#I didn't even hate Local God btw
I'm realizing now that Local God is similar to How Do You Sleep?, the song by John Lennon where he attempts to shit talk Paul McCartney, only for every insulting lyric to apply much better to himself than Paul, something he would later acknowledge. Of course, How Do You Sleep? is a better song.
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
America: I wonder how you four ended up being relatives, you look so... diverse.
Lithuania: *facepalm*
Latvia: Dude, THAT'S racist.
India: Wow, you sound just like your father, it gives me nostalgia! :D
Estonia: *tries not to laugh*
India: About 10 000 years ago, there lived a family of a hundred sons and one daughter. After a big war, the father, whose name was Bharata, was severely wounded and passed away without having time to write a will, so a squabble for power began. Brother turned on brother, everyone wanted to be the next ruler and marry their only sister, as pretty as lotus flower, the only woman who possessed the magical powers. The youngest son, a boy of extraterrestrial beauty and a kind heart, skin as an ivory, hair the ancient darkness of Vidisha, face a sculpture from Sravasthi, he didn't want to participate in those horrors, so he took his bow, arrows and Madu, and he went west to seek his fortune, leaving behind the saddened sister, who was too cowardly to give up everything she knew and leave, even if it meant losing all the power over her body. For many centuries, he wandered around the world like sun, saw thousands of different miracles, participated in thousands of different battles, made thousands of friends - but nowhere he felt like staying forever, nothing brought him a feeling of home. His soul and body were tired, he hated the sun itself, so he went north.
Lithuania: Oh, I know the rest, Curonia told me when I was little! Once, your brother reached the sea merging with the sky itself, bluer than turquoise. He couldn't have but fall into temptation to reach the Heaven Castle. He kept going many miles further ahead, and seeing that the sea didn't go any deeper, he lost his vigilance and track of time. Tired but inspired, he decided to catch himself some fish to eat. No one told him that sea was the local witch's property, whose peace no one dared to disturb for a long time.
Lithuania: Lightning of all colours scorched his ivory skin and long black hair, and the undercurrents dragged his limbs down the water. Jūratė was an asocial introvert, and she really didn’t like the smugglers who took all her amber and killed her fish. At first, she wanted to punish the stranger, but seeing his exhausted bloodless face, her heart was filled with pity, so she brought him to her Amber castle for interrogation.
India: I never liked that wicked daayan.
Lithuania: Well, mom wasn't that evil. After having a hearty lunch in a house made of sun, both made by a beautiful woman with golden hair and sapphire eyes, dad said he immediately fell in love with her. This made her laugh a lot, so she decided not to tell him that she almost killed him and the storm was her doing, and she put all the blame on the Thunder God.
Lithuania: However, when mom asked what his name was, he said something so difficult to pronounce that she asked: "Kas ir ta tauta?" - which means "What is your nation?" Dad didn't know any Baltic language back then, so he thought "kastaut" was some sort of friendly greeting. This word, eventually, became his new nickname. Nowadays, however, its form is Kastytis.
Latvia: Estonia called him Aesti, btw.
Lithuania: The moral of the story is that serious misunderstandings can not only destroy human relationships but also create them! :D
America: What a beautiful story.✨️
Latvia: And then they got married, had 10 children, and died in one day. Happy end.
Lithuania: You sound sarcastic.
Latvia: Wow, no way.
India: So basically, you three are the only alive sons of my brother.
Latvia: Nuh-uh, it's Liet only. Estonia is the oldest of us all, and he's our bro not by blood but by soul, we went through a lot of shit together during Livonian Order occupation, russian empire, nazis, soviets... I'm the proud child of Kurzeme and Latgale. Zemgale as well, but it's complicated.
India: Wait, so you're the grand kid? ...Why do Lithuania and Latvia call each other brothers then, not "nephew" and "uncle"?
Lithuania: It’s complicated.
Latvia: He's too Polish to be my uncle.
Lithuania: Shut up, my German nephew.💢
Latvia: Uno reverse, Estonia is your uncle.
