#I love them and I love how Prince Florian chills on your head
krisbeetreats · 6 months
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aquafolia · 3 years
Sokai Day Fic 1: True Love’s Kiss(es)
So yes, I am a Classics/ancient history blog, and this is obviously super different from the content I normally post on this blog. Please forgive me, but I’ve recently become OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts and I have nowhere else to post this stuff at the moment. So please forgive me, normal content will resume soon!
Anyway, as I said I just started playing the KH games for the first time this summer and it’s been so much fun. And seeing all the amazing stories and artwork in this fandom has inspired me to write some stuff too. Anyway, I’m Holly, and I hope y’all enjoy :)
True Love’s Kiss(es)
‘Ugh!’ Kairi groaned, unceremoniously setting down the basket she held in her hands. ‘I forgot that when you pick apples, you have to actually carry them all back, too!’
‘Your basket’s not even half full, Kairi,’ Sora remarked, ‘and we’ve only just started!’
She grinned. ‘Well then, it’s a good thing I have a strong, manly boyfriend to help me carry all of these.’
He could hardly argue with that. Sora feigned displeasure by rolling his eyes and letting out a dramatic groan, which made Kairi giggle. But then he walked over to her, grabbing one of the basket’s handles as she grabbed the other, and the pair made their way deeper down the rows of apple trees. They could hear the distant shouts and laughs of their friends echoing through the orchard as they went. Apparently, Twilight Town– a world basically in perpetual autumn–  was known for its fall festivities, including its legendary apple orchards. Once they’d visited the orchards, the gang hoped Remi would help them make apple pies, apple cider, and all sorts of goodies during their visit. To that end, the group had decided to break up into teams in order to pick as many apples as they could carry. Today, Sora and Kairi were paired up. But Sora knew that if they only returned with a measly half basket of apples, the others would surely tease them, accuse them of slacking off.
They wouldn’t be totally wrong, Sora thought with a grin. Sure, Kairi was determined to focus on their task: she was deep in concentration, examining each apple carefully before deciding to place it in her basket. Sora, on the other hand, was much more determined to get Kairi off task. It wasn’t that Sora didn’t want to help out, but this was an opportunity for him and Kairi to spend some time alone– that was a temptation greater than any fruit, in Sora’s world.
Kairi set her sights on a shiny red apple that hung high on a nearby tree. She stood up on her tiptoes, making adorable little noises as she tried to grab it. Sora was staring intently, but not at the apple: Kairi’s form was stretched out in front of him as she reached high over her head, accentuating her curves, and Sora was mesmerized. It was only when she said his name that he snapped out of his trance: ‘Sora,’ she called out, not taking her eyes off the fruit, ‘would you come over and help me with this one? You should be able to–’
Kairi shrieked as Sora, having silently moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her up onto his shoulder.
‘Tall enough now?’ he asked casually.
Her surprised squeak was the only reply Kairi could muster. Once she’d successfully picked the apple, Sora released her hips. He held her by the waist as her body slid down his until she landed gently on the ground. Even in the autumn chill, Sora could feel his cheeks burning.
Having regained some of her composure, with a giggle, Kairi said, ‘Guess we make a pretty good team, huh?’ before she turned to the next tree. Sora tried to hide it by replying with a level ‘Absolutely,’ but inside, he was beaming: watching the effect he had on Kairi just never got old for him– but given how hard he had to try to appear cool and unfazed, it wasn’t like he was much better than she was.
Now that he’d had his fun, Sora walked up next to Kairi to help out. The pair picked apples side by side, happily chatting and admiring each other's finds, and over time, their basket filled with bright red apples. While they worked, something about the orchard nagged at Sora’s mind, but he couldn't place it. As he studied a large, blood-red apple in his hands, it finally clicked.
‘All these apples remind me of Snow White,’ Sora remarked. ‘Aqua told me how Snow White’s evil stepmother tried to kill her by getting her to eat a poisoned apple. The dwarves thought she was dead, so they placed her in a beautiful glass casket,’ Sora recalled, his eyes still fixed on the apple. He found himself absentmindedly tracing the spot on his chest where a scar marred the skin over his heart: the permanent reminder of his sacrifice for Kairi– well, his first one, anyway.
‘But she wasn’t dead,’ Sora continued, thought bleeding into memory. ‘She was asleep, and she couldn’t wake up…’
‘Until her true love saved her.’
That broke Sora out of his reverie. He looked up to find Kairi already gazing at him, her eyes soft and sincere. Sora replied, ‘Yeah… Reminds me of another princess I know.’
Did she really mean…?  They’d talked about their first adventure numerous times before, but she’d never said it like that.
‘I would have killed for a nice bed to sleep on,’ she continued. ‘You and Riku took me on quite a journey– napping peacefully in a meadow sounds pretty good to me,’ Kairi said with a grin.
