#I have a book club at 6pm tomorrow making that usual time I watch not feasible so compromise
ashleybenlove · 1 year
Meatlug eats a flaming boulder. Dragons are awesome.
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evdothansen · 7 years
Mad – Michael Mell x Reader;
Author’s Note: i would like to thank the lovely @1enchantedfantasy1, who helped me out with the idea for this. thank you, emily, for real. i hope you like it xD also what the heck the struggle is real ok it’s almost 30 degrees here and it’s 11PM??? get ur shit together, vienna, i’m melting;
Pairing: Michael Mell x Reader;
Request: not requested by anyone (although requests are open!), but the prompt i used was “I forgot about the no spaghetti strap rule, give me your hoodie before a teacher notices.”, because i knew i had to do it for michael the moment i laid eyes on it;
Word Count: 2611;
Warnings: swearing i think?? fluff??? HEAT???? and physics which for me has to be a warning. also, not proofread;
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Michael rung the doorbell quickly, scratching his neck right afterwards. He stood in your front porch, waiting for you to open the door so the two of you could study together. He changed his weight from one foot to the other, seconds feeling like an eternity. When he finally heard footsteps approaching the door, he felt his heart skipping a beat. What was happening to him? He was there to tutor you with mechanics because your Physics teacher asked him to, just like he’d been at other classmates’ houses to tutor them because your Physics teacher had asked him to. It wasn’t really a big deal – he was deliberately the best student in the class, specially when it came to mechanics, so every now and then, since freshman year, the teacher would ask him to help out a classmate. It was a regular thing on his life.
Except that he had never been asked to tutor you, specifically. You, his crush since freshman year. Heck, since middle school. You weren’t exactly on his friend circle, no, but he still remembered seventh grade, when you were science lab partners, and so did you. You saw eachother in the hallways every day, and, whenever you passed by, you’d smile at Christine, who you knew from the Drama Club, and Jeremy, who you knew to be Michael’s best friend, and sweetly say hi to Michael before following your way to class. All year long, he’d been trying to get himself to answer you properly instead of just babbling, but had no success. But social interaction wasn’t Michael’s forte, right? That was totally the reason why he got way too flustered at those greetings, it had to be. Mechanics, though? That was his thing. It would be just fine. He wouldn’t become a mumbling mess, after all, he had gone through it more than a hundred times.
The door was shot open, cutting his thoughts off. On the other side, stood you, shining him your always sweet smile. “Michael! You’re here!”
“H-hey.” He managed to say, mentally facepalming himself.
“Come in, please!” You told him, stepping out of the way. He did, gripping onto his backpack tightly so his hands wouldn’t shake. You closed the door behind him and started walking in, leading him to what seemed to be your room. “God, I’m so lucky you agreed on this. I mean, everyone knows you’re the best student on Mrs. Smith class, and I’m almost failing Physics, so I think you’re the only one who can actually save me from this one.”
“A-almost failing?” He managed to say. “But y-you’ve always been so smart, Y/N.”
You turned your face away and faced the door, thankful for having an excuse to not letting him see your face as you blushed as pursed your lips. Calm down, Y/N. It’s just Michael Mell, who you know since seventh grade, helping you out with mechanics. “Yeah, well, apparently not smart enough.”
“You probably don’t even need me.” He told you with a small smile as you both entered your room. It was a nice place with a single window, your bed, a desk, a door that led to what he thought to be a walk-in closet and your decorations. He was admired at the bedroom. It wasn’t much and he felt ridiculous, but, still, it was a part of you. And, God, it was so you.
“Oh, believe me, I so do.” You told him, fully believing it although Mrs. Smith told you the same thing. Your self-esteem wasn’t the highest ever, though, so you didn’t believe ether of them. “But, um, make yourself comfortable, I guess. Let me just grab my brother’s chair and we’ll start, okay?”
Michael nodded and hummed as you headed out and briefly came back in. The two of you revised exercises and the notes you had taken (you just discovered that Michael didn’t take too many notes, his notebook was mostly doodles of videogame characters), then he tried to clear up some of your doubts. Two hours in, your mom came home, greeting him and giving you a look that could only mean so-this-is-the-guy-you-just-won’t-shut-up-about before offering both of you something to drink. Ten minutes later, she brought upstairs a tray with two cups of apple juice and a plate of your dad’s homemade cookies. You studied for yet another hour, and then you realized Michael had been a little uptight and was letting it go by now. He seemed to be really at ease with the subject, and there was something about how he raised his eyebrows and pointed at different numbers. Although you suppose he was being of more help now, when he was finally comfortable, you were having a harder time focusing, and of course it had absolutely nothing to do with his caramel lips or how his jet black hair looked soft. No, that would have been dumb, right? You didn’t know for sure, but you tried to convince yourself of it for hours after he left.
For two more weeks, you and Michael had these little study sessions three times a week. On Mondays, you’d just go to the school’s library and work there, for both of you had a free period in the middle of the day. Then, on Wednesdays, he drove you both to your place, where usually you’d have the same routine as that of the first time. Then, on Fridays, when your brother’s garage band usually held rehearsals a your place, he waited for you at his house, and you’d stay up late studying (and talking about stuff that just popped up spontaneously, because, God, it was Friday) together. Michael was a great tutor, yes, so you learned a lot, but you felt as if throughout the two weeks you learned less by the day. Not that he was teaching you less, no, the more comfortable he got with you, easier tutoring became for him. You just couldn’t focus on mechanics as well as you could before now, because Michael’s lips were way more interesting than what he was talking about and you were forced to admit it.
The Physics exam was on a Thursday, and, wow, did you thank goodness for it. Wednesday afternoon, you and Michael did a big review of everything at your place, and you absolutely couldn’t understand how come he was so relaxed. You thought your brain would freak and explode, because besides that being the big test and Michael being distraught making you even more attracted to him, it was way too hot to even hold a pen up properly.
“Come on, Y/N, you have to relax a little.” He told you around 6PM. It was amazing how he seemed way more natural when talking to you now, the Michael you saw on the hallways with his friends every day. “It’s not like you don’t know anything, you’re gonna do fine! And, even if you didn’t, freaking out a day before’s not the solution.”
“Yeah, easy for you to say it.” You said, a little way too bitter, wiping sweat away with the back of your hand. “Sorry. Hot weather turns me into an asshole. How the heck are you not melting under that hoodie, Michael? I feel hot only for seeing you in it!”
You are hot, he thought, barely being able to hold it back in. He pushed the thought away, shaking his head at you. “This hoodie’s miraculous, Y/N, but don’t change the subject. Look, why don’t we close those textbooks and do something else? You need to chill.”
“Michael, the exam’s tomorrow! I can’t leave the books, not tonight.” You reasoned, and Michael gave you a smirk that told you he had an idea. “And, no, we’re not gonna get stoned in your basement right now. Wrong timing, buddy.”
