#I know he commits atrocities every day but he's also a funny silly guy
Okay so here's everything I know about TF2. Please no one elaborate on anything I know about, because I think it's so much funnier if I have no context to anything. I have absorbed all of this through Tumblr osmosis
Emesis Blue is an excellent film
Soldier apparently was never an actual soldier, he just loves America and really wanted to kill Nazis (the second one i respect greatly)
Medic would probably give you a lobotomy for fun (i don't think this guy's even a doctor)
Two really old guys are fighting bloody wars over gravel I think and their father is named Grey Mann which was most definitely meant to make Gman enjoyers lose it but to be fair his name could also be Gary Man.
What am I on
Heavy and Medic are apparently gay but idk if this is a fandom seeing two men next to each other and going "gay" thing or a "all but confirmed gay" thing but TVTropes referred to them as "Heterosexual Life Partners" which is very funny
emesis blue is so fucking good oh my godddddd the respawn machine is horrifying just from the concept it turned scout into soup
Scout is half French and loves his mother (who is not french) and does not love his father (spy i think)
Medic presumably died went to hell and told the devil "oh I'm like a cat I have nine souls actually. So I should get to go back to being alive" and it fucking worked??????
Pyro is an any pronouns warrior and it commits great atrocities while also having so much sillyness in his heart. I love her
I think Engineer blowed up his arm. I think
Spy is a cunt and also French. I do not think this I know this. I look at him and I sense his cuntery. It radiates off him. I can feel it.
TF2 is in an eternal war with Overwatch for some reason
I was doing a poll a few days ago and the tags psychic blasted me with the information of "by the way people pay like fifty dollars to see medic's tiddies in game." I have gotten varying answers between ninety dollars to three hundred fucking dollars but the constant remains that people will pay Valve comically high amounts of money to see Medic's boobs. What
Scout almost got Earth exploded because he died a virgin???? But then God was like "Okay go back down to earth I'm giving them one last chance to all have sex with you" I'm so confused what does any of this mean none of this makes any sense but it's hilarious
Scout might be legitimately named after Jerma and bears a frightening resemblance to him (though to be fair scout is every white boy in one)
You should watch Emesis Blue it's free on youtube
Demoman's eye is sentient even though he doesn't have it????
I can't decide who's my favorite the white boy the unethical scientist or the silly nonbiney war criminal
Conclusion: What the fuck is team fortress the second one about
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spillyourgoats · 2 years
Yo so jumping right into it. What kind of underwear do you think Strade has? Do you think Strade even wears underwear or is he just freeballin
I'm absolutely obsessed with how this was my first ask lmao thank you! :)
Anyway, I get the vibe that Strade totally is just freeballing it like 90% of the time. When he wears underwear he probably just wears like. very plain boxers. Absolutely nothing interesting about them they're just like, solid green or striped.
MAYBE he wears the kind with hearts on them but also I'm just easily amused by the idea of him wearing heart boxers like a silly little cartoon character lol
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slipperbeast · 5 years
bro, for the ask meme, just tell me all about how you feel about ☆Dimitri☆,, ;3c
Aster, you are such an enabler and I love it. This going to be a long ass post, so sorry for my mobile followers, just blacklist “long post” or “cactus speaks”
Mitya… my light, my love, the apple of my eye… where do I even begin? I find it funny that he started out as my least favorite FE3H Lord just bc I thought his hair was stupid and I thought his weapon was boring compared to Edelgard and Claude. But he quickly became my favorite Lord not only in Three Houses, but in the series as a whole and one of my favorite characters in the entire series (Idk if I like him or Dwyer more- tough call). Ngl, at first I only jumped ship from the Black Eagles to the Blue Lions because I thought timeskip!Dimitri was hot af, but then he had the personality and the character development to match
And MY GOD, his character development. Easily one of my favorite things about Three Houses. He went from being a servant of the dead, a walking corpse who wanted nothing more than freedom from their constant jeering to a true king who fought instead for his ideals and a better future for his people. He genuinely wanted to become a better person and mend his broken relationships with his classmates and actually put effort into it. He even… ah well, I can’t elaborate but let’s just say he was even able to put aside his desire for vengeance in hopes of finding a more peaceful end to his tale of conquest. But he didn’t stop suffering. He still heard the ghosts, he still wrestled with his own feelings of hatred, and he harbored an immense guilt for the atrocities he committed. Yet despite all this, he chose to improve himself and try to heal from his trauma rather than letting it consume him. I think that’s really admirable and a decision like that… it takes a considerable amount of emotional strength.
