hayaku14 · 2 months
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thinking about this kaishin magazine cover like
kaishin dressing up together. kaishin naked together. (they could've dressed up in different rooms tho? IDC THEY DRESSED UP TOGETHER)
kaito in the kid suit but without the hat and monocle like that's really all just kaito there and similarly shinichi putting on the bowtie reminiscent of conan but it's all just shinichi there. then again it could also mean kid and conan will always be part of who they are
that shinichi fit, the toned down blue and red from his originally bright colored suit and bowtie......😳
kaito with his hip jutted out like that??? SIR.
shinichi's background are books and kaito's is what seems to be a jewelry box oooohh the big brainery happening behind them
me seeing their reflection on the mirror thinking about how easy it would be for kaito to just slip his hand around shinichi's waist and tuck his chin on shinichi's shoulder, watch shinichi attempt to fix his bow on the mirror and kaito inevitably fixing it for him, looking up at shinichi with the biggest grin and shinichi pressing his lips against his as a thank you
me seeing the inside of kaito's suit thinking how easy it would be for shinichi to let his hand slip and explore around kaito's body, trying to avoid activating his little gadgets like it's a game, holding kaito's gaze with a smirk on his face, moving forward to carefully remove kaito's suit jacket off, his neck right in front of kaito who licks and leaves a mark on his bare skin just cause he can
also maybe the mirror symbolizes that they're mirror images of each other?????
implied, they've seen each other's face. implied, they're not hostile therefore they must have talked and have come to an understanding. implied, they know each other's identity. implied, inevitably they will be making out after this i don't make the rules they just will.
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lilfriezatyrant · 4 months
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akai-anna · 3 months
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I thought it might be interesting to share the process of making this particular piece...🥺
And yes, I do use both sides of the paper. *puts on sunglasses and flips canvas in traditional style*
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rist-ix · 27 days
https://www.tumblr.com/rist-ix/749015401700229120 not you reblogging this when you ship bloom with the man who murdered her family 😭
Bloom's into ppl who slay! Hope this helps :3
#alright snark and ship wars aside i get where you’re coming from tho#if you're genuinely interested in my thought process here i would love to elaborate#which is exactly what I’ll do!#first of all! the post you linked is about headcanons#which my brain kinda wants to put into a whole different category than ships — fandom ships in particular! — but i can leave that aside#because there IS an argument to be made that relationships are an extension of characterization and personality traits#if you wanna go that route i would wanna explain that Bloom's and/or Valtor's interest in the other is in fact based on canon#(even though I don’t really think ships need to be established in the source material. make shit up that’s what fandom is for#1) the Andros episode speaks for itself. Valtor specifically tells the Trix to back off because HE wants to be the one to fight bloom#2) the episode before that he asks questions about her (and only her; even though he has more powerful enemies to worry about)#demonstrating curiosity about and interest in her#3) that same episode (or the one before; can’t remember) is their infamous first meeting#where time LITERALLY slows down as the pass each other on the stairs#they get IMPACT FRAMES#the whole color palette changes!!!#idk about u but I eat that shit up. love the drama of it all no one does it like them#I’m gonna skip all the instances where Valtor is spying on Bloom through his little scrying spell because oh god who has the time#let’s go straight to Bloom#if I had a week I would not be able to collect all the moments where she growls his name in pure fury and single-minded determination#she gets a little bit obsessed with him over the course of the season and I personally think that’s very sexy of her#Bloom is known for her tunnel vision when it comes to her past and origins and Valtor's existence fits PERFECTLY into that#it ties in neatly with her overarching story of the past 2 seasons#literally PERFECT foils#which always makes for the juiciest stories#4) she singles him out for a duel in the museum episode#5) she can literally feel his presence#6) the mere mention of his name sends her into her weird faux enchantix#of course there’s no romance in canon but there’s TENSION AND CHEMISTRY which is all u really need for a ship#all their animosity and bad blood is what makes it so INTERESTING to wonder how they COULD work. it’s the spice that makes for good fanfic!
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laesas · 1 year
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The hands holding yours are not clean either.
VegasPete + Hands || KinnPorsche (2022)
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soldier-poet-king · 1 month
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flamestar126 · 3 months
Someone has a crush 😗
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dootznbootz · 4 months
This is a wild concept and I don't consider it canon but I want to share as it's definitely a thought that exists (not a good thought but you know).
What if OdyPen's love for each other is another example of hubris for them?
Since OdyPen is "likeminded" and think, act, and are alike, I sometimes think it'd be funny SIMPLY AS A CONCEPT that that's why they fell for each other so hard.
As if being so much alike and their love and devotion is some weird "I am the fucking best" as "no one could compare" which becomes another way of "self-love".