“I didn’t even say anything about getting stoned!” He defended himself, and you rolled your eyes. “I do have videogames in my basement, though. I could teach you how to play something.”
“Did you not listen? Test! Tomorrow!”
“There’s an AC there, and my parents don’t mind if I keep it on.”
You bit your lip. The little asshole got you. As much as you needed to study, you knew you wouldn’t be able to when it was melting hot like this, and an air conditioner sounded like heaven right now. “Fine!” You told him, and his smirk grew wider. “But I have to be back by 8, or my parents will kill me.”
“Whatever you say, princess.” He told you, picking up the Cruiser’s keys as both of you left the textbooks behind.
You had a good time at Michael’s, you had to admit. Even if you sucked at videogames, it was fun when he taught you, and the two of you laughed a lot at your lack of skills. At a point, however, you gave up, leaving the controller on the sofa and satisfying yourself by picking songs while you watched Michael playing. He seemed to do videogames the same way he did Physics, or the same way he breathed. Oh, Jesus, Physics! You’d completely forgotten about the exam. You yawned, checking your phone’s clock – it was way past ten by now. Your parents would freak out completely.
“Michael.” You called in midst of a yawn. “I really should go. It’s late, and I didn’t finish –”
“I’m not gonna let you walk home by yourself when you’re almost passing out on my couch, Y/N.” He told you, shooting you a concerned look before turning back to the TV. “Look, the round’s almost over. When it is, I’ll drive you home and help you through the window, okay?”
You were too tired to disagree, so, instead, you yawned again and nodded, mumbling a response. When Michael took his eyes off the screen again, ready to grab his keys and take you home, you were already asleep on his couch. He shook his head and chuckled slightly. You’d been working yourself so hard this last week, he knew you were gonna pass out on the first opportunity you body saw. He couldn’t bring himself to wake you up, so, instead, he took your phone and called your mom, explaining how you were exhausted and was now asleep on his couch. She, who had already picked up on the fact you were stressed over the exam, said that, if it wasn’t a problem for him, you could spend the night there, as long as you came home to grab your school stuff next morning. After hanging up, he laid you down properly, putting his pillow under your head and leaving a blanket by your feet – though he doubted you’d need it. Before going up, back to his room, he stopped for a second and looked at you. Even he was amazed at how the tutoring had helped him out on talking to you. That same night, hadn’t you been so stressed, he was even planning to ask you out, which was just wonder of wonder. I mean, if you said yes, which you probably wouldn’t.
Michael sighed. Lying asleep on his couch, you still looked as beautiful as you did two weeks ago, when he first went to your house, and his heart still skipped a beat when he looked at you. He leaned down and pressed his lips against your temple for a second. “Good night, Y/N.”
The next morning, when Michael woke you up, you were confused for a moment. Then, you were mad at him. Really mad. And, then, having breakfast with his family – him, his parents and his grandma, who were absurdly kind to you –, you couldn’t help but be embarrassed. Still, when you both left his house to go to your place and fetch your stuff before going to school, you didn’t say a word to him. Michael, who knew you had a reasonable reason for all of it, only chuckled, even letting you pick the playlist.
When you entered the Physics classroom, stomping your way in front of him, Christine looked at you funny. “Hey, Y/N.” She greeted you. “Um, why are you wearing spaghetti straps?”
You looked at your shirt, still the same you were wearing the previous afternoon, only matched with pants now instead of your previous shorts. “The asshole here didn’t wake me up when I fell asleep at his place, so I’m still wearing what I wore yesterday afternoon.”
“Oh. So that’s why you seem so mad and Michael can’t stop cack – anyways.” She started, but trailed off at your angry glare and Michael’s frantic head shaking. “All I mean is that spaghetti straps are out of the dress code. Mrs. Smith won’t let you take the test if she sees you with that shirt.”
You facepalmed yourself. Shit. Christine was right. You didn’t even think about that, because you were too mad at Michael to pay attention to the school’s stupid dress code. So you did the only thing you could thing of: turned back to Michael, who had a concerned look on his face, and grasped at his hoodie’s hem. “Look, I know I’m being an asshole to you right now and you sort of deserve it but I’m exaggerating, but can you please, just for once, land me the goddamn hoodie?”
He blinked once. Then twice. Then, he nodded his head and shrugged, starting to take the red hoodie off. Once he was finished, you tried not to pay attention to the arms he always hid underneath it because goddamn it you were still mad at him, and put it on as quick as you could. Just when you were finished, Mrs. Smith entered the classroom, a few minutes early because of the exam, but you didn’t realize it, too blown away by how it felt. The fabric was good, yes, and surprisingly cool, as Michael had told you, but there was something else – the smell. A mixture between Michael’s Old Spice, Mountain Dew Red and a little of weed. Your senses were all messed up, but in the best possible way.
Michael, on the other side, was staring at you and blinking repeatedly. He had never landed that hoodie too anyone, not even Jeremy, but, God, did he choose the time right. You looked… Wow. Astounding. He felt the urge to touch you, to hold you, but, goddamit, you were still in the middle of a classroom crowded with students, and there was about a minute left before the bell rang. Ever so subtly, he took the hood off your head, letting his hand fall really close to where yours searched for support on your table. “You… You look really good in it, Y/N.”
His voice pulled you back to reality. Inside his hoodie, you felt really close to Michael, close enough to make you feel dizzy. Except… Except you weren’t.
Next thing any of you knew, your lips were pressed against his. He barely had time to react before the bell resounded and you were away again, sitting down as the teacher started taking the exams out of an envelope. Michael took the closest desk he could find, right by your side. As Mrs. Smith started giving instructions about the exam, he smiled, touching his lips, flustered, then looking at you.
“Didn’t see that coming.” He told you in a happy whisper.
“Yeah.” You bit your lip, blushing a little, and then smiled mockingly at him. “I’m still mad at you though.”
Michael shook his head, putting his pen, pencil and eraser on the table and chuckling a little. “If that’s mad you, you can be mad at me for forever.”
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allhallows-art · 7 years
Lost Generation // 12
Sorry I've not been posting this. I’ve been trying to get it caught up on AO3 first. Anyways, this silly little idea of a series has come so far and I must admit I’m quite proud of myself as well as thankful for the support. So here’s part 12. Part 13 will come out tomorrow. As always, reblog and like and send stuff to my inbox and what not.
