#I need an oc tag bruh
honks-n-stonks · 1 month
oh... I never posted my little CROB dragon oc here did I...?
Originally drew this fella back on April 1st! Admittedly, I'd like to go back and change the design + maybe simplify some parts so I don't die whenever I want to draw them...
I kinda tried to sorta follow along with the designs of the other dragons, but uh. Their horns are a bit too prominent. Ah whatever, it's a lot more fun to just do your own thing sometimes.
Oh, and their name is Koi Dragon Cookie! Maybe. I'm. not good with names!!! I think you can guess a bit of what their backstory is just by the name alone though, ahah.
They look a bit smug here, but I promise they're pretty chill. I think. Their whole story has just been brewing silently in my head.. I have to actually write it out sometime. Whoops!!
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carlestin · 4 months
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ouuuuu husker let me save you
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suspenders version but its hidden cuz i like it less
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meowchela · 3 months
someones selfship blog got reccomended to me and im ngl scrolling through it is making me wanna make my own. the only problem is all of f/os are really niche and idk if theres much content on tumblr about them if any at all 😭😭😭 plus as someone whos both demiromantic AND in an actual relationship, i selfship in a very particular way/dont think about them as often as other selfshippers do so maybe itd be too much work to keep up an entire blog for stuff i don't think about that often. but on the other hand i could use a cute lil emoji system to denote the tags for my f/os and having a list would be nice because i am kinda forgetful of any f/os i have that arent my big three LMAOO so who knows truly
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theminiartblog · 1 year
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*Slides in a soft moon before bed*
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istjury · 10 months
random oc sketch but i have no idea how to draw boots
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camping-with-monsters · 9 months
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uhhhh. ummy ache :((((
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sss-shyshy · 4 months
We need to bring back OCxCanon or somethin cuz I'm starting to see "reader with a name" and "y/n with a name" on fics now, like bruh. That's just an OC, why are you afraid of OCs bro
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mlgnoscope · 1 month
hi yes welcome to another infected regretevator ask/rp blog. occasional art/doodles to ask answers (tho i will try my best to asnwer all even if ic ant draw), fun reblogs, yayyyy!! ^_^ under cut is MOARRR info for those of u interested in PESTERING INFECTED!!! GOD!!!!! (light hearted joke i just playing XP)
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infected roleplay / ask blog. will definitely be filled to DA MAX with headcanons and will also not be entirely canon complicit. dont like / dont agree? ok. awesoem leave nobody wants u here hater
unaffiliated with any other rp/ask blogs-- if u wanna be gang lmk ^p^
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#kas-interrupts -- 4 things i say out of character
#3p1c-dr4wz -- 4 art :3
#fect3d-t4lkz -- 4 asks!!
there will also be the usual tags like regretevator ask and stuff :3
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just in general have some common sense..ik this is an ask blog but liek im still a human behind teh screen T_T
jokign nsfw/suggestive asks are ok i guess idk its a case-by-case basic thing. outright nsfw will not be present on this blog. im not putting penice on my roblox ask blog bruh :/
kinda liek the above but nsfw blogs dni
other rp blogs vry welcome!! INCLUDING ocs ily guys
plz dont take anything personal this is just a fun little rp blog. if im mean to u i dont mean it ooc ok?
i also provide translations i know teh typing quirk can be kinda rough lol
plz dont say weird offensive shit abt any of my headcanons.. especially since a lot of them are based off of myself. not saying u have to agree but idk just dont be slinging slurs in an effort to oppress anybody
idk what else to put here ill add stuff as i feel i need to >_>;
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yo ^_^ yuo cna call me kas(sie/per), june, or karkat. my main blog is @scenelights. im 17 and ui have autism and adhd and mental illnesesess. esfp.. prospit knight of heart if u know. i use he/she and prefer fem or masc trms. swag!
ask awayyy we're SO in
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mandalhoerian · 3 months
bruh my comment was too long to post under the new chapter so i’m sending an ask. saw the ao3 notif and scheduled to read it this fine evening, good thing i was like “lemme scroll on tumblr and see what’s up” because SJFKDJLXBZB the face i made when i saw i was tagged and followed BY YOU? also ma’am 🤚🏻wdym nobody comments like i do. like what do you mean. i have a concerning relationship with receiving praise so i advise you to stfu (affectionately).