Estonia: Please stop, I don't want to be anyone's uncle XD
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hiveswap · 8 months
The little separated off area at our front door is so empty and surreal now. The cat stuff is gone and i put the extra chair back to where it used to be. But I still dont like our pets going there and sniffing around or sunbathing there. Like no that's Wrong you cant go in there. Don't do that. Logically it makes zero sense. If god is real it hates everything that is weak and in need of help. Btw. (I hope the people at our local catholic church also get no help when theyre sick.) (Who said that.) it was just a month and a half Idk if im still legit torn up about it or im just making myself upset because it feels like i should be. Like i want to hurt someone who is responsible but no one is. This is the first time i evem said anything about it to anyone not even my friends know yet bc idk how to phrase it. Yeah remember what i kept talking about? Yeah. That. My mother refused to tell me and let me find out on friday by letting me in through the door we don't use because that's the one with the little separated area. And then she just didn't say anything about it all evening. Tried to discuss it yesterday but like whats there to say i know the facts now. Friday sucked for so many reasons but the end definitely takes the cake. One day i'd really like to have a little orange cat
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prettyoddfever · 2 years
i don’t know if you keep up with panic now, but did you see that the pre split band was sort of mentioned in brendon’s new single local god? If you know about this, who do you think the song is about?
I figured the song just sounds like Brendon's reflecting on someone who once played a part in his life (possibly even a version of himself if you want to read it that way). I'm def not saying the song is about Jacob Kirkegard or anything, BUT give me a second to explain more about Jacob just to show how lyrics are so open to interpretation.
So we started seeing pictures in early 2007 of Brendon and Jacob hanging out (some pictures are in this tag I just made... I’ll try to tag other pics later). I heard that they had been in a small band together or played music together or something like that when they were younger. Then Jacob became the bass player for Brown Eyed Deception sometime around the end of Brendon’s sophomore year of high school. Brown Eyed Deception played some local Vegas shows that year with bands like Name Taken and The Higher. For context, Brendon met and joined The Summer League in spring 2004... so Jacob was doing much cooler things in 2003-2004. Brown Eyed Deception kind of toured unsigned in 2004–2005 and they were seriously good. Kyle Lobeck was in Brown Eyed Deception too! The band turned into YouInSeries and released a record in 2006. Jacob hung out with a lot of guys who were in successful bands (many Vegas bands got signed after P!ATD's success) but he sort of slid between everything. Part of my info here is coming from fandom gossip in 2007-2008 and info that Vegas kids shared, so I’m def not saying that this post is on the same level as my Panic knowledge btw. Anyways, I heard Jacob was super kind, but it was like becoming a star wasn't really a goal of his?? Here’s part of Kyle’s myspace post when YouInSeries broke up around the start of 2008: “...After starting this band 5 years ago with my best friends in my garage, it seems as though YouInSeries has finally ran its course. We were in the process of writing songs for our second record when I was informed that some of us were not compelled to continue with this lifestyle anymore. It saddens me in such a way that its hard to express in words. I really wish we could have recorded our new songs for you guys to hear.” No idea where Jacob falls into that.
P!ATD never had the chance to create a local fanbase. They just put their demos on purevolume, got signed by Pete, and then had an international fanbase before they’d even recorded AFYCSO. I’ve mentioned over & over how they were hated on because they didn’t pay their dues... that was seriously like a main theme of 2005-2006 that got really old (even Jon Walker said he initially hated P!ATD before he met them). Jacob played in a local band that absolutely paid their dues over the years and had some decent respect from teens (just saying, I'm from several hundred miles away and I had actually heard of Brown Eyed Deception in high school... like I found them online and burned some of their demos onto a mix cd, so they were at least at that level). Maybe the local experience that Jacob had is better than the fame he didn't seek? lol who knows... but the lyrics could fit someone like him:
Tumblr media
Again, I’m not saying this song is actually about Jacob! I’m only pointing out how lyrics are so open to interpretation. The first verse and the song in general doesn’t fit Ryan Ross at all, but I’m sure someone will still try to make that work too.
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rahadaddy · 2 months
Session 21
All of my players were there last night! I think I horrified them all! We didn't get to the masquerade (which was my big anxiety - am I prepped enough?) because they got involved in local politics.
