#Hyper Protect Accelerator
clemenchiang · 6 months
IBM Recognizes Spiking's Potential: Joins Hyper Protect Accelerator 
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In recent years, the concept of sustainable investing has significantly influenced financial markets. This strategy, rooted in environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and robust governance, is not just about doing good; it's a sophisticated approach to financial growth. As global consciousness shifts towards sustainability, this investment trend is rapidly gaining momentum, reshaping the way we think about profitability and ethical responsibility. 
The Essence of Sustainable Investing 
Sustainable investing involves selecting companies that prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. This method balances financial returns with the broader impact of investments on society and the environment. It's an approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of economic performance with global challenges like climate change, social justice, and corporate ethics. 
Economic Resilience and Ethical Growth 
Companies with strong ESG values have shown resilience and consistent growth. Historical data reveals that sustainable investments often outperform traditional ones, even in times of economic stress. This trend suggests that integrating ESG criteria into investment decisions can lead to more stable, long-term returns. 
The Power of Influence 
Investors hold a unique power to drive change. By channelling funds into sustainable ventures, they can incentivize companies to prioritize responsible practices. This shift in investment strategy can significantly influence corporate behaviour towards more sustainable and ethical operations. 
ESG Ratings and Reporting 
The lack of a standardized ESG reporting framework poses a challenge in assessing companies' true sustainability. Investors need to navigate these reports critically, understanding that they might be biased or incomplete. Rating systems like the MSCI USA ratings offer a comprehensive view but require careful interpretation. 
Diversification Strategies 
Sustainable investing is not without risks. It requires a thoughtful diversification strategy, balancing potential rewards with the unique challenges these investments might face. This approach ensures a robust portfolio capable of withstanding market fluctuations while supporting sustainable initiatives. 
Ethical and Impact Investing 
While sustainable investing focuses on ESG factors, ethical and impact investing take a slightly different approach. Ethical investing avoids sectors deemed harmful, like tobacco or oil, while impact investing targets companies making measurable, positive changes in specific areas like climate action or social justice. 
The Future of Sustainable Investing 
Sustainable investing is not just a passing trend; it's evolving into a fundamental aspect of financial decision-making. With increasing investor interest and the likelihood of new regulations, we can expect sustainable investing to play a more significant role in shaping the future of global finance. 
A Paradigm Shift 
The integration of sustainability in investing represents a paradigm shift. It's a move from viewing investments purely in financial terms to considering their broader impact on the world. This approach aligns financial success with progress in addressing global challenges. 
Preparing for a Sustainable Future 
Investors looking to adapt to this change must stay informed and flexible. They should be prepared to adjust their strategies as new information and regulations emerge, always keeping an eye on the long-term horizon of sustainable growth and impact. 
Beyond Just Profits: The Ethical Dimension 
Sustainable investing transcends the traditional boundaries of financial gains. It's a commitment to contribute positively to the world while securing financial returns. This ethical dimension adds a layer of responsibility and satisfaction to the investment process, aligning financial goals with personal values. 
A New Investing Standard 
As we embrace sustainable investing, we're not just choosing profitable ventures; we're actively participating in shaping a better world. This approach promises financial stability and growth while addressing critical global issues. It's an investment strategy that's not only financially sound but morally compelling, marking the dawn of a new era in financial forecasting and investment decision-making. 
Spiking: Pushing Boundaries  
As we consider the future of sustainable investing and its alignment with ethical principles, it’s pertinent to look at recent developments in the field of WealthTech. A notable example is the strategic partnership formed by a leading financial technology platform with the IBM Hyper Protect Accelerator. This collaboration marks a significant step in the platform's journey towards leveraging the power of AI in financial decision-making, enhancing its role in WealthTech. 
At the heart of this innovative thrust is the deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI (GenAI). These advanced technologies are adept at sifting through vast amounts of transactional and content data, converting them into tailored, predictive insights that are easily understandable. This is vividly illustrated in the platform’s flagship offering, TradeGPT, which simplifies complex financial data into user-friendly content. This tool is instrumental in helping users, ranging from novice investors to seasoned professionals, refine and enhance their investment strategies. 
The platform’s selection for the prestigious IBM Hyper Protect Accelerator isn’t merely a nod to its technological prowess. It symbolizes a broader strategic vision that extends beyond mere stock trading. The platform is designed to cater to a diverse clientele that includes retail investors, institutional clients, publicly traded companies, and even Bloomberg subscribers. The core objective is to provide a holistic view of finances, enabling users to minimize risks, maximize returns, and successfully achieve their financial objectives. 
The backing by IBM serves as a testament to the platform’s burgeoning influence in the WealthTech sector. This alliance emphasizes the platform's commitment to offering secure, informed, and accessible wealth management solutions. The integration into IBM’s accelerator program is reflective of the platform’s ambition to spearhead a global shift towards more informed and astute financial decision-making, a goal that aligns seamlessly with the evolving landscape of sustainable investing.
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spicyraeman · 10 months
Luis Vásquez || profile - info - links
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The Basics
Name: Luis Vásquez Age: 29 (2077) Sexuality: Bisexual / Aromantic / Non-Monogamous Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Birthday: July 26th, 2048 Zodiac Sign: Leo Sun | Virgo Moon | Scorpio Ascendant Ethnicity: Mexican / Native American Languages spoken: English & Spanish Born in: Vista Del Rey, Night City Resides in: Vista Del Rey, Night City Occupation: Fixer | Formerly: Mercenary / Assassin / Thief
Hair Color: Naturally brown, often colored magenta
Eye Color: Naturally brown, uses color-changing optics - colors range from any natural colors to his iconic metallic red hearts
Notable Features: Luis' eyes are often the most attention-getting. Although they are able to change color on a whim, they're most often bright red metallic hearts. He also has a multitude of gold-accented cyberware all across his body.
Height: 5′9″ (175 cm)
Weight: 165 lbs (75 kg)
Build: Athletic/Muscular, wide shoulders and thick thighs
Tattoos: His chest and arms are covered in gray and white tattoos, all of which symbolize religious meanings or Mexican culture.
Style: Although he was never a member, a majority of Luis's fashion is inspired by the Valentinos'. Distinctly masculine paired with bright colors and lots of jewelry. He prefers layers, fitted pants, and anything in red/pink and black/white.
Kiroshi Optics Mk.3 with Kiroshi Dodgeball and Color Shift lenses ↳ Eyes can change to unlimited colors and patterns and predict movements of the human body according to established patterns of body language
Techhair ↳ Head hair completely replaced, can be any color, emit light, or change tension.
Partial Modular Cyberhand with Dynalar "Digits" ↳ Right pinky and ring finger replaced with a lock pick tool and dart gun respectively.
Catspaw™ Stealth Foot ↳ Pads implanted onto the bottom of his feet that dampen the sound of his footsteps.
Raven Microcyber Mk.4 ↳"Some call these decks battleships. When it comes to system security and fortified anti-theft protocols, it's a foolproof piece of machinery."
Optical Cam-O-Skin and Skinweave ↳ At will can make him impossible to locate in visible spectrum light and his bare skin is equivalent to light body armor.
Misc. Internal Cyberware ↳ Limbic System Enhancement | Visual Cortex Support | Self-ICE | Syn-Lungs | Tyrosine Injector | Bioconductor | Pain Editor | Cataresist | Maneuvering System | Synaptic Accelerator | Microrotors | Microvibration Generator
Positive Traits: Adaptable, observant, loyal, patient
Negative Traits: Self-critical, secretive, paranoid, cynical
Years of work as an assassin and mercenary have made Luis hyper-vigilant, often to the point of paranoia. In a line of work where one mistake could mean your life, he had no choice but to be the best of the best, he’d often berated himself and hyperfocused on small mistakes. This trait has stuck with him to the current day, he’ll beat himself up over simple things that don’t really matter. Saying the wrong thing, accidentally bumping into someone, or even letting his guard down in places where it's completely safe feels like a complete social blunder to him, something that could ruin his reputation or get him into nonexistent trouble.
His mercenary years have also skewed his perception of strangers. He has seen and been the worst in society and has trouble believing others and even himself are more than purely self-interested with the worst of intentions. He holds all but his closest friends and family at arm's length, never letting them know his true self or feelings for his own protection. This perception of others has made him deeply protective and loyal of those he does hold close though. 
Despite all the harm his previous occupation has caused him, his hyper-vigilance has made him incredibly observant of the people around him. He’ll notice small movements or changes in speech and react accordingly. It’s made him exceptionally good at navigating conversations, deftly avoiding uncomfortable or inflammatory subjects before they even truly come up. His mediation and conversation skills have put him league’s ahead of others in his job as a Fixer.
Having grown up in Heywood, he is in tight with most of the Valentinos' despite never officially joining. He is also frequently seen associating with the Mox.
Guadalupe Welles ↳ Adoptive Mother | Luis was close with Mamá Welles before his mother's death and even closer after. He’s a total mama’s boy, calls her every day, comes over for dinner at least once a week, and helps her whenever she needs him. She’s one of the only people who can talk some sense into him when he's doing stupid things.
Jackie Welles ↳ Older Brother | When they were younger Jackie and him were inseparable, whether Jackie liked it or not. He looked up to Jackie and almost joined the Valentinos until Jackie’s near death scared him off that path. Even to this day, he's close to his big brother, calling him regularly and making sure they have a family dinner at least once a week to catch up.
