#I am still on tumblr phone because colombia hates us so I couldn’t include the cut thing sorry about that
mazojo · 2 years
Winter 2022 Anime Opinions
Time to rank the anime I watch for self care, I wish you all a good winter 2022 😌 this are my personal opinions btw so no need to get angry if you don’t agree self care
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Futsal Boys!!!
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Boring. Honestly I have just watched the first ep and I was extremely disappointed because I like soccer based sports but it was very bland and flavorless unfortunately rip I will finish it but meh
Tribe nine
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I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news besties but if you say you liked tribe nine no you don’t, you like danganronpa and you are barely scraping through watching tribe nine like I am. It’s not a very solid concept lets not lie to ourselves. Maybe it’s because baseball is in on the bottom of my tier list of boring sports and they tried to sell it to me but failed or maybe it’s just the gigantic leaps of logic this show has the audacity to present but it’s definetely doing something. You go girl give us nothing assfgks points only for having wacky character designs
Baraou no Souretsu
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This series is weird asiiwj because there were some aspects I liked and others I hated. I don’t know much about it and I haven’t been keeping up with it so can’t comment much but idk, I feel like it tries to do many things at once and doesn’t really succeed in most. I also find it weird that the demon analogy is linked to the whole thing but idkidk
Tokyo 24-ku
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This is a bad series. I hate it because I was expecting so much for it but all Cloverworks does well is let me down so that’s that :) I do like red haired boy he is the only saving grace but the plot is a mess and I am like 7 or 8 eps in and I couldn’t tell you what the plot is about
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This is basically copaganda the anime and I ain’t buying it. The latter episodes have been slightly more tolerable but not much so it still sucks lmao,,,,, I only like the moments were the girls are girlfriends and stuff but the story is a lot at once and I still think it should include some warnings or buildup for the triggers
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I am ngl I have only watched two eps but I thought it was fine. I know it has an awful rating in MAL so take me with a grain of salt but I liked it, I didn’t think it was anything new nor innovative but I didn’t expect a masterpiece either so it was fine,,,, the character design is cute too.
Koroshi Ai
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This one is weird for me because I still don’t know if I liked it or not lmaoo I think I like the idea of it and the concept but the execution lacks something for me and I still don’t know what,,,,, I haven’t read the manga for this but I think this is one of those cases were the adaptation didn’t really do it justice but not sure..... I am very on the edge about it
Akebi-chan no Sailor- fuku
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I still think this is cute in a boring way ASSJWKSK Like i watch it every week and I enjoy it while at it because it’s min numbing and literally nothing happens but it’s cute at it so ig points AKSJSJW The main girl is very stereotypical main girl chan but I think it’s cute, I feel like it attracts the wrong crowd but it’s still cute while at it
Attack on Titan
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Yeah I don’t know what I can say apart from the normal about aot. It’s good, I am confuse half of the time but I know it’s a good anime so watch it if you want but I don’t think you need to read this to know that SLSKKSS look at Jean thO!!! Hot girl shit
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