#I realized I never posed this 😀
mackachu1212 · 9 months
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Bahhh no wonder why people are homoph0bic this scary asf 😒 (/j /ref)
Alt B&W version below
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when 8th member s/o has a stage accident
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8th member au, gn reader (mentions a dress in hee’s part), mentions of electrocution in jw + rk’s, requested!!, 1345 words not proofread
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He was internally screaming as soon as he saw you getting ready
You guys always like to give each other fashion shows of your outfits before performing
Like "babe look!" And then strut strut strut pose "slay me!!" 😆😆
But he knew immediately that you did not feel very slayful in your outfit
You were literally yanking it down after every step you took because it was already short and just kept riding up
You give him a "What do you think? 😕"
And he's like "I think you would look really good in a pair of pants 😁"
But the stylists don't have anything else so you have to go out in it
He keeps giving you nervous looks from across the stage
Anytime he crosses in front of you or anything he tries to cover you up or block the camera so you can readjust
Literally texts THE FREAKING CEO like "I'm concerned about the outfits given to yn, she can't perform her best while being so clearly uncomfortable"
"I'm concerned about the entire world realizing you're in love with her, but I guess I can talk to the styling staff 🤷🏻‍♀️"
But you never get an uncomfortably short outfit again... Heelift indeed 😌
Someone did not think this through 😭
You're doing your killing part in one of the songs on music bank
So obviously the camera guy gets closer to zoom in on you (werk👏👏)
BUT THEN he immediately moves to camera above your head to find Sunghoon and just WALKS INTO YOUR FACE
Ik y'all have seen that wonyo fancam... that's what I'm talking about
You literally make the most horrified face bc THIS MANS CROCH IS IN YOUR FACE
Screw professionalism, you're traumatized 😀
But man jays face is WORSE 😭😭
He's SO MAD like angry eyebrows and everything bc YOU JUST GOT VIOLATED ON LIVE TELEVISION
Walks up to you in the middle of the performance and checks on you
"Are you okay? 🥺"
You're like "yeah, talk after" and go back to performing
At the end when you drop down to a similar pose he goes in front of you 😭😭
It's fine because it wasn't your ending fairy but everyone is on Twitter like "he protects them so well 😭"
He rly does 🫶🫶 and starts a petition to at least get female camera operators next time
You guys were performing at a festival in the rain (wow so safe)
And everyone has talked before hand about being extra careful so you didn't slip
But it was such a big crowd!!! And it was your favorite song!!!
So you maybe went a little bit harder than you should have 🫣
... and fell on your face mid performance
I'm sorry but he laughs 😭😭
Like he sees you down out of the corner of his eye
Just 💃🕳 and then nothing
You give him such a dirty look when he laughs bc "YOURE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME STOP LAUGHING!!"
So ofc he runs over after and helps you up + gives you a big hug ❤️❤️
"I'm sorry, you just looked so funny!!"
So you smack him again of course because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK FUNNY" 😠
But he kisses your boo boo scraped knees (which of course everyone LOSES IT watching) and looks up at you with a smirk 😫😫
I CANT 😵‍💫
You pretty much always had to wear heels to perform because you were so much shorter than the boys
But today man you had some BIG STOMPERS ON
Like platforms and big heels, the whole thing
And at first Hoon just laughs at you 😭😭
"You really need all that extra height?" Then he stands next to you and realizes you're still not as tall as him "and it doesn't even work!!" 😆😆
He's having the time of his life until you smack him (except he makes you kiss him after so still a win for him honestly)
But then once you guys are performing he notices that you're not moving your legs as freely as usual 🤔 (we love an observant partner <33)
He gives you a 🤷🏻‍♀️ from across the stage and you mouth back "heavy... and too big"
It's a concert and not a like show performance so he just walks over and TAKES YOUR SHOES OFF 😭😭
Like, bends down, unlaces them, takes them off and sets them by the side of the stage
You're like wow he's so sweet omg 😆 but then he goes "now you're short again" with the biggest smile and then runs away
So much for that... enjoy your sock performance 😻
Honestly it was really bad for you but kinda good for him 😭
You guys were performing at a fan meeting and they were gonna shoot like fireworks out at the end !!
And everyone knew it, but you were in the bathroom when they told everyone the specifics 🫣
So you were out just like casually performing, not really doing all of the choreo
More so just singing and running back and forth on the stage to say hi to everyone 🫶
But then the fireworks shootout 😭 and you were literally RIGHT NEXT TO THEM
And you’re so freaked out and they were so close and loud and you fall on your butt 😁
And the boys don’t realize it at first because they’re interacting with fans
But when you fall the whole crowd gasps 😭😭 and they’re like ????