Grace Lee-Vasquez ↳ Bio-Mom, Deceased | Before she passed, Luis and his bio-mom were incredibly close. They didn’t get a lot of time together as his mother worked several jobs to support them, but whenever she had free time she made sure to spend it with him. Luis only has fond memories of her and visits her memorial in the Columbarium several times a year.
Ángel Vasquez ↳ Bio-Dad, Deceased | Died before his birth, no strong feelings.
River Ward ↳ Friend/Partner | An unlikely pair, Luis hates working with cops but made an exception when River came to him looking for information and resources for his current investigation. Luis ended up saving River’s skin when he shadowed him on a hunch that the leads he was following would go tits up. They became fast friends and later partners in their shared obsession with justice and fierce loyalty.
Muamar Reyes ↳ Choom | After becoming a fixer Luis found a quick friend in Muamar through their shared morals and close work proximity. Luis admires him for how he works, genuinely caring for his crews and clients and keeping his turf safe. 
Sebastian Ibarra ↳ Close Acquaintance | Padre helped pick Luis up at his lowest, offering him words of wisdom, and religious comfort. He was the person who suggested that Luis become a fixer in the first place, and help mentor him through his first few years.
Kerry Eurodyne ↳ Acquaintance | Met during a few corpo/high-class parties/gala’s and hit it off. They're each other's goto when attending events so they don’t have to deal with snobby corpos alone.
Significant Other:
In an open queerplatonic relationship with River Ward.
Dexter Deshawn ↳ Mutual Detest | Dexter is all charisma with nothing to back it up. He has no prior experience as a merc and treats his crews like they’re disposable. Luis despises him and thinks him morally bankrupt, caring only for his well-being and how many eddies end up in his pocket. Dex finds Luis far too intense, and with his rising reputation as a Fixer, a threat to his income.
[CW: light mentions of alcohol and drug abuse/addiction]
2048 to 2066 (Birth - 18 years old): Childhood
Luis Vasquez was born in Vista Del Rey to an ex-nomad mother and a Valentino father who died just a few months before his birth. He and his mother had a close and loving relationship despite her working multiple jobs to support them. He spent most of his nights as a child at his mother's second job at the El Coyote Cojo. 
At age 13, Luis's mother contracted bird flu and passed due to complications. With no other living relatives, he was taken in and cared for by Mamá Welles. He and Jackie were attached at the hip, whether Jackie liked it or not. He looked up to Jackie and even almost joined the Valentinos with him until Jackie’s accident scared him off that road.
2067 to 2072 (19 to 24 years old): Mercenary Days
During his early 20s, Luis’s life took a turn as he followed Jackie into mercenary work. Luis found himself falling into an intense niche of gigs: assassination and theft. This style of work, as well paying as it was, took an insurmountable toll on his mental health. He became paranoid and closed off pushing away his family and friends out of fear. He was repeatedly required to change his look and face well on hits, sometimes for days or weeks. He changed his look and mannerisms so often that he often had a hard time recognizing himself in the mirror. He fell into a habit of heavy drinking and dependency on Paxium and “Char” to deal with his day-to-day life.
It took several years and interventions before he even admitted that he had a problem, but a particular incident knocked some sense into him. After a particularly brutal assignment, Luis had actually entertained the thought of chipping in a new face, one that could change look at the drop of a hat. Then, it hit him. How crazy that was, giving himself a new face, the thought of coming home and having his mother not recognize him. That terrified him more than anything in the world.
He dropped all his mercenary work right then, ghosted all his fixers and clients, and sought refuge under the counsel of Sebastian Ibarra.
2073 to 2074 (25 to 26 years old): Recovery
Luis spent his next few years under the wing of Sebastian Ibarra and several other therapists. His recovery was rough, reconciling with his past actions and almost relapsing several times. Padre guided him through it, offering him words of wisdom and religious mentoring. He reconciled the faith he had lost during his dark years and reconnected with those he had pushed away. When Padre found that idle hands made him waver he offered a solution: a job as a Fixer in the Vista Del Rey district.
2075 to 2080 (27 to 32 years old): Present Day
As of 2077, Luis is a Fixer in the Vista Del Rey district under the mentor of Sebastian Ibarra, handing out mid-tier jobs and trying to stay out of too much trouble. He’s quickly rising in fame as a reliable and competent Fixer and gaining more reputation as the years go. He cares deeply for his crews and clients and his home district and does his best to keep them safe.
2080 and Onward (32+ years old): El león de Vista Del Rey
Luis's fame and reputation later skyrockets and he gains the title “El león” or The Lion of Vista Del Rey. He’s deemed the “King” of Vista Del Rey and then later the whole Glen after Padre steps down as a Fixer. He’s wealthy, famous, and well-established all over Night City, and puts his money back into his community and his family.
|| main tag | lore | vibes | profile || Ships ↳ X: Just Chooms (I promise) [River Ward] AUs ↳ Nomad
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superfurytamago · 1 year
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Episode 9 eyecatch: Kirinden
This castle is under the reign of "Hot Spring Demon" Kirinji Tenjirō of Squad Zero. Kirinji carries out his "ritual" of hot spring healing at the huge hot spring palace located in the heart of the compound.
Immersing the body sequentially in the Hakkotsu Jigoku (lit. white bone hell) - which removes damaged spiritual pressure together with the blood - and Chinoike Jigoku (lit. blood pond hell) - which replenishes fresh blood and spiritual pressure - allows for a complete replacement of blood and spiritual pressure in the body. The physical body is able to recover at an exceptional speed as a result.
Individuals who do not possess high levels of spiritual pressure will experience "hyper-recovery" if they immerse themselves in these hot springs. They must wear protective clothing weaved from super spirit particles in order to prevent the physical body from decay and disintegration due to hyper-recovery.
Furthermore, a special hand towel must be placed on top of the head at all times when using the Hakkotsu Jigoku to prevent the fatal expulsion of the individual's spiritual pressure core.
The secret playground constructed deep within the Sōkyoku Hill by Urahara Kisuke and Shihōin Yoruichi was modelled after the hot springs of Kirinden, in which a hot spring that accelerates recovery exists.
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iseesound · 1 year
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𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃! 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨, 𝒟ℯ𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝒪𝒻 𝒜 𝒮𝓊𝓅ℯ𝓇𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇
Aired 02.23.23
“Dedicated to America’s last platinum blonde bimbo, Jayne Mansfield.” Featuring music from Charli XCX, Rosalía, M.I.A., and more.
Listen on Spotify and Apple Music.
There's something about Jayne that called me to her story. A platinum blonde sex icon in America. From her youth she knew she was destined for stardom. Manifesting her future before the popularity of the Law of Attraction. She was seen as dumb, but was actually said to have a genius IQ. Though it's clear Jayne calculated her image, and how she was percieved. She met a terrible fate, dying in a car crash and the media spurred on a rumor she had been beheaded on impact. Though it was later proven false.
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The whole premise of this weeks set, is reimagining Jayne's final car ride. An alternative plot line where she crashes the car herself. (Metaphorically speaking.) The beginning, "Cleo at Abbey Road" by Shygirl and "Interlude - The Trio" by Lana Del Rey sets the soundscape for the rest of the hour of music. In the show, I created a special version where you can hear someone getting into a car, after The Trio, starting the car, flipping through the radio stations, and "Vroom Vroom" by Charlie XCX blaring on the speakers. Signaling the beginning of the car ride.
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The music throughout the car ride is a mic of female pop and hyper pop. Which I find fitting for someone like Jayne. The epitome of American femininity. Throughout you'll find music mixed with mentions and critiques of fame, femininity, and money. While also playing with the car ride concept.
"Bad Girls" - M.I.A.
"Suki suki I'm comin' in the Cherokee Gasoline There's steam on the window screen"
"Rich Girl" - Gwen Stefani
"Clean out Vivienne Westwood In my Galliano gown No, wouldn't just have one hood A Hollywood mansion if I could Please book me first-class to my fancy house in London town"
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Throughout the set a lot of the music has these themes of femininity and expression. Music like "Jennifer B" by Jockstrap "Supersoaker" by Eartheater and "Mwah :3" by Dinamarca also pushes in new genres I haven't played yet. I felt that the sets I was showing were not accurate to my current music taste. Electronic, hyper pop, and experimental.
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"honda" - FKA Twigs
"On the (on the) M way (yeah) Honda (Honda), rizla (ooh), baby"
"In a locked box, in a locked drawer Will I find me an American girl? American girl"
"Paparazzi" - Lady Gaga
"Garage glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us It don't have a price"
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Rosalia sings in "Dolerme",
"Acelero pa' ve' si consigo estrellarme Quiero que lo veas y no pienses en detenerme Y así demuestras que has podido olvidarme"
"I accelerate to see if I can crash I want you to see it, don't try to stop me And so you can show me that you could forget me Or, why are you not doing your part too? Step on it and let go of the wheel"
Another hint as to what's to come at the end. I love this song, and I found it so fitting.
Jayne was married to a bodybuilder, Mickey Hargitay. They ultimately became divorced. Azeliea Banks raps in "Count Contessa",
"Muscle Mike can't protect ya"
Jayne had so much in her life. Fame, money, and men. But ultimately none of that could save her.
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Restating the theme of stardom and the critique of it. "scream my name" by Fousheé is a pop punk anthem of a rich girl at the club. While "XS" by Rina Sawayama is a direct critique to excessive consumerism. (Something prevalent in fame and Hollywood).
