#I’ve already seen season 1 multiple times and don’t plan on stopping till season 2 is on the screen
livelifelovebooks · 1 year
Someone please come talk to me about #1923tv specifically the absolute perfection that is Spencer Dutton. Like seriously how long do we have to wait till we have that man back on our tv screens.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[Analysis] S2 Gavin and MC
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for Season 2 content, which has not been released in English servers!🍒
I’ve received some worried Asks regarding the relationship between S2 Gavin and MC, so I’m here to try to alleviate your concerns 💙
Knowledge of S2 Gavin content is highly recommended before looking under the cut: Prologue // Throbbing Date //  Main storyline // R&S // Stray Date // The Guardian Plan
Note: This post contains my own analysis AND an analysis from a Weibo user (who has given me permission to translate it). I have marked out which part belongs to her :) These are just our personal thoughts, so you’re free to agree or disagree! I’d love to hear about what you think about their relationship, whether via PM, a comment or an Anon Ask <3
What do we know about S2 Gavin?
1. He’s selfless
In [Prologue], Gavin is in terrible shape - he’s in agonising pain and is so weak that even opening his eyes is a struggle. Yet, when the red light on the bed starts blinking and he knows MC could get into trouble, he summons his strength to tell her to leave, in a voice louder than when he asked her to stay :’)
He also manages to cover the back of MC’s hand to assure her that he’d be fine. Remember - this is the first time Gavin is meeting MC. He’s mustering all the strength in his frail, tiny body to comfort a complete stranger.
In [Throbbing Date], Gavin does things without expecting expressions of gratitude. For instance, he gives MC his jacket in the rain and runs off even though there’s a chance he’d never get it back. He also leaves strawberry milk for her on the piano bench without a note mentioning who it’s from.
2. He’s righteous
In [Throbbing Date], Gavin engages in a 1 v 10 fight to save Minor from ruffians, even though they aren’t close. And it’s hinted that Gavin has saved him multiple times.
In [Main storyline], Gavin makes things difficult for MC by trying to catch her in a lie, but stops once she tells him the truth about what she’s doing in STF:
He doesn’t speak, but quietly gives me one last chance. Faced with such a Gavin, my heart sighs silently. 
MC: I’m here because of a matter involving an Evolver artiste working under me
.…perhaps it’s my misperception, but his expression is no longer as cold as it was before.
Something similar happens in [Stray Date], where Gavin tries to drive MC to a corner by sending her hovering above the ocean with his Evol. MC even trembles for a while. However, she soon realises that Gavin is controlling the air currents around her very well to ensure she wouldn't fall.
While S2 Gavin may seem merciless and cold (e.g. he’s described as a sharp sword multiple times in [The Guardian Plan], his actions both stem from, and are capped by a strong sense of righteousness.
3. He has a soft spot for MC
It’s clear in [Throbbing Date] that teenager Gavin has a soft spot for MC, so I won’t dive into that.
In the [Stray Date] phone call, Gavin’s concern for MC’s well-being is obvious, and reminiscent of a very early S1 Gavin:
Gavin: …I heard them saying that a girl stood in front of everyone back then. It was you, wasn’t it.
MC: Uhm, I… was afraid they’d get hurt.
Gavin: This isn’t a reason to shoulder more risks.
MC: Actually, I did it without realising…
Gavin: …I won’t always arrive in time. If I’m not around next time, don’t use such methods.
A similar idea is brought up in the [Main storyline] call:
Gavin: …no need. As of now, our leads aren’t comprehensive, so we can’t confirm who is the person behind these transactions. Your company’s security measures are inadequate. It’s best to improve them.
MC: All right…got it.
In the [Throbbing Date] call, Gavin basically invites MC to return to Loveland High together at the request of Mr Keller, and she accepts. This wouldn’t happen if they were antagonistic towards each other. 
Interestingly, them being on opposite sides seems to become an inside joke for them.
Example 1 - [Reunited Yesterday R&S]:
MC: I think given our positions, it isn’t appropriate to eat at the same table. Don’t you think so? 
Gavin lifts his hand and casually taps the side of the bowl in front of him.
He arches his brows and looks at me, the temperature of sunlight in his pupils. 
Gavin: As someone who always orders my favourite noodles, your words aren’t persuasive. 
Example 2 - [The Guardian Plan]:
MC: I think I know what this documentary should express to the audience. Even with sword-like authority, the STF will always have justice as its supreme guide.
A sudden night breeze courses past, lingering around my wrist. 
Gavin looks at me, his eyes deep.
But the corners of his lips suddenly curl upwards.
Gavin: Given your position, you shouldn’t be talking to me about justice.
I smile as well, extending a hand towards him.
MC: Gavin, it has been a pleasant collaboration.
On a professional front, Gavin and MC are on different sides.
Personally speaking, however, they aren’t antagonistic towards each other. While MC is intimidated by Gavin in [Main Storyline], she warms up to him fairly quickly. Gavin also warms up to her, albeit a little slower.
In [Stray Date], Mr Solitary Wolf™ flat out rejects MC’s offer to work together. However, in [The Guardian Plan], he trusts MC and agrees to go along with her plan without even needing to hear it. 
Finally, I’ll let this scene from [The Guardian Plan] speak for itself:
Holding onto the letter, I turn around and enter the house. Gavin has his arms crossed over his chest, standing in front of a map of Loveland City, pursing his lips.
A young officer pulls me to a corner and speaks softly.
Young officer: The suspect isn’t here, but we found tools to create explosives. The situation has become more serious. No one dares to disturb Captain Gavin when he’s thinking about cases, so just ask me if you have any questions.
Without saying anything, I walk towards Gavin.
Gavin frowns and turns his head, the light flashing in his eyes akin to a cold, sharp blade.
When he sees that it’s me, his frown relaxes, and he speaks lightly.