His actions during the timeskip were deplorable; I do not condone nor defend them. And yet… I found myself unbothered by them, even sympathetic towards them. I just wanted to be there for him and help him however I could. It made me sad when I couldn’t even lecture him or invite him to activities. I missed him! But it made it all the more exciting when I could finally invite him to things again. Even towards the end of the game, when my support logs were nearly complete and all my units were the exact classes I wanted them to be, I would still take every free day to have tea with Dimitri! 
Like many other characters you’ve heard me talk about, it’s silly but… I am truly in love with Dimitri. And… I think we would be a good match for each other. I suffer greatly from paranoia, anxiety, depression, always feeling like a disappointment and like I’m never enough. Dimitri… he understands these feelings well and while he may not be the most emotionally adept, he would make a genuine effort to help comfort/calm me. Plus, I kinda love the idea of a guy who’s literally willing to kill for me, especially when I feel like I have to do everything myself and constantly defend myself against others. I want to be the one protected for once. In exchange, I would be incredibly patient with him and be there to help however I could, even if all I could do is hold him close and merely be there. I wouldn’t just let him walk over me! I would be pushy when I needed to be (especially if it was for his benefit). But above all, I would make sure he always understood how much I love and support him. I also think our primary love language is the same- physical (which is not necessarily sexual). Knowing his s/o is someone real, not another ghost haunting him; someone he can lean on and cry on… it’s really important to Dimitri. That skin to skin contact, the warmth of the other, even the pressure from the squeeze of a hand is very calming to Dimitri; it grounds him. (And I mean… who wouldn’t want to be held in his strong arms? Lbr tho, he’s totally a little spoon and I would happily let him snuggle into the crook of my neck whenever he couldn’t sleep)
Plus, I just think he’s really adorable and sweet! The way he loves Flayn’s cooking because he can tell she put love and care into it, the way he laughs at Alois’ shitty dad jokes, the way he bends sewing needles and worries his smile isn’t good enough… it’s all so cute! I especially love that he can’t taste things. I don’t know why, but it’s a really cute quirk to me! Plus, he’s really thoughtful and romantic. I love how he was the only house leader who said something positive about every single member of his house when you talk to him at the beginning. And the smile scene? God, that’s what dreams are made of. I also appreciate that he’s emotional and vulnerable. It’s refreshing to see that from a male protag.
Though, most of the time when I talk about Dimitri, I am referring to Timeskip!Dimitri. It’s mostly an age thing, but also to me… that’s just who Dimitri is. Seeing pictures of Academy!Dimitri is like seeing childhood pictures of someone you know. They’re cute and you have fond memories of them, but you also think about and appreciate how far they’ve come since then. Plus, I never really saw Dimitri as my student bc I don’t really see Byleth as a character (more of a set piece really) So, I saw Dimitri as I would any other character in any other Fire Emblem game- my unit who I happened to fall head over heels for and as a result made him STRONG AF. And like… have you seen timeskip!Dimitri?? That is 100% grade A beef. Personally from an attraction standpoint, I prefer the eyepatch/eyebag combo he’s got going on in the first half the BL run (nothing sexier than a man missing an eye who looks like he hasn’t slept in five years) but we love a king in recovery too.
Oh wow, I think I’ve said everything I can about Dimitri on this blog (keepin’ it clean)? So, to summarize, I love Dimitri with every fiber of my being. Imagining him with me… it makes me feel so safe and secure and loved. He gives me the courage to stand up for myself and makes me feel at ease. I only wish I could be there for him, to pull him out of his nightmares and kiss his scars while telling him how much he means to be, to reassure him that he can atone for what he’s done and that if nothing else, no matter what the dead and others may say, he’s more than enough for me. Dimitri may be fictional but my love for him certainly isn’t. Hard to say if I love him more than I love anyone else, but he’s definitely up there. He’s just… he’s everything all at once to me. He’s absolutely perfect because he is so flawed. He is so human and at this stage in my life… that’s something I need. There will never be enough words to describe my boundless love for Dimitri.
