#I don't know if I was Lavellan tbh
larkoneironaut · 1 year
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I had a dream that I was going on a ball and Solas was there, I tried to ignore him in like a shy or flirty way? And then that delicate, intimate touch when I was walking right past him … I’m never gonna forget that dream, I had to sketch it 😭
Pls ignore that Solas' scar is mirrored, I'm an idiot
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Which of these muses would you want to write with in any verse? (be real with me here)
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Yasha Nydoorin
Astrid Becke
Trevor Belmont
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vaamiel · 2 months
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My commissions are open!
I drew my dragon age protagonists!
I love them all so much 🥹 I figure I might as well write a lil about them so more info below the cut!
(this is quite long so be warned!)
Athon Surana is my warden!
He's a crunchy little bookworm who would much rather be researching or reading than fighting (or sleeping. Or eating. Or brushing his hair. Pretty much anything else).
He's an arcane warrior. Not because he wanted to be a frontline fighter or wield a sword, but literally because it requires less effort and thought than casting spells in combat. That's not to say he's a bad mage - quite the opposite in fact - but he doesn't want to spend the mental energy on fighting when he could much rather use his brain for Other Things.
Zevran is the love of his life, though I think them getting together is more incidental than anything else. Athon would likely have never sought companionship from anyone at all if he was left to his own devices, but he enjoys the time he spends with zev very much!
I imagine he's currently buried under a pile of books somewhere in Weisshaupt. The events of DAD will absolutely happen around him and he won't even bother to stick his head out of the library.
Garrett Hawke is.. well, you know
I love the default name and appearance for Garrett. The more I play DA2 the more it sticks as the only option for his appearance in my mind 🥲
I think my headcanons for him stick pretty close to canon - maybe with the exception I imagine him being even more pro-mage (perhaps even slightly racial) compared to the options you're provided in-game?
Anders is his romance and Garrett is very much All In on his ideals. Tbh I DO headcanon that he put together the plan about the chantry explosion and never stepped in because he supported the action.
I imagine he and Anders are off galavanting around Weisshaupt, waiting for Athon to finish developing a cure for the taint (and annoying Carver until the end of his days, certainly).
Lennox Trevelyan is my latest inquisitor!
He's the oldest of my three inquisitors, and incidentally the oldest of his siblings as well. Getting sent to the tower at a young age was frustrating and I think he held a lot of resentment toward his family and the circle for being caged as he was.
He also lost his faith during his years in the circle, which was quite jarring for someone raised in such a devout family.
That Lennox never saw any of his siblings or his parents again really Messed Him Up for a long time, and left him with a little bit of an inferiority complex and a smidge of abandonment issues 🥲
The inquisition (and his role in it) made things both better and worse - the power never went to his head, but he was certainly a bit of a radicalist when it came to freedom for mages and equality amongst all those under his command.
His romance is Dorian, and tbh with his disbanding of the inquisition, I imagine he went chasing after him to Tevinter (darn abandonment issues strike again), acting as a liaison for Leliana as divine.
Ashiriel Lavellan is my middle child with a weird AU backstory
SO Ashiriel is my one character that breaks a lot of the established lore. She was inspired by an au I built for myself and then never posted anywhere around... 2018? Where Dorian fled Tevinter with the help of the chargers a year or so early.
Ashiriel never imagined herself a mage. She made it 25 years without any magic manifesting, then during a traumatic incident when caught by some nasty noblemen in the forest, she lit them on fire (and half of herself too).
Basically, to cut an incredibly long-winded backstory short, she was rescued by bull and Dorian after they stumbled upon her. The chargers stayed with clan Lavellan for a time, helping Ashiriel heal and defending them as they moved away from Wycome etc.
They don't meet again until the tear etc, but all this sort of informed how I built Ashiriel in the game!
Cullen is Ashiriel's husband and I imagine they live happily ever after in the woods of ferelden, mutually healing from their extensive trauma 😌
Veren was my first inquisitor!
Veren is a precious little baby, new to the world just like me lmao. We both knew nothing going in to inquisition, so I was a stupid dumb dumb idiot and romanced Solas on my first playthrough with her.
We're both not over it.
Veren is a rogue (the only non-mage out of all my protags haha), but because she loved and trusted Solas, she kind of worked heeding his advice the whole game.
The one exception would be the well of sorrows - still reeling from the breakup she decided to ignore him that one time and... Well, we'll see what happens there, I suppose.
You bet your ass she's chasing that stupid egg across Thedas and beyond. Veren is hella determined and will stop at nothing to try to redeem Solas. Or maybe she's in denial, hard to say.
Anyway, I think that's it! If you managed to sit through all this rambling, thanks! Let me know what you think!
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herearedragons · 3 months
...saw a post saying that we should use poetic/descriptive ship names more, and you know what, why not. let's try making some for my own ships and maybe finally establishing their ship tags in the process
(note: I'm going to be referring to a specific type of ship names as "BG3-like". I know the BG3 fandom probably didn't invent those but that's where I know them from and that's what the post was referencing, so that's the name they get)
Pillars of Eternity
Edér x Selene - I saw "tide and shore" on that character dynamics poll and I don't think I can come up with anything that beats that.
Aloth x Lorenzo - honestly not sure. The best ones I have are "mirror image" (because their dynamic is about The Parallels and also, wizard reference) and a BG3-like "spellsong" (because. wizard and chanter) but I'm not too attached to either of those. More research required.
Dragon Age
Zevran x Kyana Amell - my absolute first thought was "ill omen" because. uh. he's a Crow. and she's ominous. and if you're not from their friend circle seeing them together is probably a sign of bad luck for you, specifically. I could go BG3-like and call them "crowtower", which sounds pretty metal, but a little less personal to me. (I like the name combination method for them better though, "Zevkya" just sounds cute)
Sera x Evelyn Trevelyan - "lightning in a bottle" (Evelyn is a lightning-specced mage; Sera is a Tempest; both have a chaotic streak that feels less like a problem and more like fun when they're together). this one was kind of a stroke of genuis tbh.
