#Her full first name is Minerva and I cannot come up with a combination of 'Blyndeff' and 'Fleecity' that doesn't sound extremely stupid
tunaf1sk · 1 year
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A fusion of Molly and Feenie, because I apparently have nothing better to do.
Her name is Minnie and her favorite animals are dogs!
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birlwrites · 2 years
ttdl if the marauders and regulus's group were in the same year
i came up with this in the tags of my last post so if you notice some similarities between this post and the tags on that one, that's why
slughorn assigns potions partners alphabetically by last name so regulus and sirius would DEFINITELY be partners. they'd be INFURIATED. sirius would strongly consider changing his last name to potter. regulus would say 'what, you can't even handle my presence? pathetic' and then out of spite sirius would stay potions partners with him
evan and james: constantly competing to be The Cool Funny Popular One. at all times. they're fucking insufferable
regulus knows EVERYTHING in astronomy and sirius can't decide whether to pretend to know nothing to spite his family or to reveal that he also knows everything to spite regulus specifically (because he can't have people thinking regulus is the smarter one!! no fucking way!!!)
lucinda and lily would be friends and they would also frequently look at each other like 'are we the only sane people here' and the answer would be no. because none of them are sane.
remus is having constant breakdowns in the corner watching his friends get into ANOTHER fight with the slytherins about ANOTHER incredibly stupid thing that will probably result in sirius being decked YET AGAIN by barty crouch jr
(the first time this happened is because they were fighting and barty said something like 'if you say one more word i'm going to hit you' and sirius said something like 'why bother threatening me? just hit me then!! or are you a COWARD' and that is how they wound up in the hospital wing)
the teachers all have a meeting on the subject of 'do we separate them for detention or do we make them do detention together as part of the punishment'
the answer depends on who they're trying to combine. james will be grumpy but non-combative in detention with anyone except regulus (then there's fighting). you cannot put barty and sirius in the same room and expect it to go well. or even mediocrely. if you put regulus and sirius in the same room there won't be outright fighting but there will be constant bickering with the meanest zingers you've ever heard. it's hilarious but you Cannot Laugh because you're also a little horrified at the barbs they are trading. also because you're supervising their detention
the embarrassingly huge crush that emma definitely had on marlene mckinnon in fourth year would be even WORSE because now they would INTERACT REGULARLY
charlotte is also having a constant breakdown in the corner but it's not because her friends are getting into fights it's because everyone around her has lost it and she cannot get peace and quiet ANYWHERE in the castle and dumbledore refuses to let her transfer to hufflepuff
regulus would have significantly less time to fight a war because he'd be busy coming up with new ways to get back at james for his most recent crime (e.g. breathing too loudly)
neither gryffindor nor slytherin would win the house cup for a full seven years
they wOULD however set a new record for 'largest number of students in detention for being involved in the same fight'
as well as 'largest number of students who are SO infuriated by each other that even the presence of minerva mcgonagall is not enough to persuade them to BEHAVE THEMSELVES'
james attempts to bodily pick up and throw regulus into the black lake
regulus retaliates by locating the proper window of gryffindor tower, flying up to it in the middle of the night, breaking it, and dumping gallons of lake water into the room
evan helps, just for shits and giggles
maeve would help but she's terrified of heights so she mostly helps with gathering the water
regulus and remus go a full 4.5 years without exchanging a single word because remus (correctly) assumes that the ONLY thing keeping him out of the fighting is the fact that he has never antagonized regulus
barty and remus are secret DADA study partners. they attempt to take this secret to their graves. unfortunately the marauders' map ruins this and sirius and regulus have a SCREAMING FIGHT over it in the great hall at breakfast the next day
regulus's reputation for being cool and collected is completely destroyed. actually it never existed
gryffindor v slytherin quidditch matches routinely draw the entire school to watch. they love finding out about quidditch fouls they didn't know existed. they also love remus's commentary because of his editorial comments about his fraying sanity and his countdown to graduation (which he begins in third year). once he gets the number of days wrong and mcgonagall corrects him. she's counting too
but over the years remus stops being surprised by literally anything that happens in these quidditch matches
so his commentary turns into 'aaaand it looks like the gryffindor seeker is attempting to shove the slytherin seeker off his broom... last year that didn't happen until about half an hour into the match, this year they've beat that time by twenty minutes, i suppose that's progress... sirius black's broom seems to be on fire... either one of the slytherins has managed to sneak their wand onto the pitch or they have someone who can do wandless magic... either way it bodes poorly for the rest of my week. potter has hit vanity in the face with the quaffle, unclear if that was a flubbed pass or if it was on purpose. madam hooch is not calling that as a penalty, i assume because she's decided to let the minor fouls slide and focus on the ones that verge on attempted murder, she only has so much time in the day after all. 703 days of this left, by the way'
'706, lupin'
'oh sorry, professor, you're right. 706'
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TvTropes in My Disney Fanfics
Sometimes when I’m bored I like to look up tv tropes and see which ones fit my (currently finished) fanfics. I kept them in a doc, and decided to share them today. It covers The Scarlet, Segreto, As Dawn Broke, The Nutcracker Prince, The Last Straw, and Love Like Lava.
