#I hope this isn’t totally stupid 🙈
mysticartsydaydream · 2 years
If I wrote this fic, would you read it?
Working title: Never You Betray
Summary: Twenty years ago, the feared and all-powerful Vecna stole a pirate’s song and a mermaid’s voice knowing that one day, the very same song would have the power to end his reign. Beautiful and dangerous, Astraea Hargrove would rather do anything than debase herself working alongside the Captain of the Hellfire, Edward Munson. A mermaid and a pirate? Oldest cliché in the book, never mind her brother William’s warnings of the feared outlaw. But what choice did she have when their kingdom sat on the verge of collapse and a ragtag group of storytellers had all but written their teaming up into existence? Without the sacred song, Halconia will fall.
Will this unlikely duo realize they may not be quite so different after all, and will their determination to outwit the Master of Puppets who holds both their strings be enough to save Halconia from death’s destruction?
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Let me know what you think 👀
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
Goshh the ones that you write of Jeno are really making me feel things (since he's one of my ult NCT biases hahaha 🙈) can I ask for a drabble where y/n feels insecure due to Jeno 'being shipped' numerous times with other female idols by fans but Jeno makes it clear that he loves y/n and y/n only 🥺 kinda like he only falls so hard for y/n and that he loves y/n so much but y/n doesn't really know that 😔👉👈
a/n: thank you, i'm glad you like them so much. sorry if i made you wait a bit to answer this but I'm busy and tired, hope you'll like it anyway! (it's short but the theme is similar to '10 things i love about you' and i didn't want this to be a copy)
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“Babe, look at this video, we should totally try this.” The enthusiasm in Jeno’s voice dims when you barely turn your head to his phone and only hum under your breath. “Babe?” 
“It looks delicious,” you force yourself to reply, adding a fake smile to don’t make him more suspicious, but that makes him more suspicious. 
“Are you okay?” 
You nod, biting your lips, hand nervously rubbing the skin of your chest as your eyes keep stinging with tears while you scroll through Twitter. 
“Hey! What are you looking at?” He asks when your hands move away, turning the screen of the phone against your thighs when he leans in to look. 
“Nothing,” you lie but Jeno grabs your phone from your hand and turns around, hiding it underneath him so you can’t take it, no matter how much you whine and hit his back. 
“Jeno, give it back!” 
“No, since you don’t want to tell me what’s – oh…” he whispers when he sees the picture on your screen. He turns around, making you fall on top of him, now facing each other. “Was this the problem?” 
You nod, feeling stupid for the way he’s looking at you. You know he’s not judging but his eyes are already telling you that you should never doubt what there’s between you two. And that no edited picture should make you almost cry when you have him there.
“Babe,�� he says, caressing your cheek, a soft smile curling his lips. “I met Karina once while we walked down the SM’s corridors and during the SMtown family concert.” 
“I know,” you whine. “But she’s not the only one. What about Yeeun? She’s beautiful, funny and you two worked together for so long and are close to each other.” 
“Yeah, she’s one of my dearest friends,” he replies. “But who am I lying in bed with? Who am I spending my free day with? Who am I showing tasty recipe videos to? Who’s sitting on top of me looking like a sad puppy?” 
“Hey!” You hit his chest lightly, making him laugh. 
“Who has the right to hit me like this? You and only you.” 
You smile shyly, still feeling embarrassed for letting your fears take over, but dating him isn’t as easy as it looks. Knowing people want to see him with somebody else, so badly that they would spend hours making edited photos or videos, makes you sad and insecure. 
“Hey,” he calls gently, cupping your cheeks, thumb caressing your skin in circles. “I know it’s hard, but you can always count on me and my love for you. Let them ship me with whoever they want, they don’t know the truth. They don’t know how much I love and it’s fine like this, it’s our little secret.” 
“So you’re sure that no Karina, or Yeeun, or any other beautiful woman will take you away from me?” 
Jeno shakes his head before another big smile creeps on his face. “Nobody else,” he reassures you before kissing you. “And now, should we try that recipe?” 
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Congrats on 100 followers!! Your work is amazing and I love it.
I’m probably late to the prompt party but here is mine:
“Don’t marry him” when Zelda is about to marry some noble dude, and Link can’t take it any more and confess his feelings.
