#I don’t know what to expect from a vampire Billy and Mary interaction because we haven’t seen much of him yet
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
I’m intrigued that DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #2 opens with Mary being devastated by the loss of life:
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But then the next page has her happily walking along with a big smile:
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And then she’s chipper and sweet throughout the rest of the story, except for briefly when Jimmy Olsen gets turned. She seems to consistently bounce back very quickly from tragedy in All-Out War so far, but of course I expect that to change as the current plan needs the group to first go to the human battery farm in Florida to kidnap Weather Wizard, which the end of this issue reveals is also where vampire Billy is:
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Like, we are definitely getting a Mary and vampire Billy confrontation. Maybe even next issue.
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mixed-verse · 5 years
[For Mobile Users] Compiled Info
(everything in the links is re-posted here!)
Season 2 Information
Here we go again...
“Here we go again…”
Welcome back to Mixedverse!
The previous server ended awhile back, but due to prolonged interest in the AU and people wanting to do more for it, we’ve rebooted it! It’s a bit different now, though.
When we began the last server, most people didn’t really understand how things worked or exactly what was happening. Our biggest misunderstanding was assuming that MV (Mirrorverse) characters were being brought into the NV (Normalverse) world, rather then them both being merged into a middle ground.
Although that is still our official lore for this AU, we decided for the RP server we would go along with it! So…
For our AU, it’s the opposite of that.
The characters from the NV world have been sucked into the MV world, while going about their business. All you have to do to get there is blink.
Other Changes:
The most important changes have been to the application and muse receiving processes.
Applications for the most part have stayed the same, however there’s a new concept called muse lock that we’re using.
There are short periods where muses are unlocked. You may claim characters, trade characters with other people, and whatever else you wish to do with them during this time. However..
When you are muse locked you may not claim any new characters or obtain new characters in anyway. The only thing that you can still do is drop muses, however they may not be replaced with a new one until the next time that muses are unlocked.
Well, what are the times that muses are unlocked? What does that mean for joining?
Sadly, another thing that we’re going to be including is that you can only join while muses are unlocked. However, we will be accepting applications at any time! They’ll just only be approved once new muses can be taken. This also gives us time to look over everything and make sure that everyone has a fair shot at getting the muses that they want.
We are currently accepting applications!
The next time muses will be unlocked: July 1st - 4th 2019 ---------------------------
Mixedverse AU Information
Welcome to Mixedverse
Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different.And no one knows who’s who.
“Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different. And no one knows who’s who.”
Welcome to the Mixedverse AU! It’s a Mirrorverse AU where MV characters and normal characters (Normalverse) have been introduced to a similar, middle-ground verse.
At first, they might not notice anything at first. Maybe they only run into people from the same verse at first- But then, they notice that one of their friends is actually COMPLETELY abnormal. Slowly but surely they’ll eventually realize that something is wrong.
This is a good opportunity to explore different types of relationships! As well as have a slightly over-arching plot over the entire story.
Mirrorverse Info
Mirrorverse is an AU that was inspired by the Spookyfish episode of South Park, where a mirrored version of Stan, Kyle, and Cartman came into the world. It’s most commonly known where it was represented in a Kyman fanfic, as well as artwork from sleepyeule. You do not need to have read this fic.
The basic premise is that the characters are.. well, mirrored. That doesn’t mean they’re complete opposites, but some of their most important traits are removed. The best example of this is with Cartman. Mirrorverse Cartman has his general horrible and selfishness removed- Which leaves him kind, empathetic, but he’s still pretty gullible and manipulative like he is normally.
[Note; if anyone is shying away from taking an MV character because they either don’t know how a character would act or haven’t done it before- I suggest taking a muse you normally wouldn’t do since they’re going to be mirrored. As well as, ask for help if you’re having trouble at all.]
Normalverse Info
Normalverse is a weird thing to call it, but it’s basically just the canon world! The characters are just as you know them, and there’s nothing too big to note.
(Tumblr is ran by Teal)
Rules for the Discord group!
1. Have common decency. I’d prefer not to have multiple rules just telling you to be a chill person and respect people. No harassment, bullying, shaming people, etc. Just be reasonable, you don’t have to get along with everyone or be completely unconditionally nice, obviously, but be civil!
2. If you’re uncomfortable, tell someone. This goes hand in hand with the first thing, but if you have drama going on with someone, if you’re being harassed, or if you have a problem with someone, tell a mod or the owner. They’re there for a reason: to help you!
3. Stay in character. Keep in character, there will be a bit more lee-way for Mirrorverse characters than for Normalverse characters since they’re up to interpretation. There will still be standards for them, though, and expectations for how they should act in a mirrored sense. Relationships shouldn’t be changed entirely and characters shouldn’t have sporadic personality changes.