If you haven’t read my stuff and are curious what they’re about, think of this as a promoted blurb.
The Scarlet
An AU Disney fanfic starring Mickey Mouse and the gang in an extremely loose retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the second full-length Disney story she's written. Unlike PVP, this one focuses mainly on the animal characters you'd find in Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck cartoons and stories, as do the rest of her works.
In Steampunk France, Mickey is a poor orphan paperboy by day, with a gigantic crush on his childhood friend Duchess Minerva. By night, he's The Scarlet, an amazing swordsman who vows to help the helpless and prevent a “Third Bloody Sunday.” Daisy and her band of cohorts are planning a revolution to get revenge on the rich. Duke Fantome and his band of baddies are seeking to create a new rule over France. These and other threads intertwine, resulting in a climatic showdown between red and black.
Abhorrent Admirer: Mortimer towards Minnie. He can't, or won't, get the hint that Minnie wants absolutely nothing to do with him. It takes a scream and a slam of the door to the face for him to finally get it.
Accidental Kiss: Played with. Minnie offers to kiss The Scarlet for saving her, and while he's tempted, he can't go through with it. He intends to tell her so – until a child's ball smacks him in the back of his head, causing his mouth to mash with Minnie's. She thinks he was just being nervous with the kiss, and thus reciprocates.
And Now You Must Marry Me: Gladstone threatens Daisy into marriage. Played with, in that he honestly doesn't want to marry her either, but Fantome is forcing his hand.
Aren't You Going To Ravish Me?: Katarina, believing her good looks and the Scarlet's ladykiller persona combined will make him helpless before her. Instead, her seduction attempt is met with flat disappointment and a desperate escape. She's stunned, and then pissed.
Aristocrats Are Evil: Daisy believes this, and given some of their attitudes it's not hard to see why. But she eventually learns that they're just people, who can be bad, good, or somewhere in-between.
Asshole Victim: Gladstone, Mortimer.
As You Know: Ludwig explaining to Gyro their operations so the audience knows what they're doing. Lampshaded immediately by Gyro who asks why Ludwig is explaining what they already know. Ludwig replies he's been called Mr. Exposition.
Bad Boss: Fantome is more than willing to threaten, injure, and kill those working for him to get what he wants.
Battle Amongst The Flames: The Scarlet and Fantome's last duel takes place in a burning building.
Becoming The Mask: Daisy was, initially, only pretending to be Donald's friend so she could find a way to use his uncle for the sake of the revolution. But when she sees how kind he is and how deeply he loves his family, she not only becomes his real friend, she falls for him.
The Big Damn Kiss: When Minnie discovers that Mickey and the Scarlet are one and the same, [spoiler] he gets the kiss of a lifetime. Plus a whole lot extra.[spoiler]
Cannot Spit It Out: Mickey just can't tell Minnie he loves her...The Scarlet has an easier time.
Cats Are Mean: Pete and Katarina, the main cats in the story, are on the bad guys side.
Childhood Friend Romance: Mickey and Minnie.
Clark Kenting: Even though Mickey has a device that changes his voice, the “disguise” he wears is just a mask around his eyes. Lampshaded by Donald when he learns who the Scarlet is, as he's stunned that he never made the obvious connection.
Damsel In Distress: Minnie is this several times.
Dance Of Romance: Mickey, as the Scarlet, shares a ballroom dance with Minnie, flirting with her all the while.
Dirty Cop: Pete, the chief of police, and his subordinate Horace.
Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Horace loves Clarabelle, and the two manage to make a Heel Face Turn. Pete and Katarina, [spoiler]being related,[spoiler] also have this but it's put to the test when Fantome orders Pete to kill her after her failure.
Everyone Can See it: Amusingly, [spoiler] the Queen says this was the case with Mickey and Minnie's feelings even when they were kids.[spoiler]
Evil Genius: Fou is revealed to have been one. [spoiler] and still is.[spoiler]
Flashback: Minnie has a lengthy one, about the day she first met Mickey.
Freudian Slip: Minnie, struggling to distract Mickey, insists she has a sleep over with him. But she's so flustered it comes out as “I demand you sleep with me!” Subverted in a more innocent fashion when Donald pushes Scrooge back to be with his “fiends.” “You mean friends?” “I know what I said.”
Gibberish Of Love: Mickey is reduced to this whenever he tries to tell Minnie about his feelings. As the Scarlet, he can speak freely of how much she means to him.