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yanderedev · 7 years
Clearing Up Misunderstandings, Part 7
Occasionally, I see “callout pots” that make a lot of strange claims about me. These callout posts are always composed of out-of-context screenshots, or misinterpretations of my words. I want to write a blog post to clear up some of the worst misunderstandings that were commonly posted in 2016. “YandereDev said that pedophilia is just another sexual orientation!” That’s not what I said. I said that nobody chooses to be a pedophile, just like nobody gets to choose their sexual orientation. I used the words “orientation” and “pedophilia” in separate sentences of the same paragraph, but I did not say that pedophilia IS a sexual orientation. “YandereDev treatened to dox someone into silence!” That’s not how it went down. I said something I didn’t mean while I was fired up up in the middle of an angry rant about someone who had been harassing me for several months. Obviously, it shouldn’t have been taken seriously. It was an “in the heat of the moment” statement, not a genuine threat. “One of the rivals in Yandere Simulator is a pedophile!” Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children (younger than 14), and Mida Rana is attracted to boys that are older than 14, so this statement isn’t accurate, but that’s beside the point. Sometimes, video games have antagonists who do bad things, and allow you to punish the antagonists for their evil ways. Some villains kill, some villains kidnap, some villains are sexual predators. If you don’t like Mida Rana, just punish her however you see fit, like any other villain in any other video game. “YandereDev said that pedophilia is ‘forbidden love’!” That’s not what I said. I was referring to love between a student and a teacher as forbidden love. Student/teacher relationships are forbidden, irrespective of the age gap between the student and teacher. “YandereDev reads lolicon manga!” There was a thread on 4chan where people were editing this image by putting different things in the bag. It was a meme. I could tell that the image had been taken from a sexual manga, but I didn’t care. To me, it was like any other “reaction image” featuring a character making a silly face. The meme was about putting something funny in the bag, not the character’s age or situation. I edited the image and used it in a blog post. Just because I posted a “reaction face” that came from a manga, this doesn’t mean that I read the manga, or enjoy the content. Reaction faces are reaction faces. Memes are memes. “YandereDev liked a pornographic image of one of his underage characters!” I give “likes” to almost all of the fan art I see on Tumblr, because I am happy and flattered to see people producing artwork based on my creations. This doesn’t mean that I’m aroused by everything that I give a “like” to, or expressing approval of the subject matter of every post that I give a “like” to. “YandereDev accepted nudes from a minor!” That’s not how it happened. The story is pretty long, and probably deserves its own separate blog post, but I’ll give you the short version. In 2009, I had a chatroom. One of the members of the chatroom was a very strange young woman who did a lot of weird things for attention. One day, she sent a private message to every male in the chat. The message was just a link and a “<3″ emoticon; she didn’t even say what was in the link. The link lead to a bunch of nude pictures. This was 8 years ago, so it is hard to remember specifics, but I do recall thinking that she definitely did not look any younger from 18. Eventually, she stopped coming online. Some people theorized that maybe she stopped coming online because she was actually underage, and her parents had taken away her computer after learning what kind of things she was doing online. In 2010, somebody asked me about that situation. My response was very brief and oversimplified. Some people found this chat log from 2010, read my brief and oversimplified explanation, and chose to interpret it as evidence that I “accepted” nudes from a “minor”. This is probably one of the most ridiculous of all the weird rumors that people like to spread about me. There is no way to know for sure who that girl was, or how old she really was. In reality, it was probably just a guy trolling by pretending to be a flirtatious girl. Maybe one day, I’ll write a longer blog post about that weird incident. “YandereDev made fun of suicidal people!” In 2015, someone asked me if it would be possible to drive girls to suicide in Yandere Simulator. I answered, “Yes.” Then, they asked me if girls would commit suicide for silly reasons, or serious reasons. I explained that I did not want people to commit suicide for petty reasons in Yandere Simulator. As an example, I posted a screenshot of a news report about a teenage boy in Russia who committed suicide because his favorite anime character had died. This was not me “making fun of suicidal people”, but providing an example of something that should not cause enough emotional distress to cause a suicide. “YandereDev wrote rape stories!” Game of Thrones has rape scenes. Is Game of Thrones a “rape show”? No, it is a TV show that has very dark subject matter, and characters who are put through traumatic and perilous situations. I have written stories with dark subject matter. Some of my stories involved sexual assault. The sexual assaults were never meant to be “sexy”. A more elaborate answer can be found here. “YandereDev refuses to add dark-skinned characters to the game!” That’s not true. I want the ethnicity ratio in Yandere-chan’s school to match Japan’s ethnicity ratio in the real world. In the