#Here Is the Beehive
ceaselesslyborne · 2 years
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1. Keisha the Sket: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
A very powerful book, and one I enjoyed reading around as much as reading the book itself. Not an easy read by any means, but very much worth it. I won’t say any more; the conversation around this book is far bigger and more important than me.
2. The Gloaming: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was pleased to find not one but two of Logan’s books on my latest library visit! This was a beautiful, eerie story with all the pull and magic of fairytales. I sometimes felt a little too lost in the prose, which tended towards slow and repetitive, but there were some sharp and poignant moments that truly made an impact and the short chapters made this a feverishly fast read.
3. The Constant Rabbit: ⭐️
Just not for me, I guess. Well written, with a dark and dry wit to offset the absurd/surreal aspects of the book, but... heavy handed. The world building felt forced and difficult to follow, and whilst I can normally appreciate a neat allegory, this lacked subtlety, and just came across as forced.
4. The Wolf and the Woodsman: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I enjoyed this book, which was rich and dark in terms of tone and world building. I’d certainly be interested in reading more of Reid’s books. I think I’ve read too many similar books recently, though; the characters didn’t feel especially memorable, and considering the length of the book, little in terms of plot has stuck with me. The emphasis was definitely on world building rather than character development/dynamics or action, which at times felt too heavy. All of the right elements were there, but something about this book just didn’t stand out for me. Still worth a read for anyone who loves fairytales and dark fantasy.
5. The Heavens: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It’s difficult to explain exactly why I liked this book, especially as I’m not entirely sure I understood it, but I did. The multiple perspectives/timeframes and constantly shifting narrative really engage the reader and make the emotions and struggles of the characters very vivid and easy to empathise with. It was dreamy and fragile and yet certain moments grounded you with a jolt. Perhaps I would’ve preferred a more conclusive ending, something concrete to anchor me as I read, but you could argue that the ambiguity added to the atmosphere and tone of the book.
6. Male Tears: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, and I’m not quite sure what I got from it, either. It was bleak, emotional, occasionally ironic. Most of the stories felt very similar in terms of content or tone or both, which I was surprised by as the collection was written over 15 years. It didn’t provide the epiphany I hoped for, but in truth this book was probably not written for me.
7. Here is the Beehive: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
An interesting premise, somewhat spoiled by the ‘poetic’ prose (I was reminded forcibly and not pleasantly of the trendy/artsy/tumblr/insta/rupi-kuar-wannabe kitsch that’s EVERYWHERE, STILL) but once I relaxed into the story and focused on the characters/plot it became easier to enjoy. An intriguing cast of characters (note: intriguing, not likeable), and once you get past the slightly gimmick-y style, the book does strike a genuine emotional chord.
8. The Gracekeepers: ⭐️⭐️
This book was disappointment considering how much I enjoyed Logan’s other books! It all felt very flat and vague and just didn’t grab me the way her other stories have. The characters came across as caricatures, and the lovely writing style did little to conceal the lack of, well, anything else.
- CJ
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shardain · 6 months
hey, uh, its ok to headcanon characters as ace!
it is even okay to headcanon traumatized characters as ace!
gay, lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual characters can also be ace!
asexuals can also, in fact, still find people attractive! what a concept!
it doesn't hurt anyone to let people have ace headcanons!!!
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winedark · 8 months
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23.09.2023 // morning strolls
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stcecelia · 10 months
mocumentary-style sitcom about an LDS institute class / student ward about all the shenanigans the YSAs get into. featured arcs include general conference viewing party, attending trek with the stake youth, returned missionaries adjusting to being off the mission, road trips to church historical sites, The Wedding Episode, someone invited their non-member roommate and the talks are kind of weird/its Fast Sunday, Baptism Episode, etc. would ideally include lots of references to LDS cult classics such as The Best Two Years, the singles ward, and such. also one character would have a Tumblrstake / Queerstake blog
working title is just "The Student Ward" but im open to suggestions lol
fun fact I used to watch Lizzie all the time as a kid (still occasionally do) and I used to think she was Mormon because... LDS hadowLady lol
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ravenekrops · 1 month
jesus christ i wasn't aware of the shipping wars within the ATLA community.... i just wanna enjoy my good show without romantic love shoved in my face ALL the time :( can't even browse the tag in peace
like yea i get it people wanna ship and stuff but c'mon... their dynamics as friends AND enemies to friends are so much more interesting imo... i'm not good at creating fan content, but i'd love to see more of these non romantic interactions between characters more often than romantic ones
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
Not trying to be confrontational, but not all communists believe in a state? Certainly not all Marxists support China either. As an anarcho-communist I don't believe in a state myself but I also know that many of my Marxist comrades don't uphold a state in the modern political sense, only in an organizational/distributive sense, which feels rational to me at least on a transitionary basis. After all, organizational hierarchy doesn't necessarily mean centralization of power, as I would still expect to defer to my journeyman teachers at my apprenticeship job, for example - not because they have power and I don't but because I'm granting them the responsibility guiding my education as the more experienced welder, if that makes sense.