Go Seduce My Archnemisis: Fantome seems to be fond of this trope. He sends Mortimer after Minnie, Gladstone after Daisy, and [spoiler] Katarina after The Scarlet.[spoiler] He's also amazingly bad at it, since none of the targets desire who's after them at all.
Green-Eyed Monster: Mickey nearly slips up about his alter ego when Mortimer is involved, even though Minnie makes it obviously clear she can't stand the snob. Even when he's on the job as the Scarlet, Mickey makes it clear how much he loathes Mortimer.
Happily Married : [spoiler] After the timeskip, Mickey and Minnie are this, as are Donald and Daisy.[spoiler]
Heel Face Turn: Clarabelle and Horace. Implied to be this with Pete and Katarina.
Honey Trap: Subverted. [spoiler] Katarina tries this on The Scarlet. It only works at the beginning because he believes the invitation was from Minnie. The second he sees who it really is, he's heading for the exit.[spoiler]
I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship: Ultimately what is preventing Mickey and Minnie from confessing their feelings.
Imagine Spot: Mickey is suggested to have one when he thinks the seductive invitation he received is from Minnie. Minnie is also implied to have one concerning her feelings for Mickey and the Scarlet, and for half a second considers something with the number three – and then IMMEDIATELY reprimands herself and gets off that train of thought.
Informed Attractiveness: Katarina is insulted by the Scarlet's rejection because supposedly no one has ever turned her down and she's the most beautiful woman in all of France. No evidence of either of this was stated or shown before – although it could just be part of her massive ego.
Inter-Class Romance: One of the sources of conflict between Mickey and Minnie's relationship, since it would be highly improper. Also occurs between Donald with Daisy, and Max with Roxanne.
I Was Told There Would Be Cake: When Mortimer, Horace, and Clarabelle are tasked with killing Duke Roger Rabbit, they find him eating cake with the Scarlet.
Kissed Keepsake: Mickey kisses the scarf Minnie gave him.
Light Is Not Good: Fantome is usually dressed in all white, as opposed to the Scarlet's dark colors. Fantome is absolutely the bad guy.
Love Epiphany: When Goldie, Brigetta, and Magica try to convince Daisy she could love Gladstone, their “suggestions” make her realize she's actually in love with Donald.
Loves My Alter Ego: Mickey assumes Minnie is in love with The Scarlet, as does Fantome. [spoiler] They're wrong. She truly loves Mickey.[spoiler]
Love Triangle: Mickey thinks it's this with his alter ago and Minnie. Gets worse with Mortimer going after Minnie and Daisy falling for the Scarlet.
Morally Bankrupt Banker: Slyvester Shyster.
Nice Hat: The Scarlet's got a pretty cool one.
Not Distracted By The Sexy: Katarina's seduction towards The Scarlet doesn't work. At all. He looks at her for maybe a second before leaving.
Not Good With Rejection: Mortimer and Gladstone handle theirs pretty badly, complete with French swears.
Paper-Thin Disguise: As mentioned in Clark Kenting, Mickey's “disguise” is really just a mask around his eyes.
Parental Abandonment: Given that Mickey is an orphan, you get this. Minnie's parents are said to constantly be traveling all over the world and are never home, treating their daughter more as a toy or a trophy than a blood relative.
Parental Substitute: Ludwig and Gyro are this towards Mickey.
Parents As People: Goofy is doing his best with Max, but sometimes his best just isn't good enough.
Protagonist Title: Mickey as The Scarlet.
Politically Incorrect Villain: You could blame the times, but the male villains can be pretty sexist. Fantome is heavily classist.
Post-Kiss Catatonia: After having a pretty long kiss with Minnie, Mickey makes it about three steps before falling face-first in a happy stupor.
Prince Charmless: Technically Dukes, but they are related to royalty – Fantome, Mortimer, and Gladstone (and eventually Fou) are shown to be royal pains.
Purple Is Powerful: Minnie's main color scheme is purple, and by the timeskip, [spoiler] she's a butt-kicking heroine named The Violet.[spoiler]
Quirky Miniboss Squad: Pete, Shyster, Horace and Clarabelle work for Fantome. Gladstone, Mortimer, [spoiler] Katarina and Fou [spoiler] join in as well.
Rapunzel Hair: Minnie's long locks go almost all the way down to her feet.
Rousing Speech: The Scarlet tends to give these whenever he has a big audience.
Sadistic Choice: Daisy can either marry Gladstone, dooming her to a life of misery and effectively killing the revolution since all of its members will have lost faith in her, or he can report all the members of the revolution to the police, and since they'll be seen as traitors to the crown, they'll most likely be executed.