real world, 98.5% of the population of Japan are ethnic Japanese. This means that if you went to Japan and encountered 200 people, only 3 would not be ethnic Japanese. If you go to a high school in Japan, you are simply not going to encounter dozens of dark-skinned students. With all of that said, I do plan to include a dark-skinned character in Yandere Simulator’s school in the future. “YandereDev used a transphobic slur!” I have used the term “trap”. However, this term has nothing to do with transgender people. The term “trap” refers to a male who dresses as a female and attempts to trick people into thinking he is a female, as a prank. This word describes someone who is attempting to trick others, not someone who genuinely identifies as another gender. I have used the term “tranny”. This is because I was directly quoting someone else’s statement word-for-word. This is not because I was using the word to demean anyone. I have expressed a dislike for “dickgirls”. Dickgirls - or “futanari” - are a type of Japanese fetish porn. Dickgirls are female anime characters who acquire a dick through a magic potion or some other fantastical reason; the term is not used to describe males who identify as female. “YandereDev steals 3D models and textures!” I sometimes put temporary placeholder assets into the game, with the intention of replacing them with original assets as soon as possible. This is not an uncommon practice for early prototypes of video games. Yandere Simulator is no longer in an “early prototype” stage, but some temporary placeholder assets are still lingering in Yandere Simulator from its earlier days. I am still in the process of removing these assets from the game. “Theft” and “stealing” are very disingenuous ways of describing the situation. It should go without saying that I have no intention to ship the final game with models or images that I don’t have permission to use. “YandereDev doesn’t pay his volunteers!” Please look up the definition of the word “volunteer”. “YandereDev used the word ‘autistic’ as an insult!” A strange person had been harassing me for several months. Eventually, I learned that they were actually an autistic child. This helped me to understand the behavior that I had been observing from them. I proceeded to tell them that I had identified their autism, but also firmly stated that their autism wasn’t any excuse for the behavior that they had been demonstrating for the past several months. This was interpreted as some kind of attack on their autism. It wasn’t. “YandereDev wants to abolish the age of consent!” I never said that. One time, someone told me that they theorized that Yandere Simulator was banned because of having underage characters in certain situations. I said that it would be dumb to ban the game because of an arbitrary number that changes in every country. After I made this statement, this person assumed that I was a pedophile who advocated the idea of having sex with young children, and began asking me very loaded questions in an attempt to demonize me. They challenged me to propose an alternative to age of consent laws. I attempted to come up with a solution, but ultimately, I couldn’t think of any idea better than having age of consent laws. I never advocated for the abolition of the age of consent; I was simply responding to their question. In Conclusion
I have noticed a trend among all of the “Callout Posts” that make bizarre claims about me. The “evidence” in these posts is always:
A heavy exaggeration of the truth
A misinterpretation of my words
An out-of-context screenshot
The contents of these “Callout Posts” is always something that I can clear up with just a paragraph at the most, or a single sentence at the least. The authors of these “Callout Posts” never bother to contact me. They never ask me for clarification. They never ask me to explain myself. They never check with me to verify if something is true. They only do one thing; they interpret my words in the most negative manner possible, frame whatever I’ve done as if it’s a horrible atrocity, and then spread their propaganda as if it’s gospel truth. They've all completely brainwashed themselves into thinking that I’m some kind of evil demon-monster, and they refuse to consider the possibility that they may be mistaken about me. The authors of these “Callout Posts” have constructed a fake YandereDev in their minds. In their imaginations, I am a homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, misogynist pedophile. Basically, every bad thing in the world, wrapped up in one package. It’s actually pretty absurd. The “YandereDev” that they have invented is worse than a villain from a Disney film. This is really one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me. The authors of these “Callout Posts” truly believe that they are “the good guys”, fighting against “the bad guy”, and that shaming me and slandering me is the right thing to do. The most dangerous type of person is someone who is convinced they are 100% justified in what they are doing, and that there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever that they might be making a mistake. The sad thing is, this post won’t make a bit of difference. The authors of these “Callout Posts” will read this entire post, dismiss the entire thing, and continue to firmly believe that “YandereDev” is some kind of Hitler-Satan-Trump creature. They will probably never, ever stop. They will probably continue doing this forever. For as long as I make video games, I will have to put up with weirdos who dedicate absurd amounts of their time to stalking me, attempting to dig up dirt from my past, and spreading weird propaganda about me. It’s quite