[Translated Analysis from 今天鱼子酱也不愿产粮 on Weibo]
Gavin is unexpectedly cold to MC in his first S2 Moment, and it’s easy for players to feel shocked and uncomfortable:
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Gavin’s Post: Revisiting the old haunt.
MC: I haven’t been there in a long time either. 
Gavin: There’s no special need to go.
What makes this Moment interesting?
This Moment occurs after the Reunited Yesterday R&S
In the Reunited Yesterday R&S, the boss of Lynn’s Kitchen reveals that MC has a long-time habit (even till now), of eating there alone - sitting at the same seat and eating a bowl of beef noodles with extra chilli
So when Gavin posted the Moment, he already knew that MC visits “the old haunt” often
This means MC is lying in her response + Gavin knows and doesn’t call her out on it
From Ch 1 of the main storyline and the R&S, it’s not difficult to see that MC holds complex emotions towards Gavin - there’s a sense of alienation yet longing, a sense of reservation yet reluctance to part, a sense of pride and stubbornness. It’s as though something happened in their shared past that they are keeping secret.
As such, MC’s response could be her concealing how she feels towards this “old haunt”, which by extension symbolises their shared past in high school. 
S2 Gavin is difficult to ruffle. So instead of simply calling her out, he mirrors MC’s indifference. If read this way, there’s actually an element of teasing in his response - not coldness.
What about the alternative Moment where he sounds cold too?
Gavin’s Post: Revisiting the old haunt.
MC: Is Officer Gavin on a mission?
Gavin: Just passing by.
In S2, Gavin and MC’s positions are diametrically opposed. MC enquiring about Gavin’s work i.e. the operations of the STF, would immediately set Gavin on his guard. His indifference is in line with his role as the captain of the STF.
[End of analysis by 今天鱼子酱也不愿产粮 on Weibo]
Fun fact: MC makes reference to the above Moment in the [Throbbing Date] call:
MC: …come to think of it, Mr Keller seems to miss you a lot.  
Gavin: Mm. He invited the both of us to participate in a school activity.
MC: There’s no special need to go.
Gavin: …
MC: I’m kidding. If you’re the one inviting me, I’ll definitely be there.
It remains to be seen how Gavin would react if/when MC does go against STF. We should find out in the next CN update, since Ch 1 of the main storyline ended on a cliff-hanger with the STF surrounding MC’s office :’D
Instead of feeling worried about it, I’m actually quite excited to see how things will progress :> Their relationship has so many more layers for us to discover - a shared past in Loveland High, how they navigate their clashing positions, how they work together as the power couple they are, etc.
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travllingbunny · 5 years
The 100 rewatch: 1x02 Earth Skills
I’m a new fan of The 100, who first binged it last year, August to November. This is my first full rewatch of the show. I was planning to start it anyway and finish it before the season 6 premiere on April 30, and when I saw that Fox Serbia was airing a rerun (Monday to Friday, 40 min. after midnight, with repeats the next day), starting on 1st February, it was a great opportunity to start my rewatch in HDTV on my beautiful new TV. I decided to do write-ups and tag other fans on SpoilerTV website, as I did when I was first watching the show. But my posts turned into full blown essays. So, finally, after over a week, I’ve realized: Why don’t I post them on my Tumblr blog, too? I’ll copy my write-ups of the first 7 episodes, and then I’ll post my rewatch posts after I watch each episode. (The next one, 1x08, is on Monday’Tuesday.)
Spoilers below for all 5 seasons of the show. I go of on a tangents and make a lot of references to future events.
The first 2 episodes of season 1 are its weakest, just as I remember them. But initially I thought episode 1x02 was worse - I had mixed feelings about the Pilot, but then really disliked the second episode. This time, however, the Pilot was much worse than I remembered it, while this episode was... well, pretty much the same, but I enjoyed it more this time. Because, when I first watched the Pilot, I focused on all the new info on the show's premise, the setting, the universe, the SciFi stuff, and pretty much ignored all the cringey early teen soapy stuff (which I didn't even remember). But then the second episode came, and all the cringey teen soapy stuff in that episode just came right at me and annoyed the heck out of it. So this time, I already remembered it, so I could focus on other things.
BTW, I need to have good laugh at the often stated claim that The 100 doesn't focus on romance or do much romance or set up ships. The show does romance all the time. There are ships all over the place, but most of them pretty much suck, especially since most of them are poorly written insta-romances. And these early episodes are full of various romances and potential romances, and love triangles (which some people say the show has stopped doing... except it never did - *cough season 5 *cough* - but at least it scaled back on it a bit). 
Now don't misunderstand me - I don't mind that there's a lot of that, what I did mind is how badly all of that was written in these early episodes. Later, the show did lose most of its early CW-ness and start doing romantic plots better, in some cases at least. (But it also started doing them even worse, in some other cases.)
Rating: 4.5/10
First introduction of Raven, and she immediately shows that she's smart, capable and awesome. At this point, she seems almost perfect, but we know she was just initially meant to be a temporary supporting character and romantic obstacle for Finn/Clarke. We find out that she's the youngest zero G engineer in 52 years. She's also the first person to figure out that the Delinquents aren't dying, but simply taking their trackers off. How come this never crossed the minds of any of the Ark leaders? They came off a bit dumb here.