A breeze drifted through the orchard, rustling the leaves over their heads. ‘I remember your dad telling us all those old fairy tales when we were kids,’ Sora said. ‘After all the adventures we’ve had… it’s strange to think we sort of became one ourselves.’
‘They’re not always as fun to live as they are to hear…’ Kairi remarked, almost to herself, ‘when you don’t know if there’ll be a happy ending after all.’ Her eyes grew distant, drifting aimlessly down the row of apple trees.  ‘I… I still remember waking up at Hollow Bastion, seeing that Keyblade in your chest… And then how you–’ she started, but then faltered, unable to bring herself to say what came next.
Sora gently placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She still seemed lost in thought, not meeting his eyes. ‘I know what you mean. But we did get one, didn’t we, Kairi? It took a while, and we’ve had to find each other again and again, but now you’re here. And thanks to you, I’m here. We’re finally together, and nothing is ever going to change that. That’s the best ‘happily ever after’ I could have wished for.’
The pair were alone, the trees standing sentry around them, but his voice grew softer all the same: these words were just for her. ‘All that doesn’t really matter anymore,’ Sora continued. ‘What I mean is… what matters is that we’re here now. That means it was all worth it.’ He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. ‘Back at Hollow Bastion, when I saw your eyes open just before mine closed, when I knew your heart was safe… it was worth it, Kairi.’
She finally looked up at him. Sora hoped his eyes conveyed the sincerity of his words: It had all been for her– and it had all been worth it, every moment. Every time Sora got to see her sweet smile, got to hear her lovely laugh, it was worth it. And now, he wasn’t just connected to her across the worlds by promises and oaths– if he wanted to find Kairi, all Sora had to do was reach for her hand. How was that not a dream come true?
A small smile forming on her lips, Kairi gave him a look of such love and gratitude that Sora knew she felt the same. ‘It just makes our time together now even more precious to me,’ she finally said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. ‘I’m never going to take this for granted.’
Sora decided then to gather her into his arms and bring her close, her head resting in the crook of his neck, his cheek on her soft hair. ‘You know,’ he started after a pause, ‘I have to admit, when I heard Snow White’s story, I got a bit jealous.’
Kairi pulled back just enough to shoot him a quizzical look. ‘Jealous?’
‘Yeah, of Prince Florian. All he had to do to wake up Snow White and save the day was kiss her– pretty nice deal, if you ask me,’ Sora explained. Kairi smiled, but her eyes were still a bit sad. So he continued, a grin spreading across his face, ‘Don’t know why I didn’t think to try that first…’
‘Oh, Sora!’ Kairi giggled, giving Sora a playful smack on his arm, her face brighter. ‘What, does that mean you thought about kissing Ven at some point, too?’ she countered.
‘I was getting so desperate to find the Power of Waking, I just might have!’ Sora replied, and they both laughed again. Keeping one arm around Kairi, he took a bite from the apple still in his hand. It was crisp and fresh, and amazingly sweet– it was just right, like everything else in this moment.
Suddenly, with a smirk on her face, Kairi plucked the half-eaten apple from Sora’s hand. She lifted the fruit to her lips, holding Sora’s gaze as she took a large bite next to where he’d just bitten, a small drop of juice running down her chin as she chewed. All Sora could do was watch her, hopelessly mesmerized. It was bold, yet playful– Kairi to a T. Before Sora’s brain could fully resume normal functioning, Kairi said, feigning innocence, ‘What? Isn’t sharing fruit kind of our thing? It’s no paopu fruit, but still…’
Staring into her eyes, the radiant sunset bathing them in soft, warm light, Sora grew bold himself: They’d spent so long in silence, so long apart, why waste any time? He’d fought so hard to find her, to come back to her, over and over again. She was right here– if he wanted to kiss her, what on earth was there to consider? Sora reached a hand forward to cup her cheek, wiping the juice from the corner of her lip with his thumb. Kairi let the gentle pull of his thumb part her lips. ‘It is pretty good,’ Sora said, ‘but… you definitely taste better.’ And with that, he lowered his head and kissed her. He heard the sound of the apple landing on the ground, utterly forgotten, as Kairi’s arms wound around his neck.
And Sora had to admit, kissing Kairi felt pretty magical– Maybe those fairytales were onto something after all.
But of course, the distant sound of Aqua, Ven, and Riku calling out in search of them forced the pair to break their kiss, albeit begrudgingly. Sora expected Kairi to step away, pick up her basket, maybe call out to their friends– but she didn’t. She stayed as she was in Sora’s arms, one hand resting on his shirt, over the scar. Sora could feel his heartbeat racing under her touch. When she looked up at him again, something in her eyes was different. Still happy, but mixed with something else– not just happiness, but a determination to be so.