a disappointing thing to realize. So, why do they do this? It’s very easy to explain. The reason is simple; they do this because it’s fun. It’s fun to hate. It’s fun to shame. It’s fun to ridicule. It’s fun to make other people look bad. It’s fun to talk trash about others. It’s fun to “expose” other people. It’s fun to ruin someone’s life. It’s fun to ruin someone’s career. All of these things are super fun...if you’re a sadistic scumbag who takes pleasure in harming others. To keep having fun, all they have to do is keep brainwashing themselves to believe that I’m a horrible monster, and dismiss everything I say when I attempt to explain myself. As long as they follow those two simple little rules, they can have unlimited fun. And, as long as they can keep having fun, why would they ever stop? I wonder if you’d like to try a thought experiment for a moment. Please imagine the following scenario: imagine that you’ve spent the past 32 months of your life working on a project that is supposed to make people smile, make people happy, and let people have a good time. Then, someone digs through your entire Internet history, finds every single thing you’ve ever said that can make you look bad if it’s out-of-context, and convinces people to hate you, based on a series of misunderstandings that you could easily clear up, if they simply spoke to you and asked you to explain what you were saying. Sounds like quite a nightmarish scenario, doesn’t it? I wonder how you’d feel if you found yourself in that situation. I wonder how you’d handle it. I wonder what you’d do about it. In closing, here’s what I’d like to say: If you’ve ever come across a screenshot of something I’ve said, and you think that this screenshot makes me look really bad, you are fully welcome to personally contact me - through tumblr private messages or through e-mail - and ask me to explain or clarify whatever is bothering you. I know I’ve said “I’m busy, don’t e-mail me!” many times in the past, but I’ll make an exception in this case; you’re totally welcome to contact me any time if you’d like me to clear up some bizarre rumor that you’ve heard. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
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stripedigital · 5 years
Create the Best Email Subject Lines with These Useful Tips + Examples
Globally, experts estimate that nearly 4 billion active email accounts exist out there. Nearly 300 billion emails from businesses enter inboxes every single day. Do the math. People get around 75 business emails per day. And it’s only increasing.
Are you take time to read 75 emails a day? Are you opening that many? How many messages just sit there day after day, getting marked as read when you never even opened it?
This kind of skimming the inbox is what you’re up against. It’s why only the best email subject lines get opened. Let’s look at 50 of the highest performing and best email subject lines we’ve seen and why they work so well.
#1 Appeal to People’s Need for Instant Gratification
Whether the topic is weight loss, saving for retirement, or getting to page one in searches – people know there are no magic pills. But still the idea that you can have things now that you really didn’t have to work for appeals to a lot of people.
University of Illinois Professor, Shahram Heshmat Ph.D., studies the science behind how people make choices. He says “There is psychological discomfort associated with self-denial. From an evolutionary perspective, our instinct is to seize the reward at hand, and resisting this instinct is hard.”
The best email subject lines offer this opportunity for instant gratification.
As you’re exploring the examples of best email subject lines in this article, consider this point.
69% of email recipients will mark an email as spam just because of the subject line. There are no “magic bullet” subject lines that work every time for every audience.
There’s often a fine line between an effective subject line that has a high open rate and one that appears spammy. Understanding your audience and what the spam rates are telling you will help you adapt in order to navigate this fine line.
Now, let’s look at some of the best email subject lines that promise instant gratification.
Great Examples of Instant Gratification Subject Lines
1. “How to email a busy person (including a word-for-word script)” – Ramit Sethi
A word for word script means they’ve done all the work for you.
2. “Steal these email templates…” – Digital Marketer
3. “We Need Your Help! Get $5 in Free Gas For Completing Our Survey” – Pacific54
They had a 46% open rate with this subject line.
4. “Grow your email list 10X faster with these 30 content upgrade ideas” – Optinmonster
5. “Your beauty issues, solved” – Sephora
6. “Key Takeaways from SaaS Connect 2018” – Kiwi Creative
Busy people love when they can get the “Cliffs Notes” from an important webinar, seminar or meeting. This one earned Kiwi Creative a 60% open rate.
#2 Generate a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Response
FOMO is a relatively unresearched psychological phenomenon that compels a person to do something for fear of missing out on information, an experience or something else that others have.
It’s this urge that keeps many tied to their social media feed, just waiting for the next post to appear when they’re not working. And sometimes when they are. Researchers are just beginning to conduct studies and learn what drives this overwhelming urge.
But from a marketing perspective, FOMO has been long established and confirmed through analytics, A/B testing and professional experience.
The average person can’t help but click if they feel they might be missing out.
