#He's a little drunk and alittle sad
flowerflamestars · 1 year
Timeloop au snippet
“We did it,” Nesta murmured, a different quiet entirely than the misty morning rising around them. “We’ll do it again, if we have to.”   Even under the salt-sting, even when she had sea water dripping from her hair, even now, Nesta smelled like fire. Smoke. Memory no mercy at all, home itself unchanging across lives.   Not a bond but a body, a being, Nesta Archeron watching Lucien turn his whole heart over before dawn could even rise, brighter light to her eyes than this whole blazing kingdom they’d brought such acclaim to.   “We will,” Lucien breathed, barely a sound, all he could manage.   She never changed and always changed and was, always-   “Lucien.”   He met her gaze.   Watched, spellbound, as Nesta raised one graceful hand to twist in the torn open collar of his shirt. “Lucien,” she said again, insistent. When he couldn’t find enough air to reply, she shook her head. “I didn’t do for Tarquin. For Summer. For peace.”   She moved like quicksilver.   Like a faery crouched in forest shadows, like liquid moonlight, a predator to whom Lucien’s very hope was prey.   They’d walked together for so many years now it was easy. As though all along it had been this, as they’d been accused so many times. Like Lucien, in fear and hope and heartache had always known he could lean down, and Nesta Archeron would breathe life right back into his lungs.   A tiny tug, to his shirt, just a request.   Just Nesta, curling upright, hand sliding up Lucien’s neck into his hair. An anchor, holding fast. A touch that said nothing but desire.   Lucien leaned down and kissed her.   Salt and sweet wine. Sharp stinging teeth and Nesta’s mouth falling open, plush and welcome. The world righting all at once beneath his feet, entirely familiar. Nesta. Nesta in his arms, twisting sibylline like she couldn’t get enough contact. Nesta, who’d remember this in twenty years or a thousand, real.   Nesta, in his head and his heart and his hands and-   Nesta, in his chest, pulling taut at a rope he’d never known to wind, silver fire and endless light and-  “It’s you,” Lucien breathed.   She was already gone.
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blackberries45 · 4 years
This is silly and stupid and my first writing ever. I'm sure it's full of mistakes, so I'm sorry. As I tried editing, the tumblr app kept not saving or moving the page. I'll try to make something better next time, if I do try again.
Please note : After both seeing the movie and reading the book, I kind of combine the two in my mind. Younger Billy, apartment more like the movie, events more like the book.
*tiny bit of laungue, small love scene
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**not my gif**
Y/n looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, day dreaming about the day ahead. Wishing she coud just spend all day, wrapped up in the blankets, watching something silly with Dan. As she finished and came out the door, Dan knew it was now or never.
"Y/n, I think we need to stop doing this" Dan spoke softly but with a firm tone. Y/n hadn't really heard what he was saying as she gathered her purse. "Hmm?" She asked, starting to slowly look up, still wishing to just stay.
"We need to stop doing this whole...thing. This half way in, half way out. Although I like you very much, I think it's time to let it go" Dan looked y/n in the eyes briefly but kept his gaze mostly down. He tried to not shine and see her thoughts but he picked up a small image, almost like a dark rain cloud moving in. "Good" he thought. "Rain"
Y/n stood there. She dropped her purse back on the bed while still staring at him. "I don't understand" she said with a puzzled face. She was confused and started to get hot. Her stomach started to turn. "When did you all of the sudden decide that? Was it before you asked me to yet again spend the night, or after you woke up?" All she could do was stand there and blink.
"I know this sounds harsh and unfounded but you need to think about this. Two years we have been playing this game and I think we both know it's going no where. It would be for the best if that was the last time." Dan was alittle louder this time. He looked her in the eyes but it was hard to do. He was trying to keep a mental block up and put on a harsh face when really, he was lying. He didn't want her to go. He didn't want her to be sad or angry. He truthfully did want to stop the whole, "friends with benefits" thing and just be with her. Maybe her move in and together they just be happy. But what he was now facing, he truly didn't know if he would come back from. He thought this was the only way. The fair way. The right way. Make her hurt, make her angry, make her forget him and move on.
Y/n just stood there until she finally felt like she heard a snap in her brain. She reached for her purse and started to walk towards the door. She felt drunk and sick. She wanted to turn around and scream and cry but there was no use. When Dan made up his mind about something, that was usually it. She felt like she was in a fog. She told herself she had to get home and get ready for work, so she did. Every step she took, down the stairs, through the hall, down the streets back home, she was on auto pilot. If she hadn't done it a thousand times before, she may have smacked into a something but she knew this route well.
As Dan watched y/n walk through the door, he quickly grabbed a last image. "Looks like a storm is coming" he thought to him self. "Yeah, for you and me both" He sat down on his bed, arms resting on his knees and put his hands on his low hung face as time slipped away for awhile.
It had been a few days but y/n was still confused and hurt. She was angry at herself mostly. This is why she ended up in this silly little town to begin with. She didn't want the hurt of relationships anymore. She didn't want to trust anyone again. But now she realized, she had trusted Dan even more because of being that friend. She trusted him to see her in makeup or without. Hungover and playfully scolding her or pissed off. She trusted him but more than that, she loved him. She thought they were two misfits that would always be sperate yet together. How could she not have seen this coming?
When Billy texted y/n that he was taking Dan on a "guys trip", y/n thought "Good! Stay away! Let me walk around town and not be worried to see you or hear you on your stupid train" She wasn't suprised that Dan didn't tell her, but it was another chance for her to call him an asshole, so she was glad. As the days passed however, she shifted from being happy again and upbeat to sad and scared. She couldn't undertand why. She had odd moments of desperately wishing Billy would text to say they were back. All y/n wanted to do was curl up in a ball. She paced and tried staying distracted but it didn't work. She picked up her phone again and again, writing and then deleting texts asking where Billy and Dan were. At the very least, she didn't want Billy to tell Dan and him think she gave a crap about him right now. She contiuned to pace and worry the next few days.
They were exhausted. Beyond exhausted. They felt ran over. Thankfully, Dan no longer felt like a rat was gnwaing his insides and had been able to eat once the left he park and the police, but he and Billy both just wanted to be in their own beds and sleep. The little rental car they had gotten since the truck been so damaged was fine, but it felt like it topped out at 40. He knew they were going faster from taking turns driving, but home seemed so far away.
"Home" Dan thought. "My cramped little attic nest. How hot must it be now that no windows have been opened? How must it smell with no air flow? How long since I changed the sheets" He knew what he should really be thinking was how grateful he was to be alive, which he honestly had given a very slim chance of being. He didn't expect to return when he left. His next thoughts were of y/n. His plan had worked. She had been out of his mind, not for any reasons except he need the space and the emotions to focus. He didn't want to be worried about her or thinking how worried she would be for him. Now having explained everything he had to Billy, John, and the rest of them, explaining his shine and the rest to y/n seemed easier. But before, it seemed like madness.
They finally made it to their little town. Dan slowly climbed the stairs and entered his apartment. It was exactly the same except for a smiley face drawn on the blackboard wall from his niece. The air was stagnant and strong. The sheets wrinkled from him not making his bed before he left. Something had gone south in the fridge. The biggest thing that hit him though, he desperately wished someone was there to hug him. Someone he could hug in return. Someone he could say to, "I'll tell you the story later but for now, lets just curl up and sleep." It wasn't someone he wanted, it was y/n. He walked to the bed and sat down, flipping his phone multiple times in his hand. Should he, shouldn't he. Should he, shouldn't he. He had left her a mess of rage and heartache and he knew it. He did it to protect her and himself, but would she understand it this way? Would she be able to process any of this? If he left her alone, he could maybe be friends with her again some day and never have to tell her. But he missed her. He wanted her right here. He want to be able to see someone that made him feel happy he came back for. He decided on a text.
Home. Come if you can or want.
His texts were never warm and fuzzy. She chalked it up to his slightly out of touch use of cellphones. He hated the things . She was taking a bath when her phone made a tiny "ping" from the other room. She wasn't even sure she actually heard it. She contiuned shaving her legs and slowly finished her bath. Once out, she took her time to dry off and put on lotion before walking out to her phone. Two messages. Billy and Dan. She read Billy's first. "Home" is all it said. She quickly replied and hit send. She took a deep breath and looked at Dan's. By now sent 20 mintutes ago to her phone. She didn't know what to think once she had. "What the Hell is this? A booty call? He dumps me, well, we weren't dating, he, let's me go or whatever but now wants me over there??" She was alittle angry and confused all over again. Although she was relieved they were ok, and she badly wanted to see him. She went back to her pacing when finally, she was walking out the door. She was half way there before even noticing what she was doing. She hadn't even responded to his text. Up the stairs, to the door and knocking, it all happened in a flash.
He stood there, a smile, if you could call it that, trying to form on his tired and beat up looking face. If someone had been in a fight with the Devil, he would be the picture proof of what it looked like. She could have said alot of things, and so could he. She could screamed alot of things, and he would have understood. But she stepped in, put her purse down, reach up to his face and as quietly asked, "What do you need?"