I'm not gonna do this on my blog, sorry not sorry. I reject all leftist infighting. Go join a union or organize something about it 🤧 humoring this discussion isn't going to be a valuable way for either of us to reach liberation. Like okay let's say you're right.
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davemustaine · 9 months
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i looked really cute the other day
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icedhoneyy · 2 years
Jokes on you, I, too, still think of dad!akaashi and his stupid friends who conspire against him with their precious niece 👀❤️
Emmy, they are all menaces! Akaashi is going THROUGH IT when it comes to available babysitters.Bokuto is a clumsy gigant, Konoha is a enabler that pimps out his kid and Yukie...well, she's mostly harmless when there's no tea party involved.
(There was an incident where baby Akaashi naively offered the cookie platter to Yukie thinking she'd do the same thing daddy does when hes invited to the tea parties, munch on it slowly, as a well-mannered noble. Instead, Yukie inhaled all the cookies like a starving angry dragon. It was a whole thing and baby Akaashi now refrains from inviting her for tea time)
The heavens finally open up for Akaashi Keiji when, after having to bring his baby along to work with him, they stop to have lunch at his favorite onigiri shop. And lo and behold, the Onigiri man himself is at the counter with a baby propped on his hip too (hello, baby tsumu is the #1 helper of Onigiri Miya. She gets her own employee of the month plaque and all.)
Anyway, baby Miya and baby Akaashi become friends really quickly during Keiji's lunch time, which is kind of a nice surprise to Osamu (look that girl's father is Atsumu, no way that Samu isn't gonna worry about his niece's socialization skills!). When its time to bid their goodbyes, both men feel their hearts breaking at the sight of teary eyed babies hugging each other, so Osamu asks Akaashi to let his baby stay for the rest of the day, this way the way the girls can enjoy each others conpany a little more. Osamu assures him, that since his brother had a emergency that required Osamu's last minute babysitting service, he's not really doing much work for that day anyway, just supervising staff & going over a few things in his office — where baby Miya has her own desk, with crayons, stickers, and books full of pictures to color, and she's excited to share with her new friend! And because this much better than what Keiji gets with his own babysitters back in Tokyo, he agrees.
At the end of the day, Akaashi stops by a closed onigiri miya to pick up his baby, and when Osamu leads him to the office in back of the shop, Keiji is greeted by the loveliest sight. On a small couch Osamu keeps in the corner of the office, the two girls ar4 fast asleep next to each other, sharing a blanket and holding hands, and Keiji notices how they have matching nail polish.
This is the most peaceful Keiji ever felt after a babysitting service, and he can't even begin to thank Osamu enough, but he will at least try to convey his gratitude. Is not untill he turns arounds to speak Osamu, that he fully takes in the state the man is in. There is glitter stickers glued all over his face, crooked attemps at braids poking out of his black baseball cap and... is that blue eyshadow under his left eyebrow?
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bobafett · 1 year
people have had a lot of different takes on boba fett, and i enjoy a great many of them. but also. fundamentally. boba fett to me is an old man whose inner self is so blistered by cruelty that he's completely inured to mercy or beauty, and by the time he realizes that, it's too late to go back. he's a man who has wasted his life looking down the barrel of a gun, but now that he knows that, he doesn't know how to put it down. and honestly? it's a little pathetic. it leaves you thinking, "goddamn, what a fucking waste." and that's what makes it good.
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cerbreus · 7 days
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forgot abt planefinder n now im just sitting here watching all the planes arrive at LAX including the one my boyfriend is on
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daily-whistlepaw · 9 months
daily whistlepaw until buzz becomes PoV day 931
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ceaselesslyborne · 2 years
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Loving this new weekend ritual!
- CJ
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scoreplings · 1 year
what should i build next in my minecraft world
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vesselmade · 4 months
sitting here thinking about how itadori sees himself, saying things like ‘i didn’t know there was anyone dumber than me’ or the fight against todo ‘what if you made me dumber than i already was?’ yet he’s so intelligent and i feel it’s overlooked a lot and he’s often underestimated. especially when it comes to others emotions he’s very observant. besides that, later on in the manga when they’re planning on how to go about taking sukuna down, it’s clear he had a big part in working things out. he’s come such a long way.
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winedark · 1 year
make fun of me all u will but beans on toast.... shes like a mother to me
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michaels-two-dads · 6 months
MCYT ao3 tag searching is the worst experience known to man dear god it’s terrible in there
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