#I kept procrastinating and when I actually was working on it I just kept nitpicking the tiniest of things
annihilatius · 17 days
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Reed Wahl they could never make me hate u (even though I wish you were better) 💔💔💔
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yeolkisses · 6 years
All the evens
Wkbpwbjpe Maddy you’re trying to kill me I swear (but thank you this kept me busy lol and it was fun to do)
2 - do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Yessss I love it. Cold air is a blessing.
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
For coffee, I put a ton of creamer in. Tea is just a no for me.
6- do you keep plants?
Yes! A bonsai, a couple cacti, and an aloe vera.
8 - what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Does writing count??? I’m not very artistic 😅 but I consider myself a decent writer and poet. I feel like words are the easiest way to explain yourself so others can understand you better. It’s specific. Painting and drawing, etc. are also good too of course, I’m just not any good at them 😂 and I feel like they’re a bit more questionable. They have different meanings to people. But that’s what allows people to connect over them; seeing different viewpoints of the same thing. It kind of shows what type of person you are.
10 - do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
My side or my back. I can’t do stomach 😂 it’s just too uncomfortable for me.
12 - what’s your favorite planet?
Hm. I don’t really know. I guess Neptune or Uranus??? They’re pretty.
14 - if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
TBH I don’t even know who my best friend is anymore lately Well it would probably be a bit of a mess 😂 but messy in an organized way??? We’re pretty tidy people, at least when it comes to our rooms, but we (or I, at least) am still a little bit cluttery. I think it would look nice. Not necessarily modern, but just kind of homely.
16 - what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Spaghetti & meatballs OR chicken alfredo. Probably spaghetti and meatballs though.
18 - tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
God they just brought it up today. I swear I’m not as stupid as they make me seem though!!!!! So one time at lunch (like YEARS ago) they were talking about sports and I wasn’t really paying attention (because I’m not a sports person) and they asked me something and I think I said, “I’m not into baseball.” And of course with my luck they were talking about football. So :)))) There are always exaggerations about how I must think a homerun is in basketball, etc.
20 - what’s your favorite eye color?
I mean…it doesn’t really matter to me?? I don’t like thinking about eyes which you already know, so I’ve never really considered a favorite eye color. But I hateeeee the colored contacts people wear, especially when they wear two different colors (one of my friend’s ex-boyfriends used to wear one silver and one bright green one and it was hideous). Anyway, if I had to choose a color, I guess I’d say brown. It’s under-appreciated sometimes 🙂
22 - are you a morning person?
It fluctuates. Sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not. Especially if the reason I’m waking up is to go to something I don’t want to do, then I am NOT a morning person at all.
24 - is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Honestly, probably not. I just really don’t trust people to keep their lips zipped or to not judge me.
26 - what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My oldest pair of shoes rn are probably the ones I’m wearing (or at least they look the oldest since I wear them pretty much daily). They’re black and white cheetah print converse, with cheetah eyes on the side. They’re super comfortable.
28 - sunrise or sunset?
Both are nice, but I like sunsets better. It’s the end of the day, time to rest, and it just looks cooler imo. More fiery.
30 - think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
In all honesty, I don’t think so. I get scared easily, but I wouldn’t say I’ve been truly terrified.
32 - tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Already done~
34 - tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
36 - which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
Oof I don’t know. American Authors maybe? I feel really happy and free rn.
38 - tell us about your pet peeves!
Oh boy. I could go on and on. One: the sound of people chewing. It’s awful but you can’t tell them it’s annoying because that’s rude but it makes me. Want. To. Hit. Someone. It is SO irritating. Another thing: my brother doesn’t flush the toilet :)))) and that drives me insane. Another one: people who spit on you when they talk. People in band who, rather than not playing on the parts they don’t know and working on them later, just play whatever they want and mess everyone up. People who don’t put things back where they found them. People who nitpick every little thing about something that someone else did. I could just keep going on.
40 - think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I’m just gonna choose the ring I wear all the time. I got it at the fair, it was only $12 😂 it doesn’t really hold much meaning, I just like having it so I can fidget with it when I’m nervous or something.
42 - do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
I actually haven’t gotten to experience any coffee shops :/ just Starbucks lol. But once I’m on my own I think I’ll check more places out.
44 - when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
I honestly don’t know. It’s been some time.
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I’m not good with punssss! I don’t know. I can’t think of anything.
48 - what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
Hm I was afraid of a lot of things and I still am. I’d say pretty much the same things, more or less. Things that aren’t even closely real, things that my mind just comes up with. And now I’m actually scared of more things, I think. Realistic situations and whatnot.
50 - what’s an odd thing you collect?