English isn’t my first language 🙈 so I hope that this is reasonably well written.
“DON’T DO IT!” Link cries, his disused voice a ragged, cracking thunderclap echoing off the Temple of Time’s ceiling and reverberating between its many-windowed walls despite the sound-swallowing throng of people jam-packing the space (even between pews), and no one stands stunned as still as Link himself, wide-eyed and sweating ancient arrows with a lip curling in dawning disbelief at his abrupt departure toward madness; Zelda, resplendent in a white dress with a train like the range of a guardian’s laser, spins on him, breathing hard, her elbow whacking her ignoble noble (Link’s secret name for him) in his mid-rib-belly as she does (ignoble-noble makes a stink-face worthy of any bratty kid who’s too old to be a brat).
“WHY NOT?!” Zelda yells, thrusting her chin and shoulders toward Link and shoving ignoble-noble backward with her rear as it juts out behind her (she doesn’t seem to care when he stumbles backward off the statue of Hylia’s wide plinth and lands on his asinine ass, though Link’s smirk as he does seems to catch her attention).
Encouraged by her total and utter lack of concern for ignoble-noble, his asinine ass, his stupid simpers and his even stupider money, Link rushes the plinth and kneels before the most incredible person he’s ever known, shouting, “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!” for all the world to hear, and he doesn’t even flinch as she hops, squeals (unusual for her), flings her bouquet in a fit of obvious disgust (it hits ignoble-noble’s face, falls, and leaves his mouth full of petals), and leaps into Link’s arms, laughing like fairy-bells—they marry within the hour and the after-party is the rowdiest affair most-frequently-discussed in all Hyrule for the next century; Link and Zelda hear about it second-hand, though (they skip it in favor of bed).
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wolfflock · 3 years
Reactions to Superman and Lois S01E08
Lois seeing a therapist, damn, look at them going for the mental health angle again. Good for them. Also, Lois hurt someone!?! Oh God. panics
And they are talking to the kids about how they are??? About time. But then... they don't actually talk. 😫 And it's Jon WANTING TO HELP again. Baby, let them help you 😭
Isn't it weird that the RV is with the Kents? Like, shouldn't that be in evidence, protected by the government or military? 😅
Little AI bot: "Identify yourself" Lois: "Lois Lane" Bot: "Voice authentication completed. Good morning, Lois." Lois: "How do you know my name?"
Sweetie, YOU JUST TOLD THAT THING YOUR NAME 😂 "How do you know who I am" might have been a better question.
Sarah is getting some extracurricular activities, okay. Tying stage performance to her and Jordan's anxiety, nice. I can roll with this.
Okay, but why are the boys AND Clark stepping back from the football team? Like, what is their excuse? The Coach is just "okay, fair"?
I'm sorry, but Tyler has such a soft boy look, even in the suit. How can you think he will turn on anyone? He's a puppy 😅
Fuck you, Sassy Clark, I love you so much 😂
"Learning that the man who's trying to kill your husband is your other husband from another world? It kind of feels like new ground to me."
Sooooo when is that talking about feelings with the boys thing coming? Because I'm still waiting.
I like how excited Kyle is about Sarah and her music career 🥺 Now I'm wondering what Kyle is regretting not doing.
Jon being sad about not meeting his sister, Nat, I am CREY 😭
The RV locked him in!!! IS THIS WHEN JON FINALLY SHOWS POWERS!?!? No, false alarm, Clark saves the day. 🙄
AND IT'S JON LOIS YELLS AT????? Poor kid just wants to help, and he gets shit? LET HIM FUCKING TELL HOW HE FEELS. LOIS WTF DON'T CALL HIM STUPID!!!??? Okay, Clark, sweetie, this is when you jump in, while the kid is there, and stop her from calling him stupid. Not after it's all been said and he runs away in tears. But at least he said he would talk to him. Which WE NEVER FUCKING SEE, GODDAMIT, WHY????
FUCK, and Kyle knows Lana didn't put his name down on purpose. Fuck, they were finally getting better as a couple.😫🥺
MISCARRIAGE?????? WHAAAAAAAAAAA. The name they picked for the baby is Natalie, right???? Fucking called it! Natalie gsgagahdhjaha
KRYPTONIAN DUDE in the army!!!