‘This is a pretty large orchard,’ Kairi remarked, her eyes bright. ‘Our friends probably won’t find us for a little while longer…’
‘We’d better not make them wait too long, or Axel will use his chakrams to–’
Kairi grabbed Sora’s hoodie with both hands and pulled him back down to her lips. For a moment, Sora stood frozen, eyes wide with shock. But as she melted into him, his eyes fluttered closed and he wound his arms around her, each kiss between them less ‘Fairy Godmother Friendly’ than the last. Traditionally, in all those fairytales, the heroes only ever got one ‘True Love’s Kiss.’ Sora considered himself the luckiest prince of all time– he had a never ending supply.
Twilight Town was always just that– hanging in perpetual dusk. So Sora really didn’t know how long he and Kairi spent like that, lost in laughter and kisses and caresses beneath the trees. But once their friends’ voices grew dangerously close, Sora and Kairi managed to untangle themselves, wiping swollen lips, readjusting ruffled clothing, and fixing disheveled hair (not that Sora’s hair had been tidy in the first place– and Kairi burst out laughing when she realized her attempts to smooth it didn’t do much good, either). As Kairi called out to their friends, Sora picked up her basket, now full of delicious looking apples, and the pair began to head back toward the orchard entrance. They probably hadn’t gathered the most apples– and he was sure their friends would point that fact out–  but Sora didn’t care one bit. He wouldn’t have traded this day for anything.
‘Hey Kairi?’ Sora said as they walked, ‘For the record, if I’m ever in a fruit induced coma– or any other kind of coma, really– feel free to make out with me, in order to revive me. Thought I should say so, you know, just in case.’
‘Oh, really?’ She teased back. ‘I’ll make sure to tell Donald– you always complain he never uses Curaga when you need it.’
‘What? No! Ew, gross!’ Sora blanched as Kairi dissolved into laughter. But when his eyes found hers again, he couldn’t help but smile.
As her giggles died out, she replied, 'Okay, I’ll remember that… But that doesn’t mean you can go throw yourself into danger so I’ll kiss you better!’
‘I can’t help it– when you kiss me, I feel like I can do anything,’ Sora answered simply. Kairi’s eyes widened at his remark, and she ducked her head as her cheeks bloomed pink. Sora beamed. He may have been laying it on her thick, but Sora wasn’t lying: He had true love on his side– the most powerful magic of all.
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Mistress of Evil - part II
The Horned Prince and Audrey teleported to the throne room of Auradon Central's castle where Belle and Beast were worried about their son Ben.
"Hello my ex's in-laws." Audrey greatted them holding a halloween themed cupcake.
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"Audrey what are you doing here? Dressed like this? With him?" Belle asked worried.
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"Quiet Belle! You're not longer the queen 'dearie'." She said sarcastically before giving an evil laugh and turned Belle and Beast into stone statues and took a bite of the cupcake.
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"Now that you've had your fun my queen peharps we should discuss the next step of our plan." The Horned Prince said.
"You're right. But I'm afraid you'll have no part in it." Audrey ripped out Horned Prince's heart and crushed it.
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Meanwhile @chernie-bog reunited with the others in front of the castle, he was accompanied by Maleficent. @nicholas-rider rushed to hug Chernie.
"I'm so glad you're ok! I dig the new hair color." Nicholas said joyful.
"So am I! How did you guys snap out of the spell?" Chernie asked.
"We don't know, it just wore off." @king-ben-florian answered.
"Well whatever it happened I hope you're ready because this ends now and... Maleficent will help us."
The group arrived at the throne room, Audrey was sitting on the throne with a darker look, Ben's parents as statues on the corner and the Horned Prince was dead on the middle of the floor.
"What a lovely surprise to ser you all together and in one piece and no way you even brought Maleficent with you!" Audrey mocked.
"Audrey, it's time for you to stop, give up now you're on a small number."
"And I'm willing to give you a second chance bennyboo! To be with me forever."
"Never! You're not my true love and you're not the Audrey who once I've liked!" Ben replied angry.
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"Well then, I am the Queen of Mean and Auradon!"
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"No you're not!" The room turned dark as Maleficent started to cast a spell. "You're no longer connected to my scepter Audrey and shall never be able to use it ever again!"
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Audrey fell powerless on the ground and the scepter returned to Maleficent's hands. Belle and Beast were no longer statues.
"Mom, dad!" Ben rushed to hug his parents.
Guards entered the room to take Audrey, she screamed and tried to fight back in the process. Maleficent approached Ben.
"Where will they take her?"
"She didn't gave me another choice but lock her up."
"I know it's not of my business King Ben but take this as a warning. What happened today it was the first reflection of your decision to give a second chance to the citizens of the Isle of the Lost, I hope you're ready for what's to come."
"Thanks, Maleficent."
"My king." She respectfully bowed and walked away.
"You're already leaving mom?" Chernie asked.
Maleficent froze.
"We still have a Halloween party to go, all of us."
Maleficent turned around to face her son.
"Then what are we waiting for? Lets party." Maleficent answered smilling.
Chernie got up on the stage singing and the others boys backing up and dancing.
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"Is someone there or just a chill in the air?