my poor girl vera can’t catch a break, loss after loss after loss in such a short period. i just want to give her lots and lots of hugs (consensually). on another note i love that she clocked ada’s intentions right away bc capcom wtf is that writing. one person taking down a whole organization is like sending only one person to save president’s kidnapped daughter (laugh track). let me tell you i have been waiting for this 🤌🏻 vera and ada interacting 🤌🏻 leon being there all charming and naive and trusting people easily 🤌🏻 shai you just get the dynamics of all the characters *so right* 🤌🏻
sorry for the excessive amount of parentheses and emojis let me just find another obnoxiously annoying emoji to spam about the intimacy between leon and vera. 🤧 it’s this one but i’m wiping my snot away from crying about it. the small touches between the two are so tender in this fucked up world 🤧 vera’s hand on his forearm… leon collecting her in his arms, comforting her 🤧 his arm on her shoulder 🤧 i could cry and get a headache from thinking about them. i’m so serious.
(gnawing at the bars of my enclosure) JILL VALENTINE MENTION???? VERA KNOWS HER? WHAT IS THE LORE? I NEED TO KNOW.
how does one end a delirious comment. uhhh. so yeah. i love nttd and vera so much and i’m so happy that it’s back babyyyy.
Ofc I followed!!!! I don't remember why I didn't in the first place like but like ???? ur making it sound like I'm some big shot but like pls im a loser who's writing oc fanfiction on the internet and is so lucky and grateful to get people invested in it!!!!! AND YES nobody comments like you do! You're the dream of a fanfiction author ON GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ramble below to keep your dashboards clean:
I think we talked about this over on ao3 but honestly re2r's ada just doesn't make sense to me. The FBI cover is logical (when you first think about it), but the way she's immediately pulling a gun on Annette the minute they see her and DECLARING her intentions isn't. She then proceeds to reveal her target is Annette, and then her going with the FBI thing becomes less logical, bc why would Annette hand over the G-Virus sample to the feds, either? It's entirely a shock factor thing revolved around Leon, she's only fooling him -- or maybe, she's fooled Ben like this, too, and was forced to stick to her cover when shit went down, we don't know 😭 why did they do my girl ada like that... (ngl re4r ada supremacy. period.)
But either way, un-truths she would throw as a bone to a "civilian" like Leon would of course be caught by Vera, nugget by nugget, while still making her think "mayhaps the FBI is misinformed????" -- I didn't want to ruin that fine line by Ada going on about Annette making the virus and her being the most dangerous of all "g-virus g-virus g-virus" or whatever because 1) WHY WOULD A SPY DO THAT???? 2) it would surely make Vera go "yeah NOPE" 💀💀
it's so much fun for them to try sussing each other out, Light and L mind games over there while Leon is happily frolicking. not one thought behind those eyes 😭
ALSO LIKE YES THE TOUCHES!!!!!! It's Leon initiating all of them for me 👹👹👹 physical touch taking over when words can't. my favorite thing of all UGGHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME IN MY MISERY
ALSO totally not going "actually 🤓☝" as I'm saying this because it's been HALF A WHOLE YEAR + the fic is over 100K words -- Vera knows Jill from post!mansion incident - pre!outbreak, in that ephemeral "investigation" phase of Jill's. I do mention it in the fic that Vera supplies information to Jill (as around that time she's trying to get rid of the weight of all she knows and trying to pass on the "hero's job" to someone else) and they exchange their findings while trying to be careful not to get caught by ppl Umbrella put on Jill's tail. I think I wrote it in passing that Vera was disguised as a secretary and sat back-to-back with Jill on a booth in one of those occasions? She's loosely connected to re3r by having a brief appearance in carlos' police station section in my head, entrusting Jill to him and all and promising to meet up with them in the station once she talks to her dad about it ☹
"delirious comment" WDYM ITS MY LIFEBLOOD THANK YOU 😭
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"Get to know me" Redacted Listener Edition~!
Was tagged by my gorgeous loves, @cashandprizes and @halscafe!
Favorite Listener Character:
Hmmm, probably Darlin? Their nickname is one of my favorites, and I like their storyline, how integrated it is with the actual plot... also, Darlin OC's tend to be the hottest what do you expect from me
Listener Character I Relate the Most To:
Obviously, Love. I've got a tragic backstory plus autism, nuff said.