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The final two songs tell Jayne's story. Of course I could have fabricated some alternate story line where Jayne lives, like Tarintino's "Once Upon a Time.... In Hollywood". But matter cannot be created or destroyed, and sadly Jayne in the end, ends up dying. Though in this alternate timeline she had control of her death, and more importantly had control of how the media would portray her.
"The Ballad of Jayne" - L.A. Guns
"Things ain't always what they seem  What a shame, what a shame  What happened to Jayne"
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frestoniia · 2 years
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"You don't know what it's like to live in constant danger."
Fear is inscribed into the very bones of mice beastmen like Craig; it is inescapable. With their spindly limbs and cowardly disposition, they're typically regarded as the bottom of the food chain. However, the life expectancy of the weak and the fearful isn't long in such a hostile environment. Since Craig grew up without the protection and safety of a family, he’s had a lot of time to fine-tune his survival skills. 
What Craig lacks in raw strength, he makes up for in tenacity.
Enhanced Hearing
Enhanced Smell
Enhanced Agility / Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Bite Force
Poison Resistance
Tight Space Maneuvering (largely due to his UM)
Accelerated Metabolism
Prehensile Tail
Prey Instinct / Hyper Awareness
Enhanced Stealth
Observation Detection
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cl0udpup · 2 years
Aspie Quiz
I have had a hell of a week, and need to do something interesting yet structured, something I can focus on, isn’t difficult, and can let me write out my feelings. So we shall do a blog post, and continue with these Autism self-assessments.
This quiz is linked from embrace-autism.com. The responses are ?-Don’t know, 0-No/never, 1-A little, 2-Yes/often.
Your broader autism cluster (Aspie) score: 146 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 98 of 200 You are very likely on the broader autism cluster (Aspie)
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- Aspie Talent - 8.3 of 10 (above average)
This group contains intellectually related This group contains intellectually related broader autism cluster traits. Typical traits are related to strong interests that can become obsessive (e.g. having strong interests; hyper focusing; collecting information; good long term memory related to interests; figuring out how things work; making connections between things). Other traits are related to information processing (e.g. noticing details; finding patterns; unusual imagination; unique ideas). Some people have special talents (e.g. numbers; language; computers; music).
A high score is related to Asperger's Syndrome (AS) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
- Neurotypical Talent - 2.6 of 10 (below average)
This group contains intellectually related neurotypical traits. These are often defined in terms of disabilities. Typical traits are related to verbal communication, learning by imitation, staying focused even when doing boring things, trouble with finding places and a poor concept of time. A low score is related to Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, but also to other diagnoses like ADHD.
- Aspie Perception - 10.0 of 10 (above average)
These traits can become a disability by causing sensory overload and even a complete shutdown. The need for routines and predictability to a large extent seems to be caused by acute perception and the related risk of sensory overload. The core traits are hypersensitivity to touch, sound, smell, taste, strong light, humidity, wind, heat and electromagnetic fields. Some people are less sensitive to pain. Autistic people often have differences in perception.
- Neurotypical Perception - 7.7 of 10 (above average)
Typical traits are reading facial expressions, recognizing people, and estimating age which involves the human face. Other traits are judging distance, speed, acceleration, pressure and time.
A low score is related to Dyspraxia.
- Aspie Communication - 8.0 of 10 (above average)
Key traits in this group are related to atypical nonverbal communication (e.g. odd facial expressions; being accused of staring; using unusual sounds in conversations; blinking or rolling eyes; clenching fists; grinding teeth; thrusting tongue; blushing). Related traits are stims (e.g. wringing hands; rubbing hands; twirling fingers; rocking; tapping eyes; pressing eyes; fiddling with things; pacing; flapping hands; peeling skin flakes).
A high score is related to stimming and unusual communication.
- Neurotypical Communication - 4.1 of 10 (average)
The key trait is the ability to interpret and show typical nonverbal communication (e.g. facial expressions; body language; courtship; prosody). The absence of these abilities lead to secondary problems (e.g. unaware of how to behave; unaware of boundaries; being misunderstood; missing hidden agendas; being unaware of others intentions; misinterpreting figures of speech, idioms and allegories; literal interpretation; not knowing when to apologize; saying inappropriate things; seemingly poor empathy).
A low score is related to Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC).
- Aspie Relationships - 6.6 of 10 (average)
The main trait is a strong attachment formed over a longer period of time that often can last for life even in the absence of further contact. Related to the attachment is being protective, learning routines, walking behind and examining hair. Some people form multiple attachments (polyamory) while others form imaginary attachments in the absence of a suitable partner. Contact phase traits includes unusual sexual preferences and being more sexually attracted to strangers. Odd hair probably plays a role in recognition in the contact phase.
A high score is related to "attachment disorders" and paraphilias.
- Neurotypical Relationships - 6.8 of 10 (above average)
Traits are related to the typical process of finding a partner, dating, courtship and sexual intimacy. The intimacy traits defines the norm in society and aim at creating and maintaining attachments with sex. People that dislike this norm often identify as asexual.
A low score is related to intimacy problems. 
- Aspie Social -  5.6 of 10 (average)
The traits are about putting oneself in the centre, and living in small stationary groups. It also includes having trouble with authority, arguing and revenge.
- Neurotypical Social - 3.9 of 10 (average)
The traits are adaptations for socializing with strangers and superficial acquaintances, forming friendships and coalitions. Important traits are sharing and talking about feelings with strangers and superficial acquaintances as a way to socialize and exchange information. Hugging, waving and shaking hands are traits used in the interaction.
Full Q & A:
1. Is your sense of humor different from mainstream, or considered odd?
Gosh starting out with a weird question right at the get go. Idk? I like absurdist comedy, and things other people have raised an eyebrow to, but I’m reading this question as, do you laugh at inappropriate/offensive things? and no, I don’t like joking about harmful stuff. I can have a dark sense of humor, but it’s not my dominant category. I guess I’ll say “a little.”
2. Do you have an alternative view of what’s attractive in a romantic partner?
I modified the q because it was written for straights. This question is so bogus. What is an alternative view? Like, do I have a fetish for pimples? lol. I like artsy people with cool style. I don’t think that’s straying from the norm too far... I’m gonna have to leave a question mark on this one.
3. Do you tend to get so absorbed by your special interests that you forget or ignore everything else?
Yes. I dive deep into my obsession of the week, and don’t want to do anything else. Please don’t walk in and catch me avoiding my responsibilities, let me enjoy myself in peace without shame lol.
4. Do you dislike it when people drop by to visit you uninvited?
Fuck yeah. Sorry but I will end friendships over that lol. Huge boundary crossing imo.
5. Do you find it easier to understand and communicate with odd & unusual people than with ordinary people?
Odd and unusual people... ordinary people??? This test feels like it was written in the 70s when people were side-eyed for wearing black or being a man with long hair. Do they mean do I get along better with neurodivergent people??? If so, then of course.
6. Do you find yourself at ease in romantic situations?
Yes. I actually prefer the clear expectations and openness of communication of a romantic relationship. I prefer the one on one interaction. It’s easier for me than keeping up with friend groups.
7. Do you prefer to do things on your own even if you could use others' help or expertise?
No. Please help me. Executive function turns off when I’m forced to do something I don’t know or care about. Please do it for me and I will help you with something you hate.
8. Do you have, or used to have, imaginary relationships?
9. As a teenager, were you usually unaware of social rules & boundaries unless they were clearly spelled out?
Idk? I kinda did my own thing and didn’t understand when I’d be disliked or left out.
10. Do you instinctively become frightened by the sound of a motor-bike?
Not scared, angry.
11. Do you have extra sensitive hearing?
Yes, I have to adjust my environment constantly.
12. Are you sometimes afraid in safe situations?
Existential dread...?
13. Do you tend to develop romantic feelings for people that persistently shows interest for you?
Yeah this used to get me in trouble.
14. Do others often misunderstand you?
Seems like it!
15. Do you prefer to keep to yourself?
16. Do you like to protect people you are attached to even when they didn't ask for it?
Yes, I have to.
17. Do you have odd hair (for example multiple whorls, standing up when short or other peculiarities)?
Do you find it natural to wave or say 'hi' when you meet people?
19. Before doing something or going somewhere, do you need to have a picture in your mind of what's going to happen so as to be able to prepare yourself mentally first?
Yes I need to know every detail.
20. Do recently heard tunes or rhythms tend to stick and replay themselves repeatedly in your head?
21. Is it important for you to find a unique niche where you can acquire unique competence?
I like to be good at or knowledgeable about many things, but I’m not obsessed.
22. Do you feel as if you are being persecuted in some way?
Not personally.
23. Do you find it disturbing or upsetting when others show up either later or sooner than agreed?
Yeah I hate it.
24. Do you feel that you are a very special or unusual person?
I mean I’m diff than a lot of people but relate to many as well.
25. Do you have an avid perseverance in gathering and/or cataloguing information on a topic of interest?
Yes I love researching and making lists.
26. Do you find it easy to estimate the age of people?
27. In conversations, do you use small sounds that others don't seem to use?
Uhhhhh what? lol.
28. Do you have problems with timing in conversations?
If I don’t want to be in the convo maybe, then I’m trying to find an out. If I’m excited then it’s hard not to ramble and wait my turn.
29. Is it hard for you to approach somebody you are attracted to?
30. Do you fiddle with things?
I suppose.
31. Do you have certain routines which you need to follow?
32. Do you enjoy big events even if they are crowded?
I’d prefer it wasn’t crowded.
33. Do you pace (e.g. when thinking or anxious)?
Sure do.
34. Do you forget you are in a social situation when something gets your attention?
No, I just don’t care about whatever “rules” this is implying.