4. Whatever’s in the show is okay. South Park uses slurs constantly, is generally inappropriate and gross, and if you’ve watched the show then you should expect this. I’m completely up for helping people feel more comfortable if they do have things that really upset them, but I’d like to make it clear that I want people to be comfortable using what’s been aired on public television.
5. Minors are allowed. We’re more selective when it comes to people that are underage, but we do allow them! There’s no NSFW allowed, and be aware that some of the people you might interact with could be under 18.
6. Roleplay etiquette. Basically, follow the basic, more well-known roleplaying rules. No god-modding, auto-hitting, mary sues, self-inserts, match post length, try to keep from really small posts if you’re doing literate RP.
7. IC =/= OOC. If a character says something mean to a character in a roleplay, that’s from a character to another character. It’s not to you personally, and those things should be entirely independent of each other.
8. Please be active. If you know you have issues with activity, which is perfectly fine, please inform someone and try to take a role that’s not going to require you to be there constantly. IE, someone playing Stan and only being here once a week could be a problem, but someone playing a character like Pip or a kinder would be completely acceptable.
9. No ship drama. Please, don’t force-ship, don’t shame people for certain ships, for liking things, for not liking things. Shipping is really subjective and some people are different. However, on that note, pedophilic and incestuous ships aren’t accepted in this server in any respect.
10. Characters can die. Muses can be seriously injured and even killed! If a muse is killed, they will never be brought back.
11. Joining? To join the Discord server, submit an application to this Tumblr using the application. If you know someone that’s already in the server, it’s generally easier to get in.
We are accepting applications at all times!
We will be approving applications and letting people join the server through July 1st - 4th 2019.
A list of all characters, available and unavailable.
[There are separate lists for Mirrorverse and Normalverse, scroll past the Normalverse list for the Mirrorverse one.]
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Application: [OOC Info] Name: Age: Pronouns: Extra: [IC Info] Name: Verse: (Mirror or Normal) Age: [Main four are 17-18] Gender + Sexuality: Height: Appearance info: Extra: Personality: Headcanons: (Around 5 total) Roleplay sample: (Paragraph) [Don’t worry about formatting, formatting will be fixed after submission.]
(Use the submission option to send this!)
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Hello! Sorry for this stupid question, but here it is... how do you notice subtext?? Like, is it something that is obvious to you or do you know what/where to look for?? Am I dumb for not seeing it by myself, or is it actually okay and you need a skill for it, that's what I would like to know... *sigh*.. but also it's not like I'll accept any explanation that someone gives, I'll take it only if I find it reasonable, but lmao do I even have a right when I can't come up with anything by myself??
Oh gosh, that’s not an easy answer… Good thing I just had a coffee and my brain is nearly back online!
Essentially, it’s just about awareness and willingness to engage with the text on the level of being aware that it’s a text, rather than losing yourself to it. In a very good movie you forget where you are and you’re 100% in there and your thoughts are just absorbing what is in front of you. In a bad movie you’re gossiping and joking about the characters, even in your mind if you are polite in the cinema, and identifying shit like “oh wow what a surprise his sketchy brother is betraying him” or whatever. Aka you are viewing it as a bad movie rather than disappearing into the good one. 
And at that point you are an objective level removed, and your awareness of tropes and storytelling and general themes of the genre means you’re now engaging with the story and its subtext on a higher level than pure indulgent viewership. (Which is a blessed state and extremely important for creators to cause that to happen in us, but if we want to be critical of a text we then need to lovingly make this step back to critique and explore and analyse and understand WHY we liked the thing we liked. Or, of course, hated the thing we hated.)
This is the answer the internet gives on What Are Subtext?
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The important thing is that the subtext is an actual, solid, understandable part of the story, but it’s not one that the text will actually announce with words… Unless it’s being extremely post-modern.
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(You should watch Jane the Virgin, it’s amazing)
In that example, it’s extremely obvious in context that the situation sucks, and our narrator is telling us, as a voice outside the scene, how it feels for the characters even though it’s blatant on screen, it’s humorous for us to be told this as part of the overall conceit of the show, which is extremely postmodern and constantly types out the details of the story and how the characters feel, things they don’t know, etc, on screen for us to make sure we’re all on board and understand what’s going on. Using the narration like this is making what is subtext in the acted scenes, for example jealous eyebrows and the sort of other micro-expressions we over-analyse, into stated fact about the feelings. The serious nuance comes in other, much more intelligent ways in the story.