Seduction-Proof Marriage: Even though he's not married to Minnie [spoiler]yet[spoiler], Mickey feels absolutely nothing for any other woman, even when they constantly throw themselves at his Scarlet alter ego.  
Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: When Fantome completely loses it upon the revelation his plans were stopped by a mere paperboy, the remaining villains decide to cut their losses and make a break for it.
Shipper With An Agenda: Subtle, but in one scene Minnie seems to support and encourage Donald and Daisy's getting together. [spoiler] Most likely because if a rich boy and a poor girl can be together, maybe a rich girl and a poor boy can too.[spoiler]
Show Some Leg: Katarina's attempt to seduce The Scarlet. It doesn't work.
Small Name, Big Ego: Mortimer. He thinks he's the most popular and well-known man alive. Nobody really knows who he is, nor cares, and Fantome himself needs a minute to remember about him upon his introduction.
Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace: Donald and The Scarlet interrupt the wedding via dropping down on a GIGANTIC church bell.
Shout Out: To Darkwing Duck in one quip.
Time Skip: The last scene of the last chapter takes place one year later.
Unwanted Harem: Scrooge has this with Goldie, Magica, and Brigetta.
Would Hit A Girl: The Scarlet isn't afraid to treat Clarabelle as roughly as he does his other enemies.
Villainous Breakdown: Fantome has this three times over, due to finding out the Scarlet's identity, [spoiler] being told that his master plan would mean no one would serve him, and all of France coming to Mickey's defense.[spoiler]
Would Hurt A Child: Fantome [spoiler] is revealed to have run down a child from the poorer part of town, via carriage, just to ignite a war between the poor and rich.[spoiler]
As Dawn Broke
An AU Disney fanfic starring Mickey Mouse and the gang. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the fourth full-length Disney story she's written. The Sun Kingdom and the Moon Kingdom have only recently ended their centuries-long war, but communication between the two is forbidden. This doesn't stop Princess Minnie of the Moon Kingdom from inviting Prince Mickey of the Sun Kingdom to her birthday party. From then on, the two kingdoms will never be the same – love potions, floods, grandbabies, many different stories come together, but which one can stop the genocidal madness of a man obsessed with making history?
Accidentally Broke The MacGuffin: Where has the Sun Talisman been all this time? It turns that Mickey, as a child, thought it was a giant cookie and ate it.
The Alcoholic: Panchito.
All Amazons Want Hercules: Implied to be the reason Peg is attracted to Pete.
All Part Of The Show: Panchito convinces the Sun Kingdom that the near-collapse of the giant straw doll at the New Year's Festival was part of the show.
Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: The Moon and Sun Talismans.
And I Must Scream: It's shown that while the Queen [spoiler] was frozen solid, she still had her mind and could hear what was going on around her – like how much her daughter thinks her mother hates her.[spoiler]
And Now You Must Marry Me: Mortimer threatens Minnie – either she marries him or he'll drown the Sun Kingdom. [spoiler] He's planning to do it anyway.[spoiler]
Arranged Marriage: Minnie is to marry Mortimer, if he passes all the requirements. It's stated that this is a Moon Royalty tradition, as Queen Lune was also arranged to marry Minnie's father.
Badly Battered Babysitter: Horace suffers this thanks to Mickey.
Becoming The Mask: Millie flirts with Goofy to get his money, but falls for him for real.
Big Beautiful Woman: Clara Cluck.
Big Brother Instinct: Donald begins to feel this way towards his student, Minnie. Possibly also Goofy towards Mickey.
Big Entrance: Mickey brings an entire singing, dancing entourage as he heads into the Moon Kingdom for Minnie's birthday. It's pretty much a direct homage to Prince Ali from Aladdin.
Body Horror: Some of it shows up after Queen Lune is freed from her icy prison. [spoiler] It's stated she lost several fingers.[spoiler]
Break His Heart To Save Him: Minnie does this to Mickey, trying to keep him out of the Moon Kingdom and safe from Mortimer's plans.
The Cameo: Since he doesn't show up again and isn't truly plot relevant, Fethry's appearance can be seen as this.
The Casanova: Panchito is implied to be this, as he flirts with all the women in his bar, and Mickey thinks he's an expert on romance. But it's ultimately shown that it's just his way of being friendly, and he's truly in love with Clara Cluck.
Crash-Into Hello: Horace and Clarabelle meet when he accidentally smacks her in the face with a door.
Crouching Moron Hidden Badass: Goofy. When Millie is in danger, he proves he didn't get his bodyguard position just because of his father.
Dance Of Romance: Minnie teaches Mickey how to waltz, and they grow closer as they dance.
Deus Ex Machina: A surprising literal version takes place because of the Talismans.