Favorite Listener Character to Write/Read:
Also Love, though I've only done that once. Describing thought processes and emotional regulation through the lens of computer code and algorithms is really fun and startlingly easy.
I Want Their Life:
On a good day? Probably Smartass? I love professional success that I don't actually need because my boyfriend makes enough to take care of the both of us.
On a bad day? Doll, Regulus's listener... Listen, life is HARD I don't want to GO OUTSIDE or THINK or do NOTHING-
I Have Their Life:
Probably Angel! I am, in fact, a submissive little shithead with a big, growly boyfriend.
I Want Their Powers:
Outing myself here but goddamn, I'd love to have Cutie's telepathy. The autism has cursed me with this constant fear that I'm misreading social signals and subtext that everyone understands but me, making a fool out of myself, and telepathy would make that fear go away.
Comfort Listener Character:
Outing myself again but bruh, there is something so comforting about Ivan's videos with Baby. Even if his earlier work isn't my favorite of Erik's voice acting and even if Ivan's intimate whispering has more mouth sounds than I usually like, god, he is so familiar and soft and leave me alone okay I miss him
Tagging: anyone who wants to I'm so late to this game and I have no idea who's been tagged at this point but please take this as an open invitation
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jove999 · 5 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you for tagging me @ilikedetectives 😳💕😘 I know It's super late sorry I was busy lol but I love music and I'd love to try this one!
Oh man, Finding songs for my assassin muses? hell yeah It will be fun (Tho My url is very short but I'll try to squeeze in good songs as much as possible)
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J Jasmine - jai paul
I Love the Yearnings™ in the lyrics of this song, though the singer is a boy lol. I'd interpret this song as Randvi's yearning for Eivor? I like to think of them as not just wholesome couple with a wholesome mind, I always want to explore the dark and jealous side of randvi's mind and this song kinda matches the vibe? Also what a great song. Yay jai paul
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O Only Have Eyes 42 - janelle monae
Bruh This song is about poly relationship and boy do I love my lesbian assissins polycule. I can see this song as about kass x eivor x randvi? Yeah. I want them to have some fun! (Tho the polycules in real life kinda scares me off if I think about it happens to me!!💀💦)! and I love janelle monae... man, HER
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V Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - jimi hendrix
Damn, Look at the lyrics. It reminds me of havi right away. The mightiness singer might have feel in this song, Not just the power of moving an actual mountains like a god, But the manipulation they can wield towards people around them like a god. I want havi herself to felt like this all the time. I want her to be (Yes I'll keep calling havi! odin as her) an arrogant and mean and powerful, manipulative god. This lyrics very much fits the vibe of havi. plus This song's guitar riff is crazy (As it should be!)
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E Eclipse - Pink floyd
Hehe. Kassandra vibe. She really went through it all in her two thousand years of life, wasn't she. This song feels like a hymn for her life! amazing song. amazing album.
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9 9 to 5 - Dolly parton
Bruh This is 😭 This is kass..This is kass You can see the vision, right?? lol She's the oldest salaryman on earth, I've been telling for years. She's working 9 to 5, no overtime pay, Barely a vacation...Where was the union when she needed one...Dolly please save her
And I think this is it. I know there are two more nines in my url but I want you to understand that my quota for bullshitting has run out for today. I can only bullshitting 5 times a day I need coffee
It was very fun! Feel free to do it yourself, guys. Thank you for reading😁💖
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Writer positivity tag
Thanks @lola-theshowgrl for the tag, thinkin we could all do with a little more positivity!
1. What motivates you to write?
Well you've got the good of fulfilling a creative need/want. The sense of "oh man I wish I could do that" and then just actually doing it. And adding something to the world that maybe somebody else might enjoy.
But, there's also the reasoning of helping me work through some stuff and keeping me grounded when the brain juice machine breaks. I picked writing up more consistently when I was between jobs and in a pretty dark place. Also when I am feeling overstimulated or just there is just T O O M U C H going on, I can slip away and guide that energy towards something rather than letting it sit and cause my atoms to vibrate out of existence.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
So this is from the second story with Hank and Mikey, idk, when I was writing it out I couldn't help but giggle. I did change it a little as the flow wasn't quite right before.
