#I feel serotonin dumping into my brain when I draw her
herebecritters · 3 months
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They pass the paint brush between layers, taking turns contributing to their masterpiece -w-
Screwy belongs to @ickyguts
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justmickeyfornow · 6 years
Ok so... I'm not rich but I'm not poor either. I have a comfortable life. Always had food on my plate, etc. I'm gay and it's a "secret" (my family doesn't know) And today, I woke up depressed. Almost 2 years ago someone broke my heart when they dumped me and it made me go into a depression spiral that just got me crazy and made me want to kill myself. Every now and then I think of them, check their social media etc and this morning I woke up feeling alone and lonely. And I just don't know :(
Not sure if I’m the best person to give advice out there, but I guess I could give it a try :)
Here’s what mostly works for me. The magic fix to all of this is just to fill your time. It worked for me and maybe it’ll work for you too. Don’t let yourself have the privilege of too much free time. Because that's your biggest enemy. The more free time you have, the more you’ll be thinking and overthinking shit. You’re either studying or you have a job right? Well the rest of those hours in the day try to fill them. Work on a project. Go to the gym. Hang out with some people. Read a book. Read Fanfiction!! Learn chess. Learn how to code (this is what I’m trying to do lately. So far, it’s fun! You should try it).
Actually the gym thing might be one of the most things that was able to keep my mind off of all the scary stuff. It’s the reason I started going to begin with. I had a lot on my mind, I was going a bit crazy and I hated sitting there and thinking about it at home. So I went for a jog and it took my mind off of it a bit. Next thing I knew, I was signing for a gym membership and going everyday ever since. It’s a huge stress reliever. Even if you’re not the type to go, do it anyway. I even pushed myself so far that I got one of those expensive memberships (That I really really couldn’t afford) just so that I would guilt myself into going everyday. And so far, I haven’t thought about that incident that shall not be talked about (scary harry potter style voice) in a long while (crap, I just thought about it now.....).
Do something that you’re good at and that you love. You’re good at drawing? Go fucking draw your heart out! Writing? Write stories until the end of time. Dancing? Singing? Playing a musical instrument? Whatever it is, do it. And there’s no such thing as “I’m not really good at anything”. So I better not hear you saying that. There’s always something that you’re really good at. Not perfect. Just good. Because if you’re just good at something, then eventually you’ll want to make it better and better until you get as close to perfect as possible. I had a friend once that lived her whole life with the notion that she wasn’t good at anything. She’s 23 and last year me and her found out - accidentally - that she can do math in her head in lightning speed. I randomly asked her what’s 12x32 and she did it in her head in less than two minutes, no pen no paper. And she was just as surprised as I was. She apparently thought everybody could do that (God knows I can’t!). So find something you’re good at and fill your time with it. I always complain about writing for Paranoia Incarnated, but the truth is it takes my mind off of the billion things that I’d rather not think about.
Social media. There's absolutely nothing wrong with cutting off from social media. Sit down and really think about it: When you browse through a certain social media account/page/thingy (I don’t even know what’s it called? I’m not really good at that stuff), what do you normally feel? Is it depression? Numbness? Endless scrolling of nothing? Jealousy? Then just delete it. It's so easy to delete an account its crazy that not more people do it. If you feel happy. You read things that make you smile. You rant about characters you like. Squeal at drawings someone drew. Smile at a cat picture. Then keep it.
As for being tempted to check up on that person that hurt you. Now, I personally believe in the opposite of Exposure therapy (concealment therapy?). If something bothers me or tends to stir up negative feelings in me, then I just make it disappear as best as I can. If it's a real person, I avoid them. If it's someone online then I block them. If it's someone I'm following, then I just unfollow them. If it's a situation, then I make sure I’m never put in a similar situation again. Yes, I know, not really a healthy thing to do. But, again, I’m a crazy person and healthy is not really something I’m very good at. So, if you really wanna go down my slippery slope, then just either unfollow or block the URL that takes you to her page. It’ll give you some peace of mind. Whenever you’re tempted to check up on her, then just get up and do something else. Open up Paranoia Incarnated and read the fluffy happy moments! There’s an idea! (Suggestions from PI? The pancakes for dinner conversation. Two penguins getting married at the zoo. Kara taking a nap for the first time in Lena’s office which is also the first time she tells Lena she’s beautiful. Leia’s chapter! The famous scotch cookies (I love this chapter!) and last but definitely not least because I was laughing my ass off while writing it: Lena trying to tap her head and rub her stomach and failing miserably!)
Now, let’s talk music. Choose one song that calms you down. Think of one song or one singer that every time you hear, you feel your mind drift from what you were doing just to properly listen to that song. Choose one singer whose voice can literally stop you from having a panic attack. Now, convince yourself that once you hear that song/singer that you'll be alright. I swear to God it works. If it didn't work for me I wouldn't recommend it. But it works for me.