P.S. thank you to @fics4you for just encouraging me to start this thing
Story Summary: The Achievement Hunter boys try and survive their preteen years, trying to make friends and sort out their own problems as well as each others. When will they realise that working together, no matter their differences, would help them all?
part summary: none. it’s a surprise. just read it and weep
Words: 1656
Warnings: couple of swears
“I could kill you, Ramsey,” the threat left Ryan’s pursed lips, his harsh eyes staring daggers at the boy sat in the seat next to him. The once busy classroom was now empty, only Ryan, Geoff, and Miss Dunkelman left. Geoff just rolled his eyes at Ryan’s words, shrugging them off. “Sure, you could,” he said, his voice already bored and they hadn’t even been there five minutes. Geoff continuously tapped his fingers on the desk, Ryan’s sight focusing on the hand. “Could you be more annoying?” the question was sarcastic, Geoff not even having the chance to open his mouth for a smart comment before Ryan’s hand shot out and slammed on Geoff’s. “Fuck! You asshole!” Geoff cursed at Ryan, cradling his hand to his chest despite it not really hurting. “Language, Geoff,” Miss Dunkelman scolded, glancing up from her work to see the boys looking as if they were about to launch at each other. “Can’t you two just get along? Surely you have something in common,” she spoke, pushing herself to her feet and walking towards them. Her actions caused Ryan to turn his attention from Geoff; a bad decision. “Geoff!” he yelled as the elder of the two slammed his hand on Ryan’s. As quickly as the teacher had distracted them, they were ready to attack again. Not on Barbra’s watch. She swiftly stepped in front of the desk and hit her palms on the wood, gaining their attention. “Stop being so immature, boys. No matter what, you’re stuck in here for the next hour. So, you either get along or sit in complete silence,” she said, her brows furrowed as she waited for a reply. Ryan sighed and Geoff just gave a small nod before looking at Ryan. “Do you play video games?” he asked, the start of conversation making the teacher smile and return to her desk. At least they were arguing. “Uh, no. my parents say they rot the brain. Although I did play a demo in a store once when shopping with my uncle.” Ryan’s words made Geoff’s jaw drop open, stunned.
“How have you survived without video games?” Geoff was utterly confused as to how Ryan entertained himself especially since he knew he wasn’t into sport after watching him yesterday. Ryan just gave him small a shrug. “Lots of reading, only when I could escape the absolute hell that is youth club,” Ryan spoke and visibly shivered. “Imagine a summer camp but instead it’s just a daytime thing, at a church, where all the activities are all Christian friendly and they practically swaddle you in bubble wrap.” “A summer long Sunday school? Boring,” Geoff grimaced at the thought. “Yeah, it was. Not a single kid my age either. It was humiliating,” Ryan sighed and stared at his desk, a little shocked to realise that he and Geoff just had a reasonable conversation. “What sort of stuff do you read? I’m into like mystery books but I’ve nearly finished Lord of The Rings.” It was now Ryan’s turn to drop his jaw, eyes wide a Geoff who just stared back in confusion. “What? Kid like me can’t read?” he questioned and Ryan just shook his head. “No, I was just…not expecting it,” he mumbled and Geoff nodded. “Yeah, I don’t usually tell people,” Geoff trailed off and glanced down at his hands to see his fingers tracing shapes on the desk. There wasn’t much noise in the room, just the monotonous ticking of the clock along with Miss Dunkelman’s pen scratching across paper. Ryan opened his mouth to speak but the opening of the door caught their attention more, Mr Burns stepping into the classroom with a short looking kid behind his figure. “Sorry to disturb, Barb, but Jeremy here said that Ryan was walking him home as his mom isn’t available to pick him up. Again.” The final word caused Jeremy flush with embarrassment as Ryan’s face flooded with confusion. He looked to Jeremy, searching for an answer or explanation but he just kept gesturing to go along with it. And so, he did. “Uh, yeah, my mom knows his,” he lied, Jeremy surprised at how convincing he was. “Well, I hope it doesn’t matter too much if I leave Jeremy in here until these boys have served their time,” Mr Burn spoke and Miss Dunkelman just gave him a nod. Jeremy took a seat next to Ryan giving him a sheepish smile. “What was all that about?” he whispered, Jeremy just shrugging his shoulders. “I had to make something up. Otherwise Mr Burns would’ve called my mom again and she can’t exactly take calls right now,” he mumbled and Ryan, yet again, arched his brow. He was about to ask Jeremy to explain when he sensed Geoff leering over his shoulder and decided against it. “Fantasy,” Ryan said simply, this time causing both Jeremy and Geoff to be confused. “Excuse me?” Geoff asked and Ryan turned to face him again. “You asked what kind of books I like. Fantasy, mostly but I do enjoy Sci-Fi too.” It brought a smile to Geoff’s face and it wasn’t long before all three were babbling about books and movies and the lack of movies in Jeremy’s life, Geoff getting obviously agitated at the fact he’d never seen Star Wars but knew Face Off perfectly. “First Ryan never playing videogames and now you’re telling me you’ve never even watched Jurassic Park?!” he exclaimed and Jeremy thought for a moment. “If that’s the one about dinosaurs, then I’ve seen it. Not all the way through but the T-Rex was awesome.” By the end of the hour, Geoff was practically hitting his head on the desk whilst Jeremy kept trying to explain the plot of Face Off to Ryan, who had no intentions of listening. Miss Dunkelman looked up from her work and smiled to see them all getting along. “Well, boys, you’re free to go,” she announced and Geoff leapt up with his bag, running for the door. Ryan grabbed his own bag and glanced at Jeremy who hung by his side, raising a brow. “You can go now, you know that?” he said and the smaller of the two bit his lip as they exited the classroom. “I know, I was just wondering if you’d actually walk me home?” his eyes were like those of a puppy dog, staring up at Ryan in earnest. He looked to his watch. It was only 4pm. His parents wouldn’t be home till 6pm. “Sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to do,” Ryan said with a shrug and a smile lit upon Jeremy’s face. And so, the two left the school premises and Jeremy lead Ryan towards his home. As they walked, they easily sparked another conversation and settled into each other’s company. Ryan was sure Jeremy only knew his name from that one soccer ball incident but it didn’t bother him too much, pushing any questionable thoughts into the back of his mind. After all, Jeremy was being a little strange about the whole situation. Maybe it was just something he did back in his home state, as Ryan could tell the accent was strong and not Texan. “And he’s called Rimmy Tim. He’s the best sniper in the crew,” Jeremy said, his arms waving widely as he finished explaining the imaginary gang him and his friends had created. “So, you guys just play this imaginary game?” Ryan questioned, his hands shoved into his pockets as they walked up a path towards a house. “Yeah, Trevor comes up with these crazy heists and we play it out. It’s cool. You should join sometime. I can see you as being as totally psychopathic killer,” he spoke with a chuckle as his keys unlocked the front door and they stepped inside. Ryan’s eyes scanned the hallway before he was dragged into the living room, Jeremy dropping his bag on the floor and Ryan following suit. Jeremy switched on the light and it flickered for a moment before illuminating the room, showing the old leather couch, stained coffee table and ancient tv. “No wonder you don’t watch movies,” Ryan mumbled as he joined Jeremy on the couch. “Okay, Ryan, so you could help me with homework or we plan out your crew member,” Jeremy suggested and Ryan smiled. “Homework is boring. Let’s get me in this gang,” his grin was wide as Jeremy pulled paper and pens from his bag, the two immediately starting to sketch and write. Ryan was just excited to finally have an escape from his parents. He’d been told many times to just “grow up” and that imaginary games were for children. But fuck them. He was still a child and he’d play as many imaginary games as he damn well pleased. “So, Ryan, what would your name be?” the question startled Ryan, having not even thought about it. “Name?” “Yeah, it’s like a new identity,” Jeremy explained. “Probably something menacing,” he noted and that’s when it hit him. “The Vagabond. It means a person who wanders from place to place. And there’s no way I’m settling down. Adventure is in my blood,” he said enthusiastically and Jeremy nodded. “Vagabond it is.” The two continued to play their pretend game, sketching out their characters and their various outfits and equipment, Jeremy having a surprising knowledge of firearms. “So, uh, Jeremy, how do you know so much about guns?” Ryan asked a little warily, and Jeremy glanced up from the paper. “Huh? Oh, my mom’s ex had a big collection and he kept it here when he dated her. He’d teach me all about them but I couldn’t ever actually touch one,” he explained as if it was nothing and Ryan just slowly nodded “Right…so where is your mom, again?” The words brought Jeremy’s hand to still and Ryan saw how his eyes stared in concentration at the paper. “I…I, uh, don’t know.”