First meaningful interactions between Abby and Raven - the start of their friendship/pseudo-mother daughter relationship. Abby enlists Raven to fix an old escape pod so she(Abby) could get to the ground. Raven insists she will go, too, since she also has a loved one there. Multiple mentions of her boyfriend, and I can now see the big hints with the origami that Finn is that boyfriend. I missed that the first time, which is lucky, or I would have hated this episode even more, for trying to set up more than one annoying insta-love-triangle involving Finn and Clarke. I think this is the first time we get a mention of a year? But not the year when the show takes place. The escape pod is a 130 year old piece of junk that was found when they rescued MIR-3 in 2102. At least that gives us an idea of what century it is. ( The 100 wiki has a timeline and says the year is 2149, IIRC, but I don't know where that info is from.) I remember that Clarke, Abby and Raven were my favorite characters by far, followed by Monty, and pretty much the only characters I really liked (I was intrigued by Bellamy, and to a lesser extent Octavia, but I didn't exactly like them), since they were the only characters doing smart and good and pragmatic stuff and trying to save people. Then later, during season 1, Raven fell down a few places in my rankings, because I was so frustrated with her moping over Finn. Well, Wells was OK, but I didn't like some things they were doing with him here. One of the things I remembered best from this episode is that it clumsily tried to set up a Wells/Clarke/Finn love triangle, and that it made me roll my eyes so much. And for whatever reason, Bellamy was the one to talk about it to Wells and go on about how Clarke supposedly doesn't see Wells next to Finn, blah blah. Octavia isn't the only Blake with cringey dialogue anymore. Sorry, I'm gonna go on a mini-rant. Why was it necessary for the show to imply that Wells was in love with Clarke? You know how some people claim that the show is so into platonic male/female friendships (which somehow always is all about Clarke and Bellamy, because other male and female characters on the show aren't ever friends or something)? Yeah, right. Clarke and Wells were BFFs from childhood, grew up together - if you're looking for a "sibling-like" relationship between people on the show who are not related, that's the closest thing to it, but apparently, Wells couldn't have done all those sacrifices for Clarke if he wasn't in love with her. Right? But Clarke only sees him as a BFF, and he is so important to her... that the show had her mourn him for about 10 minutes in episode 4 after he was killed, and then never mention him again. If they ever actually wanted a great completely platonic, sibling-like close relationship between a man and a woman, that was a great opportunity. But they obviously didn't care. And speaking of people who grew up together and refer to each other as family, so they would therefore fit the idea of sibling-like relatively well (unlike Clarke and Bellamy, who didn't even know each other or interact with each other till they were 23 and almost 18, respectively)... well, there's also Finn and Raven. Who are also boyfriend and girlfriend. Kinda weird. I wonder when the writers decided to kill of Wells. I think it definitely was only after this episode, because this episode spends a lot of time building up Wells as a heroic character and setting up that love triangle that never goes anywhere, because Wells dies in 1x03. I think that, if the writers were at all planning an "endgame" (though I hate that word) love interest for Clarke, it was probably Wells at this point, because I don't think they were considering Bellamy that way at this point, and Finn, while clearly meant as the initial love interest, has False Romantic Lead written all over him. I sometimes wonder what the show would look like if they hadn't killed off Wells. I think Finn's "peacemaker" role in season 1b was probably planned for Wells. But I'm really relieved that we didn't get a love triangle that's all "Unlucky Childhood Friend/nice guy in unrequited love with a girl who is into another guy who is charming but kind of a jerk/cheater, until she finally realizes he's the one for her", because I hate that trope so much. Sorry, Finn lovers, if any of you are reading this - but Finn comes off even worse on rewatch than he did when I watched it the first time. He was always a guy who's just there and whose only interest seemed to be following Clarke around and flirting with her, but his time I'm noticing things like, even when he does good things, he only does them after he's realized Clarke would like him to do it, and tries to make himself look good and be the guy that she needs in her life. When I first watched this, I just had profound indifference towards him, which grew into active annoyance in this episode. And I didn't even realize at the time that he had a girlfriend on the Ark. Or that, after Clarke shamed him for not wanting to come and help rescue Jasper, he only changed his mind and came after Clarke had made Bellamy join the rescue party. My annoyance was initially mostly because of the scene where they are on the way to finding Jasper and saving him, and Finn decides to instead convince Clarke that she's wound up too tight and should just relax and they should splash each other with water. Which would be OK, if Jasper wasn't potentially dying. Priorities? And there was also his pop psychology where he tells Clarke that she is so desperate to save Jasper because she couldn't save her father, and we're obviously supposed to see it as super--meaningful. Is it just me that thinks that wanting to save people in general, and especially those you know, is a normal human reaction? Which is why Clarke was the character I immediately liked and related to. And also why this scene annoyed me so much. My feelings on it are exactly the same now, except maybe now I'm not sure that the show ever even meant for the Finn/Clarke pairing to be seen as an especially good one. Meanwhile, it seems that the show staff had realized between the Pilot and the second episode that Bob was super hot, so now Bellamy gets to be shirtless and with ruffled hair that looks much better on him, and is just friendly parting from some random Delinquent girl he's had sex with and who never appears again. I guess the casual sex (and later threesomes) were supposed to be a part of his 'bad boy' persona, since it pretty much stopped once the show started making him into a more heroic figure. Even though there's actually nothing wrong about single people having casual sex for pleasure, so it's not like that marks him as 'bad'. (The show, however, seemed less judgy about casual sex in later seasons, so I don't know.) However, he does a lot of other thing in this episode that are actually bad, like making the kids take off their wristbands so they'll have food, or acting dictator-like ("I will not be disobeyed") and over-protective of Octavia, including punishing Atom for making out with her. I didn't hate Bellamy early on as many did, but he frustrated me a lot, and was definitely at his most annoying in 1x02. However, I always had a lot of leeway for both him and Octavia, no matter how annoying they acted at this point, because of their backstory. And now I can even understand his over-protectiveness a bit better, knowing hat happened