#I love pope x cleo chemistry and scenes
spiderlingh · 1 year
obx s3 thoughts (obviously contains spoilers!)
this is just my opinion, please don’t come for me if u disagree :)
i was a bit disappointed with this season ngl, definitely my least favorite season of the series so far
action sequences were really good but i felt like a few episodes were just straight meaningless action scenes and that definitely felt unnecessary to me
cleo pope jj owners of the season <3
drew starkey can certainly pull off a buzzcut but man do i miss his sexy haircut from season 2 😭😭
WAY TOO MANY BIG JOHN SCENES oh my god look i get it, it’s a miracle the guy turned up alive and shit but i am not john b i do not give two shits about this rather mean looking man and i felt like he was on my screen more than the main cast
shoutout to his actor tho. he did a great job portraying him
i thought i would be a jiara shipper but i don’t like them together at all… i lowkey hate that the writers now literally paired kie with every guy of the pogues when that seems so out of character for her
saw a post about kie being lesbian and you know what? y e s. even though i think a love interest wouldn’t be necessary for her to begin with
i’m a jjpope girlie sorry their chemistry is just chef’s kiss but it’s never gonna happen bc according to the writers there’s not a single gay on that silly lil island
(it’s completely fine if you do ship them bc they did have chemistry in the previous seasons)
not the sarah x topper drama getting reused from last season… i love sarah but girl what the hell
speaking of topper i thought it was fun how they included him in the train heist
but the way sarah manipulated him and used him… i’m no fan of his at all but i did feel for him bc he pulled so much for her and she went straight back to john b 😭
my boy really said i’m gonna light this place up like a damn bonfire lmfao
anyway back to it
the main villains (ward and rafe) of the past two seasons became pretty much irrelevant this season?? huh???
rafe did a near complete 180 out of nowhere… which was strange
like this man’s whole trauma was solely fixed on getting love and respect from his father and the whole donating the cross situation really sucked if you look at it from rafe’s perspective but i do not believe that THAT was all it took to suddenly become so hostile towards ward. even if he still ended up saving him.
this guy was so stuck in the cycle of violence from the pilot up to the final episode of season 2 and his character development was so interesting to see (that scene in s2 when he says he’s not okay and needs help and ward tells him to man up still stuck with me) and it feels like they threw it out of the window and pretty much sidelined his character for no reason at all.
new boring villain is introduced and gets killed in the same season
worst parent award goes to mike and anna
they’re such a fun dynamic like give me that please i’ve been asking for this before s2 even came out
the pogues had pretty much 2 scenes together and that’s it… i had hoped to see more of them and their dynamics and just more of them on that deserted island??? wasted potential oh my god
is it just me or was the filming style a lil different this season…
wasn’t rafe’s love interest supposed to be a bigger thing? because the few scenes he shared with her were completely irrelevant and so was her entire character tbh 😭
rafe and kie teaming up… was awesome i loved it
jj and kie running into pope and cleo when they were just about to get off the bus and immediately had to run from people with big ass guns is peak obx energy and i thought it was hilarious
i audibly gasped at the time jump!! such a weird way to end the season, it almost seemed like a series finale but knowing that season 4 is already confirmed i’m genuinely wondering what direction they’re gonna take this. the root of it all was that they were looking for the treasures because some of them were connected to it in their own ways (john b and the royal merchant bc of his dad, pope and the cross/denmark tanny bc family) and rafe and ward were perfect villains up until this season.
if there’s something i want to see in the next season, it’s just more pogue scenes, strengthening their own characters and developments and their dynamics with the other pogues. we really do not need the same romance drama every season. it’s boring and frankly annoying. honestly in this show there’s so much going on that i don’t feel like each one of the pogues needs to end up with someone. i would love to have jarah and jjpope as endgame and have kie and cleo end up solo or maybe have other love interests (but not really).
just give me the pogues doing what they do best — bickering while they’re off chasing some mystery and putting their lives at risk and miraculously getting out of it alive and well.
because season 3 was just weird. really weird. idk this is all for now but i might add more later!
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alphinias · 10 months
Against all popular opinions I’ll say it… I WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN MAD AT JJ AND CLEO 💀
Let me explain before I pass for a traitor. Jiara is my absolute shit, my ride or die, my babies and I wouldn’t change them for anything in the world, I would not actually want them with anybody else in the show.