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notprissy · 7 years
cities i mention in the east: kreuzberg, prenzlauerberg, fredrickshain, waschauer, neuekolln,
cities i mention in the west: charlottenburg, wilmersdorf, schoneburg
first things first, “everything’s closed on sundays.” 
No shops are open. But don’t fret, because Sunday is also flea market day. and Berlin’s Mauer Park is the place to be. They have everything there form amazing raw german honey, to bastard spicy sauce, vintage polaroid cameras, and even old school adidas sweaters. Best time to go is mid-morning to noon.
After filling your tote bags with cheap goods, plenty of cafes and brunch spots are fully alive on this ‘day of rest and relaxation.’ If a cafe/spot is marked with a ✿, it means it’s open on Sundays!
chill, grab a drink, spots
Café Cinema ✿, a really trully raw Berlin spot in the heart of Mitte/Hackescher Markt (my favorite neighborhood). A great place to grab a beer or a coffee with your friend to just chill and talk.
COMEBUY ✿, the best boba in Berlin. If you’re like me, with crazy high standards, then you might be a little disappointed, but it still hits the spot when you’re craving some of that milk tea. (I actually highly recommend the rose tea with basil seeds and aiyu jelly—super refreshing). There are locations in Mitte and Ku’Dam
Siedel & Nothaft Café ✿, a really cute spot close to Mauer Park, in Prenzlauerberg, they have great coffee and a killer spinach loaf cafe. The interior is really random, and feels like a crossover of millennial pink vibes but with the rawness of Berlin.
Cafe Dich Guchlich ✿, a fun spot that’s also by in Prenzlauerberg, with killer waffles! They have beautiful outdoor seating that’s perfect for some nice desert to just chit chat about life. I love their bourbon vanilla ice cream on a home made waffel, and their chocolate syrup is also home made so I highly recommend that as well!
THE BARN Cafe ✿, has multiple locations all over Berlin! It’s a chain of “third wave coffee” really similar to the coffee trend back home in California. Their coffee is great and they have a pretty bomb egg tart.
KlunkerKranich ✿, a beautiful rooftop biergarten in Neuekölln I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE. It’s the favorite spot of everyone on this trip with me. It’s got a beautiful view, affordable drinks, and just has a really great down to earth vibe.
kame Japanese Bakery, if you’ve seen my instagram at all you’ll recognize this place. They have killer matcha deserts! Matcha Tiramisu, Matcha French Toast, Matcha Cheesecake, and their most popular, Matcha Brownie. If you’re in a big group I’d had everyone order one of each and just taste all of them!!! so gooooDDDD!!!! Sadly not open on Sundays :( In the Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf Area.
Jone’s Ice Cream ✿, my favorite ice cream spot in berlin. reminds me a lot of carmela or salt and straw (my loooves). they roll their own cones!!!! WHOOOO. highly recommend the cheesecake and matcha :) this is in Schoneburg!
Five Elephant Mitte, a really cute cafe in Mitte with great coffee and a NY cheesecake that I cannot stop thing about it was so good someone help me. ! ! ! !
Burgermeister is one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. And it’s probably one of the few good meals I’ve had here in Berlin. My favorite location is under the train in the far side of Kreuzberg. The mushroom burger is insane and the chili cheese fries are killer.
Wursterei is my favorite place to get the Berlin-famous-snack, currywurst! It always looks like Curry36 (it’s neighbor) is more poppin, but trust me this place is better. Ask for grilled onions and order with fries and eat at their outdoor eating. It’s so chill and so easy.
Schitzelei, is classic german food serving what they sound like, Schnitzel. When you order, make sure to ask for jam! It’s really amazing with the veal.
Angry Chicken ✿, if you’re from LA traveling Europe, you most probably miss korean fried chicken (or at least i do), and thank sweet baby hesus!!! Angry chicken serves crazy good korean wings and hope baked sweet potato chips along with it! It’s right in the heart of Kreuzberg.
Jules Verne, I had the best cheese plate of my life here. The service is great and it’s a lil on the boujee side but it’s probably one of my favorite spots in Berlin! Their bouillabaisse is soooo good, and also the lamb plate was delicious!!!!
House of Small Wonder ✿, a nice lil brunch spot that came from brooklyn! japanese food with a western approach. great food great vibes <3
A Never Ending Love Story ✿, a really great place to get a socal inspired breakfast! they have a really really good french toast (i think i’m going to eat that tomorrow morning because it was so good hmmmmmhmhmhm) and their scrambled eggs (any of them) are great! Right off Kanstraße in Charlottenburg.
Shiso Burger, fusion burgers with an strong korean influence. their fries are soo good, and i highly recommend the bugolgi burger! really great despite small portions :) This is in Mitte!
Coco Ramen ✿, the best ramen spot in Berlin! The tonkatsu is classic, and they do a pretty good job of it. They’re owned by their neighbor, KUCHI, which is a japanese sushi boutique. There’s usually a line of you go around peak hours, so if you really wanna try this place go at a weird time like 3-6pm :) I prefer the one in MItte :)
Restaurant Pasternak ✿, sunday brunch only!! also really close to mauer park, so it’s a perfect day plan!! Russian styled all you can eat brunch with a beautiful outdoor setting, half a block away from my favorite park in Prenzlauerberg!
Arirang ✿, the worst service ever tbh, but the korean food here is as good as it gets for Berlin, and it’s really close to a lot of other asian eats on Kanstraße in Charlottenburg!
Good Friends, as good as chinese food gets in Berlin. It’s the best one here. Definitely nothing compared to home (The SGV), but it hits the spot when you crave some dim sum or plum honey short rib. mmmhmmm this is in Charlottenburg where there are many good asian spots :)
Lon Mens Noodle House, another spot in Charlottenburg with pretty authentic asian food! This place specialized in Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup <3 ____<3
Crazy Bastard Sauce! Is a restaurant pop up in Neuekölln that served chicken and duck burgers to showcase the companies famous sauces! If you don’t have the energy to find the burgers, they have a stand at Mauer Park to try and purchase their famous dips!
