#I bet there's like 5 things that prove whatever I said wrong and i'm gonna be so embarrassed but uh that's my take on it
unitedstates0fdakota · 5 months
I'm literally obsessed with Kim's art it's so fucking insane that the game shows you something that isn't even guaranteed to happen but like...That's Kim. They wanted that to be what you saw when you looked at Kim. Like the world wants you to know that this man has a ceiling fan halo and if you play your cards right you can really see it. It also opens up comparing him to Dolores/Dora and i've seen some people suggest that Harry seeing Kim like that is almost a warning that history will repeat itself and I can see where that's coming from but I think the biggest difference between them is that Kim is physically in your presence. You see Dora in dreams and in fractured bits of voices telling you that something terrible happened. You see Kim covered in bruises and a glowing halo right after waking up. That's your angel, that's your partner, that's Kim. But you knew that from the start, didn't you?
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I /really/ don’t see the writers making two main characters fight (maybe even try to kill) each other over something that wasn’t important and wasn’t important enough to waste the fans’ and episode’s time on (and especially with the episodes being so short and especially in the season where the writers even said that they’re trying to have the roommates become closer this season, so this means that this fight is gonna be worth it). The two main characters fighting over /another/ main character would be a worthy enough cause I think. Maybe I have my clown makeup on but I really think they’re butting heads over Laszlo sending Guillermo away. It just makes the most sense to me - with the placement of the episode, with Nandor’s sure to be delicate headspace at this time, for Laszlo actually being the sole reason that Guillermo didn’t go with Nandor, how Nandor feels about Guillermo, how it would further prove to the audience how much Guillermo means to Nandor, it would help Nandor realize this feelings - I can go on and on, but yeah, makes the most sense to me lol
It makes the most sense to me, too! It's certainly how I would write it if someone were stupid enough to give me that power. But one thing I've always enjoyed about WWDITS is that I can never fucking predict exactly where the writing is gonna go, so I'm very much in the "this is what I want and what I think makes the most sense, but who fucking knows" camp. With the asks I'm getting now, I'm not sure if I made that clear enough in my last answer haha.
(I feel like my words are making sense but I'll be real with y'all, I am having a very bad symptom night and I'm pretty sick. So maybe I'm not being as clear as I feel lmao.)
To be very clear, if I were a betting woman (and... I am not, I hate gambling) then I'd say that Nandor doesn't know all the details of what happened with Guillermo and he'll find out when he and Laszlo are alone together. Laszlo might make an offhand remark about it (like, idk, being glad that he sent Guillermo off to protect Nadja or knowing that Guillermo will be fine babysitting Colin because he was so good at protecting Nadja or whatever) and Nandor is just like "wait, the fuck?" and things devolve from there.
I do think that if all this happens right after a wedding gone wrong (or even right, but not how he wants it to be) Nandor will be very raw, especially while talking to an absolute fucking wife guy, so he could easily lose his temper.
(Plus, side note, if Marwa does leave him at the altar, maybe he'll be like FUCK, THIS IS THE SECOND TIME SOMEONE HAS LEFT ME RIGHT BEFORE I EMBARKED ON A GREAT JOURNEY WITH THEM and that'll push hard on the abandonment issues he's always had. Love that for him. And then to find out that Guillermo never meant to actually abandon him? *chef's kiss*)
Like I'd love to see them fight over Guillermo. That plot line doesn't feel fully finished yet and, more importantly, I'd just love to see Nandor go batshit over Guillermo. I have thought of MANY ways that could happen. It's how I've been entertaining myself the past few weeks. lmao.
I just don't want to put all my eggs in one basket, especially because we have at least 2-3 episodes before they fight. I'm one of those people that thinks up 30 scenarios for every situation. It's why I keep ending up with 5 times fics, whoops.
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no-d4y-but-tod4y · 4 years
First off, I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE QUESTIONS!! Dude, ahem, right and now I am composed, I ask you all of the IRL Thinking Game Asks, because I'm legit about to do them all and I refuse to the be the only one *Mega hugs* I bet your answers are going to be awesome. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 if we have to be official :D lol
WAIT Y O U WROTE THE QUESTIONS??? Lmao I had no idea! Hahahaha. Well good job!