Do you hear that whisper when the wind blows?
Feels like there's spiders crawling all in your hair,
In the dark there's a shadow in the window.
Yo can be afraid or you can be a fright
But you can't run from the fun tonight...
Oh, take me to the tomb
Where we dance like the banshee,
Howl at the moon scream.
Ah, a nightmare or a dream
Don't be scare of the dead,
Keep your head on Halloween,
Keep your head on Halloween.
What's that I thought I heard?
Something wicked, not from this world.
Zombies marching, dragging their feet,
Look out! Vampires crossing the street,
Spirits rise in the night, out goes your flashligh.
You can't unsee what you've seen,
Keep your head on Halloween.
Oh, take me to the tomb
Where we dance like the banshee,
Howl at the moon scream.
Ah, a nightmare or a dream
Don't be scare of the dead,
Keep your head on Halloween.
Oh, take me to the tomb
Where we dance like the banshee,
Howl at the moon scream.
Ah, a nightmare or a dream
Don't be scare of the dead,
Keep your head on Halloween,
Keep your head on Halloween."
Audrey had been locked up in Jail Tower, an old prison that wasn't in use since the Isle of the Lost was created. King Ben made sure that even though Audrey would be locked up she would have a nice room to think about her actions and would never be able to walk out of it. A fake tear ran down Audrey's face.
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"You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" Audrey laughed maniacally.
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julibf · 6 years
Jon and Sansa foreshadowing from the Books
Sansa first love in the books was Waymar Royce, he was the youngest son of Lord Yohn Royce and was a ranger at the Nights Watch, when he visited Winterfell Sansa fell madly in love with him at first sight and wanted marry and have his babies. Waymar Royce is described to be tall, slender and graceful, dark haired and having beautiful grey eyes. Thats exactly how Jon Snow is described in the books, the only difference is that when Sansa fell in love with Waymar he was a young men of 19 and Jon at the time was just a boy of 14, by the time Sansa meet Jon again in the books he will be 18 or 19 and will look a lot like Waymar Royce, her first love.
He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather.
- A Game of Thrones Prologue
Jon's eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black**, but there was little they did not see. He was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast.
- A Game of Thrones Bran I
More foreshadows:
He would father no sons who might someday contest with Catelyn's own grandchildren for Winterfell. 
(AGOT Catelyn II).
Lady Catelyn celebrating Jon Snow going to the wall. I am pretty sure Jon Snow sons will be her grandchildren. Again, the first time I read this quote, it just screamed foreshadow for me.
' '
You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon.” Arya screwed up her face. No,” she said, "that's Sansa.
Arya, AGoT
This one is  actually pretty straight foward.
' '
“Sweet one,” her father said gently, “listen to me. When you’re old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who’s worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me.” -
She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes from the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard.
They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. “I’m Prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, “Well, I’m Florian the Fool.” Or Robb would say, “I’m the Young Dragon,” and Jon would reply, “I’m Ser Ryam Redwyne.”
Notice how Sansa's heros match with with the ones Jon's used to pretend to be as a child.
“I’ve never lain with any woman but Cersei. In my own way, I’ve been truer than your Ned ever was. Poor old dead Ned. So who has shit for honor now, I ask you? What was the name of that bastard he fathered?” Catelyn took a step backwards. “Brienne.”
“No, that wasn’t it.” Jaime Lannister upended the flagon. A trickled ran down onto his face, bright as blood. “Snow, that was the one. Such a white name … like the pretty cloaks they give us in the Kingsguard when we swear our pretty oaths.”
A Clash of Kings - Catelyn VII
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained with blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
Sansa cloaked herself with a cloak stained in "Fire and Blood"
“Frog-faced Lord Slynt sat at the end of the council table wearing a black velvet doublet and a shiny cloth-of-gold cape, nodding with approval every time the king pronounced a sentence. Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. But a voice inside her whispered, “There are no heroes…”
- Sansa ACoK —-
“I will not hang him,” said Jon. “Bring him here.” “Oh, Seven save us,” he heard Bowen Marsh cry out. The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, “Edd, fetch me a block,” and unsheathed Longclaw.”
Jon - ASoS
Jon will be the hero in Sansa’s story
In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.”
- Sansa ASoS
Arya is the only sibling that looks like Jon Snow. How interesting.
When Sansa was in the Vale and her aunt Lysa was trying to push the idea of her marrying her son, the sick Robin Arryn, of course she knows that Lysa doesnt care about her, and only wants Winterfell. In the end of that chapter, where she is receiving a marriage proposal to marry her COUSIN, she laments:
"Its not me she wants, its my claim, No one will ever marry me for love" (Sansa, ASOS)
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The next chapter of the book? JON!!!!
I always love to find those little treasures when I read the books.....