I collect rocks, but I think that’s pretty normal, right?? I also collect piggy banks and hedgehog knick knacks.
52 - what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
God I don’t even know. I guess maybe the spongebob ones, the Patrick ones.
54 - who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
Oh wow. Hm. I really don’t know. I really, truly, do not know.
56 - what are some things you find endearing in people?
Hmm…it differs from person to person I suppose. But I guess, like…the way people smile, the different ways people laugh when they’re truly laughing (even if they find it obnoxious it’s a part of them and it’s just kinda cute and funny), when a person who doesn’t usually dress up dresses up all fancy and gets all shy about it. I don’t know. Just little things I guess.
58 - who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
Oof I don’t really know. I think Morgan would be the vodka aunt. But wine mom…I don’t know.
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
Yessss I do. Hm, favorites…it depends on the mood I’m in, I suppose. When I was little though I really liked Shel Silverstein’s poems.
62 - do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
Nopeeee I don’t really like juice 😕
64 - what color is the sky where you are right now?
Kind of a soft baby blue? Idk but it’s quite nice.
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
Baby blue eyes and daisies, I think. Just blue flowers in general would be good enough for me 👍
68 - what’s winter like where you live?
Not cold enough!!!!!!!! Although this year it snowed more than I expected it to. Still, it’s not very cold and we don’t get much rain 😕
70 - have you ever used a ouija board?
No, and despite my belief that it’s absolute bull crap, I would never use one because I’m a wuss.
72 - are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
It depends, some things I remember and some things I don’t.
74 - describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Oof well I’ve pretty much mentioned all my IRL friends and they’re kinda predictable 😂 so I’ll choose an Internet friend. They’re extremely sweet, and do so, so much for other people, even when they’re already so busy with their own life. They’re always caring and genuine, and put others before themselves (even though I wish they wouldn’t sometimes). They’re super patient, which is good because sometimes I can be a bit slow 😂 and just so, so amazing and beautiful and talented and hardworking and they deserve to go far. I hope they’ll keep holding on strong and keep on fighting. And I hope they truly know how much I admire them. (Damn I kinda described all of my internet friends there?????? I had a specific one in mind though I swear)
76 - is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yes 😂 homework
78 - are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
I’m on the fence actually 😕 it’s not like I hate them with a burning passion or anything but I think they’re kinda milking it for all it’s worth at this point, which usually happens with movies.
80 - what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
3 white walls and a light bluish tealish wall (with a border of music notes in silver paint on the teal wall). I got to redecorate my room a couple years ago for my birthday and I love the color blue but I didn’t want something that would darken the room (although I keep my curtains mostly closed lol). The music notes were from a piece I played that year in the school band, it was my favorite.
82 - are/were you good in school?
I’m a procrastinator but I do get good grades 😁 I’ve never had an -A or lower. And I’m kind of a teacher’s pet 😂
84 - are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
Definitely not. I don’t see the point in basically paying someone to stab you with a needle over and over again. If I did get one, I think it would be a clef heart or 아리엘.
86 - do you like concept albums? which ones?
I can’t really think of any specific ones (???? maybe I’m just being dumb ????) but I do like the idea of them.
88 - are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Ehhh, I’m not exactly an art buff, so idk what to say. I think that as long as it carries emotion and makes the viewer feel something or think of something, then it must be pretty good. The style doesn’t define what story it tells, it just helps set the mood.
90 - talk about your one of you favorite cities.
I haven’t really traveled so I’m gonna have to skip this 😶
92 - are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Honestly I prefer just butter on my pasta but if I’m putting on cheese then I’m going all the way.
94 - who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Well I mean idk if it counts since I know her online so I’ll go with the closest one that I know irl. My aunt just had her birthday, it was a couple days ago.
96 - do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
I usually procrastinate them 😅 because it always asks me when I’m in the middle of doing something and I don’t wanna stop what I’m doing.
98 - when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
I don’t remember…but probably not 😂
100 - if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
The past. I’d like to do some things differently. Be a better person. Make myself become a better person and have better habits. The future can still be changed but my past is set in stone. Although, if I go 5 years back, I might not end up on this site, so overall I’d rather just stay in the present 😂
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some-flyleaves · 7 years
tonight on spontaneous media thoughts with a-flyleaf, some rambles on Paranoia Agent because yours truly just went and binged another old anime maybe two people and a paperclip have ever heard of!
so a few weeks ago I somehow got into the mini habit of watching videos on the side while drawing, splitting my desktop between art on one half and youtube on the other. somehow the videos of choice ended up being anime reviews, because I... I don’t know, really. :V I’ve watched like 5 anime now, this one included, and wasn’t particularly planning on adding any more to that little lineup. (keep meaning to check out cowboy beepboop but EH.) the lack of investment helps with the “wait did I just miss something” multitasking mood I guess...?
anyway it was a short-lived habit if only because I ran out of stuff that needed drawing aka Image Comic Process but I digress. Paranoia Agent first came to my attention indirectly through... something completely different! \o/
in entirely unrelated circumstances, stumbled upon this article a few days ago and the “realistic portrayal” example caught my attention. a brief comment dig later and the name was identified, and it... features a weird cartoon dog? the wikipedia premise intrigued me but it ended up on my hypothetical neverending list of stuff to check out.