the last time he tried to let Octavia enjoy life. Much of the episode was about Octavia trying to find a guy to make out with, and specifically trying to make Atom (the guy Bellamy charged with protecting her). make out with her. She's being a huge brat at this point, but it's understandable - she was isolated, under the floor and locked up, all her life, and now she wants to be free and enjoy it. One interesting moment is when she told Atom: "Wall won't stop what's out there, we need weapons" - which is the first time she sounded like later Octavia. But her later love of fighting also makes sense for her character - fighting, especially with bare hands or cold weapons, is an energetic activity that produces an adrenaline rush, kind of like sex/making out. The scene where she chases butterflies in the woods and then makes out with Atom was one of the most visually beautiful. It looked very romantic, in the sense of enjoying life and nature. Not in the sense of actual romance, unless by 'romance' one means 'making out with a random person you met a day ago and barely know.' But to be fair, even Octavia's upcoming big OTP romance with Lincoln began with little more than physical attraction, and she knew him even less than Atom by the time they hooked up. The best interactions Ocfavia had in the episode were with Monty - the start of one of the better, underrated m/f genuinely platonic friendships on the show. This exchange was quite interesting: Monty: "Living under the floor all your life, it's amazing that you're not a complete basket case". Octavia: "Who says I'm not?" Monty was really cool in this episode - while Octavia was having some drama with Atom and some other guy, he was like "quiet, guys, I'm working" and was just calmly working on trying to make radio communications with the Ark possible. A bit more backstory on him and Jasper: they obviously have known each other for a long time, and Monty compares his relationship with Jasper to the Blakes, saying that Jasper may not actually be his brother but they are just as close. However, the Blakes aren't really like a regular sibling relationship, it's one of those sibling relationships (like Katniss/Prim in The Hunger Games) where the elder sibling had to grow up early and take care of the younger, so it's more like a parent/child relationship. Which is really one of the main problems of their relationship - Bellamy sees Octavia almost as his child and is extremely protective and sacrificial (the way we otherwise see parents act towards their children in The 100), and Octavia is constantly rebelling against him as kids rebel against authority. First significant interaction between Monty and Clarke, too. When Wells and Monty volunteer to save Jasper, Clarke tells Monty to stay behind because he's too important for the group's survival - he was raised on a Farm station, trained as an engineer. "food and communications. What's up here (*touches his head*) is going to save us all". (And how right she was!) That's some good, smart, pragmatic thinking - and she also managed to convince him without having to say that he also wouldn't be the most useful in a fight. I notice so many gender stereotypes in how the characters are written in these early episodes, more than the show usually has afterwards. Jasper and Monty were constantly talking about impressing girls in the Pilot, Jasper thought Finn had "game", and in this episode, we constantly have women shaming men into doing things by implying they would look weak or cowardly otherwise. Octavia tries to make Atom let her make out with guys/make out with her by saying he would be her brother's "bitch" otherwise (when did she learn to talk like that? I guess, during those two-three days on Earth?). Clarke tells Finn how disappointed she is that he refuses to join the rescue party, calling him a coward. (Though Monty shames Finn, too, saying "Jasper looked up to you". Which doesn't mean much, since the reason Jasper looked up to him is because he thought Finn was good at impressing girls.) And then Clarke makes Bellamy join the rescue party by implying he will look scared in front of the others/less brave than she is, otherwise (though that was more about Bellamy having to maintain authority in the group - which he needs for his own reasons), Then Bellamy enlists his sidekick Murphy to come, too. Murphy: "What are we doing? I didn't think we were in the rescuing business." Oh, you have no idea. The interactions between Bellamy and Clarke in this episode were quite interesting. I didn't ship them at this point, but I know now that some people already did, and I can see why. The scenes where they are into each other's faces and being antagonistic... well, this is the scene where Clarke says she will never take off the wristband, and Bellamy calls her "Brave princess" sarcastically (?):
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What are you doing here, Bellamy? If he means to try to be snarky or antagonistic, he's not doing a good job, because "Brave princess" is not an insult, it sounds like he's impressed by her. (Which he probably is, though I'm not sure he's aware of it yet.) I'm sure he thinks she should hate her, because she is making things difficult for him and she's one of the privileged high class people from the Ark. That's what Bellamy means, at least at first, when he calls her "princess" - he's not using that nickname to flirt with her, like Finn. At least, I'm sure he does't mean to flirt. But... he kind of looks like he's flirting. I think, at this point, he's really, really confused.
And that's exactly the moment when Finn comes along, finally having decided to join the party, and says "Come up with your own nickname". Finn seems very possessive over... that nickname.
Later when they find Jasper, he gets all take-chargey and tells Wells to keep an eye on Bellamy, and Murphy to come help him take Jasper down from the tree. I can't help but think of another, far less successful and very unfortunate rescue mission, in season 2, where Murphy will also end up as Finn's reluctant sidekick.
I love the way that Bellamy acts like he's so ruthless (which he probably believes himself to be, much more than he actually is), when he tells Murphy he will take Clarke's wristband off even if he has to cut off her arm to do it...but then later, when she almost falls into the pit full of spikes, he instinctively grabs her arm and saves her life - and then has the look on his face "What did I just do? What am I doing? Why I am doing this?" He really is confused.
Early season 1 Bellamy is such a hot mess. Kind of like Clarke will end up being a hot mess in season 5, and similarly impulsive, emotionally damaged and preoccupied with just protecting their "child" while ignoring the big picture, while season 1 Clarke/season 5 Bellamy are acting pragmatically while trying to save everybody. They've really switched roles. And I expect season 6 Bellamy to help Clarke to get back to who she used to be, just as Clarke helped him find himself in season 1.
I love the song "Can't Pretend" by Tom Odell, which closes this episode. (I'll be seeing him in concert in a week.) But I didn't initially even notice it in the episode - I only paid attention to it when I saw some The 100 fanvideos with it. It's too emotional and the lyrics don't really fit either of the rather shallow romances (Finn/Clarke and Octavia/Atom) whose scenes it covers.