Dorian x Neilar Lavellan - "water and wine". this one has layers. the first layer is Dorian being used to Comfort and Civilization and Neil being a Chronically Outside type. the second layer is the religious/miraculous imagery. the third layer is kind of mean because it references their worst moments (Dorian trying to drink away his problems - wine; Neilar losing control to the Well of Sorrows - water), but no one said that the ship names had to be nice. or did we all forget "ill omen" just a few seconds ago
Blackwall(Thom Rainier) x May Cadash - god, I really want to come up with something that would reference the "white king, black pawns" line from Leverage, just for the timeline where she becomes a righteous mob boss. "white queen, black knight"? "black queen, white knight"? kind of a mouthful but the reference is worth it in my book.
...I don't know how to end this post. I'm putting it in the main tags so. uh. reblog with your own poetic ship names and their explanations? I'd read that. it's pretty fun to make these, actually. also if anyone has suggestions for a ship name for Aloth and a death godlike chanter, send help
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xoshepard · 5 months
OC Name Meaning
tagged by @nowandthane thank youuuuu <3
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
no pressure tags: @stormikins @kaos-kappa @geekybones @alexios @gethpyro
DA and ME kids under the cut!
disclaimer is i picked some of my DA characters' names based on meaning but everybody else was bc of sound so we'll get some fun results im sure sdklfjsdlk
Evanna Shepard: "god is gracious". uhhhhhh eva is not the most religious person skdjfh maybe her parents were religious before they died. actually writing this down for her story 📝 i don't remember how i came up with her name tbh!
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Audrey Shepard: "noble strength". this does fit! she is a war hero paragon after all. her name came from a friend i had in college who was like one of the sweetest people i've ever met. audrey is also very sweet
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Orion Shepard: "heaven's light". honestly. i just picked a space name for my spacer boy. i didn't even know searching would turn up a meaning for naming your human child sdfkjhdsfjk his name came from a story someone told me of how their brother goes by ryan but his name is actually orion
(he will get a custom head later but for now↓)
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Asteria Tabris: "star" or "starry one". yes there are multiple star-themed names on here bc i love stars
(i don't have a screenshot of her 😔 im still meaning to do her custom head but i also can't find any mod hair that i like. alas.)
Ruby Hawke: honestly i now have a list of flower names and gemstone names that i think would be cool to name my characters and this was the first one
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Amaris Lavellan: "promised by god". idk howwwww i got so many religious names for my least religious characters ksdjfhs not that Amaris doesn't believe in elven gods but this seems like it would equate more to The Maker. maybe it's because she's the herald. i believe i got her name from a name website
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Sterling Lavellan: "little star". aw shit here we go again w star names. honestly when i named him i thought "amaris" was also a star name and they're twins so i thought it made sense. guess not tho sdkjfhs
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Keala Trevelyan: "the path". uhhh yes he is on.. the path of the inquisitor. i guess. i have nooo memory of where his name came from
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Lulu Adaar: depending on language, "pearl" or "peaceful/protected/calm". imma be real, i just thought it would be great to have an adaar with a rly cutesy name
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crackinglamb · 2 months
OC Name Meanings
Tagged by @pikapeppa, thank you! 🥰
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @lilbittymonster, @bogunicorn and @espressocomfort. No pressure!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC's name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Right, so...I have a lot of OC's. Holy crap, did this get long. I'll go by fandom to keep them organized, and listed here are just the main player types, not background characters. And if you want to know more about any of them, they can all be found here.
Fallout 4
Nora Howard (Junkyard 'Verse series): My first SoSu. Nora is the default name and I struggled for a long time to come up with a last name for her. At the time, I thought it would be funny for her to share a name with Todd Howard, and then it stuck.
Valara Thorsgaard (Set to Repeat, Subject to Change): Lamb the Younger gave me the first name and I liked it. Val, for short. The Scandinavian last name was just...I dunno, it felt right?
Honoria Wilcox (No One Knows): 'Honoria' is a version of Nora. Her maiden name was Beaufort, because it was slightly pretentious and so was Honoria's mother. Wilcox was her late husband's name and she was glad to take it.
Eleanor (Nights series): Another Nora variant, no last name.
Joan Whitfield (The Bargain): I wanted something different for this OC since she ends up with Kellogg. (All my Nora variants end up with Hancock.) The first name comes from my extended family, and the last name sounds lawyerish. 😆
Tien Xu (Unexpected): Ahh, the SoSu from my first real AU. She's a Chinese prisoner of war who ended up in the Vault. No real reason for her given name, but 'Tien' was my favorite chemistry professor's last name back when I was in college.
Alice Monroe (Amends to the Dead): My most recent SoSu. From the get go I wanted her to be a badass, because let's face it, you get pretty OP'd with some of those skills in-game. 'Alice' is a nod to Resident Evil. 'Monroe' is just because it sounded good.
Mass Effect Trilogy
Jayne Shepard (Soldier, Spectre, Savior series): It's the default FemShep name, but I changed the spelling. That's really it.
Jehanne Shepard (Some Kind of Resolution): Henna, for short. Jehanne is a phonetic variant of Jane.
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Aya Batra (Little Things): Batra is one of the surnames you can choose when making your Detective, but Aya was my own invention. It's a variation of an old D&D character (Aeo, who in turn is a variation on Io). Someday I want to write more for her.
Dragon Age
(oh boy, here we go)
Da'Fen Carlisle Mayers Lavellan (Until It Squeaks series): Carly, to her friends. My first MGIT. When I created her I wanted her to be a 'just some person' kind of character, so she needed a name that didn't stand out much. Tbh, I don't even like it. I think I was halfway through writing Twist when I decided it was short for Carlisle, which eased my meh a little. Then as time went on in the story, she earned the rest. Abelas was the first to call her 'Da'Fen' because she was the Consort of Fen'Harel, and she was formally adopted into Clan Lavellan after the events of the main game.