HOWEVER in a universe in which Kie and JJ’s relationship was different or she wasn’t in the equation at all or even if they NEVER hinted at Jiara, if Jiara never had any chemistry flipping the whole story around and elaborate it how they actually intended for Cleo to be JJ’s girl it would have probably worked, just taking JJ and Cleo as characters I think they would have been a convincing pair, there’s many layers of their stories that could have matched up pretty nicely and their personalities as well are kind of similar and would have made a fun dynamic.
Like Pope and Kiara for me didn’t work AT ALL ‘cause they didn’t make any sense, on the other hand I feel like if elaborated well JJ and Cleo could have been a match (again in an alternative universe if Kiara wasn’t an option and talking just about the characters).
I think the way it worked out couldn’t have been more perfect. Like, thank god it worked out the way it did.
But JJ and Cleo would’ve been an entertaining dynamic and I do love both characters so that’s a good start. I think they would’ve gone for a twin flames type thing (but ugh, it works so well for Jiara instead). Genuinely, had a different actor played one or both of them to where some chemistry actually existed and some scenes been adjusted, as a base concept, even pokie could’ve been a cute idea. I like to root for an underdog and the idea was obviously to make Pope the underdog for Kie, it just didn’t work and JJ ended up being it ten times over.
But at the end of the day both the ships we actually got feel SO much more original and interesting. And much more memorable. Cleope feels like a breath of fresh air and is genuinely so sweet? Pope having so much open kindness (which she’s rarely had) to give Cleo? And neither would even come close to all the layers Jiara has. They accidentally stumbled upon a gold mine: best friends to lovers, forbidden love, rich girl x poor boy, their adventurous hearts. They have it all so effortlessly and that’s what makes them.
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geekgrizz · 3 years
Hi so I fancy spilling my opinions on the JJ, Pope and Kiara love triangle
I believe it would be a mistake by having Kie end up with either Pope or JJ. Pope because the way she treated him this season would it make no sense and they’ve had next to no romantic chemistry. JJ because it would just be upsetting having every single pouge like her, further enforcing the ‘girls and boys can’t just be friends.’ I think they have a really cute friendship dynamic, bickering siblings who’d die for each other type vibes, and also I can’t really see JJ even giving a chance to something that could affect his bonds with the pouges (because it would affect not just his friendship with Kie but also with Pope.)
With the way season 2 has gone there isn’t anything yet doing anything more then signalling to maybe a JJxKiara storyline so it being completely dropped wouldn’t be a plot hole at all or weird for the characters. At the same time they’ve set up for the chance of a JJxKiara storyline quite well so, as long as it’s written just right, it could be done quite well and wouldnt ruin the show (specifically JJ and Kie as characters).
Personally the best way I believe to go with Kie’s character now would be to have her be a lesbian. I think her originally denying Pope, seemingly sure about her desicion, and then suddenly doubling back doesn’t really make sense if she just over night goes ‘actually I think Popes perfect for me and I really like him’. It seems more like if she thought he was a nice guy who she new she loved as a friend and maybe had a chance of actually falling for him like she should. Then the way she behaved when they were together, hot and cold and usually only hot when not sober, seems like she still isn’t feeling how she should with him but willing to try when she isn’t straight minded. And then finally ending it after they have sex, realizing she’ll never feel the way she should, it all seems like someone trying to understand themselves and realising their sexuality. In addition to this… the scenes with Sarah in season 1?? Idk I immediately got flirty/fancy vibes. I also think it has the chance to give great representation to a wide audience as we would get to see her journey from perhaps before she even started questioning her sexuality.
Then other options for Kie is for her either to be alone or a third party to become her love interest. Both of which would be good options as her being alone would give her the chance for more storylines centering her which don’t rely on her as ‘the girlfriend’. Introducing someone new could also be interesting because, firstly she’d need a bit more of an independent story to meet them, also it would be interesting to see how the other pouges behave around Kiara meeting someone and how they would be with her trying to introduce them into the group.
JJ and Pope wise I have mixed opinions on. Personally, I would love a JJPope storyline. From the first episode I saw such romantic chemistry and honestly believed they were building up to a JJPope endgame. I think it very easily could be written in and once again would be great representation for the audience as neither of them are very camp or ‘stereotypical’ mlm. Also I believe they balance each other really well, JJ is the heart and Pope is the head. I could go on a long rant about them but thats for another post.