35. In conversations, do you need extra time to carefully think out your reply, so that there may be a pause before you answer?
If I’m caught off guard and asked a question about myself. If it’s something I’m excited about I need to say it when I think it or I’ll forget.
36. Do you feel irritated when one person disagrees with what everyone else in a group believes?
Sometimes yes it can be hard to deal w because I want everyone to be on the same page.
37. Do you usually find faults with others' opinions that you don't share?
Yes but I have tried to get better at keeping it to myself bc people are allowed to have opinions.
38. Do you have a monotonous voice?
I don’t think so, I’ve never been told so.
39. Do you wring your hands, rub your hands together or twirl your fingers?
You know it.
40. Do you have one special talent which you have emphasised and worked on?
I have many many many hobbies I have tried over the years, but, I have ADHD, so I’m kinda “jack of all trades, master of none.”
41. Are you shy?
I was when I was a kid. I was very anxious and uncomfortable.
42. Are you bothered by clothes tags or light touch?
Yeah I break out in hives from clothes easily.
43. Do you feel an urge to peel flakes off yourself and / or others?
FLAKES???? Like lint from someone’s shirt? Wtf is a flake lol. I have an urge to help someone if they have like something stuck to them, or their bag is unzipped, or their hair is messed up.
44. Do you have difficulty accepting criticism, correction, and direction?
It annoys me if someone critiques something I’m working on if I didn’t ask for help or opinions.
45. Do you bite your lip, cheek or tongue (e.g. when thinking, when anxious or nervous)?
Yup. and pick at my skin. Hate it.
46. In a conversation, do you tend to focus on your own thoughts rather than on what your listener might be thinking?
I try to keep up with both.
47. Are you asexual?
48. Do you rock back-&-forth or side-to-side (e.g. for comfort, to calm yourself, when excited or overstimulated)?
49. Do you have difficulties judging distances, height, depth or speed?
No not really cuz I usually just look that information up so I already know it or have a frame of reference instead of guessing.
50. Do you need to do things yourself in order to remember them?
51. Are your eyes extra sensitive to strong light and glare?
Yes I hate it. Light stuff is a migraine trigger for me.
52. Do you enjoy travel?
I like being in the good moments of travel and gaining new experiences, but I hate pretty much everything else about it lol.
53. Do you have unusual sexual preferences?
Wtf is unusual??? I mean maybe someone totally repressed would think so, but I haven’t found partners to be uncomfortable w me.
54. Do you tend to shut down or have a meltdown when stressed or overwhelmed?
Yes. It’s better on meds, but previously, if I was too anxious I could freak out. I still dissociate when overwhelmed w stress in a way that makes me depressed (therapist said it’s hypoarousal - being understimulated.)
55. Do you see your own activities as more important than other people's?
No? Everyone is just trying to live their life. We all are responsible for communicating our needs.
56. Have people you formed strong attachments to taken advantage of you?
57. Do you prefer to construct your own set of spiritual beliefs rather than following existing religions / belief-systems?
Um yeah. Too much adherence to patriarchy and ignoring of morals in any religion I’ve studied.
58. Do you find it difficult to take notes in lectures?
Yes everything goes too fast!
59. Do you prefer to only meet people you know, one-on-one, or in small, familiar groups?
60. Do you instinctively know when it is your turn to speak when talking on the phone?
Not really. Phone is so unnatural. Horrible quality, usually can’t understand what the other person said, I hate it.
61. Do you tend to look a lot at people you like and little or not at all at people you dislike?
Yeah. Sometimes I catch myself and if I care about them even if I like them less, I try to do better and look at everyone, but if I don’t care about them it’s whatever.
62. Have others told you that you have an odd posture or gait?
I was teased for toe-walking as a kid. As an adult, I was told I flail my limbs too much. I try to fix it but I’m hypermobile and it’s hard. I hate seeing myself walk.
63. Are you sensitive to changes in humidity and air pressure?
So sensitive and I can’t stand it. I’m like always uncomfortable unless in my own room where I have total environmental control.
64. Do you stay away from situations where people might express affection for you?
Ummm I guess? I don’t like having attention on me, especially having people touch me, unless I have explicitly consented to it.
65. Do you find it difficult to take messages on the telephone and pass them on correctly?
Well this never happens, but as for passing on any kind of message, I’ll just write it down.
66. Do you expect other people to know your thoughts, experiences and opinions without you having to tell them?
Huh? I mean I guess sometimes if I’m in a community with someone, I assume we share certain beliefs, then remember that’s not necessarily true. But I don’t like, get mad if someone doesn’t know what I’m thinking. I will get annoyed if someone I’m close to does something they should know is triggering for me.
67. Do you need lists and schedules in order to get things done?
68. Do you dislike it when people stamp their foot in the floor?
As in stomping around the house? Yeah it’s scary and annoying.
69. Have your thoughts ever been so vivid that you were worried other people would hear them?
Uhhhh not seriously.
70. Do you have trouble reading clocks?
71. Do you mistake noises for voices?
72. Do you enjoy traditional dating?
Not really. I like getting to know people. I don’t like a lot of typical date activities.
73. Do you get a pleasurable tingling sensation in the head, scalp or back of the body in response to certain sounds?
74. Are you easily distracted?
lol. I’m doing this instead of working.
75. Are you good at interpreting facial expressions?
76. Do you accept criticism, correction and direction?
Depends on who it’s from and how respectfully they say it.
77. Do you tend to express your feelings in ways that may baffle others?
Like what????
78. Do you have a good sense of how much pressure to apply when doing things with your hands?
I think so.
79. Do you find it easy to describe your feelings?
Usually. It can take me a minute to find the words but I think it’s important.
80. Do you take pride in your appearance?
I care about looking cute but it’s not always my top priority.
81. Do you find it very hard to learn things that you are not interested in?
Yeah please don’t make me it’s unbearable.
82. Do you have an urge to observe the habits of humans and/or animals?
Yes! I want to know what it’s like to be them.
83. Do you have difficulty describing & summarising things for example events, conversations or something you've read?
Sometimes I give too many details and stray from the main point. It’s easier for me to write everything out then condense it.
84. Do you notice patterns in things all the time?
I do.
85. Do you prefer to hug only a romantic partner?
I like hugging some people, but hate having to hug others.
86. Is it hard for you to see why some things upset people so much?
Yes sometimes people take things the wrong way and I don’t understand how to move forward if they won’t give me the benefit of the doubt.
87. Are you good at team-work?
If there are clear goals. Even more so if I can take on a leadership role. If it’s too vague a project, I get annoyed because it seems most people just wanna goof off. When I’m doing an important task, I want to work on that, not just socialize.
88. Do you get confused by several verbal instructions at the same time?
Yes, I prefer written instructions step by step, or like being able to pause an audio message or video.
89. Do you examine the hair of people you like a lot?
Examine their hair??? Like take out my pocket microscope and take notes? lmao. Uhhh. I like to pet and play with peoples hair if we are on a cuddling/intimate level.
90. Do you have a tendency to become stuck when asked questions in social situation?
Yeah it’s so embarrassing.
91. Are you more sexually attracted to strangers than to people you know well?
Not necessarily.
92. Do you like tongue-kissing?
lol weird question. It doesn’t bother me but most people are bad at it.
93. Do you tend to interpret things literally?
94. Do you need a lot of motivation to do things?
Yeah basically.
95. Can you easily remember verbal instructions?
Not really.
96. Will you abandon your friends if your activities or ideals clash?
If they are not in my core group who I have made a commitment to, yes.
97. Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water?
So random. I mean, yeah??? Sure?? I love watching waves crashing??
98. Do you have problems recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)?
99. Have you experienced stronger than normal attachments to certain people?
Well when in toxic relationships yeah.
100. Do you find it hard to recognise phone numbers when said in a different way?
Sometimes it confuses and irritates me like when someone says “triple five, four oh, double one.” like just say it normal.
101. Do you work slowly on jobs you dislike?
If I’m lucky I can bang it out and get it over with. More likely I’ll get distracted and put it off.
102. Do you enjoy spinning in circles?
When I’m happy.
103. Do you dislike when people walk behind you?
If it’s a stranger yes omg like get a clue.
104. Do you obstruct others' plans?
Um sometimes anxiety causes me to beg someone to be safe or not do something if I think it’s dangerous? But other than that no, people can do what they want.
105. Do you tap your ears or press your eyes (e.g. when thinking, when stressed or distressed)?
Somethin like that.
106. Do you like to follow (walk behind) people you are attached to?
Not specifically?
107. Would you quickly become impatient and irritated if you could not find a solution to a problem?
If it’s something I know nothing about and do not care about, yeah, I can’t handle it. I need someone to do it for me. If it’s something I know about and am interested in, I can experiment in fixing it for hours.
108. Do people sometimes think you are smiling at the wrong occasion?
I nervous laugh a lot to diffuse my anxiety when talking about something bad that happened to me.
109. Do you have problems finding your way to new places?
Not really but I get scared of strangers talking to me or ending up somewhere I don’t wanna be.
110. If there is an interruption, can you quickly return to what you were doing before?
It depends if I’m given a chance!
111. Do you talk to yourself?
112. Have you been accused of staring?
Not really?
113. Do you find it hard to tell the age of people?
Not really.
114. Is your sense of humor fairly conventional?
No clue.
115. Do you realize hours later that somebody that you have a romantic interest for actually showed interest for you, and then feel bad about the missed opportunity to connect?