Imogen McLean (Wicked Things series): My ex wouldn't let me name Lamb the Younger Imogen when she was born, so I decided I would save it for a character someday. And so I did. 'McLean' because she's of Irish descent, and I knew a girl by that family name when I was a kid.
Eliana Hawke (Wicked Things series): I tend to give my F!Hawkes unique names, I guess. But this one was for the purpose of Imogen getting to call her Elly and Elly getting to call her Genny. It was a deliberate 'the names you use denote intimacy level' kind of thing.
Terisin Mahariel (Wicked Things series): It means 'Flint-like'. I wanted something hefty for the HoF, something that would give the impression of gravity and determination. And then everyone in the fic shortens it to 'Ter'. 🤣
Mira Foret (Driftwood series): This is actually a nickname, her full name is Almira. Her family name on Earth was 'Wood', and upon being transported to Thedas, she changed it to 'Foret', which is the Orlesian version of the word. There is actually a reason she has these names in particular, but that gets into level 40 IRL stuff, so I shan't say.
Carmilla Hawke (Maker Damned Fools): Cara, for short, and only if you have her permission. Back when I first wrote MDF, I had a notion that Leandra wanted to give all her children names beginning with the same letter. "How'd Bethany happen?" Varric asked. Because they didn't know they were having twins and had to come up with a name on the fly and Malcolm had a twisted sense of humor. It makes more sense in the fic. Anyway, she hates the name, and thus goes mostly by Hawke.
Hera Trevelyan (No More My Heart Beats Without You): I just liked it. Didn't even know it was the default name of F!Adaar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ellisora Lavellan (Flowers For Fen'Harel series): Everyone uses Ellana. It's the default. I don't like defaults (usually) and will twist them around any which way until I find something I do like.
Sa'vir Lavellan (No Strings): It means 'the First Path' or, more precisely for her character, 'the Only Way'. It was both to give some backstory to her and was a nod to her being inspired by The Unending Wake's Vir.
Lahalaan Lavellan (My Blood On Your Hands, Your Teeth In My Skin): Ahh, my poor Laani. She kicked around as an OC for a long time before I finally was able to write something for her. She was always meant to have a longfic, but it never happened. It means 'Like the Foxes', and it suits her as a redhead and a rogue class.
La'Vise Lavellan (Just Like Fire): The title of the fic is the definition of the name. She is my one canon story. I am utterly unsurprised at myself for not finishing it.
Lark Cadash (All the Earth and Air series): Again, default is bleh. Malika > Lika > Lark. Then I leaned into the bird symbolism.
Shae Cadash (Destiny Is Just In the Timing): This is apparently a popular name for a Cadash, lol. In order to set her apart (both in fandom and in my head), it's actually a nickname. Her full name is Shaelgat, meaning 'Unto Shale', and it has Lore(tm). A daughter of every generation is named this, and will be until they find the golem they're named after.
Banal'ras Nydha, the Twice-Born (Hope Is a Fragile Thing): She's actually a MGIT, who was given the name 'the Shadow of Night' by Solas in the Fade before she became corporeal in Thedas. She has a shtick that goes with it, the ability to use Fade cloak even though she isn't a mage otherwise. Ya know, like Cole. Her story and name are part and parcel with each other and mostly because I wanted to make an OC who was Deeply Mysterious(tm) without ever explaining it. The legend-mark comes from the Avvar, among whom she lives at the start of her fic.
(we're almost done)
Virlas Lavellan (I'll tell you my sins (and you can sharpen your knife)): Default, bleh. Symbolically fitting name, yay. It means 'the Way That is Given' or something like that. This was a giftfic turned treat for the Solavellan Hell Exchange, and I didn't think too hard about the name other than something that would fit for a post-canon Lavellan.
Rinna Cadash (What Lies Beneath): Another giftfic OC. Dwarven names tend towards being short and this one just felt right.
Eshali'nan Lavellan (A Wolf Named Vengeance): This fic is a modern AU collab with my beloved Angel, and someday we'll finish it, lol. Esha, for short, was another OC that kicked around for a long time like Laani. She has quite a backstory that will likely never get told because frankly, I'm tired of writing DA retellings. Originally she was a Sentinel in Arlathan, who spent most of the intervening years in uthenera like Solas, but woke a generation ago. She lived with the Lavellan clan and was chosen to go to the Conclave. The name means 'Daughter of Vengeance' and was chosen for her at her elevation to Sentinel status.
Great googly moogly, I have too many OC's...
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dreadfutures · 2 years
There's a reason there is the BIPOC acronym: black indigenous people of color. The issues of respectful depiction and representation are intimately intertwined between black characters and indigenous characters.
Leaning into features related to monkeys (particularly, but not limited to, exaggerated round faces and big lips, especially for comedic effect) and minstrel depictions/blackface-inspired depictions of dark skinned native people is racist. There is really no good reason for it.
A lot of these depictions overlap with Nubile Savage tropes, jungle princess, and many others.
There are actual indigenous styles that do have lots of nudity...that are not just fetishistic speedo-style loinclothes. And there are lots of resources detailing indigenous fashions from many different communities and cultures across the world. You have many more options that are way cooler and more respectful. There are ways to have nudity without being fetishistic. And talking constantly about how your own native/primal themed character loves nudity and is so cool because of nudity is weird and fetishistic.
Because if you start doing research you'll find that actually a lot of indigenous peoples were a lot less nude than you think. Your thinking is influenced by decades of consuming media that wasn't researched, or was deliberately racist. Many cultures with "loinclothes" (not what most people call them btw) always wore leggings and a cover over them.
Research is fun, and with the internet, easier than ever.
I would like to give non-Americans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to depicting indigenous characters, but there really are some Lavellans and Dalish and Elvhen characters who look like caricatures.
(Also, Noble Savage isn't a good trope to lean into without reflection.)