"I love him/her so fucking much." *points to a person who is basically a near-carbon copy of themselves in personality*
What is "canon" to me is that there's simply just nothing like basically sharing everything but a body. Being so in-sync and intuned to one another that it's like sharing a language only they know.
Odysseus: "We can have this here-" Penelope: "Actually over here-" Odysseus: "YES! and then this-" Penelope: "HERE! And then we can do this-" Odysseus: "Adding to that with this-" Penelope: "Which would then fix that other problem as well! Yes, we got it! We'll start that tomorrow!" Planner/Head servant/Messenger/etc.: "...You know...You know that you two have to let people know what you're planning if you want it to get done, right?" Both: "Oh yeah! :D "
It's like watching a tennis match with the ball going back and forth but instead of a ball, it's just...them.
While you can bounce a "ball" against the wall by yourself, it definitely feels "right" when it's your person.
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xanzusx · 1 month
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catboyidia · 8 months
imagining young sephiroth somehow stumbling upon vincent and pulling out the picture of lucrecia, showing it to vincent while asking him if he’s seen his mother “jenova”…
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puppyeared · 5 months
for like 3 weeks i was wondering why i was sleeping so much and felt listless. and just now I managed to email 3 people and responded to a month old message in the span of an hour because I got back to TAKING MY FUCKIN MEDS..........
#MOTHER FFFFUCKER#to be fair. my doc said I could stop taking them while im on break since i wouldnt need to be constantly pumped on stimulants#im not sure if it was a side effect but i managed to take like 3 different naps in one day and STILL managed to sleep thru the whole night#at least 2 days into my break. the weird thing is i didnt feel more or less rested afterwards. but mentally i think im in a good place rn#to really put the level of awakeness im at rn i feel weirdly confident i could start one piece. also bc of that sick new opening it BANGS#the song is really good and im in love with the animation style. did some digging and it seems one of the lead animators is masato mori#but i could be wrong. it seems he also did some work on mp100 which could explain a lot lol.. he uses smear frames really well to convey#consistent movement and fluidity!!! someone else might have done color design but it works really really well esp with odas style!!#just love the overall vibe and aesthetic and id really love to study it and incorporate a bit of it into my art.. especially the thick#outlines which i think helps to separate characters and objects on screen. though i have to say the style is definitely more suited to#animation bc of the simpleness and smears. maybe that will help me explore shapes and perspective when i draw... i wanna get better#at drawing poses and angles but i have a hard time wrapping my head around space and using perspective guide lines NGHHHH#i wonder if it has to do with my dogshit ability to judge distance. not depth perception but like. judge how far smth is in metres etc#im also wearing an N95 for the first couple weeks back bc of the wave. absolutely NO BODY is wearing a mask its so fucking over#where im sitting ive heard 5 different people coughing probably not into their elbows!!! and im just. head in my fucking hands#there was a kid sitting a couple seats away in class coughing as he pleases and i wanted to grab him in a chokehold so badly. PLEASEE#ive been annoying my family by asking them to mask up and reminding them to bring masks when they go out and showing them news articles#but at least its working bc we ordered some KN95s and my mom is at least taking me seriously so. please dont be afraid to speak up abt your#health. take care of yourself and others however u can!! wear that mask indoors at your maskless friends house!!! stay home when u can!!#im wearing a surgical mask at home too bc my parents have '''a dry throat cough''' and they are so bad at coughing into their sleeves#also im pretty sure dry throat isnt transmissible bc my brother started coughing too so.. i also tested negative but they havent tested yet#im also not a doctor but i have to keep reminding ppl whenever i can that covid and flu work differently. covid is new and too recent to#have nearly as much research done on it. it seems its also compounding so instead of building immunity it weakens the body and spreads to#to other systems which might explain brain fog and muscle weakness. i remember someone early in the pandemic got infected and it messed up#their smell/taste receptors so bad that they cant eat most foods and that stays in the front of my mind when i think abt covid. christ#yapping
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
House is a Bully Top, but they're both verse. It took some time before House trusted enough to bottom.
Anon, you're so so right. I think that's one of the things that has been troubling me; House gives me both bottom AND top energy in many ways, but he wouldn’t let himself be vulnerable with just about anyone. Trust is soooo hard to come by for him. But Wilson is patient 🥹
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ohtendril · 2 years
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Bad Sisters 
1.01 — The Prick
We just look out for each other like we always have. Right?
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Me @ the tfp au: imagine you took RID but made it not RID.
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just saw the 'if ur oc was canon what discourse would there be' post and suddenly i remember that actually i dont want Celia & co to be seen by a large audience.
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p4nishers · 1 year
i know some people already pointed it out but like. eddie was in black. BLACK. he was in LITERAL MOURNING CLOTHES. he was already mourning. already prepared for the worst.
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