That. That was what he "needed". He bent down and kissed her. Soft at first. But increasingly more needy. Nothing in the apartment was far out of reach and they took a few steps and were on the bed. She laid down and he placed his hands on either side of her, kissing her face and neck. He lifted her shirt and started kissing everywhere on her stomach. Y/n took her shirt off, and Dan kissed where the shirt had been. Y/n moved around to remove her pants, all the while he kept kissing. Sometimes on the lips, sometimes the shoulder. He was getting more feverish though. The kisses were turning into almost little bites. He felt himself getting more primal, more dominant.
When they were both naked and starting to sweat from the apartment heat and the little bit of movement between them, he looked up at her, almost looking into her soul, and she noded. He started. Slowly entering her but quickly taking her for all he could. He was working out everything that had happened. The pain, the sadness, the fear. He was getting it all out of his system. The other people the had been inside his brain, the lack of sleep. Everything all at once. This wasn't a domination session, but it also wasn't making love. He was using her to almost cleanse himself. She groaned and moved with him. He kept one hand up next to her head and the other on her hip and and made all of the noises with her. When she was close, she arched her back and it brought him out of his thoughts and back to her. Seeing her like that sent him over and he quickly came as well.
When they were done, he rolled over and brought her into him. They were nasty and sticky but he didn't care. He laid there wanting to tell her everything, but it only took a few moments before he was out. Y/n quietly left the bed when she heard his breathing change. She looked down at him and wondered "What in the Hell happened to those two? Did they fall off a mountian? " She went into the little bathroom and cleaned herself up. Then she walked over and opened the window above Dan's bed and another across the room. She wanted to clean the place up for him, take out whatever was growing the fridge, but she thought he needed sleep and decided to stay as quiet as possible for a bit. She grabbed another sheet to roll herself in laid back down next to him. "Later he can explain" she told herself and then drifted off to sleep.
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shinee525subs · 4 years
Toheart on Blue night:  Translation by qyblingtastic
Jonghyun: "Someone that has been with me for a long time like a family member is coming today, we all know that families don't only talk about good things about each other but also bad things right hehe"
Jonghyun whined to the writer nuna about not receiving any chocolate/sweets today (White Day) so she gave him some.
JH said the twitter for blue night is opened as well and some photos are already posted so we can leave messages there too
JH says he has been reaching home after 2am everyday for a little over a month because of Blue night radio schedule, at first his family stayed up to wait for him and he felt thankful and sorry. But after the 3rd week passed, they all got tired and went to sleep so he felt alittle lonely when he got home because no one was there to welcome him home, but he said at least his dog (roo) was still waiting for him and welcomed him when he got home.
A listener said she is going overseas to study and her friends gave her some gifts but she says she feels lonely. JH says one of his close friends is going to japan in a few weeks to study for a long time and he says since it is a friend that can always meet him whenever he texts/calls him, he feels sad that they can't do that anymore since they will be so far apart. But he says it will be good to think "We will meet soon!" and since the listener's friends gave her gifts, she can take them out when she is having a hard time while studying overseas and cheer up (him-nae).
JH: "How did you two prepare for this album since both of you are so busy?" Woohyun(WH)&Key: "Yeah we were busy, just had to prepare it among being busy" WH: "That's why Key's voice is like that..." Key: "Ah my voice..." JH: "Ah key sounds like he is falling sickㅜㅠ"
JH: "Since i know woohyun for a long time, and i'm with key for over 7/8 years, aren't you guys worried that i would say something (secrets, etc)" Key: "We got more things to say about youㅋㅋㅋ"
JH: "How do you feel about being on Blue Night?" Key: "I have always wanted to come and see how hyung DJ" JH: "Key actually kept asking me to invite him on blue night ever since i started so i said "Since you're coming out with ToHeart, come then!""
WH talked about the radio corner they are on today which is talking as if they are chatting over a night drink and said he feels like having a drink, so Jonghyun said "Let's go have a drink after this (radio broadcast) then!" and WH & Key both said okay.
Key said he and WH have been talking about collaborating a song or a stage together since a year together but someone from the side decided to help them and told them to release an album so they received alot of help.
JH: "I knew you guys were close but i didn't know you were so close until you have nicknames for each other, like My-beom/My-hyun?" WH: "I used to call him "kibum-ah kibum-ah~ kibumah~~~~ but after a while it wasn't interesting/funny so i tried saying "my-beom~~~~~" once and since it was quite interesting so we continued with it."
JH said when he first heard about Toheart he got a shock and asked Key why he didn't tell them. Key said woohyun told infinite members from the start, then WH said it wasn't him that told, it was actually their company boss (who has a "loose" mouth) and told the members from the start. Then key said "Our company boss told me to keep it a secret!!!" Jonghyun said: "I didn't even know but my mum told me that she knew, my mother knew!!!"
JH asked how they felt when they heard the demo version of "Delicious".
WH said he liked it alot from the start. Key laughed and JH asked "Why did you laugh?" Key said: "I thought it was only ok...." WH: "Key liked the other tracks better" JH: "Ah yes the other tracks are really good! Key: "I liked the other tracks but after listening to all i realised 'Ah, no wonder they picked delicious as the title song', because the song has a natural trait of a title song and suited the album concept the most"
Key chose "You're my lady" as his favourite track because he liked it a lot from the start and he also contributed a lot in the composing.
JH asked 3 questions:
1) Do you like alcohol? 2) Do you have alcohol habits? (Actions that you do when you're drunk) 3) Have you ever attended a schedule with a hangover?
Both WH & Key said "YES" to all 3 questions.
JH asked what are their alcohol limits.
Key said both of them don't know because they are the type that can drink alot of the type they can drink, and can't drink at all of those they can't drink, but both of them can drink quite well.
JH said: "How old are you all? 24? I'm 25, i'm only a year older but is this what they call a generation gap? I can't drink that well"
Key: "Hyung, (it's because)you can't drink well from the start~~"
WH says key doesn't have much bad drinking habits but he just talks alot, he says key talks so much until his ears hurt so he will go further away from him when key is drunk.
Key said during WH's birthday, WH was drinking alot but Key had to leave the country the other morning so he decided to not drink at all but woohyun was in a good mood and kept drinking so he got drunk soon.
The infinite members did their greetings and left so key felt like he had to take care of WH and ended up drinking alot as well. Key said since he was going to take care of him, might as well get into the same state as him, so he drunk more. Jonghyun said he remembered that night.
WH chose a song by korean band "Coffee Boy" for key because key likes coffee and Jonghyun said "Ah yes, Key likes americano, but isn't 10cm's americano more suitable then?"
JH asked about the good and bad points of doing music together as compared from being best friends.
Key said he think that one of the good things is that WH is a pro (in doing music), since they are friends, he wasn't able to feel it but when they are doing music together, he realised that woohyun is a pro in doing music so it was easy and enjoyable.
Woohyun said he agrees and said he has always seen Key as Kibum instead of SHINee's Key so he never thought that Key would have another side of him (Musician-side) and he realised Key really raps very well, and he write good lyrics too.
ToHeart said they haven't fight before even though alot of people fight while doing music together, WH said they fought over really stupid stuff like what food to order.
WH: "Key likes food like carbonara and pasta,but i wanted to eat korean food. So we ended up having a cold war"
JH asked since alot of big-shot idols like SNSD, 2ne1 and dbsk is coming back, is ToHeart worried (about winning the charts). Key and WH said the objective of this project is to have fun so they are not focusing on the charts. WH says it is more important for them to have fun on stage together with the fans without any burden. JH said they don't have to worry since with that playful mindset they already sold over 100,000 albums on the first day.
JH asked what do they want to show everyone through ToHeart that they did not manage to show through their original groups (infinite/SHINee).
WH said since inft has alot of members, he doesn't have much space to show alot of things so he has alot of things he wants to show everyone.
Key agreed with him and said "Even though i have showed the fans alot of things i want to show through concert solo stages or my personal SNS, but i want to make use of this chance to show the public"
ToHeart said they did not receive any candies today but gave out candies to the fans who came to the recording today.
JH asked "Since you two are good friends, do you have similar dating styles (girls you like)?"
WH said they will never have the scenario in Delicious MV where they fight over a girl because their styles are too different.
Key says they talk about girls and points out to each other when they see a pretty girl (then jonghyun cut in saying that all men are the same (look at girls and point out the ones they like), but he has never thought that any girl that woohyun point out is pretty.
WH says he like cute, pure and innocent type of girls but key is not this type of girl at all.
JH says his style is similar to WH too so it's key's problem.
Key added saying that it is not that the girl woohyun pointed out is ugly, but it is just not his style.
JH said they should talk more about this later while having drinks.
JH asked what would they choose between friendship/love if they really like the same girl just like the lyrics of Delicious. Key said since friendship can comeback but love can't, he will choose love. WH said he will choose love too.
JH's question to Key: "I'm more handsome than woohyun?" Key: no JH: oh?? no? Key: yeah i don't think so... JH: What do you think WH? WH: I'm more handsome! of course! JH: From what i see, WH looks like a puppy while key looks like a fox(?) WH: Key's skin is so fair~ Key: I think instead of handsome, WH is more charismatic-handsome? I don't think any of us is handsome (good-looking) if you compare us to the idol world, there are really handsome people like L (infinite) WH &JH: Ah yes, L is really good looking. WH: Jonghyun is handsome too JH: Ah me? i'm not,i'm more on the charismatic side too. in our group we have Minho! And Taemin too, taemin is also handsome and on the charismatic side.
