#I'm sick of people thinking CN is only for protections
ulquichaan · 2 years
Black Cat holders. Who are they really?
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I have seen so many people using argument "Black Cats are the protectors of Ladybugs" and I am honestly sick of it. Why? Because I don't agree with that.
It is said in the show that black cat is supposed to protect ladybug but it stands for destruction and it is said that turtle stands for protection. So - who exactly are black cats?
In sense of powers
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Black cat in miraculous stands for destruction and bad luck, while it is turtle thet stands for protection. Destruction isn't really something that protects, don't you think?
Destruction is a pretty offensive power. Ment to simply destroy everything. Cataclysm is confirmed that it destroys whatever the holders touch but when it comes to humans it brings them bad luck. [On twitter the last one was confirmed so maybe not actually but I'm taking whatever info i can gather] (Maybe to animals it's bad luck too and the black butterflies are just exception because they are used as literal tools for butterfly holders)
So why are black cats on the side of ladybugs?
Actually, in my opinion, it is pretty simple. They aren't just protectors or bodyguards - they are full blown warriors.
When we look at Chat Noir in the show he is constantly at the front. Yes, he is protecting ladybug but he is also the offense. If not mostly. He fights and that's his theme - battle. No one said that warriors/fighters cannot protect anyone/anything. No one said they cannot sacrifice themselves. Actually if we look at medival knights they were warriors who protected kingdoms, fought for their kings and sacrificed themselves for the country. But they weren't only the protectors - they were warriors.
A protector in the show is Nino. He has the turtle miraculous which actually stands for protection. He can create a shield that is able to keep everything outside (or inside like in the episode where meledictator could clone himself into tiny copies). That's a perfect example of protection. A shield.
Yes Chat Noir is a human shield for Ladybug but he is doing much much more than that.
He isn't also fully just a bodyguard. He can fight on his own.
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The powerlevel of main duo.
There is something i want to address badly. And that's the powerlevel of main duo.
Black Cat and Ladybug are Yang and Yin. Two sides of a whole, which means, their powerlevel should be equal. They are the balance of the universe as destruction cannot exist without creation and creation cannot exist without destruction.
(To clarify: Yes creation cannot exist without destruction, because if there was only creation then things would constantly got created more and more and more, in never ending cycle and that wouldn't be good. Destruction is necessary, so one thing can end and other get created)
So while Ladybug has the advantage of fixing stuff, Chat isn't any less capable of taking down akuma than the Bug.
He is powerful in his own way, yes he destroys and cannot fix it but he still can fight the villain down and destroy the akuma. The chaos would be taken-care of but not the mess afterward like what we see in NY special. Sentimonster left destruction around but it isn't something people cannot fix. And if Chat was actually in Paris, he could have taken down that sentimonster alone, by himself, cataclysm the akuma and leave the rest to the authorities.
So while he cannot fix the mess, he is still able to stop it from happening further. :)
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(Chat Blanc - Chat Noir cataclysms akuma. Couldn't find any gif about that tho. This is the closest I've got)
Plagg. His relationship with Adrien, the guardians and his past.
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Plagg is the best character in the show in my opinion. PLEASE GIVE US MORE OF HIM.
Akhem. Let's get back to the topic.
We know oh so very little about Plaggs previous holders, his past and everything. But what do we know?
He is the one who destroyed dinosaurs. (Probable one of his cataclysms made that whole meteor fall on earth)
He stands behind disapirance of Atlantis
Why leaning tower of pisa isn't straight
This is what is confirmed to us directly, but there are also few simple things that are mentioned in show that people usually don't think about too much.
First - Sandboy.
Plagg is used to lying, rebelling. He is that little devil on Adriens shoulder who tells him to do something bad. He lies to Adrien that he is going to sleep and puts a sock in his place. The after the battle we have this little dialogue:
Plagg: *flies to Adrien*
Plagg: Thanks for letting me do whatever I want, at least most of the time...
Adrien: Sure! I know how it is to have your freedom restricted. You don't have to pretend to be a sock!
