#I can’t stop overanalyzing Macdennis scenes
angrymac · 1 year
“Waiting for Big Mo” and how it was Mac’s turning point
season 15 macdennis drives me absolutely feral because it’s really all in the subtext. like, someone could watch it with absolutely no context and it would just look completely platonic (save a few scenes here and there).
but with the knowledge of Mac’s love for Dennis, and the way in which he completely shut down any external tell of his feelings after season 14, it’s insane.
I think the turning point for Mac was Dennis’ speech in “Waiting for Big Mo”.
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Yes, within the show they’re talking about laser tag, and it’s obviously a meta reference to Sunny itself, but look how Mac drops his head when Dennis says “What the hell does it matter if you’re not having fun?”
And then “if something deep inside of you is telling you to move on then maybe that’s what we should do.”
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And how Mac gently confirms, “Time to end the game?” And Dennis goes “Time to end the game.”
And yes this turns out to be a misdirect for the laser tag game and for Sunny, but I think this is when Mac finally makes the choice to move on from Dennis.
And you can SEE it, in every scene they have together in season 15, how Mac’s feelings are still there, but he has actively accepted that it won’t happen. He has let Dennis go.
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In season 15, Mac no longer touches Dennis at all, but Dennis is constantly initiating touch with him. When Dennis gets sick with covid, Mac is not taking care of him like he would have in season 14 or taking the opportunity to have Dennis depend on him.
He even makes a frustrated comment when Dennis is coughing in “The Gang’s Still in Ireland”, where he calls Dennis out for having covid. Season 15 Mac acts completely different with Dennis than Season 14 Mac.
And I truly believe that this is intentional in both the writing and in Rob’s acting, and Dennis is going to catch on and start to try to win Mac back in season 16 (even in the subtlest of ways).
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