#I’d like to think Mack would call Alya Tiny tremors upon seeing her all dressed up.
momentofch-aos · 7 months
Trick-or-Treat! I have come knocking on your Tumblr door asking for a treat. You can answer with a meme, a bit of art/fic, a fic recommendation, pictures of candy, or something else! Then go to your mutual’s Tumblr door and ask them for a treat! Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 (don’t answer until October 31)
My apologies this is a day late and I have no idea if it makes sense for this. Just a little Drabble I’ve been thinking about. (“200 words” I said. Yeah right.)
On a rare night off, Daisy was grateful that their apartment building didn’t have many trick or treaters. Not that she hated the kids that lived in their building, in fact there was a little 2-year-old girl who was obsessed with Daniel that she had a particular soft spot for. But they were out of town this week.
The past month has been tiring so when she came home to find Daniel having fallen asleep reading on the couch, it was very easy to shuck off her jacket and boots and curl up next to him.
In typical Sousa fashion, he woke up as she settled besides him, opening the blanket for her to crawl under, his arm wrapping tightly around her waist as she curled into him. He dropped a light kiss to her lips.
“How was your debrief?” He murmured as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Good. Mack wanted to get home to Faith and Flint. Ended it a little early. Faith is dressing up as Rey from Star Wars.” Daisy replied softly.
“From the sequels right?” Daniel asked rubbing his eyes.
“Yup. I told him I wanted to see photos.” As if on queue Daisy’s phone buzzed from where she dumped it on the coffee table. “I’ll get it in a minute.”
“I ordered dinner. It’ll be at 7. Mexican? You mentioned tacos last night.”
“Hmmmm.” Daisy agreed “Nap first.”
She felt Daniel chuckled underneath her as he pulled her closer. The feel of his sweater under her hand and his slow steady breaths pulled her into an easy sleep.
An hour later, they somewhat startled as the doorbell rang. Daisy had rolled off the sofa, as she was pulled from sleep, Daniel’s hand still gripping hers.
“Must be the food.” Daniel said smiling at his girlfriend who was still trying to work out how she was on the floor.
“Yeah I’m on it.” Half asleep still, she shlepped her way to the front door, looking through the peephole.
On first glance, there was no one there so, Daisy assumed the food had been left on the doormat. But when she opened the door, she caught sight of the tiny human she missed the most.
Alya Fitzsimmons bounced excitedly on the door mat, before flinging herself around Daisy’s legs.
“Auntie Daisy!”
“Alya?” Her sleep fogged brain seems to lift as she squatted to properly hug her tiny niece, swinging her into her arms as she stood up. “What are you doing here?”
From around the corner, Jemma and Fitz appeared and Daisy immediately wrapped her arms around Jemma, Alya squashed between them.
“We thought a visit was in order.” Jemma whispered as she hugged her tight.
“And I thought it would be a nice pick-me-up after your missions and meetings.” Daniel said from behind them, shaking hands with Fitz.
“Uncle Daniel!” Alya practically leapt from Daisy’s arms towards Daniel who scooped her up.
“Hey kiddo.”
“Cannot believe you all kept this from me.” Daisy looked around the group of some of her favourite people. “You too Fitzy.” She hugged him tight before leading them all into the apartment
“We were definitely due a visit. But I don’t think you’ve properly noticed who Alya wanted to dress up as this year. Hey Al, you wanna show Auntie Daisy?” Placed back on the ground, Alya stood proudly in the middle of the kitchen, hands on her hips.
For the first time Daisy and Daniel took into consideration what the young girl was wearing. A tiny Quake suit, complete with purple accents and tiny fabric gauntlets.
“I’m you!” She shouted, holding her hand out and mimicking Daisy.
Daniel was chuckling as Daisy dropped to her knees with her hands over her mouth. Her heart warmed as the smallest Fitzsimmons moved like she was quaking different objects around the room.
“You really are! Look at you. It’s such a good suit.”
“Yup Daddy made it, just like he made yours!” She was bouncing again now between Fitz and Daisy.
“Her daddy has been working on it for weeks. He had to get it just right.” Jemma said, rolling her eyes at her husband.
“Hey it had to be accurate. Otherwise what’s the point?” Fitz smiled down at his daughter. “Oh I picked the food up off the driver by the way” He lifted the paper bag off the top of her suitcase.
“Thanks Fitz, I’ve made up the guest room for you all, if we want to pop your bags in before we eat?” Daniel said, taking the bag Jemma had dragged in off her and leading the way as Fitz followed him.
For the second time, Daisy looked around at her people and wondered just how planned this had been. Grateful that she had people who knew exactly what she needed. Jemma leaned into her shoulder as Alya chatted excitedly about her new suit and how she wore it on the Quinjet.
And when Daisy suggested she pick up her suit from base in the morning so they could take some photos together the following day, the excited energy in the apartment only doubled.
She was still tired, but with every moment in the company of some of her favourite people, Daisy felt like she wouldn’t need to sleep for at least a few more hours.
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