Monsieur Vuong, one of the best Vietnamese spots in Berlin. Kinda on the boujee side and also the flavors are more from the Northern part of Vietnam (there are lots of great viet places in berlin, the are the majority population of asians especially on the east).
SSSShops!!! There are definitely a few shops that I feel are so special to berlin, i highly recommend stopping by these for some cute purchases!
Tukadu, my new favorite jewelery shop in this whole entire world!! They have an insane collection of beads, puffs, trinkets, EVERYTHING, and you cn customize your own necklaces, keychains, or earrings and they make it for you! Also their premade options are also super dope!!! In Mitte/ Hackescher Mart area :)
Carhartt WIP, carhartt is a US workwear brand, but a few years ago started a streetwear brand called carhart Work In Progress! Their stuff is really great, and they have huge s
Carhartt WIP, carhartt is a US workwear brand, but a few years ago started a streetwear brand called carhart Work In Progress! Their stuff is really great, and they have huge sales every summer! Berlin is the only city with womens options! There’s a womens and a mens shop in Mitte! There’s also a combined store in Bikini Berlin
Bikini Berlin, really artsy cute store which is actually part of my studio! There are some super cool shops in there like Artek, or Promobo! They also have a KILLER dark chocolate sorbeto at Spirit Coffee, and it’s really nice to grab a cone and sit by the window to watch the monkeys! (It’s right next to the zoo). They also have a great natural foods kiosk there, called FunkYou, and their stuff is great too!
Do You Read Me?! My favorite book store here in Berlin! Ridiculously great selection of books! In the heart of Mitte <3
Pro Qm is just like Do You Read Me, but a little bigger, also a great selection! This one is off Rosa-Luxemboug
Neues Museum/Museum Island, my god the architecture in here is insane!!! It’s a beautiful museum, and could take hours to really go through. If you don’t have time, I’d still just walk around Museum Island :) Right across from Hackesher Makt!
Spy Museum, right in Potsdammer Platz, lets you experience some of the paranoia from the DDR when the walls were still up. There are some crazy cool experiences about spy gadgets and it’s easy to feel like you’re in a movie!
Museum of Kommunication, this museum of communication is really really fun! There’s lot of activities and so much history o__o it’s insane!
Jewish Museum Berlin, coming here was part of a class, but I would have come anyway. There are some really insane spaces in there that just move you in ways I can’t explain. Highly recommend this.
Berlin Wall Memorial, a beautiful place to learn about the reality of the wall that split Germany. There’s a lot of information about tunnels, people, security and more! If you want to see more wall, and the street art that’s been done on it, I would look at if in Waschauer (Across from the Mercedez Benz Arena). The painting on those walls are very well known an protected!
C/O Berlin, they always have great photography exhibitions going on. Joseph Koudelka is showing right now and he is !!! amaze !!! Right across from the Museum of Fotographie.
Museum of Fotographie, really huge amazing photography museum! Highly recommend is. It’s right next to the Zoologischer Garten :)
So clubbing/events/going out in Berlin is pretty different from the usual typical night life everywhere else. Here in Berlin, parties don’t really start ‘till 1AM. and they usually don’t end ‘till around 7-11AM. Also if your friend group is more than two people, make sure to split up. It’s harder to get into places if it’s more than 2-3 of you at once. Berliners are weird. Also don’t wear heals and vegas clothing, Berliners hate that.
Club Der Visioänre, is one of my favorite spots to hear some good beats while getting a drink by the water with in a really cool environment. It’s really easy to get in. It’s really great to just chill, talk, meet people, and watch the sun come up. :)
Suicide Circus, one of the more cool Techno spots here in Berlin. Not too hard to get into, Make sure you know who’s playing. It’s a really great space with into dancefloor with one headliner, and the other headliner place outside under the trees for you to watch the sun rise.
Prince Charles, MY FAVORITE VENUE, i super love this spot because the bar is in an ex-swimming poor which is just such a cool vibe with an intimate dancing area! Also I got to see 143′s first European event with sosupersam so it was DOPEEEEE. In the ever so cool, Kreuzberg behind my favorite supply store, Modulor!
Some other cool ones I haven’t been to but heard a lot about were Sisyphos, Watergate, and of course the famous Berghain, Tresor,
other great spots
Teufelzberg, if you love grafitti, you have to come here. The work done on these old buildings are insane. I highly recommend booking a tour, because there’s just so much information and art to take in. Also it’s the tallest point in Berlin, even though it artificial.
Tempelhof, the very famous Berlin Airport! I highly recommend taking a tour here because of it’s ridiculous amount of history. This Airport played large role in keeping Berliners going during the cold war. Also this building SCREAMS hitler, and 3rd reich, and it’s great to learn about. If you don’t have time for the tour, visit the park! :) It’s also beautiful. Also german refugees are staying in camps there.
Monbijou Park, Beautiful park across from Museum Island, perfect for grabbing a cold club mater and chilling around.
Wasserturm. probably the most precious piece of land i’ve encountered here in Berlin. It’s a hidden park that also it’s also kinda like a lil hill? It’s hidden behind the trees that surround it, but it’s the perfect palce to pick up a doner kebab or durum, and just snack on it while watching locals walk their dogs. it’s beautiful :)
13 notes · View notes
shehungry · 7 years
first things first, “everything’s closed on sundays.”
No shops are open. But don’t fret, because Sunday is also flea market day. and Berlin’s Mauer Park is the place to be. They have everything there form amazing raw german honey, to bastard spicy sauce, vintage polaroid cameras, and even old school adidas sweaters. Best time to go is mid-morning to noon.
After filling your tote bags with cheap goods, plenty of cafes and brunch spots are fully alive on this ‘day of rest and relaxation.’ If a cafe is marked with a ✿, it means it’s open on Sundays!
chill, grab a drink, spots
Café Cinema ✿, a really trully raw Berlin spot in the heart of Mitte/Hackescher Markt (my favorite neighborhood). A great place to grab a beer or a coffee with your friend to just chill and talk.
COMEBUY ✿, the best boba in Berlin. If you’re like me, with crazy high standards, then you might be a little disappointed, but it still hits the spot when you’re craving some of that milk tea. (I actually highly recommend the rose tea with basil seeds and aiyu jelly—super refreshing). There are locations in Mitte and Ku’Dam
Siedel & Nothaft Café ✿, a really cute spot close to Mauer Park, in Prenzlauerberg, they have great coffee and a killer spinach loaf cafe. The interior is really random, and feels like a crossover of millennial pink vibes but with the rawness of Berlin.
Cafe Dich Guchlich ✿, a fun spot that’s also by in Prenzlauerberg, with killer waffles! They have beautiful outdoor seating that’s perfect for some nice desert to just chit chat about life. I love their bourbon vanilla ice cream on a home made waffel, and their chocolate syrup is also home made so I highly recommend that as well!
