#I just bought an explosive bullet upgrade for my gun and it wasn’t until the tutorial that I found out it takes 6 bullets per explosive shot
quokkafoxtrot · 1 year
All I’m saying is that if you’re making a game very similar to Dead Space you have to be better than Dead Space.
Or at the very least equal to.
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Ah, there’s that bewilderment and outrage I was talking about. 
Let me regale you with the tale of Kari Essex, who is less of a human than an invisible tank on legs.
The first thing you need to know about New Vegas in contrast to KotOR is that stealth, called “sneak” here, is totally overpowered. Max it out, and you’re practically undetectable while crouching unless you go up and touch someone, your attacks when you’re hidden are automatic critical hits, and several perks can increase the damage output even further. At the start, with my well-educated, maxed-out intelligence courier, I put all available skill points into sneak, then busted into an abandoned schoolhouse, and stole the stealth boy (cloaking device if you’re not familiar with Fallout). I headed towards Sloan, the place overrun with deathclaws, one of the nastiest enemies in the game. Once there, I injected myself with a ton of drugs to get the Day Tripper perk, which makes stealth boys last slightly long, and headed through.
Keeping crouched and with my back to the rock wall, I made it as far as possible until one of the twenty nearby deathclaws sensed something was amiss. I turned on the stealth boy, got through unmurdered, and headed for the Gun Runners. Then, since the weapons I needed were way out of my price range, I fast traveled back to the starting point. Now with the Gun Runners marked on my map for fast traveling, I could bypass most of the map to come and go as needed, and made for the Canyon Wreckage protected by my pathetic armored vault suit and a 10 mm pistol, ready to take on what’s supposed to be the final DLC. If I wasn’t supposed to do this, they shouldn’t have put the entrance so close to the starting town.
The first area of Lonesome Road is mostly deserted, with a bunch of corpses and some defense robots. My solution for said robots was to let my own robotic companion, ED-E, take care of them while I cowered in a corner behind some boxes, hoping my sneak skill would protect me. This worked out, because sneak is broken. Also Lonesome Road’s attempt at setting a dismal, isolated tone fails completely thanks to ED-E. Because when I hear the words “lonesome road” the first thing I imagine is having a companion constantly following me everywhere whom I can talk to whenever I want.
With the robots taken care of, I got to looting them and the bodies of the Marked Men, the most common enemies in the DLC. Then I went right back to the Gun Runners and sold it all for my anti-materiel rifle with a ton of explosive rounds. 
The game was basically over at that point, nothing could stop me anymore. Everything after me getting that gun and that ammo was a formality. There might be weapons that technically do more damage, but I haven’t found any other with the same combination of range, accuracy, and destructive power. The base damage is 110, plus that same amount for a critical hit, plus 80 points from the explosive blast which affects nearby enemies, then double that because all my hits were sneak attacks. Standard Marked Men have <300 hit points. With the scope and my sneak skill, everything in my way would inevitably explode before it could fight back.
I went back to the Divide and emerged from the initial silo area to hear Ulysses, everyone’s second-favorite Chris Avellone avatar, start talking to me, except in this run he was confused because I was still level 2 and had no faction allegiance for him to insult me over. He insulted me anyway, and I headed down into the ruined landscape, squatting low to the ground, looking for elevated positions from which I proceeded to kill everything in my way with no effort. Then I looted everything, cashed in as much as possible at the local terminals, and lugged everything else back to the Mojave again to sell, this time upgrading my rifle and getting more explosive rounds.
Back to the Divide, I proceeded to the next area, got the laser detonator so I could get those damn warheads out of my way, continued to slaughter the Marked Men, looted their bodies because every one of them is worth like 1000 caps, and went back to the Mojave. This time, since I was full up on ammo, I began buying implants from Dr. Kusanagi at the New Vegas clinic, beginning my transformation into an unstoppable cyborg badass with the health regeneration implant and the subdermal armor. Combined with the riot gear I found, I was well-protected and could slowly regenerate any minor damage without needing stimpaks.
Then in the underpass, I had my first encounter with the Tunnelers, the supposedly implacable threat even Ulysses fears as if they’re anywhere close to the same threat as Cazadores. The Tunnelers emerged from their burrows, then looked around confusedly because although the game had told them I was present and they should come out and kill me, they could not tell where I was, even though I was close enough to start laying down frag mines everywhere. After slaughtering them all with my shiny new 12.7mm  SMG, I headed up to the High Road.
Once there, I found another cluster of walking money sacks for me to kill, made another trip back to cash it all in, and moved on towards the deathclaw-infested road. The deathclaws proved to be the most difficult obstacle so far, required two or dare I say three shots to kill, with a couple even managing to get as close as fifty yards away from me. At the Crow’s Nest, I found upgraded armor to make myself even harder to kill even though I was still probably around Level 5 or so, I don’t remember, and used the elevated position to clear out most of the deathclaws in my path.