Another direct and frequent way we interact with subtext aside from it being just literally anything happening on screen that is not directly commented on but may be evident from the work of acting, camera, and setting-related design and other choices, is dramatic irony, which is a very good use of subtext which draws us in and makes us extremely aware of what we know that the other characters don’t, and plays on that for our attention and investment in the story, but of course MUST go unstated at least to some characters, meaning that any engagement we have with the conceit around said character(s) means we’re seeing the subtext they miss. Growing up reading Lemony Snicket was a masterclass in storytelling and general life so I’ll let him explain:
“Simply put, dramatic irony is when a person makes a harmless remark, and someone else who hears it knows something that makes the remark have a different, and usually unpleasant, meaning. For instance, if you were in a restaurant and said out loud, “I can’t wait to eat the veal marsala I ordered,” and there were people around who knew that the veal marsala was poisoned and that you would die as soon as you took a bite, your situation would be one of dramatic irony.”
When we’re reading a text to identify subtext, we need to have awareness of some pretty basic foundations, such as the major story tropes and styles, and character and setting and a lot of other things… Fortunately as long as you read books, watch films and TV series and otherwise consume tons of media, you will have at least unconsciously absorbed a LOT of the toolbox needed for this. You just need to know enough to know how to expect what happens next, OR to know when a story has done something radical which is NOT what you would have expected, and breaks a mould you thought it was set in.
For example, the cold open of 2x03 features a vampire, a panicked, conventionally attractive woman in a white top running through woods, being hunted by Gordon, with the vampire as the typical tropey victim, and Gordon facelessly featured as a seeming hook-handed killer. It LOOKS like it’s going to play into an extremely typical slasher story, but once Sam and Dean realise the victim was a vampire, it turns the entire set up on its head and is immensely unsettling to the foundation of the show (which is how Dean handles the episode). I use that example a lot but it’s one of the most blatantly tropey cold opens on the show which gives away nothing to suggest it will be subverted, because it’s so early in the show their mould is extremely simple, and you could almost not trust that they wouldn’t do another extremely on the nose urban legend, before they have really established themselves beyond the season 1 style.
That whole set up relies on giving us invisible cues we read which are the subtext of the scene, and then using the fact that this set up plays us really hard to believe one thing and the other, in order to make it so complex and confusing and uncertain even for us, as we relied on the cold open to tell us what was what and who was good and who was bad, which if we followed one emotional POV of the episode, could last as long as Dean’s uncertainty that the vampires weren’t bad.
Storytelling is built enormously on this foundation of subtext and stuff, and one of the things that you can tell is bad about Buckleming episodes is that they really don’t put in much subtext: things are fairly straightforward, subterfuge is broadcast, and there’s rarely deeper meanings or connections between events in their stories. It comes across shallow and weird, especially with side characters with bizarre and unexplored motivations, or surface level motivations which are not explored and we can only take it on face value what they actually care about. One of the most hilarious Buckleming scenes to me is the one where Crowley “forces” Lucifer to tell the court of demons that Crowley is the best and he is in charge, while with his back turned to Crowley, Lucifer winks and implies with his tone of voice that he is/will be in charge and is the real king they should be bowing to. This is their idea of dramatic irony, subtlety and subtext in character interactions and it is utterly, truly dreadful to behold, in the sort of way I want to put it in a museum as an example to future children to learn what not to do. You can press a button and Lucifer’s eyes light up in the exhibit!
In any case you’re probably really mostly asking about Destiel and bi Dean subtext etc, because this is what majorly concerns the meta-interested peeps. But to me it is really really essential to know and care about the entire house of cards. Billie’s words about the structure and function and behaviour of the universe in 13x05 are a wonderful description of how writing works, and as a bonus she doesn’t say “this is a writing metaphor” and wink directly into the camera, as Buckleming would have written it, but Yockey leaves this idea in the writing itself for us to interpret and understand. There’s a LOT of commentary in this show about writing but this one in particular really resonates with me when it comes to talking about interpretation, because we really have to understand and handle the entire story in order to really line up any of the pieces in a way that makes sense.
Right now I have that lil lesson in visual subtext floating around, about Ketch and Dean in 13x18 and Dean n Cas in 13x19. I think it’s a great example because Ketch and Dean have a real history, and that’s super important to remember when on the surface it looks like just a joke. The history goes back as far as 2x03, when I’ve written before about seduction and the trap Dean falls into with men filling a space in his life. The tl;dr of this linked meta is that Gordon, the Siren and then Crowley as a main arc over season 9-10 seduced Dean in a very similar pattern. 9x11 is the best example of a Dean seduction episode, but through season 10, Crowley is so successful that he has the dubious honour of having actually managed to bed Dean in the process, while the others failed, though the Siren at least got a proxy-kiss.
Ketch comes on to Dean in 12x14 and there was even a shot or promo image (I can’t remember which this is now) where they had this bottle in the middle of the table between them.