116 Do you have problems filling out forms?
117 Has it been harder for you than for others to keep friends?
118 Do you find it hard to be emotionally close to other people?
I guess.
119 Do you have an urge to jump over things?
120. Do you have an urge to learn the routines of people you know?
121 .Do you tend to say things that are considered socially inappropriate when you are tired, frustrated or when you act naturally?
I have no idea.
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Name: Rakurai
Nickname: Rai
Species: BlackUlforceveedramon
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (appears to be in her late twenties)
Height: 8'7”
Weight: 327 lbs (without armor)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Adventurer
Physical Appearance:
Rakurai is a majestic and powerful digimon. She stands at an impressive height of 8'7" with a lean and muscular build. Her body is mostly covered in smooth white scales, with hints of black that resemble wispy markings across her body. These markings originate from her wings and flow gracefully across the rest of her body, giving her a unique and striking appearance. Her wings are large and powerful, able to carry her through the sky with great speed and agility. Her golden eyes are mesmerizing, with a red ring around her pupils that adds to her intense gaze.
Being an adventurer, Rakurai doesn’t have a set outfit. However, she often wears a black and gold armor with intricate designs that complement her overall appearance. She also wears a red scarf around her neck, which is a gift from her mentor. She has a small pouch attached to her belt which holds various items such as medicinal herbs and tools for healing.
Rakurai is an incredibly powerful digimon, with abilities inherited from her ancestor Zeromaru. She possesses an x-antibody, which gives her enhanced strength, speed, and agility. She also has the Hyper-Accelerated ULforce program, which allows her to heal as fast as she takes damage. This makes her almost invincible in battle. She is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat and skilled in using her powerful wings to create shockwaves and gusts of wind. She could put up a decent fight against someone like Dynasmon. She fights using an extreme amount of speed, being able to rip off armor and pummel someone into ground from the sheer force. She is capable of causing things like boulders fly into the air from the force of the tailwind, tearing up the ground or ripping up pavement/cobblestone.
Rakurai is a complex digimon with a mix of both light and dark traits. On the one hand, she is fiercely independent, strong-willed, and adventurous. She loves to explore new places and take on challenging adventures. On the other hand, she has a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve and is prone to self-villainizing. This is due to her upbringing as the descendant of Zeromaru, who was often perceived as a disgraced hero in the digital world. Rakurai struggles with this reputation and constantly questions if she is destined to follow in his footsteps. Despite her strength and prowess in battle, Rakurai's true power lies in her empathy and compassion. Beneath her stoic exterior, she harbors a deep sense of responsibility and a desire to protect those in need. Her willingness to confront her inner demons and face her fears demonstrates her resilience and inner strength. Rakurai's tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve makes her approachable and relatable to others, forging meaningful connections and friendships along her journey. While she grapples with self-doubt and the shadow of her ancestry, Rakurai's unwavering dedication to doing good and making a positive impact on the digital world drives her forward.
Rakurai was born in the digital world as the descendant of Zeromaru, the legendary Ulforceveedramon. She grew up hearing stories about her ancestor’s great powers and his numerous adventures. Despite being a descendant of a powerful digimon, Rakurai was often ostracized and feared by other digimon due to her x-antibody. This made her feel isolated and lonely, leading to her habit of self-villainizing.
As she grew older, Rakurai was determined to prove that she was not like her ancestor and is capable of doing good. She trained tirelessly, mastering all of her abilities and becoming a skilled adventurer. She also sought out her mentor, who taught her how to use her powers for good. Under his tutelage, Rakurai learned to embrace her unique abilities and channel them for the greater good. Her adventures took her across the digital world, where she encountered challenges that tested her resolve and strengthened her spirit. Through each trial and triumph, Rakurai's sense of identity and purpose evolved, shaping her into the valiant adventurer she is today. As she continues her quest to redefine her destiny and uphold the values of courage and compassion, Rakurai's legend grows, inspiring hope and bravery in all who cross her path.
Now, Rakurai travels the digital world, taking on various challenges and helping those in need. She still struggles with her reputation as the descendant of Zeromaru, but she is determined to prove that she is her own digimon, with her own destiny.
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airevolutioncompany · 17 days
Unleashing Innovation: Jaiinfoway's DevOps Revolution
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In today's hyper-competitive digital landscape, businesses must continually evolve and innovate to stay ahead. At Jai infoway, we understand the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements. That's why we're excited to introduce our DevOps Revolution – a transformative approach to software development that empowers businesses to accelerate their digital transformation journey.
At Jai infoway we believe that DevOps is more than just a set of practices – it's a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. By breaking down silos between development and operations teams, DevOps enables organizations to streamline their software delivery processes, drive efficiency, and deliver value to customers faster than ever before.
One of the key pillars of Jai infoway's DevOps Revolution is efficient CI/CD integration. By automating the build, test, and deployment processes, we help organizations eliminate manual errors, reduce cycle times, and deliver high-quality software with confidence. With Jaiinfoway by your side, you can embrace CI/CD with confidence and unlock new possibilities for innovation and growth.
But our commitment to excellence doesn't stop there. At Jai infoway, we understand that security is paramount in today's digital landscape. That's why we take a security-first approach to everything we do. From secure code practices to rigorous security testing, we ensure that your software remains protected against potential threats, keeping your data and your customers safe.
Real-time monitoring is another critical aspect of Jai infoway's DevOps Revolution. By continuously monitoring your systems and applications, we can identify issues before they escalate, ensuring that your software remains robust and responsive to change. With our real-time monitoring solutions, you can rest assured that your systems are always running smoothly, delivering an exceptional experience to your customers.
Innovation is at the heart of everything we do at Jai infoway. We're constantly exploring new technologies, methodologies, and best practices to help our clients stay ahead of the curve. Whether you're looking to streamline your development processes, enhance collaboration across teams, or drive continuous improvement, Jai infoway's DevOps Revolution is here to help.
In conclusion, Jai infoway's DevOps Revolution is more than just a set of tools and practices – it's a philosophy that empowers organizations to embrace change, drive innovation, and deliver value to customers faster than ever before. With Jaiinfoway by your side, you can revolutionize your software development lifecycle and unlock new possibilities for success in today's fast-paced digital world.
Contact Us-
Visit us- https://jaiinfoway.com/
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usmartincalibration · 22 days
Unlocking Efficiency: How Precision Technical Services Revolutionize Workflows
Maximizing Productivity and Precision in Today's Industries
In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, efficiency isn't just a buzzword—it's a necessity. Companies across all sectors are constantly seeking ways to optimize workflows, minimize waste, and maximize productivity. Amidst this quest for efficiency, precision technical services emerge as a transformative force, revolutionizing workflows and driving unprecedented levels of precision and performance.
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Precision technical services encompass a diverse range of specialized solutions designed to enhance accuracy, reliability, and efficiency across various industries. From precision machining and calibration to quality assurance and beyond, these services offer meticulous attention to detail and adherence to exact specifications, paving the way for enhanced productivity and profitability.
Precision machining stands at the forefront of this revolution. Utilizing advanced techniques such as CNC machining, EDM, and laser cutting, precision machining enables the production of components with incredibly tight tolerances and complex geometries. By harnessing the power of precision machining, organizations can achieve levels of accuracy previously thought unattainable, resulting in fewer defects, reduced waste, and ultimately, superior product quality.
Furthermore, precision machining plays a crucial role in enabling innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Whether it's crafting intricate components for aerospace applications or producing high-precision medical devices, precision machining empowers organizations to bring their most ambitious ideas to life with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
Calibration and metrology represent another cornerstone of precision technical services. In industries where accuracy is paramount, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and aerospace, precise measurements are non-negotiable. Calibration services ensure that measurement instruments and equipment adhere to rigorous standards, providing confidence in the accuracy and reliability of critical measurements.
Moreover, precision technical services encompass comprehensive quality assurance measures aimed at ensuring products meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. Through rigorous testing, inspection, and validation protocols, these services identify and rectify any deviations or discrepancies in products or processes, safeguarding brand reputation and customer satisfaction.
Prototyping and reverse engineering further demonstrate the versatility and impact of precision technical services. Prototyping allows organizations to iterate and refine product designs quickly, accelerating time-to-market and reducing development costs. Meanwhile, reverse engineering enables the recreation of existing components or systems with pinpoint accuracy, whether for product improvement, legacy equipment maintenance, or intellectual property protection.
In today's rapidly evolving marketplace, agility and adaptability are essential for success. Precision technical services provide organizations with the flexibility to respond swiftly to changing demands, market trends, and technological advancements. By leveraging the expertise and resources of specialized service providers, companies can focus on their core competencies while accessing cutting-edge solutions and technologies.
In conclusion, precision technical services represent a paradigm shift in how organizations approach efficiency, productivity, and innovation. By harnessing the power of precision machining, calibration, quality assurance, and prototyping, companies can unlock new levels of precision, reliability, and performance in their workflows. In an era defined by relentless competition and constant disruption, embracing precision technical services isn't just a choice—it's a strategic imperative for organizations looking to thrive in the digital age.
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noxxmyosotis · 1 month
Nothing is Ever More than a Hologram: The Gamification of War | Full Transcription + Bibliography
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Full video can be found in the link below:
During late 2022 and early 2023, the Imperial War Museum (IWM) hosted an exhibition named “War Games: Real Conflicts, Virtual Worlds, and Extreme Entertainment." I have never been to the exhibition myself, but according to their own marketing material, it featured blockbuster games including Call of Duty and Sniper Elite, while also incorporating indie titles such as The War of Mine and Bury Me, My Love. The goal of the exhibition is allegedly to interrogate “the tension that exists between the thrill and tragedy of warfare in a game and its repercussions in the real world.”