Did You Actually Believe...? : Mortimer tells Pete he wouldn't hurt any Moons to get his plan to work. When Pete finds out Mortimer doesn't care who gets hurt, Sun or Moon, Mortimer mocks him for actually thinking he would tell the truth.
Dramatic Irony: On the day of Minnie's birthday, the Queen struggles to give Minnie a compliment and call her a lady. Minnie sadly thinks it's because she's so incompetent that the Queen can't imagine her as a proper lady. The Queen is actually lamenting that her baby girl is all grown up and one day will no longer need her. Similar occurrences happen as a result of the Queen's stiff upper lip coming across as disappointment.
Dramatic Necklace Removal: Played with - Minnie does this to herself, in order to convince Mickey she no longer wants to be with him.
Drowning My Sorrows: It turns out Panchito's constant drinking is this, as he's haunted by memories of the war.
The Door Slams You: Donald, as a result of Mickey's Big Entrance.
Dude, Where's My Respect?: Pete suffers this, and is a cause behind a lot of his more villainous actions. The problem is that he is respected, it's just that no one bothers to tell him.
Evil Minions: The Beagles are this for Mortimer.
Evil Plan: Mortimer's ultimate plan is to [spoiler] use the Moon Talisman to control the Moon Kingdom's water and flood the Sun Kingdom, effectively drowning all the Sun people.[spoiler]
Expository Hairstyle Change: In the Moon Kingdom, long hair on women is seen as a beautiful trait, even if it makes it impossible to manage and difficult to get around, like in Minnie's case. [spoiler] After the time-skip, she cuts most of it off, symbolizing her newfound independence and the courage to break tradition.[spoiler]
Face Heel Turn: Pete starts working for Mortimer when he sees the opportunity to be “useful” again. He turns back just in time.
Fantastic Racism: Suns and Moons toward each other. Suns see Moons as snobs, Moons see Suns as savages, etc.
Freudian Excuse: Mortimer claims to have this, having grown up in a family of soldiers that constantly bragged about their accomplishments in the war – accomplishments that he could never have, since the war was over by the time he was old enough to participate. He wanted to have his own accomplishment, and what greater accomplishment could he have then by killing all the Suns?
Give Away The Bride: In lieu of her father, Scrooge is the one to walk Minnie down the aisle.
Gold Digger: Millie, initially.
Happily Married: Horace says that the King and Queen of the Sun were very much this. Queen Lune says this was also the case when her husband was alive. [spoiler] It's implied that Goofy and Millie will be the same, as well as, inevitably, Mickey and Minnie.[spoiler]
He Knows Too Much: When Donald and Daisy overheard that Mortimer plans to drown the Sun Kingdom, Mortimer sends his goons after them.
I Lied : Mortimer directly says this to [spoiler] Pete when she says he promised he wouldn't hurt the Moons. He even seems to mock Pete for thinking he'd keep his deal. [spoiler]
I Want Grandkids: King Solaris keeps harping on how he wants grandbabies. [spoiler] Queen Lune also begins to insist once everything's patched up.[spoiler]
Lap Pillow: Mickey enjoys this once he and Minnie begin dating.
Love At First Sight: Mickey and Minnie toward each other, Clarabelle toward Horace. Possibly with Goofy towards Millie.
Love Epiphany: When Horace speaks of Mickey's mother, Mickey suddenly realizes that, like how his mother loved his father, he too loves Minnie.
Love Potion: Morgana says she can make these, although Minnie instantly realizes they're fake. Morgana admits it, and says the real “magic” is the confidence she instills in those she sells the potions to.
The Matchmaker: Daisy sees herself as this, determined to get Mickey and Minnie together.
Meaningful Name: King Solaris – Solaris is latin meaning “pertaining to the sun”. Queen Lune – a crescent shaped figure, like the moon.
Musicalis Interruptus: Amusingly in a written form. Mickey's Big Entrance consists of his servants and friends singing his praise... and they don't stop when they arrive. It comes to a complete halt when Queen Lune slams her staff and effectively tells them that this could be a reason for them going back to war!
My God, What Have I Done? : Queen Lune gets hit with this big-time when she realizes she's the reason behind Minnie's horrible self-confidence – and that Minnie is convinced Lune hates her.
Not Now, We're Too Busy Crying Over You: It takes Goofy a minute or two to realize that [spoiler] Millie survived the flood.[spoiler]
Overly Long Name: Panchito Romero Gonzales!
Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Queen Lune and her husband turned out to be this, as they loved each other deeply.
Please, I Will Do Anything!: Minnie says as much when Mortimer reveals his plan to drown the Sun Kingdom.
Private Tutor: Horace is Mickey's, and Donald is Minnie's.
Purple Is Powerful: It's stated that Queen Lune dresses in dark purples and blues, as does Minnie sometimes.