ToHeart has similar styles so they can shop together, JH says he is jealous of the two of them since they can shop,eat,play together because he doesn't have a friend that can do everything with him.
JH: "How long can you promote in Infinite?" WH: "I've thought about this alot, i think we can promote together as long as the fans are there"
JH: "How long can you promote in SHINee?" Key: "I think i want to do it until i have no more regrets/pity"
JH: "What is key to Woohyun?" WH: "My alter ego, since he is always next to me, he is like my shadow?"
JH: "What is WH to Key?" Key: "Ah...woohyun to me....he is like soju (alcohol)? a precious friend that i can have fun with match me well, a friend that i can talk about sad and happy topics to"
JH: "What is Jonghyun to the both of you?" WH & Key: laughs Key: forget it!!~~ WH: JH is the boss of <Midnight drink> to me, i'm like a guest. Key: He is like an employee! employee!!!
Key;s closing speech: "I wanted to meet the blue night family (listeners) from the start so i'm very happy to be able to be here today, please support ToHeart and also support Jonghyun-Hyung and Blue night since he just started!" JH: "Yes everyone, i'm still a rookie, please help me~~"
A listener said she worked as a staff during SHINee's concert last weekend and since it was so chaotic she wasn't able to see their stage and only got to hear. She said while looking at the fans jump and scream for shinee and when the boys thanked all the staff at the end (even though it was not said for her), she was very touched and almost cried.
JH said she is also included because he thanked everyone that helped out at the concert and since she did, she is also included in the thank you. JH says the five of them has said a few times: that the word SHINee is not just the 5 of them but every single person that has contributed to any part of SHINee makes up the word SHINee. He thanked her and hope that he can see her the next time she helps out at the concert.
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ayanna-wild · 5 years
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Please Don't Say You Love Me
Word Count: 1617
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, sad fluff
A/N: Request from anonymous
Summary: You always left, always changed the subject or cut him off, just before he could utter those three words. The three, not so little, words that would change everything, the words you feared you might not say back.
People gathered around as you downed another shot. The small crowd that had begun to steadily grow cheered as you slammed the now empty glass down on the bar. You smiled victoriously, turning to your opponent, who had finished his own shot only seconds after you.
"Pay up Morningstar." You grinned.
Lucifer laughed, handing you a wad of cash. The crowd, sensing that the fun was over began to wander away, resuming whatever they had been doing before you challenged the devil himself to a drinking contest.
"Are you absolutely certain you're human darling? That amount would have knocked any normal person on their ass." Lucifer said.
You shrugged, sliding onto the stool beside him.
"You're just upset I beat you." You teased.
Although it was seldom that you got drunk, but when you did, you could drink with the best of them. It's one of the first things that had drawn Lucifer to you. It was one of the rare nights you decided to party and you had drank three grown men under the table. More accurately when they hit the ground you were still going strong.
"Well I'm sorry my dear, not all of us can unhinge our jaws like a snake. Honestly it was a little mortifying to watch you drink those." Lucifer chuckled.
You moved to give him a playful shove but missed and almost tumbled off the stool. Lucifer was quick to catch you, your face red with embarrassment as he helped you to your feet. His chest shook with laughter, which you found contagious in your intoxicated state.
"Perhaps you're a bit more inebriated than I thought, we best get you home." Lucifer said.
Your laughter faded to a lazy smile, and you nodded. You reached for your keys in your pocket, common sense seemed to have abounded you for the time being. Luckily Lucifer was there, and he quickly snatched your keys from your hand.
"Oh no, I can just see the headlines now, Local woman dies in a fiery crash, honestly love did you think I was going to let you drive yourself home." Lucifer scolded.
You shrugged, laughing a little.
"Guess not."
You pinched his cheek, making him swat your hand away as you broke down in more laughter.
"I've got the best boyfriend, but that supernatural metabolism of yours is so unfair!" Your words began to slur as Lucifer helped you walk towards the exit.
He merely chuckled, agreeing with whatever your drunken mind decided to have you blurt out. The car ride was filled with you insisting you were sober enough to get home on your own. Then following it up with an apology for him having to cut his night short. Lucifer finally pulled into your driveway.
"You are beginning to sound like a broken record, honestly darling I don't mind driving you home." Lucifer assured you.
You smiled, a little more sober than you had been earlier. You swayed only slightly as you stepped out of the Corvette.
"Wait, wait, how am I going to get my car?" You mumbled.
"I'd hardly call that rusted deathtrap a car." Lucifer muttered.
"Hey I've got a lot of memories in Bertha. Besides, I didn't hear you complaining a few days ago, when we were fogging up the windows in the back." You winked.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, shaking his head a little.
"Please don't ruin that memory for me by referring that mutation as Bertha." Lucifer sighed.
"Oh you love those that car."
"The car no, you on the other hand yes, I lo-"
Lucifer let out a surprised noise when you suddenly leaned over the side of the car and pressed your lips against his. You pulled away just before he could start kissing back.
By the time he came back to his senses, you were already inside your house. He sat there for a moment confused before pulling out of your driveway.
You watched the black as night car fade from your sight and you sighed. The sound of your jacket hitting the floor could be heard in the quiet house. You stumbled your way to your bedroom, falling forward onto your bed. You turned your head to the side so, you weren't smothering yourself with your pillow.
"That was almost bad."
The thing was you knew exactly what he was about to say. Knew exactly how that sentence would end, and you didn't want to hear it. You just couldn't let him say it. An almost inaudible sigh left your lips and you curled up into a ball, letting yourself drift off to sleep.
Lucifer had gotten back to Lux not to long after he left your house, however his desire to party had vanished. Instead, he went up to his penthouse, and settled into one of the tan chairs across from the couch. He placed a hand under his chin, thoughts swimming through his mind.
You had kissed him to keep him from finishing his sentence, to keep him from saying those last three words. The question on his mind though was why.
Why would you stop him?
Why was he just now noticing it wasn't the first time you had stopped those words from rolling off his tongue?
To say your head hurt when you woke the next morning would have been an understatement. It felt like there was a marching band playing in your skull, and you groaned pitifully. You almost considered just going back to sleep but immediately pushed that thought aside when you heard someone rummaging through your kitchen.
"Lucifer?" You yelled, almost instantly regretting it when your headache got worse.
"Just making you some lunch!" He called back.
Luckily his voice was muffled from being in a different room. You rolled onto your back staring at the ceiling a moment before swing your legs over the side of your bed. You almost cursed when you opened your bedroom door to be hit with a bright beam of sunlight pouring through the window in your hallway.
"Good afternoon, it's about time you got up." Lucifer smiled.
You weren't feeling particularly peppy at the moment so, you gave him a small smile that more resembled a grimace than anything. Lucifer resisted the urge to laugh at your miserable albeit funny state. He placed a bottle of water in front of you when you sat at the table, followed by a few pills. You smiled gratefully at him, taking it quickly.
"Oh I nearly forgot I made you lunch!" He announced a little too loudly.
You flinched at little, and he apologized as he stood to get you a plate. He sat it down in front of you, before retaking his seat beside you. The entire time you ate, Lucifer was silent and patient which immediately made you suspicious. Because Lucifer wasn't a silent nor patient person.
"Ok, what did you do?" You asked swallowing the food in your mouth.
He looked at you confused.
You narrowed your eyes a little.
"What do you want."
You set your fork down, sitting back a little, just staring at him. He was silent for a moment before finally caving in.
"Last night, why didn't you let me finish what I was saying?" He asked.
It was your turn to look confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Well cut me off, just before I tell you that I-"
"Oh right that."
Lucifer frowned at you.
"You did it again."
You forced a laugh, trying to play it off as if nothing was wrong.
"You're overthinking it Luc."
He didn't look like he believed your phony laugh nor your poor excuse.
"No, I over thought it last night, and you know what I realized my dear? You've never let me say it, you've cut me off or just changed the subject before I could ever even finish saying love. Why is that?"
Your body tensed and your eyes looked everywhere but at him.
"I... is it really that important?" You muttered.
Lucifer's frown deepened, and he began to get a little angry.
"Yes, we've been dating nearly two years, yet, you've never let me tell you that-"
You sat up, grabbing his hands to silence him. Lucifer peered into your eyes, you looked so vulnerable and so scared.
"Please don't say you love me. Please, because I might not say it back." You begged.
"Why, do you not love me?" He sounded hurt and you quickly shook your head.
"No, that not it! I do Lucifer, so very, very much, but if you say that, if you tell me that and I say it back, then this becomes something even more important to me than it is now. If it does then if I lose you, or something happens, it'll hurt so much more. And I just can't handle anymore heartache right now. I will say it to you one day because you mean the world to mean Lucifer. But for now please don't say you love me, because I can't say it back yet."
You weren't sure what response you were expecting from him. Maybe anger, or annoyance, maybe assurance. Lucifer however, simply smiled at you, and raised a hand to your face to lightly caress your cheek. He kissed your forehead.
"I understand Y/N, it's ok, I don't mind waiting to say it."