Eden is that singer for me. I have a few songs for him that if I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack or any sort of scary nervous breakdown, I can put on my headphones and just play one of his songs and it’s like I could breathe again. If you’re interested in Eden, let me know and I’ll recommend which songs you should listen to first.
(Also, here’s a link to the Paranoia Incarnated Spotify playlist. There’re some songs on there that might help too.)
Speaking of music, your ask actually reminded me of this song that I adore. Put some headphones, close your eyes and listen to it. I have a feeling it might help ya out!
As for suicide. The only reason you're thinking about it is because you're keeping it as an option. I'm a practical person. I like to keep things practical. And simply not having suicide as an option can change your whole mindset.
Think of it like a bridge with water underneath it that you have to cross. This bridge is long and old and rusty and just slowly falling apart. But you have to get across no matter what. The water underneath is calm so it’s possible to swim there but it would still be hard. Both options are difficult but still both are possible. The third option is simple. Easy. You could just fly to the other side. Except you can’t. Because it’s impossible. It’s not an option. So you don’t think about it when you’re faced with the situation of crossing the bridge. Therefore you’re left with the other two options: cross the bridge on foot, even though you might fall down and get hurt. Or swim there, even though it would be extremely tiring and exhausting and time consuming and just plain difficult. But in the end you don’t have the option of flying.
Same goes with suicide. Don’t keep it as an option in your life, and you won’t think of it. Pretend that it’s impossible to suicide. Pretend that it just doesn’t exist. You do that, and I guarantee you won’t think about it as much.
There's no such thing as a permanent problem. Keep that in mind. Whatever you're feelings are towards this girl now, chances are they're gonna change in a couple of years.
I know you don't wanna hear this, but the truth is you're probably gonna go through so much worse to a point that this problem would seem like a walk in the park. And if you've really grown, you wouldn't think of suicide then either. Because you'd realize that you got over that first problem that once upon a time seemed like the worst thing you could go through. You actually got over it. You survived it. And you'll smile and think that you'll get over this too.
There’s also nothing wrong with feeling lonely. I wish I had a fix for you, but I still haven’t figured that one out yet. I tend to just ignore it (I’m starting to realize I live life by simply ignoring many many things. Maybe not the healthiest thing in the world....) As soon as I feel myself drowning in that feeling I simply get up. Do something. Anything. Go do the dishes. Hell, I sometimes get down and do 20 pushups to get my mind off of it (That usually works, seeing that once I reach 12 pushups I’m practically dead). Actually the pushups thing also acts as a sort of response treatment. Your mind will slowly realize that everytime it feels negative feelings you start torturing it with pushups and it stops pushing negative feelings towards you. Does that make any sense? I feel like that might not be the healthiest option. Maybe consult an expert? I dunno. I sometimes do it and it helps me, but I’m just a crazy person so I what do I know.
Other random things that I’ve done that were extremely helpful in changing my mindset:
1. Drink fruit water! Yup! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it kinda works. Grab one of those big water bottles that you take with you to the gym. Cut up a lemon (I prefer half a lemon), an orange, a cucumber, and some mint. Stuff them in there and fill it with water. It actually tastes pretty good. And it washes away the toxins in your body.
2. Dark chocolate! Not only is it healthy, but it releases dopamine (the little beautiful trigger in your brain that makes you happy) and increases your serotonin levels (the little beautiful trigger in your brain that makes you calm).
4. Buy a bulletin board. Put it up in your room and go crazy with it. Pin up your goals. Projects. Your resolutions. Whatever it is. Make sure it’s on that board so you could see it every single day.
5. Smile a lot.
I dunno if any of this is helpful. But most of this stuff worked for me so I’m hoping it’ll work for you. Just read a lot of fanfiction, spice up your life with some smutty ones too and you’ll soon forget about that girl.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
A Witches Magickal Morning Routine
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I’m not gonna lie… getting up early is really hard for me. If I don’t have to get up for any particular reason, I can rationalise rolling over and staying under the covers for at least another hour or so.
But I also love the mornings. The air is fresher. The birds are singing. The warmth of the rising sun is like a cosy warm blanket. And best of all- there ain’t no time for coffee time like morning time! Nah mean?
Good Morning Little Witch
I wake up to three S’s: smiling, stretching & sunshine.
The act of smiling invokes gratitude which is a wonderful emotion to start the day with, especially for this Cancerian who’s notorious for being a lifelong worry-wort. Stretching increases the blood flow, relieves any muscle tension, raises energy levels… and after 7-8 hours of rolling around in my awkward flamingo sleeping positions- it just feels freakin’ fantastic! Lastly, I fling the curtains open and let His glorious sunshine in, absorbing all that vitamin D and uplifting my mood with my other favourite “S”- serotonin.