After Father Lucian admitted that it didn't surprise him that the party believed Lydia was an assassin, they convinced him to confess that the night Elizaveta disappeared, Lydia came to the church to tell him Veta had been "compromised" by Nikolai Wachter. Upon arrival, Lydia had blood on her dress. She said she had sent Veta to Immol in the dead of night - a death sentence, since Immol is even further away than Krezk or Barovia Village. Lucian didn't think it sounded like Nicky to "compromise" Elizaveta since the two of them were wildly in love and not-so-secretly hooking up (which he tried to say as delicately as possible with Theo, his own daughter, present). He said he didn't think Nikolai Sr. would have done anything but the next morning, he was announced dead and Fiona would not allow a church burial. He wasn't sure what to believe had happened that night and was horrified to think that the implications were that Lydia or Elizaveta killed Nikolai Sr. or that Lydia killed Elizaveta and/or Nikolai Sr. or that Elizaveta lost a baby (through miscarriage or abortion) that night or- a million things. The party reviewed the letters they copied down from Lydia's desk - both her letter to Fiona Wachter that was never sent before the Festival of the Blazing Sun and the cipher they discovered. Theo theorized two things: firstly that as a vigil (child of an angel), Lydia's charge to protect is Vargas Vallakovich; second that the cipher was not for Fiona at all, but rather for Elizaveta, asking her to come home. The party surmised that Lydia is planning some kind of murder/suicide to change the political tides in Vallaki and that her desire for a council, versus Vargas' desire for a council stem from different places. They set to work, trying to figure out who should be responsible for what task in Vallaki, staying up late to do so.
During the night, Ismark asked Theo to perform confession for him. He atoned for abandoning Barovia Village and for killing Alistor (even though they brought him back from the dead) because he never wanted to, he didn't want to kill people - least of all Alistor, who does crazy things (and who Ismark maybe is in love with) - except Theo told him during confession that she talks directly with the Morning Lord and he seems to be looking out for Alistor in particular, so Ismark shouldn't worry. Ismark worried... mostly about Theo. The two had a frantic conversation about how it's not normal for the gods to talk to you in your sleep and Theo swore him to secrecy. He is struggling with it but he is a man of his word.
Tam and Ireena hate everything about all of this, btw, They keep trying to make a break for it, which is kind of a hilarious running gag, since they are Sergei and Tatyana reincarnated. Of course the two of them want to get away from all of this all the time. They get no respite from it and when they do, it's with each other, which doesn't count because even though Ireena doesn't know it, Tam knows that Ireena too much resembles the love of his life from his life as Sergei. Poor kiddos. They just want a break.
Which meant Alistor was trying to figure out how to delegate tasks in Vallaki by himself for a while. Poor thing. Ismark tried to help him when he and Theo got back.
The party went to bed in the church. Before doing so, Theo reached out to the Morning Lord one more time. Percentile dice roll. 92. Contact was made. She told the Morning Lord that she and Godfrey were going to heal Stella Wachter together, that Ismark is worried about Alistor, and also that Nicky told her that his mother's "book club" believes Strahd is a prophet. Cue the most awkward conversation between a god and his warlock about how Strahd, despite being a genius and hot and "funny when she's not trying to be", is a lot of things and a divine being is not one of them. The Morning Lord seems to have a lot of personal feelings about Strahd but Theo took it in stride. Who doesn't feel that way about Strahd? The Morning Lord granted Theo inspiration before disconnecting. Theo did not insight check him. Spoiler (which my players are aware of): Alek Gwilym is the avatar of the Morning Lord and he has such complicated feelings about Strahd, his king, his queen, his commander, the mother of his children, and his murderer. He can't help but sympathize with Theo's crush on Strahd, while also insisting she's ten miles of bad road. It's funny until you really start to think about their doomed love story and how it impacts the party and the present state of Barovia.
Granted. Theo wasn't the only one to make contact with a god last session. We'll get there in a bit.
Theo and Lucian did not have a very successful church service. People are worried about the Petroviches. Are they ill? (Such a bad performance check, even with Lucian's help action). After Church, Vargas invited people to his first council meeting. Nikolai Wachter turned him down, but the party accepted. Tam tried not to. Tam really, really tried. He and Ireena sprinted from the church to get him a costume: a resplendent, red fox. While there, Hewin, an old friend and business partner of Tam's, told him he'd heard that he was joining the book club. He asked him to petition Lady Wachter on behalf of those who share her sympathies and faith, but who cannot afford to join political and religious movements these days. Tam agreed and because of this and one hell of a persuasion roll, Tam got his costume for two-thirds knocked off the price.
The party attended the council meeting, where Vargas' incompetence was on full display, while Lucian distracted Lydia. Vargas didn't know how to structure the council or what everyone wanted to do, voluntold people for positions, and only brought one piece of paper to take notes on.