You pulled back to meet his eye, grateful tears blurred your vision and you laughed a little when he wiped your tears away. He pressed another kiss to your forehead, whispering just loud enough for you to hear.
"But although I can't say it, I want you to know that I do, very much."
Tag List: @we-are-all-alittle-strange-here @adira-secrets @beththedemonhunter @shywriting @emiwrites3reads @gingernarwal @cuddly-cat-in-a-trench-coat @im-just-along-for-the-ride @lifeshortbro @sallyp-53 @officalfangirl @cptgryps @mizzezm @measure-in-pain
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asthearrowflies · 4 years
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Word Count  1068
TW: Mature Audience , Abuse , No self worth , loss
Clint Barton
CBB bingo  -  Middle Square  Birthday
Picture drawn by Essoulfe found on Google
First Dark fic so be kind . Clint never has had a good birthday. So he belives that his birthday is cursed . Lots of sad Clint moments
Clinton Francis Barton at the age of five  had just started to discover what other children had that he simply did not. Like Birthday Parties.In his Kindergarten class it was birthday season, One of the boys, James a friend of Clint was having a party at something called Chuck E Cheese. He was so excited when he got the invite . He waved it at Barney when his older brother came to collect him.
“Barney Barney” He called excitedly
“Clinton whats up short stuff Good day at school” He asked putting on the Captain America  backpack on the younger boy. It was a little faded and ripped but Clint didnt mind It had Captain America on it , He didnt know it had been a dumpster  find, that Barney had gone searching for when Clint had told him he was going to be a Hero some day
“Im going to a Birthday”Clint informed him with self importance
“A Birthday? “Barneys heart sunk for the boy “Really now” He found himself asking as they headed home , taking the long way around, in the hope that Harold, their father would be passed out drunk. It would give Barney time to distract him hopefully. Talks of Birthday and the mysterious land of Chuck E Cheese  kept invading his plans . As  his bad luck carried on just as Clint asked his mother about the birthday, and would not take the hint . Harold back handed him enough to make him to bruise on his face . Meaning days of missed school . Clint didnt mention birthdays again. It was a bad word that made his father angry.
Time moved on as it always did, things staying the same, his father drunk or hitting out at his Mom, or occasionally him and Barney. Barney was his quiet hero. Keeping him safe, protecting him. Something that contuined well beyond his years,.He no longer needed a fictional picture on a faded backpack  . There was one time  Barney wasnt there . It was on his six birthday he tripped up , waking up Harold who then in a drunken rage punished the boy , hitting him hard enough to loose some of the hearing in his left . Birthdays was  a bad thing , a bad bad thing.
Clinton liked the  circus there he didnt have to worry about bad words, not catching words  when he tried to listen  to foster carers. The boys had been thrown into the system after their parents had dued. It hadnt stopped the beatings, and the fact he was bullied more on his birthday, an extra punch  or locked up. Once again Barney had been his hero and come to save the day. Barney was his hero  bringing him to the Circus to live.  Here there was no bad words , no birthdays, no school or ripped clothes Just hard work, and talent. Praise was earned and brand new  to the young teen. Barney didnt like Clint getting the praise or the fact by ten he was a star attraction instead of helping backstage like Barney did. So once more Clint became careful of his words , of his actions in the bid to make his brother happy. He was careful not to question Barneys dissaperance at night. Yet still he did something wrong when Barney beat him and left him alone .
He was just  fourteen when he first got his record. Processing him for the crimes Barney and his gangmates had left him to take the  fall for. He would spend the next few years in and out of Juvenile prison system. Not that it could hold him . During this time his birthday got fortten he didnt need it. He didnt need a hero . Hero's left you alone, without a home . He created an identy while on the street Ronin. An Archer for hire. He wasnt a hero, just a man with a bow. Not caring why he had a job , he just wanted money and a place to live. He didnt care for anything .Not his heros just the money.
His Heros came for him though . Shield came for him in the form of Coulson. He wanted to hire the archer and self trained assasian. Clint was cautious , waiting  for  the reject once more. His assignments grew and they tested his ears. Gave him aids and slowly tamed him alittle. The young archer had created nests, hide aways where he could be secure. A habit that didnt go away even though Shield became a family of sorts, he even brought Natasha to its folds. He wasnt sure at first  if that was  a good idea. She tamed him a little more , teaching him how to accept friends as she in herself learned  forgiveness. He was surprised that on meeting Steve Rogers , the man from his backpack all those  years ago , he was a little unawed by the blond. More intrested in the man with the metal arm Bucky. Although he let down his walls he still would not risk a birthday . Taking missions when he could arround the time of the day of his birth. When that didnt work he took to finding a bolt hole and drinking till it was over.
It just wasnt worth risking another bad birthday that would  take this life  from him. This time he wanted to keep a family even just for a little while . That was his one hope, not to be rejected by the other Avengers. He was after all the weaker one of the team. It was why he didnt miss on his shots , to prove his worth to them all,
He just couldnt go back to the streets, to be alone once more. It would break him he was sure of it
So no more cursed birthdays  He would do anything to keep his place here, do anything they told him, go anywere  they wanted . Just to be a part of something again, because even though he had tried to stay distant as they promoted him to Shield Agent, to Avenger . He found being in Shield he found he missed being part of a family , being part of a team and it would hurt being  on his own again
It might just break him for good this time ….
@averyrogers83 @shield-agent78 @withoutadoubt-bingo  @marvel-ouslythirsty  @threeminutesoflife @ past-perfect-future-tense   @phoenixwithoutadoubt @clintbartonbingo @darkbuckybarnesanon
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acefrogmonarch · 4 years
Story? Modern? Regular? Hinata based?
Idk what to do for a story however this is pretty nice and i want a good hinata in naruhina fics but their aren't any so im making my own. Tell me what you guys think.
Hinata's hugs
• She has always had such a motherly embrace and enegry that everyone but naruto, has called her mom once. Naruto doesn't get it.
Naruto has the safety aspect that everyone feels witm but Hinata has that warmth as well
• Nenji and shikamaru have an ongoinging battle to see who has called hinata mom, mother, ei. Any variation of the word.
• They both carried a black book with tally marks on their person, kiba has the most, but for the girls its a close tie with all of them. Sakura, Ino, and Tenten all put up with their teamates shenannigans. Temari isn't up there due to lack of interaction otherwise, you bet because of kankuro
• It was purely by accident on both parts. Shikamaru started noticing because kiba accidently called her mom in a fleating conversation.
• Shino accidently called her mother in a goodbye after dropping her off at the hyuga clan manor, neji was at the door waiting.
• Hinata doesn't fight it anymore, so she lets everybody start calling her it.
She did get upset when naruto called her mom once. As a joke but she did get super upset.
• Sasuke understand and has also fallen victim to calling her mom. It happened when he was drunk and laying on her lap. Sakura cried at the moment between them and joined on her other lap, soon everybody was hugging someone and they sort of sleep around hinata.
• Boruto was confused when he started noticing the grown ups around him call his mom, their mom as well. He threw a fit that day and clung to hinata more than usual.
• It eventually got resolved by the time himawari got born but it's still very memorable for both naruto and everyone involved.
Naruto's whiskers
• On the anniversary of the end of the 4th great ninja war, aka naruto's birthday. October 10th. Every started to wear his whisker in honor and recognition.
• Hinata was the one to start it after they got married. Soon their friends joined in and their mentors and outer circle did and soon enough, everyone in the village had whiskers on the 10 of October.
• Naruto cried alittle but ultimately felt full of joy at the effort. So when boruto and himawari inherited his whiskers, hinata joked alittle that they were always honoring and recognizing their father.
• If you couldn't already guess, naruto took that to heart and cherished them as much as he could.
Im going to add more
Edit: hi more is here
Self-sacrificing hinata
• To anyone, literally anyone. I am a bitch for bleeding-heart hinata (this is already true for Naruto but Hinata? She definitely has the same quality as him)
• Shino? She's there. Kiba? For Akamaru. He would be sad without his best friend. During missions, her team is the one with the least bloodshed and harmed (Partly because of her pacifist ways) but mostly because she doesn't want anyone on either side hurt, but she will knock you out in the least harmful of ways if you push her hard enough.
I have read that somewhere on tumblr and honestly i agree, because she loves everyone and will not let that love go. No matter how its projected. Brothery love? Good. Sibling rivalry? All the better.
These are her precious people, she will damn anyone that hurts them.
• Sakura? Thats her girl. Hell Sasuke? Sometimes.
• All of her friends appreiciate and know she will doe the extra mile. Because she feels the need to protect them even though they have the strength to defend themselves.
• For Naruto, she will always sacrifice her for him. In anyway. Losing sleep to stay up for him? Done. Taking weeks, if not months. For the perfect scars, beanies, and mittens during winter? Done.
• Almost dieing again while giving birth to Boruto? Done. (And again with Himawari.)
• Idk why that popped in my mind but can you imagine, just her going through the highest possible anesthetics without harming boruto and still having a 20+ hour labor.
• All throughout the process, Naruto is just panicing and Hinata is trying her hardest to calm him down but she's also worried for Boruto's safety. Like hinata is emotionally strong enough for both of them. (the war, her speech)
• But still, it gets a little easier when the midwife (Sakura) starts yelling at naruto to calm down and tsuande kicks them both out.