And then Sunoo sees you on the floor half crawling away from the fireworks THAT ARE STILL SHOOTING OUT
He feels bad but he also thinks it’s really cute (😒)
But of course he helps you up 😁
And then he drags you around with him for the rest of the time
Like no you aren’t allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore, he is holding your hand and you are going TOGETHER
Listen he is MAD
Like Leader Won was on high alert all day because it's been storming on and off
He was worried someone was gonna slip
But it was 10x worse 😭
You had turned your head to do a part of the choreo and some of the rain water got into your in ear
It's giving Benjamin Franklin sunbaenim 😻😻
You were center for that part so all of the boys just saw you jump from the shock and then fall into a crouch covering your ears
He is IMMEDIATELY on it, running up to you and taking them out of your ears and escorting you off stage
He lowkey yells at the staff (🫣) bc "the performance should have been cancelled and now Yn's hurt!"
He doesn't want to leave you, but he has to go finish the rest of the performance
But once you're back home, he's not leaving your side
Chilling in a dark room with soft music playing so your ears don't hurt 🫶🫶
He's trending for like a week because of how scary he was 😭
Riki is the opposite of Jungwon 😭
Like he was having the time of his life performing and then he sees you drop and goes through all five stages of grief at the same time
Runs over "are you okay?!"
Except he yelled and you just got YOUR EARS ELECTROCUTED so you clutch your ears tighter bc it hurt
Once he sees you crying ITS OVER
Literally picks you up and takes you backstage, yelling to any staff in a thirty foot radius that he needs help ☹️
They lay you down in a stretcher and take you out to make sure you don't have like permanent ear drum damage or anything and he's just standing there like 😨
He has no idea what to do with himself
"Can I go with them? Please please please?"
So they let him of course bc he's cute and he WILL NOT let go of your hand for the entire time you're being treated until you're back in the dorms laid on his bed 🥹
He’s so clingy for like a week after because he was just so scared and he never wants to be away from you ☹️
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graciegoeskrazy · 3 months
I loveeee the dad matty universe, how about his reaction to girly and her bf ACTUALLY… doing something they shouldn’t sex🙈
then because she goes
matty healy + teen!daughter!reader
warnings: alludes to making out, no actual smut or mentions of actual sex, fluff ending, short n sweet
a/n: some dad matty for ur day. ty anon i’m sorry this was sent in november 😀
(look at how fucking cute istg)
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Matty wasn't an idiot. The unknown car parked outside, the smell of a cheap cologne from a boy trying to impress a girl, and the giggles coming from upstairs all lead him to the fact that you were doing something you weren't supposed to do. You had a boy over. He had faith in you. He trusted that you would be responsible and not do anything stupid. He basically hoped you learned from his mistakes.
He kept his composure as he walked up the stairs, purposely making loud footsteps as he walked in hopes that when he barged through the door he wouldn’t find anything he wasn’t supposed to find. When he reached he top, the giggles continued, along with a short sound he wished he would never hear.
He knocked. “Baby?”
He heard rustling and a quiet “Shit.” come from the other side before you answered.
“Can I come in?”
“No! Uh- I mean…one sec!”
You looked at your friend and pointed the your closet door while your other hand remained on your mouth, signaling him to be quiet. To his dismay, he got into the walk-in closet and you smiled as you shut it.
You opened the door and were met with him leaning against the door frame. His tall frame towered over you as he smiled a fake grin. “Whatcha doing?” He said, almost sing-song-y.
“Nothing.” You quickly replied. You were slightly out of breath from all the running around and trying to hide your new friend.
“Mhm.” He said, nodding. “You’ve been lying to me a lot lately.”
Before you could respond his face got stern, a look he gave often, but never to you. “Move.” You quickly sighed and backed away.
He walked in, stopping in the center of the room, looking around for anything else that was on his ‘no’ list. When he didn't find anything, he sighed and yelled. “Whoever you are, you have two seconds to come out here, grab your things, and leave before I make you regret ever laying a hand on my daughter.”
“Zip it.” He snapped back at you. He looked back to the room, hands on hips (his iconic parental pose.) “Starting now.”
Your friend slowly came out of your closet and went to greet your dad. Stupidly trying to act as if nothing had happened. “Hi, Mr-”
“You can show yourself out.” Your dad has his arms crossed with an unamused look on his face.
“Yeah.” Your hopefully-soon-to-be-you-really-like-this-guy-boy-guy-friend said.
You were still by the door. Hands behind your back and looking down, smiling. “Bye.” He said. You looked up slightly and gave a tight lip smile, it was genuine though.
Your dad waited till he heard the front door shut before he started with you. “Y/n Healy.” The last name meant you were in trouble.
“Hi.” You said, hesitantly but sweetly.
“What the actual fuck were you thinking.” he was angry. Legitimately angry. Which was a rare sight when the anger was directed towards you.
You however were in a state of bliss and still couldn't get over the fact that a BOY likes you. Like an actual human, teenage, hot boy. So you weren't concerned with what he was doing. “Well…I was thinking that you wouldn't be home for another hour and that would be plenty of time to continue what I was doing, and then my friend who you just met would leave, and you or anyone else would never find out?” You smiled.
“Stop being a smart ass.”
“You asked me what I was thinking!” You laughed
“Is this funny to you?”
You thought for a moment. Looking down and pondering. “Yeah! Kind of!”
Your dad was not happy.
Your face changed when you realized he was still serious. “I mean, no. No, of course not.”
He took a few steps towards you. “Are you trying to be grounded?”