Rapunzel Hair: In the Moon Kingdom, long hair is seen as extremely beautiful, so most women have this. Daisy is an exception, and it's implied she cuts her hair to be different from the crowd.
Reality Ensues: Peace between two warring factions isn't as easy as “love conquers all!” It requires reparations, cooperation, and real communication. Also, risking your entire kingdom over a girl you like and keeping it a secret is going to royally piss off some folks. And a happy drunk is probably drinking that heavily because of something not-so-happy – like, say, the real effects of a war, PTSD.
Rebel Prince: Mickey to a T.
Rescue Romance: When Drake saves Morgana, and she sees he did so because he'd do it for anyone and not just because she's beautiful, she falls for him. In a much smaller scale, Daisy fell for Donald when the heel of her shoe broke and he happened to catch her before she would've fallen down a flight of stairs.
Running Gag: Grandbabies!
Sadistic Choice: Minnie can either marry Mortimer, dooming her to a life of misery for her and no doubt putting a terrible ruler on the throne so her kingdom will also suffer...Or Mortimer will drown an entire kingdom. [spoiler] He plans to do the latter anyway.[spoiler]
Secret Relationship: Mickey and Minnie, of course.
Shout Out : The Lion King and Aladdin both get musical-ish mentions. Mickey's entire first arrival into the Sun Kingdom is based on Prince Ali's parade.
Slapstick Knows No Gender: Clarabelle knows this, like a door to the face.
Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace: At Minnie's wedding, Mickey and the entire Sun Army burst in.
Spit Take: Panchito's reaction when Mickey says he loves Minnie. Goofy is on the receiving end.
Star-Crossed Lovers: Again, Mickey and Minnie.
Taken for Granite: Mortimer freezes Queen Lune in ice.
Tempting Fate: Pete tells Minnie he needs more trouble from her and the Queen like he needs a kick in the head. Cue Peg.
Those Two Bad Guys: Bankjob and Bigtime Beagle.
Time Skip: The last scene of the last chapter takes place several months ahead.
Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Clara to Panchito, Morgana to Drake.
Title Drop: Comes up as the last three words of the story.
Villain Has A Point: As awful as Mortimer is, he has a slight point in that since he was raised to hate the Suns and barely a day can go by without someone saying how much they despise the Suns, it's no real shock that he wants them all dead. A small case of Society Is To Blame, but it still doesn't excuse what he does.
War Is Hell: Played absolutely straight. Even though it ended many years ago, both sides are still struggling with the aftermath.
“Well Done, Son!” Guy: Female version. Minnie desperately wants her mother's approval, but seems to do nothing but disappoint her. But the truth is the Queen is already proud of her, and assumed Minnie already knew.
Who Names Their Kid “Dude”?: Lampshaded by Millie towards Goofy. “That's not a name, it's an insult!”
Would Hit A Girl: The Beagles to Daisy and Millie – and it's implied they'd like to do worse.
You Shall Not Pass: Morgana and Jose take on the Beagles so Daisy can escape and warn the Sun Kingdom of Mortimer's plan.
Young Love Versus Old Hate: At first this is the case – but then it's revealed there are plenty in the young generation also full of hate.
An AU Disney fanfic starring Mickey Mouse and the gang. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the second full-length Disney story she's written. A Gender Flip telling of The Little Mermaid, Mickey the mermouse is terrified of being forgotten and never making an impact on anyone. When he falls for, and saves, a beautiful castle maid, he's determined to make sure her memories of him last. A wizard of the sea offers his aide, but in pursuing her heart, Mickey unknowingly leads Minnie and an entire kingdom into peril.
Badly Battered Babysitter: Implied that Nemo this is to Mickey.
Compelling Voice: All mermen and mermaid have this. Mickey never even thinks of using it on Minnie. [spoiler] Our villain, on the other hand...[spoiler]
Damsel In Distress: Minnie, twice over.
Deal With The Devil: Mickey signs [villain's] contract to gain legs so he can be with Minnie.
Evil Detecting Dog: Pluto understands instantly that [Villain] is bad news, trying to bite and claw at him.
Evil Plan: [villain] 's plan all along was [spoiler] to use Mickey's Compelling Voice to hypnotize the Queen into marrying him, this gaining him back his heart and rule over the kingdom.[spoiler]
Gold Digger: Daisy, initially.
I Lied : [Villain] says as much to Mickey, even saying that he's the bad guy, of course he's going to lie.
Inter-Class Romance: Technically, as Mickey is a prince and Minnie is a maid. Played with Daisy and Donald, as she sees herself as above Donald's position, even though they are actually in the same place.
Love At First Sight: Mickey towards Minnie.
Magically Binding Contract: Wouldn't be a Little Mermaid story without one!
Massive Number Siblings: Mickey has over 70 brothers!