• But i can also imagine an easy birth for boruto about 13 hours and little complications.
You can not change my mind when I say that they are in an eternal honeymoon phase.Their eyes say everything, when they look at each other.
I honestly think they have another child, like maybe an older sibling but died during the chunin exams or maybe on a c rank mission gone wrong.
Or maybe because both hinata and naruto almost died themselves during their chunin exams and are just worried about boruto being cocky so they dont cheer? At all? Idk but they are very serious when watching boruto battle.
I feel like the hyugas are emotional less or don't know what that was until the new generation with hinata and hanabi, more so with boruto and himawari.
They are changing, slowly but they probably weren't allowed to until they were born. But doting hisashi and doting neji? God i wanna cry.
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exposedlockers · 5 years
Headcannons, mind showing their parents and family and knowing about their relationship and first reaction the Legion’s disappearances
Uh well to be honest with you, I don’t even have their full designs yet. I have like small segments of ideas and headcanons for their parents, Especially Joey. Their parents are still a work in progress; but now that artfight is over I can get back around on working on them!(kind of.) I can show you what I have so far and talk about their reactions. I’ll put a read more since there might be alot haha. I also don’t know if I could really give you headcanons for each but I can definitely talk about them.. since… it’s still a wip.. sorry about the inconvenience!
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We actually got an ask about their parents and this is where I left off before I got busy with personal stuff and other things.
I always saw Joey’s parents the disco/soul type before Joey came into their lives, And Joey loves it. He actually carries a photo of their younger days with him in his backpack and holds it to him dearly. He just loves his parents and looks up to them heavily. As for Julie and Susies parents, I dont have really anything for their past. So sorry about that. And Frank is uhh, just Frank haha.
I’ve somewhat brushed on their relationships with their parents but I could talk alittle more about it!
Starting off with Joey, His relationship with his parents slowly went sour after Frank stumbled upon his life. His father became ashamed of Joey as he went through a transformation. looks, style,everything. He used to look like this:
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I guess you could say he felt like he lost his boy, seeing the people he hanged out with. I wouldn’t say he despised him, more ashamed of him in a way. Joey didn’t end up the son his father dreamed of having. Though his mother doesn’t mind who he has become. Joey and his mother still held a close relationship, the only thing that got in the way was the drinking. His mother’s drinking habits held a burden upon him and his family, and it pushed him to distance himself from spending time with his mother. He couldn’t handle the atmosphere of constantly taking care of his drunk hungover mother. It depressed him watching her waste her life away, but there were brief moments where it was just the two of them spending time together just like when he was a little kid. To put it in a more simple way, Joey is sort of a mama’s boy. Sure he loves his dad even if hes too hard on him, But his mother was always good to him and he knew for a fact she would always love him no matter what. It was already mentioned that after their disappearances everyone just thought they ran away and left town until finding a body. It starts with devastation, especially with his mother. She’s in denial about it- the thought of her son killing someone just doesn’t seem real. Then him just suddenly disappearing, absolutely no traces to be found, she’s heartbroken. She blames herself for that night. Drinking so carelessly. Not getting up from the couch. Not stopping him at that doorway. She can’t help but blame herself, she feels like she failed as a mother. Then ontop of that her husband blames her too. I figure their fighting would escalate after the disappearance of their son, probably leading to a divorce or Joey’s mother dying from heartbreak. We haven’t really decided yet.
Yeah so I really dont have a grasp on designs for Julies parents. Well, pretty much everyones parents. I want to make sure I get that 90′s feel to their designs so i gotta tinker with it. But I Just… haven’t got around to it. On the other hand, Julie’s relationship with her parents is just a typical teen thing. She was their little sweet pea until highschool came around. Julie used to be the kid they were proud of showing off. A straight A student who played a bunch of sports, with a sweet simple girl personality,popular.  But highschool changed that. In a way, Frank changed that. Her grades started dropping, all her relationships with her friends fell apart, personality did a complete 180. In a way, her parents were pretty disappointed in the path she chose. Instead of trying to talk things through, they became a little more pushy with her. Trying to push her back to sports; mother trying to get her into cheer leading, signing her up for tutoring and what not. And of course this interfered with their relationship.I would say there were alot of arguments between her and her mother. Her father though was more on the sidelines about things. Yes he was disappointed on how she turned out to be, but getting between her and her mother wasn’t something he was interested into doing. He’s more silent about his disappointment, but spoke loudly through his actions. For instance, barely being able to look at his daughter, Or even talk to her at the dinner table kind of thing. Julie didn’t really mind, or at least showed that she didnt care. If anything, Her families actions pushed her more into her impulsive actions. Then when shes gone, they’re both devastated. They both blame eachother for her disappearance at first until the body showed up. They go through a range of emotions. Shock, anger, betrayal, disappointment. They would have never thought their own daughter would do something like that, but knowing the type of person Frank is, they could believe she could be behind the murder along with Frank. Although it upsets them that their daughter is probably behind the murder, they pray one day they could just hold their daughter one last time.
As for Susie, Her relationship with her parents isn’t bad. She isn’t angsty, She doesn’t fight with her parents, and she tries her best to be a good daughter.  Of course the group interferes with her for being an honest good hearted child, but the group doesn’t interfere with her relationship with her parents. We feel as though Susie and her family had a strong bond, they get their ups and downs but they only grow a stronger relationship. As stated before, Susie’s mother is extremely protective of her- practically all of her children. With being protective, she is also supportive of Susie and her dreams. She works hard to help Susie pursue her dreams of going to college for arts and encourages her heavily on her projects. Susie loves her mom, and admires her hardworking self, along with her father. We cant really see any complications about her and her fathers relationship other than him not understanding why she would want to go to school for art. They bicker about it at times but its nothing to big to ruin their relationship. I’ve already talked about Susie’s relationship with her siblings- Since they’re so young she cant really hate them. Kids are just obnoxious, and theres no stopping that. Obnoxious or not, she still loves them; even though they might steal her stuff, ask her millions of questions, or argues over control for the TV. She would protect her siblings with her life, and to the same with her from her siblings. But when she’s gone, they don’t understand. They don’t understand why their parents are crying, making thousands of calls desperately asking for more information on their daughter. It only leads to more confusion when their parents just turn silent about the situation, they won’t bring it up around them. Their parents won’t give them any answers- If anything, their parents probably lied to them and made up some story that Susie finally went off to college to at least leave some positive image of her behind. Now to get more into their parents reactions, of course they’re upset. They would never think she would just suddenly disappear like that, especially knowing that her relationship with the group isnt that strong. (at least with Frank.) They know for a fact she loves Julie with all her heart, and would be willing to do literally anything or her. They first come to the conclusion that maybe she was kidnapped, or possibly lost. With scarce information, their questions were answered with the murder of the janitor with multiple stab wounds. They couldn’t accept it, they couldn’t accept the fact that Susie would do something like this or that she would disappear so willingly. They automatically put the blame on Frank and Julie for her disappearance, unwilling to accept the fact she would do such a thing or even accept the fact she would just disappear so abruptly.
Then there’s Frank. He’s just a sad story with a sad ending. A nobody ending as a nobody. His parents gave him up, his foster dad didn’t even care about him when he was around. We don’t really think his foster father would care if he was even gone. Maybe even glad. It would be no surprise to anyone if he was the one behind the murder in the first place or the disappearance. Everyone knew the type of person Frank was, and everyone in the right mindset knew to stay away from him. There’s really not much to tell for him.
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ride-a-dolan · 6 years
“I Hate That I Love You” (E.D.) Part 11
The rest of the week is miserable. Nobody will even talk to me. I am completely alone. Everywhere I go people just look at me and laugh. Tyler occasionally talks to me but I never see him throughout the day so for the most part I’m by myself. I wrote back to the unknown person but I haven’t received another note. Maybe they didn’t get it. Throughout every day I catch Ethan just watching me. He never tries to talk to me but he just watches me with some kind of look in his brown eyes. I can’t explain what it is but he looks sad.
It’s now Friday and school has just ended after another awful day. I’m just happy for the weekend. I’ve been so alone all week. Now that I’m not tutoring Ethan I have nothing to do in the evening. He figured out that I’m not tutoring him anymore after he had knocked on my door several times and I never answered. Every day after school I just sit in my dorm all alone letting my mind run wild.
As I’m walking back to my dorm I notice that the tree where I left my note has another note in it. This person actually wrote me back. I rush to get it and run upstairs to my room. I throw my bag down and start reading.
Well I’m glad you decided to write back. Now I will answer some of your questions. Yes I’m serious about being here for you. I can’t tell you who I am yet. You can write to me anytime. Now I know you have probably been feeling lonely lately so you should come to the hockey game tonight. Maybe it will help you relax a bit. Just think about it. Please write back xx.
Should I consider this unknown person’s offer. I mean what else will I do tonight? I might as well just go out even if I have nobody to sit with. I did enjoy watching the last hockey game so I guess it will be fun.
I get to the hockey game and the whole school is practically here.  They are all just laughing and having fun paying me no attention. I don’t go sit in the stands I just stand against the fence. The rivaling team looks like they will be hard to beat. I’m watching them warm up when I hear cheering and see that our team is coming out.