As the man’s head slowly loomed down into view his expression changed from a confident sneer to a confused frown. Pointed right between his eyes was the barrel of a sawed-off shotgun. His eyes traced it up to the hand holding it, up the arm, then all the way to Hanks beet red face and burning eyes. 
“I-” the man started to say.
“Merry Christmas, get the fuck out.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Hank/Mikey. I don't write too much about them, as they are pretty recent. But, they are just a couple of dudes who love each other and weird shit just keeps happening to them. They occupy a place in my writing brain when I want to write something spooky but silly, where the victim ends up being the monster causing the problem.
They aren't monster hunters or anything, they just get out of dodge by pure dumb-shit luck. Like hitting a monstrous deer with a baseball bat.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Starting with an idea and then just having the characters take it over and watching where it all goes from there. Also, making accidental metaphors, there have been a couple of times I've gotten done writing and had a lightbulb moment of "oh I did something there without thinking"
An example: When Alex goes to see Dave they transmute their body into a porcelain like material. I had originally thought of it like a doll and doll master thing, but Dave is a being or more order and regulations and the porcelain could represent the outwardly beautiful but ultimately very fragile nature of order and laws.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think I write pretty decent dialogue. Maybe not the most profound but I feel like I get the timing and flow of a natural conversation pretty well. If anything else I let the character of the, well, character come through in their words.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Honestly I really like these tag games, they keep me on my toes and actually writing. That and it gives me a chance to put little tidbits out there for people to see and maybe come check me out.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Bruh I just use google docs so lol idk. If I had to answer, laptop. It frees up a lot of space and ability to do my own thing when my partner wants to use the computer.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
It is super simple but how is Rituals and Red Tape, the eldritch cults/nature of the The Board is only comprehensible to those under them as a big ass office culture. They are not your master but your Boss and you aren't a cult member you are an employee. I don't think I'll end up going into too great of detail in the writing but this is based on a misunderstanding between The Board and their first batch of Dreamers, and it just kind of has continued on like that because it works for everyone.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write slop. Write actual garbage. It doesn't ever have to see the light of day or even the next automatic saving. But, if you are trying to commit to working on a project, the moment you start to lose that drive to write, STOP. I've often closed the document mid sentence or even mid word. Just save it, and close it, don't debate, just close.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@asterhaze @dragonscantbetamed @monstrousfreedom @tailoroffates @toribookworm22 - and as always anyone else who wants to added some positivity into their world.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Please Read Before Interacting! (RULES)
I’m a multimuse account. I play mostly OCs, plus a few canons.
This is a blog for people who are 18+. I write NSFW (smut, violence, alcohol) content on occasion. I’m 23.
Feel free to send me asks even if we aren’t mutuals! Sending questions is a great way to interact before we become mutuals and/or start writing together.
Please tag images you post that deal with AI/robots or horror/eldritch themes! I have a very active imagination, & just seeing these things easily leads to nightmares. If you don’t tag those, I can’t follow you (but we can still write/plot). Those are the only two "triggers" that I have.
All of my muses have multiple character forms, usually one per verse. Look in their headcanon tag (linked on the muses page).
I no longer tag smut.
Please trim your posts. If not, I might still write with you, just not follow. Long, uncut posts can give me anxiety.
I try to reply within a few days, but please give me a week or so before checking on replies via IMs. I try to match my partner’s length and format, so sometimes I’m just thinking of what to write.
I don’t follow blogs with a lot of political/current events stuff, because I come here to de-stress & have fun. 
I can't interact with any Rogue/Anna Marie's. I have 1 who I interact with & I can't imagine getting used to another. Sorry.
I frequently use "hon", "bruh", and/or "guy" to refer to people (singular or plural) in a gender-neutral way. LMK if those bother you at all.
If you don’t respond for 2+ months (including updates), I will unfollow. This doesn’t mean I won’t be open to interacting again. If we've been writing for a while & you need a break, just LMK & we can do something else when you're ready.
Here's a list of FCs I love to see!
Here's a link that leads to all of my D&D muses specifically!
assorted tags: memes // wishlist // muses // ooc content
mobile muse list under the cut:
Jayn: heir to a vast fortune, fighter. Verses: DC Comics, Royal/Regency, Queen of the South, Grishaverse, Western, Suits. generous, creative, faithful, loving, bossy, nosy. FC: Tessa Thompson.
