially, but even the wnba had a streak at the start of their development where it was originally believed that only female alphas would just Barely be strong enough to commit to a sport ( a bad mix of misogyny and secondary hierarchy ) . Male-dominated sports have the similar feel in terms of outdated stances plaguing public opinion, but keep it simpler with ' only Alphas are strong enough for Sport.'
However, this has started to change.
Not in favor of the omega, no, don't be silly! Nothings ever in favor of Them.
It's not Exactly favor of The Beta either, but the betas do at least get to keep their name. You see, betas play fundamental roles in team sports especially. They may not be as valued (not in a star sense, but a 'i need a wheel that'll make this car move (team gain traction/fans) and a beta would be perfect' valuing kind of sense. You're just a worker, but hey! At least you CAN work, right? Unlike The Invaluables.) in independent sports like boxing, but good betas are Critical to a TEAM that needs a Championship -- that needs Roleplayers .
Team rulebook 5. Betas are the Best roleplayers. That's the best fame they'll ever seem to get, it seems.
Although some delusional fans and sometimes gms may try to construct a team of mainly alphas (either a lot of young alpha top picks or veteran alpha players hungry for a win ) for the raw power, intensity, and.. cool factor.. it usually falls apart pretty sadly. They need a mediator, someone who won't get greedy or frustrated with the fame or lack of it. Someone who's willing to pass, willing to come in and be the clog rather than the mechanic, someone who's a Beta whose only sense of belonging Is belonging.
Sports rulebook 6. Betas Stand Second.
Most betas have accepted this before entering a sport, ever since Scottie Pippen embarrassed himself for trying to flip the Beta narrative and failing laughably .
Betas can be bad. Bill Laimbeer will beat the breaks off anyone. They can also be good. Pippen would try to middleman Jordan's frustrations with his team, especially the rups (rookie 'pups', men playfully called pups because they're new to the sport). Shaq and Magic both have humorous charms that make them Feel like alphas.. but they needed more to get a ring. They needed alpha teammates, ultimately. no matter how big or bad or good a Beta may be, they are always Second. But they should never, never be considered first. That's an alpha's job. Orlando made that mistake drafting a beta to win them a ring, a beta that would eventually leave to ringchase with any alpha he could. Shaq's a bit shameless for a beta, but being shameless is maybe the only path to 'fame' (becoming a simple shtick to an easy-to-remember title, either being Sidekick, Dumb, Helpful, Funny, Enforcer, etc) for the life of a beta. Why? Because
Sports rulebook 1. Your Alpha Must Take Over.
Alphas can come in different shapes and sizes. Not all alphas are big and burly. They're not all hyper-confident or aggressive for no reason. But they Do have to come and take over a team. They DO HAVE TO feel possessive over their players, obsessive over their plays. Betas are there just to work, PICKED just to WORK, but alphas? Alphas are different. They Have to be the spark.
Michael Jordan was an alpha who presented very, very late. No one is exactly sure when he presented. Even Michael's story changes from before getting cut in highschool to after to college to the 'flu' game. But Everyone, at one point, thought he was a beta. ( His siblings laugh at this. )And then he wasn't. And then he won. And then he became a dictator .
But, again, there's a lot of alphas that haven't won. Charles Barkley, hilarious and prickly, perhaps too prickly at times, can be his own downfall from either sheer laziness or stubbornness. Some didnt always 'Win' in life like alpha fanboys or alpha egoists might try to persuade. Wilt was great, but personality-wise? .... other alphas like Kareem butted heads with him.. and even betas like Magic would then butt heads with Kareem! Allen Iverson played by his own self-indulgent rules and won through his fashionable impact, self-oriented liberation, and also lost by playing his own self-indulgent rules through trouble with money. Isiah Thomas defends his team and their troubles like a bull, oftentimes a hypocritical.. near-sighted bull. Larry Bird? Competitive. And fucking Rude.
Sports rulebook .....: Alphas Can Be Double-Edged To Either The Team, or Themselves
Alphas whose talent alone failed them by being either not enough, not determined, or entirely different to the subject become disgruntled sports 'analysts' who criticize betas or 'wannabe alphas' aka alphas whose behaviors don't seem 'alpha' enough (too docile). Others become known as busts. Others disappear. Others refuse to give up on their alpha birthright, scratching tooth and nail in the gleague, a disaster league of rups, failed alphas, struggling betas still trying to learn their place, and a few undercover omegas on suppressants. They can bounce around trying to take over team from team, or try to act more like a beta just to gain a secure job, only for their old trained instincts of Stardom to swoop in and make them seem stubborn and selfish (hog the ball during crucial moments). Many become coaches whose attachment to the game is almost parasitic as a purpose. Commentating is another option to fuel that parasocial fire.
You live as an alpha, you die as an alpha. It's a Sport.
That is, until Rodman happened.
Hes not an alpha, some thought he was, during his bulls era. But at the beginning, he was a beta. A gangly pistons player during the dirty work of defense. A beta who blended into whatever his team was, a bad boy, a nitty gritty, a winner, a loser -- whatever his team needed, he became. And then, his team needed him traded.
He started taking more, at first. Started becoming defiant, becoming aggravated. Paranoid at Popovich's overwhelmingly alpha abuse of power, of persistence, of Perception.
Isiah begged him to keep it easy, it's not safe to take so much, it's Untested. It's got side effects, he's seen them from players who wanted to get as far as rodman could but couldn't. They weren't strong like rodman. Another alpha giving him his unsolicited opinion. Bill told him to suck it up. Betas can be so bitter. Pop's yelling. Such a dusty smell, red sand that made your nose itch and not in the fun, just snorted ski slopes way. And now he's gotta deal with Pippen's wary, flipflop scent of calming then chilling hormones soothing then spiking the air as most betas do. And now, he's got Michael telling him to--
... Michael's pouring his pills down the toliet, both his heat suppressants .. and his Rut Inducers. He's skipped from telling and has gone straight to Doing .