Especially if you demonstrably can draw and paint characters who *don't* look like caricatures, it looks like you're making an active choice to depict your non-white character in a bad way. You should really double check your source material, check yourself, and find some other visual language to attach your character to than racist source materials.
It's not like Americans are fed academic articles about this stuff growing up. We are immersed in a melting pot and experience a huge amount of more subtle context and correction that teaches us what's right and wrong and uncomfortable to the diverse communities around us, and that's something that changes over time. Some things just aren't ingrained in other countries' discussions of visual language and how it handles race (boy, the concept of race is complicated in other places).
But there isn't an excuse to remain ignorant for long tbh.
The information is out there, and the bare minimum information about indigeneity being a sensitive topic is well known. If you are deciding to depict characters from backgrounds that are traditionally marginalized, fetishized, and denigrated, you should become aware of how they have been maligned!
Whether or not they are a fantasy race, every artist is drawing from the same wealth of visual language we all have available in the real world, which are tied inextricably to real world cultures for better or worse. It's not an excuse to say that it's okay to use racist depictions of black and brown characters because in-canon they're not considered racist. Maybe that means the canon material was blind to the fact that it is racist? Maybe it was a particularly clumsily done attempt at reclamation, and maybe if you don't belong to those marginalized identities, it's not up to you to decide if it was a good reclamation or not.
And if something has been brought to your attention as being racist that you didn't know previously, you don't need to grovel or kill yourself.
A concise apology and a sincere personal desire to be better is all anyone (should) want.
Getting one person who is marginalized to sign off and say "idk I don't think it was racist" and using it as a get out of jail free card isn't as protective as you think. Diverse communities are...diverse. They have many people in them of various sensitivities and their own tolerance for bias. Some are biased themselves.
But there are through-lines in visual representation of marginalized peoples that are demonstrably, broadly, offensive and harmful. Do you really want to propagate that?
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aho-dapa · 10 months
🌤️ 🌧️ 🌩️ ☔
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
(The lore is deep for this Harry Potter fic, but Lucius Malfoy is basically teaching Draco about the name their ancestor was granted by the first Norman King of England, since I went down the JKR lore hole that is pureblood families)
“What did it mean to be bestowed the name Malfoy–with both English and Norman aristocrats breathing down his neck, knowing of the magic that was hidden in our ancestor’s veins? Who did he have to betray to get such a name?”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
Trans Elain in my rewrite having to deal with the Cauldron changing her body post being dunked like food in sauce
TW: body dysphoria
(Tbh this less of a snippet and more of a word vomit but here ya go):
After Luci goes shopping, he buys something for Elain, a dress that flows and puffs and nearly overwhelms her frame, only her shoulders are exposed and there is a necklace of thin lace that crosses over the protrusion of her neck. Somehow, looking in the mirror, despite the lean muscles of her arms, she feels delicate. Somehow, in this body, she feels like herself. More than she has in months.
The visage of herself in the mirror gasps and Elain falls to the floor in a heap of fabric. The tears are silent and joyous as she covers her complete expression of awe with her hands covered in black gloves.
The fabric of the tips is made to be pointed and although her hands had gained a sort of thickness to them, the gloves make her feel dainty. Soft and feminine.
She searches her face, over the tiredness and weary of it, over the harsh lines of exhaustion, and in it she sees herself.
She sobs. What surprises her even more in the bubble of laughter that rises out of her chest. She tries to stifle them both, the smile still overcoming her face.
The sudden impulse to run out of her room and hug Nesta, Feyre, anyone–claws at her heart. This is a great gift. One she did not know how to repay. Or who she could even repay.
She scrambles back to the bed where she left the note. The neat handwriting is not familiar and it left no clue to the sender's identity.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Uhhh, this is an old one for a webtoon called Return of the Mad Demon (the joke here is that they're undercover as a couple and don't have any children):
Seongtae watches as Jaha obliterates everything in his path with a single strike. Honestly, he should stop being surprised at this point. 
"I don't know how to even begin cleaning up after this mess. Next thing you know, you'll have descended from being a demon to a fucking evil god. How the hell am I supposed to keep up, my oh-so-enlightened master?" 
Jaha merely turns around to stare unimpressed at Seongtae until a mischievous shit-eating grin breaks out across his greasy ass face. As if Jaha could achieve godhood if he really wanted to. 
"Shut up…" 
"But I haven't even said anything… Yeobo~"
"But who will look after the children?" 
"I will, you asshat!" 
Seongtae stomps away, nearly tripping over an unconscious body, and hisses over his shoulder, "With complete fucking custody!"
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Tbh I have plans to write nearly all of the ideas that stick with me. But since I'm currently playing through Dragon Age: Inquisition (uh spoilers) and since I'm still dealing with the ending of Trespasser after romancing Solas, I wanted to write a time loop fic that was both the Inquisitor messing with time and the Fade to literally put a leash on Solas. A lot of people say that that Solavellan is unhealthy and I counter with let Lavellan be completely unhinged after finding out her boyfriend is basically a god. Anyway, the vibes are that Lavellan promises to be the Hunter of the Dread Wolf.
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inquisitor-julia · 4 months
Peach: What is a color that makes you smile?
honestly i know it's kind of thought of as a sad color sometimes but i love blue so much! blue and blue green are my favorites i think but i also love green and red :) i especially like blue or airy colors on flowers though or plants that are just green leaves (like succulents or monstera)!
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Mushroom: What is a quote that you find comfort in?
Not really a quote but I have a tag for myself on my personal blog for reminders to myself and motivational posts i find so i'm (as of today) making a point to read through those once in a while. Something about words i saved for myself in the past is more impactful to me idk
Bread: Do you know how to bake bread? If so what is something you've baked recently?