Naela: she just wants adventure and love. Verses: canon GoT/ASoiAF, Rhaegar Lives AU, D&D. optimistic, honest, philosophical, careless, restless. FC: Tristin Mays.
Achilles: the Hellenic/Greek hero from The Iliad (canon). Verses: Mythology, Modern, Call of Duty, D&D, X-Men/Marvel. courageous, confident, quick-tempered, protective, moody. FC: Taylor Kitsch.
Jasmine: a young woman on her own. Verses: Marvel, Shadowhunters/TSC, The Covenant, John Wick/Assassins, D&D, Suits. practical, disciplined, overcritical, perfectionist, grudging. FC: Kat Graham.
Skadi: half-Jotun, half-Asgardian. Verses: Marvel, Call of Duty, D&D. compassionate, inventive, independent, blunt, distrusting. FC: Olga Kurylenko.
Oraia: daughter of Poseidon and Nephthys, nymph. Verses: Marvel, SPN, Urban Fantasy, The Old Guard, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shadowhunters/TSC, D&D. flirtatious, easygoing, sociable, impulsive. FC: Hannah John-Kamen.
Hestia: sweet, badass martial artist. Verses: X-Men/Marvel, Hunger Games. witty, lively, inquisitive, anxious, accepting. FC: Kristin Kreuk.
Rose: John Constantine’s space-time magician of a daughter (canon). Verses: DC Comics, The Mummy/historical, D&D. loyal, intelligent, protective, intuitive, hardworking, manipulative. FC: Antonia Thomas.
Aurelia: a Gryffindor who chose Slytherin. Verse: Harry Potter (Marauders or Golden Trio era). persuasive, amusing, loyal, protective, bossy, jealous. FC: Precious Lee.
Rela: Twi’lek Jedi. Verses: Star Wars, D&D. modest, curious, compassionate, eloquent, indecisive, responsible. FC: Rachi Sitra (or Gugu Mbatha-Raw depending on verse).
Zehara: the daughter of a Water Tribe father and a Fire Nation Colony mother. persuasive, adventurous, adaptable, compulsive, patronizing. Verses: Avatar: TLA, D&D. FC: Jhené Aiko.
Eugenia: Bonnie Bennett’s second cousin. Verses: Vampire Diaries. loyal, determined, practical, vengeful, secretive. FC: Kylie Bunbury.
Shayera: she's got wings & a mace. Verses: Superhero/DC Comics, Historical/A Past Life, Empress of Thanagar, Green Lantern Shayera. brave, loyal, adventurous, determined, compassionate, self-critical. FCs: Juliana Harkavy & Freema Agyeman.
Mu Lan [穆岚]: "my duty is to my heart." Verses: Regency. restless, loyal, intelligent, outspoken, kind. FC: Thaddea Graham (& Ming-Na Wen when she's older).
Monet: supermodel, superheroine, super badass. proud, flirty, blunt, dedicated, defensive. FC: Cindy Bruna.
on request, I can play:
Fantomex (canon; X-Men)
Renée Michele LeBeau (OC daughter of Gambit; X-Men)
Rhea Livia Agresta (OC niece of Alan Deaton; originally made for Teen Wolf)
Lady Gotham (personification of Gotham City; DC Comics)
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pwnyta · 1 year
As an avid reader of "X Reader" fics, I wanna defend it a tad (though I never insert MYSELF into the "reader" seat because hella ace/aro, I usually shove one of my multitudes of OCs into the seat instead)
But I love the comments of "it's cringe and bad", like, yes welcome to tumblr, cringe capital of the world. I thought we were shrugging off the "Cringe is the worst thing to be" mindset? Like, let people have fun
I also enjoy the comment about not hating "X OC" fics, but they tack on qualifiers like "They have to be paired with side characters and not the main characters".
At the end of the day, we are all cringe. You don't have to love "X reader" or "X oc" fics, but ya also don't need to be this rude about it. Let people have fun in the ways they wanna have fun, we're all just trying to survive in this world
(Sorry to get cringe in your askbox, Ewim)
You aint gotta defend your interests to me Sketch. Im a firm believer in letting people enjoy whatever fictional bullshit they want.
But yeah LMAO 'Its cringe!' My brother in Christ youre readin pretend stories of fictional characters fuckin. Youre drawing the line at something you dont have to participate in? bruh.