I mention the review thing because, while procrastinating on everything earlier today, I found this video and it immediately caught my attention. and hey, looks like the whole dub is up on youtube, only 13 episodes so might as well!
...not that I’d. necessarily recommend the youtube dub upload. it lacks subtitles for the writing which is actually pretty damn essential.
go watch that review if you haven’t already, because it sums up the show better than I ever could and talks about what hooked me: a basis in psychology and experimental art.
AND NOW FOR MY ACTUAL THOUGHTS ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (to be formatted in bullet points later probably, again tfw mobile) edit 11/21: done, plus some additional thoughts after reading a few reviews/analyses around the web
it practically starts with a bang via baseball bat, and imo the first four episodes are the strongest of the series. in addition to the clever toying with art style as the video describes, we’re introduced to an ensemble cast of not necessarily likable but no less complex characters, and I always appreciate it when media doesn’t seem to be hitting you over the head (harhar) with LIKE THIS PERSON DAMMIT.
while I don’t have dissociative identity disorder and thus can’t speak to accuracy in its portrayal or weirdness in the subplot’s resolution, episode four three* also had one of the first examples I’ve seen of a character with “multiple personalities” that didn’t lean on the tired but one of them... is a MURDERER schtick.
*I initially got the numbering messed up here; the episode with the character who has DID is third, not fourth.
the entire series explores the idea of fiction and reality - no, this is neither the time nor place for the Shipping Debacle(TM), moreso in how fiction is a form of escapism both destructive yet necessary in just about everyone’s lives. the experimental elements play with this well, forcing the viewer to think about why the art is changing the way it does.
until around the end of episode 4*, it’s relatively clear when we’re getting a glimpse into a character’s psyche vs seeing what’s actually going on. and then the next installment hits, and it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of people bail at this point. it’s not bad necessarily, but the line between fantasy and reality isn’t just blurred - save for a few quick cuts, said line is utterly trampled. symbolism runs rampant and it can be tricky to figure out exactly what’s Actually going on, if anything at all - more on this later.
*e: this time I actually do mean the fourth episode.
on the topic of symbolism, there’s definitely something symbolic going on with the crows/ravens (death?) and to some extent color (namely gold/yellow, green, and red) but I haven’t quite put my finger on it.
you know that thing the video says about Lil Slugger being a manifestation of mass hysteria and destructive escapism? (if you don’t, what are you waiting for >:V it’s about 10 minutes long if you skip the spoilery part.) turns out, he really truly is, and it’s not just metaphors.
spoilers ahead; I’d recommend going in blind but use your best judgment, I know I might not have been so intrigued if not for reading the entire wikipedia plot synopsis in advance. why do I keep getting into media by knowing the Big Reveals first.
on one hand, I really like Lil Slugger being both symbolic and a literal supernatural threat. what I’m much less sold on, however, is how the less explained aspects are incorporated, namely towards the end. (big spoiler warning again, last chance!)
so what exactly DID happen to Harumi with the weird clownish smile makeup? what’s all this prophetic babbling from an old dude who really likes chalk (and whose ramblings admittedly might’ve made more sense if I could actually read his stuff), and how does he know it? what’s the deal with the otaku dude and his magical talking figurines? who knows! who cares, I guess. it’s all in the name of thematic significance - or to put it ironically, ~it’s media~
I can respect that as an artistic direction but it can feel a bit stranger than necessary, and I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending. so, what, suddenly chief’s 2d dream world is an actual real place he goes to? the “darkness closing in” is an actual black blob? holy shit, I really must emphasize the otaku dude’s weird voodoo sculptures and bascially everything else about him. th... the ex-“good cop” is now a wannabe superhero?? you do have to read between the lines to an extent to really Get the characters at times, which I actually like, but imo this was pushing it.
actually even before the climactic sequence I was... less than thrilled with the wife’s monologue. for the most part the show is good about not talking down to the viewer, obligatory exposition sprinkles aside, but just in case you weren’t sure what the themes were yet, here they are ft. odd visual echoing that doesn’t seem particularly relevant to the speaker’s state of mind!