Plagg: *gets emotional and hugs him*
Plagg: You're the best Cat Noir I've ever had, Adrien!
What does that give us?
Plagg probably was also restricted with former holders if not with the guardians too. (And I'm pretty than sure that guardians did restrict him) He adores Adrien because the boy is giving him freedom. Maybe he had ruthless holders before that didn't care about him and his opinion much. Maybe he had some that considered his opinion but still restricted him because they feared he could bring another destruction like with what happened to dinosaurs?
It is possible. He was so happy when Adrien told him this sentence. What has he gone through, I still wonder.
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The relationship between Plagg and Adrien is something special. Plagg got attached to him, and a lot. He pretends like he doesn't care and maybe in the beginning he didn't. Not only that, but Plagg also develops. Remember how he barely destroyed anything while saving Adrien during Hero's Day?
Plagg probably grew fond of Adrien. The blond boy is giving him everything, freedom, cheese and actual respect. Adrien never forced Plagg into anything. He always lokked for him and at least mention that there is trouble in Paris. So plagg knew he will be sucked into ring at short while. Adrien always gives him a say in things (aside when he gave up his miraculous in NY special and Kuro Neko but then Adrien was so warped in his mind and hurt that he didn't thought clearly). Hell! He even gets his whole bag full of cheese so Plagg won't be bored during his photoshoot/adshoot! LIKE WHO DOES THAT?! (I'm talking about Mr. Pigeon 72)
Adrien never got a kwagatama from Plagg. There could be two reasons for that:
Plagg was never fond enough of his orevious holders to take their hair and do something like that, or even call them friends of some sort
Plagg wasn't this close with Adrien yet
And my guess is: both of the above.
Kwagatama is a symbol of friendship between a kwami and holder. If Plagg was restricted by previous holders and not necessarily treated right - why would he make something like kwagatama at all?
But I'm talking how Plagg was possibly treated badly and i still didn't tell why i think so. Why? I'm just a chaotic shit that can't take track of how I'm explaining things so lets get to that for a bit.
Guardians in relation to Plagg and Black Cats
In the show we can see how Plagg is seen as for guardians and how Black Cats are seen and treated.
Why am I generalising this? Because I honestly don't thing people have ever stopped of fearing things that are more powerful than them or unknown to them.
Yes - fearing.
In Style Queen we see how Fu reacts to Plagg wanting to help Mari. Fu panicks. Says how dangerous he is without a holder.
Then we have Chat Noir being left out of everything by Fu and now in s4 by Marinette. Why am I connecting this?
Black Cats are destruction, Fu knows that and he knows what that power is capable of. He fears it so he wants Chat to know as little as possible so he won't use it against them.
Marinette has a trauma from Chat Blanc. Chat destroyed whole world by simoly knowing her identity. She still believes it's that what brought the world to an end. So she keeps Chat Noir in the dark. She fears that future, she fears him deep down inside her.
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Su-Han did say that they are trained to fight miraculous holders who went rouge - Black Cats could have gone rouge several times, maybe? They are bad luck after all and we see how much of bad luck had Adrien by being simply born into Agreste family!
And there is that popular belief that destruction is a bad thing. It is very often associated with villains. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of the black cats were villains in the past.
Also let's not forget how insisting was Su-Han during Ephemeral to know Chat Noirs identity. So I wouldn't be surprised if actually guardians were afraid of Black Cats and Plagg.
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To conclude:
Chat Noir is not just a protector. He is a warrior. Plagg didn't had that colourful of eternal life and guardians of miraculous are actually afraid of destruction welders. Marinette is no exception here unfortunately thanks to Bunnyx.
I really hope that at least some people will stop comparing Adrien to just a bodyguard because he is so much more. But thats all i have to say today.
What are your thoughts about this topic? I love reading what people have to say and I love discussing things I'm interested about.
Also i need to thank you guys for around 300 notes under my Chat Noir post! That's the first time I had a post blown so much that had more than 5 notes lmao! Thank you so much for that alone! <3
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