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Bottles are suggestive imagery in any case, and we have Cas flirting outrageously (for Cas) with Dean in 9x09 including this action of stroking his bottle in front of Dean:
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Ketch’s approach with Dean was a lot like Crowley’s, emphasising their similiarity and trying to get his little adventure with Dean to tap into all the dark parts Dean denies. In the end Ketch went overboard beating up the vampire girl, Dean went into protective mode, and didn’t unleash an inner killer, like Gordon and Crowley in particular had wanted him to, and so this Manly Bonding Over Violence failed to occur, they went their separate ways, and Ketch shacked up with Mary instead because this is a fucked up story :D
Once this incestuous connection to Ketch occurred, he for once is off-limits to Dean now, so he’s having this oddly romantic bonding episode with Dean in a sense - the kind that without this context would be huge alarm bells because it combines the ridiculous homoeroticism of Dean x Cole (thank the fucking lord that stopped short) and the plausible good chemistry of Dean x Crowley in the sense of Jensen and DHJ being a fucking delight when they’re together. This would be EXTREEEEEEEEMELY shippable in other circumstances, but instead Dean knows Ketch slept with Mary, they mother and son killed him and destroyed that gross connection, and then he floated back up like a turd, and so they mostly just talk about when and how they get to kill him again, and not in the “this is a blatant flirtation” way Crowley pointed out it was basically a come on from Dean to threaten to kill him in the closing lines of 9x10 and the opening lines of 9x11 featured Dean threatening to kill Crowley.
So Dean chilling 5ft away from Ketch in a hot tub because he’s not gay in the woods, and telling him flat out he’s not his type, is legit and not connected to subtext telling us that Dean isn’t bi, it’s that Dean in a zillion years is not going to sleep with Ketch, that if he was younger and dumber he would have, but he knows what’s up and now Ketch slept with Mary, this is fucked up in a way that we’re now verging into bizarre John subtext instead. The phallic symbol of a gun - used a lot by Dean from between his legs in humourous or not so humorous scenes and teased as penis subtext a lot (especially in #THINMAN with the “say hello to my little pistola” moment where Dean directly compares dick and gun in coded talk while having it out with Harry) - is therefore presented as Dean with it loose and not pointed at Ketch. Surface level, he’s not gonna shoot Ketch right now. Subtext… He’s… not gonna… shoot……. ketch right now…
And then you go to the kitchen scene with Dean n Cas, the subtext of beer as dicks is also deeply established as well as alcohol as sexual bonding between men, right back to Gordon and the Siren and Crowley, in a bad way, but also positive; Dean bonds with people who share a drink with him and his primary way of picking up women is in bars. In the open of 1x19 he and Sam have full beers on their table, and Dean goes over and buys more beers to talk to the women he wants to pick up, then goes to Sam and puts those beers down - in the end Sam has 4 full, untouched beers on the table in front of him when Dean runs off to go seal the deal at the end of the scene. I find that so utterly hilarious.
But yeah. Between Dean n Cas it has a much deeper level of symbolism about their connection, and the major moments are pretty numerous, but I love in 10x18 at the Last Supper, the Kingdom Beer bottle superimposed over the whole of Cas for a moment in the fade between scenes, before Dean picks it up and drinks from it. There’s also moments like 6x03 when Dean is praying to Cas where he’s holding a bottle directly between his legs, as Cas arrives in the room. Details like this always make me laugh. You need a dirty mind for this sort of subtext :P The show itself has a dirty mind… Season 7 is full of Dick jokes, but they’re only the most overt that the show makes. 9x17 is RIDICULOUS because Misha has the foulest mind and spent roughly 50% of the time he was directing doing close ups of Dean’s face as he drinks seductively from a bottle, or with him standing with a pool cue between his legs, running his hand up and down it. I… Am not going to comment further. It was, however, the episode where Crowley thought he had sealed the deal with Dean.
In any case the subtext of the beer in 13x19 is more likely to link directly to 12x10 and “this will do nothing for me but I appreciate the gesture” and the more wholesome theme of Dean trying to be nurturing and inviting Cas into the home and family - 12x10 was basically addressing and fixing an enormous problem of miscommunication about this. In the end despite the gesture - of both not killing Cas just to spite Ishim, or giving Cas a beer when it won’t make him drunk, Cas ended up still leaving on the mission that ended up with him stealing the Colt and then going off with Jack and Kelly. And this season the theme remains of miscommuncation, this time with so much dramatic irony that WE know that the characters don’t that their cross purposes can be seen from space… Hopefully for the sake of addressing it.
But I have a dirty mind and this is an established part of Destiel subtext from other scenes where the beer was more directly in focus, such as 9x09, meaning no harm in highlighting the upwards pointing phallic symbols in the room and grabbing an awkward shot of Dean holding the beer pointed Caswards from his lower torso… :P
I think in the end spotting innuendo is important to know when it is and isn’t intended by signifiers in the story and characters that it is just random. There’s almost certainly accidental moments where characters with no chemistry or emotional subplot have done things which might look suggestive but it’s up to us to use logic and reason to guess they’re not really telling us they have a boner for each other. Since Dean n Cas have romantic subtext and a strong history of innuendo and sexual subtext as well, it’s fair game to at least laugh about unfortunate implications, wonder about the Big O Slush Machine that Cas spilled over the phone to Dean in 9x06, or look stonefaced into the camera and say “that’s a dick.”
