#I hope these safice
redd956 · 2 years
Do you have any prompts for the "Sadistic choice" trope?
Sure! I'm not a fan of the sadistic choice trope, but I have no problem at all conjuring up ideas.
Whumper forcing Whumpee to choose between their two caretakers; threatening maybe death, the creation of Whumpee's replacement, or other maniacal things
Whumper allows Caretaker to free one of two Whumpees. Both characters have to watch and listen to Caretaker decide on it, while Whumper stands by there sides.
Forcing Whumpee to choose between two severe punishments.
After Caretaker/Whumper decides their choice, a grin comes across Whumper's face. Whumper then decides to go with their opposing choice.
A whumper is captured by Whumper 2 is left at the mercy of Whumpee. Whumpee is given two choices, free them or make a terrible sadistic deal to have Whumper 2 return Whumper to Whumpee at a later date as "theirs". Caretaker watches in horror as Whumpee makes the latter decision.
"Save caretaker/whumpee & turn yourself in" or "leave them here and get out while you can"
Whumpee being forced by Whumper to decide the fates of one or more other whumpees
Whumper catches onto Caretaker freeing and treating the nonhuman whumpees that they offer all too well. The next time Caretaker comes to save another Whumpee, Whumper promises that it will be their last choice of Whumper's collection. Caretaker has to look at the handful of nonhuman whumpees, and make their final rescue.
"I'll let Caretaker/Whumpee 2 go if you drink this..." (Poison, memory erasing potion, mind control potion, love potion?!)
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saficswrites · 5 months
New part new post baby! We have officially reached ten chapters, finally leaving the prologue as we work towards part one of Radiant Dawn.
This story is long, especially by my standards, it's currently like five times the length of “Her Summoner” at over 36,000 words.
There are a lot of warnings, I’ll have the major trigger warnings below the linebreak alongside the link but if you want more details on what warnings apply to what chapter please check out the previous post I made for this fic to see those details.
I’m so proud of myself and Red for getting this far and so thankful that people seem to be enjoying this, its been a wild ride and I’m really excited to keep working on this project.
With that I really hope you enjoy!
Love you all ❤️
Major content warnings are: Pretty extreme violence and gore sometimes to the point of outright body horror, references to rape and sexual assault and the trauma of characters victim to it (only ever in the very first chapter thus far), suicidal thoughts depression and at one point nonlethal self harm, and a scene exploring a characters fractured mental state and insanity that’s incredibly uncomfortable to read and will likely be triggering to some.
Please check the tags as well and if anything seems like its too much then don't take the risk of reading it, this is a really dark story overall and the prologue especially is just a tragedy outright. I completely understand if it’s too much for some people.
I do my best to properly put warnings on my fics to minimize the risk of hurting anyone with my writing, but I do make mistakes sometimes. If you notice anything in the first 10 chapters that should be on the trigger warning list that I missed please let me know and I’ll update accordingly.
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ghvstpriince · 3 years
I hope the gore warning wil safice and if it doesnt let me now so i can delete it!!! Iether way its on my insta so its not permanent :)
""song: fantasy by khai dreams"
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How am i adult and so emotionally unstable? How am i a women that doesnt know what the right thing to do is? How is a person like me so wrong when i know whats right? Why do i get my hopes up to only get them dashed. Why am i so pathetic? And why can everyone see it? How come im so reliant on other people instead of being self saficent? Am i everything i claimed not to be? Or am i just sad and a cruel reality.
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saficswrites · 2 months
For the WLW thingy… maybe a bit of fluff about Mercie and Cornelia having sweeties together? :3
Really sorry about how short it came out but I really hope you enjoy all the same!
“It tastes so good!” Cornelia gasped, holding the muffin delicately in two hands as though she were afraid of damaging it.
That quirk of being so gentle with her food, just one of the many things about her that made Mercedes smile.
“I’m glad you think so, I did make it just for you after all.” She murmured, reaching to pull a chocolate chip off the top of the other woman’s muffin to have for herself.
That pout Cornelia made in response should have been illegal.
Mercedes smiled as she popped the sweet into her mouth, there was a slight bitterness to it that the milkiness mostly washed out, but she was still learning how to make chocolate properly.
Cornelia loved it all the same though, and in the end that’s what mattered to her.
“It reminds me of my mother’s cooking.” Cornelia admitted sheepishly, her voice small.
“Does it now?” Mercedes asked, taken aback by the praise.
“Yeah… I can.” Cornelia paused, blushing. “Taste the love behind it.”
Goddess, how was Mercedes supposed to defend herself against something like that?
“Aren’t you sweet.” Mercedes cooed, leaning in to peck at Cornelia’s cheek.
“I’m really… not.” Cornelia stammered, averting her gaze.
The fact that this side of her belonged to Mercedes and Mercedes alone… She never would have guessed just how *adorably* the older woman responded to affection.
The lengths Mercedes would go to keep seeing that smiling face…
On some level it was surely a sin, to hold another woman in her heart even before the goddess, but could the goddess truly blame her?
Surely an all-seeing divine being could also see Cornelia’s face right now. Why if that suit alone wasn’t enough to gain the goddess’ blessing, or at the very least understanding, then Mercedes didn’t know what was.
After all, few words could describe Cornelia better than divine.
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saficswrites · 2 months
Celiné x Chloé?
Thank you so much for the ask, I really hope it lives up to your expectations! Neither Chloé or Céline are characters I have very much experience with but getting to play around with the more fantastical elements was both really fun and also incredibly endearing!
I’ll put the fic and the ao3 link below the linebreak in case you’d prefer to read it there, I really hope you enjoy!
(Also sorry about the length, it did end up a bit shorter than the other one 😭)
A fairytale romance, a dashing knight sweeping a fair maiden of her feet and riding into to sunset on pegasusback;
Little else could truly be as romantic, flying off together to enjoy tea and a picnic in the most picture book example of fine scenery to be found in Firene.