Meaningful Name: Segreto means secret, and Mickey's got a big one. The Kingdom of Nereid – nereid are mystical sea creatures, which, again, ties to Mickey.
Our Mermaids Are Different: Mermaids themselves are barely mentioned. Mermen have long tails, and royal mermen's tails are even longer and blue. They also have the siren singing, which compels people to do whatever they command and love them unconditionally. They can understand fish-talk as well.
Parental Abandonment: Minnie's parents died at sea. Mickey's mother is never mentioned, and it's clear his father really couldn't care less about him unless he causes trouble.
Protagonist Title: Sort of – Segreto is the nickname Mickey gets when he can't tell his land-friends his real name. It also means “secret”, of which characters hide several.
Purple Is Powerful: The Wizard wears mostly purple (and was based off the Vocaloid Gakupo) , and is supposedly the most powerful character in the story.
Reality Ensues: True Love's Kiss isn't always First Kiss – both people have to be in love. Being kissed by what is essentially a complete stranger can make a girl angry at you for a long time.
Rescue Romance: When Mickey says Minnie from Mortimer and Pete, her feelings for him truly materialize.
Sadistic Choice: If Mickey tries to stop the wedding, [villain] will erase everyone's memories of him. If he doesn't, the kingdom will be ruled by an absolutely evil figure, dooming just about everyone.
Self-Disposing Villain: If [Villain] hadn't tried to use the ocean to drown our heroes, [spoiler] Bruce wouldn't have swam in and eaten the heart. [spoiler]
Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace: In a different take on this trope, the wedding isn't (at first) interrupted by an outsider, but someone already there. Minnie, then Daisy, speak up, voicing their objections. Then the boys come in.
Threatening Shark: Subverted with Bruce, who loves his pals and would do anything for them. [spoiler] But his chompers sure do come in handy later.[spoiler]
True Love's Kiss: What Mickey needs to keep his legs. He keeps trying to kiss Minnie, conveniently ignoring the fact she doesn't love him yet.
The Nutcracker Prince
An AU Disney fanfic starring Donald Duck and the gang. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the fifth full-length Disney story she's written. Unlike most of her stories, which focus on Mickey and Minnie as the hero/heroine and romance being the main subject, this one has Donald and Minnie as siblings being first and foremost, and family as the biggest theme.
In a retelling of the famous ballet/story, The Nutcracker, Donald and Minnie thought they were going to live with their uncle in a magical kingdom, only for him to refuse and leave them for years. When his letters stop coming, Minnie convinces Donald to go to the kingdom to find out what happened and why he wouldn't take them in. Donald believes nothing but heartbreak and lies await them – only to discover something much worse on the horizon.
0% Approval Rating: The “Prince” that sits atop the throne. And it doesn't take long to find out why.
And I Must Scream: It turns out the Sugar Plum Fairy is a case of this, as is, of course, the Nutcracker Prince.
Happily Married: [spoiler] implied to be the case for Mickey and Minnie at the end.[spoiler]
Imagine Spot: Minnie has one, fantasizing about meeting Mickey in person. Donald cuts her off before it gets too far.
Insistent Terminology: Mickey is a nutcracker, NOT a toy.
Inter-Class Romance: Mickey is a prince, Minnie is a commoner. Sort of.
Meaningful Name: The Kingdom's name literally means Mouse King.
My Sister Is Off Limits!: Donald does NOT like how instantly chummy Mickey and Minnie are.
Parental Abandonment: Minnie and Donald's parents died in a car crash. Mickey's parents also died when he was young. It's implied it's because of some mystical connection between the families.
Post-Kiss Catatonia: Despite Mickey not being able to feel anything, after Minnie kisses him, he falls over in a near-dead faint.
Pretend to Be Brainwashed: Mortimer uses the crown to make Minnie his slave of love, and she drapes herself around him. But it's all an act to snatch the crown.
Protagonist Title: Averted. While Mickey is a main character, the story's heroes are actually Donald and Minnie.
Reality Ensues: Forgiveness isn't easily given, even after a life-changing event.
Rescue Romance: After Donald [spoilers] unknowingly saves Daisy from her Sugar Plum Fairy Form, she's instantly devoted to him.[spoilers]
True Love's Kiss: Minnie, being Wrong Genre Savvy, thinks one of these will cure Mickey. It doesn't.
Wrong Genre Savvy: Minnie thinks it's a basic fairy tale with black and white sides, where True Love's Kiss will cure everything and a happily ever after is guaranteed. It's much more complicated than that.