I don't know how to bake in general tbh I'm good at cooking but baking is a mystery usually. I *did* bake that Dalish cobbler from the dragon age cookbook over the holidays though and it came out pretty well as a blueberry cobbler! I baked it bc I had in my head for a long time that my lavellan's favorite food would be something like that so when it was in the cookbook i was beyond thrilled!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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shivunin · 1 year
Ooooh you're doing it again? NOICE! **
"Send me an npc (or your own oc! For funsies) and I'll tell you what my oc thinks of them."
So let's see...
Wade and Herren for Arianwen.
The Arishok and Keeper Merethari for Maria
Sir Woolsey for any/whatever of your Lavellans you feel would have the strongest opinion about the real Arl of Redcliffe.
And take Aisling and tell me all any of your characters will think of her, go. (again, pick any of these you want, no obligations! ✨)
Thank you, Arja! 💗
(NPC Opinions thing)
Oh man, Wen and those two. I won't say she likes them, but she's sort of accustomed to them? She's definitely grateful when they turn up at Vigil's Keep, but they talk so much. It's sort of in one ear and out the other for her. Most importantly, they made the really nice armor that she gave Zev and it kept him alive. They'd be on good terms just for that. She's definitely not about to start baking them cookies anytime soon, but then I can only think of one or two people she would bake cookies for.
Maria starts out with a lot of respect for Keeper Marethari, but that respect vanishes during Act 2. She gives the arulin'holm to Merrill, of course, and it really, really bothers her that Marethari not only left that choice up to her (a human) but also that she has apparently poisoned the whole clan against Merrill. The idea of having a home to go back to is so, so important to Hawke. Knowing that Marethari has essentially stolen Merrill's from her forever (how could she ever go back to the clan if they all think she's a maleficar?) is deeply upsetting. She is cordial, perhaps even cold with the Keeper after that. She comforts Merrill when the Keeper dies, but she isn't really sorry about it.
As for the Arishok, Hawke also starts out with a deep respect for him that isn't at all affected by his decisions leading up to the end of Act 2. She doesn't even really mind him killing the nobility, tbh, though she wouldn't say it in so many words. Frankly, the conditions in Kirkwall are as bad as they are because it benefits the ruling class and she despises it. As far as she's concerned, let them all burn. The only caveat to all this is that she takes exception to the rampant damage to the city and, obviously, the Arishok taking and/or killing Isabela. Even after all that, she regrets having to kill him and continues to have very mixed feelings about it long after he's dead.
Emma is the most comfortable with spirits in general and she kind of adored Sir Woolsley. She tells Adhlea stories about him all the time and even started a research project to locate and document other spirit-possessed animals, should they exist. She anonymized his location in all her documents, of course, lest someone track him down in Redcliffe and turn him from spirit to demon.
Regarding Aisling:
Arianwen would have the most complicated feelings about Aisling, I think, if she were present to watch the events of Inquisition go down. On one hand, she really doesn't like humans much and she'd be glad to see an elf in charge of such a powerful organization. On the other hand, she would not like the idea of the Chantry using an elf to spread their dominion even further. She would also have very conflicting feelings about the role of the Wardens and their level of cooperation with the Inquisition (though! I don't remember which way Aisling rolled with that, tbh). Wen's walls are pretty high, so I don't see them becoming friends exclusively because I don't see her being willing to open up like that for anyone new. Also, she would be extremely suspicious of someone referred to as the "Herald of Andraste"
Maria would get along with Aisling really well, I think! She'd be a bit taken aback by Cullen dating a mage after everything, I think, so she'd approach with caution. But they have a lot in common and Maria really likes thinking things through logically and weighing the pros and cons, so I think they'd do some good sciencey magic together c: (Also, anyone who's a friend to her friends gets a little extra leeway where she's concerned and Varric's opinion carries a lot of weight for her. Aisling would be worth befriending based on that alone, but I think she would come to like Aisling for herself pretty quickly).
Elowen would grow around Aisling like a vine on the walls of Skyhold. Aisling is exactly the kind of friend she needed so desperately in those early days and I think their strengths would bolster each other's weaknesses. So in short, I think she'd adore Aisling c:
Salshira is really uncomfortable with any personal questions. So as long as they could talk about Aisling/neutral topics, she'd be happy to spend time together. The second Aisling expressed direct worry about her/how she was doing, Salshira would run (but, you know, that's how she is; she's scared of deep connections, at least at first).
I was thinking about Aisling and Emma earlier haha! Because of that trap post. I feel like there is some universe where Aisling is the Inquisitor and Emma is some kind of researcher/magic specialist. I think these roles would suit them and Emma would appreciate Aisling's input (as long as she stops touching things, Creators, she just finished putting all those mosaics back where they were!). They would definitely start talking through theories about some magical apparatus or another, forget that time exists, and scare everyone into thinking something awful happened to them. And then keep doing it, because it's so nice to have a friend to talk about your favorite things with!
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vikugnavikugna · 7 months
Tagge by @that-one-empty-skull
coke or pepsi? Nearly exclusively water, but I'll go Pepsi if there's a gun to my head
disney or dreamworks? Dreamworks
coffee or tea? The black sludge is a necessity, tea I drink for pleasure
books or movies? Books!!!
windows or mac? If the question was Windows or Linux I at least would have to consider it; as is, the choice is clear
dc or marvel? I LOVE BOTH!!!!!! My shelf has more DC omnis and tps by volume tho and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Superman, so ig DC
x-box or playstation? Steam Deck
dragon age or mass effect? Neither, thank you
night owl or early riser? I wake up at 6 am on a weekend
cards or chess? Cards, ig
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
vans or converse? I don't wear shoes like these
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? What.
fluff or angst? Both, angst-leaning
beach or forest? Beach
dogs or cats? I dream of cats, but wake up to a tiny ass annoyingly loud chorkie at the foot of my bed
clear skies or rain? Clear skies if I'm outside, rain when I'm inside, thank you
cooking or eating out? Eating out
spicy food or mild food? Spicy!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Dziady! (Halloween)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold. I would just wear sweaters all the time
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting to deal with my trans-ness would be nice, electricity manipulation if I wanted to minmax life tho
animation or live action? Animation
paragon or renegade? What.