And what better company could there be than dear princess Céline? Truly Chloé had caught the affections of the fairest maiden in the land. None could ever hope to compare to her fine lady, even Queen Éve and the Divine One herself were no match!
Not that Chloé could ever voice that last part aloud, but it was the thought that counted, and it genuinely was her truth!
Her lady above all else, a beautiful story of love between the two of them. It was perfect, as were they.
“What’re you thinking about?” Céline giggled from behind, tightening her grip around Chloé’s waist as she rested her head against her back and exhaled peacefully.
“My thoughts belong to you my lady, as do I.” Chloe responded, letting her voice pick up a bit more gravel as she indulged in her role as knight just a bit.
“And I you, the difference in our station means nothing to me… would you just call me Céline? Just this once?” Céline pleaded, slipping into her role perfectly.
“I can’t my lady, for if I cross that line, I fear I can never go back from it.” Chloé declared, pouring an apprehensive sorrow into her baleful words.
“What if I don’t want you to go back?” Céline cried in a performance so convincing Chloé suddenly found herself worried that her love was actually teary.
“If… it’s so you’ll never sound like this again. I’ll do it in a heartbeat. I’ll be yours, now and forever… Céline.” Chloé promised, caving much quicker than she had intended.
A true sign of the love they shared that they were so weak for each other, it truly was straight from a storybook.
She just knew that the ending to theirs would be the happiest ever penned.
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saficswrites · 1 month
If you're still looking for wlw prompts, maybe something with Heather/Elincia having a secret rendezvous? Whether for gay reasons, espionage reasons, etc. would be up to you!
It definitely turned out for gay reasons, very gay reasons lol
i really hope you enjoy!
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saficswrites · 9 months
So I have a Tumblr now! Still no idea what I’m actually gonna post here though.
If you're discovering me through this I’m Safics, but you can just call me Saf, less typing that way. I write lesbian Fire Emblem stuff, usually erotica and sometimes quite kinky. If that interests you I hope you enjoy at least some of my work!
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saficswrites · 1 month
For the WLW do you mind doing a Sharena X Peony?
Where Peony alleviates Sharena Thigh anxiety by places kisses and uses her thighs as pillows?
I’m sorry that it came out so short, and that it’s not exactly what you requested, also that it took so long, I really hope this is ok:
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you enjoy it!
Since the fic is quite short I’ll include it below the cut for anyone who would prefer to read it here.
“You want me to give you a good dream?” Peony asked.
Sharena stared back with sunken eyes, and blinked before nodding. It was as though the words had taken a couple of seconds to actually reach her mind.
“I’ve been… anxious Peony. This all…” Sharena’s voice shook before trailing off, growing quiet as her eyelids fluttered closed. “Even just… being here with you, I already feel better.”
Peony felt her heart twist painfully at her friend’s pain, and then again at her words.
“I can help you.” She whispered, reaching out to take Sharena into her arms. 
Practiced hands carefully wove through silky blonde hair as she pulled Sharena closer, helping guide her head to rest on Peony’s shoulder.
“Mm I can always rely on you.” Sharena murmured, nuzzling weakly against Peony’s neck.
Peony smiled, taking a greedy moment to bask in this warmth before properly addressing her friend’s ailment. She could simply cure this with her Ljósálfar magic, though she did have one technique that may prove even more effective.
She helped guide Sharena to the ground, slowly and carefully so as to ensure her comfort, and adjusted her position to lean back against the tree they were under.
It was a warm spring day, and the sun was barely an issue even without the shade.
Peony lay Sharena down in the grass, resting her head against the plush skin of her own thighs as an impromptu pillow.
Even through the haze of her exhaustion Sharena’s breath hitched slightly, her pulse audibly quickening.
“Shhhh it’s ok.” Peony gently cooed, gently brushing her fingers through Sharena’s hair to ease her eyes shut.
The magic of this bond they shared was many times stronger than anything she could create within a dream.
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saficswrites · 2 months
Any chance of a Loki / Thorr fic?
I’m only linking it instead of also posting the fic on tumblr because it’s pretty nsfw but here you go!
I really hope you enjoy it!
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saficswrites · 2 months
merrin x goldmary 👉👈
So this one came out a bit long, I really hope you enjoy it Rice!
Tysm for the ask <3
(I’m only linking it instead of also posting the fic on tumblr because it’s very nsfw)
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saficswrites · 6 months
Hey all hope you’re doing good,
Legitimate question, I don't really know what to tag this so I’m just gonna hope the people who follow me see it (becoming a tradition, really need to learn more about this site at some point lol)
This is going to be a really busy and most importantly unpredictable week for me and I’m kinda juggling three wips at once cause well, writer moment. I have the prelude/opening/couple hundred words of lesbian sex to the Emmeryn ask mostly finished and decently polished, and that made me wonder if you guys would rather I worked on getting that all set and edited and split that fic into multiple chapters so I can get something out sooner or to just wait until I have that full concept down before posting anything.
I’m really fine either so I kinda just wanted to like, check in I guess? Also I really hope whoever left the Emmeryn ask sees this cause if you didn’t actually want smut I totally don’t mind making some sfw stuff of her too!
Rn I have;
Charlotte x Rinkah the 2nd the entree to the previous appetizer (prolly the least complete and most conceptual)
Emmeryn threesome done and Emmeryn fivesome ft some fluff scenes in progress
Potential Letizia something I dont really think “To Hate” needs a sequel but my girlfriend really wants me to make one and call it “To Love” and I’ll admit the cheesy title alone makes it tempting cause I’m a sucker for that shit
All kinda progressing at their own rate.
I have no idea how to sign this off
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