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
I’m so sorry
Descendants au with magic BUT all the parents are decent competent and normal (ie cruella ain’t a bitch) and there’s no isle of the lost. They’re also all rich
Mal (full name, Mallory Bertha toussaint jnr):
Has to go to auradon prep because of an incident at her old school (you know when you put things like pop rocks in fizzy drinks? Yeah she made that happen in the boys bathroom.) she still maintains it was because she was helping a friend. Has a thing about fairness. Doesn’t hesitate to call Audrey out on the way she treats ben. Get on her good side she’ll protect you with her life and then some (ben jay Carlos Evie doug dizzy gil). Make her mad you’ll never hear the end of it (Harry chad Audrey) otherwise she rather indifferent beside the occasional sarky comment (uma Jane Lonnie). Long purple hair normally down but in a hurry she ponytails it. She does not want to go to auradon prep but her mother is at her wits end and they’ve been blacklisted from the tutoring agencies (Mal kept biting them) magic is green and purple. Wiccan
Jay (last name, arahm):
Appeance is the same. He is not happy about sharing a room with Carlos. Kid freaks him out a little with his pretty obvious crush on him. And jay has the school hierarchy to think about. Carlos is a sophomore jays a junior. Those two are the only reason why jays resistant. There’s also the fact any girl or guy jay shows interest in is threatened with a spotted toothbrush. So his love lifes basically non existent. Carlos grows on him though. Jay dates mal for a time but they soon realise who they’re with the wrong people (he like Carlos she likes Ben). Magic is pure gold. Wizard
Evie (full name Evangeline grimes):
Mommy’s little princess. can do no wrong. A saint in human form. She may be one of the popular ones but she never uses it to get ahead in school just spends her time volunteering when not helping at the school boutique for free. Basically adopted dizzy the moment she saw the girl struggling to open her locker. Hairs a middling blue and reaches her waist. Never wears trousers only dresses and skirts. Piss her off she can end you with a look otherwise a perfect lady. Has a pretty transparent thing for band geek doug and the feeling is more than mutual. Magic is blue and black. Sorceress
Carlos de vil (middle name Oscar):
Again looks the same. Much more well adjusted cause here his mother’s nice and nurturing. He does have a vindictive streak in him though and is very possessive when he finds someone he likes (jay) being younger then the others makes him feel a little self conscious so he’s always trying to prove himself which leads to jay having to protect him (sneaking into a party underage and getting drunk. Stowing away in the boot of the car when ben mal and jay skip class to go to the mall) not as flamboyant as harry cause let’s face it no one is. But yeah he’s gay. Has a thing for fur lined coats. If it weren’t for the fact he’s very obsessed over jay you wouldn’t be able tell. Gets very upset when he finds out mal and jay are a thing. And I mean curls up into a ball covered in blankets upset. Magics black and white. Wizard
Ben (full name Benjamin florian Bach):
World does not deserve him. Really it doesn’t. He is a male version of Evie. Is the biggest devie shipper. Innocent but not naive. Instantly drawn to mal. Attracted to her eyes most of all. Grown rather tired of Audrey and chad. So when jay offers him a seat at jay mal and Evie’s table doesn’t think twice. Must be protected at all costs. Would do anything for anyone within reason. He’s even nice to the assholes (harry cause ben can see how much the birate cares for uma and gil). Dad has a massive share hold in the school so everyone treats him like a prince and you’re damned if you think he doesn’t live up to the nickname. That said he does know when to cut loose (he’s the one to convince mal and jay to skip class). Magics royal blue. Warlock
Doug (full name Douglas Meyer ):
Member of the prominent Meyer Diamond mine family. Nice but has his limits. Utterly worships Evie. Band geek and is damn well proud of it thank you very much. Works in the boutique to be self sustaining cause he doesn’t want to rely on his family’s money 100%. Magics leaf green. Sorcerer
Dizzy (full name Desiree Tremaine):
Pure sunshine. Hurt her and you’ll have Evie rain down the seven circles of hell on you. Her family actually owns the boutique. They’re a very successful tailoring company. Magics mint green. Budding sorceress
Uma (full name uma Danes)
Unquestionably the boss of harry and Gil. Both are utterly devoted to her. She’s a teensy bit like mal in that she’s a natural leader and terrifying when pissed of. Hurt her boys you’ll have her to answer to. Always at loggerheads with Audrey. Both are competing for the queen bee position at a he school. Everyone prefers Uma over Audrey though. Magics turquoise. Sorceress
Harry (full name harry hook):
Doesn’t give two shits about gender norms. If he wants he’ll wear the fanciest dress he can get his hands on. Make ups not as good as Evie’s but considering he’s half drunk most of the time it’s ok. Definitely the one to sneak booze into class. Uma always magics it to lost and found. If he could he’s gladly sashay into hell kill Satan and give the throne to uma. Never misses Gils wrestling practices. Psychotic. Thinks it’s a good idea to pick a fight mal on her first day just cause he’s bored. Needless to say she wins. (Think a mcu fight scene if Natasha and Wanda were one person. That’s how mal fights) She would have killed him if jay and uma hadn’t butted in even as jay pulls her away mal gets a few well aimed kicks in on his teeth. Magics blood red. Sorcerer