You kept smiling and tried to hold your ground at the same time. Eventually, you gave up. “I like this! I like being a teenager! I like having fun, and then lying to you, and then telling you immediately after because I feel bad! I like him! We weren't even doing anything! We were just kissing and doing other things I don’t want to tell you about. And I had fun.”
Matty rolled his eyes.
“When was the last time you saw me smile this big.”
“Are you high right now?”
To be honest you weren’t. You were just in the middle of reeling in your new-found bliss that it was all getting to your head. Your dad was realizing it though. You were happy.
“Let’s be honest Dad, I would’ve told you what would’ve happened because I felt bad or something. I can’t keep a secret. Especially not from you.”
He sighed again. You knew you had broke him, and won. You also knew that he was going to keep this stone face up for as long as he could. You reached out your arms trying to bring him back to earth. “I can’t hug you right now.”
“Why not?” You asked, putting your arms down.
He walked past you and through the door. “Go wash yourself clean of your sins, then give me a hug.”
“Dad!” You laughed. “Does that mean I’m not grounded?”
He looked at you from the top of the stairs. “Will you lie to me again?”
“No.” You said. He knew you were being genuine. He knew his baby.
“Okay, you’re not grounded.” He continued his walk down the stairs. You grabbed your towel and headed to the bathroom, getting ready to shower. But not before texting you know-who and telling him the hilarity that just happened.
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the-k-alien · 2 years
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🎂🎈 Happy 19th Birthday my sweet angel 😺❤️
Today marks your 2nd birthday in Heaven, 19th birthday on Earth. I cannot believe it’s the 2nd year I release a balloon for you up on the 40th floor of my rental condo. I really hope you’re happy and you’re getting everything you’ve ever wanted up there. I’m sure you’re in a better place and you’re being loved and taken care of. ❤️
I promised you I’d get you a heart shaped balloon like you wanted last year, but after talking to the balloon shop people, they told me the heart shaped balloons aren’t the best type to release in the air. They are smaller in size and thus don’t contain as much helium as regular balloons and they tend to fall down as they fly. One of the employees also said they pop a lot easier 😕. So in the end, I changed my mind and went with a golden balloon. I first saw a gold transparent balloon as a sample in the store, but I wanted a more solid colored gold. The first employee told me this is the gold color they have, but the 2nd employee showed me the chrome gold balloon that I immediately fell in love with! This is the golden balloon that I envisioned!! Although it’s a bit more expensive, but who cares, I want to get you the prettiest balloon 🥰
I’ve also told you last night I’d release the balloon in the early afternoon. However, it’s very windy this morning. It’s windy enough out on the streets, I couldn’t imagine releasing a balloon on the 40th floor terrasse!! So I waited. However, starting 2:30-3pm this afternoon, the sky became extremely cloudy. I was scared that it would rain, but the weather announced less cloud around 6pm. I waited until 5pm to buy the balloon. Went back home to decorate and personalize it and drove to my downtown condo with mom. When we went out, it was still very very cloudy. Magically as we drove closer to downtown, the sky slowly cleared up and there was breaks of sunshine!! 😀 I prayed it would stay like this for the rest of the day and it did!! It was still a struggle to release the balloon up on the terrasse, but we made it and it was so beautiful with the sunset ☀️. It was perfect just like you were 🥰
I miss you my puppy 😢. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Of course I miss you greeting me in the morning or when I get back home. I miss hugging you, petting you, talking to you, playing with you... I miss your purr, your silly faces, your wet nose, your soft fur... But what I also miss is your mischiefs, cleaning after your messes, your angry meows because you wanted food earlier than you deserved, you asking me to open the door but would still sit inside with the door open OR step out and wanting to come back in as soon as I shut the door, chasing after you to brush your teeth, your little judgmental face when I behave silly around you to annoy you, watching you sleep and listening to your snores, push your little tongue in your mouth when it poked out, watching you groom and make weird poses... all the stuff that I took for granted, but I no longer have now 😢
I’m truly living the curse of “you‘ll only cherish someone even more after losing them”. Words cannot describe how much I miss you even after a year. I’ve now realized I’ve never loved anyone in my life because I’ve never felt like this before. I still can’t really look at your photos without holding back my tears. I still choke sometimes when I talk about you. I still blame myself for what happened... I wonder if that scar will ever heal 😔
Alright, let’s stop with all the sad stuff. I hope you had a wonderful day, lots and lots of presents and food, and I hope you received my balloon 🎈
Happy 19th birthday my baby ~
I love you so so so so so much xoxo
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andromedadualitas · 3 years
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I’m sorry I’ve been so slow with posting, ever since this man started living rent free in my mind I’ve caught a real bad case of the perfectionism, like I’ll go to draw him but he’s so awesome that nothing but the absolute best and most perfect drawings will do, aaand I never finish anything as a result. 😂 But now I’m realizing that’s a problem and I’m trying to break through it by finishing stuff regardless of how bad my brain says they are so here’s a thing! Wanted to draw something like the pose he does for a split second before Judgment Cut End-ing but with more leg appreciation. 😀
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