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astarkey · 3 years
It’s kinda long, so I’m gonna have it under the cut lol.
Top 5 favorite characters: Piper Halliwell, Prue Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, Paige Matthews, Andy Trudeau Other characters you like: Darryl Morris, Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, Barbas Least favorite characters: Billie Jenkins, (Adult) Chris Halliwell Otps: Prue/Andy, Piper/Leo, Phoebe/Cole, Prue/Bane Notps: Prue/Jack, Phoebe/Coop Favorite friendships: The Halliwells and Darryl Favorite family: The Halliwell sisters (Paige included) Favorite episodes: “Murphy’s Luck,” “Ex Libris,” “A Witch’s Tail,” “The Day the Magic Died,” and “Oh My Goddess.” Favorite season/book/movie: Season 2 Favorite quotes: “I know it’s not very P.C. but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late night talks, candlelight. I love love.,” “It’s the 21st century. It’s the woman’s job to save the day.,” “I don’t obsess. I think, intensely.,” “I think from now on I’m gonna stop trying to control every little moment. The best ones kinda sneak up on you, anyway.” Best musical moment: All the musical guest at the club, P3. Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I think when I saw Bane make a re-appearence when he kidnapped Prue 😂 I don’t think I fangirl'd too hard, I was calm and surprised about it haha. When it really disappointed you: When they added Billie. I don’t know, I didn’t really like much of season 8 ‘cause I felt like they were making the focus on her and didn’t know what to do with the rest of the main characters. I hardly watched that season anyway, it just felt dragged out and confusing. Saddest moment: When Phoebe vanquished Cole Most well done character death: I don’t know, I guess Andy’s. Favorite guest star: John Cho Favorite cast member: Holly Marie Combs Character you wish was still alive: Prue Halliwell AND Andy Trudeau. One thing you hope really happens: I don’t know. It would’ve been nice to see the next generation of Halliwells kicking demon ass lol. Most shocking twist: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When did you start watching/reading?: Probably around the time that s4 aired. I always saw glimpses of episodes on TNT when my mom used to do my hair before taking me to school, and I just decided to sit and watch it with her when they were showing new episodes on WB (CW). Best animal/creature: I think the Grimlocks. They kinda scared me when I was a kid lol. Favorite location: The Halliwell house Trope you wish they would stop using: I don’t know... I don’t know if it’s necessarily a trope, but I kinda noticed how they would make the big sisters seem a little bossy. Like Prue was the big sister and she was bossy, and then when she died and Piper ended up being the big sister, she became bossy later on, too. It’s like they have to have one of the sisters being the boss in the trio and it’s like why??? lol.  One thing this show/book/film does better than others: It’s three sisters that are witches and kicking demon ass. How cool is that lol  Funniest moments: Piper on the ground kicking and screaming in that episode “Is There a Woogy in the House,” and Piper calling some dude skid mark lol. Couple you would like to see: I don’t know. Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I’m not sure. Favorite outfit: Phoebe’s outfit here [Link] It’s always been my favorite. Favorite item: The Book of Shadows Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: No What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I don’t know. Most boring plotline: I don’t know, I kinda stopped investing in the show when they did the whole Wyatt going to magic school like going to Hogwarts, and the warlock running the school wanted to steal Wyatt and make him evil so he could be evil!Wyatt in the future. It was like around that season and when Oded Fehr played that demon (I forgot his name, but I know it starts with a “Z”) and when Billie showed up, it just got boring later on. Most laughably bad moment: Piper’s Halloween costume as Gilda the witch from The Wizard of Oz. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Idk, I can’t remember. There were so many 😂 Most layered character: Piper Halliwell Most one dimensional character: Uh... I don’t know. I wanna say (Adult) Chris Halliwell lmao. Scariest moment: I think a reporter was in the sewers trying to report on the Charmed Ones, but then a Grimlock popped up in front of the camera and attacked the reporter. Grossest moment: I don’t remember. Best looking male: Bane Jessup (let’s be honest here, people, lol) Best looking female: All of the sisters are good looking, lol. But I’ll say Phoebe Halliwell. Who you’re crushing on (if any): Nobody lol. Favorite cast moment: I don’t know. Favorite transportation: Orbing Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The dream sequences in the “Dream Sorcerer” episode. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I know the reason (the Shannen and Alyssa beef while filming), but it’s weird that Prue’s spirit never shows up whenever the family’s spirits are called upon, like Grams’ and Penny’s spirit. Even in the last episode of the show, Prue never showed up, and even the characters questioned that! 😂 Best promo: I have no idea. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I don’t know, it kinda grew on me lol. I liked the idea of witches fighting evil, and the show gave off this warm nostalgic feeling (kinda like Practical Magic), and I think that’s what drew me to the show, as well.
