#He has an adoptive son who ended up being a bhaalspawn
itsangrynar · 8 months
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Elie Ravenloft is my BG3 Tav, years later he is also the adoptive father and Master of Liam, my necromancer in my currently campaign.
TLDR; Elie and his husband 🧛‍♂️ had a fight over being parents, they separated for some years. During that time Elie tried to be a good master but failed miserably and "died". Vampire husband comes back, saves Elie with some friend's help and end up together again
During that time, as well, Liam ended up turning himself in what he wanted to destroy
The ultimate edgelord bhaalspawn
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ryttu3k · 3 months
Tav questions! Nabbing from @findingtarshish , take if you wish!
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Name: Tavias. He's not sure which 'family' gave it to him (foster? The cult? Was magically embedded into him by Bhaal?) but it was the first thing he remembered, so he sticks with it. If he has a surname, he wouldn't have the foggiest what it is.
Nickname(s): He's definitely got 'Tav' a few times! Really enjoys the affectionate pet names he gets from his lovers, and did go all 🥺 when Omeluum called him 'Sun Child' (he is extremely sun-coded).
Pronouns: He/him
Star sign: I would not have the foggiest :D What corresponds to the 28th of Eleint? That's his new birthday!
Height: Okay in-game he appears maybe an inch shorter than 5'9" Astarion, but I definitely see him as more like 5'5". Also objectively hilarious next to Halsin, who's like seven feet tall.
Orientation: Part of the Pansexual Menace Squad, although he does lean more towards men.
Race: On paper, he's a wood half-elf with draconic bloodline sorcery, so some gold dragon in there. Given the whole… pureblooded Bhaalspawn made of a sliver of Bhaal's own dead flesh thing, though, that gets a bit. Uh. Messier, and he tries not to actually think about it too hard or it gives him a headache.
Romancing: Astarion and Halsin. Wrote a bunch on their relationship dynamics here!
Favourite fruit: Loves himself some grapes. If he sees any somewhere, they will end up in his hand, being nibbled on as they make their way through wherever they happen to be.
Favourite season: Summer. He craves being warm. Probably a fire dragon thing.
Favourite flower: I feel pre-brain surgery he would have said something edgelordy like foxglove or oleander? Pretty but lethal, just like him~. Now, he's learning to appreciate other flowers - he'd probably say something like balsam at this point (pretty and healing tyvm), but Halsin would love to teach him more.
Favourite scent: Wood smoke, which he suspects is also a dragon thing. Also blood.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: He goddamn loves hot chocolate. Anything sweet, really - his favourite drink is Amnian dessert wine and his favourite treats are cinnamon rolls.
Average sleep hours: Not as much as he should. He has the sadly common Bhaalspawn trait of restless sleep and nightmares.
Dogs or cats: He loves all animals and was goddamn distraught to learn that he had mistreated Steelclaw in the past. Animals represent innocence and trust to him. Sees Scratch - "Oh, I'm a dog person now." Meets the cub - "My favourites are owlbears and this is my son." Has the good fortune of crossing paths with Boo and surviving - "Can I interest you in some Miniature Giant Space Hamster propaganda?" He doesn't have a lot of personal experience with cats, but he knows Astarion loves cats, and Halsin loves all animals, so he's pretty sure he'd love cats too! (At some point he's going to go back to Moonrise - Astarion has to go to the Last Light to properly adopt His Majesty - and he's going to grovel for Steelclaw's forgiveness.)
Dream trip: He'd love to see the Feywild. It sounds, well, magical. He'd also love to visit two cities that cross over into the Feywild, Evereska and Evermeet, but while his lovers are full elves and would have no issue there, he's a bit uncertain what reception he'd get as a half-elf. He's brushing up on his elvish just in case (he can read and write in Espruar, but his spoken elvish isn't great. Astarion and Halsin are both fluent, so they've been helping him out, and Halsin also knows the Wild variant, and since Tavias' elvish background is wood elf, he'd love to learn it).
Amount of blankets: All of them. He and Astarion more or less have a nest.
Random fact(s): One day Halsin is going to work out the precise combination of herbs to treat a) his anxiety disorder and b) his chronic headaches from his brain injury, and it's going to be one of the best days of his life (I mean, following stuff like 'being resurrected as an independent person by Jergal' and 'losing all those icky memories of being a cult leader/serial killer' and 'meeting his new found family' and 'saving the world').
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