Examples of FOMO Subject Lines
Using FOMO requires a delicate balance. Because marketers have been using it perhaps since the invention of the printing press, it can feel “played out.”
Explore new and different ways to generate a FOMO.
7. “Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring” – Warby Parker
Warby Parker is an online prescription eyeglasses company. Whether they know if your prescription is expiring or not, this is a very FOMO line.
8. “Happy Birthday Lindsay – Surprise Inside!” – Rent the Runway
The fact that’s it’s Lindsay’s birthday makes this not only feel exclusive. It also feels like whatever the offer is, it’s only good today.
9. “Hey” – Barack Obama
This one probably only works if you’re the President of the United States or high profile celebrity. But it’s definitely a FOMO subject line in that context.
10. “You’re missing out on points.” – Jet Blue
For people who are trying to build up travel miles, this is the worst thing they can hear. They want to know how to fix it ASAP. They do that by opening the email when they see best email subject lines like this one.
11. “The timer’s going off on your cart!” – King Arthur Flour
#3 Evoke Curiosity
People are very curious creatures. Curiosity and FOMO often overlap. But not always. The psychology behind them is very different.
Respected Professor of Psychology and Economics, George Loewenstein explains curiosity this way. It’s a feeling of mental deprivation caused by the perception that there’s a gap in understanding.
Deprivation is a strong word. But it’s very well-placed. When something makes a person curious, they feel like there’s a void that they must fill. It’s like they haven’t eaten in a week. And you just offered them a hamburger.
It’s the continual pursuit of knowledge that drives people to click the best email subject lines while leaving the rest of their inbox unattended.
Great examples of Curiosity Subject Lines
Curiosity is a very personal thing. What makes one person overwhelmingly curious will leave another scrolling by. Know your audience. Know what makes them curious and you’ll create the most amazing headlines.
Here are some companies who do curiosity very well.
12. “Not Cool, Guys” – Buzzfeed
We want to know what the “guys” did. Don’t you?
13. “DO NOT Commit These Instagram Atrocities” – Thrillest
Be careful with all caps. This was just enough to get attention without feeling like screaming or spam.
14. “Buffer has been hacked – here is what’s going on” – Buffer
Yes, they really sent this email when they got hacked. It allowed them to be the first to inform people about the event. They could control the conversation around it because they were proactive. And they used this exceptional curiosity-evoking subject line.
15. “Last Day To See What This Mystery Email Is All About” – Grubhub
16. “A faster donkey” The Hustle
Who wouldn’t want to know what The Hustle is talking about?
4. Craft Humorous Subject Lines
The world-renowned Psychologist, author and inventor of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud believed that humor was one of the few ways that you could connect straight to a person’s subconscious mind. It melts the mental blocks, defense mechanisms and logical thinking that may prevent a person from connecting with another.
If you can just make a person laugh, you’ve just earned a moment of their time.
Over the years, people have built up barriers to marketing strategies. Some people see FOMO subject lines coming a mile a way. They don’t click. They know what you’re trying to do.
People with these strong anti-marketing barriers don’t react the same way to humor.
Great examples of Humorous Subject Lines
Of course, the issue here is that what one person finds to be “ha ha” funny someone else might find to be in poor taste or even offensive. You’ve got to consider your audience and find what works with them.
Through it, you develop the best email subject lines.
Some of the best funny email subject lines we’ve seen include:
17. “Abra-cord-abra! Yeah, we said it.” – Quirky
Quirky is a website that connects inventors with companies that may want to buy their ideas. This corny play on words is followed by a conversational statement that people commonly make after saying something silly. It earned a lot of clicks.
18. “Yes, I’m Pregnant. You Can Stop Staring At My Belly Now.” – Baby Bump
19. “NEW! Vacation on Mars” -Gozengo
20. “Pairs nicely with spreadsheets” – Warby Parker
21. “Where to Drink Beer Right Now” – Eater Boston
The pub sent this one at 6:45AM on a weekday, making the timing part of the joke. You’re probably on your way to work at that time.
And we’ve got a bonus and possibly the winner.
22. “*Don’t Open This Email*” from Manicube.
If you found none of those remotely funny, it speaks to how hard it can be to pull off the perfect zinger. But don’t be afraid to explore humor as a means to overcome objections and barriers that stand in the way of a person opening an email.
#5 Create Outrageous Subject Lines
Boring, everyday subject lines don’t earn clicks. Even if you’re a buttoned-up professional brand, few audiences will respond to a simple description of the email.