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Top 5 favorite characters: Seth Gecko, Kate Fuller, Richie Gecko, Kisa, and Eddie Cruickshank.  Other characters you like: Freddie Gonzalez, Scott Fuller, Ximena Vasconcelos, Jacob Fuller, Burt, Kalinda, Dakota Block, Rafa Infante, Vanessa Styles, Celestino Oculto 😎, and Kalinda Least favorite characters: Aiden Tanner, Carlos Madrigal, Sonja Lam Otps: Seth/Kate, Richie/Kate Notps: Scott/Kate, Seth/Richie, Kate/Carlos, and shipping anybody with Aiden lol. Favorite friendships: Seth and Kisa, Seth and Kalinda (even though it was extremely short, their interaction was just so nice to see), Kate and Rafa, and Richie and Kisa (I wanna say they’re otp, but I also like the mutual relationship they have) Favorite family: The Fuller family including the Gecko brothers... and Uncle Eddie 😂 Favorite episodes: “Let’s Get Ramblin’,”Santa Sangre,” “Shady Glen,” and “Dark Side of the Sun.” Favorite season/book/movie: Season 2 Favorite quotes: “And every spidey since I got is tingling in every nook and cranny from eyeballs to balls-balls.,” “’Got your balls on?’ ‘Screwed on tight.,’” “’Are you here for redemption? In whose eyes? Your God’s?’ No. In the eyes of the people I love.,’“ “My family might survive if we stick together because we’re better together. When we’re alone, we’re lost.,” “Now like it or not, we are a family. A broken, messed up, sad excuse for a family. But goddamn it, we got love for each other, don’t we? Love and forgiveness. That’s how you get through the day, right?,” “Next one that pipes up gets a stake through the heart. Reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit. Got it? Fantastic.,” “You, be cool.” Best musical moment: Uh... Every musical moment was pretty mediocre, so I guess Fanglorious on stage was pretty great (those are the only 2 musical moments I know). Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Los Tres Geckos robbing a bank at the end of s3 lol. When it really disappointed you: How the creators just decided to change Sex Machine’s character from the movie into this total perv/predator in the show, like wtf. Movie version Sex Machine was my fav. AND THEY KEPT BRINGING HIM BACK EACH SEASON WHEN NO ONE WANTED HIM BACK, LIKE MAJORITY OF US COLLECTIVELY WANTED HIM TO STAY DEAD! Saddest moment: In the “Straightjacket” episode when Seth was tied up and trying to talk to Richie to get his normal self to come back while his shadow-self took over. They really got me with that one. Most well done character death: Carlos getting butchered by the main characters, leaving Scott to finish him off by decapitating his head. That was some pretty poetic shit right there lol. Favorite guest star: Tom Savini Favorite cast member: D.J. Cotrona Character you wish was still alive: Pretty much majority of the ones that have died 😂 I’ll just say everyone except Malvado, Carlos, and Aiden Tanner. One thing you hope really happens: Dude, I just wanna see Seth and Kate kiss, that’s all man 😆 Most shocking twist: I mean I wasn’t expecting Kate to show up with the brothers robbing a bank, so that was a shock lol. When did you start watching/reading?: Pfff, pretty much five years ago, now, in March! Lol.  Best animal/creature: Culebras Favorite location: I’d say the run-down motel in the beginning of s2 😂 Also Uncle Eddie’s shop. Trope you wish they would stop using: Idk... Idk if it’s a trope, but it kinda sucks seeing innocent girls getting treated like shit and killed, and then they come back from the dead and like some part of them is stripped away like they’re not as they used to be, and they’re out for blood. I don’t know... One thing this show/book/film does better than others: As cheesy as this show is, it has Robert Rodriguez all over it, which kept me hooked. It also incorporates Mesoamerican mythology and folklore, which I’m a huge sucker for, AND VAMPIRES!!!!! Funniest moments: Richie sliding out when Seth told him to shut up at the liquor store, Carlos pretending to hand something to Malvado when he’s handing him nothing and saying he’s all out of fucks to give, Seth shooting a gun in the garage with a straight face, and Seth protecting his crotch before he attempts to shoot a gas tank. Couple you would like to see: Idk, I guess Seth/Kate??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek (I still wanna know why she wasn’t on the show. She would’ve been amazing as one of the nine lords) Favorite outfit: [Here], [here], and [HERE] Favorite item: Kate’s cross? Idk. Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: Yep! A shirt of a fanart of the Gecko bros., a sethkate cup, and a fanart sethkate iTouch case. What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I don’t know. Probably a culebra lol. Most boring plotline: None of them were really boring.  Most laughably bad moment: Richie just staring off into space as he’s drawing circles in his book like right after Seth said that Richie wasn’t crazy lol. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Kisa’s flashbacks. Most layered character: Idk, there’s a lot of characters that are equally layered. Most one dimensional character: I don’t think there’s any 😂 Scariest moment: The Head Games monster taking the skull out of his victims was pretty crazy. Grossest moment: When that dude peed on Freddie while he was tied up. I’d say that was disgusting. Best looking male: That’s a tie between Seth and Richie. Best looking female: Kisa Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH GECKO Favorite cast moment: When they all went on a group chat, and reminisced on the show and shared pics when they were on set filming. Favorite transportation: The rv, even though that rv needs to be cleansed thoroughly. Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Kate swimming and floating in the pool (before the water turns red lol) Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Like... there’s no way anyone could come out cold turkey that friggin’ quick within a couple hours. It usually would last within three days. Best promo: Season 3, I think. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the scene when Kate had the conversation with Richie by the pool. I loved how the creators made the interaction less creepy compared to the movie, and I found it pleasing with all these changes they made from the movie for the show. There were a lot of things they changed that I found it appealing, AND THEY CHANGED SETH’S ANSWER AND WANTED KATE TO ACCOMPANY HIM, LIKE THAT’S WHAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN FOR 20 YEARS, AND IT HAPPENED! 😩🙌🏽 It’s like they gave me everything I wanted, but wasn’t expecting to happen lmao.