Leading them is Ethan. He looks frightening to be honest. He is showing no emotion which I guess is what he is supposed to do being the captain and all. His eyes travel over each player like he is sizing them up. He orders the team to start warming up as they do. He looks out at the audience like he is looking for someone. He seems sad when he doesn’t find whoever he was looking for until his eyes look over and spot me.
When he sees me his eyes become softer and a small smile is on his lips. One of his eyes still looks a bit bruised but other than that he looks fine. Amazing actually. I shake that thought form my mind. He is the reason why I can’t even sit in the stands. I should not think he looks amazing.
“Boys let’s take a few laps around the rink!” Ethan tells his team.
They all start skating including Ethan. They all start to skate by me. Tyler’s hazel eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile before skating on passed me. Instead of skating by me Ethan stops in front of me.
“So you decided to come tonight.” He says with a smile.
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“Why are you talking to me?” I ask annoyed.
“Because I want to.”
“Well I don’t want you to. You’re the reason that I can’t even sit up there like a normal student.”
“You can you just won’t.”
“Yeah because I will get tormented because you told them all lies.” I spit at him.
“If you would just let me talk to you I could explain to you why I did that.”
“I don’t want an explanation. I don’t want anything to do with you.” I tell him.
He opens his mouth to talk again but a whistle is blown signaling the start of the game. He looks at me a little while longer before skating off to play. I just watch him with pure anger. How could he have an explanation for doing that to me? There is none.
Throughout the whole game Ethan sends glances in my direction. He looks angry, hurt, and even sad. I wish I knew what was going through his mind. He just confuses me so much. One second I hate him and the next second I don’t. He is the most confusing person I have ever dealt with in my entire life. Eventually the game ends with another victory for Ethan and his team. Everyone starts to leave and I start walking back to my dorm when someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see Tyler.
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“Hi.” I greet him.
“Did you enjoy the game?” He asks.
“Yeah it actually made me relax just a bit.” I confess.
“Well that’s good. So I was wondering do you want to come with us to the bar down the street?” He asks.
“Depends. Will Ethan be there?”
“No.” Tyler says. I consider this. I would be stupid to pass up the offer considering Tyler is really the only person to talk to me anymore. It wouldn’t hurt anything to go anyway.
“Yeah sure.” I tell him.
“Great. Come my friends Colton, Kane and Jack are in the car waiting.” We head to his car and go to the bar. On our way I keep wondering why Tyler is being nice to me. I figured that he would be like Ethan but he isn’t. Colton, Kane, and Jack aren’t like Ethan either. They are all really nice actually. They aren’t even judging me like the rest of the school is.
When we arrive at the bar I’m relieved to see that no one from school is here. They must all be at a party or something.
“So tell me why you’re all being nice to me.” I ask once we are all seated at the bar.
“Why shouldn’t we be?” Jack l asks.
“Because no one else is.” I state the obvious.
“Well for me I don’t like to judge people.” He says.
“Same for us.” Colton and Kane agree.
“Well I believe Ethan is lying because I honestly thought that he really liked you.” Tyler says.
“That makes two of us.” I mutter. We all continue talking and I realize that these guys are so much fun to be around. Jack laughs at every little thing making his eyes water up. Jack is a sweetheart. Kane seems so quiet but he is absolutely hilarious. Then there is Tyler who is just great fun to be around. I can see why the whole school likes them. They are genuinely great people which makes me wonder how they are friends with a person like Ethan.
“So how did you guys become friends with Ethan?” I ask.
“Just known him our whole lives I guess.” Colton says.
“Has he always been like he is?”
“Well no.” Kane says. I can tell that this is a conversation that they don’t want to have so I just drop it but I’m still wondering what is making them all squirm when I asked about Ethan. Speaking of I keep looking for him to come inside. I alittle part of me wants him to come just so I can see him which is crazy I know. I find myself thinking about him way more than I should.
“Uh oh.” I hear Jack say. Just as I’m about to ask what I turn around to see Ethan standing at the entrance of the bar. He is wearing a low cut white t-shirt and tight denim jeans. He is wearing his bracelets that he always seems to wear. He looks so hot.. 
“I thought you said that he wouldn’t be here.” I mumble to Tyler.
“I didn’t think he would.” Tyler whispers back to me. I glance back over my shoulder to see Ethan looking at me. He then starts to walk over to us. I turn around and just pretend that he isn’t there.
“You guys didn’t tell me that you were coming here.” Ethan says and takes a seat next to me.
“We thought that you were going to that party.” Kane says.
“Didn’t feel like it.” Ethan says. I can feel Ethan’s eyes on me but I pretend not to notice. It’s so awkward. Everyone is quiet. Nobody knows what to say. I just want to disappear and never come back.
“(Y/N), can we please talk.” I hear Ethan ask.
"I don’t really want to talk to you if you didn’t notice.” I tell him.
“Please just hear me out.” He begs.
“No.” I tell him firmly. We are both silent for what feels like ages. I don’t want to be around him. I don’t even want to look at him. I can’t stand sitting here in silence so I stand up grabbing Tyler along with me.
“Come on. We’re going to dance.” I tell him and walk to where everyone is dancing.
We start dancing and laughing. Tyler has really helped me relax. I don’t like him in the same way as I do Ethan. I mean did. Tyler is just a lot of fun to be around. We are dancing together just like everyone else. I let my eyes drift over to Ethan who is sitting in the same place as before but he looks so tense. He hands are curled into fists. His eyes are dark and he has his jaw clenched.
He is just watching us like an animal watches it’s pray. It looks so, so angry. Good.
“I should not be doing this.” Tyler says.
“Why?” I ask.
“Because Tyler is my best friend. He likes you.”
“If he liked me he wouldn’t have done what he did.”
“Maybe he really does have a reason.”
“Whatever.” I say. I continue dancing as Tyler walks to get something to drink. Why does everyone take Ethan’s side? Why does everyone think that he has a reason for doing that to me? There is no reason other than just being a cruel human being who enjoys ruining people’s lives. Suddenly Ethan is there saying something to Tyler but I can’t hear him. Tyler looks at Ethan and nods slowly and walks away leaving me with Ethan.
“Come on.” He says.
“No.” I tell him and stay standing in my spot.
“I’m taking you home.”
“No you’re not.”
“(Y/N), please just come with me. They will get drunk and I don’t want you in the car with them when they are.” Ethan says trying to force me to go with him.
“I would much rather be with a bunch of drunken teenage boys than to be in a car with you.” I tell him. Ethan sighs and the next thing I know he has thrown me over his shoulder and is carrying me out of the bar. This is the first time any guy has done this. Ethan never fails to surprise me that is for sure. “Put me down.” I shout but he doesn’t listen. He doesn’t put me down until he has me in his car. I don’t even try to get away because I know he will only catch me again. So instead I just sit there refusing to look at him.
“Come on (Y/N), you can’t be this way forever.” Ethan says once he is in the car.
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“Just watch me.” I practically growl at him.
“Maybe if you would just let me explain.” Ethan starts. I ignore him and say nothing at all. He eventually just sighs and starts his car and drives back to the school. I grab my phone out of my purse and along with it is a note. It’s from the same unknown person. I recognize the handwriting.
I know how this is but it may help if you let people in. Let them explain things. Let them tell you what may have really happened. You never know it could be for the better. I saw that tonight you were smiling. I haven’t seen you smile in a long time. It was nice. You looked beautiful tonight by the way. Please write back soon xx.
I stare at this note. It’s so ironic that this was in this note. This person is trying to make me listen to Ethan. Also how did they even get this note in my purse? They would have had to been at the bar. They also knew how I looked tonight. Who could this person be? I sigh loudly and rip the paper up. I don’t want Ethan to read it.
“What’s that?” He asks.
“It’s really none of your business now is it?” I say angrily at him.
“I was just asking.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.”
“Will you please let me explain?” He asks again. My mind goes to the note. Should I let him explain? I don’t know if I should or shouldn’t.
“No. There is no explanation E! You just like to see people get bullied. It’s what you live for. You are really a disgusting human being.” I tell him.
“You don’t know me at all.” Ethan says quietly. By now we have pulled into the parking lot of the school. I quickly get out and walk to my dorm. I want to get away from him as soon as possible. “(Y/N), just please hear me out!” Ethan calls after me but I ignore him and keep walking. He soon catches up to me and grabs my arm and turns me around to face him.
“Let go of me.” I warn him.
“Not until you listen to me.” He says firmly.
“I’m not going to listen to you.”
“Then I’m not going to let go.” We both just stand there looking at each other. The tension between us is thick. Our bodies are pressed up against each other. His brown eyes are just looking at me. Its pitch black outside other than the moonlight which makes his eyes shine more than usual. “Please?” He asks again.
“I am begging you just let me go. I don’t want to be around you anymore. Please Ethan just leave me alone.” I say on the verge of tears. I’m fighting against my own willpower and it hurts. Everything in me wants to listen to him. To just close this distance between us. To let him hold me. But my brain is telling me not to.