You need to be bold. It helps to be a bit audacious. You can find ways to be a little outrageous without straying from your brand.
Being outrageous doesn’t mean stoking controversy or getting under people’s skin unless you really know your audience will appreciate it. It’s more about causing and “I can’t believe they said that” or “what is this all about?” feeling.
Great Examples of Subject Lines That Got A Little Outrageous
23. “Let’s get fat, Boston” – Thrillist
It was an email exploring some of the best restaurants in Boston. It’s a bit off-beat. But it makes you look.
24. “How to organize your VHS collection” – HubSpot
25. “Is Twilight the best movie ever made?” – HubSpot
26. “Our Blades are F***ing Great.” – Dollar Shave Club
Know your audience. Some audiences will find cursing funny or non-conformist. Others find it offensive. Dollar Shave Club gambled on this one and won big with their target audience.
#6 Make Them Feel Like an Insider
Why do we like inside jokes? People want to feel like they’re a part of something. And see something that they know only a handful of people will understand, they feel special.
This is true whether your audience is in MENSA (the club for geniuses) or in a certain field of work that uses a certain language. Using insider subjects further connects your audience to you because it shows that you’re an insider too.
Great Examples of Insider Subject Lines
Don’t worry. We’ll give you the explanation in case you’re an outsider among these groups.
27. “!” – DiningIn
People who use messaging apps will recognize an exclamation point as a stand-in for words. By using it the sender is expressing that they have something very exciting to show you when you open the email. The target audience will understand this and have to click.
28. “As You Wish” – Uncommon Goods
It’s a reference to the cult fantasy classic “Princess Bride”. Choose movies that are very likely to be viewed by your audience.
29. “Coffee’s for closers” – Glengarry Glen Ross
Not a known email subject line. But it should be. Anyone in sales or marketing would likely get the reference.
30. “11 is a crowd. We’ll wait.” – ThinkGeek
You may want to brush up on your binary code for this one. 11 in the binary representation for 3.
#7 Stroke Their Ego
We all have one. An ego. When someone else says something that makes you feel good about yourself, you probably just made a friend. A momentary feeling on vanity is what a person gets out of a subject line like these.
You may not think of vanity as an emotion.
But it certainly is. The best email subject lines tap into emotions. You don’t have to be a narcissist to feel it. People with all levels of pride and self-importance can be positively triggered when you stroke their ego.
Great Examples of Ego-Stroking Subject Lines
31. “Your Butt Will Look Great in These Workout Pants” – Fabletics
Who doesn’t want to hear that?
32. “Wow! Fantastic credit score.” – NerdWallet
For someone who’s financially-savvy, that’s a great compliment.
33. “So What Did You Think? Write a Review.” – REI
Demonstrating that you value a person’s opinion is a great way to stroke their ego.
34. “? Want a Custom Emoji of Tullamore & 6 Months FREE Walks?” – Wag
This is a personalized subject line. “Tullamore” is the dog of the person receiving this email. For pet lovers, the pet is an extension of the person’s sense of self. Complimenting the pet or offering them something special can be just as powerful as targeting the person’s ego.
35. “Hey [First Name]! Which one of these would be your favorite read?” – EmailMonks
#8 Feel Their Pain
When you can speak to a target audience’s pain points, you show that you understand how people use your product and why. It demonstrates that you think from the side of the consumer rather than from your own business from time to time.
Great Examples of Pain Point Subject Lines
36. “Since we can’t all win the lottery…” -Uber
This subject line speaks to a very specific audience. 70% of lottery players are in their 20’s and 30’s. Around 90% of players have jobs but say they’re having trouble paying their bills. These individuals are also the most likely to become Uber drivers.
37. “How to Survive Your Next Overnight Flight” – Thrillest
38. “Stop wasting time on mindless work” – Evernote
39. “[Pain Point] | [Company Name].” -Demanddrive
DemandDrive uses this template again and again to generate high open rates.
40. “[First Name], here’s how you can [Benefit from our Solution]” -Growthhackers
Similarly, Growthhackers has found a template that works well with their audience. They use it repeatedly to increase clicks.
As your exploring how to create the best email subject lines, think systematically. Explore by using a handful of templates that you can quickly fill in to generate a compelling headline.
#9 Create a Sense of Urgency
You’ve probably stumbled upon some classic TV commercials that say “Act now!”. And this is what you can try with your subject lines too. Although not necessarily these exact words, you can convey scarcity and urgency in your subject lines to urge subscribers to act immediately. However, be sure to use this subject line only when the campaign calls for it.