Then I moved forward and went inside the trailer. You know the one. The one where you go in and a deathclaw spawns right on top of you. By all rights this should have actually been my first death, but luckily ED-E was outside and drew its attention away long enough (about four seconds, RIP ED-E) for me to get out and shuffle far enough away for it to lose track of me, then I killed it just like every single other enemy in my way. 
Then I reloaded the game and placed frag mines everywhere to hurt it when it spawned and took it out head-to-head with my SMG to prove I could. Because if the game wants to pull cheap bullshit, I’ll pull cheap bullshit right back.
One more Marked Man Massacre and three cybernetic enhancements later, I launched a nuke, listened to Chris Avellone Ulysses get mad at me for launching a nuke even though Chris Avellone the many talented, hardworking, totally-not-pretentious people who made this DLC didn’t include any other option to progress, and moved on to the next stretch.
You know the pattern by now. I got to the next location, killed everything, looted bodies, bought upgrades. The Cave of the Abaddon presented my second instance of panic, though this one was my fault as I forgot to keep squatting while moving forward so the horde of Tunnelers inside spotted and swarmed at me, forcing me to kite them back the way I came. I collected Seymour the dog, and headed up to the last stretch of the Divide.
The Marked Men continued to die easily to me in the next area. Then I went to track down Rawr, the most dangerous deathclaw in the area, killed him in two shots, and took his talon as a trophy. In the next area, I encountered a few Marked Men with their own stealth boys. I killed them, took their stealth boys, used the stealth boys to maneuver and get above their friends. It was over once I had the high ground, and I rained explosive death upon anything and everything that wasn’t already in pieces by this point. I’d finally reached Ulysses’s Temple. Then I turned around and walked away because I had a ton of loot I needed to sell.
I entered Ulysses’s little base, sprung a captured ED-E, then went down to face the devious villain, who was standing at the far end of the silo room facing away from me. I shot him in the back of the head, then a few more times to finished him off, looted his body, fought off a swarm of Marked Men, sacrificed ED-E to stop the nukes from launching, and left.
I went back to the Courier���s Mile, retrieved Blood-Nap, my favorite Bowie knife, and approached the area the same way I did everything else. I ended up taking exactly one hit point of damage from a stray bullet throughout the entire area.
That’s it, that’s how I approached Lonesome Road. I originally found it to be an obnoxiously stupid and boring conclusion to the DLC storyline, so I chose to exploit it to rapidly gain money, experience, and equipment while participating as little in the story as possible. Also, I got the Legion version of the Courier Duster at the end and I have no idea how or why.
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omega-al · 7 years
The Last Rebellion - Bronx Runs
Continued from  http://polychromaticat-blog.tumblr.com/post/161382272499/the-last-rebellion-a-decker-and-a-street-samurai Meryl was fast, as soon as we heard their drones get close to the rollgate the auto defence systems kicked in and he was packing up to leave. Morty was no fool, he knew you had to be able to defend what’s yours in the Elbow. He had ‘TOP OF THE LINE!’ as he endlessly reminded us, security systems for the bar. The entries were constantly surveyed and if anyone tried to find their way inside via the doors unwanted, they would meet with a cruel and unusual fate. See Morty had a sense of humour, he wouldn’t just use a laser turret, he was old school. He’d allude to us about having pits of spikes, boiling hot tar showers and other nasty little ways to be burned, and poked, and generally badly injured in creative ways. Not many of us were brave enough to cross him and if yer smart ye wouldn’t test him, he had too many friends that’d hunt you down for speaking ill of him, let alone breaking into his bar. Even ‘the law’ knew better than to fuck with Morty’s place. But it wasn’t enough this time.
The spike pit bought us two minutes, the tar, five more, if we were lucky the door would hold em another three minutes, which would be just enough time for us to get the hell out of there and into the sewers. Unfortunately, the doors only took two minutes and Morty had to get his big guns out and lay down cover fire while we pulled open the hatch in the kitchen and crawled forty feet down into the dark of the old world sewers. We could hear Morty yelling “die you robo-fuckers!” Then a hail of bullets. We could hear him say, “you’ll never take me alive!” Before an enormous explosion shook the ground and singed our knuckles. After that is was silent. We knew to move fast, whatever became of Morty, he was the reason we escaped. He gave his bar and his life for us. We had to keep going, for surely the blast didn’t kill all of those fuckers.
When we reached the bottom it was pitch black. I couldn’t see Meryl, hell I couldn’t see my hands in front of me. It smelled like age, like the places that used to have humans, maybe even bodies, but that was long ago and the decay is sweet and uniform and rotten and wet. The air is old, so old you’re not sure it’s still able to sustain you.
“Meryl, are you there?” silent moving fucker, he was probably right behind me.
“I am here,” he said from about ten feet away. “Just a moment, I am hacking into the old mainframe for these tunnels, I’ll see if I can’t get some light in the direction we need to go.”
After a few minute of silence and low breathing he had hacked his way into the old systems and directed energy into the old lines. There was a pop and sizzle as the light above our head briefly went on and sputtered out. Up ahead a few orange flashing lights spaced about two hundred meters apart, the nearest was about as far away as that so we were still in complete darkness, but at least we had a direction to stumble in. I sure would’ve liked to see where I was standing though, or maybe not. 