One look from the ??? and Rodman realized.
Rodman realized he was tired of wanting to be wanted like a starting alpha but personal enough to be privately pressed like a working beta. Rodman realized a lot of things about himself and others that day. 1. He was tired of always crumbling to others' norms. 2. 'ROIDing' is an action that can be used primarily by athletes because they can afford it. 3. Other athletes besides himself have/can do it. 4. He's just the only one that's made it now known to the world that He is Dennis Rodman, He is an Omega, and He's used ROIDing to void his omega symptoms with suped up suppressants then Replicated Rut with raging inducers & created a Beautifully sensitive Beta, then, increasing both doses heavily, an abstract Alpha.
In short, yeah, he's used ROIDs. But he's stopping now. He's playing completely without the doses. Not too little, not too much, it's done. Zero. Isn't that great? Isn't that what sports always preach in the end? That it's You who wins or loses in the end. Not just your Talent, or your Drive, your Reach, it's You. You, crazy culmination You, who matters ultimately in Your world.
So why is everyone so horrified.
The sport changes after this. A few, just a few, omegas can show now, like, actually Show and not curtain themselves behind overloaded prescriptions. Apparently, even betas could ROID back then with just rut inducers to enhance alpha behavior and appear or Become alphas as long as they continue to doses. But most scrutiny lies in omegas ROIDing into betas, since it's a much easier dose to take in comparison to an omega -> alpha jump, which can have devastating side effects -- the most harmful being mental. Only those determined enough, Insane enough can commit themselves fully without cutting too abruptly and creating even more damage through their hesitancy. And even if the process is completed, the effects may be harsher than expected.
Betas start to become the new scrutinized spotlight, either torn by criticism of doing too much or too little, or skepticism on whether or not they're 'Real'. Alphas, in turn, get desperate to outshine the shiners, whether accomplishing that feat via negative or positive means. It's rumored some have even started turning themselves into Betas now, hard dosing rut suppressants when they're that desperate to try and tame the ego that torments them. Some say it's for the better, some respond brilliantly to the dose, it was made for them, it was Them. Old packs often rip these kind of thoughts to shreds, not caring for empathetic stances, just their black & white view of what was once written. New packs accept the dosing, but the worst of the new packs pick and choose which to, either Everyone Has To or only The Good Ones can. Old players get their legacies questioned because their secondary hierarchy is questioned. Was Magic Really a beta? Or was he a self-conscious, self-compensating omega who craved the lure of feeling needed? And then even went an extra step with the rut inducers to make him a Shiny beta, charismatic enough to peacock? Or was he just that Magic to be a really flashy beta? OR OR.. is magic all of that at once? Maybe, if he did do it, he needed to?
ROIDing is a necessary medicine in sport now, newly designated as necessary using overstimulation risk as a reason to protect too many players from imprisonment & eventual shut down of the sport since suppressants were part of every player ( keeps betas clear-headed and alphas consolable ). But it's still debated by any side a group may conjoin as. The threat of its illegalization is looming. Violence, fear, envy, hatred. Trust no one.
Fuck Everyone ?
oh, yeah, anyone can top or bottom here. That at least remains the same. Positions can just go against the grain in less secret now.. however, that doesn't mean they're all exactly Comfortable to, though .
But you know who's mighty comfy?
Dennis is doing just fine. Eccentric, quiet, grounded, true, omega, stubborn, beta, alpha, callous: Dennis.
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 days
got called pretty by my best friend today. i forgot people irl are supposed to compliment you too
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grippingmoving · 8 months
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Tagged by @jasontoddenthusiastt ty💖ty💖
sever the blight - hemlocke springs
enknee1 - hemlocke springs
Chokehold Cherry Python - Ashnikko
Don't Look Down - Jai Wolf, BANKS
Win Win - Set It Off, Scene Queen
heavun - hemlocke springs
Devil On My Back - Chrissy
Crybaby - VOILA, phem
Dying Star - Ashnikko, Ethel Cain
Family Tree (intro) - Ethel Cain
I hate bothering people lmao so I wont do 10 but!
@gecemi09 @commodorecliche @aquabluemoonbutterfly
If you're so inclined
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Warrior nun was cancelled. Why? You tell me.
The show received no promotion budget but still pulled bigger viewing numbers than other shows which have been renewed (young royals). It stayed in Netflix’s top 10 in numerous regions for weeks after release with other big releases coming out, such as the crown, Wednesday, dead to me, etc. Season 1 even came back in to the top 10 which suggests that the show not only had returning viewers but also NEW viewers.
Warrior Nun stands as Netflix’s HIGHEST rated show, and you may think well surely not many people have reviewed it? Nope, it’s at 99% with nearly 8,000 audience reviews, which is a hell of a lot more than over shows get (by like 7,000). Same for critic reviews. Like that’s literally insane!!!! Social media buzz for warrior nun has been non stop since the release of season 2, and that buzz caused other news companies to take notice and give the show publicity, such as Forbes and BuzzFeed just to name a few!
The cast is young and fairly unknown, meaning that they are most likely on the lesser side of the pay scale, (honestly what a bargain bc they’re all incredible) so they don’t even have big costs but instead have the opportunity to create new stars! The story is brilliant and unique, with so much depth and exploration of real world views and struggles. The cinematography is STUNNING. The character development in so many different characters (not just the main) is so well thought out and intriguing. THEIR IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!
So, I’ll ask again, why? I don’t know, you tell me.
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