That evening, the party (barring Ireena, who stayed at the Church, much to her restless chagrin, and joined Lucian and Lydia for dinner) went to the book club for cocktails, dinner, and religious services. None of them were familiar with the Lady of Shadows' religion, except what they learned from Patrina (that it is Ravenovia's place in the Barovian pantheon after ascending to godhood) and what they suspect from their dreams (she is not a good or kind goddess). However, the Lady of Shadows possessed Alistor on a failed wisdom roll and he was blessed with knowledge of the sacraments and prayers. He was forced to go along with the service. She even compelled him to join the petition circle, where minor miracles were performed, and to confess what he wanted to ask most from the goddess.
Unfortunately for Alistor, what he wants most from the Lady of Shadows is for her to leave him alone. He failed another wisdom save and suffered massive psychic damage, dropping him to his knees.
The Lady of Shadows then turned her attention to Tam, the reincarnation of her favored son, and he resisted her with ease.
Theo healed Alistor, Ismark rushed him out into the hall, and Tam spoke with Lady Wachter afterward to learn about a religion where blessings were bestowed, money appeared from nowhere, and defiance led to crippling psychic damage. Fiona Wachter spoke of how she views the Lady of Shadows as the Morning Lord's other half. One needs sorrow to feel joy, and darkness to appreciate light. If all one does is smile like an idiot, one quickly becomes an idiot. The Lady of Shadows has shown kindness to her family over the years and her prophet, Lady Strahd, has blessed the Wachters. She knows her prayers have been answered. She explained that the Lady of Shadows is the goddess, Lady Strahd is her prophet, and "those the countess deems worthy of love" are the saints. Unnerving for a party of Strahd's brother (reincarnated), son, and a flesh construct made to resemble Tatyana. The party left, most for the church. Ismark took Alistor to the bar, where they didn't talk about the cult meeting, drank, and went upstairs together...
and then Alistor went for a walk to Buckvhold manor to fuck Fiona's second-in-command, Rafael Buckhvold, because sex with a man from the cult whose goddess has walked with you all your life, usually against your will, is less terrifying than making love to the man who wants nothing more than to know you're all right. This is the second time Alistor has made this exact choice and the thousandth time Ismark has wondered why the hell he thought Vallaki would be a better place to take Ireena.
I think the whole party is wondering why the hell they thought Vallaki was ever a safe place.
The next day will be the Moonlight Masquerade: Vallaki's next, big festival. Everyone is certain nothing good can come from it. We'll see!
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Another good color!
what makes you feel warm inside?
Literally: Hot coffee and also hot cocoa.
Figuratively: Being kind to others. That sounds so cheesy and fake, but it's true! I just love being able to be kind and sweet to others. Random compliments to strangers, using "may I" and "please" and "thank you" language to waitstaff and retail workers, etc. It's just the basics but I like knowing that I can make their day a little brighter by being extra nice. I just like when I'm able to be kind.
Oh, and also cuddling with my dog. She makes me the warmest.
what’s your favorite halloween tradition?
Playing my spooky music playlist, and watching Halloween movies (not outright horror ones, but ones like Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown and the like), and putting decorations up everywhere, and buying discount candy the day after!! You know how some people get extra about Xmas? That's how I am with Halloween. In fact I'm still wearing my jack-o-lanterns face mask because Halloween is not just a holiday, it is a state of being.
what’s the last thing you learned?
That the USPS are fucking dipshit fuckwad asshole bastard shitheads, or at least the ones that work at the local branch out here. Their archaic and asinine system not only "forwarded" a package that was sent to me on Dec 16th that had Xmas presents in it from a dear friend of mine ("forwarded" is in quotes because it has been missing in action since then, no one knows where it is), but also despite the issue causing that having been "fixed" last week, they are STILL forwarding stuff, so ANOTHER package that I was supposed to receive yesterday has also been "forwarded," and even though I called them LESS THAN 30 MINUTES AFTER THE TRACKING UPDATED TO SAY IT WAS FORWARDED, they kept interrupting me, wouldn't let me explain, said they'd "try" to pull it out of forwarding, HUNG UP ON ME, KEPT hanging up on me when I tried calling back, and today when I went there when they opened they were like, "it might be on the delivery truck but they already left, so we'd have to call them" and then just. didn't??? so that's Package #2 that's lost, I guess.