there’s a bit more thematic narm towards the finale, especially from local sidekick-turned-video game hero, but at that point I was too busy wondering what the hell was going on to be too bothered.
e: several analyses and a rewatch later, the end of Harumi’s episode seems less nonsensical. it still doesn’t quite explain when she found the time to throw on all that makeup, but as with many other aspects of the series I was left baffled by at first (up to and including weird old math man), it makes much more sense thematically. Paranoia Agent is not a show meant to be taken at face value and trying to understand it all literally is an exercise in futility - not for everyone, but if you are willing to reconsider how you’re parsing it, it’s worthwhile. ...I’m still confused by otaku dude’s figurines, though >:V
/endspoilers (for now)
DESPITE the spoiler-loaded nitpicking above, overall I found it a solid watch - and the irony of bingeing it to procrastinate on school isn’t lost on me, especially after an all-too-relatable vignette featuring a student in the throes of quadratic equations.
while it definitely includes some darker themes, up to and including an episode about three internet friends meeting up to carry out a sort of suicide pact (which again probably would’ve been clearer if the version I watched had subtitles for text), the tone never feels particularly hopeless. it deals with the self-detrimental effects of overindulging in escapism, sure, but isn’t exactly MEDIA IS BAD TECHNOLOGY IS SCARY THE NEW GENERATION SUCKS. (one character has a similar attitude but it’s based more in nostalgia than hatred of the modern.)
reality sucks but you gotta face it and own up to your fuckups, pal, sorry! but rest and respite are important, too, lest you end up like the animation monkey whose very animation becomes rougher as the sleep deprivation really kicks in.
yes, monkey. not literally but definitely in design (no sameface \o/) and arguably behavior. there were a few comedic moments throughout the show, albeit often dark and/or satirically based so YMMV on how much they actually lighten the mood. for what it’s worth, the episode with the aforementioned suicide pact was probably the overall funniest.
overall I would recommend it as a good thought-provoking series, although if you’re having trouble at the fifth episode I won’t blame you for not sticking it to the end. personally, I kept watching because A) I wanted to see just how the murderous baseball kid mystery turned out & B) the art and symbolism shenanigans up to that point, definitely including the intro, had already given me a few Ideas(TM) and I wanted to see what else was in store. worth it? sure, but don’t expect too many explanations on the supernatural parts.
okay one more spoilery detour - and it’s a VERY BIG spoiler that I am actually going to encourage you not to read if you plan on watching. seriously. (e: format isn’t a mistake, I think it works better connected in paragraphs.)
sooo after skimming the plot synopsis and watching that entire review video, I already knew the thing about Maromi being based on a dead dog and Lil Slugger being the mystery assailant. what I did not expect was even that being a lie, in a way that I won’t specify because I’ve said too much already. and while I question the use of what I’m guessing was pms of all things, I actually really liked that twist.
HOWEVER. given that it all comes back to Tsukiko, she was fucking robbed in the character arc department. I get that she’s quiet and secretive so we don’t get any real details on her past until last second, which imo was a really forced reveal (seriously what is WITH those anime girls and their magic prophetic video game), and again I do like how she pretty much has a victim complex and that basically causes everything.
what I don’t like is that we needed cop superhero dude to lay it all out for her in terms of Big Realization Moments. everything only really gets “resolved” because she finally comes to terms with & takes responsibility for her mistake, but what leads her to this action? guys yell at her for fucking up and everyone gets consumed by inexplicable black ooze? EHHHHHHH I don’t buy it.
the chief’s mini-arc with his wife, which unfortunately was more told than shown (sensibly, so we could get Slugger’s reactions to the story, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with it), was predictable but IMO believable. I definitely don’t think every story has to have clearly-defined protagonist/antagonist characters, especially with the “antagonist” here being a man vs society type of setup, but the end sequence seemed confused on who the real “hero” was supposed to be.
