#Hopefully all the drivers grow leaps and bounds now
floridazcrazy · 8 months
Shout-out to Bianca Bustamante for signing with Mclaren for their drivers development program!! Can't wait to see where the other f1 academy drivers signed to.
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Get Down, Make Love
// Requested by: @brianmayoucease
request - This might be a lil dirty. But a fic about Brian creating the really awesome kinda moany guitar noises in "Get Down, Make Love" based on your moans and everybody is like "Brian how'd you come up with that" and he's like "uhm-"
I hope this does your idea justice!! It’s not super smut heavy, sorry! It was a really cool idea, thanks for sharing it with me!! :)) 
wc: 1.3k+
70′s Brian May x reader 
Brian May x reader 
warnings: mentions of sex  (18+ please) 
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If you asked the members of Queen to tell you how they were doing, they could've described it in a million ways. Elated. Inspired. Blissful. Happy. Overjoyed. Lucky. Ecstatic. Amazing. Delighted.
In general, they felt as if they were on top of the world.
With 5 albums topping the charts, they were feeling quite good about themselves. Nothing could stop them.
Well... maybe a few months of hitting a creative wall and severe writers' block could.
Everyone was feeling it. Each having been tasked with writing songs that were new and unique, more anthem-like. Something that could get the audience and listener involved. The great idea proved to be more difficult than they thought. 
Brian felt it especially. On top of writing songs, he had to write an interesting and new guitar riff for almost every song. Which he had argued for, but now it was biting him in the ass. He was growing more frustrated and annoyed with the constant bickering between him and his other bandmates and their harsh opinions of his riffs.
It was taking a toll on him, you could especially see it. 
He had bags under his eyes and was constantly fidgeting with his hands. His shoulders tensed up and were painfully stiff. Stressed Brian wasn't a happy Brian so it made you sad that he brushed it off like it was nothing and didn't talk about it, even if he knew that you could see it eating away at him. 
Yet, he had promised himself that he would never let the frustrations of his music reach you. It was a promise he made after your 3rd date, which happened to be inviting you to one of their gigs.
He wasn't happy with how he had played and was grumpy about it. But seeing your face light up with excitement as he walked backstage made it all better and he didn't want to ruin the magic for you. 
You weren't oblivious or naive so you knew that it took a lot of work to make music and perform. Being a rockstar wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. However, it didn't stop you from worrying about Brian when he got into one of his ruts. 
These past couple of months had started out as a week of Brian's moping around. You didn't say anything because he didn't. You acted the part of bubbly Y/N and it seemed to calm him down. At least at the beginning. Days turned into weeks which turned into months and you were starting to get concerned. It felt like you didn't have much of a relationship anymore, just short conversations that ended with holding each other on the couch until one of you called it a night and you went to bed. 
That's what Brian was looking forward too at the end of today. He was still stuck but the fighting had gotten worse and the presence of non-band members at the studio made it worse. Plus the looming deadline made tensions even higher. Most of the day had been a blur and ended with all 4 of the members storming off hoping to cool their heads and attitudes before returning tomorrow. 
Slamming the car door shut Brian grabbed his guitar and bounded up the stairs to your shared apartment. He had gotten home earlier than usual and you weren't supposed to get out of work until 5, meaning he could cool down a bit and maybe make an apology dinner. However, his plans were foiled as he heard your voice singing as you made dinner from down the hall. Brian opened the door as a deep sigh slipped out. 
"Bri?" You asked switching the burner off and looking over your shoulder. 
"Yeah," he mumbled in response. 
Your brow furrowed as you knew today must have been rough. You couldn't keep quiet any longer. 
"How was the studio?" You asked sweetly walking over to him in the doorway. 
"God it was awful, I couldn't get anything figured out and the boys wouldn't shut up! I'm getting so frus-" Brian started, not having the self-control to stop the rant from flowing out of his mouth. 
It was like his mouth had a mind of its own. But he caught himself before he could get too pent up. 
"Sorry love, I didn't mean to-" he started. 
"Don't apologize for that, It's hard work, and I'd be surprised if you weren't frustrated," You said looking up at him.
"I know, I know, I just-" 
"I'm worried about you, ya know," 
"All this frustration is taking a toll on you, don't lie to me and tell me your fine," You said raising your brows at the man, knowing his next words would be those exact ones. 
Brian just huffed, he knew you were right, you always were. He was more upset that he broke his promise that he was about the day's previous emotions, but he didn't want to dwell on that.
"How can I make it up to you?" He sheepishly asked. 
You just laughed and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling away. 
"You won't have to worry about that, Bri," 
Instead of responding he placed his hands on your hips pulling you to him. His lips were on yours, moving slowly. Next thing you knew he was hovering over you on the couch, your hands on his chest. The pace picked up, music frustration turned into sexual frustration quickly. Your teeth pulled at his bottom lip as he tried pulling off his own shirt. Yours was next and your hand placements became more intentional and needy. Your whimpers grew louder and turned into drawn-out moans. Matched with Brian's own moans as your hips collided. You noises were music to his ears, every time you said his name or reacted it pushed him further to his own climax.
A deep groan paired with your higher pitched moan as you both rode out your pleasure released all of the frustration in Brian's shoulders. You also relaxed. 
With round two you admitted feelings of affection and lust. Round three ended with a confession from Brian.
"God, you sound so good when we make love," he panted laying down beside you. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but Brian's excited figure leaping off the couch interrupted you. He pulled on his trousers and shirt, not bothering to button it the entire way. 
"Sorry, love, I got a brilliant idea, I'll be back soon," Brian exclaimed scrambling about picking up his keys and guitar case. 
Within a second he was out the door and bounding down the set of stairs, mirroring his actions hours earlier. Only pausing to place his guitar gently in the passenger's seat. Then with a slam of the driver's side door, he was off to the studio, while you laughed and rolled your eyes. 
It took until 8 am to perfect his ingenious idea. His guitar was all tuned and he was waiting for the boys to show up so he could play for them. 
Once they all showed up he couldn't contain his excitement and didn't let the others do anything besides listen to him play his new guitar part to accompany the lyrics of Get Down, Make Love.
As he finished the last note with an energetic strum, he hopefully looked up at John, Freddie, and Roger who were standing behind the glass. They were all impressed. 
"Absolutely brilliant," 
"Soo, Brian, what made you come to your senses and come up with that?" Roger quipped, but he couldn't deny that it was perfect for the song. 
That was the only aspect that Brian didn't think about when he was caught up in his excitement. 
"Uhmm.... I guess it just came to me?" He coughed, trying to shrug it off. 
Roger didn't buy it and eyed him suspiciously but wasn't didn't get to say anything as he was cut off by Brian asking,
"So when are you going to come up with the drum part?" 
After that day sex might have been Brian's go to frustration release. He still tried to keep his frustrations away from you, but you didn't mind in the slightest. Especially since you were honored to have a Queen song about you. Even if it wasn't exactly about you. 
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