THE BARN Cafe ✿, has multiple locations all over Berlin! It’s a chain of “third wave coffee” really similar to the coffee trend back home in California. Their coffee is great and they have a pretty bomb egg tart.
KlunkerKranich ✿, a beautiful rooftop biergarten in Neuekölln I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE. It’s the favorite spot of everyone on this trip with me. It’s got a beautiful view, affordable drinks, and just has a really great down to earth vibe.
kame Japanese Bakery, if you’ve seen my instagram at all you’ll recognize this place. They have killer matcha deserts! Matcha Tiramisu, Matcha French Toast, Matcha Cheesecake, and their most popular, Matcha Brownie. If you’re in a big group I’d had everyone order one of each and just taste all of them!!! so gooooDDDD!!!! Sadly not open on Sundays :( In the Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf Area.
Jone’s Ice Cream ✿, my favorite ice cream spot in berlin. reminds me a lot of carmela or salt and straw (my loooves). they roll their own cones!!!! WHOOOO. highly recommend the cheesecake and matcha :) this is in Schoneburg!
Five Elephant Mitte, a really cute cafe in Mitte with great coffee and a NY cheesecake that I cannot stop thing about it was so good someone help me. ! ! ! !
Burgermeister is one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. And it’s probably one of the few good meals I’ve had here in Berlin. My favorite location is under the train in the far side of Kreuzberg. The mushroom burger is insane and the chili cheese fries are killer.
Wursterei is my favorite place to get the Berlin-famous-snack, currywurst! It always looks like Curry36 (it’s neighbor) is more poppin, but trust me this place is better. Ask for grilled onions and order with fries and eat at their outdoor eating. It’s so chill and so easy.
Schitzelei, is classic german food serving what they sound like, Schnitzel. When you order, make sure to ask for jam! It’s really amazing with the veal.
Angry Chicken ✿, if you’re from LA traveling Europe, you most probably miss korean fried chicken (or at least i do), and thank sweet baby hesus!!! Angry chicken serves crazy good korean wings and hope baked sweet potato chips along with it! It’s right in the heart of Kreuzberg.
Jules Verne, I had the best cheese plate of my life here. The service is great and it’s a lil on the boujee side but it’s probably one of my favorite spots in Berlin! Their bouillabaisse is soooo good, and also the lamb plate was delicious!!!!
House of Small Wonder ✿, a nice lil brunch spot that came from brooklyn! japanese food with a western approach. great food great vibes <3
A Never Ending Love Story ✿, a really great place to get a socal inspired breakfast! they have a really really good french toast (i think i’m going to eat that tomorrow morning because it was so good hmmmmmhmhmhm) and their scrambled eggs (any of them) are great! Right off Kanstraße in Charlottenburg.
Shiso Burger, fusion burgers with an strong korean influence. their fries are soo good, and i highly recommend the bugolgi burger! really great despite small portions :) This is in Mitte!
Coco Ramen ✿, the best ramen spot in Berlin! The tonkatsu is classic, and they do a pretty good job of it. They’re owned by their neighbor, KUCHI, which is a japanese sushi boutique. There’s usually a line of you go around peak hours, so if you really wanna try this place go at a weird time like 3-6pm :) I prefer the one in MItte :)
Restaurant Pasternak ✿, sunday brunch only!! also really close to mauer park, so it’s a perfect day plan!! Russian styled all you can eat brunch with a beautiful outdoor setting, half a block away from my favorite park in Prenzlauerberg!
Arirang ✿, the worst service ever tbh, but the korean food here is as good as it gets for Berlin, and it’s really close to a lot of other asian eats on Kanstraße in Charlottenburg!
Good Friends, as good as chinese food gets in Berlin. It’s the best one here. Definitely nothing compared to home (The SGV), but it hits the spot when you crave some dim sum or plum honey short rib. mmmhmmm this is in Charlottenburg where there are many good asian spots :)
Lon Mens Noodle House, another spot in Charlottenburg with pretty authentic asian food! This place specialized in Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup <3 ____<3
Crazy Bastard Sauce! Is a restaurant pop up in Neuekölln that served chicken and duck burgers to showcase the companies famous sauces! If you don’t have the energy to find the burgers, they have a stand at Mauer Park to try and purchase their famous dips!
Monsieur Vuong, one of the best Vietnamese spots in Berlin. Kinda on the boujee side and also the flavors are more from the Northern part of Vietnam (there are lots of great viet places in berlin, the are the majority population of asians especially on the east).
SSSShops!!! There are definitely a few shops that I feel are so special to berlin, i highly recommend stopping by these for some cute purchases!
Tukadu, my new favorite jewelery shop in this whole entire world!! They have an insane collection of beads, puffs, trinkets, EVERYTHING, and you cn customize your own necklaces, keychains, or earrings and they make it for you! Also their premade options are also super dope!!! In Mitte/ Hackescher Mart area :)
Carhartt WIP, carhartt is a US workwear brand, but a few years ago started a streetwear brand called carhart Work In Progress! Their stuff is really great, and they have huge s
Carhartt WIP, carhartt is a US workwear brand, but a few years ago started a streetwear brand called carhart Work In Progress! Their stuff is really great, and they have huge sales every summer! Berlin is the only city with womens options! There’s a womens and a mens shop in Mitte! There’s also a combined store in Bikini Berlin
Bikini Berlin, really artsy cute store which is actually part of my studio! There are some super cool shops in there like Artek, or Promobo! They also have a KILLER dark chocolate sorbeto at Spirit Coffee, and it’s really nice to grab a cone and sit by the window to watch the monkeys! (It’s right next to the zoo). They also have a great natural foods kiosk there, called FunkYou, and their stuff is great too!
Do You Read Me?! My favorite book store here in Berlin! Ridiculously great selection of books! In the heart of Mitte <3
Pro Qm is just like Do You Read Me, but a little bigger, also a great selection! This one is off Rosa-Luxemboug
Neues Museum/Museum Island, my god the architecture in here is insane!!! It’s a beautiful museum, and could take hours to really go through. If you don’t have time, I’d still just walk around Museum Island :) Right across from Hackesher Makt!
Spy Museum, right in Potsdammer Platz, lets you experience some of the paranoia from the DDR when the walls were still up. There are some crazy cool experiences about spy gadgets and it’s easy to feel like you’re in a movie!
Museum of Kommunication, this museum of communication is really really fun! There’s lot of activities and so much history o__o it’s insane!
Jewish Museum Berlin, coming here was part of a class, but I would have come anyway. There are some really insane spaces in there that just move you in ways I can’t explain. Highly recommend this.
Berlin Wall Memorial, a beautiful place to learn about the reality of the wall that split Germany. There’s a lot of information about tunnels, people, security and more! If you want to see more wall, and the street art that’s been done on it, I would look at if in Waschauer (Across from the Mercedez Benz Arena). The painting on those walls are very well known an protected!