Love Like Lava
An AU Disney fanfic starring Mickey Mouse and the gang. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the sixth full-length Disney story she's written. This time it's a take on classic Greek mythology, with Minnie as Aphrodite and Mickey as Hephaestus. As a newly awakened goddess, Minnie tries to understand her place in the world, where Mickey, believing role in life is to always be rejected, shuns everyone. The goddess of love falls for him instantly, but it turns out he hates her. What better way to start a relationship than by lying about who you are? Not only that, but it's got Pygmalion-Goofy, Persephone-Daisy, and Hades-Donald. It's about love, loss, acceptance, and the occasional mermaid.
Abhorrent Admirer: Minnie has her own Unwanted Harem with Gladstone, Mortimer, Pete, and (somewhat) Zeus.
Age-Gap Romance: Played with. Donald and Mickey are, technically, hundreds of years older than their female love interests. Also confusingly lampshaded with Agalma, as she wonders if it counts that she used to be marble, so theoretically she could be centuries older than Goofy.
The Alcoholic: Mortimer as Dyonsis. Played with in that as a god, he technically can't get drunk, but he sure does act like it.
Arranged Marriage: Hera tries to make one for Minnie, and it backfires spectacularly.
The Big Damn Kiss: Minnie, as the goddess of love, has a pretty powerful one. It sends such strong waves of love all across the world that it causes couples to propose, love to be requited, poems written, etc.
Cats Are Mean: As the singular cat in the cast, Pete fits the bill.
Childhood Friend Romance: The case with Goofy and Millie.
Crouching Moron Hidden Badass: Goofy surprises everyone, including himself, after he socks Bouncer Beagle in the nose.
Everyone Can See It: It becomes pretty clear, even to the ditzy mermaids and clueless Goofy, that Mickey is in love with Minnie.
Evil Plan: Pete's is to create a statue army which Minnie will bring to life, so he can have his “Forever War”.
Flashback: One chapter has Daisy telling Minnie how she met, and fell, for Donald.
Furry Confusion: Horace is in the chariot race. You know, with a horse. Try not to think about too much.
The Glomp: Minnie tends to give these to anyone she likes.
Happily Married: Donald and Daisy.
Interspecies Romance: Daisy's parents – her mother was a goddess, and her father was a human.
Love At First Sight: Minnie for Mickey, HARD. It's implied that this was the case for Mickey too, but he was immediately in denial about it.
Love Makes You Evil: Slightly – when Daisy's father died, her mother went bananas and became incredibly over-protective of Daisy.
Meaningful Name: Agalma means “statue” in Greek. The town the horse race takes place in also means “horse”.
Not Good With Rejection: Gladstone and Mortimer get over Minnie, but Pete doesn't handle it very well.
Parental Abandonment: When Hera discovered her baby was weak and deformed, she threw him down into the mortal plane, and has since then forbidden his name to ever be spoken.
Post-Kiss Catatonia : Mickey nearly faints after his first kiss with Minnie.
Reality Ensues: Bringing the statue of a dead lover to life is going to have consequences. The story of Goofy and Agalma takes Pygmalion to its logical, heart-breaking turns.
Reincarnation Romance: Implied to happen in the epilouge.
Second Love: Goofy with Agalma.
Seduction-Proof Marriage: One of the Fates has tried to flirt with Donald before but nothing ever works.
Shipper On Deck: Minnie for Goofy/Agalma.
Those Two Bad Guys: Burger and Bouncer Beagle for the mortals, Gladstone and Mortimer for the gods.
World's Most Beautiful Woman: As Aphrodite, Minnie is technically this.
The Last Straw
An AU Disney fanfic starring Mickey Mouse and the gang. Written by the author behind Pirates Versus Privates, this is the seventh full-length Disney story she's written. This time she warps the classic story of Rumpelstiltskin. Minnie and Donald are a pair of poor siblings in a dwindling kingdom, ruled over by a narcissistic king. When one of Donald's big lies gets his little sister into bigger trouble, they get unexpected help from a mysterious wizard. Something is missing from the kingdom, but can anyone remember it in time?
0% Approval Rating: King Mortimer. No one, absolutely no one, likes him.
And Now You Must Marry Me: Mortimer threatens Minnie with this – later subverted when Minnie actually asks Mortimer to marry her.
Bad Boss: Mortimer treats Pete very cruelly.
The Big Damn Kiss: When Mickey and Minnie are reunited, you know it's gunna happen.
Damsel In Distress: Played with in that Minnie puts herself in distress on purpose.
Dude, Where's My Respect?: Pete, and to a way more ego-maniac level, Mortimer.
Face-Heel Turn: At a crucial moment, Pete finally snaps and gives Mortimer what he had coming.
Green-Eyed Monster: Part of Mortimer's issues. He's insanely jealous of Mickey.
Inter-class Romance: Mickey, a prince, and Minnie, a commoner.
My Sister Is Off Limits!: Subverted – Donald wholly encourages the romance between Mickey and Minnie.
It's All About Me: MORTIMER.
Prince Charmless: MORTIMER.
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