Geez, sorry this took so long lol! Thank you so much for asking me these!!!! 😁💗
0 notes
Epic Movie (Re)Watch #223 - Muppet Treasure Island
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: DVD
1) “Shiver My Timbers”
This is quite possible the strongest song in the entire film. The song written by Brian Mann and Cynthia Weil, combined with an arrangement by Hans Zimmer manes it fittingly epic. It creates an immediate sense of danger which is unique in a Muppet film, but it doesn’t go too far. It’s fun, filled with adventure & helps set up the stakes and tension of the film. I freaking love it.
2) Billy Connolly as Billy Bones.
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Connolly’s role is brief yet important/memorable. He is able to blend Bones’ drunkenness and occasional frightfulness well with the Muppety fun which defines the film. A veteran comedian, Connolly fits the role like a glove.
3) Kevin Bishop as Jim Hawkins.
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Bishop isn’t exactly groundbreaking in the role of Hawkins, but he isn’t bad by any means. His longing and sense of adventure are represented well by the child actor who fits almost as well with the Muppet characters as Tim Curry does (no one can match Tim Curry though). He’s a solid foundation the film is built off of.
4) “Something Better”
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I don’t particularly LOVE this song, in fact I think it’s the weakest in the film. It’s not bad, I just find it incredibly cheesy. It tries a little too hard to be cute, acting as Jim’s “I Want” song. It does well to establish the different attitudes Jim, Gonzo, and Rizzo have towards the idea of adventure (as well as their brotherly relationship), but some of the moments just feel like they’re trying too hard to me. That may just be a personal thing though.
5) One of the most interesting things in this film is the brotherly dynamic Jim, Gonzo and Rizzo have with each other. Specifically: juxtaposing Gonzo’s enthusiasm against Rizzo’s fear leads to a lot of fun character interaction. Unfortunately it doesn’t get the focus I wish it did around the halfway point of the movie, but it provides for an interesting hook which explains a lot of the motivation for these characters. They’re looking out for each other.
6) I don’t know why I find this line so funny.
Blind Pew [stroking Jim's hair]: “Oh a pretty little girl is it? Yes, take me to Billy Bones, ma pet!”
Jim: “You've got it all wrong, there's no Billy Bones here, and I'm not a girl!”
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7) I’m a sucker for fourth wall breaks and self aware humor.
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Bill Connolly was actually the first actor to die in a Muppet movie (or play a character who did). He’s proud of this.
8) The pirate raid on the inn is fine. It’s a tad scatted and there’s better action later in the film, but it’s an important part of the story that gets in a few solid laughs through Gonzo & Rizzo antics.
9) Mr. Bimbo, the man that lives in Young Trelawney’s Finger, is a running gag in this film Frank Oz (the actor behind Fonzie Bear) initially hated. However, as filming went on it reportedly grew on him so much that it was one of his favorite jokes by production’s end.
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10) Tim Curry as Long John Silver.
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Without a doubt, Curry is the best part of this film. A Muppet fan for years, this is one of Curry’s favorite performances of his and it shows. The actor is just so totally committed to the part that he steals every scene he’s in. Wickedly charming and charmingly wicked, the actor is clearly having a ton of fun in the film which means we have a lot of fun watching him. Even if you catch him in the background of some scenes, he’s so freaking into it the entire movie is just elevated by his performance.
Sam Eagle as Mr. Arrow [about the captain]: “Is he bad tempered!? The man is a raging volcano! Tormented by demons the likes of which mere mortals cannot fathom!”