As I have mentioned before in my Pagan Bullet Journal post, I have made a witchy spin off of Hal Alrod’s Miracle Mornings. He created six habits called S.A.V.E.R.S which stand for Silence, Affirmations, Visualisations, Exercise, Reading and Scribing.
My six habits are slightly different and catered to the pagan spirit. I call them M.A.G.I.C.K which stands for Mantra, Action, Ground & Center, Inspiration, Creative Visualisation and Knowledge.
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Hal Alrod employs Affirmations, which I think are brilliant for morning motivation but I have found some affirmations to be a bit long-winded and hard for me to truly connect with. Maybe it’s the witch in me, but I like chants. I like words and phrases with rhythm in it. Mantras are words, statements or sounds which are repeated to raise personal vibrations of intention. I usually start slowly, connecting with each word then I repeat the mantra faster and faster until I’ve built up my personal vibrations to it’s highest level. Think of every syllable as a beat of a drum. Let each beat fuel your mind, body and soul with intention for the day.
This next step could be seen as the Exercise portion of S.A.V.E.R.S but I am not the type of person who will commit to working out every day. So instead I call this step Action because it could involve a workout regimen, which I try to do 2-3 x/week, or it could be the action of accomplishing some quick morning chores- just as long as I put my body in motion. I find that two things are happening when I do this- I’m getting my body out of rest mode and I am tackling a couple of tasks that would be weighing on my mind as I tried to enjoy the rest of my magick morning habits.
Ground & Center
After I’ve put my body into motion with some sort of Action, I can earth the energy with a little Grounding & Centring.
To Center oneself is to draw all scattered energies back within yourself to a spiritual centre which can be imagined in many different ways. I like more whimsical imagery such as a group of fluttering butterflies flying around me as I sit in a lush beautiful field, breathing deeply under a large lone tree. The butterflies represent my scattered thoughts and with each deep breath I call them to me. One by one the butterflies rest on parts of my body- my shoulders, my legs, my hands, my head; and as they do my solar plexus begins to glow brighter and brighter until I’ve reached my spiritual centre.
Grounding is the spiritual act of connecting with the Earth and drawing from Her abundance of energy. Once centred, I focus on grounding using the same imagery as before but this time focusing on the lone tree. As I sit underneath it, I press my back up against its trunk and continue to breathe deeply. As I breathe, my spine begins to grow roots which dig deep within the Earth, burrowing and curling into the darkness below. Slowly, I am becoming the tree with a strong, sturdy trunk and long branches, reaching higher and higher into the sky through the bright fluffy clouds and farther up into the blackness of the Universe. Sometimes meditation can be a bit hard for me, but this type of imagery calms my mind and connects me to the Divine.
I don’t know about you but I am a very visual person, which is why I love planning, brain dump illustrations and vision boards. I have Vision Pages in my Pagan Bullet Journal for quick reference but lately I’ve been using a manifesting journal which I call my Book of Visions. This is basically a Vision Board within a large sketchbook for everything I want to manifest into my life. I also like to use the internet for inspiration with a Pinterest Vision Board and YouTube playlists of videos that inspire me. This Inspiration step helps assist me with my Visualisations by putting those images in my head which I can then begin to work with creatively within my mind.
Creative Visualisations
Creative Visualisations are not only images but also the perceptual experience of all the senses. Not only do I see what I want, I can feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it. Once we sense all of this with every inch of our being, we can then send it out to the Universe clearly and with ease because everything we want has already happened within our mind’s eye. If there is something specific I am trying to visualise, I like to grab a corresponding crystal and connect with it as I craft my visualisations, sometimes holding it to my third eye and crown chakras for extra assistance in manifesting.
With a fully stimulated mind, my Knowledge step involves planning out my day, gaining wisdom from my daily divination and studying up on my craft. I track my yearly, monthly and daily tarot reads in my Witchy Bullet Journal. I also like to keep my Daily Draw on my altar within this gold terrarium I use as a card holder. I jot down any thoughts or keywords and use the card as a general guide for my day. Before bed, I go back and write any events which took place that may have correlated with that card.
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At this point, not only is my mind and body fully awake and functioning, so is my spirit.
Of course some days are better than others. Sometimes I don’t get to complete all my Magickal Morning practices, either because it’s a busy weekend or I don’t have the time to do everything thoroughly… and that’s okay.
This routine is about living with intention in different ways, no matter how big or how small. If all I can manage is one minute of morning magick, I’ll take it. And it’ll be the best minute I’ve spent all day!
How do you like to make your mornings more magickal?
Blessed Be!
The Snow Orchid Witch
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