C/O Berlin, they always have great photography exhibitions going on. Joseph Koudelka is showing right now and he is !!! amaze !!! Right across from the Museum of Fotographie.
Museum of Fotographie, really huge amazing photography museum! Highly recommend is. It’s right next to the Zoologischer Garten :)
So clubbing/events/going out in Berlin is pretty different from the usual typical night life everywhere else. Here in Berlin, parties don’t really start ‘till 1AM. and they usually don’t end ‘till around 7-11AM. Also if your friend group is more than two people, make sure to split up. It’s harder to get into places if it’s more than 2-3 of you at once. Berliners are weird. Also don’t wear heals and vegas clothing, Berliners hate that.
Club Der Visioänre, is one of my favorite spots to hear some good beats while getting a drink by the water with in a really cool environment. It’s really easy to get in. It’s really great to just chill, talk, meet people, and watch the sun come up. :)
Suicide Circus, one of the more cool Techno spots here in Berlin. Not too hard to get into, Make sure you know who’s playing. It’s a really great space with into dancefloor with one headliner, and the other headliner place outside under the trees for you to watch the sun rise.
Prince Charles, MY FAVORITE VENUE, i super love this spot because the bar is in an ex-swimming poor which is just such a cool vibe with an intimate dancing area! Also I got to see 143′s first European event with sosupersam so it was DOPEEEEE. In the ever so cool, Kreuzberg behind my favorite supply store, Modulor!
Some other cool ones I haven’t been to but heard a lot about were Sisyphos, Watergate, and of course the famous Berghain, Tresor,
other great spots
Teufelzberg, if you love grafitti, you have to come here. The work done on these old buildings are insane. I highly recommend booking a tour, because there’s just so much information and art to take in. Also it’s the tallest point in Berlin, even though it artificial.
Tempelhof, the very famous Berlin Airport! I highly recommend taking a tour here because of it’s ridiculous amount of history. This Airport played large role in keeping Berliners going during the cold war. Also this building SCREAMS hitler, and 3rd reich, and it’s great to learn about. If you don’t have time for the tour, visit the park! :) It’s also beautiful. Also german refugees are staying in camps there.
Monbijou Park, Beautiful park across from Museum Island, perfect for grabbing a cold club mater and chilling around.
Wasserturm. probably the most precious piece of land i’ve encountered here in Berlin. It’s a hidden park that also it’s also kinda like a lil hill? It’s hidden behind the trees that surround it, but it’s the perfect palce to pick up a doner kebab or durum, and just snack on it while watching locals walk their dogs. it’s beautiful :)
0 notes
notprissy · 7 years
Three Months
first things first, “everything’s closed on sundays.” 
cities i mention in the east: kreuzberg, prenzlauerberg, fredrickshain, waschauer, neuekolln, 
cities i mention in the west: charlottenburg, wilmersdorf, schoneburg
No shops are open. But don’t fret, because Sunday is also flea market day. and Berlin’s Mauer Park is the place to be. They have everything there form amazing raw german honey, to bastard spicy sauce, vintage polaroid cameras, and even old school adidas sweaters. Best time to go is mid-morning to noon. 
After filling your tote bags with cheap goods, plenty of cafes and brunch spots are fully alive on this ‘day of rest and relaxation.’ If a cafe is marked with a ✿, it means it’s open on Sundays!
chill, grab a drink, spots 
Café Cinema ✿, a really trully raw Berlin spot in the heart of Mitte/Hackescher Markt (my favorite neighborhood). A great place to grab a beer or a coffee with your friend to just chill and talk. 
COMEBUY ✿, the best boba in Berlin. If you’re like me, with crazy high standards, then you might be a little disappointed, but it still hits the spot when you’re craving some of that milk tea. (I actually highly recommend the rose tea with basil seeds and aiyu jelly—super refreshing). There are locations in Mitte and Ku’Dam
Siedel & Nothaft Café ✿, a really cute spot close to Mauer Park, in Prenzlauerberg, they have great coffee and a killer spinach loaf cafe. The interior is really random, and feels like a crossover of millennial pink vibes but with the rawness of Berlin.
Cafe Dich Guchlich ✿, a fun spot that’s also by in Prenzlauerberg, with killer waffles! They have beautiful outdoor seating that’s perfect for some nice desert to just chit chat about life. I love their bourbon vanilla ice cream on a home made waffel, and their chocolate syrup is also home made so I highly recommend that as well!
THE BARN Cafe ✿, has multiple locations all over Berlin! It’s a chain of “third wave coffee” really similar to the coffee trend back home in California. Their coffee is great and they have a pretty bomb egg tart.
KlunkerKranich ✿, a beautiful rooftop biergarten in Neuekölln I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE. It’s the favorite spot of everyone on this trip with me. It’s got a beautiful view, affordable drinks, and just has a really great down to earth vibe.
kame Japanese Bakery, if you’ve seen my instagram at all you’ll recognize this place. They have killer matcha deserts! Matcha Tiramisu, Matcha French Toast, Matcha Cheesecake, and their most popular, Matcha Brownie. If you’re in a big group I’d had everyone order one of each and just taste all of them!!! so gooooDDDD!!!! Sadly not open on Sundays :( In the Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf Area.
Jone’s Ice Cream ✿, my favorite ice cream spot in berlin. reminds me a lot of carmela or salt and straw (my loooves). they roll their own cones!!!! WHOOOO. highly recommend the cheesecake and matcha :) this is in Schoneburg!
Five Elephant Mitte, a really cute cafe in Mitte with great coffee and a NY cheesecake that I cannot stop thing about it was so good someone help me. ! ! ! !
Burgermeister is one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. And it’s probably one of the few good meals I’ve had here in Berlin. My favorite location is under the train in the far side of Kreuzberg. The mushroom burger is insane and the chili cheese fries are killer.
Wursterei is my favorite place to get the Berlin-famous-snack, currywurst! It always looks like Curry36 (it’s neighbor) is more poppin, but trust me this place is better. Ask for grilled onions and order with fries and eat at their outdoor eating. It’s so chill and so easy. 
Schitzelei, is classic german food serving what they sound like, Schnitzel. When you order, make sure to ask for jam! It’s really amazing with the veal.
Angry Chicken ✿, if you’re from LA traveling Europe, you most probably miss korean fried chicken (or at least i do), and thank sweet baby hesus!!! Angry chicken serves crazy good korean wings and hope baked sweet potato chips along with it! It’s right in the heart of Kreuzberg.
Jules Verne, I had the best cheese plate of my life here. The service is great and it’s a lil on the boujee side but it’s probably one of my favorite spots in Berlin! Their bouillabaisse is soooo good, and also the lamb plate was delicious!!!!
House of Small Wonder ✿, a nice lil brunch spot that came from brooklyn! japanese food with a western approach. great food great vibes <3 
A Never Ending Love Story ✿, a really great place to get a socal inspired breakfast! they have a really really good french toast (i think i’m going to eat that tomorrow morning because it was so good hmmmmmhmhmhm) and their scrambled eggs (any of them) are great! Right off Kanstraße in Charlottenburg.