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This play with expectations versus reality, even if you know Kermit the Frog is coming, is actually remarkably funny and one of the best gags in the film.
12) Kermit as Captain Smollet is actually kind of interesting. From his initial introduction you get a sense that Mr. Arrow’s description of him may be a TAD more accurate than one might think considering he’s, you know, Kermit the Frog. This primarily comes through via his initial inspection of the ship and a seriousness he largely carries himself with until on the island. It’s kinda interesting.
13) “Sailing for Adventure”
This song is remarkably fun, even if it is no “Shiver My Timbers”. It captures the titular sense of adventure well in a charming way, giving each member of the crew a chance to shine and for Tim Curry to show off some of his vocal chops (more on that later). It’s a strong call to adventure which a film based on Treasure Island needs. I dig it.
14) Roll call.
This is a fun extended sequence that delights in playing with audience expectations (primarily with Big-Fat-Ugly-Bug-Face-Baby-Eating O’Brien and then Angel Marie). You kinda just have to watch it to understand.
15) The distance that grows between Jim and his brothers Gonzo/Rizzo is never really explored in the film, it just kinda happens. I wish we’d developed that more.
16) While no Treasure Planet (man, I love that movie), there are a number of nice moments of sympathy and compassion between Long John and Jim. You understand they’re almost always supported by ulterior motives, but the more invested you are in their relationship the harder Silver’s betrayal hurts.
17) I always found the scene where Gonzo ENJOYS his torture really funny. Not sure why.
Polly: “This won’t work, he likes it!”
18) “Cabin Fever”
Without a doubt the most pointless song in the entire film. “Cabin Fever” does nothing to serve the story but instead fulfills the movie’s 99 minute run time. Having said that, its randomness and fun energy mean the number is actually incredibly enjoyable. It’s really weird but simultaneously really entertaining.
19) Remember how I said I love fourth wall breaks?
Clueless [from the brig]: “Hey Polly? What was that song that just happened?…You know, ‘Cabin fever! Ah!’ That.”
20) Gonzo is so freaking weird I love it.
Gonzo: “And my pants are filled with starfish.”
Rizzo: “You and your hobbies.”
21) This is me whenever I like the villain of a movie.
Floyd Pepper: “Hey man, I can’t figure out what side we’re on.”
22) “Professional Pirate”
As observed by Long John himself, this is Tim Curry’s main song in the film. His performance propels the piece from incredibly entertaining to rip-roaring fun. Again supported by the original composition by Brian Mann and Cynthia Weil, along with Zimmer’s arrangement of the pice, the number is one of the most surprising treats of the film. It just pulls you in for a great ride.
23) Long John taking Jim’s compass, knowing how much it means to him (since it’s all Jim has of his late father), shows how his greed outranks anything else. He loves the treasure more than he loves Jim, which is what drives their relationship apart.
24) According to IMDb:
Hormel Foods Corporation, makers of Spam, sued the film production company for making the name of a warthog character "Spa'am". Their suit was defeated on September 22, 1995. The judge noted that "one might think Hormel would welcome the association with a genuine source of pork."
25) Guys, it takes Miss Piggy 66 minutes to show up in this movie. It’s 99 minutes WITH credits. She’s in less than 2/3s of the movie!
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(GIF originally posted by @marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer)
26) Long John going off on the pirates about using a page of the bible for the black spot is actually an incredible showcase for Curry’s talents. He’s so over the top and fun it’s just…man, I love Tim Curry.
27) Ah, Piggy/Benjamina.
Miss Piggy as Benjamina: “You know, I’m starting to see a pattern in the men I date.”
28) “Love Led Us Here”
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While a poignant and well composed number, it doesn’t really feel earned by the film. Piggy’s been in what, 15 minutes of the movie so far? And we’re getting a grand love song for her and Kermit’s character? And then it plays as the backdrop of the pirate finding the treasure? That doesn’t really fit. I don’t know. I like it on its own I just feel it doesn’t fit with where we are in the movie.
29) Kermit’s face here gets me every time.
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30) The final fight is pretty solid. Muppets aren’t exactly designed for action scenes. But even though it’s not a moment of greatest tension, there is an incredible sense of fun to it along with nice gags and surprises. Especially Tim Curry’s fight with Kermit the Frog is a standout moment in the entire movie because, again, Curry is just SO into it it’s hard not to have fun!
31) The final goodbye between Jim and Silver actually has a nice amount of poignancy to it, especially when Silver can’t shoot Jim and then Jim can’t turn in Silver.
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While not the strongest theatrical Muppet film, it’s hard to go wrong with the franchise. Muppet Treasure Island brings the series’ trademark fun & whimsy to the classic story, with good songs and an incredible performance by Tim Curry. It’s just a genuinely fun watch.
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