baths or showers? Shower!
team cap or team ironman? I hate those fucking movies, but I love Cap in general. On a very basic level he's *basically* Marvel's Superman, after all (fundamentally a good person representing the simplistic idealism of a bygone era forced to operate a much more morally complex world - also, punches people)
fantasy or sci-fi? I was once a fantasy head but I read near exclusively hard sci-fi for like a year now so who even knows tbh
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? “Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange./Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never could.” Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell “This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth.” Rhyth of War “Every concert pianist knows that the surest way to ruin a performance is to be aware of what the fingers are doing. Every dancer and acrobat knows enough to let the mind go, let the body run itself. Every driver of a manual vehicle arrives at destinations with no recollection of the stops and turns and roads traveled in getting there. You are all sleepwalkers, whether climbing creative peaks or slogging through some mundane routine for the thousandth time. You are all sleepwalkers.” Blindsight (READ BLINDSIGHT) I guess. It's all I could think of at the moment rather than all time concrete faves tho
youtube or netflix? Youtube
[REDACTED] What- What does that mean
when do you feel accomplished? Raking leaves :)
star wars or star trek? Dislike the former, didn't watch the latter
paperback books or hardcover books? I read epubs on my Pocketbook so when I buy books it's just to look good on my shelf - hardback
to live in a world without literature or without music? I could eventually get used to no music, but I cannot realistically go on without books
who was the last person to make you laugh? "Fist my bump". I just finished Project Hail May a few minutes ago, as of writing this. The author is an unfunny techbro but he has his moments
city or countryside? I live in a small ass village and I would love to move to a city
favorite chips? Lay's Oven Baked green thank you
pants or dresses? I WISH I could pull off a dress
libraries or museums? Museum!
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven!
bookmarks or folding pages? Bookmarks!
Dream job? I cannot imagine a satisfying life under the capitalist system. I could be satisfied raking leaves and picking up trash for 8 hours a day, but we don't pay those people well! Make me do that but for a livable wage!
What gives you comfort? Blanket and no light and I'm set
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? "Lately I've taken to vacantly making repetitive movements/Mistakenly seen as improvements/Nearing perfection but wisely electing/To shun my reflection preferring instead shoe inspection/Cheese and chalk do not talk/But their eyes synchronize with a secret rhythm/Which is a way one could say that I love you for psychological reasons"
favorite ice cream flavor ever? Mint! Mint! Mint!
first fandom? Hard question! Akame ga Kill was the first thing I was super into but Yu Yu Hakusho was probably the first time I made fanart and interacted with ppl on the internet abt it. Worm is the first time I made digital art for smth and posted memes on the sub!
Your desert island band?
I'm scared of tagging people. Sorry if you hate this. Add new questions at the end if you follow up. @larky-lark @n0brainjustvibes @clarissa39 @heyitschartic
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menkhu · 8 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
ahh thank you for the tag @jxstnn !! btw the confusing questions were referencing dragon age and mass effect respectively
coke or pepsi: water :)
disney or dreamworks: i don't really do movies
coffee or tea: a few favorite teas>coffee>most tea
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows, i've got a sniper trained on apple inc and i'm waiting to line up that perfect shot
dc or marvel: the only superhero i care about is spider-man
x-box or playstation: pc
dragon age or mass effect: both but i have to say dragon age as a fantasy lover
night owl or early riser: huge night owl, coming at you from 2am
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: whatever's in the clearance aisle tbh
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idr inquisition that well but i do think being able to play as a qunari is rad as hell
fluff or angst: fluff < angst < fluff and angst
beach or forest: forest
dogs or cats: cats, doggy kisses are too gross to me
clear skies or rain: clear skies, i am photosynthetic
cooking or eating out: cooking
spicy food or mild food: mild, by a small margin
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: crimbus; i love gift giving and gift receiving and reciprocal kindness
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: healing; i wish to relieve your burdens
animation or live action: live action but also both
paragon or renegade: paragon, mean dialogue options make me sad
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: team spider-man, the only superhero i care about
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: oh man i gotta remember stuff? you're getting some favorite song lyrics instead: "they don't understand; i'm not what they think i am" -waterman, userx "kill them with kindness; i'm so polite i know all the right knives to use" -fight! sophie hunter "you ain't gotta boo me just to tell me that i love wrong; gloves on" -gloves on, 80purpp "do you wanna kill time in aisle 3 with frozen food" - hospitals, shiny wet machine
youtube or netflix: yohoho
harry potter or percy jackson: nah
when do you feel accomplished: when i laugh at my own jokes while writing
star wars or star trek: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
paperback books or hardcover books: audiobooks
to live in a world without literature or without music?: sorry music i love you but writing is part of my soul
who was the last person to make you laugh? a discord friend
city or countryside? countryside
favorite chips? pringles
pants or dresses? dresses, free the knees!
libraries or museums? libraries
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? telling myself i'm gonna remember the page number and then forgetting the page number
Dream job? that's the question isn't it
What gives you comfort? baking with friends, rambling at friends, stardew valley
what are some of your favorite song lyrics?
Tagging: @kcvagabond @dingbingbats @wheelie-butch @lunalucykat @nessietessie @cornflower-fields
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aylaaescar · 1 year
Sidane and Morrigan: 12 and 16. Rionne and Josie: 23 and 24, please!
thank you!! 🖤
12. What struggle have they seen each other through?
there's the whole Blight, but that's a cheap answer so I will not go w that lol. okay here's one that idk if I've ever shared before, but Sidane lost their vision to an injury at the top of Fort Drakon.