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 14-  “#NotTotallyAnEmotionalMess“ - Emily
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ugh I feel bad about that. he was such a good kid :(
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I'm so pissed. Soooooo pissed. Go Mo for realizing he's going then calling me out and ruining my already ruined game. I guess I have to play my ass off in this comp huh! Not cute at all. If I lose, I go home. Unless I can turn the tables on Amanda Lynn. I'm not sitting around and doing her dirty work anymore! Also, pissed because three of my frickin video confessions have yet to upload. I'll work on that. But just know I'm not happy at the moment.
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Six guesses total, will this be the challenge I FINALLY win?  Or will queen Emily win AGAAAAAIN?  Find out soon on Survivor Azores! I think six guesses isn't bad, I usually suck at this challenge but this time I like made a spreadsheet and stayed organized so i wouldn't make any simple mistakes.
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I literally have an f2/f3 agreement with more than half the remaining cast at this point and that's either gonna go well for me or blow up in my face, because we're reaching a crossroads where I'm gonna have to turn on one alliance, whether it be taking out Ruthie next vote, flipping on Amanda/Abbey at some point, or voting out Ali whenever it comes to it so... There's a very real chance that I'll be seen as too much of a follower but I really hope that I can show my social game saved me and my allies multiple times throughout the game and that the people I turn on, whoever it ends up being, won't be too bitter with me. Also this interaction just took years of my lifespan Ali wtf [8/16/17, 11:28:34 PM] Ali  TAnveer: We should def stick together [8/16/17, 11:28:40 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Till the end [8/16/17, 11:30:05 PM] Will: yeah? im into it [8/16/17, 11:30:44 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Into what :o [8/16/17, 11:31:00 PM] Will: …sticking together [8/16/17, 11:31:34 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Sticking what together [8/16/17, 11:31:52 PM] Will: .
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I'm not confident in my Mastermind score in the slightest. I have a feeling I'm going to lose this one. This was the one immunity I really knew I needed. I'm so worried that I'm going home this round and it's really frustrating. If things are looking grim, I'll try my hardest to get Amanda Lynn out, though I feel that it's only smart to go after her when I'm immune. I need to start doing some damage and destroying her reputation to get the numbers. I know Mo just called me out last tribal and it'll be hard for me to convince people that Amanda is going to win over me, but I'm going to try. I need her out. And I'm pretty sure this is my last round if I don't. Wish me luck.
1. http://youtu.be/mMp32kOZIWk 2. http://youtu.be/VhVyp9ah-84
Have you ever wanted to die so much? Someone has the fuckin idol and ... I just want to die. So much death. I yearn it. I truly thought... I truly thought we would find it. I love being optimistic and naive. I love being Boo Boo The Fool. I just love it. I just love how things are not working out for me. I just love how I know that, at this point, if I don't win competitions I'm 1.) getting voted out or 2.) getting idoled out. Final Tribal Council... I wish I could have the pleasure to get to know you... its_just_not_realistic.gif
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So we've had an idol doc with a running list of all the spots we've searched. Somehow it managed to be in the last spot we searched and it was gone alsjdhskals. We looked high and low and all we got was disappointment. Today has been a mess but at least the fish I had for dinner was good.
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Bwkwbwkwbwkwnwj what a turn of events. Neither myself or Amanda won/tied??? Interesting. I'm pulling for Abbey so hard. I'm just hoping the Gal Pals don't turn on me like I'm about to in final six... lol. Sticking with them this round because it's very risky. I came up with a plan to split the votes 3 Will 2 Ruthie just in case either of them have an idol. I'm just hoping Ruthie doesn't win immunity Y I K E S!!!
It is established that Francie also tied with Abbey and Ruthie
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Me tying with Abbey and Francie?  TIME TO WIN, my fingers are crossed!
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FRANCIE DID THAT!!! SHE REALLY DID!!! If anyone else had to win, I'm glad it's her!!! And now our tie plan can work :-) I'm so happy??? As long as no one votes me out tonight.
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I mean if everyone's smart they'll get Emily out right now, but some people tend to get a little nervous and start to make random cracked moves for no reason, but hey as long as I'm not the one with the target on my back I'm happy. I genuinely believe that Amanda Lynn and Abbey are with me until the end, but I also know that Ali and Ruthie are close enough to me and think they can trust me enough to tell me if things are going wrong and... that's when I can strike :) so if anyone wants to play any funny business games they can go for it. At this point I'm just playing to get to the end and while I have promised to several people that it would be with them, all I care about is myself getting there. That's the only way I have a shot at winning, that's how the game goes
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I'm.....holy shit I can't believe it. I really only got it in 5 and not 6 because I got the right colors in the first three guesses as opposed to the first four but still I'm in shock
Ok here's a better confessional. So I managed to win the mastermind tie breaker for individual immunity, and was only in the tie breaker bc I noticed Jay messed up reporting info which could've affected my score so I did it again and I got it in 6 that time. There is somewhat of a luck element in mastermind bc the first few rounds are just you figuring out what colors are in play and I managed to pick the right ones so that I got all 5 colors in 3 rounds and could guess the order in the next two as opposed to taking 4 rounds to determine the colors which was a big help. If it weren't for that there might've been another tie. Well, not might have, probably.
So the plan for tribal is a 2-3 split between Ruthie and Will, respectively. We're splitting the vote in case an idol is played so depending on how the idol is played it will either send someone home by 3 votes or force a tie and then we revote from there. I'm pretty sure Ali is loyal to us so the votes should work out. Hopefully an idol doesn't get played tonight but this time we have a better plan for if one does.  
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I have been making so many video confessions recently because I truly don't know how to type out what I'm feeling but I think cracked Emily is coming out. She's going crazy. She needs help. I literally have been ranting to my parents about this game because I don't have anyone else I trust and I really want to die. I'm putting my faith in Ali right now and hoping he can guide me to the promise land: final six. The thing that's killing me about this game is that FTC is so close I can taste it and my anxiety is taking over like a parasite. I get nauseous before every tribal but this one especially. I don't want to go home!!! I want to stay!!! Hopefully the Gal Pals are going to stay loyal to me for one more round then I can cut off the head of our alliance and watch the island burn. I'm going absolutely bonkers and I don't know how to stop myself. I need to chill out I need to chill out I need to chill out!!!!