This is the oldest trick in the marketing book. But it still works in digital marketing. The analytics prove it. It’s definitely among email subject line best practices.
When someone feels that they have time to do something later, they put it off. They think at the time that they’ll come back. But they rarely do.
When people feel like they must open something now or miss out, they at least take a peek.
A study reported in the New York Times found that 20% of people are chronic procrastinators. If they don’t feel like they have to do it now, they won’t. The Journal of Consumer Research found “being busy” was one of the top social media “humblebrag” statements.
People like to stay busy. They like to be perceived as busy. They often don’t feel that they have time to open your email.
To get the highest email open rates, make people feel like they must open this now — not later.
MailChimp found the following benefits of using time-sensitive words:
Urgent – Increased email open rate by 79%
Breaking – Increased email open rate by 68%
Important – Increased open rate by 55%
Alert – Increased open rate by 31%
This is definitely a tip that you’ll want to follow up with analytics to make sure “time sensitive” words aren’t getting emails sent to spam folder. That 79% increase will be worth it for some when compared to spam rate.
Subject lines like these that can land some businesses in the spam folder. So they should always be tested first on a small segment of the email list.
Note there are many more ways to express urgency. Try these.
Great Examples of Time-Sensitive Subject Lines
41. “Your 7-figure plan goes bye-bye at midnight…” – Digital Marketer
42. “[New Product] just arrived. Only 15 left.”
43. “Before you write another blog post, read this” – Sumo
44. “Extended for a day! Get Free shipping through Friday.” – VerticalResponse
#10 Avoid Spam Language
You don’t always intend for the subject to sound spammy. But over the years, certain language has been flagged as spammy language by spam filters. because of the rampant misuse of that headline.
Experts estimate that each charity loses around $15K a year of would-be donations because they accidentally said something “spammy”. You don’t spend time and money building a quality subscriber list just to be sent to spam.
Act-On has created a great list of phrases an innocent business might use that sends them straight to spam.
Those words include but aren’t limited to:
Satisfaction Guaranteed
No Purchase Necessary
Eliminate Debt
FREE {In all CAPS}
Bad Credit
Make Money Fast
This list may elicit feelings of nostalgia for the days before we had spam filters to filter this stuff out. But some of these are completely innocent words that are often used in spammy ways. You might not choose to avoid these words altogether. But definitely see how they are received by your audience.
Avoiding spam filters will help improve email deliverability.
#11 Segment Your Best Email Subject Lines
Segmentation is a form of personalization. You divide email recipients into groups based on a major trait that they share. This could be:
Age range
Job Role
Then customize the subject line based on this trait to make it more relevant.
The open rate for a segmented email is about 14% higher than non-segmented. When something feels customized and relevant, people are more likely to see it. On average, a business can increase email-generated revenues by 58% by segmenting.
#12 Personalize it
Personalizing is a step up from segmentation. It’s when you send a specific email to a specific person at a specific time.
You might include their name in the subject line. But personalization goes far beyond this.
Personalized emails may:
Welcome a new subscriber
Thank a person for their purchase
Suggest other items based on their purchase or viewing history
Remind them to finish a video
It’s both the timing and message that make these types of email subject lines so effective. This kind of timing is only possible through email automation.
This Email Monday chart shows how businesses are benefiting from email automation.
Examples of Personalized, Automated Email Subject Lines
45. “Hi, { Customer Name}, I’m deleting your Envira account” – Envira
This is a bold move that could backfire. Obviously, if you say you’re unsubscribing someone or deleting their account, you have to do it if they don’t respond. But a message like this can renew interest with a person who never opens emails.
46. “{Customer Name}, Did you miss out on some of these new features?” – Animoto
47. “Email subscriber exclusive: [Product name] sale is here.” – VerticalResponse
That product would be something this individual recently viewed. Automation can pull it into the email to make that missed sale. This kind of email is one of the top tricks for improving eCommerce ROI.
48. “Were we boring you, {Customer Name}?” – Unbounce
49. “Hey, forget something? Here’s 20% off.” – Bonobos
50. “Steve, where’d you go?” – Unbounce
The Best Email Subject Lines
The best email subject lines are built around your target audience and brand. But you can definitely get some ideas by looking at what’s working for other companies. These 50 examples will have you well on your way to creating high-performing subject lines of your own.
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