You want me to answer all of them?? Lmao. Here goes nothing...
1) Has your FO ever caught you off guard IRL, and if so, what was your reaction? (So we are looking for moments where you saw their advertising in an unexpected place, or they were mentioned by someone unexpectedly, etc? And how you reacted to that).
Yes! All the time! Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how transcendent in popular culture rocky horror actually is. SO many people know the film and so many have seen the show. The longest theatrical release in cinematic history with the biggest cult following!
Rocky horror references do often pop up in tv shows, movies and on social media in general, and while few are directly referencing frank it still makes my heart go !!! when I’m just enjoying my day and I see it.
One time I specifically remember was when I was actually doing Christmas shopping, on my own just going in all the stores and having a good time. And I went into HMV and there was an ‘essential musicals’ section right at the front and guess who was taking up the entire display 👀 and I literally said ‘oh my god’ out loud so I hope nobody heard me!
2) If someone visited your house without any prior knowledge of your FO, would they be able to work out the connection through the items you own? (In other words, how any depictions of your FO are their in your house, and would it be obvious to a complete stranger that you love them?)
I guess so? I think they’d clock that I was a fan of rocky horror but maybe not the whole f/o thing. I have a signed picture of Tim Curry as Frank in my room and I have the film on DVD which I’ve watched five billion times. I have a cast signed DVD cover too with splices of the film reel in the frame, but I haven’t decided what to do with that one yet because you can only see them when the light is shining behind them lmao. And I guess if anyone read my fanfic they’d realise too. But most people know I love rocky horror/love frank because it’s all I talk about rather than material possessions lmao.
3) For those who are creatively minded: Where do you get your muse from? Just how do you create your awesome artwork/stories, and what inspires you?
Uhh, well I’m gonna go with my fanfic for this one because it’s the only thing to do with frank that I’ve created lmao. It’s still not finished by the way, but two years in the making! And I guess I wanted to start one because I’d been reading loads and although they were very good I didn’t feel like the depiction of frank was always accurate (or the way I imagined him to be). And I’ve always wanted to be a writer of some sort and I thought I could at least practice with something I already know and like. I didn’t expect to fall in love with it however and I’m still doing it now!
And I studied Media for two years, so I was always watching films and analysing scripts and shit like that, and being exposed to all that art all the time was really inspiring to me. I wanted to be like them, and I still do. If you choose to read my fic following on from this post, lemme know and say hi!
4) Angst: Have you ever struggled with the knowledge that you and your FO might never inhabit the same world?
Y E S. Some people might already know that I was conflicted about doing this for ages because as much as I understand selfshipping doesn’t hurt anyone, I didn’t wanna start longing for something I couldn’t have and then constantly feeling deprived. I WON’T catch feelings, I WON’T.
Lol what an idiot.
And I guess I just,,,love frank so much. And I think about him all the time. The turning point for me was definitely seeing him on stage, and having him that close to me sort of thing. And while I know that was just an actor - a normal guy with a kick ass singing voice dressed up - like, for those two hours,,,,it was really him? You know?? And then i got SO sad and emotional in the two weeks or so afterwards because I missed it so much and then I kind of had to accept that maybe this is a real thing now huh.
I would love to know what he’s really like and ask him shit and find out if he’s been in touch with me this whole time as well. But ultimately I’d wanna know if he’s proud of me. That’s the only thing that matters really.
5) If the Fates granted you a year with your FO in whichever world you wanted, at the cost of forgetting about them once that year was over, would you take them up on the offer?
I think I would? Based on what I just said in the previous ask and because if I forgot frank existed I wouldn’t have anything to miss? Although I’d have a feeling I’d wait till next year/my 21st because I’m still dealing with a lot of shit and I’d want to get that out the way first so I could really enjoy my time with him and not have to worry about anything else.
6) On the subject of Fates: Was the meeting between you and your most prominent FO ordained by Fate, or was it something you sought out? (In other words, did you fall in love easily and quickly, or did the Universe conspire against you to make this the person you now love?)