Okay, but Lois thinking they lost the baby because of her 😭😭😭🥺 Also, thank you, therapist, for saying it's so often genetic and not environmental, and that her doing regular stuff during is totally fine. It wasn't her fault.
I understand her but I really hope she has a proper heart to heart with Jon where she asks HIM about his feelings.
"The only person I have here" JONATHAN IS LONELY, give him friends!
Jordan helping out Sarah with the audition 🥺They are so cute playing music together and yet again, no one is talking to Jon because other things are more important
Okay but why didn't we see Clark talking to Jon?????? Fucking no one is comforting that kid on screen...????!
Clark going to the sector where weapons could literally kill him... yes 🥺 immediately gets blasted in the face with kryptonite aerosol
Another fight Superman doesn't win? YUP, saved by Irons, then by Lois. 🙈
Clark believes John Henry, YES. Hopefully John Henry will become Steel soon enough.
Kyle is failing as a dad. Again 😓 I hope that's rock bottom for him and he can start getting up from there because I'm getting tired of him fucking up over and over again with no improvement. Guess him chucking all the booze could be considered a start?
Jordan now has a new/old hobby, he's playing the piano. WHY DOES JON NOT HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!
When the twins were 18 months old, that's when the miscarriage happened? They made it sound like it was so recent. Those feelings have been festering inside Lois for 13 years!?!?!?
WHY DOES JON FORGIVE IMMEDIATELY??? LET HIM BE MAD ffs, he's a 14-year-old teenager, saying "I had already lost a kid and I didn't wanna lose another" shouldn't make a teen go "yeah, that's rough, I'm sorry" like she didn't call him stupid or said he would have been the only one to blame had he died.
Jordan Elsass is nailing it, damn. And Bitsie is right there with him. 💜
This was a very emotional episode, dealing with a lot of heavy stuff but they did it really well 🥺
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penaltbox · 3 years
lol ry’s so annoying like that. but we’ve been through a lot and he really is one of my closest friends so we know when it’s too far. and since i actually did feel so embarrassed (and still do lol) he did apologize and try to make me feel better. i appreciate it from him. yeah hahaha hiding from them is not an option. there was a team party (plus a few friends and gfs and whatever) this weekend 🙈 so those were my weekend plans lol. but T is honestly such a rock for me. he’s had a few of his moments but for the most part he really is so calm and cool and collected. i love it about him 🥰 its actually really attractive to me and idk why but he has got it down so i dont question it and just enjoy. the party was interesting though. i saw the one freshman and he blushed so much when he saw me 😫
lol i dont even want to know what T told them tbh 🙈 too embarrassing to even think about. esp bc in ry’s shitty version of an apology he also mentioned how he was ‘sorry for telling the freshman congrats on seeing your first shirtless girl’ bc it was a ‘kind of inappropriate’ comment. i smacked him for that. i dont want to know what T had to say about that one lol. by the time he got back that day, i was tired and asked for cuddles and i fell asleep there instead of going back to mine lol. oooh the lsat, good luck to him!! and spending the night 👀👀👀👀 okayyyy j 👀 i see you big sis 👀 hope you had fun and made good decisions 😏 oh and for cute bras. that one was from a while ago from la senza. i have a few from there. and i had one that i ordered from adore me that i really liked that was uhh a little spicy 🙈 but someone might have ripped that one and now owes me a new bra
Ry really is a day one bro and I mean that in the best way lol. He’s been around just as long as T I feel like (or that we’ve been lucky enough to hear about). I’m glad he apologized though! Don’t be afraid to give him a hard time for a bit over it though lol. I totally get why you think T being so dependable is attractive. I think we’d all agree that a consistently calm and loyal guy is pretty much what we all want. So in summary, ry is never allowed to tell another story or talk to the freshmen for life lesson moments 😂😂 that boy, what a trip lol. I think him getting back and you just stealing some cuddles sounds like a very good idea. I’d have done the same.
No because listen. He was going to stay over and then goes shoot I can’t, I have a golf outing the next morning right by my house (we live like 35 mins from each other) so he had to be up the next morning and didn’t spend the night 😒 I’m not salty, but I am. Idk. He’s like serious but not. I have fun with him though and we get along so well and things are stupid easy when I’m with him but he also isn’t super forward and hasn’t tried to make it official. Confused but content is pretty much where we’re at 😅.
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