I’m sure the exhibition was a great one, as most of the reviews were positive. As a gamer, I understand where that feeling came from: it feels cathartic to be recognised by traditional institutions, which has long been demonising the gaming community, especially “violent” video games. I went to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) at roughly the same timeframe, and I was very touched by the exhibition of modern gaming and their recognition of video games as a valid form of art. Though this could be a topic for another time.
While games are often demonised in the real world, often linking with a heightened rate of violence and generating more societal instability, even when much research has shown no evidence of this being the case (Greitemeyer and Mügge 2014), gamification, the process of which incorporates game-like elements, such as leaderboards and positive reinforcement with goals, has long been used as a strategy of war in the course of history. From ancient Rome where killing in colosseum was linked to hyper-masculinity and glory, to US actively promotes itself for using “realistic war simulators” to train soldiers and prepare for the real battlefield, the idea of war being a game has helped countless individuals rationalise their actions on the battlefield (Warfighter Digital 2023).
Sounds odd, right? Especially if you think about more than a second, what kind of rationalisation are games providing? In other words, what do people feel normalised across the process of games?
The more positive answer to this, of course, is that it helps individuals deal with the stress of the battlefield and accelerates the learning process while providing immediate feedback to individuals. In fact, proponents of the usage of gamification in war training would come up with various scenarios in which gamified training would be super useful, for example, learning first aid in stressful situations, especially for medics, and learning local language to communicate with the locals to provide help.
But wait, how many of the of the individuals received the training are medics or are tasked with communicating with the locals? And at the same time, this is also not aligned with what kind of games the government has developed over the years, most of which seemed to be either action games or first-person shooter games.
From the Ukrainian War video (check if you haven’t!), I have talked a little bit about how the act of war is often the active result of society creating a sense of “others” as a method of building identity. This is perhaps more important in the context of wartime soldiers. For soldiers, their identity is often built upon the contention between peace and war, with one often framed as what they ought to strive to achieve and the other fulfilling the desire for which they are useful and needed (Robillard 2017).
To resolve the inner tension, the frame of “others” is more needed than ever. If war, is not perpetuated by “us” as a collective, then the act of war, is inevitable, and as a soldier you are needed by the public to protect themselves; in the meantime, peace can simultaneously be the end goal if the “others” are to blame for the creation of war.
Nonetheless, historically, it is rather hard to always frame opposing soldiers as "others." Intuitively, people are likely going to be traumatised by seeing individuals of opposing soldiers and innocent civilians die in front of you, regardless of their characteristics, backgrounds, or identity. Even when people get more disassociated with the situation of the war over time, they are also likely to become more disassociated with individuals who are their companions as they shut down their emotions, making them a potential risk factor.
Here is where, modern video games come in. However realistic games may be, they are at the end of the day, games. It is easy to put down your controller and forgot whatever happened in front of your very own eyes as you subconsciously deem it to be fictional. The individuals you have “killed” with your very own hand are anything but a mere hologram of data with no objective reality attached to it. In the meantime, the narrative of games portrayed also often makes you feel a stronger sense of being the main character in your story: You are the good guy, and the ideological opponent of yours are the bad guys who are trying to harm and manipulate the public that you swore to protect.
Individuals learn from their past experiences. The goal of realistic war games is not to make individuals treat games as war, but to treat war as games. As war game become more realistic, the real battlefield more feels like game. It is harder for brain to cognise the fact that you are killing a living human, who have their own life, emotions, and connections to the real world, especially if you are looking at a drone, which have the same interface that you see in a game, especially you have already done the same action countless times before.
In a way, through incorporating video games, it is possible to dehumanise the opponents in a war to a completely new level. Sure, historically, you may see your opponent as people who are evil; you may see your opponents as sub-human and deserve less rights than you; you may even see them as non-human entities that were controlled by supernatural. However, it is perhaps the first time, that individuals can rationalise and normalise the idea that, the opponents are not even sentient creatures. They are merely a hologram, a hologram of computer data, and that was it.
The consequences of war gamification are obviously dire. If individuals who participate in war do not even realise, they are killing people, there is going to be way less internal accountability in terms of the horrid actions that an army can perform. Moreover, if killing people can stop feels like killing a creature, it is not hard to imagine individuals also being more inclined to other actions; for example, dropping bombs may just feel like looking at the death count goes up instead of needing to comprehend the impact of it on human and environment.
Nonetheless, the goal of the video is not to participate in fearmongering. There are some hopes for it. As an art form, many war games currently on the market do reflect the harms of war. One great example is the Metal Gear series, where the game reflects on the trauma that the war causes and what it means to protect peace while preserving your identity as a soldier. In the meantime, the increasing awareness of recent news regarding the real horrors of war in Gaza and Ukraine may also pull individuals back to the reality of what war is like.
What the warzone looks like, most of us probably would never know. But individually, the most important thing here is probably keep reminding yourself that you live in a reality and take time to sort through your feelings to prevent yourself from being unsensitised in the pain and suffering of others. Protest the war if you can, and remember to hold individuals who glorify war accountable.
People are more than holograms.
Greitemeyer, Tobias, and Dirk O. Mügge. 2014. ‘Video Games Do Affect Social Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of Violent and Prosocial Video Game Play’. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (5): 578–89. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167213520459.
Robillard, Michael. 2017. ‘Risk, War, and the Dangers of Soldier Identity’. Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3–4): 205–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/15027570.2017.1412131.
Warfighter Digital. 2023. ‘The Role of Gamification in Military Training: Serious Games and Their Applications’. Warfighter Podcast. 20 April 2023. https://www.warfighterpodcast.com/blog/the-role-of-gamification-in-military-training-serious-games-and-their-applications/.
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bandofchimeras · 3 months
biological psychoanalytic musings
(by a scientifically illiterate person with a political theory degree) psychosis as an inflammatory condition caused by desperate attempts of the brain organ to externally verify an internal cognitive reality ( physically instantiated in firing & connected neural networks) that is no longer or never was matched to the environment. i.e. organisms attempt to generate an emotional & imaginative reality that fits to cognitive biases developed early on to self-motivate. in trying to survive harsh, hostile, or rapidly changing environments, adaptive beliefs (copes) form, that may not actually correspond to experience or shared cultural norms. when the organism feels its survival be threatened by external contradictions, and is not allowed sufficient BIOLOGICALLY NECESSARY time to adapt mental model to the environment, it may close off to external information to form a protective "surface" almost mucouslike in its ability to "catch" bits of external data, glimpses of truth, from entering the system. they may enter the system only after interpretation to fit pre-existing convictions. this is an adaptive mechanism that gets a lot of "exercise" in hyper religious indoctrination. it is not studied enough how religious convictions develop and are passed down familial systems in response to rapid environmental changes, traumas, or other "undigestable" events. retroactively fitting reality to match some kind of faith that the future must be different, or that a wound will be healed, a fight will be won, God will protect you, etc. against all evidence to the contrary. but that's a different topic entirely.
what I am saying is that psychosis is COMMON, and culture is often a shared psychotic experience especially in settler colonial cultures for multiple reasons: -unfamiliar & rapidly changed environment during migration/settlement -violence done during settlement must be ignored, denied or justified retroactively to avoid integration of intense guilt, shame and soul loss from doing the violence -the "acceleration" of mental processes disconnected from physical reality across entire culture leads to further breaks from said reality, delusional beliefs, 'narcissism' or inability to think outside one's cognitive convictions, and very strange behaviors and beliefs.
psychosis may often onset in individuals who are tasked directly or indirectly with witnessing & bearing psychological weight of undigested experiences in a lineage. I am not good at writing in academia but I remember the skeleton of these arguments from Deleuze & Guattari, Lacan, other theorists. I am excited for more research on autoimmune inflammation and its connection to conditions such as schizophrenia, to get out there and be advanced into informing health practices & healing. many therapists of diasporic experience are already writing of the inseparability of ancestral healing with mental health. there's already mad pride. these dots are just beginning to REALLY connect for me. anyone out on the street can see the violence by which people's reaction to their horrific life experiences ("craziness") is retroactively used to justify their houselessness. when usually they are people who are dealing with family legacies of incomprehensible violence, erasure, gaslighting. the less we see mental health as individual "brokenness" and more as inflammation, the more people consider recontextualizing mental health into ancestral reconnection, somatic reconnection, and spiritual-emotional-mental "digestion" and seeing this as genuinely important work worthy of being in tandem with medication and things like CBT/talk therapy the better. people need to get out on their ancestral lands. they need to mourn, keen, use ritual, they need to create art, they need to be meaningfully connected to fighting for their rights and changing MATERIAL CONDITIONS. That is how we help with depersonalization, derealization, psychosis, aggression, with so many "behavioral health problems" grief rituals - when the irrritants and indigestible elements build up in a system they must be coated and rendered harmless - as clams do to create pearls. otherwise they block natural processes within the system and create wheel-spinning, richocheting, extreme pendulum swings - psychosis, OCD, mood disorders. another whole series could be written on adequate nutrition, micronutrients, food deserts, and mental health outcomes of malnutrition. looking at the effects of violence on radicalization, and how maintaining a connection to land/family/cultural tradition and willingness to physically defend this, gets branded as "terrorism" while actual, total, spiritual emotional disconnection & disturbing violence is defended as normal, or seen as "business as usual"....this is vital.