He realizes that I’m about to cry so he lets me go. I just turn around and walk to my dorm. I don’t even make it there without crying. I collapse to the ground and let the tears pour out. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
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thebunnywriter · 7 years
Everyone Knew
Kenny Omega didn't like (Y/N) (L/N) but the bucks knew the truth. Matt and Nick knew that Kenny had feels for (Y/N) but he didn't want to ruin their friendship. Marty even saw how Kenny would stare at the (Y/H/C) haired girl.
Everyone knew that Kenny would never confess his feels because he was more focus on his work than his love life.
Before Adam left the bullet club, he knew. He was getting sick of seeing Kenny doing nothing. He knew he had to take matters in his own hands. This may surprise people but Adam knew Jimmy Havoc.
Jimmy was kinda (Y/N)'s type. They were both fans of each other and (Y/N) needed to have some fun too. She was just like Kenny but she did try to talk to him but he blew her off.
Walking down the halls, Adam finally saw who he was looking for. " Havoc, my dearest friend. " Adam said, putting his arm around Jimmy.
" What the hell do you want? " Jimmy said, playfully, " I need a favor that you might like. You know (Y/N), right? "
Adam came beside the Bucks, Kenny, and Marty. They were watching (Y/N)'s match. Well, the Bucks and Marty were. Kenny was " cleaning his shoes " but we all knew the truth.
Unfortunately, she was soon pinned and lost the match. (Y/N) laid against the post, it was one of her best fights. She was strung out, which was perfect for his plan.
" I need a gangster
To love me better
Than all the others do
To always forgive me
Ride or die with me
That's just what gangsters do "
" What the hell? " Marty question as the music played. Everyone was just as confused as Marty was. (Y/N) looked around, seeing smoke around the ring. No one knew what was really happening but Jimmy and Adam.
Kenny was looking at the screen more than the rest of us. If Adam ask, he'll probably just make up an excuse.
'' I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for all the abuse
I got secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows
I'm good on that pussy shit
I don't want what I can get
I want someone with secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows "
Soon, someone dressed in Marty's gear came in the ring, twirling Marty's iconic umbrella. Matt started looking at Marty than the TV. They watch as (Y/N) say Marty's name before laughing a little bit.
She took his offering hand and look at him with a confused face but it soon turn to fear as he reveled his face.
" Woah, is that Jimmy Havoc? " Nick question.
Marty was about to ask another question but stopped when Jimmy, roughly kissed (Y/N), before punching her in the stomach. (Y/N) also wrestle men. So, she should be okay, right?
Jimmy threw her down and started beating her with the umbrella. Adam look at Kenny, for a reaction, but he was gone.
" Where's Kenny? " Marty asked
His question was soon answered by the Kenny Omega chants. Adam looked at the screen, only to see Kenny beating the shit out of Jimmy.
Soon, the Bucks went out to grab (Y/N) and get her backstage. Marty and Adam grabbed Kenny and pulled him back. Kenny looked around, seeing (Y/N) gone. He went backstage, only to find (Y/N) with the bucks.
'' Are you okay? " Kenny asked, approaching (Y/N).
She had a ice pack on her left cheekbone and a cut on her eyebrow. There was a forming bruise on her ribs.
" I'm fine but why did you help me? " (Y/N) asked, blushing a little.
" Um, be-because I want to be the one to beat you " Kenny lied, turning alittle red.
" There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl "
Everyone looked down the hall, only to see Adam and Jimmy, arms over shoulders, singing kiss the girl.
" Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl "
Adam and Jimmy got closer, bottle of whiskey in Jimmy's hand, who was clearly drunk.
" Sing with me now
Sha la la la la la
My oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad, he gonna miss the girl "
They both started singing, loudly and extremely out of tune.
" Kiss her, Kenny. I didn't do this for nothing. Sorry for that but I did it for love. " Jimmy say as him and Adam started singing, loudly again, as they walked away.
“ What is he talking abo-” (Y/N) asked but stopped when Kenny kissed her.
“ Awwww ” The Bucks cooed
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Jesus Christ, y'all love making Ryder Cry. ——— Jaal: He walks in on Ryder crying on accident. He didnt mean to, he original went down to their room to give them a gift he had been working on (from that time he wanted to give gifts to the entire team) when he heard them sobbing. His gift was forgotten and he rushed to thier side, finally realizing that they broke. He feels sad,learning about every thing Ryder has been though,and does his best to comfort his friend in any way they need.
ROMANCED: Jaal had realized that his darling one had always came to visit him, and not the other way around. He intended to change that. But when he heard them crying, his cheerful mood dropped. He ran to them, holing them close and rocking as he soothed them. After a bone crushing hug, and several comforting rubs and kisses, they finally told him what was wrong, his heart broke for them all over. They was so strong and brave, yet hurt, and Jaal did every in his power to sooth them
Liam: Laim wanted to find Ryder about a soccer game. It worked out so well the first time. It was fun. But when he found them curled into a little ball in the corner of the room,shaking, that plan went down the drain. He carefully approaches them, but when he heard thier soft crying, Liam both relaxes a little yet tenses up at the same time. He cautiously places a hand on their back, and if they dont flench away, he awkwardly sits on the bed with them until thier ready to talk. He’s doing his best,okay?
ROMANCED: Crying. Liam woke up to crying and an empty space. He shot up to find Ryder on the foot of the couch,weeping to herself. He calls out her name softly, and the crying slows down a little as she apologized for waking him up, wiping away her still falling tears. “It’s okay,” he says pulling her upclose to him “Let it out. You’ve been through so much. And Im so sorry.”
Cora: She had come to Ryder’s room to drop off some datapads they might find interesting as pathfinder, but she stopped In her trackes when she heard Ryder crying. Guns, she could handle. Bombs, she could handle. But tears, not so much. She slowly inches forward, and says their name, casuing her so take in their red puffy eyes and wet cheeks. They try to play it off like they weren’t crying, and she more or less let them have it. But she still asked what was wrong, and couldnt help but feel alittle guilty. Some of this was her fault.
ROMANCED: In all her time with him, Cora never thought she’d see Scott crying. He was the pathfinder. Strong, and brave, amd industractable. But as Scott played off his tears in the bathroom, she also realized that pathfinder was also just a title. And the man wearing it was, well, actually a man. And she couldnt help but feel guilty. She pressed him so hard, constantly prefers Alec in the back of her mind. It’s her Job to keep him alive, now she’s taking on keeping him happy.
PB: She had found some untouched remnant Tech, but Kallo wouldn’t go off course with out Ryder’s say so. After hours of attempted persuasions(bribing) and Kallo still said no, she sucked it up and headed to Ryder’s room, coming up with the best scenario to throw this in her favour, but she was not expecting them to be curled up un a ball. Liam was awkward,but PB is just a straight up mess. She shifts on the balls of her feet, debating on if she should go in or not. Ryder makes the decision for her. “I know you’re there, PB.” They said sitting up. “Come in. What do you need?” She shuffled awkwardly to the bed, rubbing the back of her head. “Hey, so I found this remnant Tech and Kallo wont go-and im sorry. But i cant take you seriously with snot coming out of your nose. ”
ROMANCED: Gravity. She had finally managed to tamper with POC to create an antigravity field. That way all the Zero Gav fun they have in her room can make it to Ryders room. She stormed in, POC trailing behind her, but Ryder crying was not something she was expecting. PB remaines awkward, debating on if she should go in or not,but intead of waiting for them to acknowledge her, she turned on POC’s new anti gravity function, and did her best to push herself over to Ryder, grining as she did.
She later found out that the Anti gravity feild effected the entire ship when Drack made a snark remark about how Krogans dont fly. Alot of people were angry that day.
Vetra: She needed weapons parts for upgrades, but didnt have them on hand. She had went to Ryder’s cabin to get the go ahead for Kallo to land in Kadara port,but slowed when she heard the faint sound of crying. At first, the “Awkward Turian” poked its head,but Vetra pushes it back it back and instead went into “Big Sister Mode.” She marched in with no hesitations and comforted Ryder in any way she could.
ROMANCED: She did it, she thinks. She managed to wrangle the staff out of the kitchen long enough to attempt to cook again. No more steaks,like she promised,but something simple like an egg sandwich. It came out mostly edible (she hopes), and she was excited to show Ryder. But when she hears crying,she decides that soothing him is more important than giving him food poisoning.
Gil: Drinks. He made the miatake of playing drunk poker with Ryder, knowing that Ryder sucks at it. Every time you lost,you had to take a shot. He thought it would be funny,but instead its just sad. He sighs and places hia cards face down, patting Ryders back with one hand. He brought this on himself.
ROMANCED: If romanced, Gil is a tad more sensitive to Ryder’s tears. Except this time, the were playing drunk STRIP poker. He was now cradling a drunk, half naked Scott in his arms as he weepes into his chest. Gil didnt mind, but god be damned if we wasn’t getting laid after this.
Suvi: She’s pretty sure she told Ryder not to inhale. She specifically said that. Or maybe she said it in her head when Ryder entered her lab. Either way, it doesnt matter, because Ryder was now balling like a baby on the floor after inhaling a pheromone Suvi created responding to the emotional state. Did she think Helius rocks had feelings? Doesn’t matter,because Ryder did. Suvi crept out of the lab to go and get their LI (If she wasnt it) or best friend. As well as Lexi, just in case she’s done something really terrible to them. She makes them all wear masks,just in case.