Gil (full name gillman legume)
NEVER call him gillman. Other than that he’s Winnie the Pooh in the body of the hulk. So. Damn. Innocent. Once accidentally stepped on an ant hill and cried for the rest of the day. Uma and harry has to buy him an ant farm so he’s calm down. Polite but give him enough malt liquor and his language makes harry blush. Always greets people with a massive hug. Which helps cause he and ben are the welcoming committee. Mal isn’t very accommodating to it though. (Doesn’t help that it’s the benign version of a sneak attack). She reacts badly and that’s what makes harry want to fight her. Gil doesn’t mind though and asks her next time. Like dizzy he’s pure sunshine and like ben the world doesn’t deserve him. Magics bright yellow. Gifted but underconfident sorcerer
Chad (full name chad channning):
Bastard coated bastard with bastard filling. Douche canoe. Bigot. On jay and humas hit list. Never call jay Carlos Harry or Gil the “f-a” word EVER. He’s the human personification of “talk shit get hit”. Which is rather a shame cause his parents are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. The only one he ever shows any semblance of decency to is his cousin dizzy. He has or Evie will gut him like a fish Audrey ben and chad have known each other for years so him and Audrey are very territorial of ben and do not like it when he tries to split off from their little bubble. Magics powder blue. Inept mage
Audrey (full name Audrey briar)
Would be alpha bitch. Thinks she’s all that but she’s not. Has a rivalry with Mal and uma. Mal cause Audrey’s unbearably perky and their parents have been trying to make them get along since they were kids. Uma because Audrey likes to be in control of everyone and everything and people don’t like her but they like Uma. Sickeningly possessesive of ben it comes to a head at the Halloween party where she cannot take no for an answer and mal ends up punching her out after she warned Audrey that “no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey didn’t so mal did. Quite fitting really mal was dressesd as scarlet witch and Audrey was dressed as lorelai from agents of shield (look up the episode yes men. Harrowing). What’s more is Ben wouldn’t ever break up with her because he’s far too nice and he just wanted to sit down but no he HAD to dance with her cause she said and mal has that thing about fairness and ben did say no thank you so...... Magics pastel pink. Witch
Lonnie (full name li Lonnie):
Wrestling captain. Badass. Mother Hen. Basically just wants best for everyone. bens biggest supporter. They have a sibling like relationship. Bit like jay and Evie and jay and mal once they break up. Does not like Audrey and doesn’t even try to hide it but ben gives people the benefit of the doubt and he just wants everyone to be happy. (Like I said the world does not deserve him). Was prepared to go in to mama bear mode before Mal got there first. Gives mal the “if you ever do anything to hurt them” speech mal says Lonnie has nothing to worry about. Once Carlos has chilled out a little bit she start dropping (not at all subtle) hints to jay that he and Carlos look cute together. Magics emerald green. Wiccan
Jane (full name Jane Dubois)
Has a perpetual deer in the headlights look. Ball of nerves. Nice to everyone but the sentiment isn’t returned cause they don’t really trust her seeing as her mother’s the headmistress. Has absolutely no gaydar. Seriously she thinks HARRYS straight. With Carlos it’s at least slightly more forgivable apart from the fact he’s never shown interest in any girl whatsoever. Poor girl thinks she has a chance when everyone can see he’s mooning over jay. Paralysingly scared of uma and harry (wouldn’t you be). Thinks she’s ugly but really just has a case of the sad eyes and an unflattering haircut which grows out over the year. Magic is periwinkle blue and volatile because she doesn’t trust it. Would be sorceress
So let’s see now
Ben took mal and jay to the mall just cause he felt like it (he knows how to have fun) but Carlos snuck along in the trunk. Lo and behold ben somehow chose one of the 10 malls mals banned from. So notorious she knows all the guards by name (her favourite is Irvin) they manage to evade him till they get to around the middle of the building. That’s when rotten to the core happens flash mob style. Mostly sang by mal and jay. And it’s rather affectionate. And it tears up ben and Carlos inside. They manage to escape and get back to the car mal and jay absolutely tickled pink ben laughing weakly and Carlos with red rimmed eyes. Then they get caught sneaking back in to the school by Verna Dubois Jane’s mother the principal. She is very disappointed Ben jay and Carlos have never had an infarction before and mal has only been there for a month (maljay has been a thing for about a week and a half and they are very much in the honeymoon period). Mals ready to take the blame but Ben won’t hear of it and insists Verna put him and only him in detention seeing as it WAS his idea and males already had a black mark on her record (her nearly killing Harry for trying to kill her on her first day) and another one won’t be good for her personally. Ever the shining knight isn’t he? The only thing verna feels she can do is put all four in the Klink. And joy of joys(!) chad and Harry are there too. Chad as it turns out just cannot keep his bigoted opinions to himself so harry decided to have some “fun” with chad in the halls (read violently and graphically tearing channings limbs apart in full view of the student body). Harry doesn’t even care there’s blood on his clothes so long as he’s defended his boy.