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OKay so I know I made a really long confessional last night with Duncan and Host Ali and people are probably not going to watch it but I just have a lot of thoughts about this tribal, that is happening 90 minutes earlier than usual, by the way. There is no denying that if Emily makes it to the end of the game, it’s going to be really hard for anyone to beat her. She has been in on all of the strategizing and (so it seems to everyone else) she has spear-headed every elimination. It just makes sense. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel bad. I genuinely feel terrible about voting for her (I don’t say “vote her out” because I fully expect to be blindsided tonight). This is the first game I’ve played where I am turning on an ally. And it sucks. I genuinely like Emily. I’ve been close with her since literally the first few minutes of the game, and I haven’t lied to her at all in this game until right now. And it sucks. It also sucks because I feel like I could lose trust with Francie and that I’ll be in danger after this round anyway. These girls are sweet and kind and this completely sucks. I’m also trying to think about like, what to do after this. How do I get to the end against people I can win against. I know I’m not gonna vote Abbey out. It’s just not happening. And I know that I could lose the game because of it. People are probably going to say that our friendship is the reason that we made it this far. Well if they do, I’m gonna counter it with…. Ashley and Ruthie are friends… yet they aren’t here together. Emily and Francie became friends in this game, and (if tonight goes as planned) they aren’t here together. I just have a bad feeling that people are gonna say the game was rigged (as if Jay would ever). I’m working really hard this game, and to think that people could say that I only made it as far as I did because of a rig or a premade or bc I’m a series admin is gonna suck. Don’t discredit my success bc you couldn’t figure out that we were close before this point, even though there have been multiple challenges surrounding the wiki, where it says that we are admins, with our skype names, and access to season blogs, on which you can find numerous posts containing Google Hangouts that Abbey and I both appear on as hosts.. Like… ugh…. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UyIGOY7DZOE/VdZKz9vWL-I/AAAAAAAAHuk/c3BZlQN58cU/mean-girls-I-just-have-a-lot-of-feel%25255B1%25255D.gif?imgmax=800
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I am so emo I think I'm GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I told Ali that I don't trust Amanda Lynn and he agrees with me. I think he will be the one that I need to help get Amanda Lynn out. I have his vote should we get her out this tribal. Now I just need to get Francie's and Ruthie's, which I think I will be able to do? Call me optimistic. But should I go this round, Amanda Lynn gets my vote no matter what. If she is at FTC, I vote for her. The only way someone else can get me vote is if they orchestrate her tribal. If I can't do it, I'll vote for the person that can. I am just praying my life is spared this tribal. I am PRAYING!!! Please Survivor Gods, I've been a good egg, let me do this for you. Let me survive another round. Let me win another immunity. Please!!! I'll stay optimistic until my torch is snuffed. :-/
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So basically im never going to win! No matter who I go to the end with I'm going to lose. Amanda will always beat me and I dont want to go with anyone else but her. Im scared that shes going home this round but theres really truly nothing I can do about it. Emily will always win if she makes it and Will is also a threat. The only way I have a chance is if its with Francie and Ali. Deep sigh.
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Tonight will be the one that REALLY determines if my f3 is together or not, because if anything happens besides five (or four if Ali ends up flipping) of us voting Emily, it's gonna be messy.  Everyone knows they can't win against Emily though, like she's playing an amazing game and even she knows she's the one to beat. An ideal final five still has Francie in it, if Abbey/Amanda/Francie end up voting Ruthie I can somehow avoid the blame and keep Ruthie's jury vote, and then Ali will know I can't do anything to save him. There's so many ways this can work out I just need to figure out the best one that will win me the game.
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So tribal is moments away and I can't be there for live tribal bc of a family thing but I'm really nervous. If I get voted out tonight, well, it's been fun. I'm glad I played. And tbh if Emily gets to the end... she will probably have my vote. Hopefully it's the other way around but if not, it's been good.
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LAST WORDS:  This has been an absolutely wonderful game and I am so thankful for the people I have met throughout this process. No matter what happened, I knew this would be a super fun experience. I would like to especially thank Toph, Rafael, Bryce, Amanda G for being such wonderful friends - no matter how messy our NFPs alliance was. (Amanda G especially!!!) Thank you to Jay and Ali for being great hosts for a lost girl's first game. I also wanna thank anyone who put their faith in me and drafted me - sorry I let you down :-/
I have some regrets in this game, but it's all good. I had so much fun and I can't wait to play more games in the future!!! I'm still rooting for my Gal Pals - I love them no matter what. I want to see the three of them at final tribal council. :-) I wish the best of luck to everyone still in the game!!! Also, I'm proud of myself for not crying over my tribal like I thought I would. #NotTotallyAnEmotionalMess? It's been lit.
Emily becomes the sixth member of the jury, and the seventh placer of Survivor Azores
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visionandperception · 7 years
Unfolding of the cold reason (Eurus) in Sherlock
Okay, so first of all, EMP is the line here, thanks to everyone who years before S4 aired saw and observed (nowadays, I think EMP is the only solution, and then we can get if you want “dream within a dream”, etc.)
Okay, so I started this meta as a reply to “Look at me. Look and play.”, and here it goes a special shoutout to @justshadethings​ ! Extremely interesting and worth a reading, I highly indicate this meta, which inspired me. I don’t have much to add, but the analysis approached:
Irene’s theme played as Sherlock’s Heart
Bach played as Sherlock’s Brain (pure logical, a proper machine)
Eurus is Sherlock’s Brain in the “reason and logical, emotionless”
From that, I decided to talk about the personifications Eurus assumed along S4. If someone has already done this, sorry, and I really don’t want to be repetitive.
