#I’m so invested you guys
olasketches · 3 months
For Yuji art request: maybe a role reversal where Sukuna is the host of reincarnated Yuji but instead promising to kill him painfully, the eyes and mouth under Sukuna's face promise fun and adventure.
anon, I’m afraid this got out of control… I ended up creating a whole au out of your lovely request 😭
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I have nothing in my defence… I hope you’ll enjoy it tho. also thank you for sending me your request I had a lot of fun with it 🫶
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lunee-bat · 2 months
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Guess what I had art block and made a kid for my notp and now the art block’s fixed and I got a free au out of it
(there’s more weird art under the cut)
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Common whizbang w
She’s a cervitaur bc I’m embracing the cringe and thought Lucifer’s wack genetics would meet up with Alastor’s and remember Charlie’s and say “let’s square the hooves on this one!!” so here we are
Anyway,,,enemies to coparents shenanigans,,
They’re trying their best
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I promise,,
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isogenderskitty · 2 months
not to add fuel to the fire but sapphic ella believers could still win if one of the other gals is playing a secondary character. i’m just saying when has starkid ever shied away from insane quick changes
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lunarlivs · 3 months
honestly if i see one more brotherfucker and/or it’s practically insect i will practically throw myself in a ditch
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dreagine · 11 months
Hi hi to all the sillies of the world!!!!
So, I’ve decided that I’m not gonna use this account anymore, or tumblr in general really. Social media has become overwhelming, and being on so many platforms and having a plethora of different accounts, side accounts has just been a whole lot. It’s been getting me down recently.
So I’ve decided to get rid of this one!!
I won’t be deleting anything on here, all my accounts will still be up, I just won’t be active on them until further notice. Maybe I’ll come back one faithful day or hop on every now and then…but for the most part it’s gonna be radio silence here🫡
That being said!!!!! I will still be active on Instagram under the username ‘Teazzrr’ in case you still want to follow me and see new art(hopefully)!!
But really, thanks for supporting me on here! And thank you if you continue to on Instagram. Some of the reblogs and things written in the tags and my ask box are just the sweetest things I’ve read ever, and they’ve given me a good laugh! I genuinely appreciate all of you, and all the kind words!!!!
All in all, not gone, just won’t be here on tumblr any longer, and this was a really long way of saying that, lolz!! :]
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Uh. Why’s everyone tellin’ me to be careful..? I mean that’s real kind but anyways. Heathcliff here again with a report on that case I’m working on. This is gonna be a doozy to explain but sit tight lads, lasses, everything in between and out.
After painfully flipping through those piles of folders I only learned a little bit about the victim (I kid you not half of it is just a bunch of complaints from the Zwei and Tres, also someone snuck pictures of their cat in there??) But the report says they’re an important fixer, semi-inventor of some fancy shit, owns three cows(??) and yadda yadda.
I went over to the scene of crime which was the poor sod’s own workshop. But there wasn’t actually anything new for me to see there since most stuff’s been covered already by the chaps handling this case before me. He was found dead hunched over his workbench, cause of death was a hatchet swung right into the back of his head and its still stuck there. The only big mystery was that there was no signs of obvious break in. I was recommended to leave and focus on the stuff we already know but even then though, I felt like… Something wasn’t right. Like you know that intuition of mine I tell everyone about? It was telling me there’s one more clue we haven’t found.
I checked around his notebooks, his desk, to no avail. Until I checked his warehouse. Where he keeps all the gear— Or well, kept, cause it ain’t here anymore. All stolen. But I found this… Crack in the wall. I dunno I just somehow knew it would be there though. Like something told me the key behind this all lies beyond that wall. So like any sensible bloke I went to destroying that bloody wall with a steel chair nearby. Hopefully I don’t get in trouble for that. Oops.
Now, I found some stairs leading downwards, and a thread of red string pointing me to go ahead. It was kinda shady but I thought “Hey! I found new shit!” and so I followed it and it led me down some kinda hidden tunnel. Down there I ended up in… Some underground room? It was dark but the walls were covered in this sickly lookin’ white colour so that in itself gave it a sense of light. There wasn’t much down there actually. A few empty shelves, cobwebs, paper sprawled on the floor everywhere, but in the middle of it all was this
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Complicated device I think. It’s a.. mirror? With a bunch of wires and magnifier thingies that I don’t understand. It looks dusty but still, what’s this shit doing down here?