(injuries/eye pain cw) a shriek was going to catch Morrigan off-guard, and Sidane just... jumped in the way. they weren't really thinking, bc if they were, they probably just would've used a magical barrier or something. but instead they panicked, and their face got clawed instead of Morrigan's head. now I'm perfectly aware that Morrigan canonically leaves after that fight if the ritual happened, buuuut it's my brain and I say that she stuck around after that, at least for a bit. it wasn't for long and might not even count for this question, tbh? but she stayed with them for a few days until they woke up, since the shriek got them badly enough that they were out of commission for the rest of the fight. Alistair was the one to get the final blow against the Archdemon.
16. How do they react when the other is upset? How do they try to help?
I won't lie to you, I feel like they're BOTH bad at this, at least initially lol. Morrigan grew up w friggin Flemeth as her role model, so I doubt she has any good examples to follow? Sidane is a liiiiittle better, since they have Jowan, their sister Perry, and best friend Ramori, so there's experience there in comforting others even if they're not the best at it. but Morrigan? nah. I feel like she doesn't know how to handle that at first, but learns as time goes on.
tbh they probably just kind of give the other space, at least in the beginning of their relationship? neither of them know what to do but don't want to make it worse, so they'll just leave the other be. but that changes when they start to fall for each other; Morrigan is a bit harder for me to pin down in how she'd comfort them, aside from spending time w them and listening to them vent. Sidane, on the other hand, tries to make Morrigan feel better by leaving a pretty flower or two in her tent, or on her things. historically they've always been a casual hook-up sort of person, they don't have experience with actual romantic feelings, but plenty of novels say that flowers are a good gift, right? they're trying. give them both some time in their relationship to not be as awkward with FEELINGS.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
was Josie there when the Inquisitor was unconscious after popping out of the Fade? if yes, then I'd imagine she was probably curious as well as cautious? they just survived a huge disaster and they have that glowing arm now, so I think I'd feel the same way. if not, I think Josie might have thought Rionne was impressive and brave for how she'd sealed the Rift, but was also... kind of chilly? which isn't wrong, bc Rionne IS a chilly person in general - that just gets amplified when she's a Dalish mage surrounded by human Chantry members who seem to think she's a prophet for their religion. Rionne didn't enjoy her time at Haven, lbr.
on Rionne's end, she was initially suspicious (as she was with everybody), until Josephine greeted her in elvish. for Rionne, it was the first time anybody at Haven had treated her with respect; praising her for the Rift or being their Herald set her on edge at the least and irritated her at worst, because she had no choice in the former and she outright denied the latter every chance she got. so Rionne kind of decided that she had a soft spot for Josie from word go, haha.
24. How did they fall for each other?
would it be corny to say just by being themselves? 🖤 okay less corny, I think it happened just as they got to know and understand each other. they're both hardworking women who put their families (Lavellan and Montilyet) first, so much of what they do is for the people they love and there was a real solidarity that came with that. Josephine is caring and compassionate, gives Rionne cuddles while respecting her asexuality. she knows that sometimes Rionne's just going to be prickly, or not touchy-feely, and it doesn't mean that she's any less loving than she was yesterday. Rionne went out of her way multiple times to help Josephine with her family, and outright dueled somebody else so Josie wouldn't have to marry a stranger. lots of little things and big things adding up to a nice picture.
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ell-vellan · 1 year
💭 right back atcha for El and the reveal about the evanuris - mythal, trespasser, all of it
(Does solas tell her about the vallaslin since she’s with bull?)
Haha, thanks for the ask :) I'm actually planning future oneshots about these events - and tbh, they're not yet set in chronological order as I haven't thought about it in that detail, but I'll tell you about my plans!
Honestly I feel like Solas telling Lavellan about the vallaslin shouldn't have been romance-locked, but maybe friendship locked. I can see him feeling a duty to tell a fellow elf he's come to respect the truth - I can imagine that it rankles him, seeing someone proudly wear what he views as slave markings day after day without knowing the truth. He's held it back for so long, and know his charade will soon have to end -- so he might as well leave with a parting gift to soften the betrayal. (El sure doesn't see it as a gift, though.)
So, yes! I want to write the aftermath of him pulling her aside to tell her, without the romantic aspect of that scene.
Cutting myself off at this point so I don't spam people who don't care about my long headcanons 😉
Honestly, when he offers to remove it, she's...so angry. And she rarely lets herself be truly angry. But she already feels cut off and alone from everything Dalish; she and Solas haven't always seen eye to eye; it's an insult that he thinks so little of a beloved culture that he'd take the last link to her clan and history away.
That part sort of overshadows the revelations about the gods; but she decides quite quickly that it doesn't matter if the gods were exactly what she was always taught. She already had a tenuous belief in the distant elven gods. What good were their gods, truly, if they'd never helped the elves escape slavery, massacre, or subjugation? They were more ideas and vehicles to teach morals to children than anything else. And the older she became, the less she believed they influenced her life in any meaningful way.
So, Solas' origin story of the Evanuris makes sense to her, but it also doesn't change much for El.
The lessons they taught still matter, even if they didn't come directly from gods. The culture that binds her people as one is still important. They made their own stories out of the ashes of old ones.
As to the Well of Sorrows, El can't in good conscience allow the wisdom of the ancient elves go to a human, or be lost forever, so she makes a sacrifice to drink from the well. And she does view it as sacrifice, but she's already sacrificed a lot to become Inquisitor, so what's one more? I'm not exactly sure how she feels beyond "resigned to her fate, and vaguely afraid she just made a terrible mistake." Dealing with the voices from the Well aren't great for her mental health for a while, either.
I want to write both Solas and Bull's reaction to this: the first is angry, maybe out of fear. Bull doesn't know much about this stuff and lets her make her own choice, but secretly worries what it will mean in the long term; there's already the Anchor to worry about - now even more weird magic he doesn't understand. He doesn't like unpredictable magic, not knowing what might happen. He doesn't know what to prepare himself for - but he hopes for the best. And he worries for her mental state, that she would take this risk; it feels like she's sinking deeper into her role and losing herself.