So, let’s go? We had in Season Four...
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Lady in Red, also known as Faith. (x)
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“E.”, according with the credits, Elizabeth, and there we have William’s parallel! 
Eurus is a part of Sherlock, of William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Therefore, naming one facade of his cold and emotionless brain, Elizabeth when disguised inside his mind is more than reasonable:
[William] Sherlock (different name) Scott (common name) Holmes,
Eurus (different name) Elizabeth (common name) Holmes.
Coincidences? I wouldn’t believe so. 
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The Therapist. John’s therapist, actually.
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And finally Samara  ops, Eurus Holmes, “third Holmes sibling”, or as we are going to refer here, Sherlock’s side which is “emotionless brain, cold machine”, in all her grace. 
By the way, Death Waits For Us All In Samarra and Eurus being quite relatable (at least physically, as I have never seen The Ring) to Samara is enough to a long meta, don’t you think? But I guess there are many by now.
We saw all of those multiple characters, Eurus, Therapist, Faith (lady in red), E. (lady in the bus). Now, let’s analyse them as parts of Sherlock.
I’m going backwards, alright?
Eurus is his emotionless side, and with The Final Problem he finally understands why he’s better when having her as just a part of him,because sentiment does count. As so many people have already analysed her as Sherlock’s brain, and successfully made amazing points, I’m not going into this topic, not specifically, but from the point that she’s Sherlock’s brain, and once Faith, E. and Therapist are all Eurus’s disguises, they are all from a same “family”, sides of Eurus, that are going to eventually touch his heart, emotions, not always intentionally or purely.  
The Therapist (TT)
About Eurus as The Therapist, I’m not 100% sure when concerning her meaning inside Sherlock. After all, she’s the pure brain, the machine dressed in a disguise.
I’m not a therapist, but here’s a short description:
Psychotherapy -- also called talk therapy, therapy, or counseling -- is a process focused on helping you heal and learn more constructive ways to deal with the problems or issues within your life. It can also be a supportive process when going through a difficult period or under increased stress, such as starting a new career or going through a divorce.
Generally psychotherapy is recommended whenever a person is grappling with a life, relationship or work issue or a specific mental health concern, and these issues are causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days. There are exceptions to this general rule, but for the most part, there is no harm in going into therapy even if you're not entirely certain you would benefit from it. (x)
Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment based on the relationship between an individual and a psychologist. Grounded in dialogue, it provides a supportive environment that allows you to talk openly with someone who’s objective, neutral and nonjudgmental. You and your psychologist will work together to identify and change the thought and behavior patterns that are keeping you from feeling your best. (x)
So, what can we conclude?
As John’s therapist, “Eurus” listen to people (John, and I know there is a relation between John and people, but I’ve read those metas a long time ago, so the information that justified the relation was archived). John, and people, are talking specially about feelings, emotions, and she’s supposed to try to help her patients. 
Eurus as a therapist is more than Sherlock making a supposition inside his head about what John’d do if Mary died violently to save his (Sherlock’s) life. Actually, going along with this thought, this is the pure brain that relays in calculation with the emotion mask. She’s Sherlock being more sensitive and human, listening and trying to help the others (and he’s been doing this, as a consulting detective! In many cases he forged emotion, and in others he’d to listen and help the clients/victims so the case would be solved, and he did it with tact.). However, she (Eurus, the pure reason and brain) doesn’t care, it’s all a plan, there’s an objective, for example, solve the case.
If you spend more than five minutes with Eurus, the emotionless machine, you get reprogrammed. (I don’t have screenshots, but this is what Mycroft says in The Final Problem). It’s interesting that then, inside his head, he considers that the Eurus inside him has an impact so deep and strong on people, even on himself, because sometimes he’s going to play a game between himself, emotion and reason and fail in noticing they can be harmonic. 
Always remember that The Therapist is a ramification of Sherlock’s side which is pure reason, aka Eurus, a proper machine, but for some variable deals with emotion. Therapist-Eurus faces John’s suffering, confusion, and all of his emotional, broken heart, but is disable of helping wholeheartedly because she’s just a part of Sherlock. TT is the brain who has contact with emotion, but she isn’t there to help, but to use the information she can get, in the case, about John. 
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But Eurus, even with TT mask doesn’t understand emotion in the way she “gets what you’re saying because she’s already felt like that”, it’s cold and distant! The East Wind probably analyses emotion as an aside fact. 
She’s the image Sherlock had tried wanted sell:
“I’m a high-functioning sociopath.” and within this journey he finally completely sees that he doesn’t want to be, and in fact isn’t, this person.
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(this is from season 1, and sherock looks like a baby we shall protect, btw,) 
Eurus!Therapist is his brain trying to process and deal with emotion, John’s feelings, but failing miserably because this isn’t about his mind, but his heart. There you get the dialogue that was so well analysed in the meta I quoted above. Play me/Play you. He first plays Bach, and I can’t go on about this, because it’s not my area, but from what I understood, it’s his brain, it’s Eurus, and I’m trying to make this less confusing but his own cold brain knows she’s not Sherlock, not all of him. He is, fatally I may add, guided by sentiment although he might reinforce the contrary, because usually feelings aren’t consider something clever.
However, being able to understand yourself, and consequently your feelings, is extremely important. You have to be strong to open your heart (and maintaining it closed isn’t a sing of weakness, of course). And one of the processes which transform Sherlock in a good man is, when dealing with all his own façades, sides, the acknowledgement of the value of feelings. 
Sometimes she, the brain without a heart, manages to leave Sherrinford, obvious when she wants, and dresses the therapist mask, unsuccessfully trying to help John with feelings (among other topics, of course, I don’t want to neglect anyone’s line of work :) ), but usually this doesn’t work, because you need a heart to understand another heart.