Shiso Burger, fusion burgers with an strong korean influence. their fries are soo good, and i highly recommend the bugolgi burger! really great despite small portions :) This is in Mitte!
Coco Ramen ✿, the best ramen spot in Berlin! The tonkatsu is classic, and they do a pretty good job of it. They’re owned by their neighbor, KUCHI, which is a japanese sushi boutique. There’s usually a line of you go around peak hours, so if you really wanna try this place go at a weird time like 3-6pm :) I prefer the one in MItte :)
Restaurant Pasternak ✿, sunday brunch only!! also really close to mauer park, so it’s a perfect day plan!! Russian styled all you can eat brunch with a beautiful outdoor setting, half a block away from my favorite park in Prenzlauerberg! 
Arirang ✿, the worst service ever tbh, but the korean food here is as good as it gets for Berlin, and it’s really close to a lot of other asian eats on Kanstraße in Charlottenburg!
Good Friends, as good as chinese food gets in Berlin. It’s the best one here. Definitely nothing compared to home (The SGV), but it hits the spot when you crave some dim sum or plum honey short rib. mmmhmmm this is in Charlottenburg where there are many good asian spots :)
Lon Mens Noodle House, another spot in Charlottenburg with pretty authentic asian food! This place specialized in Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup <3 ____<3
Crazy Bastard Sauce! Is a restaurant pop up in Neuekölln that served chicken and duck burgers to showcase the companies famous sauces! If you don’t have the energy to find the burgers, they have a stand at Mauer Park to try and purchase their famous dips!
Monsieur Vuong, one of the best Vietnamese spots in Berlin. Kinda on the boujee side and also the flavors are more from the Northern part of Vietnam (there are lots of great viet places in berlin, the are the majority population of asians especially on the east). 
SSSShops!!! There are definitely a few shops that I feel are so special to berlin, i highly recommend stopping by these for some cute purchases!
KIKO Milano, my go to spot for purchasing make up! Their quality is incredible (especially recommend nail colors, eyeshadows, brushes and blushes! The prices are also really reasonable :)
Tukadu, my new favorite jewelery shop in this whole entire world!! They have an insane collection of beads, puffs, trinkets, EVERYTHING, and you cn customize your own necklaces, keychains, or earrings and they make it for you! Also their premade options are also super dope!!! In Mitte/ Hackescher Mart area :)
Carhartt WIP, carhartt is a US workwear brand, but a few years ago started a streetwear brand called carhart Work In Progress! Their stuff is really great, and they have huge sales every summer! Berlin is the only city with womens options! There’s a womens and a mens shop in Mitte! There’s also a combined store in Bikini Berlin
Bikini Berlin, really artsy cute store which is actually part of my studio! There are some super cool shops in there like Artek, or Promobo! They also have a KILLER dark chocolate sorbeto at Spirit Coffee, and it’s really nice to grab a cone and sit by the window to watch the monkeys! (It’s right next to the zoo). They also have a great natural foods kiosk there, called FunkYou, and their stuff is great too!
Do You Read Me?! My favorite book store here in Berlin! Ridiculously great selection of books! In the heart of Mitte <3 
Pro Qm is just like Do You Read Me, but a little bigger, also a great selection! This one is off Rosa-Luxemboug
Neues Museum/Museum Island, my god the architecture in here is insane!!! It’s a beautiful museum, and could take hours to really go through. If you don’t have time, I’d still just walk around Museum Island :) Right across from Hackesher Makt!
Spy Museum, right in Potsdammer Platz, lets you experience some of the paranoia from the DDR when the walls were still up. There are some crazy cool experiences about spy gadgets and it’s easy to feel like you’re in a movie!
Museum of Kommunication, this museum of communication is really really fun! There’s lot of activities and so much history o__o it’s insane!
Jewish Museum Berlin, coming here was part of a class, but I would have come anyway. There are some really insane spaces in there that just move you in ways I can’t explain. Highly recommend this. 
Berlin Wall Memorial, a beautiful place to learn about the reality of the wall that split Germany. There’s a lot of information about tunnels, people, security and more! If you want to see more wall, and the street art that’s been done on it, I would look at if in Waschauer (Across from the Mercedez Benz Arena). The painting on those walls are very well known an protected!
C/O Berlin, they always have great photography exhibitions going on. Joseph Koudelka is showing right now and he is !!! amaze !!! Right across from the Museum of Fotographie.
Museum of Fotographie, really huge amazing photography museum! Highly recommend is. It’s right next to the Zoologischer Garten :)
So clubbing/events/going out in Berlin is pretty different from the usual typical night life everywhere else. Here in Berlin, parties don’t really start ‘till 1AM. and they usually don’t end ‘till around 7-11AM. Also if your friend group is more than two people, make sure to split up. It’s harder to get into places if it’s more than 2-3 of you at once. Berliners are weird. Also don’t wear heals and vegas clothing, Berliners hate that.
Club Der Visioänre, is one of my favorite spots to hear some good beats while getting a drink by the water with in a really cool environment. It’s really easy to get in. It’s really great to just chill, talk, meet people, and watch the sun come up. :)
Suicide Circus, one of the more cool Techno spots here in Berlin. Not too hard to get into, Make sure you know who’s playing. It’s a really great space with into dancefloor with one headliner, and the other headliner place outside under the trees for you to watch the sun rise.
Prince Charles, MY FAVORITE VENUE, i super love this spot because the bar is in an ex-swimming poor which is just such a cool vibe with an intimate dancing area! Also I got to see 143′s first European event with sosupersam so it was DOPEEEEE. In the ever so cool, Kreuzberg behind my favorite supply store, Modulor!
Some other cool ones I haven’t been to but heard a lot about were Sisyphos, Watergate, and of course the famous Berghain, Tresor, 
other great spots
Teufelzberg, if you love grafitti, you have to come here. The work done on these old buildings are insane. I highly recommend booking a tour, because there’s just so much information and art to take in. Also it’s the tallest point in Berlin, even though it artificial.
Tempelhof, the very famous Berlin Airport! I highly recommend taking a tour here because of it’s ridiculous amount of history. This Airport played large role in keeping Berliners going during the cold war. Also this building SCREAMS hitler, and 3rd reich, and it’s great to learn about. If you don’t have time for the tour, visit the park! :) It’s also beautiful. Also german refugees are staying in camps there.
Monbijou Park, Beautiful park across from Museum Island, perfect for grabbing a cold club mater and chilling around.
Wasserturm. probably the most precious piece of land i’ve encountered here in Berlin. It’s a hidden park that also it’s also kinda like a lil hill? It’s hidden behind the trees that surround it, but it’s the perfect palce to pick up a doner kebab or durum, and just snack on it while watching locals walk their dogs. it’s beautiful :)
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