And Trespasser - seeing Solas with his true power as Fen'Harel is both terrifying and somehow makes her deeply, deeply sad. He's every bit the scary tales of her childhood come to life. Learning more about what he tried to do for his people reminds her of own doubts that she was following the right path as the Inquisitor, making the right choices, doing the right things to save the world. She can empathize with that, she can mourn what he tried to do and what was lost. But at the same time, can't stand idly by while he undoes all that she sacrificed to save. Or it all becomes meaningless. And she can't accept that she did all of this for nothing.
She feels not up to the task of stopping him from destroying the world - he's so much more powerful than he ever let on - but still duty-bound to try, until her last breath. After all, she'd befriended the Trickster, the thing she'd been warned about all her life. Her folly and thus, her responsibility.
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inquisitoracorn · 2 years
WIP Wednesday - TSTS Ch 17 - One and done
Oke I was gonna go on with focusing on something else for this chapter but then @musetta3 pointed out a massive missed opportunity so I'm doing that instead.
Welcome to Kirkwall, Lord Trevelyan!
Jonathan had to remind himself that they were fortunate to have found this tavern. Truly, the city was already overflowing with disgruntled sailors and passengers who have had to pull their ships ashore thanks to the heavy autumn storms. Every bit of space with a cover had already been taken. Save for this. How shocking, the thought creeped forward as he swept a look over the run down room. He smothered it. They were lucky, that’s what they were, even if the floors of this establishment were sticky enough for Jonathan to have to put in some effort to pull his boots free of them. Even if the language the patrons shouted at each other didn’t exactly sound like Common anymore. Even if the stares aimed at him and his armoured retinue made him squirm under his cloak. They were lucky to find shelter from the downpour, somewhere warm where the owner wouldn’t mind them dripping water all over the floor. They were helping, really.
The Hanged Man, Jonathan was sure, was the sort of place that wasn’t so bad once you got used to it. Maybe it could happen soon. A hot meal and some dry clothes would do wonders to help that.
He couldn’t just throw his bag open and change into something more comfortable just yet, however. Jonathan peeled off his dripping wet leather gloves and frowned in discomfort at the just-as-wet bandage underneath. He shot a look at the captain, who was heatedly but civilly discussing accommodation fees with the barkeep, who kept eyeing their soldiers and their various bandages with a wary look, as if they might break out into chaos any second now. Jonathan had a feeling he shouldn’t make himself too comfortable just yet.
They'd sent word to Harold of their arrival. If they were lucky enough, he could use up a favour and house them in the Templar barracks, at least for the night. Maybe.
They put together half a table and three chairs for their drinks. Soldiers shared seating, but they didn't seem to mind as they helped each other take off their armour - "least it rusts together into a one-piece", they laughed. Galbert, always the prepared type, had managed to sort himself a nice, cozy seat by the fire. Jonathan looked over with a spot of envy from his own cramped seat at the table.
The sound of a handful of coins hitting the wood jolted him alert. In front of him stood a dwarf, his golden hair shining as bright as the chain around his neck, his gaze avid and curious. He pulled up a chair as he shuffled forward with a hand resting confidently against the worn wood.
"Why don't we make this easier for everyone - if you sit somewhere else, the next few rounds are on me," he said to the people currently taking up the other half of the table. Clearly, it seemed to be an acceptable deal, for they quickly gathered up the pieces and went straight to the bar, allowing their party to take over.
Jonathan eyed the dwarf uncertainly, "Thank you, erm..."
"Varric Tethras, at your service," he intoned. Practiced. Definitely practiced.
Dun dun duuuuuun. I'm living for the conversations they'll have in Inquisition tbh :)))))
Cassandra: "Do you know where Hawke is"
Varric: "Ermmm..."
Cassandra: "This man, the prisoner, have you met him before"
Varric: "Errrrrrrmmmmmmm"
Tagging: @kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @ellie-effie | @noire-pandora | @morganlefaye79 | @thedastrash | @inquisitor-julia | @cathyfowl | @nivenor-krosis | @sacredsymbol821 | @arilah | @plisuu | @knuttydraws | @cleverblackcat | @blarrghe | @johaeryslavellan | @in-arlathan | @musetta3
Sorry for the missed tags again, just know I'm reading as much as I can and I'm rooting for you and all the wonderful work you all are doing!
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Hey Roddy. Was thinking about shitposts and decided to ask what your Dragon Age cast would do with a groupchat, if they could have such a thing.
I'm going to go with a groupchat with each other, rather than with their respective companions in each game, just because that's a funnier option.
Every single person in this groupchat is burdened by deep and overwhelming existential dread. 2/3rds of them have chronic depression. Esti Lavellan also has chronic anxiety, which stacks up hilariously against Genevieve Hawke, who acts like she doesn't know self-doubt as part of a deeply ironic facade that she pulls over all of her deep-seated Problems, and Jade Surana, who legitimately has never known self-doubt. Avrian Mahariel is the only man in the group.
The chat is basically unreadable between the dog photos that 6 of these 9 people are constantly sending; the remaining three people don't have dogs, but Esti Lavellan sends pictures of her favorite hart, Asa Lavellan sends photos of the nuggalopes that the Inquisition acquired from Creators only know where, and Ra Adaar sends pictures of her favorite dracolisk, which absolutely freaks out the people who have had the fortune of never seeing such a creature before in their lives.
Ra: "need help: what do women like as gifts. yes i know i am a woman. that has not helped me."
Catalina Tabris: "sword"
Avrian: "forbidden knowledge"
Iveta Cousland: "a dog. vengeance is also good"
Jade: "a nug"
Gretchen Hawke: "quality time together, also dog"
Catalina: "also def seconding vengeance"
Genevieve: "i have never loved anyone more than I have when they say that they're down to help me kill giant spiders"
Ra: "asking you people for relationship advice is a fucking nightmare and I don't know how any of you have held down a long-term romantic relationship in your lives tbh"
Jade: "lmao me neither"
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