Ikari got the Big Moments of realizing he couldn’t live a lie forever, of smashing his dream world. Tsukiko... gets to go back in time and hug her dog, I guess? where was her moment, however subtle, of realizing she actually doesn’t NEED this little pink dog to save and protect her from reality. if that was supposed to be conveyed when her younger self started making stuff up it... lost me, unfortunately. as far as I registered it went straight for the dog and apology.
e: and you know, after all the aforementioned reading, I’m still inclined to agree with my initial thoughts - HOWEVER. this is a show that lives, breathes, thrives on thematic significance. character development and miniature arcs happen, absolutely, but they’re not the focal point. I can appreciate the ending’s direction much more if I kick conventional thoughts on character progression to the curb.
oh, and the intro? with everyone laughing with chaotic and/or destructive backgrounds while the random mysterious old people get a fancy restaurant and the goddamn moon? guessing the latter is because ~universal themes~ or something but the formal setting after a series of Heck is a moment of fridge logic - the woman’s homeless. she’s probably no stranger to more ravaged settings.
e: oh yeah, and something else I noticed about the intro - everyone is laughing, yes, but Tsukiko’s doesn’t seem... real. everyone else (minus Lil Slugger I guess but his eyes aren’t shown) has the characteristic squint of a genuine smile, but she’s wide-eyed as ever. maybe foreshadowing how she’s the one behind all this...? hrmm.
alrighty no more spoilers For Real This Time, just some miscellaneous notes that didn’t really fit elsewhere
one side character has the same voice as my favorite character from Urasawa’s Monster so that was neat. turns out detective #2 also shares actors with Monster’s protagonist, which took me longer to catch onto but was VERY amusing once noticed.
there’s no overt fanservice, minus like one or two questionable angles that aren’t even in the spotlight. a couple episodes have some Unfortunate Closeups but they’re entirely in service of the story; you’re definitely not supposed to be comfortable with it.
e: actually, for various spoilery reasons, I would not be the least bit surprised if this influenced OFF to some extent. but that’s another ramble for another time.
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simblog420 · 6 years
Quitting as an internet artist.
Most people except those who have been following me on art platforms probably won’t understand this. So feel free to skip this post.
I keep saying that I'm going to try to keep in touch better and post more, but I know it won't happen. I just can't seem to find the drive to draw whenever I want. Truth is, my mind is always filling with ideas and projects that I want to do. But actually sitting down and accomplishing it is another story. I don't know what's happened to me in the past few years, but I have to force myself to draw to remind myself that I can still do it.
Hell, when I was a teenager, I literally had a new drawing every single day, sometimes more. I used to be a drawing machine. But I think I burnt myself out. I take forever to do art now, and its driving me crazy. Not because of procrastination, but It literally takes hours upon hours to do a single drawing. I don't know how it happened. But I've become a perfectionist too (Which Is a huge issue considering that I’m not an overly fantastic artist in the first place) If I see a single issue I end up fixing it 1000x too (If I don't scrap it completely) Im constantly worried of people pointing out issues or not liking stuff because I messed up an arm or whatever.
I know where my strengths are, but my weaknesses outweigh them too much. I’m one of those static pose 3/4 view kind of people. I have been experimenting with different poses lately. But the fact that I can’t fucking color or shade to save my soul is destroying my motivation to finish them. Im lately only getting lineart done. If I even make it that far that is.
I can honestly say, becoming an internet artist was the worst Idea I’ve ever had. I met some amazing people but also a few people who’ve obliterated my confidence in my art to the point that they would give me unwanted critique or nitpick everything I said and did. I am very sensitive and have the worst confidence. Yet art used to be the exception. I was one of those people back in my teen years that were admired for my ability to draw. So you can imagine the difference from when I joined the soon-to-be overflooded internet artist community and realized I was sitting at the bottom along with many.
 I was a stay at home mom at the time hoping to be able to improve enough that I could at least pay the bills from my art, but the standards are way too high for most people to get anywhere without some amount of talent or pre-existing following. I went from producing stuff I loved every day to struggling to produce the odd thing that I was actually proud of. In the 3 years I was a stay at home mom (2011-2014) I made some amazing progress in my art. Especially since I also had to learn to draw digitally. But I eventually couldn’t afford to keep it going and had to get a job. The beginning of 2012 I found out what depression was and have been dealing with it since.
Have you been following me for years? you probably seen how I almost never post unless its commissions. Why is that? Because commissions are what kept me drawing. After I lost all motivation to work on my own projects, ocs, Raxis Saga, etc... The only thing that could keep me drawing is knowing that someone had paid for a piece of work and it had to get done.
Basically I have failed myself and my few amazing followers that have been there over the years. I kept saying I would post more stuff, and It never happens. I post so sporadically and now, I just don’t know anymore. Ive lost track of alot of cool people I was friends with. Ive lost track of time.
I will continue private commissions for those whom I’m familiar with, but I will no longer be posting my art online. I’m done. I need to learn to love my art again and its not going to happen unless I can be away from these places. I will keep all accounts open to support others and keep in contact.
I have made literally one exception for a fandom on an alternate account as that fandom is literally the only thing keeping my very little bit of art going.
Thankyou for your amazing support and encouragement over the years. I wish everyone the best in their own projects and goals! I know you can do it!!
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