#I thought this was interesting
galedekarios · 7 months
reference: gale & scars
ea gale had quite a few more scars than the final iteration of gale we have in the game now (click to view a bigger version):
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-three smaller ones across his forehead, one of those three near his temple -another smaller one on his jaw, near his right ear -a larger one on the left side of his neck, still looking quite red in colour
flycamming a bit more made me realise that they didn't only keep one of the scars on his forehead:
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but they also did keep the large one on his neck as well, although it's much less obvious now:
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it's not as red and painful looking as it was in ea, but the texture of it is still undeniably there.
i've wondered since ea how he got it. one of the lines that you get from gale if he's taken by orin could be a hint or a possibility - even though, of course, it may be entirely unrelated:
Gale: I’ve been threatened with the sharp end of a dagger before, but never with such a monster as Orin holding the blade. 
they also added one to his chin, hidden under his beard:
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bhaalsack · 7 months
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what some of the companions desire when asked by the Ornate Mirror
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krscblw · 6 months
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the first time i drew unmasked cumulus vs the most recent (approximately 8 months apart)! a big improvement lol
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posted with permission from Tomás (cheers lad)
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bethhiraeth · 1 year
so i just had a thought
we know that will is going to be the main character of the next season, and barring him dying we can assume that means him getting a happy ending. and since (romantic) love and relationships is a big theme in stranger things, with currently every main character either in a relationship of obviously heading towards one with a specific person, isnt it suspicious that we didn't get introduced to anyone who has even the vaguest possibility to be a love interest for will in s4?
because there were no other canonically queer girls robin's age already in the show, the writers took the time to establish vickie as a character, and to show the potential for a romantic relationship between her and robin.
so why didn't they do this for will? they could easily have shown him becoming close with a boy in california, or another younger hellfire member, or hell, even told us the name of another freshman kid at hawkins high. but they didn't
the way i see it, there are there are only two possible reasons.
will dies or gets an unhappy ending. this would not be a good look. in a show self proclaimed to be about nerds and freaks and outcasts, it just makes no sense and basically defeats the whole purpose of the show to leave one of the only two canonically queer characters dead or unhappy.
will is going to be romantically involved with a character we are already familiar with. is the option that i am inclined to believe, even looking at it completely objectively. and out of all the (very few) characters wills age, i think it is safe to say that the boy he is canonically in love with--who also just happens to constantly be associated with rainbows and closets and such--is really the only choice that makes sense
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animelover20 · 5 months
Guys do you ever write the most fucking poetic shit at 4am and forget about it?
I just looked at my doffy wips and umm. There's one with like 10 paragraphs of genius and I don't even know how.
The way some things are described you'd think I can write good.. now there were a few errors like missing commas and forgetting how to spell some words(had person in there instead of personal but that's my tired brain for you)
But either than those it's actually pretty good like I'd read this shit over and over.
Thought I'd share that since my writing is mostly shit. Yet somehow I wrote something impactful like I was actually hooked. and I wrote that? No fucking way.. But it's in my notes and I remember writing some of the lines before my hands just decided to go.
Maybe I can write good.
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rcarx · 2 years
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posted by xxzaif on reddit r/warriornun (attached interview)
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i-merani · 1 year
"Shivy cries, Kendall lies" this bit was so interesting to me bc whyy would he say this when literally in the previous episode it was Shiv who lied to them. Because I think deep down Roman knows about Kendall's plans and he understands that Kendall doesn't want him as co-chair. Roman knows that Kendall isn't reliable and that his position in the company is actually very shaky at the moment. "Kendall lies" and Roman knows and he's very scared for his future
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
Katya’s thoughts on being single & marriage
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Something funny: Rebels season 2 has some novelization of the episodes.
But they're only available in French.
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biromanticbookbabe · 2 years
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mikumadds · 1 month
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rustedskyprisms · 5 months
“Rationalism, which attempts to master the world through coordinated representations, will always fall short of reality because things themselves are “mysterious and veiled.” The known and visible properties of things—their appearances—are separated through some “weird tension” from their essence as objects. As such, it is not simply the limitations of our minds that constrain what we can know about the worlds that both confront us and pass us by. We are actually in a weirder situation, because the very boundary between the essence and the appearances of things—even, or especially, within ourselves —is itself slippery, scrambled, and deeply enigmatic.”
-Erik Davis, from High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies
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general-illyrin · 1 year
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mistressofthemanor · 6 months
AI description of the Malfoy family
In the grand halls of Malfoy Manor, the elegant matriarch of the Malfoy family, sat regally in a plush chair, poised and graceful. Narcissa’s blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her delicate features, and her icy blue eyes sparkled with an air of refined aristocracy.
To her right stood Lucius Malfoy, her husband and partner in both wealth and influence. Lucius, with his long silver hair cascading down his back and a polished cane in his hand, exuded an air of aloofness. His sharp features and piercing gray eyes revealed a man accustomed to getting his way.
On Narcissa's left stood their eldest son, Draco Malfoy, who had inherited his parents' fair looks. Draco's platinum blonde hair was neatly combed, and his stormy gray eyes mirrored the intensity and ambition of his parents. He wore a tailored black robe, adorned with the Malfoy family crest, signifying his status as the heir to the ancient and prestigious house.
Finally, completing the circle around Narcissa was their youngest daughter, Celeste Malfoy. With her pale complexion and cascading silver locks, Celeste resembled her mother more closely than Draco did. Her blue eyes, reminiscent of a clear summer sky, held a curious and gentle expression. Clutching a plush toy dragon in her small hands, she radiated innocence amidst the opulence of the manor.
As the family gathered for the portrait, the room was adorned with tapestries showcasing the Malfoy family history and opulent chandeliers casting a soft glow. The artist capturing this moment aimed to immortalize the Malfoy family's legacy, their wealth, and their connection with the dark arts.
In this tableau, Narcissa, the epitome of poise and grace, sat tall and resolute, surrounded by her loved ones. Lucius stood as a symbol of power and influence, while Draco and Celeste represented the continuation of the Malfoy lineage. The family portrait captured not only their physical likeness but also the intricate dynamics and complex emotions that defined the Malfoy family.
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dafuq-lyrehc · 6 months
so I wanted to create a spreadsheet looking at some deeper stats for my Spotify wrapped using info from the spotify stats app I have, and in doing so I discovered the Top 100 is not calculated how I thought. It isn't just your most listened to songs. There are 15 songs that should be there based on # of streams that Spotify yeeted, and the order is all fucked. They use some kind of machine learning. So of course I needed to see how the Spotify Top 100 compares to my literal top 100 songs from the same date range. The green is Spotify and the purple is based solely on # of streams. I also added the # of streams for both columns.
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Here’s how the stats app I use explained how Spotify calculates -
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