Uhhh....I don’t know? Basically what happened was I watched the film for the first time when I was 13. Secretly. And I didn’t tell anyone. Because I’d heard of it vaguely and recognised the title and of COURSE I knew the Time Warp, but everyone around me who ever mentioned it talked as if it were a bad thing, or a bit gross and weird? So I thought it was a bad thing to be watching it, however I was still intrigued so I did. AND I WAS ALSO BATTLING WITH THE WHOLE LIKING MEN WHO LOOKED LIKE WOMEN THING (because I thought I was abnormal to be thinking that and THAT was wrong as well) so when frank came out I was like gee. Thanks for that.
It was easy for me to not talk about it and to just get on with my life as normal until I turned about 15 when I watched the live show broadcast from London to cinemas around Britain and on TV as well. And don’t tell frank but THAT got the ball rolling for me. Seeing him as a real person reacting to what people were saying and doing made it harder for me to ignore those feelings if you catch my drift. So I kind of tested the water and luckily most people were like cool beans.
But when I went to college and everyone was relieved to finally be themselves I LET IT ALL GO and it became my BRAND to be obsessed with frank. And I loved it.
Gee. Which one do you guys think this is?
7) How often, when you are out and about alone, do you imagine your FO is with you? And what is the best imagining you’ve had recently?
ALL THE TIME. Literally every day. I’m an anxious person and small things continuously set me off so imagining a tall strong intimidating looking person but who’s a softie for me is really really comforting. And it helps with my daily life because I can make a conscious effort to Be More Frank. Aka, not give a flying fuck!
My favourite imagine is hearing ab enormous crash and finding frank folded up like a human pretzel in my wardrobe n we’re both like 😳. But then I’d be like huh guess you’re staying with me now, so I take him to work with me and introduce him to everyone and maybe let him have a go at what I do like a take your kid to work day. And then I’d show him around to all my favourite places and introduce him to my friends and since they all know how obsessed I am they’d be like no waaaaaayyyyy. For some reason he’d have a loaf of his own bags already packed so I’d love to do a kind of unboxing video and see all the stuff frank would take with him if he was going on holiday. I’d teach him how to use public transport n I’d get him a phone and teach him how to use it and get set up on all the apps and I would LOVE TO SEE WHAT HE POSTS and something else I’d love to do is give him some money and be like it’s yours buy whatever you want and then unbox all the bags he comes back with.
Not much then! Hehe.
8) If you were given the ability to legally marry your FO tomorrow, IRL, would you do it? And if you would, who would you invite, and if you wouldn’t, do you think it is something you would ever do?
I don’t think I would. Neither of us are keen on the idea of being tied down to anything. I don’t need a piece of paper to prove that I love him and aside from getting to wear a pretty dress and an entire day of attention, I don’t think frank is too fussed either!
Plus he can do all that shit at home hehe.
9) What do you imagine your life be like now, if your FO had never been in it?
I don’t know how to say this without sounding horrible but I don’t think it would be hugely different. Because I was so young when I ‘met’ him I don’t think it makes a difference, because no one can guess what their life is going to be like at 13.
Something that I do think would be different is I probably would have given in to social pressures and gotten myself a bf had I not toyed with this idea. I’ve been been interested in a bf/gf relationship, and having this to sort of account for what I would otherwise be experiencing without actually having to experience it? Sign me up.
10) And a happy one: Your FO manages to make contact with you in our world and leaves you a message on a mirror/other flat surface, what does the message say, and is that surface ever washed again?
Hi darling! I’m honoured to see you’ve kept me in your thoughts for all these years - although it’s worth saying you’ve always been in mine. I know I can’t be near you all the time but I hope you can sense when I am. I know you get scared sometimes but rest assured that I am keeping an eye on you and I’d never let anything bad happen to you. It’s no secret that you’re afraid of failing or being left behind while others accomplish their dreams but I know you can do this and I think you know it too - you just need a bonk on the head sometimes. Whatever happens, I’m proud of you. I’ve always been proud of you.
If you are not too long, I’ll wait for you all my life.
Frankie 💋
( @dclehnsherr )
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