Halloween and Carlos’s tipping point
The party’s only for juniors and seniors so Carlos being a sophomore sneaks in and gets absolutely whammed I mean blackout drunk by the time jay mal and Evie get there (dressed as winter soldier scarlet witch and black widow respectively, Carlos is quicksilver). Carlos thinks it’s a nice surprise for jay cause he knows mal and jay broke up the week before (they’re not who each other want. Mal wants ben jay is developing an interest in Carlos though not for much longer in jays case). So he sees jay walking towards him but doesn’t register the pissed off look on jays face so he takes what he thinks is initiative and tries to kiss the taller boy. And doesn’t understand what’s wrong when jay pulls away and starts yelling at him about how embarrassing it is to have Carlos following him around like a shadow. How annoying it is to have to protect Carlos from himself (the mall the party). How humiliating it is for his dates to be scared off by a kid who’s younger than him. This goes on for some time and through it all carlos is getting more and more scared and desperate to keep jay by his side, clutching at him trying to make jay love him. It culminated in jay just pushing Carlos away from him and the smaller boy crashes into the drinks table so now he’s heartbroken and drenched in booze. Jay can’t believe he did that and tries to apologise but Carlos teleports back to their dorm in tears
Meanwhile mals been sitting down reading her mothers new spell book (Mallory snr gave it to her as a security type thing so she would t be as a nervous of the new school) when ben just flops down next to her tired from dancing. They strike up a conversation ranging from books to music and the like. This rubs Audrey the wrong way and she decides that Ben has rested enough and goes over to them demanding him to dance with her (well she didn’t use that exact tone but everyone in the vicinity knew what she meant) ben politely declines because he isn’t gonna up and leave mal in the middle of their talk (like I said the world doesn’t deserve him) Audrey takes no heed and carries on trying to physically pull ben away. This sets Mal off who says “hey Aud no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey doesn’t believe her and tells the “neon gutter trash” to butt out because he is Audrey’s not mals. This sets mal off and she goes on the humans aren’t property speech Audrey has no idea what she’s talking about cause all she knows is bens the best and Audrey believes she deserves the best. Mal tries to make her see another point of view by doing that first thing that pops into your head thing. When Audrey looks at ben the first thing she thinks of status. Compared to what mal sees which is a wonderful brilliant person who deserves only good things and deserves to be as far away from Audrey’s bullshit as humanely possible because Audrey doesn’t deserve him no one does. Audrey doesn’t listen and tries to physically drag ben with her. That’s when mal punches her in the face after all mal did say “sling your hook or I’ll break your face”. It’s then ben and mal realise they’ve gathered a crowd Uma Harry and Lonnie are all laughing their guts out (no one likes Audrey). Mal apologies to ben and hightails it out of there. Ben manages to catch up with her outside the girls dorm building. This is when my girlfriend sucks happens. They almost kiss but mal knows ben hasn’t officially broke up with Audrey and she is not going to be the other woman no matter how much she hates briar
Next day at lunch mal tracks down Lonnie and says SHE almost kissed ben (doesn’t want to to put the blame on Ben)
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artsy-alice · 7 years
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TREMONTAINE Season 3, Episode 4 Reaction + Review
This episode is mostly an episode to set up things to come, but that doesn’t mean that there was no tension present. The focus is more on our younger characters this time, and how they are starting to grow into their own roles and take charge of their actions. All in all, more good development stuff.
Tremontaine S3 E4 is out NOW in the Serial Box website! New to the series? The pilot episode is available online for free!
Spoilers under the cut!
It’s like yesterday I was reading about Rafe and Kaab getting stupid drunk together while Micah cringes at them... Now they’re all grown up: having normal conversations with a guy without seducing him... yelling at trespassers... and holding family meetings to plan on how to avoid the entire clan’s downfall... Yes, my children are grown.
Before delving into my usual character-focused reviews, I just gotta say it was interesting to see the Night of the Flames festival as some kind of Halloween thing in the Riverside universe. I think the “caught your ghost” thing is their version of Trick or Treat? I live in the Philippines where Trick or Treat has never really been a thing (until recently, and mostly exclusive for kids in the upper middle class and above who live in more well-off neighborhoods) so the vague idea for me was that.
I expected a bit more mayhem from this chapter because it IS the Night of the Flames so it was surprising that it was as... relatively peaceful as it turned out to be. The mayhem was still there, I suppose, but the focus turned to the more subdued moments and it’s still effective.
Let’s do RAFE first because consequence-wise I feel Rafe was the most chill this episode.
Our boy takes a stroll around the City lamenting about his school. Yes, he’s got a goal now but he still feels Will’s loss deeply. What is the point in his school, a dream he shared with Will, if Will was not there to witness it happen?