Lexi: She feels like shes intruding in her own medbay. She walked in to Ryder holding their siblings hand pouring out their heart as the tears flowed. They talked about how hard it is, and how they need and love them. Lexi backed out and let Ryder have their moment, tears pricking at her eyes out of sympathy. Her work would have to wait. When Ryder does finnaly leave, they find Lexi waiting near the door respectfully. She just pats them on their shoulder and returns to work.
Drack: Ah hell. What did he just walk into. All wanted was a drink. Findig Ryder nursing whiskey and crying in the kitchen was not apart of his plan, but he doesnt mind. Drack is actually the most comforting Krogan Grandpa ever. He rembers his days with Kesh, when she was young and tearful. Of course when confronted about it later on by a now sober Ryder,he denides it up and down. Krogans dont act like mother hens.
Kallo:He feels awkward, and he didnt even see it. He heard about Suvi’s pheromone mishap, and couldn’t help but to cringe. Thank the stars he dosent really leave the cockpit.
Reyes: Like Gil, he made the mistake of getting Ryder drunk. Filling up their cup when they arent looking. He thought it would be hilarious, not uncomfortably sad. He sat their awkwardly patting their arm as they leaned all over him, sobbing out their woes. All while we was downing his drinks in rapid speeds, hoping that he can get drunk enough to forget this. If romanced he cradles them, while still trying to drink this away, but he still cant help but to respect Ryder even more after learning everything they’ve been through.
Poor Umi. She’s so pissed as she serves, super close to cutting the two off. She cant decide who she wants to stab more. (JK,its Reyes. Its always Reyes. This is his fault anyway)
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thekirapackage-blog · 7 years
Birthday Argument
Description: While taking Rachmaninoff on her morning walk you and Mei get into an argument. The little argument about crepes you have with Mei ends up making him a little mad on your birthday he didn’t know about.
This is our first story! We hope you like it!!
Today I woke up at 5 am to Mei playing the piano for Rachmaninoff.
He then turned around to Rachmaninoff, “ Are you ready for your morning walk Rachmaninoff?” Mei says while smiling.
Rachmaninoff barks in reply “ Okay let’s go,” he puts the collar on Rachmaninoff and then stares at me
“Why are you just standing there Y/N? Come on, you are walking Rachmaninoff too.” He says, still smiling
Today is my birthday, me and Mei have been dating for a half of a year now. From the looks of it, it seems like he knows today is my birthday. His mood is up by 100%.
While we were walking Rachmaninoff, I saw the crepe stand. I remember how much Mei enjoyed creaps.
“ Hey Mei? Do you want some creaps.” You say with your biggest smile
“Sure, why not Y/N .” He says blushing alittle
“I will go pay for them” He then hands me Rachmaninoff’s collar.
“Don’t buy a lot of creaps for the sake of it!” You say in response.
“ Yeah, yeah” Mei muttered, furrowing his brows alittle.
When he comes back, he has 3 creaps. One strawberry, one blueberry, and the other banana. He then starts eating the strawberry one while passing you the blueberry.
“I thought you were only buying two!” You say, scolding him playfully “One of these days you will regret eating so many sweets.”
Mei now has a big frown, his brows are even more furrowed than the last time.
“ You can’t tell me what I can or can’t eat” he states while talking a huge bite out of the blueberry creap then the strawberry.
To avoid anymore arguing, he then takes Rachmaninoff’s leash back. He then heads back to the hotel with no words.
“Mei seems mad about my little statement. I was just trying to look out for him.” You state out loud as you walk into the penthouse. Rei, Minami, and Toma are there sitting on the couch. What a odd mixture this early in the day.
“Good morning Y/N.” Rei and Toma say, without looking up from their work.
“ Hey! Y/N!” Minami then screams “Why did Mei-Mei come back alone with Rachmaninoff. He seemed suuuuuppperrr mad when he walked in!”
“It was a small, stupid argument about creaps we had. There is no reason for anyone to be super mad.” You state while thinking on how much Minami was overreacting.
“Oh, so now what I feel is stupid?” A voice says. You turn around and see Mei there.
You then state “A argument about food is a stupid thing to get mad about!”
Mei then just keeps his sad face on while looking to the side. He then flashes his mad face “Fine then.” He said while going back to his room.
It was silent for a while. You just noticed that Rei and Toma left the room. Minami was the only one left sitting on the couch.
“Akwaaarrrdddd!” Minami says with a toothy grin
You ignore Minami as you walk back to Mei’s penthouse.
It has been 2 weeks since your birthday and your stupid argument with Mei. Surprisingly, Mei is still holding a small grudge. You then decided not to say sorry to Mei or tell him it was your birthday two weeks ago. You didn’t want to guilt trip him.
As you walk into the entrance of the living room, you notice that all of the Kira brothers were sitting on the couch.
You then here them mention your name. Confused, you look over at Mei. Man, he looks pissed. Good thing he hasn’t noticed me. Chiaki looks up from Mei like he just now noticed you there.
“Hey you guys, guess who’s finally here.” Chiaki says while looking up and smirking.
“It’s the lady of the hour.” Shizuka says blantly
“Huh? What do you mean?” You say I have bad feelings about this. It’s strange to see all the Kira brothers together like this. Looks like they have something planned behind their back for me. Well, I must expect the worst scenario, it is the Kira’s brother we’re talking about.
Then some party poppers come off. “Happy late birthday Y/N!” Minami says
“Minami, you were supposed to wait!” Toma said angerly
“Boo, Mac, way to kill the mood!” Minami pouted.
“Whatever, It has to be Mei that says it first” Toma smiled gently at Mei. Mei then suddenly look at me.
“Ha.. happy birthday.. I know it’s late but.. I..!” Before Mei finishing his sentences, Minami suddenly pull his hand on Mei’s shoulder.
“You guys can continue lovey-dovey time after this, it’s time to party!!!”
“Well, I agree. Let’s have toast to celebrate Y/N’s birthday.” Rei says. Everyone grabs their cup in the air and loudly say “Cheers!”
“Guys…” It’s been so long since my birthday has been celebrated. Usually it’s just me alone, since my parents travel around the world. I didn’t expect that Kira’s brother will so kind to celebrate my birthday.
“Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.” I said while my tears are almost drop.
“It’s okay, You don’t have to be so polite. You are like family to us.” Shizuka smiles gently.
“Yep! You’re already like lil sis to me, Y/N!” Said Minami while he rubs my hair roughly.
“Hey, you! Hands off, don’t touch Y/N as you please.” Mei says as he glares at Minami. His glares are so icy like Antarctica.
“Ooh! Our little Mei-Mei is angry~ Time to run before Mac punches me later.” Minami teases while smirking.
“I don’t mind to continue the old tradition.” Toma says with a smirk. Everyone broke into laughter. It’s warm like this, I really hope that this will be continue forever.
It’s getting really late, so I turn to the Kira brothers and say,
“It’s fun while it’s lasted, but it’s getting late. I just remembered that Mei has a concert tomorrow evening, so I have to excuse us.” I say as me and Mei get up.
“Boo, it’s not fun while the lady of the party is gone!” Minami pouted
“Idiot, you have to give them some time to be alone.” Chiaki said
“Ooh, I get it. It’s nice to be couple, huh. Well, guys, let’s drink until morning!!” Minami screams. He is totally drunk at the moment. His other brothers sigh. Welp, no one can stop drunk Minami.
Before we have to deal with anymore of ‘drunk Minami’ we head back to his penthouse.
When we head in, Rachmaninoff greets us.
Being alone with Mei in his penthouse, it’s.. it’s so awkward! I mean did have stupid quarrel before and we didn’t apologize to each other. Ugh, I just want it not to be this awkward! I have to, no, I must apologize so that we can together again without all of this awkwardness.
“Mei, I..!” “Y/N, I…!” We say at the same time. Oh
“Uuhh, you can go first, Mei” “No, lady’s first”
And then we didn’t said a word almost ten minutes. I can’t handle these awkward-feeling any longer!!
“Mei!” I shouted frantically “Yes?” Mei responds jumpy.
“I’m sorry for starting that stupid fight. I know you have your opinion on the food you consume. It was kinda selfish of me.” I say with my genuine feelings.
“No, it’s my fault. I’m being childish too” Mei responds.
“No, mei, it’s my fault” “No, it’s my fault”
“It’s my fault, Mei!” “It is MY fault! You can’t argue it with me!”
Wait, what are we arguing about again? We look at each other and burst a laugh.
“Look at us, we’re so stupid to arguing something so not worth to arguing about” I say with a bright smile.
“Yeah, agree” smiled Mei. His smile so radiant like moon in the sky right now.
“Y/N, can I kiss you?” Mei says while looking serious.
“Sure..” I respond blushing Mei leans closer to me as he holds my hands. He then lets go of one of my hands and puts it on my head & waist as he kisses me.
Sharing a kiss with Mei is so sweet, like sugar.
As our lips part, Mei smiles. “Happy birthday Y/N. I wish you the best.” Mei says as he then tightens his grip on my waist while giving me a deeper kiss.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” Mei says while blushing.
This has definitely been the best birthday ever.
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