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roamnook · 3 months
"Breaking: New report reveals 75% increase in global carbon emissions in 2021. Shocking data uncovers urgent need for action. Learn more now."
The Power of Concrete Data: Unlocking the Potential for Digital Growth
The Power of Concrete Data: Unlocking the Potential for Digital Growth
Are you ready to dive into a world of numbers, hard facts, and objective information? In today's digital age, data has become the driving force behind innovation, growth, and success. From marketing strategies to software development, every industry relies on concrete data to make informed decisions and achieve remarkable results. In this blog, we will explore the transformative power of data and its real-world applications, while highlighting the importance of RoamNook, a leading innovative technology company specialized in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing.
The Role of Data in Today's World
Let's start by understanding the fundamental role data plays in today's world. Every action we take online generates data, from browsing websites to making purchases. This vast amount of information holds the key to unlocking new possibilities and insights. Understanding and analyzing data allows businesses and organizations to optimize their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.
Data-Driven Decision Making
One of the most significant benefits of data is its ability to guide decision making. Data-driven decision making involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed choices. This process eliminates guesswork and relies on factual evidence, increasing the chances of success. By examining concrete data, businesses can identify trends, predict market demands, and allocate resources effectively.
Improved Customer Experiences
Customer experience is a critical aspect of any successful business. With data, companies can gain insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs. By leveraging this information, businesses can personalize their offerings, tailor marketing campaigns, and provide exceptional customer service. The power of data lies in its ability to create hyper-personalized experiences that resonate with customers on a deep level.
Optimized Operations and Efficiency
Efficiency is essential for any business looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. Data analysis helps identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement within an organization. By analyzing data, companies can streamline their operations, optimize processes, and reduce costs. This data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions about resource allocation, supply chain management, and productivity enhancement.
The Real-World Impact of Data
Now that we understand the significance of data, let's explore its real-world impact across various industries:
Finance and Banking
In the finance and banking sector, data plays a crucial role in risk assessment, fraud detection, and customer segmentation. By analyzing transactional data, banks can identify potential fraudulent activities and protect their customers. Data helps financial institutions make informed lending decisions, evaluate credit risks, and identify investment opportunities.
Data has revolutionized the healthcare industry, leading to improved patient care, disease prevention, and research outcomes. Electronic health records allow healthcare professionals to access comprehensive patient data, enabling accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. Data analysis also facilitates medical research, accelerating the discovery of new treatments and interventions.
Retail and E-commerce
Retailers and e-commerce giants heavily rely on data to understand consumer behavior, optimize inventory management, and personalize shopping experiences. Recommendation algorithms utilize browsing and purchase history to provide tailored product suggestions, increasing customer satisfaction and sales. Data also guides pricing strategies, ensuring optimal profitability without compromising customer loyalty.
Transportation and Logistics
Data plays a significant role in the transportation and logistics industry by enabling route optimization, fuel efficiency, and supply chain management. Companies analyze data to identify the most efficient routes, minimizing fuel consumption and reducing their carbon footprint. Real-time tracking systems allow businesses to monitor inventory levels and streamline the delivery process, resulting in faster, more cost-effective operations.
Introducing RoamNook: Fueling Digital Growth
In the fast-paced digital landscape, businesses need reliable partners to unlock their full potential. Enter RoamNook, an innovative technology company specializing in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. With a team of experts well-versed in the power of data, RoamNook empowers businesses to harness the transformative potential of technology.
IT Consultation
Ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, RoamNook provides comprehensive IT consultation services to ensure companies make the most of their technology investments. Their experts analyze data, identify pain points, and offer tailored solutions to optimize IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital transformation strategies.
Custom Software Development
RoamNook understands that off-the-shelf solutions don't always fit every business's unique needs. That's why they offer custom software development services, tailored to address specific challenges and enhance operations. With a focus on usability, scalability, and security, RoamNook builds cutting-edge software solutions that maximize efficiency and drive growth.
Digital Marketing
In today's digital era, effective marketing strategies are essential for businesses to reach their target audience. RoamNook's digital marketing services leverage data-driven insights to craft impactful campaigns, increase brand visibility, and drive conversions. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, RoamNook helps businesses stand out in a crowded digital space.
In a world driven by data, businesses must embrace its power to unlock the full potential of digital growth. From data-driven decision making to personalized customer experiences, the possibilities are endless. RoamNook, an innovative technology company, stands at the forefront of digital transformation, offering IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing services. By partnering with RoamNook, businesses can harness the power of concrete data and fuel their journey towards success in the digital age.
So, are you ready to embark on a data-driven journey? Contact RoamNook today and unlock your business's full potential.
Source: https://gijn.org/stories/gijns-data-journalism-top-10-visualizing-the-2018-news-cycle-the-history-of-football-and-sacked-coaches/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiF9pGJkumEAxXPEVkFHeM0DKsQxfQBegQIBxAC&usg=AOvVaw0Ugo18AXXGzlzNNfKqwbBg
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etechnologytrends · 4 months
Strategic Key For Technology Trends 2024
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Expert assumes that these 12 technology trends 2024 will act as multipliers for digital business and innovation in general over the next three to five years. Here's a quick guide to the technologies and why they're so valuable. Each year, we identifies technology trends that are critical to businesses. This year, the list includes 12 strategic trends that enable CEOs to achieve growth, digitization and efficiency - and to position CIOs and IT leaders as strategic partners in the company. "CEOs know they need to accelerate digital business adoption and are looking for more direct digital ways to connect with their customers," said expert. "But they also want to be efficient and protect margins and cash flow in anticipation of future economic risks." (See below for more information on the strategic value of these trends.) What are the 12 most important strategic technology trends for 2024 - and why are they so important?
Trend 1: Data Fabric
Data Fabric provides flexible, resilient integration of data sources across platforms and business users, so data is available wherever it's needed, regardless of where it's stored. Data Fabric can use analytics to learn and actively recommend where data should be used and manipulated. This can reduce data management overhead by up to 70%.
Trend 2: Cybersecurity Mesh
Cybersecurity Mesh is a flexible, composable architecture that integrates widely distributed and disparate security services. Cybersecurity Mesh enables industry-leading, standalone security solutions to work together to improve overall security while bringing control points closer to the assets they are designed to protect. It can quickly and reliably verify identity, context, and policy compliance across cloud and non-cloud environments.
Trend 3: Privacy-enhancing computation
Privacy-enhancing computation secures the process of processing personal data in untrusted environments – which is becoming increasingly important due to evolving data protection and privacy laws and increasing consumer concerns. Privacy-enhancing computation uses a variety of privacy protection techniques to extract value from data while meeting compliance requirements.
Trend 4: Cloud-native platforms
Cloud-native platforms are technologies that enable you to create new application architectures that are resilient, elastic, and agile, allowing you to respond to rapid digital change. Cloud-native platforms improve on the traditional lift-and-shift approach to cloud, which fails to meet cloud benefits and adds complexity to maintenance.
Trend 5: Composable applications
Composable applications are built from business-centric, modular components. Composable applications make code easier to use and reuse, speed time-to-market for new software solutions, and unlock business value.
Trend 6: Decision Intelligence
Decision Intelligence is a practical approach to improving organizational decision making. He models each decision as a series of processes, using intelligence and analytics to make decisions, learn from them, and refine them. Decision Intelligence can support and enhance human decision making and potentially automate it through the use of advanced analytics, simulation and AI.
Trend 7: Hyper-Automation
Hyperautomation (hyperautomation) is a disciplined, business-centric approach to quickly identify, inspect, and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. Hyper-automation enables scalability, decentralized operations and the disruption of business models.
Trend 8: AI engineering
AI engineering automates updating data, models, and applications to optimize AI delivery. Combined with strong AI governance, AI engineering will operationalize the delivery of AI to ensure its ongoing business value.
Trend 9: Distributed Enterprises
Distributed Enterprises reflect a digital business model that focuses on people, customer and partner touchpoints are digitized, and product experiences are developed. Distributed Enterprises better meet the needs of remote workers and consumers that are fueling demand for virtual services and hybrid workspaces.
Trend 10: Total Experience
Total Experience is a business strategy that integrates employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, user satisfaction and multiexperience across multiple touchpoints to accelerate growth. Total Experience can increase customer and employee trust, satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy through holistic management of stakeholder experiences.
Trend 11: Autonomous systems
Autonomous systems are self-managing physical or software systems that learn from their environment and dynamically change their own algorithms in real time to optimize their behavior in complex ecosystems. Autonomous systems generate a set of flexible technological capabilities capable of supporting new demands and situations, optimizing performance and repelling attacks without human intervention.