Luckily, he gets a distraction in the form of our favorite Chartil Ambassador, who entertains him with interesting conversation for the meantime. It was amusing to witness Rafe’s train of thought as they started engaging one another in pure friendly conversation and he realized that he didn’t want to jump the Beautiful Unicorn Prince Charming Ambassador in front of him.
There were “having an almost offensively civil conversation" hahahah RAFE MY BOY WE’RE PROUD OF YOU.
Then there’s Florian. Ugh go away, Florian. Rafe is making a nice friend. Go away, don’t flirt with Reza either. Ew.
Reza thinks Rafe is interesting too, and recognizes loss in him as well. And it’s like some recurring theme now that everyone but Rafe knows that Rafe can do better than Florian.
If the haunted young man didn’t have the sense to keep better company than the popinjay who had spirited him away, however, then no matter how much room he had in him, nothing of any worth would fill it.
Even Reza, who was just at most a passing acquaintance at this point, knows. I thought this would go on for a while, but as it turns out, Rafe does find that sense in him not long after!
I guess the promise of enlightening conversation is more enticing than whatever Florian had in mind (we all know what he had in mind).
Again. Proud of you, son. Keep it up!
Now, for TESS. I said in my previous episode review that the siege’s conclusion would have an aftermath and we see the beginnings of it here.
Tess feels the guilt of having made the decisions she (and her “council”) made last time. Which is... yeah, I guess she should. It was a pretty nasty thing. While Shade might have deserved it, it wasn’t the nicest message of solidarity, wasn’t it?
Yes, Riverside would stick with you, as long as you’re willing to die for Riverside too. Otherwise, you have no friends here. It’s all for Riverside in the end, even above your family or lover. It’s a pretty clear-cut but cruel ultimatum.
I also mentioned her reputation most probably getting a boost because of the Salamander openly displaying a form of allegiance with her, and we see that this episode too.
She prevents a gang of street urchins from getting them all in trouble, but still sends them off with a more ‘harmless’ plan, and puts a more responsible and sensible leader in charge. I want to see more of Charlotte! And they do succeed, and her message was received. Now they’ll have to wait for how the rest of the City replies.
While Tess’ loyalty to her home and her people is admirable, and it is one of the things I adore about her, I do think she is still being very extreme about her views here. It’s becoming clearer that for her, it’s almost a black-and-white situation. Riverside Against the World. She might have to reconsider this because I feel like this unchanging stance of hers might not be useful when she needs to make choices on the gray areas.
On a side-note, I live for Tess and Reza’s little friendship thing. Reza asking if he could visit from time to time is pure. <3
MICAH is still precious. She continues to be precious. That is why IF SOMEONE HURTS A HAIR ON THIS CHILD’S HEAD I WILL RIOT.
I love that Micah is simply happy to be herself. I loved that she admitted that she once wanted to be like everyone else, but then quickly thought what if that someone else didn’t love Math? Nope. Micah without Math is not Micah.
And again. I do truly love Diane and Micah’s relationship. Micah comes up with a revelation and she had to tell Diane. She goes to visit Diane’s bedroom, doesn’t find her there, and climbs up to Diane’s... room at the top of the house (what is it called again? HELP).
Diane sets aside her work to listen to Micah as she tells her about her latest project. I do think it speaks volumes about their relationship with the whole conversation about how nobles are always faking their interactions and yes, Diane knew it was horrible and yes, Diane doesn’t really always enjoy these parties as well. And Micah is now allowed to call her just Diane!
It was endearing, and reading from Diane’s bit near the end, she truly does think Micah is delightful company, so far.
And then someone breaks and enters and SCARES MICAH.
Finally, on KAAB’s side, the pressure is on.
I can only imagine how hard it was for Kaab to reel in her emotions while they held a Kinwiinik funeral ceremony for Saabim. And then, in the family meeting that followed, she is faced with more pressure with the tough decisions to be made.
Kaab, who has always made her decisions using her heart, now trying her best to evaluate her past actions and make the proper choices. She said it determinedly last time - No posturing. Only results. But what if posturing is needed for the results? What if the posturing needed for the results goes directly against age old tradition and the memory of your late mentor who you’re trying to do good by?
“If our little bee wants to destroy this family with her impetuous behavior, that is her right.”
In the end, I think Kaab still does follow her heart, but this time with a dignity and determination supported by logic, which showed much growth in her part.
“If this family is willing to pour out joy to welcome a man—whoever he is—while we still mourn the loss of our mother in this land,” she said, slowly, deliberately, “then perhaps it ought to be destroyed.” 
The choices were Impress The Batab With Our Family’s Strength vs. Show the Batab How Much We Value Tradition. And maybe she did, in her way, manage to choose both.
But that was only the beginning, and the inspector had said as much - he was still not satisfied. Kaab has to do her best now because more trials are coming, and I am rooting for our girl.
Okay, now off to make Challenge #4!
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