Meryl grabbed my hand and began pulling me in the direction of the light. His tech gave him a small amount of night vision so he could see the things that I might trip on. Man I wish I had the upgrades I could get when I was in school, it’d been hard to live with less tech the past few years. It was easier for Meryl when he left school because he could get his tech through somewhat less legal measures, but I had become a public figure, I was fighting for the rights of my people and I had to represent the hard working underclass, not the criminal influence the Devils Elbow was famous for. Sure I had tech to get the job done like I used to, but it wasn’t part of me, I had to wear it, put it on and take it off. When I left for the rally this morning, I didn’t know I would be running for my life, I didn’t know I’d be down here in this darkness and muck. If we could make it to Virginia, she’d have what I need to get me feeling like I was in control again, she’d have more than just the basics, she’d have everything I need to get to Alphacity. We were coming up on the light now, I could see we were in an old sewer, there were enormous pipes running above us that hadn’t been used in centuries, they were covered in dust and ancient rat shit and other slick black things I didn’t care to guess what they were. The passageway was narrow, barely four feet wide with a path down the middle in cement with metal drains on either side.
That’s when we heard something moving fast down the ladder behind us, not a Judi, they had power armor on and weren’t meant for moving fast in a small enclosed space. A lot of them had added so many weapons mods you’d mistake them for a heavy turret. No this was something else, something made for seek and destroy, a hunter drone. These bots looked like a monkey, if a monkey were a spider. They were old surveillance bots that used to patrol the abandoned industrial level above Omegacity, there used to be hundreds of them, fast little monsters that could get anywhere and watch you until the other showed up on mass. They were re-purposed from scout droids into attack droids in the last rebellion and were responsible for thousands of deaths when ANN directed them to attack the invaders, though we must’ve got a few of them because after Alphacity shut down those levels suddenly some of these bots were showing up as an accessory for crime fighting. No one had made any in years and there weren’t spare parts to repair them, so often times they had less legs than they were supposed to and even odder replacement limbs. Basically they looked like everything else in the Elbow, busted-ass shit. But people are smart, they kept them going and found new and better ways to use them, most of which still involved killing a lot people. That’s what was hunting us now, I had come across them before and only nearly escaped with my life. Meryl and I would have to move fast and quiet and try not to disturb any of the area were passing through. We followed the path for twenty-two lights each one blinking out behind, leaving darkness as we went, not that it’d matter to a heat seeking drone we couldn’t see coming. We climbed down a ladder for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably fifteen minutes. But fifteen minutes descending into darkness is the kind of terrifying that makes you sweat and swear and pray you reach the bottom. And I swear I could hear the skitter of little il-shapen limbs scraping the sides of the walls and creeping along the pipes above us. Man not having your tech can really fuck with you, no wonder ancient humans were so crazy, anything could be hiding in this dark. We didn’t speak for fear we would alert the bot to our location and moved in complete silence until we reached a big pressure door. There was one light above it that reached only fifteen feet out, then it was a wall of impenetrable dark. Meryl gave me a gun and said I would have to stand guard while he hacked into the doors auto lock. It was taking what seemed like forever. Whole minutes went by, “are you in, did you get it?” I whispered, but my panic made it come out sharp and broken.
“Close, just a moment…” but this momentary distraction was all the thing needed to make its attack on us, suddenly it was within ten feet, moving fast towards me. It was an ugly grey metal thing that looked like a headless toddler with eight tentacled arms, running towards us on two of them, one of which was heavily damaged and being supported by one of the other arms over uneven ground. It’s sensors, glassy black circles running down both sides of its torso. It almost rolled towards us like a broken toy, but a deadly fast one. I fired my gun off at it, four rounds, all misses, the little bugger was faster than I thought possible, it disappeared again, somewhere just out of site I could hear it scampering around. “Meryl, you gotta work faster!”
“I am almost there just a few seconds and I’ll,”
That’s when the Hunter droid dropped down on my face. Fuck that thing was heavy, it nearly toppled me to the ground before I had my gun up to fire a the thing. I tried to shoot it through the middle, trying to hit it’s core processor, but it was also trying to knock me to the ground while one big arm was attempting to peel back a cover and expose a weapons system I didn’t want to find out what it did, when I fired the bullets went wide and took off two of it’s arms and one of it’s creepy black sensors. It lost its grip on me and I managed to fire off another round, this one was more direct and blasted the thing away, landing about six feet away with a smoking hole in its upper half. It wasn’t moving.
“That’s it! Quickly through the door” the doors pressure lock had released and was slowly moving aside. When I looked back the thing was slinking away, “How the fuck? I blew a hole through it! Meryl, hold on.” I fired at it again, emptying the pistol into it, most of my shots made impact I was certain.
“No more time Bronx, we have to go now.” He grabbed me and pulled me through but as he did I swear I could hear metal grating on metal as the thing dragged itself away to be repaired.
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