Trend 12: Generative AI
Generative AI learns about objects from data and generates innovative new creations that are similar to the original but do not repeat it. Generative AI has the potential to generate new forms of creative content, such as video, and accelerate research and development cycles across fields and industries. How technology trends are driving digital business Key strategic technology trends will accelerate digital capabilities and drive growth by solving common business challenges for CIOs and technology leaders. They provide a roadmap that will help your organization differentiate itself from the competition, meet business goals, and position CIOs and IT leaders as strategic partners in the business. They each provide one of three main results: - Engineering Trust: Technologies in this segment create a more stable and efficient IT foundation by ensuring more secure integration and processing of data in cloud and non-cloud environments and enabling cost-effective scaling of the IT foundation. - Sculpting Change: By using the creative new technology solutions in this space, you can scale and accelerate the digitization of your business. These technology trends enable you to respond to the increasing speed of change by building applications faster to automate business activities, optimize AI, and enable faster, smarter decisions. - Accelerating Growth: By capitalizing on the strategic technology trends in this segment, you unleash IT multipliers who win business and market share. With these trends, you can maximize value creation and improve digital skills. Now, look at how three trends—generative AI, cybersecurity mesh, and decision intelligence—will drive strategic change. Read the full article
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abhi-marketing12 · 4 months
Deep Generative Models in Deep Learning: Navigating the Trends of 2024
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In the rapidly advancing field of deep learning, the spotlight continues to shine on deep generative models as we usher in the transformative era of 2024. This blog takes a deep dive into the current state of these models, their burgeoning applications, and the pivotal role they play in reshaping how we approach creativity, data synthesis, and problem-solving in the contemporary landscape of artificial intelligence.
Understanding Deep Generative Models:
Deep generative models represent a revolutionary approach to machine learning by focusing on the generation of new data instances that closely resemble existing datasets. In the dynamic environment of 2024, these models, particularly those rooted in deep learning architectures, are evolving to capture complex patterns and distributions in data, unlocking new possibilities for innovation.
Types of Deep Generative Models:
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs):
Variational Autoencoders have undergone significant advancements in 2024, refining their ability to encode and generate diverse data types. From images to text and three-dimensional objects, VAEs are becoming increasingly versatile, driving progress in various domains such as healthcare and finance.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):
Generative Adversarial Networks, the pioneers of deep generative models, continue to dominate the landscape. In 2024, GANs have seen improvements in terms of stability, training efficiency, and applications across industries. From hyper-realistic image generation to aiding in data augmentation, GANs remain at the forefront of innovation.
Flow-Based Models:
Flow-based models have undergone significant enhancements, particularly in handling sequential data and modeling complex distributions. Their applications in speech synthesis, language modeling, and financial data generation are expanding, as researchers unlock the potential of these models in real-world scenarios.
Applications in 2024:
Data Augmentation:
Deep generative models are increasingly being harnessed for data augmentation, addressing the perennial challenge of limited labeled data. In 2024, researchers and practitioners are leveraging these models to generate diverse and realistic datasets, thereby enhancing the robustness and generalization capabilities of machine learning models.
Content Creation:
The creative industry is witnessing a paradigm shift with the integration of deep generative models into the content creation process. In 2024, artists and designers are utilizing these models to produce realistic images, videos, and music. AI-assisted content creation tools are emerging, facilitating novel approaches to artistic expression and revolutionizing the creative workflow.
Drug Discovery and Molecular Design:
The pharmaceutical sector is experiencing a renaissance in drug discovery with the integration of generative models. In 2024, researchers are employing these models to generate molecular structures with specific properties, expediting the identification of potential drug candidates. This acceleration in the drug development pipeline holds promise for addressing global health challenges more rapidly.
Deepfake Detection and Cybersecurity:
As deepfakes become more sophisticated, the need for robust detection methods is paramount. Deep generative models are now actively involved in developing advanced deepfake detection systems. In 2024, we are witnessing the integration of generative models to enhance cybersecurity measures, protecting individuals and organizations from the malicious use of AI-generated content.
Challenges and Future Directions:
While deep generative models are making remarkable strides, they are not without their challenges. Interpretability, ethical considerations, and potential biases in generated content are areas of concern that researchers are actively addressing. The quest for more interpretable and ethical AI systems is an ongoing journey, and advancements in these areas will likely shape the trajectory of deep generative models in the years to come.
Ethical Considerations in Deep Generative Models:
As deep generative models become more prevalent, ethical considerations become increasingly important. The responsible use of these models, addressing issues like bias and fairness, is a priority. In 2024, researchers and industry practitioners are actively exploring ways to mitigate ethical concerns, ensuring that the benefits of deep generative models are accessible to all without perpetuating societal inequalities.
Interpretable AI:
The lack of interpretability in deep generative models has been a longstanding challenge. In 2024, efforts are underway to enhance the interpretability of these models, making their decision-making processes more transparent and understandable. Interpretable AI not only fosters trust but also enables users to have a deeper understanding of the generated outputs, particularly in critical applications such as healthcare and finance.
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of 2024, deep generative models stand as powerful tools reshaping the contours of artificial intelligence. From data augmentation to content creation and drug discovery, the applications of these models are diverse and transformative. However, challenges persist, and the ethical considerations surrounding their use require continuous attention.
Looking ahead, the trajectory of deep generative models in the new world of 2024 is poised to redefine the boundaries of what is achievable in artificial intelligence. Researchers and practitioners are at the forefront of innovation, pushing the limits of these models and unlocking new possibilities. As we embrace this era of unprecedented technological advancements, the role of deep generative models is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI.
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govindhtech · 5 months
Create a Successful Robust Digital Transformation Strategy
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Building a solid robust digital transformation plan
Companies are investing in Robust Digital Transformation stay competitive. Successful business transformations help companies develop, reduce silos, establish revenue growth and business models, and rethink operations.
Understanding consumers’ connection with the product and brand, where it falls short, and how to enhance it is a tried-and-true method to digital transformation. Industry and technology trends help organizations determine how to provide the greatest customer experience to current and future consumers.
3 ways digital transformation affects company strategy
New technology and corporate processes are introduced throughout a digital transformation journey to enhance customer experience and stakeholder interactions.
McKinsey says Robust Digital Transformation helps different organisation departments cooperate more effectively. The outcome is usually consistent. Digital leaders had higher returns on “tangible equity, their P/E ratio, and their total shareholder returns materially than digital laggards.” Why? Digital transformation and corporate strategy are linked for various reasons:
1. Customer tastes and behaviors change
Companies must address consumers’ growing wants and pain areas. Since the epidemic, customer expectations have shifted, therefore companies must adapt. Robust Digital Transformation may develop new business models, products, user experiences, and modernize an organization.
2. Advanced digital technologies’ emergence
Automation, quantum computing, cloud computing, AI, machine learning, and the IoT improve enterprises. New digital solutions and operational efficiency are possible with the correct technology. It helps companies react to competitive threats in real time.
3. Rising competitiveness and business pressures
Digital-first startups and other established companies who swiftly adopted Robust Digital Transformation are pressuring existing organizations. Organizations must alter themselves to build new skills to fight competition and grow.
Many businesses and leaders prioritize digital transformation because it may improve business results and agility in a hyper-competitive market. What is a digital transformation strategy and how does a company implement it?
How to deliberately accelerate digital transformation
1. Get executive buy-in
Digital transformation efforts without executive support and motivation are unlikely to succeed. Why is digital transformation a critical part of change management? It changes how a firm runs. Some leadership teams may require help understanding how digital changes, which cost upfront and ongoing, support corporate objectives and value.
Robust Digital Transformation helps a firm reach future objectives and protects it from competitors who are also pursuing digital transformation. An company’s CEO must engage directly with the CIO and other executive suite members to map how digital transformation will effect their departments to understand what changes will occur and how they will enhance the organization.
2. Understand effect
Understand that digital transformation is both technical and organizational or business. Comprehensive digital transformation alters culture. Increases workflow efficiency. It introduces technology that will transform employee work, eliminating manual procedures and improving decision-making and value.
A set of digital tools may improve their decision-making throughout Robust Digital Transformation. Online portals may replace spreadsheets and word processors, pushing workers to modify their workflow. However, long-term personnel may struggle to achieve that balance due to the need to teach and reorient various procedures. It’s crucial to explain the benefits of digital transformation wins and inspire workers to create the path to success.
3. Consider digital transformation an ongoing effort
Digital revolution never stops. Successful Robust Digital Transformation start but never finish. Digitally transformed companies must constantly evaluate their progress, find new technology and external pressures, and adjust their strategy.
4. Develop a success model
Although digital transformation has no end date, each projects will have milestones and objectives. Organizations may switch from phone-based customer support to chatbots or knowledge-base wikis. They should fix customer service concerns and boost customer happiness. For outdated technology challenges, the company may need to prioritize application modernization. An company can anticipate less downtime and security problems, increasing efficiency.
5. Addictively monitor outcomes
Any effective Robust Digital Transformation requires KPIs and careful metrics monitoring. That way, the company knows its triumphs and failures. Any effective digital transformation needs sophisticated data analytics to measure accomplishments.
If a business wants to enhance customer happiness, it should compare CSAT and NPS before and after digital transformation. If it is changing its digital marketing approach via digital transformation, it should analyze ROAS and cost per acquisition. By doing so, the company can guarantee digital transformation is effective and valuable.
6. Accept the environment
Digital transformation enables ecosystem relationships. API-enabled companies may exchange real-time data with partners to better serve their consumers. An e-commerce company that uses APIs from many payment processors may sell to clients using any payment method.
7. Match with someone
Digital transitions are difficult, time-consuming, and put a business out of its comfort zone. Including the appropriate partner who can use tried-and-true levers to unlock maximum value increases their chances of success.
A solid digital transformation plan pays off
Digital transformation may help any company strengthen client connections and adapt to a changing environment. Effective digital revolutions take investment and alter how a company does business, but they have numerous advantages. Successful digital transformations will keep companies ahead of the competition, improve employee and customer interactions, and prepare them for the future.
Technological and societal changes are shifting consumer expectations and disrupting company strategies. IBM Consulting’s professional services for business link digital transformation with business strategy to achieve competitive advantage and a clear emphasis on business impact in a dynamic, complex, and competitive environment.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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