Well, that’s all I’ve found for now. Oh, wait! One more thing before I pop off. When I got back to my desk I found another one of those paper message things. What’s it called again? A prescript? I actually caught a glimpse of the bastard who left it here it’s just that he ran away before I could say anything and slammed the door in my face.
He kinda looked like that guy I think’s been following me around….
This one looked kinda messy written but it says
To Heathcliff: Follow the city’s ribbons. To a meeting with yourself. This is related. Visit L corp. Must be alone.
…Don’t get what that means but. Looks like I really did jinx myself.
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cha1cedony · 3 months
Idk what it is that makes me fixate so hard on one specific thing for years at a time, but I need it to chill out 😭 DnDads has been my only long-term media interest for like 1 and 1/2 years now, and it’s BORING to only like one thing ever lol I’m BORED!!! I need other things to be interested in, but I struggle with getting into new stuff (other than video games) sooo bad :(
That said, if you have DnD podcast recs that have interesting characters……… GIMME 👀 Also where the early episodes aren’t a nightmare to listen to 🙏 I have never listened to any other DnD podcasts, and I think it’s mostly bc the earlier seasons are always poor audio quality or like 3 hours long 😭 I’m also good with any type of narrative podcast. I just want compelling characters and platonic/familial dynamics pls. Stuff I can write sad shit about!! But also not TOO sad the whole time… maybe a little bit silly idk
So far, ones I’ve written down to listen to are Cast Party and Friends at the Table? I don’t know anything about either of them, though so? Also I keep seeing my mutuals posting Oxventure and Woe.Begone (although the latter isn’t a DnD podcast.. I think?) sooooo let me know your thoughts. And recommendations! Send me your propaganda! Tell me about your blorbos
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clownsnake · 13 days
okay nonbinary character in Orv alert. slay
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
I can’t believe the entire reason demons in Demon Slayer exist is because of magical prion disease that some random guy concocted while fucking around with experimental medicine.
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the-somwthing · 16 days
When should I start my watch of Scott’s Double Life movie where I pretend that I’m not just doing it to analyze any scott/joel interactions when in reality the second Joel appears or is mentioned I will be taking notes
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teuer · 7 months
I topped yesterday
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
Do you think L would get jealous? And what kind of circumstances would make him get jealous? I'd love to see an example of it if it's okay with you!
For sure. It’s not so much in the stereotypical “I want you to be mine only” thing and more of just him being envious of the people in your life that you can have the type of relationship he wishes he had with you with them. Friends are one sticking point; while he’s grateful that you have friends and understands that his general distaste towards them is absolutely just him being jealous of how close you guys can be, that doesn’t change how he personally feels about them. At the same time, it wouldn’t be out of character of him to see you interacting with someone, notice potential chemistry, and gently encourage you to consider them as a potential romantic partner.
He’s not possessive, not openly; just because he doesn’t have friends and doesn’t know how to exactly chat you up doesn’t mean he wants you to not have those things happen. He’s not even that bothered by flirting openly (though when the two of you get home he is going to be a little insufferable for how close he wants to be with you). He’ll try his best to get along with your friends and not cause you unnecessary grief and the worst you’ll hear from him is some quiet grumbling or theories about their developments and how they have negatively impacted their personalities in the modern day. Relatively tame stuff.
Of course, that’s all considering the two of you are in a relationship. Yandere L is a whole different problem, but that’s for another time.
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chaosduckies · 9 days
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Holy Hell
I just decided to take a little peak at how much I’ve written so far of the new chapter for Restoration um-
It’s almost done just have to finish it off and then edit it. Hahaa- I did say this was gonna be a long chapter soooo….
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peglarpapers · 9 months
if i see one more brain dead cunt on instagram post about having a #grindset at university i am going to start killing
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lady-tortilla-chip · 16 days
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wowieeitsisa · 23 days
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