“The man you are today is your memory of Eurus”.
Sherlock is somehow guided by sentiment, but he represses it all the time. Eurus is the cold machine, and this memory of how he can be just a brain, without a heart, affects him ‘till today. And it isn’t a nice memory. No, no, no, it’s so far from that. 
Stop and see Sherrinford
And then locked in Sherrinford, a weird version of Azkaban is Eurus.  I know not just me thought the beginning of the word Sherrinford didn’t make much sense as instantly you remind Sherlock. And this is because Sherrinford 
About the name:
Sher (r) + in + ford
Sher is obviously a diminutive for Sherlock, maybe a nickname. 
In (self-explaining)
Ford, here’s the meaning:
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(Cambridge Dictionary)
Okay, so what the f*ck? Sherlock is in a river that’s not deep and can be crossed?
Well, river=water, and Sherrinford is located in the middle of the ocean, but more than that, Eurus, his heartless brain. So, I’m going to kick, because...
reason: not sure this makes sense, but wanted to talk about and hear everyone’s ideas!
This high-security prison (between quotation marks, we may agree :)) , is Sherlock. Sherlock is totally surrounded by water, that is, sentiment, feelings, and inside a little island is the part of him who is “brain without heart”, however...
1) He can cross this region of his mind (he’s a mix of feelings, reasoning), because it’s not to deep, He won’t drown, and there you have:
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He CAN reach John. 
2) This part of him, Eurus, the logical is in an island in an infinite ocean of feelings, that is, the only part of him that hasn’t drowned in his feelings. 
3) Sher is locked in Sherrinford. 
It’s different from Irene’s Sher-locked, because that was highly related to feelings. Eurus is the opposite, but again, Play you. And Sherlock plays from his heart, but Eurus isn’t programmed to read pure sentiment, so she think he’s has sex, but she can’t look beyond (again, this meta is wonderful).
Finally we got to Faith. I have to say nothing is clear to me, basically a big mess, but it’s worth a try. She’s a blatant John mirror, and one of Eurus’ masks. She’s totally fragile to Sherlock’s eyes, but it’s all pretending. 
There are two angles I want to talk about here:
1) As John’s mirror, and people have explained this so perfectly I don’t dare to add much more, we see how Sherlock helped John that day 1. There is even a flashback, John with his  walking stick, back in ASiPink!. It couldn’t be more obvious. 
Sherlock: You’re suicidal, you’re allowed chips. It’s one of the only perks.
Wait, but who was eating chips in the dark a while ago?
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This happened in S3, Sherlock was back from Serbia, torture and an uncountable time where the only thing that made him stay alive was one word “Ammo”. Telling, isn’t it? When he comes to London and finds the person behind the ammo getting engaged, and wanting him away from him. He says she is allowed chips because he knows what’s like to feel like that. We can guess we’re there in the airplane or even before, but if we’re in the airplane, don’t forget Sherlock has taken a dose capable of killing him because he’d rather die right there than have to fight in Eastern Europe for his life.  
Oh. Wait.
Molly: He (John) would would rather have anyone but you. Anyone.
Inside his mind, do you remember the last scenes of TST? Again, John doesn’t want him close. Actually, things haven’t been worse since the rooftop. But now Sherlock isn’t eating chips in the dark “alone” in 221B.
Eurus is with him, but now she’s more of a memory. Blond, careless about her life, wondering around with a gun in her bag, just waiting ‘till a moment. His mind visits himself! The thing is that she’s also John, but at the same time she’s the degraded side of Sherlock, eating chips in the middle of the night, lonely. Faith is one more part of Sherlock, nobody’s made of just one thing! 
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Sherlock: I think she liked me.
Faith and Sherlock aren’t okay. And Sherlock and John weren’t okay when they first met. They spent a whole evening, and that was really fun, after all, John moved in after knowing the mysterious Sherlock Holmes for a couple of days, perhaps even less! 
Faith is a projection of John, suicidal there in Barts, but she’s also Sherlock. Her presence is very important for his realization about how “(...) your life isn’t your own”. He’s still understanding how John felt when he jumped from that roof, in front of his eyes, and I think the river’s scene is the apex. There it finally happens and they see each other for the last time. 
That’s his (all of Sherlock, Eurus + feelings +whatever we may add) contact with his mind processing the affect of his own fake suicide, John’s suicidal thoughts, finally, a topic which is disturbing him a lot.
Do you know how far John relationship with E. went? No? Well, so don’t I, but for this part this is not the most relevant thing. 
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I’m going to sum up in one short paragraph:
E. is the part of Sherlock which isn’t overwhelmed by feelings, E. is in the ford, there in Sherrinford, and “she” can flirt with John without greater regrets or pains. She’s the pretty lady in the bus who smiles and receives a smile back from that guy with a flower in his head, John. And he’s married, but you’re still flirting from time to time, because this is how your relationship works. Well, sometimes one of the part didn’t notice when the other intended to flirt.  
Although Sherlock believes John’d go for it and smile back, the Angel Mary would haunt him. I don’t have the link because I read this meta more than one month ago, but Sherlock thinks John, with this modeled and inhuman image of his wife, would create a Mary!Ghost to cope with her loss, but more than that, she’d be his subconscious (but then we are going to The Lying Detective).
Oh, and here the Elizabeth = William parallel comes to end my analyse.
Okay, I don’t know who I should tag, so I’m going to tag some old fellows, and people who I suppose are exploring this subject, if you don’t want do be tagged, please tell me so I can remove you from here:
@thelostsmiles, @somedrunkpirate , @badsnowfo, @shawleyleres, @sherlock-overflow-error, @isitandwonder (hope I won’t bother tagging you :) ), @monikakrasnorada (you’re EMP, so...)
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