I know I just said I like being kind and I do, and I admit that I was pretty frustrated with the post office lady on the phone when she said she'd "try" to pull it from forwarding and I was like, "what does that mean, is that a yes? because if you forward it it will get lost indefinitely" but like, god, when you won't let me explain the situation and you keep losing packages—which now include things that I have paid money for—I'm going to get pretty irritated! And I think that's justified! All that said I have another package that will be out for delivery either tomorrow or Thursday and I'm tempted to chase the mail truck like a dog if it means getting it because, here's the kicker on top of this shit sundae, both times they decided to forward the packages the packages were out for delivery before they decided to forward them. Meaning they said they were going to deliver them, got to my house, went "nah," and then decided to forward them to god knows fuck where instead. (Don't get me wrong, I know where they're ALLEGEDLY being forwarded to, but given the one has been missing since Dec 16th, it's clearly not going where it's supposed to be going!) This whole thing has been a nightmare and through it I have learned that I hate the USPS, or at least the local branch out here, because all of the people who work there are incompetent dickheads.
. . . but as for like, an actual thing I learned, I learned that a diwata is a spirit (sometimes seen as a deity) in Filipino culture.
when’s the last time you felt obsessed?
Last month when I discovered that you could get the Destruct-O-Match III avatar in Zen Mode on Neopets. Knowing that the avatar was thus in my reach I couldn't stop playing until I got it. (I succeeded, btw.)
Also for some reason the article of clothing one was repeated from Green, so you can go read the answer to that one in the last Ask I did! (I'd like it but you know how tumblr is with links.)
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ineffectualdemon · 5 years
"parents are forcing their kids to be trans just because they like stuff. They don't even consider the might be gay or lesbian anymore it's all rush to the gender clinic"
You know what? I'm sick to fuck of this
If you have a trans kid and they first tell you the first fucking thing the parent is going to do is say things like "well boys can like dolls and pink too" or "girls can like star wars and hate dresses as well"
And if your kid goes "I know but I'm still not (gender)" what do you do?
Now if you're a good parent you listen to your fucking kid
People have no idea of the soul searching, the worry, the fear, and second guessing a parent goes through when their child comes out to them as trans.
But the worse thing you can do as a parent is deny it. To deny what your child knows as true about themselves is to destroy them.
The parents I know who did that initially and watched their child spiral into depression and self harm is both way too many and also heartbreaking. The regret they feel and the loss of trust from their child is almost impossible to fully heal.
In our case Kiddo didn't deny their true gender because of us but out of fear of what others would say. At 4 they told me they were going to "pretend to be a boy" so that they wouldn't get teased.
It made them fucking miserable.
Like we were discussing with the GP and the school counselor how to prevent them spiralling into depression
Kiddo made it a year a bit before they came back out to us and started the slow process of coming out to the rest of the world.
And they were scared.
They were worried they'd be forced to wear dresses even though they are agender
Us: "just because you aren't a boy doesn't mean you have to wear dresses. Lots of girls don't even wear dresses"
Kiddo decided they did want to try as dress and now hates wearing anything that isn't a dress. But God knows we didn't force them into it.
They were worried about being teased but they hated pretending more.
And since they have come out and grown their hair out and decided what clothes makes them happy to wear (dresses) they are no longer at risk of depression. They are so confident and happy and comfortable in their own skin now.
And we have never said "this is who you are now you are trans forever" no. We have said, which is common with parents of trans kids btw, "if you realise a year or 5 years from now that you're really a boy or really a girl we will support you. No matter what we will support you. That includes if you change or if you are agender forever"
And btw not ever trans child wants or needs hormone therapy as a teenager but for those who do it's absolutely life saving.
I consider myself lucky that Kiddo has (for the moment) decided they don't want hormone therapy for a number of reasons. It's easier that way. But if they did need it yes I would be fucking fighting for blockers and hormones for them. I know what happens when kids who need it are denied.
Trans kids exist and they aren't a fad and the parents aren't sitting back and thinking "oh aren't I a cool parent" they are fucking terrified because it puts a target on their child's back.
Do you think I was happy discussing with the local police how the verbal and physical harrassment from some boys towards my child had to be classed as a hate crime?
Do you think I was happy to have to talk to my kid about how to get away if they were attacked on the street?
Do you think I was happy knowing my child would definitely face opposition and prejudice for the rest of their life?
But I prefer all that to watching my kid withdraw into themselves and being in constant pain because they can't express who they truly are.
I prefer as a parent to face the challenges and problems my kid will face with them rather then to teach them they should hate themselves and make them face these things alone.
Parents of trans kids aren't allowing their children to be the genders they truly are because we are trying to be "cool" or "trendy" we are doing it because we love our children.
Protect Trans Kids
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