(That said Id kill to have AO3 to have an OC/RI content tag like in the warning drop down or something that I can easily block so I could just Thanos snap the whole lot of ya in my own personal world.)
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tricitymonsters · 11 months
Tell me why I started writing my oc some backstory lore and now that damned idiot did some kind of devil's deal too like your dudes.
And the monster form that i finally figured out for him talks in riddles and poetry and im going crazy with it. (Its some kind of humanoid werewolf thing but its also like his second personality like the venom.)
I'm tagging you when im done writing on my other blog if you allow me to put it there of course. But this shit is fun and my writers block has lifted.
Bruh the devil deals is such a fun element. I love the "get what you desperately need but at a stupidly high price" trope. Some characters are like fine yeah i made that choice, some are like i was SSCaMmeD, some are like yeehaw about it... lots of flexibility and it makes kind of mapping out their individual character arcs SO juicy. Lots of potential drama to pick and choose from. Also i LOVE the concept of kind of separated personalities re: the monster form, that dichotomy is SO GOOD.
PLEASE tag me in future writings, I'd be so excited to see where you take that! Also HELL YEAH you kicked writers block! That is Not Easy to do!
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Lestat next episode “she’s poisoning you against me”…..He beat Louis nearly to death and dropped him from the gotdamn sky, he poisoned himself. Nice to know though that Lestat considers it to be the equivalent of throwing a dish and doesn’t see what the big deal is. Lestat’s dumb but not this stupid. Not sure what the writers are trying to do here because even after seeing Louis’ broken and mangled body he doesn’t even blink and the preview makes it sound as though he doesn’t even feel real remorse. Lestat’s a vicious little gremlin but you get the sense he truly loves Louis and Claudia and would never actually truly harm them, he wants them to stay so badly and I think even he would know that something like this is a point of no return. This Lestat has no love for Claudia and is just obsessed with Louis in the worst way possible. I’m sad cause I love the characters, I love the actors and this all just felt so OOC. Also, people saying Lestat’s actions are just as bad as when Claudia tries to kill Lestat 🥲
Sorry I know you don’t watch the show but I had to vent lol
Actually I do, because I'm a fucking masochist. I AM done after today though.
I wanted to like it! Genuinely, I wanted to be proven wrong and I wanted to be having a good time along with three-fourths of fandom! Every week I would watch with my friends and wonder what's wrong with me, what am I not getting? I WANTED TO HAVE FUN TOO GODDAMN IT.
Didn't help that you got outright bullied for expressing the slightest bit of criticism around here lmao maybe that's what gave the impression that I don't watch it, since I did not have anything nice to say at all. I tried making my own tag so people could just block THAT and I wouldn't be raining on anyone's parade, but it doesn't stop those who are committed to creeping on your page (hi babes) so ANYWAY
I mean... I AGREE. And I never saw Lestat in Samstat, and given how he swung in like Homelander in Episode 1, I just felt... but then also like... I DIDN'T WANT THIS!!! I still haven't regained full coherency as you can see, I'm gonna need 3-5 business days at least.
Because Lestat did never and Lestat would never. I've said it many times with great affection: Lestat's an idiot but he ain't stupid.
This quote has been going around today, and I've been carrying it too to comfort my Loustat friends because the girlies are hurting in a bad, bad way (and tbh so am I):
Yet I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't even conceive of carrying out such awful, cowardly threats. I could never have brought harm to Claudia. Ah, to make something out of nothing, yes. To throw up the pieces to see how they will fall, yes. But vengeance. Ah, arid awful distasteful vengeance. What is it to me? ~ Lestat, TotBT
I can't envision AMC Hannibal/Homelander-Lestat as either IWTV-Lestat or TVL-onward Lestat. Plain and simple--it is an OC. They all are.
Even if AMC retcons it by the next episode, I just don't see any editorial justification for that to have happened on-screen without content warnings (yeah, I'm not going to let this one go). 
We talk about exposition and the art of a narrative a lot and not to sound ignorant but... RJ, BRUH. I don't blame the actors! Actors don't make the decisions on set and Sam, Jacob, and Bailey killed it with what they were given. And I have given them their props since day one.
IDK I'm sorry for anyone who got hurt today, honestly! The Doctor prescribes reading your favourite hurt/comfort fics and scrolling through your emotional support fan artists. ♥️
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