#He came because he detected Jiangzai
deathbyoctopi · 2 years
...why is he there, though?
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How did Xiao Xingchen come so quickly? 
There are a few things to consider in this fight. One is that Song Lan can’t have ambushed Xue Yang anywhere near the yizhuang (nor other people, for that matter), otherwise their shouting and clashing of swords would have attracted XXC’s attention way earlier. Another is that, since we have dialogue to “measure up” time, not a long time passes from the corpse poisoning to him arriving at the scene. The only moment when this could have been dragged out is when Song Lan lashes out after having his tongue cut, but I think this last bit of the fight can’t last very long, with the state he was in. 
Therefore, how did Xiao Xingchen get to that relatively remote location in such a short amount of time? We-ell, consider this possibility: he didn’t come because he detected a walking corpse...
...he came because he detected Jiangzai. 
Not that he’d know it, he doesn’t have laser-focus detection powers like that. He just sensed something was amiss at the very beginning of the fight, but could only follow in the general direction until he was close enough (in time and location) for the poisoning to begin and the “fierce corpse” to be easily detectable. But do you remember what he said afterwards?
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(How did Xue Yang manage to refrain from making a blind joke here is beyond me, btw)
But there it is! Shuanghua behaved strangely. It may have detected Jiangzai’s resentful energy, but by the time he got there, there was a target much more relevant that masked the presence of Xue Yang’s sword. And if you’re wondering how did he never detect his sword before in the years they were together, I’d argue that Xue Yang was wise enough not to swing his sword around daozhang too obviously, or getting hold of another blade for when they night hunted, or even just get by using talismans. He managed to hide so much more from him, his sword is just one more piece in this puzzle. 
BY THE WAY, going by novel/manhua standards here. I don’t know what they were thinking in the cql drama, beyond making the most of each set, but to have them fighting right in front of their house is beyond stupid. Daozhang literally jumped out the door to meet them. He was probably listening to heavy metal throughout the fight -_- 
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