#I do think that Hera would be a very fitting mother for Eris tho
deathlessathanasia · 16 days
Do any of the Ancient writers cast Eris as Hera's daughter? I know Hesiod makes her the daughter of Nyx (Night) but Homer presents Eris as a "sister and companion" of Ares, do other writers mention this? I think I read somewhere that Hera got pregnant with Eris by touching some enchanted flower... TBH the idea of Ares and Eris being some kind of "messy war twins" wins over me LOL
I don't know of any ancient source in which Hera is called the mother of Eris, and imo not even the sibling relationship between Eris and Ares necessarily implies that Hera was the mother of them both, common as this interpretation is. In Ovid's Fasti Juno conceives Mars after contact with a very special flower, but he is the only child mentioned and if a similar story exists about Eris' I personally don't know of it.
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