But I also believe the writers could go really well in other directions. For JJ I believe either leaving him alone or having him fall for a kook. Having him alone fits for his character as he has never seemed particularly fussed about relationships and the pouges are very much his found family from the beginning and I can’t see him wanting to mess with that in anyway. But having him end up with a kook could be really interesting as he is always one of the first to hate a kook just for being a kook and maybe seeing him somehow meet a kook and spend time with them and going from immediately hating them to slowly starting to fall for them till eventually his fully in. I also think it would be a way to see into a normal kooks life (one whose parents aren’t treasure obsessed murders) and how they treat kook x pouge relationships. I know we see a little insight with Topper and his friends into this but that has the bias of Sarah breaking up with him ect.
Pope wise I’m not too sure what direction they should go with him romantically. Currently I believe JJ or no one at all, but the way last season ended it was maybe implying the build up to a relationship with Cleo which I don’t really like the idea of. That isn’t because I don’t like Cleo because she has joint Pope in my spot of favourite character but more because I don’t see the dynamic working as a couple. I could see them being absolutely amazing best friends and I would really love to see it but relationship wise I don’t see it working out. I would go into it but I don’t have it completely organized in my mind yet, I may do another post into an explanation as to why I’m against it (but I don’t think it’s a bad ship and have no problem what so ever with people shipping it). I think at this point in Pope’s life a relationship is unnecessary and not something he would want, instead I believe he would be focused on trying to get his families cross back and sort out life for him and his friends.
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amourology · 3 years
honestly when it comes to the relationships/ships in the show, i’m very passive.
john b & sarah – moved too fast for my liking, didn’t really seem like john b cared for her until she almost died. got mad when she didn’t tell her ex that she’s ‘technically married’ which is weird because one, shes 16, and two, shes literally traumatized. marriage was not on sarah’s mind, i promise you on your life that.
jj & pope — bros. literally homies. i really don’t know why people ship them together, i think they display a great, nontoxic friendship between two males. no toxic masculinity, you can tell jj is closer to pope. i don’t see romance whatsoever, then again…this is a generation that can’t tell if someone is being nice to to them or flirting with them. of course they’re gonna ship these two, y’all are so predictable is almost heartbreaking.
kiara & pope — no chemistry whatsoever, having them hook up was a complete waste of time. their friendship isn’t even that strong as well. just awkward.
jj & kiara — another ship i genuinely don’t wanna see. honestly i rather have them be siblings by theory.
pope & cleo — i mean, i don’t know. cleo and john b almost have more chemistry than they do—if you count her threatening to cut him as chemistry.
rafe & barry — honestly the fandom was bored when they came up with this. rafe doesn’t care about love, barry literally ratted him out.
john b & sarah — i completely agree with you there. honestly, i really felt like john b didn’t appreciate her enough at times :/ like she was ride or die for him fr and he just always expected her to be there my girl could do better +++ i really wanna see more of her character bc so far she’s kind of just been “john b’s gf” imo
jj & pope — now i like jj & pope, so i don’t agree with you there. it’s not that it’s “so predictable” or that “this generation can’t tell if someone is being nice to them or flirting” it’s simply that they would work well together imo and that they are more hands on with each other than with the other pogues — i do agree that their friendship is great & non-toxic, but so is the friendship between john b & jj and all the other pogues. this is just my opinion tho! doesn’t mean i’m in the right its just what i like more lmao
kiara & pope — yea no agree they don’t work kie feels like she only likes pope when he’s doing reckless shit and that’s only when he’s at one of the lower points in his life so that in itself is a big no no
jj & kiara — again, agree i just don’t see it & i feel like they are WAY too similar to ever work long-term like neither of them think about their actions or have a plan for the future so idk i think it could work short-term but that’s about it
cleo & pope — idk i kinda liked their scenes in the last episode, i haven’t seen too much from them yet tho so i’m not gonna judge yet
rafe & barry — yea…that’s a no from me too, i respect the people who do ship them but it doesn’t really work in my head & the only rafe ship i ship is rafe x therapy <3
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lexi-howards · 3 years
So how do you feel about pope/cleo? It seemed very clear in the finale that they’re setting them up for next season and I’m actually excited about it, that scene in the engine room made me go like 👀
hmm i'm really excited for where they could go with the cleo x pope ship. they seemed to have a lot of chemistry and those scenes with them arguing?? my new favourite ship for sure (ya'll know i LOVE those enemies to lovers type tropes), but it's too early to decide.
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